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Xref: news.weeg.uiowa.edu comp.sys.apple2:62853 misc.wanted:26311 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware:79907
Path: news.weeg.uiowa.edu!news.uiowa.edu!hobbes.physics.uiowa.edu!moe.ksu.ksu.edu!crcnis1.unl.edu!wupost!uwm.edu!cs.utexas.edu!uunet!munnari.oz.au!metro!news.cs.uow.edu.au!news.cs.uow.edu.au!not-for-mail
From: david@wraith.cs.uow.edu.au (David E A Wilson)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2,misc.wanted,comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware
Subject: Re: ** WANTED: PINOUTS.....Please read!
Date: 17 Sep 1993 09:53:10 +1000
Organization: University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
Lines: 71
Message-ID: <27au96$sio@wraith.cs.uow.edu.au>
References: <bitzm.361.2C964727@columbia.dsu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wraith.cs.uow.edu.au

bitzm@columbia.dsu.edu (MICHAEL BITZ) writes:
>Hello.  I am in need of a list of pin configurations for the following ports:
>* Centronics parallel printer (such as a Panasonic KX-P1123, etc)
>* Standard RS-232 Serial port
>* Laser 128 Parallel printer port (15-pin)
>* Laser 128 Serial modem port (5-pin round)

The Laser pinouts would require a Laser manual (which I do not have).
The first two are available in any good reference. For example I have a catalog
from CommsWare and in the data section at the back we find:

RS-232/V.24 Interface

EIA	CCITT	To	Description		Pin number
RS-232	V.24
AA	101		Frame Ground		1
BA	103	DCE	Transmit Data		2
BB	104	DTE	Receive Data		3
CA	105	DCE	Request To Send		4
CB	106	DTE	Clear To Send		5
CC	107	DTE	Data Set Ready		6
AB	102		Signal Ground		7
CF	109	DTE	Data Carrier Detect	8
			+Test Voltage		9
			-Test Voltage		10
			Unassigned		11
SCF	122	DTE	2nd Data Carrier Detect	12
SCB	121	DTE	2nd Clear To Send	13
SBA	118	DCE	2nd Transmit Data	14
DB	114	DTE	Transmit Clock (DCE)	15
SBB	119	DTE	2nd Receive Data	16
DD	115	DTE	Receive Clock (DCE)	17
		DCE	Receiver Dibit Clock	18
SCA	120	DCE	2nd Request To Send	19
CD	108.2	DCE	Data Terminal Ready	20
CG	110	DTE	Signal Quality Detect	21
CE	125	DTE	Ring Indicator		22
CH/I	111/2	DCE	Data Rate Select	23
DA	113	DCE	External Transmit Clk	24
		DCE	Busy			25

For DCE read Modem and for DTE read Terminal.
Centronics/Parallel Interface

Signal		36 way connector	IBM 25 way connector	To
Data Strobe	1			1			Printer
Data Bit 1-8	2-9			2-9			Printer
Acknowledge	10			10			Computer
Busy		11			11			Computer
Paper End	12			12			Computer
Select		13			13			Computer
AutoFeed	14 (may be Gnd)		14			Printer
Logic Gnd	16
Chassis Gnd	17
+5		18
Data Strobe Gnd	19
Data Bit Gnds	20-27			18-25
Acknowledge Gnd	28
Busy Gnd	29
Input Prime Gnd	30
Input Prime	31			16			Printer
Fault		32			15			Computer
Unassined	33-35
Select Input	36			17			Printer
David Wilson				+61 42 213802 voice, +61 42 213262 fax
Dept Comp Sci, Uni of Wollongong	david@cs.uow.edu.au
Path: news.weeg.uiowa.edu!news.uiowa.edu!hobbes.physics.uiowa.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!caen!dmag
From: dmag@engin.umich.edu (Daniel Demaggio )
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2
Subject: Re: Super Serial Card Usage
Date: 2 Apr 1994 01:29:55 GMT
Organization: University of Michigan Engineering, Ann Arbor
Lines: 188
Distribution: world
Message-ID: <2nihqjINN7dr@srvr1.engin.umich.edu>
References: <1994Mar30.182757.14280@muug.mb.ca>
NNTP-Posting-Host: ga.engin.umich.edu
Keywords: Apple2 Serial

In article <1994Mar30.182757.14280@muug.mb.ca> krussell@muug.mb.ca (Kirk Russell) writes:
>	I have a Super Serial Card for my AppleII+, but have lost the
>	documentation :(

The following is archived in /pub/apple2/hardware on
apple2.archive.umich.edu: (The original info was stolen off the net)


Name:   Apple SSC
Type:   Super Serial Card

Short description:
        The SSC gives the Apple ][ a serial port (RS232). Up to
        19200 baud are possible. Full handshake is supported.

        The card plugs into Slot 1, 2 or 3 of the Apple. Slot 1 is
        usually for a serial printer (Imagewriter), Slot 2 for a
        modem and Slot 3 for a terminal.
        The DB25 connector goes to the printer/modem/terminal line,
        the 10-pin connector on the other side of the cable goes
        into the cable socket at the rear side of the card.

Jumper settings:
        The card has two jumpers and a additional jumper block.
        The jumper block can be installed two ways:
                1) Arrow pointing towards the word TERMINAL
                2) Arrow pointing towards the word MODEM
        Jumpered as MODEM, it will wire thru, jumpered as TERMINAL,
        it will twist 2-3, 4-5 and 6-20 (called null modem).
        The jumper switches are called SW1 and SW2, the switches
        are numbered SW1-1 to SW1-7 and SW2-1 to SW2-7 from left
        to right.
                SW1-1   SW1-2   SW1-3   SW1-4
                off     off     off     off     19200 baud
                off     off     off     on      9600 baud
                off     off     on      off     7200 baud
                off     off     on      on      4800 baud
                off     on      off     off     3600 baud
                off     on      off     on      2400 baud
                off     on      on      off     1800 baud
                off     on      on      on      1200 baud
                on      off     off     off     600 baud
                on      off     off     on      300 baud
                on      off     on      off     150 baud
                on      off     on      on      135 baud
                on      on      off     off     110 baud
                on      on      off     on      75 baud
                on      on      on      off     50 baud

                SW2-1 off       2 stopbits
                SW2-1 on        1 stopbit

                SW2-2 off       no delay on carriage return
                SW2-2 on        1/4 sec delay

                SW2-3   SW2-4
                off     off     132 chars/line, apple screen off
                off     on      80 chars/line, apple screen off
                on      off     72 chars/line, apple screen off
                on      on      40 chars/line, apple screen on

                SW2-5 off       no line feed after carrigae return
                SW2-5 on        line feed

                SW2-6 off       ignore interrupts
                SW2-6 on        generate interrupts

                SW1-7 on and SW2-7 off  pin 4 or 20 (clear to send)
                SW1-7 off and SW2-7 on  in 19 (secondary clear to send)

From caen!batcomputer!munnari.oz.au!metro!news.cs.uow.edu.au!news.cs.uow.edu.au!not-for-mail Thu Sep 23 21:59:45 EDT 1993
Article: 62305 of comp.sys.apple2
Path: caen!batcomputer!munnari.oz.au!metro!news.cs.uow.edu.au!news.cs.uow.edu.au!not-for-mail
From: david@wraith.cs.uow.edu.au (David E A Wilson)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.apple2,misc.wanted,comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware
Subject: Re: ** WANTED: PINOUTS.....Please read!
Date: 17 Sep 1993 09:53:10 +1000
Organization: University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia.
Lines: 71
Message-ID: <27au96$sio@wraith.cs.uow.edu.au>
References: <bitzm.361.2C964727@columbia.dsu.edu>
NNTP-Posting-Host: wraith.cs.uow.edu.au
Xref: caen comp.sys.apple2:62305 misc.wanted:32415 comp.sys.ibm.pc.hardware:80049

bitzm@columbia.dsu.edu (MICHAEL BITZ) writes:
>Hello.  I am in need of a list of pin configurations for the following ports:
>* Centronics parallel printer (such as a Panasonic KX-P1123, etc)
>* Standard RS-232 Serial port
>* Laser 128 Parallel printer port (15-pin)
>* Laser 128 Serial modem port (5-pin round)

The Laser pinouts would require a Laser manual (which I do not have).
The first two are available in any good reference. For example I have a catalog
from CommsWare and in the data section at the back we find:

RS-232/V.24 Interface

EIA     CCITT   To      Description             Pin number
RS-232  V.24
AA      101             Frame Ground            1
BA      103     DCE     Transmit Data           2
BB      104     DTE     Receive Data            3
CA      105     DCE     Request To Send         4
CB      106     DTE     Clear To Send           5
CC      107     DTE     Data Set Ready          6
AB      102             Signal Ground           7
CF      109     DTE     Data Carrier Detect     8
                        +Test Voltage           9
                        -Test Voltage           10
                        Unassigned              11
SCF     122     DTE     2nd Data Carrier Detect 12
SCB     121     DTE     2nd Clear To Send       13
SBA     118     DCE     2nd Transmit Data       14
DB      114     DTE     Transmit Clock (DCE)    15
SBB     119     DTE     2nd Receive Data        16
DD      115     DTE     Receive Clock (DCE)     17
                DCE     Receiver Dibit Clock    18
SCA     120     DCE     2nd Request To Send     19
CD      108.2   DCE     Data Terminal Ready     20
CG      110     DTE     Signal Quality Detect   21
CE      125     DTE     Ring Indicator          22
CH/I    111/2   DCE     Data Rate Select        23
DA      113     DCE     External Transmit Clk   24
                DCE     Busy                    25

For DCE read Modem and for DTE read Terminal.
Centronics/Parallel Interface

Signal          36 way connector        IBM 25 way connector    To
Data Strobe     1                       1                       Printer
Data Bit 1-8    2-9                     2-9                     Printer
Acknowledge     10                      10                      Computer
Busy            11                      11                      Computer
Paper End       12                      12                      Computer
Select          13                      13                      Computer
AutoFeed        14 (may be Gnd)         14                      Printer
OSCXT           15
Logic Gnd       16
Chassis Gnd     17
+5              18
Data Strobe Gnd 19
Data Bit Gnds   20-27                   18-25
Acknowledge Gnd 28
Busy Gnd        29
Input Prime Gnd 30
Input Prime     31                      16                      Printer
Fault           32                      15                      Computer
Unassined       33-35
Select Input    36                      17                      Printer
David Wilson                            +61 42 213802 voice, +61 42 213262 fax
Dept Comp Sci, Uni of Wollongong        david@cs.uow.edu.au

Hey I just happen to have my Apple II SSC Installation and Operating
Manual with me.

On page 98, under the section called Connector Pin Assignment:

10-pin  DB-25
header  Connector       Signal name
------  ---------       ------------
1       1               Frame Ground
2       2               Transmit Data (TXD)
3       3               Receive Data (RXD)
4       4               Request to Send (RTS)
5       5               Clear to Send (CTS)
6       6               Data Set Ready (DSR)
7       19              Secondary Clear to Send (SCTS)
8       7               Signal Ground
9       20              Data Terminal Ready (DTR)
10      8               Data Carrier Detect (DCD)

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Dangerous  Dan | only outlaws will have laws. | Sim Stim decks