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Subject: Re: Commands, etc. From: Rubywand <rubywand@swbell.net> Date: Fri, Jun 19, 1998 1813��� EDT Message-id: <358AE277.8B1814BE@swbell.net> SkibumOh writes ... > > I just got a new (at least new to me) IIGS. Think that it is a great > system. One question though... It is a ROM 01 (that would be 2ed generation > right???), with the color RGB(?) moniter. It has no hard drive, a 5 1/4, and > 3 1/2 floppy drives. Also has a 2400bps modem! > I have a few questions... > 1)Can I put the GS/OS on this comp. The current GS/OS or "System" is System 6.0.1. You will want a 4MB RAM expansion card plugged into your Mem Expansion Slot to run System 6.0.1. (The Mem Expansion Slot is near the front right side of the motherboard.) A 4MB GS ROM-01 can run nearly all GS software as well as most IIe and II+ software. With the old Apple, Inc. 1MB card plugged into your Mem Expansion Slot, you can boot and run many old "ProDOS-16" (an early GS System) and System 5.0.4 games and utilities. You can, also, run most ProDOS-8 and DOS 3.3 software designed for the IIe and II+. With no mem expansion, you can get some "ProDOS-16" stuff to work. Mostly, with just the 256k of built-in RAM, the GS is limited to very early GS programs running under "ProDOS-16" or ProDOS-8 along with most ProDOS-8 and DOS 3.3 software designed for the IIe and II+. > 2)What upgrades can I get for 100usd There is no established seller of major used peripherals in any quantity. That is, nobody has a pile of good used 4MB Mem Expansion boards, ZipGS or TransWarp accelerators, RamFAST SCSI cards, or Focus Hard Card hard disks. Mainly, finding good used stuff is a matter of lucking out at a flea mart, school sale, club swap meet, ... or on comp.sys.apple2.marketplace . Prices can vary widely depending upon where you look on any given day. The usual way to get most major upgrades, such as a 4MB Mem Expansion card, is to buy them new. Alltech has the best price on a 4-8MB card. Sequential Systems offers a 4-8MB card that is more compact-- needs fewer mem IC's-- and so, almost certainly, uses less power; but, the card is more expensive. Both of these cards can be expanded to 8MB. There are two or three other 4MB boards currently available; however, your best choice seems to be the "Sirius" from Alltech or the "RAM-GS Plus" from Sequential. A quick, easy, low-cost way to get going with System 6.0.1 is to get your 4MB card from Alltech or Sequential and get an 80MB Focus Hard Card drive with System installed from Alltech. Alltech (760-724-2404; http://allelec.com accepts on-line orders) sells all kinds of replacement parts for Apple II's as well as the Focus Hard Card drives, CD-ROM drives, cables, memory boards & IC's, diskettes, ... . Sequential Systems (800-759-4549 or 303-666-4549,800-999-1717 tech, 303-666-7797 BBS; http://www.sequential.com email: inquiries@sequential.com) sells 4-8MB GS memory boards, RAMfast SCSI interface, and other peripheral boards. > 3)What software is worth the trouble to get (I HATE PIRATES) Pirates are, certainly, to be avoided. Of the mass of Apple II+, IIe, and IIgs software produced during the 80's and early 90's, only a tiny bit is available from any commercial source or from individuals. Most new users depend upon help from local Apple II Club libraries, copies from friends, and downloads from the major Apple II software archive sites. The listing below is from our newsgroup's Apple II FAQs maintained on Ground at ... ftp://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/2/apple2/Faqs Major Apple II Information and Software Sites Apple2 Caltech- large collection of II/IIgs games and utilities ftp://apple2.caltech.edu/zocalo/pub/apple2 Asimov- #1 archive of out-of-print games and utilities in emulator DSK and file formats; plus emulators and emu info ftp://ftp.apple.asimov.net/pub/apple_II Asimov-GS- Major archive of old IIgs software Asimov-GS Mirror- Mirror and major archive of old IIgs software ftp://apple.cabi.net/pub/applegs/ Ground Apple2 U. Iowa- home site of Csa2 FAQs; games, utilities, HC/HS stacks, music files, ..., and information in several collections including the AOL A2 archives ftp://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/2/apple2 http://ground.isca.uiowa.edu/2/apple2 GS WorldView 'zine- II/IIgs applications articles, games, utilities, A2-2000 archive, and links; home site for 1WSW http://www.grin.net/~cturley/gsezine/GS.WorldView/ Uni-kl.de Apple2 U. Kaiserslautern-- II/IIgs games, utilities, and emulator wares ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub0/apple2/disk_images Other Important Apple II Sites Apple2 U. Kentucky- A2 archive ftp://f.ms.uky.edu:/pub/appleII Apple2 U. Michagan- A2 archive ftp://apple2.archive.umich.edu/archive/apple2/ Apple2 U. Washington- comp.binaries.apple2 access ftp://wuarchive.wustl.edu/usenet/comp.binaries.apple2/ Apple II Software- A2 software, BASIC Lessons http://www.iglou.com/qwerty/kb/dlfiles.html#53 Apple II WWW and FTP Sites- comprehensive A2 & A3 links list http://www.cstone.net/~rbraun/apple2/a2ftp.html#web Apple Computer- mainly, GS system software ftp://ftp.apple.com/dts/aii http://www.apple.com/support Apple Computer- license information http://developer.apple.com/mkt/registering/swl/agreements.html Delphi- A2-oriented net access service http://www.delphi.com/ International Apple II BBS List- A2 BBS sites and phone numbers http://home.earthlink.net/~gabesanchez/ (see file a2bbs...) KansasFest Web Page- KansasFest information http://www.primenet.com/~adams/kfest.html KulaSoft- Stocks Eamon Adventures, A2 software, Index http://www.angelfire.com/hi/kulasoft L.J. Silicon's Treasure Chest- Apple II software http://members.aol.com/ljsilicon/index.html Mother of All Apple II Web Pages- links http://www.syndicomm.com/a2web/ Nathan Mates's Website- Nathan's A2 Faqs http://www.visi.com/~nathan/ Odessa Entertainment- on-line entertainment 'zines http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/rembrandt/2/comp.html Oxford U. Libraries- FAQs listings http://www.lib.ox.ac.uk/internet/news/faq/ Texas II- Appleworks products and information; home site for Beverly Cadieux's Apple II Mail Group (A2MG) http://members.aol.com/A2MG/ The Giant List- listing of games and authors http://www.dadgum.com/glist/list.html Treasure Chest Project- Willie Yeo's list of A2 software reclassified as freeware or shareware http://www.tals.dis.qut.edu.au/staff/willie/treasurechest/ > 4)Since I don't have the startup disk(?) I've been in the Basic(?) mode. That can be pretty frustrating! The easiest way to get a startup disk is from a local Apple II users' group. If you can not find one, another route is to contact one of the regular Csa2 (comp.sys.apple2) posters via email. (Expect to pay $3 or so for postage and the diskette.) > I > wanted to know where I can find a basic listing of commands. Check out these sites (from the above listing) Apple II Software (BASIC lessons) Nathan Mates's Website (BASIC manual) Our newsgroup FAQs file on DOS and ProDOS should be helpful, too. I'll send a copy attached to an email. Rubywand