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From: jturner@tartarus.uwa.edu.au (Joseph Turner) Newsgroups: comp.binaries.apple2 Subject: Planet motion Date: 10 Jan 1997 14:44:04 GMT Organization: The University of Western Australia Message-ID: <5b5kjk$dfa$1@enyo.uwa.edu.au> Hi, Just got a bit of inspiration today and wrote a quick litle program that can be looked at on any appleII. This is no amazing program just alittle thing that can be plaed with. I basically have tried a planet simulation, i.e. The sun, then, the Earth and another planet or sun further out from the Earth. Infact one can just consider it as being a 3 body situation in the reference frame. What it basically does is plots the obit of the earth around the Sun which is located at the centre of the screen(note this isn't drawn in). The Other planet or sun further out from the earth is not drawn in, but is still moved around in the calculations. The program is written in basic and is quite small. Simply unbinscii it and run it. The variables with a one at the end(a '1') are for Earth and the ones with a '2' at the end are for the outer planet. i.e. r1 = Radius of planet Earth, m2 = mass of Outer planet, and M = mass of inner body. All the units are in SI units, e.g. seconds, metres..etc. To muck around with the program in an interesting way you can vary the mass of the outer planet to see how it affects the motion of planet Earth. This can be done by altering the mass of it on LINE 80 by telling the program how much more massive or smaller it is compared to the sun. One thing That must be noted is that I have assumed the perturbation effects on the outer planet are neglible to the motion, so only perturbation affects have been taken in to account on the planet Earth. So the mass pf the outer planet must be serveral orders of magnitude greater then the mass of the Earth for the program to be sensible. Another parameter that may be useful is the time between calculations. This is on line 190, and the units are of course in seconds. For slower computers just increase it. Not that by increasing this value you make the output less accurate. Ok, Maybe I should have said this at the beginning...I am not sure how Accurate and exact this is(Not 100% sure this program is infact right) but it looks like it is, and can't see any obvious errors...) so if you see anything majorly wrong or have some input give it to me and I might try to improve it. I will muck around with it a bit more some time later to improve it. Ok hope you like it. Cheers Joe FiLeStArTfIlEsTaRt ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789() FPLANET AcwcAAAABw)4FIACCrCAqYhHUwhwAcwcA44b AgAF6EJA6MjkxkcuwMjNwwiMIECATCQAwQjMwEDLtBAMAIACQnUg2EMMHPjLw4CM YpTN0ED01gMMerMMpkEKQnlOwATMuEDy1ITMwUjyo8ty6kSSPjVr4cjMRjlzZ5MM ODT0x8cWEDTOAQzqDggdYNJAAkFLEgQfJJIAIEPAyCQBzFEItV3cpRHcz52byFGI 0BSZ0FGasBHIl5WYyACdzlGIhxGIldmcuVGInV3bzBCa0Byb0FGaoRHIwBSZ0JXZ iJXdpRXYg42bmZWZ0NWZvByc0BibzlGasBHIl5WYjBCdg4WYgUmYudWalJ3bA4CZ KkQAxQFAxMD02MTNwADMJIBAUBAFzAtM4YDNwYTOAADMekAIxIFAuED0xUUNsAQM AgSCQLjUSpcN)AQMAITCQnEUx4yM1EDN2ITOAMTN8kgTQfEA24iNJX0NAETMBlwW Q3EAz4iMwMTRJcGANBgR2AdM0ITRJIHANBAUyAtMA0kyalQuBZIAxgSMBpTKwgSM SBdKBpTMxgSMwAdKgIrOzxWQpByb0lmbsFWappXagcmblhGdulGIpRXagwWYu92Y 0lGZu9Wa(DwcA8VCDFkhpEDKgIrOrFWTn5WauFGIyFGI5FmcvZGI0BicgUGajNWY lxWZ0Fmcu9WalZHIvR3YvBicwBiZuFGbgQXZ9AQMAEmCoYlh6kSMh1ksul2ahByZ hBibhJncmBSegI3blhGdlZHIj9Gb5RXalZHIvR3YvBicwBiZuFGbgQXZICQMAImC wgiVwAdKoYlOQnSMQpsMSpcSxocM3AjLUtcNyqTM0V2UulGdpByZ0lmbsFWalZHI j9Gb5RXam9GIsBHIl5WYxACdgACILDAIAQmCyEkhpEDKyEkOpADKyIF0yEkOpEDK 6AD0pBis0lmbsFWappXagcmbu92Y0lGZu9WamBycgI3bhxGc0VmbAIDImtAAEZIA xgiVyqTKh1EIul2ahByZhJnczBSejFGcmBSZgI3bsVmdpN2bgkHdjVmdy9Gd5Awc Ac2CTRkhpEDKgIrOrFWTn5WayFGI5FmcwNHIlNWYvZGIkBicwNXajFGbl1WZgQnb jVmdy9Gd(BwcAk2CoYkh6kSMIRlsgMVSgMVSGBSQjJ1TWBSZ0NURgI3bFJFKMV1U OFEVGBCVDJ1TO9URMBFIF5UQpEDVgACIgACIbDAIA42CBBisoBSMgMXYoETQgkCM 4BSPhBCLgQmboETQgkSM5BSPukGIg4SZlhGd3RHIjBybw12bl52bzRnbm9GIgEGI jVmdy9Gdu4iLtl2chxWa5xmcvZGIBBicoDgMA47CQTFVwATNAADMIvw9UFIABDD0 HLDVAQFVSzgIgILA39mTvRHIpZGIgQmblhGdvBHI0l2cu9Wam9GIsBHIl5WYyACd MIFABBA3wgiMSBdKersMKLDKKnEUUtMV6kiMoITQQnSMKLjUygy3JBlyLTlypIDV MQIAyCg5v5EI0BydmBybk5WaoRHISBSZVNVRBRFTgQlTy9mZgU2Yg42bhxGU0Vmb AEDIrzgoBFEAooN0oETQMnCMpIDKxEEypEDKygCzAkSKszA0SJFAooN0yEEKpEDK xEUypEDKowcKIniMyEEKpADKxEUypADKowcKpkiMNwCAGBA8pADKx0E0KfkyogCK oITQJnCMoETQpkCMShyyowsUpkyMNpcKNlsMBhiywgSMBtcKowcQpkyMyqTKy9GS vpXahRnbjBCbw12bl52bgQnbgY2by9mRAU2Y63wioYEAQnSMKHTToo8RBhCKxgiM BlcKxgSMLnSKSJFKzgCzpkSKy0kyK3UyxEEKpEDKBF0yzgCzpkSKWJrO0JXZhNWa jBCbw12bl52bgQnbgY2by9mRgU2YgACIaDAIB4QDoMUQQnCMwgiRNtcKBpTMxgyQ GBdKpEDKx00yHJrO0RXZn5WajFGIsV2YhJXZvlGd2Bib0NWZzJ3bm9GIsBFIl5WY xACdgACIAACIY4wGWRUApADKDFE0pADKURlyWRkOpEDKDFE0pEDKURlyHJrO0RXZ n5WaoNGIn5WYgMXZg4WasVmdpN2bllGdpBwcB0hDwgiVWBdKpADKWREypADKoYlO QnSMxgiVEhcKxgiVyqTK0V2RulGdOByZgcXZsVmdpN2bgkHdjVmdy9GdvZGIQBic uFGbgQXZ4CQMBIiDoMFRQnCMwgiVUpcKEpDVxgyUWBdKpEDKURlyHJrO0RXZn5Wa oNGIn5WYgMXZg4Waz9GcvlGdvBibQBiZuFGbgQXZgASMgACIAACIs8ACxEUApADK xEE0pADKTREypADKxEkOpEDKxEE0pEDKTREypEDKGJrOk5Wan5WalJHIsV3cuFGd wBCdpN3bvlGdvBibwBiZuFGbgQXZuAQMBA0DQj1UoETQLnCMw4yMInTRwQTMYJrO vNGIy9WLulGZlRXYP4FATFgSxAdWyEjLBpcNxgSMzscKInTRwATMgIrODBSWv1yb pRmc0FmbgASZgACIPoGATGAVYNVwZNFLPEHACGA9AAAVAMEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AkCU --