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About: GSF.v2.2.SDK For Release: 3-7-95 Distribution: World Uploaded by: Charles T. (Dr. Tom) Turley, Ph.D. Graphic Artist - Virtual Audio Music/Sound Designer 115 Santa Clara St. Brisbane, CA., 94005 USA Voice (415) 468-1609 Internet - 3D5D1WSW@Calon.com (valid only until 3/13/95) CompuServe - 76461,1040 GsFunctions v2.2 - FreeWare (c) 1990 by Dadildo Software Inc. Italy and The New I.Ci.A. Team - Italy US Version written by The New I.Ci.A. Team in 1990 This could certainly be classified as a RareWare/classic. I don't know if the I.Ci.A Team has released any updates after this version 2.2. They do make mention of a v3.0, however I've not been able to locate it. This SDK disk archive of v2.2, has a special (custom modified) original boot, that appears to be required and is dependent on the boot design, to allow the user access to hidden graphics and reply options for print-out response and reply information to the authors. The main portion of the documentation file (edited) follows, for your information. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Differences between version 2.1 (italian) and v2.2 The 2.2 is totally in english and has some bugs fixed. Important Notes To run GS Functions you need: - a IIGS w/ 768K minimum - a 3.5' drive (unidisk accepted) - A /RAM5 virtual drive active with 32K - the GsFunctions disk must NOT be write protected Also better with: - a cache (diversi cache) at 800K - a Transwarp GS or ZIP GS When everything is correct, insert GSFunctions disk into drive 1 slot 5 and boot it up! You should see a graphic screen then some text. If you have not installed a RAM disk, you should get an error message. WARNING: if the disk is write protected, you will never receive an error message! SIMPLY PUT, the disk will stop and the program will crash during use. The first thing to do is to learn how to use the program. At the picture which fades the colors press: - ESC to go to the fast editor v1.0 (see then) - OPEN APPLE CTRL OPTION SPACE to go to the Information Program where you register your version of GsFunctions. (option to print-out reply letter occurs) (please, complete the letter and send it back as soon as possible)! - Any other key to go to the main menu of GSFunctions You are asked : DO YOU WANT TO INSERT A NEW FUNCTION ? use this option to add new equations to the library. The library will be the file used by the plot program to plot the functions. To insert a function: click 'YES'. Then insert the functions by these rules: 1st: ignore the part on paper with f(x)= You have to insert only the explicit part with X as a variable! Right functions are any with y= + argument with X dependent any as f(x)= + argument with X dependent Not right are: Implicit forms like aY^2 + bXY + cX+2 etc... Press S = SIN C = COS L = LOG SPACE = SQR P = 3,1415926 the remember: TAB fractionizes all the previous inserted! that's to say that if you enters: 3*X-LOG(X) and then you press TAB you'll get ( 3*X-LOG(X) ) / and the program will wait for you to enter the following of the function! M = ( % = ) these two escapes are useful only if your KEYBOARD LAYOUT is set on ITALIAN ESC = Main Menu and aborts without asking confirmation | = ABS( To close the abs value, hit | once again. The | character does like in reality. You can also enter ABS(... Once you've entered your function, press return. The program checks your input and then will ask if you're really going to insert that function into the library. Click on YES to accept the function Once added the function, you will return to the main question (the main menu). Click on NO to plot functions. You'll have to wait some seconds till the program will be loaded into memory. Then a message will say: Please wait, loading the functions library... The program will be loading the file 'LIBRARY' from the diskette into slot 5 drive 1! WARNING! Since the basic of the program can handle only 50 functions at once, if you add (since you can) more than 50 functions, the program will crash here while displaying that msg. Try not to insert more that 50 functions. If it happens, use the ESC key at the boot picture to edit the library (see then). Otherwise type: T = 50 (ret) and then GOTO 46 (ret) to continue! WARNING: If the disk is write protected the program will crash here! (the programmer has no time to fix all these bugs! If you send back your letter, you'll receive the latest version of GSfunctions with ALL the bugs fixed, i promise!). When the function library has been loaded, you'll see a screen with: bottom: buttons (following & previous, sometime also ABORT) window at the middle with all the functions displayed! buttons at the right side of the screen when you click on a function! Menu at the right top margin. Click here to go back to menu Available functions on the functions list. Click here to read a new disk. REMEMBER to replace the GsFunctions disk into slot 5 drive 1 again when the library has been loaded!!! CLick on a function to select it! Click on FOLLOWING to see the following functions Click on PREVIOUS to see the previous functions When a functions is selected you can: Plot it by clicking on PLOT button. Delete it from memory and/or disk by clicking on DELETE. You'll be asked if you want to save the changes onto the diskette. Compare the selected function with another in the list by clicking on COMPARE WITH. When you're choosing the latter function, you can abort the COMPARE possibility by clicking on ABORT at the bottom of the screen! When a function is selected and being plotted (you'll hear the drive loading the plot program...), you then will be asked a few questions: Do you want the error ZONE (Y/N). Type Y if you want to see where this function has no meaning (Not Existence Field Verified). You'll see colored lines on the graphic screen... this option displays also asymptotes (vertical lines). Scanning value means the deep of plotting. The values are: 0.1 & 0.01. The former is PIXEL by PIXEL and it's fast but imperfect if you have functions which has great variations. The latter is really perfect and it's also not fast! It scans 4 generic points for ONE pixel! It's a fool because 2 points for ONE pixel will be enough, however THIS program will be ALREADY ready to be run onto a GS with a better graphic!!!!! Press return to accept value 0.1 When a function is being plotted, press any key to stop the plotting. You'll be asked if you want to plot it again or if you want to go back to the menu. Notice that: when a function is being plotted a pixel will flash on the top of the screen and it will shift right pixel by pixel depending on: the scanning value: 0.1 is really one pixel shifting. 0.01 is four flashes on one pixel. However: if the program is studying a function when it's Existence Field isn't verified, it will automatically switch the scanning value to 0.01. This is also useful to look for Asymptotes and to check better if a function doesn't really exist! So when you see a slow scanning even if you chose 0.1, it's because the function doesn't exist there! If you chose Error Zone: Yes, you'll see vertical lines; otherwise only the pixel which goes slower. If you want technical information about this part of the program, then ask me! When COMPARING, you'll be asked once again for information about the second function you chose. The plot part of GS Functions is powerful and can be broken by pressing CTRL-RESET... typing RUN you'll go on plotting the functions from the point you interrupted them! This is all about GS functions! ---- GS FUNCTIONS FAST EDITOR v1.0 ---- The fast editor is used to enter a function without using the graphic (& slow) interface. However, here, you're on your own. And when finished, you have to pass through the graphic interface if you want to plot the inserted functions! ---- Other utilities ---- On the disk there are other utilities which must be run from BASIC! (to go to basic, press CTRL-RESET). I'm not going to explain which is which, since you should NEVER use them!! HOWEVER do not delete any FILE on the disk... ---- INFO ---- FREEWARE (c) 1988 Dadildo Software Inc. ITALY This doc file was originally typed by DadoPado (c) 1990. Ask me about any new features you would like to see in GsFunctions! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Edited for informational content and your review by : C. Turley on 3-3-95. -END OF FILE-