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Subject: Re: apple//e
From: Rubywand <rubywand@swbell.net>
Date: Sun, Jul 05, 1998 16�04Ə� EDT
Message-id: <359FDC3D.F2EC7C9B@swbell.net>

hpdreyer writes ...
> I am new to newsgroups so please be patient with me.
> Anybody out there know where I can get hardware or software for my Apple
> //e?  It's been neglected since I started on these compatibles and I would
> like to revive it.  Does scholastic still sell programs or are they all IBM
> and MAC now?  Any mail order companies still around?  Thanks.

     A scan of Scholastic web pages turned up no Apple II wares.
Evidently, they currently sell PC/Mac stuff, mainly on CD.

     There are lots of places you can go for Apple II hardware and
software. Below is some information from Apple II comp.sys.apple2 (Csa2)
FAQs on Ground at ftp://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/2/apple2/Faqs ....

First, here is some Apple IIe information ...

     The //e comes in two flavors: Enhanced and unenhanced. When you
start your computer, the unenhanced IIe displays "Apple ][" at the top
of screen; the Enhanced IIe displays "Apple //e". Apple made an
Enhancement kit to upgrade an unenhanced to Enhanced by replacing 4
chips (CPU [65C02], Video ROM [MouseText], and new Monitor/Applesoft
ROMs). Alltech sells a IIe Enhancement kit for $29.00. 

     The current IIe operating system is ProDOS-8. (The IIe can also run
DOS 3.3, earlier DOS's, and Pascal.) A lot of ProDOS software requires
an Enhanced //e, and sometimes 128K, too.

     A IIe Enhancement Kit does not include any extra RAM. You can
expand a 64k IIe to the standard 128k required for a fully Enhanced IIe
via an Extended 80-column card. It plugs into the Aux Connector on the
motherboard. MC Price Breakers ($14.95) and Sequential Systems ($19.95)
sell such cards.

     Except for being able to type and display lower-case characters,
the unenhanced IIe is very similar to the II+. A 128k Enhanced IIe adds
a number of features including 80-column firmware and 16-color
double-lores and double hires display capability.  

     The Apple //e is still useful for four major reasons:

 1) It runs AppleWorks, a simple to use, yet sophisticated
Spreadsheet/Word Processor/Database.

 2) It can run many games and other entertainment software products.

 3) There are many Apples in schools, so there is a ton of educational
software for it.

 4) It is was and will always be a _Personal_ computer.  You can learn
as little or as much as you want, and nothing stops you from learning
about every nook and cranny in it. Ask any big name programmer in MS/DOS
or Mac where they learned to program.  Most of them taught themselves on
a good ol' Apple II. Good programs for an Apple //e: classic Appleworks
(Spreadsheet/Word Processor/Database from Scantron Quality Computers),
Copy ][+ (file utility by Central Point), ProTerm-A2 3.1
(communications/terminal emulator from InTrec), PrintShop
(sign/card/banner printer by Broderbund).

Recommended configuration: Extended 80 Column card (gives you 128K) or
RamWorks (512K to 1MB RAM).  Enhancement kit if it was an Unenhanced
//e. A Hard Drive is reccommended if you use a lot of different
programs. You can also speed it up with an accelerator (like the Rocket
Chip, Zip Chip or TransWarp). --Dan DeMaggio

Here is a listing of Apple II & related stuff sellers ...

Adrian Vance ( http://webmag.com/AVCatalog  email: avance@gte.net)
website catalog of 460 disks for any Apple II computer

All Electronics (800-826-5432; http://www.allcorp.com ) major surplus
and new parts seller- switches, LCD panels, connectors, transformers,
caps, IIgs-type lithium batteries, etc. 

Alltech (760-724-2404; http://allelec.com  accepts on-line orders) sells
all kinds of replacement parts for Apple II's as well as the Focus Hard
Card drives, CD-ROM drives, cables, memory boards & IC's, diskettes, ...

Apple Resource Center "The ARC" (800-753-0114; http://www.thearc.com )
sells Apple II computers and peripherals.
B&R Computer Services (619-225-8281;
http://members.aol.com/rrbp/Home.html ) sells Apple II computers,
peripherals, and software.

Stephen Buggie (505-863-2390) sells the famous Buggie Power Supplies,
Buggie Drives, and does disk drive conversions.

Byte Works (505-898-8183; http://hypermall.com/byteworks/bwad.html 
email: mikew50@aol.com) sells the respected Orca series of Apple II
languages and support software.

Catweasel ( http://members.tripod.com/~apd2/catweasl.htm ) makes and
sells a disk drive controller intended for reading A2 diskettes on
non-A2 drives.

Charlie's AppleSeeds (619-566-0387; 9081 Hadley Place, San Diego CA
92126-1523; Chuck Newby's email: ChuckNewby@aol.com) sells Apple II hard
disks and controllers, floppy drives, ... and ProSel, ProSel-16

Comp.sys.apple2.marketplace is the Csa2 newsgroup for buying and selling
Apple II hardware and software.

Creative Solutions (937-429-5759;
http://members.aol.com/CreatSltn/index.html ) Apple II hardware,
software, and repairs

Digi-Key (800-344-4539; http://www.digikey.com) IC's and general parts

DigiSoft Innovations ( http://www.hypermall.com/digisoft/digisoft/ 
email: Jim Maricondo at digisoft@hypermall.com) continues to sell the
Golden Orchard CD and is working on GO-II.

Dirt-Cheap Drives (800-786-1160; http://www.dirtcheapdrives.com ) 2.5"
IDE drives

Effective Shareware Solutions (602-274-6905;
http://www.primenet.com/~clay1 ) Apple II music wares

Gene Ehrich's On-Line Computer Garage Sale (email: gene@ehrich.com;
http://www.voicenet.com/~generic/ ) sells Apple II (C-64, PC, etc.)
hardware, software, manuals, and other items

Halted Specialties (800-442-5833; http://www.halted.com ) sells
electronic parts- sockets, cables, plugs, caps, Parallax BASIC stamp,
SCSI cables, ... good prices for 74xxx, 65xx, etc. IC's

InTrec Software (888-PROTERM; http://www.intrec.com ) sells ProTerm A2
and high-speed GS modem cable

Jameco (800-831-4242; http://www.jameco.com ) Apple II and general parts

JDR Microdevices (800-538-5000; http://www.jdr.com ) Apple II and
general parts supplier

Kitchen Sink Software (614-891-2111; http://www.kitchen-sink.com ) Apple
II Software

KulaSoft (808-595-8131; http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kulasoft ) Eamon
Adventures, Kula Index, software collections, tutorials, and books

L.A.Trade (800-433-3726; http://www.4LATrade.com ) sells memory,
including "Zip" package 1MB x 4 DRAM used by the AE GS-RAM III 4MB

Steven Lichter (Apple Elite II BBS 909-359-5338; email: stevenl@pe.net)
offers GBBS/LLUCE support and software.

Lynxmotion (104 Partridge Road, Pekin, IL 61554-1403; 309-382-1816
http://www.lynxmotion.com ) sells Robot kits, Robot arms, servos,
controllers, ... for PC but adaptable for Apple II

MC Price Breakers (360-837-3042; http://www.mcpb.com ) sells memory
boards, high-speed GS modem cables, and other Apple II hardware

MECI (800-344-6324; http://www.meci.com ) surplus electronic parts-
fans, tubes, solenoids, IC sockets, 50-25 SCSI cables and adaptors, ...

Midwestern Diskette (800-221-6332; http://www.mddc.com/mdi/disk.html )
diskettes, including 5.25" DSDD diskettes

Mouser Electronics (800-346-6873; http://www.mouser.com ) major IC and
general parts supplier

MPJA/ Marlin P. Jones (800-652-6733; http://www.mpja.com/) many power
supplies, NULL modem, Parallax BASIC stamp, misc kits, LED displays, LCD
panels, ...

Newark Electronics (800-463-9275; http://www.newark.com ) major
electronic parts supplier 

Ninjaforce Entertainment ( http://www.ninjaforce.home.ml.org )
Ninjaforce software for IIgs

Pre-Owned Electronics (800-274-5343) sells a variety of peripherals and

Redmond cable (206-882-2009 http://www.redcab.com ) makes and sells
standard & custom Apple II cables.

Scantron Quality Computers (800-777-3642 http://www.sqc.com )
Appleworks, Appleworks-GS vendor.

Sequential Systems (800-759-4549 or 303-666-4549,800-999-1717 tech,
303-666-7797 BBS; http://www.sequential.com  email:
inquiries@sequential.com)  sells 4-8MB GS memory boards, RAMfast SCSI
interface, and other peripheral boards.

Seven Hills Software (850-575-0566;
http://www.sevenhills.com/applesoftware ) develops and sells IIgs

Shareware Solutions II ( http://www.crl.com/~joko/ssii.html  email:
joko@crl.com) sells Convert 3200 plus games, boxed Old game originals,
and other wares.

SHH Systeme, Germany ( http://users.ids.net/~kerwood/shh.html ) sells
Turbo IDE and other HD controller cards, Blue Disk, TWGS Accelerator
upgrades, and repairs.

Shreve Systems (800-227-3971; http://www.shrevesystems.com ) sells II
computers, peripherals, parts and accessories.

Software and More (916-725-0228; http://members.aol.com/SWMoreTP/AP.html
) sells Apple II hardware and software.

Sun Remarketing (800-821-3221; http://www.sunrem.com  accepts on-line
orders) sells Apple II parts and peripherals.

Vernier Software (503-297-5317; http://www.vernier.com )  sells project
books and components.

Wayne's Computer (315-689-7899;
http://www.waynes.com/Business/WaynesComputer/index.html-ssi ) sells
Apple II computers, peripherals, and software.

Western Design Center (602-962-4545; http://www.wdesignc.com ) makes and
sells 65C816 microprocessor used in IIgs and for accelerator upgrades. 

William K. Bradford Co. (800-421-2009; http://www.wkbradford.com ) Apple
II educational software

You can download quite a lot of Apple II software from one of several
archives. The listing below includes archives and other important Apple
II sites ...

Major Apple II Information and Software Sites

Apple2 Caltech- large collection of II/IIgs games and utilities

Asimov- #1 archive of out-of-print games and utilities in
  emulator DSK and file formats; plus emulators and emu info 

Asimov-GS- Major archive of old IIgs software

Asimov-GS Mirror- Mirror and major archive of old IIgs software

Ground  Apple2 U. Iowa- home site of Csa2 FAQs; games, utilities,
  HC/HS stacks, music files, ..., and information in several
  collections including the AOL A2 archives 

GS WorldView 'zine- II/IIgs applications articles, games, utilities,
  A2-2000 archive, and links; home site for 1WSW 

Uni-kl.de  Apple2 U. Kaiserslautern-- II/IIgs games, utilities, and
  emulator wares

Other Important Apple II Sites

Apple2 U. Kentucky- A2 archive

Apple2 U. Michagan- A2 archive

Apple2 U. Washington- comp.binaries.apple2 access

Apple II Software- A2 software, BASIC Lessons

Apple II WWW and FTP Sites- comprehensive A2 & A3 links list

Apple Computer- mainly, GS system software

Apple Computer- license information

Delphi- A2-oriented net access service

International Apple II BBS List- A2 BBS sites and phone numbers
  (see file a2bbs...)

KansasFest Web Page- KansasFest information

KulaSoft- Stocks Eamon Adventures, A2 software, Index 

L.J. Silicon's Treasure Chest- Apple II software 

Mother of All Apple II Web Pages- links

Nathan Mates's Website- Nathan's A2 Faqs

Odessa Entertainment- on-line entertainment 'zines

Oxford U. Libraries- FAQs listings

Texas II- Appleworks products and information; home site for
  Beverly Cadieux's Apple II Mail Group (A2MG) 

The Apple II Classic Games Page- large listing of classic
  A2 games with screenshots.

The Giant List- listing of games and authors

Treasure Chest Project- Willie Yeo's list of A2 software
  reclassified as freeware or shareware

Upgrade the GS Project- Home page for input and discussion
  relating to IIgs upgrades
