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Description of FERG BRAND disks. ================================ These are images of disks of DOS 3.3 programs (and some ProDOS and CP/M programs) I wrote for my Apple II Plus in the early 80's. Some of these programs were circulated among the Sydney Apple Users Group and some achieved a wider circulation. Some of them (I think) are quite good. But rather than rewrite and update them, I have decided simply to produce this document of comments. The (T)ext files are best viewed with my ANYTEXT70 program to be found on disk FB34 and some subsequent disks. (But make sure your emulator is operating in MONOCHROME mode!!) Have fun. I did at the time. Ferg Brand (brand@physics.usyd.edu.au) September 1996 Disk: FB1 ========= A HELLO A ME Bytestring Search Look for a string of bytes in memory. Read text file first. T B.S/DESCRIPTION B BYTESTRING SEARCH Disktranslate Examine tracks on disk Read text file first. There are better programs around. A DISKTRANSLATE B DT/BIN T DT/DESCRIPTION HRCG Demo High-resolution character generator comes with Applesoft Tool Kit. Use this to look at the character sets. T H.D/DESCRIPTION A HRCG DEMO Menu Writer Produces a HELLO program for launching programs but not the minor subprograms. Used on the later disks. (One I like) New version in Disk: FB6 A MENU WRITER T M.W/DESCRIPTION Musicmaker Use the keyboard to play tunes. Tunes can be saved. Instructions are in the program. (One I like) A MUSICMAKER T MM/DESCRIPTION B MM/KEYBOARD B MM/KEYBOARD/2 B MM/SOUND B SCALE This is the sample sound file. Shaper Create hi-res shape tables. (It is supposed to draw it on thr lo-res screen as you create the shape but it does not seem to under AppleWin 1.1 monochrome - colour is OK. You can review the hi-res result befor you save it.) A SHAPER T SH/DESCRIPTION Textread Use only in emergencies. Use ANYTEXT70 (Disk FB34 instrad). A TEXTREAD Disk: FB2 ========= A HELLO Prepared using Menu Writer (Disk: FB1) Cat A fast catalog utility for looking at contents of one disk after another. A CAT Save Spacelab Spacecraft rendezvous simulation. (One I like) (Can�t run under AppleWin 1.1) Read textfile first. Version 1: A SAVE SPACELAB T SSL/DESCRIPTION B SSL/BIN A SSL/CALCULATE B SSL/SCREEN Version 2: fast B SAVE SPACELAB (FAST) B SSLC/MAIN B SSLC/SCREEN Tool Kit to Graphpack Utility for converting Applesoft Tool Kit images to Grafpack A TOOL KIT TO GRAFPACK T TKGP CAT/DESCRIPTION Dos Boot Tutorial A first lesson in where data on disk goes to in memory. A DOS BOOT TUTORIAL T FERG BRAND UPDATES Changes to programs on Disk: FB1. I think they have already been incorporated. A TEXTREAD See Disk: FB1 above. Disk: FB34 ========== A HELLO Prepared using Menu Writer (Disk: FB1). This is Hello program for FB3. A HELLO. HELLO. (with a dot) is the Hello program for FB4 Anytext and Anytext70 Anytext is the 40 character version of my text reader. Anytext70 is the 70 character hi-res version. (One I like) A ANYTEXT B AT/BIN A ANYTEXT70 B AT70/BIN B ALPHA70 ANYTEXT70 uses ALPHA70. Here is a demo of the character set and a description. Reboot after running ALPHA70/DEMO A ALPHA70/DEMO T ALPHA70/DESCRIPTION Record Sounds and Make Keyspeak Record sounds (I reverse-engineered AUDEX) and your Apple will repeat them. (One I like) Read text file first. T RS KS/DESCRIPTION A RECORD SOUNDS B RS/BIN A MAKE KEYSPEAK A KEYSPEAK DEMO A KEYSPEAK ARITHMETIC B KS/BIN B KS/COUNT Save Spacelab (See Disk: FB2) T SSL/RENDEZVOUS CONDITIONS More info. Step and Trace I did not have the old monitor ROM and its Step and Trace. I got hold of the subroutine and ran it as a binary file. Run instructions first A ST/INSTRUCTIONS B STEP & TRACE Things to try A TRY THIS Prevents listing of a program. A TRY THIS 1 Carry parameters into a machine language program. B TT1/BIN A TRY THIS 2 Exec "Call -151" T CALL -151 A TRY THIS 3 Binary subroutine in an Applesoft program. A TRY THIS 4 Running several binary programs A TRY THIS 5 Moving a block of memory partly onto itself. These are accessible from the HELLO. program No Frills Communication Card This is a communications card I designed to go with a 300 baud modem. The Apple Computer Terminal program was designed for it. (I liked) Read textfile. T NO FRILLS COMMUNICATION CARD Simple Terminal For No Frills card. A SIMPLE TERMINAL B ST/BIN Apple Computer Terminal For No Frills Card (I liked) Read textfile first. A APPLE COMPUTER TERMINAL T ACT/DESCRIPTION B ACT/BIN Modifications of ACT program for CCS 7710 card A ACT MODS FOR CCS 7710 CARD A ACT CCS CARD Binary File Disassembler Saves typing LLLL... to disassemble a binary program. Read text file first. A BINARY FILE DISASSEMBLER T BFD DESCRIPTION B BFD/BIN Copy Some Changes DOS in memory to innore some checksums when copying disks with COPYA or DISK FIXER. A COPY SOME Joystick Tester Designed for Apple Paddle. Worked with Mouse under AppleWin 1.1. A JOYSTICK TESTER Commenter Put comments in directory A COMMENTER Magnifying Glass This was inspired by the TUMBLE BUGS program. I worked out my own algorithms. They sort of spiral. (One I like) Designed for Apple Paddle. Worked with Mouse under AppleWin 1.1. Use Monochrome. A MAGNIFYING GLASS B MG/BIN B MG/DISPLAY Sweep Inspired by a Bob Bishop article. Does not work in emulation. It relies on the hardware inside the Apple monitor. A SWEEP B SWEEP/BIN B SWEEP/PIC Ghost Story Uses SWEEP A GHOST STORY A UPDATES Some updates for ANYTEXT, ANYTEXT70 and ALPHA70. I think they have been included. Disk: FB5 ========= HELLO 128K Ramcard My Taiwanese "Expand" 128K ramcard (a Saturn ramcard clone, if I recall) did not work so I had to trace out the circuit diagram and devise a fix. There is some arcane row before column or vice-versa that I�ve forgotten. Anyway the original chips were the wrong ones. I added in a 74F00. This fixed it. (I was proud of this one.) Read textfile. CALL -151, BLOAD A 128K/FIGURE, C050, CO57 to view figure. T A 128K RAMCARD FIX B A 128K/FIGURE Test Ramcard A TEST RAM CARD B TRC/BIN Saturn Ramcard to main memory A RCMM SATURN A RCMM/CHANGES These were incorporated in RCMM SATURN Circuits with Grafpack I devised this to draw the figure above. Read the text file. A CIRCUITS WITH GRAFPACK T CWG/DESCRIPTION VER 2 B CWG/BIN B CWG/EXAMPLES B CWG/GRAPHICS SET 2 AMUST 80 My AMUST 80 printer is a very basic dot matrix printer. A AMUST 80 PRINTER DEMO Try out all its control codes. T AMUST 80 CP/M MODS Fix for CP/M A AMUST 80 MORE TIPS 80 col program listings Examine Boot Process This program allows you to stop the boot process to see what is going on. Read Description textfile first. A EXAMINE BOOT VERSION 2 T EBP/DESCRIPTION VER 2 T EBP/EXEC Videx 80 Column card This will allow you to look at the alternate character set. A EIGHTY COL CARD ALT CHAR DEMO Apple Communications Interface Card There was an error in the manual that prevented me from transferring files at the fastest rate 1200 baud. It was not too hard to fix. (I liked) A INTERFACE CARD MANUAL ERROR B INTERFACE/FIGURE Non-maskable Interrupt Read text file. See notes above for 128K ramcard for viewing figures. T NON MASKABLE INTERRUPT B NMI/FIGURE 1 B NMI/FIGURE 2 Primary Maths Multiplication and division practice at primary school level. Read textfile first. T PRIMARY MATHS/DESCRIPTION B PM/A B PM/B A PM/DIV A PM/MULT Prodos for Taiwanese Apples This is how to create a boot disk to use on a Taiwanese Apple clone. This was one of the first versions of Prodos. T PRODOS FOR TAIWANESE APPLES String Entry A string entry subroutine. Run program for info. A STRING ENTRY Zork Cheater An early preoccupation was getting into Infocom games. See Disk: FB7 below. Read textfile first. A ZORK CHEATER VERSION 2 T ZORK TEXT COMPRESSION B ZC2/BIN B ZC2/BIN 13 A ACT MODS CORRECTION Correction to ACT MODS FOR CCS 7710 CARD (Disk: FB34) Disk: FB6 ========= A HELLO A ANYTEXT70 B AT70/BIN B ALPHA70 Anyprint Print out a text file. Based on 40 col version of ANYTEXT A ANYPRINT A ANYPRINT NOTE B AT/BIN Menu Writer A MENU WRITER VER 2 Cheque Account Reconciler I used this for years to ckeck my bank statements. (One I like) A CHEQUE ACCOUNT RECONCILER T CAR/DESCRIPTION T CHQ.FEBDEMO T CHQ.MARDEMO Digitek Ramcard to Main Memory A DIGITEK CARD Differences between Saturn and Digitek ramcards A RCMM DIGITEK A RCMMD/CHANGES T RCMM/EXEC B RCMMD/BIN Test Digitek Ramcard A TEST RAM CARD DIGITEK B TRCD/BIN Ramcard Test Picture Maker A RT/PIC MAKER Apple Serial Interface Card How to use it with a modem. Read text file. T SERIAL CARD B SC/DRIVER Turing Machine Simulator Inspired by a Scientific American article. Read text file first. A TURING MACHINE SIMULATOR T TURING/DESCRIPTION B P.SA/1 B P.SA/2 B P.SA/3 B P.SA/4 B T.SA/1 B T.SA/2 B T.SA/3 B T.SA/4 Square Roots Uses Newton�s method. A SQUARE ROOTS Fractal Inspired by an article in Byte. Try X=1,Y=2,scale=3 A FRACTAL** B FRACTAL.OBJ Talk to Sydney Apple Users Group The text of the talk I gave on CP/M and the Starcard. T AUGTALK Dual Dos Disk Maker I have forgotten about this. B DUAL DOS DISK MAKER Graphic Grabber A Print Shop utility Run doc files first. A GRAPHIC GRABBER** A GRAPHIC GRABBER/DOC A GARPHIC GRABBER/BIN A TESTPIC.DOC B TESTPIC B TP B TPINVERSE Print Shop Displayer Display pictures on Print Shop disk. A PRINT SHOP DISPLAYER B PSD/BIN 65C02 Disassembler Put it in ramcard. Read text file first. T MON65C02/DOC B MON65C03** B MON65C02/TEST CODE Disk: FB7 ========= A HELLO Print Shop - Newsroom - Graphics Page Utility A GRAPHIC GRABBER A GRAPHIC GRABBER INSTRUCTIONS B GRAPHIC GRABBER/BIN A PRINT SHOP/NEWSROOM UTILITY A PART1 A PART2 A PART3 A PART1S A PART2S A PART3S B GPTONR/BIN B NRTOGP/BIN B NRTONR/BIN B PSTONR/BIN A PRINT SHOP LIBRARY DISPLAYER A PRINT SHOP LIBRARY DISPLAYER S (S stands for single drive versions) Infocom Cheater Son of Zork Cheater A INCH T INFOCOM TEXT COMPRESSION B INCH/BIN Chaos Inspired by an article in Scientific American. (One I like) A CHAOS B CHAOS/BIN B CHAOS/TITLE B TRIANGLE B TRANS/BIN ? Compare Compare a range of tracks on drives 1 and 2 A COMPARE Disk: FB ======== Contains many of the above Disk: VARIOUS ============= A ROOTS OF EQS.PAT HOWDEN** An equation solver A IGNORE PAPER OUT for my AMUST80 printer A JOYSTICK TESTER MODDED I forget A BESSEL FUNCTION CALCULATOR A KATAKANA Practise Japanese katakana characters. Type in roman version of Japanese word. Uses Grafpak. GP/KATAKANA Disk: GETPAS ============ A GETPAS Pascal to textfile conversion (from Byte) B RWTS.OBJ0 Disk: GETDOS ============ This is an APPLE PASCAL disk DOS 3.3 to Pascal conversion (from Byte) Disk: GYRO ========== A GYROTRON is a device for generating millimetre wavelength electromagnetic radiation. This program simulates electron orbits under the steady magnetic field and microwave electric field. If you want to know more about gyrotrons go to http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/plasma/gyro.html This works best under AppleWin at fastest speed. Start with CONTENTS A CONTENTS A ONE T ONEDATA A TWO T TWODATA A T TWODATA B A PS B PS A B PS B B PS C B PS D A PS DISPLAY Disk: FBPRODOS ============== This is a PRODOS disk. EM.*** is a set of programs to let my Saturn and Digitek ramcards emulate Prodos disks. ALLDIR catalogs all directories and subdirectories currently on-line. Plus some "typed in" programs from other sources. Disk: STARDOS ============= I explored the STARCARD (a.k.a. APPLICARD), a Z80 card that allows the Apples to run CP/M. Here are my findings. I created a double-sided disk I called STARDISK. Side 1 was this DOS 3.3 disk. Side 2 was the CP/M disk listed below. (I liked this a lot.) The HELLO program says what is on this disk. Disk: STARCPM ============= See the separate STARDISK.TXT file