💾 Archived View for mozz.us › jetforce › jetforce › app › static.py captured on 2023-04-19 at 23:36:41.
⬅️ Previous capture (2023-03-20)
import mimetypes import os import pathlib import subprocess import typing import urllib.parse from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred from twisted.internet.task import deferLater from jetforce.app.base import ( EnvironDict, JetforceApplication, RateLimiter, Request, Response, RoutePattern, Status, ) class StaticDirectoryApplication(JetforceApplication): """ Application for serving static files & CGI over gemini. This is a batteries-included application that serves files from a static directory. It provides a preconfigured gemini server without needing to write any lines of code. This is what is invoked when you launch jetforce from the command line. If a directory contains a file with the name "index.gmi", that file will be returned when the directory path is requested. Otherwise, a directory listing will be auto-generated. """ # Chunk size for streaming files, taken from the twisted FileSender class CHUNK_SIZE = 2**14 # Length of time to defer while waiting for more data from a CGI script CGI_POLLING_PERIOD = 0.05 # Maximum size in bytes of the first line of a server response CGI_MAX_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE = 2048 mimetypes: mimetypes.MimeTypes def __init__( self, root_directory: str = "/var/gemini", index_file: str = "index.gmi", cgi_directory: str = "cgi-bin", default_lang: typing.Optional[str] = None, rate_limiter: typing.Optional[RateLimiter] = None, ): super().__init__(rate_limiter=rate_limiter) self.routes.append((RoutePattern(), self.serve_static_file)) self.root = pathlib.Path(root_directory).resolve(strict=True) self.cgi_directory = cgi_directory.strip("/") + "/" self.default_lang = default_lang self.index_file = index_file self.mimetypes = mimetypes.MimeTypes() # We need to manually load all of the operating system mimetype files # https://bugs.python.org/issue38656 for fn in mimetypes.knownfiles: if os.path.isfile(fn): self.mimetypes.read(fn) # This is a valid method but the type stubs are incorrect self.mimetypes.add_type("text/gemini", ".gmi") # type: ignore self.mimetypes.add_type("text/gemini", ".gemini") # type: ignore def serve_static_file(self, request: Request) -> Response: """ Convert a URL into a filesystem path, and attempt to serve the file or directory that is represented at that path. """ url_path = pathlib.Path(request.path.strip("/")) filename = pathlib.Path(os.path.normpath(str(url_path))) if filename.is_absolute() or str(filename).startswith(".."): # Guard against breaking out of the directory return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Not Found") if str(filename).startswith(self.cgi_directory): # CGI needs special treatment to account for extra-path # PATH_INFO component (RFC 3875 section 4.1.5) # Identify the shortest path that is not a directory for i in range(2, len(filename.parts) + 1): # Split the path into SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO script_name = pathlib.Path(*filename.parts[:i]) path_info = pathlib.Path(*filename.parts[i:]) filesystem_path = self.root / script_name try: if not filesystem_path.is_file(): continue elif not os.access(filesystem_path, os.R_OK): continue elif not os.access(filesystem_path, os.X_OK): continue else: if str(script_name) == ".": request.environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] = "" else: request.environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] = f"/{script_name}" if str(path_info) == ".": request.environ["PATH_INFO"] = "" else: request.environ["PATH_INFO"] = f"/{path_info}" # Add back the trailing slash that was stripped off if request.path.endswith("/"): request.environ["PATH_INFO"] += "/" return self.run_cgi_script(filesystem_path, request.environ) except OSError: # Filename too large, etc. return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Not Found") filesystem_path = self.root / filename try: if not os.access(filesystem_path, os.R_OK): # File not readable return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Not Found") except OSError: # Filename too large, etc. return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Not Found") if filesystem_path.is_file(): mimetype = self.guess_mimetype(filesystem_path.name) mimetype = self.add_extra_parameters(mimetype) generator = self.load_file(filesystem_path) return Response(Status.SUCCESS, mimetype, generator) elif filesystem_path.is_dir(): if request.path and not request.path.endswith("/"): url_parts = urllib.parse.urlparse(request.url) # noinspection PyProtectedMember url_parts = url_parts._replace(path=request.path + "/") return Response(Status.REDIRECT_PERMANENT, url_parts.geturl()) index_file = filesystem_path / self.index_file if index_file.exists(): mimetype = self.add_extra_parameters("text/gemini") generator = self.load_file(index_file) return Response(Status.SUCCESS, mimetype, generator) mimetype = self.add_extra_parameters("text/gemini") generator = self.list_directory(url_path, filesystem_path) return Response(Status.SUCCESS, mimetype, generator) else: return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Not Found") def run_cgi_script( self, filesystem_path: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], environ: EnvironDict ) -> Response: """ Execute the given file as a CGI script and return the script's stdout stream to the client. """ cgi_env = {k: str(v) for k, v in environ.items() if k.isupper()} cgi_env["GATEWAY_INTERFACE"] = "CGI/1.1" proc = subprocess.Popen( [str(filesystem_path)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=cgi_env, bufsize=0, ) proc.stdout = typing.cast(typing.IO[bytes], proc.stdout) status_line = proc.stdout.readline(self.CGI_MAX_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE) if len(status_line) == self.CGI_MAX_RESPONSE_HEADER_SIZE: # Too large response header line received from the CGI script. return Response(Status.CGI_ERROR, "Unexpected Error") status_parts = status_line.decode().strip().split(maxsplit=1) if len(status_parts) != 2 or not status_parts[0].isdecimal(): # Malformed header line received from the CGI script. return Response(Status.CGI_ERROR, "Unexpected Error") status, meta = status_parts return Response(int(status), meta, self.cgi_body_generator(proc)) def cgi_body_generator( self, proc: subprocess.Popen, ) -> typing.Iterator[typing.Union[bytes, Deferred]]: """ Non-blocking read from the stdout of the CGI process and pipe it to the socket transport. """ proc.stdout = typing.cast(typing.IO[bytes], proc.stdout) while True: proc.poll() data = proc.stdout.read(self.CHUNK_SIZE) if len(data) == self.CHUNK_SIZE: # Send the chunk and yield control of the event loop yield data elif proc.returncode is None: # We didn't get a full chunk's worth of data from the # subprocess. Send what we have, but add a delay before # attempting to read again to allow time for more bytes # to buffer in stdout. if data: yield data yield deferLater(reactor, self.CGI_POLLING_PERIOD) # type: ignore else: # Subprocess has finished, send everything that's left. if data: yield data break def load_file(self, filesystem_path: pathlib.Path) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]: """ Load a file in chunks to allow streaming to the TCP socket. """ with filesystem_path.open("rb") as fp: while True: data = fp.read(self.CHUNK_SIZE) if not data: break yield data def list_directory( self, url_path: pathlib.Path, filesystem_path: pathlib.Path ) -> typing.Iterator[bytes]: """ Auto-generate a text/gemini document based on the contents of the file system. """ buffer = f"Directory: /{url_path}\r\n".encode() if url_path.parent != url_path: buffer += f"=>/{url_path.parent}\t..\r\n".encode() for file in sorted(filesystem_path.iterdir()): if file.name.startswith("."): # Skip hidden directories/files that may contain sensitive info continue encoded_path = urllib.parse.quote(str(url_path / file.name)) if file.is_dir(): buffer += f"=>/{encoded_path}/\t{file.name}/\r\n".encode() else: buffer += f"=>/{encoded_path}\t{file.name}\r\n".encode() if len(buffer) >= self.CHUNK_SIZE: data, buffer = buffer[: self.CHUNK_SIZE], buffer[self.CHUNK_SIZE :] yield data if buffer: yield buffer def guess_mimetype(self, filename: str) -> str: """ Guess the mimetype of a file based on the file extension. """ mime, encoding = self.mimetypes.guess_type(filename) if encoding: return f"{mime}; charset={encoding}" else: return mime or "application/octet-stream" def add_extra_parameters(self, meta: str) -> str: """ Attach extra parameters to the response meta string. """ if self.default_lang is not None: if meta.startswith("text/gemini"): meta += f"; lang={self.default_lang}" return meta def default_callback(self, request: Request, **_: typing.Any) -> Response: """ Since the StaticDirectoryApplication only serves gemini URLs, return a proxy request refused for suspicious URLs. """ if request.scheme != "gemini": return Response( Status.PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED, "This server does not allow proxy requests", ) elif request.hostname != request.environ["HOSTNAME"]: return Response( Status.PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED, "This server does not allow proxy requests", ) elif request.port and request.port != request.environ["SERVER_PORT"]: return Response( Status.PROXY_REQUEST_REFUSED, "This server does not allow proxy requests", ) else: return Response(Status.NOT_FOUND, "Not Found")