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The New Adam Kadmon Body Template

I was in Princeton, Kentucky. On August 21^st^, 2017 there was a total solar eclipse in America. It just so happened that Princeton, Kentucky was where the longest totality for that eclipse occurred. My wife and I were there for this event and observed the absolute blackening of the sun. It was quite a sight.

A solar eclipse is usually a "bad occurrence." This is so because ancient cultures associated an eclipse with judgment. Typically, the appearance of night in the day betokened divine displeasure with the King or Queen or possibly the land and all of its people.

When we observed the eclipse in Princeton, it was with this understanding in mind.

True to form, the eclipse did not disappoint in the sense of being associated with topsy-turvy fortune. We experienced what was a subtle change in the people around us at first. Later, these subtle differences manifested in often large discrepancies. Those who had espoused one set of beliefs before the eclipse appeared to act on a different set of beliefs after. In between, however, there was an additional sign that appeared in the heavens.

The sign that appeared in the subsequent September is consistent with the heavenly symbol of the Woman of Revelation. Since the heavens were darkened first and then this alignment appeared, it would fulfill the requirements of the scriptures. COVID outbreaks and world turmoil politically and otherwise would also suggest this to be so.

Woman of Revelation Sign --Image From Cartes du Ciel [IMG]

The Revelation quote referred to by this sign reads thusly:

And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the

sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.

Most of this is self-explanatory when you consider the above image. However, where are the 12 stars above her head? Leo, the constellation, only has nine stars. Some people believe the planets count as stars in this case. Hence, Venus, Mars and Mercury would be seen as stars. Indeed, there is some precedent for stars being a swappable word for planets (i.e. wandering stars). Another way to think of it, though, might be that the 12 objects within Leo refer to the 12 tribes which, being Israel, are naturally associated with stars--the Star of David to be exact.

Those with sharp memories will remember that the woman travails as if in childbirth, and indeed, there was a retrograde movement of Jupiter combined with a comet that took about 42 weeks to travel through the constellation of Virgo during this time. So again, it appears that this sign fulfills the stipulations of Revelation. While it is impossible to ever say if something is THE sign due to all the configurations the heavens could assume, it is certainly possible to say THIS sign does not require much stretching in interpretation to be adapted to the heavenly dialog. At a minimum, one can say that it is a heavenly announcement of harvest consistent with Revelation.

As you might expect, our own methodologies and internal realizations changed after the eclipse and this sign--even before them. One of the paramount realizations concerns the order of the planets in relation to the sign given. The Woman of Revelation "reveals" the template of the "next age" or that which is about to be or already is.

Adam Kadmon Or The Cosmic Man

In Greek Philosophical thought, we are told that Plato envisaged a World of Forms from which all other content we find on Earth inherits characteristics in amalgamations of what usually is some impure or imperfect state. Therefore, there is a Form of a Triangle, by which we mean there is some perfect triangle, but if we go to draw the triangle we find that our representation is somehow lacking. The level of the Form then exists at the point of the ideal or the imagined which are "real objects". The things which exist down on Earth, on the other hand, are facsimiles or copies. This is generally a good approximation of what happens on Earth, although this would be more indicative of an Earth in a so-called "fallen state". Sin, we learn through a religious perspective, is what causes the apparent imperfections in both ourselves and the world. The Greek is perhaps more accessible in our current civilization, but is certainly nothing new. Indeed, if one partakes of Passover in certain formats, there are mysteries that are indicated concerning the process that we are to learn at the point when the Messiah returns to teach them. These mysteries concern the "copies of the things that are in heaven" which passover is meant to embody. In Kabbalah, however, there is some confusion concerning the concept of what the Adam Kadmon is. We are going to go with a shortcut here which demands an axiom: The Adam Kadmon is the pre-existent perfect blueprint of Adam, which is man/woman. This blueprint existed prior to Adam from the Adam and Eve saga, and was disrupted or distorted when Adam chose to accept the "forbidden fruit" from Eve. This blueprint is usually understood in Kabbalah as being "pure potential" and some consider it to be the "giving spirit" of man. Here, we consider it to be the "True man" that we will see alluded to in other scripture. It is not a "giving spirit" in the sense that Adam, the human being made of clay, was not originally intended to be made of "earth dirt" but rather fell and so was then made of dirt or clay. The inference is that Adam's desire caused this fall, which caused the Garden to also fall, which everyone tends to agree was unfortunate. Therefore, if one wishes to think of the Adam Kadmon as a "giving spirit" they are doing so from a fallen state of desire and seeing Adam--the original cosmic template--more like a Christmas Tree than the condition/existence that humanity should naturally seek to attain.

Paul And Confusions Of Cosmic Men

We shall now take a short jaunt to the academic halls of Wikipedia as a source to understand the Apostle Paul and how he relates to the Adam Kadmon according to that source:

"...for the understanding of the Pauline Christology, as affording the
key to Paul's doctrine of the first and second Adam. The main passage in Pauline Christology is 1 Corinthians 15:45--50. According to this >there is a double form of man's existence; for God created a heavenly Adam in the spiritual world and an earthly one of clay for the >material world. The first Adam was of flesh and blood and therefore subject to death---merely "a living soul"; the second Adam was "a life->giving spirit"---a spirit whose body, like the heavenly beings in general, is immaterial.
As a pupil of Gamaliel, Paul simply operates with conceptions familiar
to the Palestinian theologians. Messiah, as the Midrash remarks, is, on the one hand, the first Adam, the original man who existed before >Creation, his spirit being already present. On the other hand, he is also the second Adam in so far as his bodily appearance followed the >Creation, and inasmuch as, according to the flesh, he is of the posterity of Adam.
With Philo the original man is an idea; with Paul He is the pre-existent
Logos, and Wisdom of God, incarnate as the man Jesus Christ. With Philo the first man is the original man; Paul identifies the original >man with the second Adam. The Christian Apostle evidently drew upon the Judean theology of his day; but it can not be denied that in >ancient times this theology was indebted to the Alexandrians for many of its ideas, and probably among them for that of pre-existence. The >Midrash thus considered affords a suitable transition to the Gnostic theories of the original man. (Cf. "Original Man" (Nāšā Qaḏmāyā in >Aramaic) under Manichaeism Cosmogony.) "


Sounds confusing right? So the spoken word of YHVH is the First Adam to Paul, and the second Adam appears to be the "life giving spirit" which has an immaterial "ghost body" which is the original Adam.

That all sounds fine, except we are also told that Adam was fashioned out of clay, and therefore he did not have merely a "ghost body" after all. To be sure, his clay body was due to being in a "fallen state". To fix this, the Messiah had to come and overcome death itself to animate a new kind of flesh that is apparently something like the "clay redeemed" or the body Adam would have had had he not disobeyed. Apparently, this body looks different to our usual bodies, and for those that saw the Messiah afterward it appeared to be ghostly but it could eat and could be touched. Therefore, there is some manner of "living flesh" that was the original intention. Paul, it would seem, would do away with this "living flesh" state in preference to the "ghost state" which is not in keeping with what occurred. What the Messiah did was and still is confusing to all of us Earth dwelling creatures since we only understand flesh from the standpoint of dirt after all this time. In that regard, it is possible that Paul was confused or unclear as to what had happened since his vision of the Messiah was not a "Touchy-Feely" version but a "stop murdering" version that blinded him.

This realization leaves us with some conclusions that the First Adam was the Blueprint in pure form and the Second Adam was the Adam that sinned. The Messiah was the first Adam and the repairer of the Second Adam that came to Earth and obeyed the Father which opened the way for the Fallen Second Adam to repair the problems created when "we" as Adam moved in disobedience. We should note here we are only considering Adam creations for humanity as it now stands and so we do not count other blueprints for things that are not human beings as we understand the term. Having dealt with Paul, let us move on to the Kabbalists.[^2]

[^2]: One may wonder why one would use Wikipedia as an authoritative source. Wikipedia reflects mass consciousness more than academia. Therefore, for the purpose of a working "mass conscious" definition, it works perfectly well.

Kabbalah and Adam

"Kabbalah, before creation began, all that existed was God's Infinite
Light. The first stage of creation began when God contracted His Infinite Light to create the vacuum. Then a ray of divine light >penetrated the vacuum and the persona of Adam Kadmon was projected into the vacuum. The first stage of Adam Kadmon was in the form of ten concentric circles (*igulim*), which emanated from the ray. The ray of light was then enclothed by the anthropomorphic form of Adam Kadmon (*yosher*), which is a realm of infinite divine light without vessels, constrained by its potential to create future Existence. Adam Kadmon is sometimes referred to as *Adam Ila'a* (Aramaic:"upper man") or *Adam Elyon* (Hebrew:"upper man").
The soul of Adam HaRishon ("the first man") was the supreme essence of
mankind. It contained within it all subsequent souls. In the midrash, he is sometimes referred to as *Adam HaKadmoni* ("the ancient man"), *Adam Tata'a* (Aramaic: "lower man") or *Adam Tachton* (Hebrew: "lower man").
The anthropomorphic name of Adam Kadmon denotes that it contains both
the ultimate divine purpose for creation, i.e., mankind, as well as an embodiment of the Sefirot (divine attributes). Adam Kadmon is >paradoxically both "Adam" and divine ("Kadmon-Primary").
Adam Kadmon preceded the manifestation of the Four Worlds, Atzilut
("emanation"), Beriah ("creation"), Yetzirah ("formation") and Asiyah ("action"). Whereas each of the Four Worlds is represented by one >letter of the divine four-lettered name of God, Adam Kadmon is represented by the transcendental cusp of the first letter Yud.
In the system of the sefirot, Adam Kadmon corresponds to Keter
("crown"), the divine will that motivated creation.
The two versions of Kabbalistic theosophy, the
"medieval/classic/Zoharic" (systemised by Moshe Cordovero) and the more comprehensive Lurianic, describe the process of descending worlds >differently. For Cordovero, the sefirot, Adam Kadmon and the Four Worlds evolve sequentially from the Ein Sof (divine infinity). For >Luria, creation is a dynamic process of divine exile-rectification enclothement, where Adam Kadmon is preceded by the Tzimtzum (Divine "contraction") and followed by Shevira (the "shattering" of the sefirot).
Closely related to the Philonic doctrine of the heavenly Adam is the
Adam Ḳadmon (called also Adam 'Ilaya, the "high man," the "heavenly man") of the Zohar, whose conception of the original man can be >deduced from the following passages: "The form of man is the image of everything that is above [in heaven] and below [upon earth]; >therefore did the Holy Ancient [God] select it for His own form."
As with Philo the Logos is the original image of man, or the original
man, so in the Zohar the heavenly man is the embodiment of all divine manifestations: the ten Sefirot, the original image of man. The heavenly Adam, stepping forth out of the highest original darkness, created the earthly Adam. In other words, the activity of the original essence manifested itself in the creation of man, who at the same time is the image of the heavenly man and of the universe, just as with Plato and Philo the idea of man, as microcosm, embraces the idea of the universe or macrocosm.
The conception of Adam Ḳadmon becomes an important factor in the later
Kabbalah of Isaac Luria. Adam Ḳadmon is with him no longer the concentrated manifestation of the Sefirot, but a mediator between the En-Sof ("infinite") and the Sefirot. The En-Sof, according to Luria, is so utterly incomprehensible that the older Kabbalistic doctrine of the manifestation of the En-Sof in the Sefirot must be abandoned. Hence he teaches that only the Adam Ḳadmon, who arose in the way of self-limitation by the En-Sof, can be said to manifest himself in the Sefirot. This theory of Luria is treated by Ḥayyim Vital in "'Eẓ Ḥayyim; Derush 'Agulim we-Yosher" (Treatise on Circles and the Straight Line)"


Again, we have to take Wikipedia as representative, and for the purposes of this book we are going to call it on average "good enough" as a representation. (see the second foot note for why) All the above discusses the creation of the Adam Kadmon which is interesting, and yet everything concludes via the Luriac version describing precisely what the Messiah did---that is to say an original version of Adam Kadmon fulfilled all the spheres of the Sefirot as a manifestation of the En-Sof.

Adam Kadmon As Template of This Solar System

When we view the Adam Kadmon as the reason why the material world sprang into existence, it becomes possible then to start to view the world of Formation, or in Hebrew Yetzirah, as being the constituent parts of Adam. Hence, the main planetary bodies and orbits become commensurate with chakra points in this solar system's version of the Adam Kadmon. After the planetary configuration of September 2017 during which the Virgin gave birth in the heavens, a new "heavenly man" was born in the sense that a new form of meditation was revealed. The next section outlines this new man from the standpoint of the planets.

Adam Kadmon Planetary Meditation Post 2017

The planets tend to stay more or less the same through major transitions. Sometimes, as in the case of Venus, new planetary bodies show up over the passage of time. The best any technique can hope to do is leave enough room to accommodate those who may find themselves in different conditions compared to those that were experienced and understood in a different time. With a field such as meditation, this is especially true, since this process will continue to occur for the foreseeable future or until the boundary between man and God is such that there is no question as to the connection shared therewith.

If we keep in mind the alignment that happened in 2017, we will learn something about the construction of the "New Adam Kadmon" in the age to be. There are modifications to this technique that do not correlate directly to the sky, as shall be shown. However, the basics are such that the connection should be clear.

To begin this meditation, become aware of the bottoms of your feet, specifically where the arches are. Feel your feet flat on the ground. If you do not have arches, then put your focus where arches would be if you had them. Once you have settled into that, imagine that you can take the moon out of the sky and put it under your feet. Connect deeply to this feeling, and allow a string, or cord, or energy ray to emit from the bottoms of your feet to the moon and then beyond it to the center of the Earth. Notice anything about the placement of this first planet? It is the moon which occurs under the feet of Virgo in the above image.

Next, bring your focus up to the root of your spine---at the perineum. Imagine the energy from your feet easily running up your legs and to this spot. Typically, there should be a sensation of warmth here. This, widely classed, is "Earthy Energy" or the root that allows the physical body to stay grounded while you are here. Imagine taking the planet Jupiter, and dropping it here. Allow this energy to take hold as you breathe with intention. Jupiter, once again, is in the spot it is in the above astrological alignment.

Now bring your focus up to two inches below your navel. This is a spot that in some Eastern traditions is called the Hara---or the seat of life. This is so because it is a major epicenter of the life force within the body. Allow the energy from the previous two chakras to pool here. A healthy sensation in this region is a basic feeling of identity and security---much like what earlier childhood should ideally provide. Likewise, a feeling of optimism and the ability to create should feature here as well. If for some reason this energy system does not feel this way, do not overly fret concerning these qualities. Instead, imagine that you can take the planet Mars and drop it here instead. In this case, Mars should have a more "watery" component than "firey". Allow this sensation to stay here until it feels basically even.

Continue to bring the focus to the middle of the body where the lungs form a Y shape. This region is the Solar Plexus. Bring all the energy hitherto accumulated to this spot and allow your breath to center here. From this point is where the personal will issues. This area should feel not overly large, or overly small, but balanced with the assurance that you can take the proper steps to tend to the matters that need attention. Now imagine that the planet Venus drops out of the sky and gently lands in this area. How does this sensation feel? Venus is a drastically different energy than what was here before. The will now moves out of the motivation love and harmony.

Does this feel natural, or do you feel tension from this? Allow yourself to experience the feeling, and let it move until a balance point feels apparent. Prepare to move on to the next juncture.

Now, bring your focus up between the breasts, to where the heart exists. Allow your mind to focus here. This is the area where unconditional love lives. Breathe. Now imagine you can take the sun out of the sky, and put it here. How does this feel? Look back up at the picture of the sign of the Woman of Revelation. Notice where the sun is? It is approximately at heart level. In fact, we can go no further on the basis of the template of the woman. This is just as well, because the energy from the heart down is really our only "personal energy" in the sense that the chakras beyond this point are made such that they access higher realms just by their construction alone.

Nonetheless, we must prepare to go forward to visit the next spot.

Bringing the focus now to the throat, specifically just above the point where the clavicle or collar bones meet, place your focus here. As before, bring up all the energy from all the previous locations. Allow the mind to settle here at the throat. What do you feel here? Is it open? Closed?

Does it feel tight? Natural? Now imagine you can take the planet Mercury and place it here.

Allow the throat to become adjusted to this new feeling. Look again at the illustration before. Where is Mercury? He appears near the foot of Leo, or the King. You can think of the King as YHSVH or Jesus, or simply God. You can also think of yourself as the King, but that treads in dangerous waters. It is always better to allow spirit to wear the crown. Allow this area to expand naturally. How does it feel? When it feels even, prepare to move to the next point.

The next point is at the center of the forehead. Old mystery schools call this the "Third Eye". Is this area tense? Is it smooth? Allow these sensations to come to your awareness. Bring all the previous energy points up to this area. Imagine a solar eclipse in this area. What does this feel like? What is it stripping away? Is this area easier to see within than it was before you started? Are you being shown something? Is it something you want to see, or something you would rather not see? Focus. Breathe. Allow whatever scene is present to complete. Do not judge it before it is done unfolding. When all the activity is finished here, prepare to move to the final point.

The final point is the tip top of the head. Put all of your focus here. What do you sense? Bring all the previous energy junctures to this area like an electric circuit allowing the current to flow and accumulate here. Does this feel odd? Do you hear sounds that you normally do not? Relax. You are not losing your mind. Not yet anyway. You may just be beginning to regain it. Allow this area to show you what it wishes. There is no specific planet associated with this region, but if you feel that you want one here, you can try Neptune or Uranus. Pluto is ill-advised, unless you know exactly what you are doing. Allow this area to open up fully. Now then, imagine that your head is open to the current that the angels/God/spirit guides wish to send you. Allow this to enter at this area, and bring it all the way down into the feet through the previous centers. Allow these energy systems to balance against one another---one from the Earth---and one from the Heavens.

How does this feel? Congratulations, you have just completed your first full meditation in the "New Adam Kadmon!"

Adam Kadmon Color Way of Meditating Post 2017

The new technique is a tentative offering of the colors that will LIKELY be. Just like when you roll out new software you never know precisely how it will be used or where it needs to be improved for at least two or three years, this color meditation is tentatively put forth until more time to evaluate it has elapsed.

Adam Kadmon Depiction --Image From Wikimedia Commons [IMG]

As before, you want to put your focus on your feet and allow your attention to move where the arches of your feet are specifically. Here, you will likely want to imagine the color black or red---whichever one makes you feel more connected to the Earth. Allow your mind to really sink into the meditation here. In many ways, this area will feel more familiar than the next one. This is because, as we will discover later on, the universe tends to work on a "slide frame" where whatever was in a place before will slide down a notch. So, we know that the color red is historically at the first chakra, or root. Now, it is at the feet. The color silver works here as well.

Next, you will bring your awareness up your legs and place your focus at the root or the base of the spine. Allow the mind to rest here. This area is the first energy system that we come to. Before it was red. For the purposes of this meditation, it is best thought of as silver. If, while meditating, you happen to discover the color orange here in moderation, that is likely okay as well. Bring your awareness into focus with this meditation. How does this feel? Do your feet feel firmly planted? Does it feel odd or strange? Take some time to get used to it. Think of it like getting your land legs after being on a boat.

Now the awareness comes up two inches below the navel which is the Hara or the center of the life force. Previously, we associated the color orange with this spot. Now, however, a better association is blue. If you have hints of red, that is likely okay as well. Just be certain that this area is not "too red". Too much red tends to indicate inflammation or anger. Blue, on the contrary, tends to be more watery as the association would support.

Now allow your mind to sense the middle of your body where the lungs form a Y. This region is known as the solar plexus. Allow your mind to rest here for a moment. What do you see? Make a note. The color you want here now is a green color. If it is gold, that it okay as well. How do the two colors feel here? One? The other? Pay attention to how these colors make you respond.

Continue on now to the heart which is located between the breasts. What do you sense in this area? Does it feel open or hardened? At ease, or tense? At this location you will want to use the color gold. It is okay if there are elements of green here as well. How does this new color make you feel? More open? Less tense? Is it the other-way-around? Keep your focus and calmly breathe. Do not "force" the color to change, but rather allow it to morph into the desired hue in its own sequence.

Move now to the throat. The throat is located where the collar bones meet in the middle at the base of the throat. Place your focus here, what do you sense? Is it open and flowing smoothly, or does it feel stymied in some way? How do you express what is here? The desired color here is a bluish color. How does this area feel to you now?

Move now to the third eye region. This area should utilize the colors black and white. Use white at the front of the head, and black at the back, or vice versa. The white ideally should be a soft ethereal white. Do not worry if you begin to see or notice something you had hitherto not been aware concerning. It is a common occurrence here.

Finally, move to the crown which is located at the tip-top of the head. Here it is easiest to simply visualize a bright, vibrant purple. If possible, it is best to try to attain an ultraviolet hue. Now you want to bring that energy from the crown area down into the body and finally to the feet from whence you began. You can also bring that which is below your feet to the top of your head if you wish. Congratulations, you have just stepped through the new color method!

Comments on the Adam Kadmon Color Technique

The new color technique allows mutability. This is because variability has to be allowed since it contains some unknowns. You may need to "play with it" to ascertain what the experience is for you and the mechanics involved. This is meant to be a starting outline. When we get to the planets later, however, it will be much stricter. That is because the colors may still well vibrate differently depending on what happens between now and future meditations, but the planets will remain the same for the foreseeable future. As we shall see in other meditations, sometimes multiple colors are in an area.