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The Eamon Adventurer's Guild March 1997 Annual Financial Report EAG Finances for 1996: Starting Balance: $365.71 Income Back Issues: 2.75 Eamon Sets: 175.00 New Memberships: 49.00 Renewal Memberships: 133.00 Newsletter Samples: 1.00 Updates: 1.00 Total Income: 361.75 Expenses Copier: 182.44 Postage: 130.04 Supplies: 32.52 Total Expenses: 345.00 Ending Balance: $382.46 A net income for the year of $16.75, and that with membership extensions in Dec'95 and Sep'96 that dramatically reduced renewal income. It's easy to see from the above that the extra money came from those eight Eamon Set purchases. It should come as no surprise that memberships are down somewhat, as some members move on to other platforms, and this is reflected in the reduced expenses. But we got seven new members last year, a considerable improvement over 1995. EAG membership is currently almost 60 people. That's way too much money in the till to cover the existing membership obligation. So it's time for a.... MEMBERSHIP EXTENSION: You'll find that your membership expiration date on the envelope has been extended by one issue. Depending on renewal rates and stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw another extension in September, too. _______________________ This issue has articles from Paul Hollander and Adam Myrow, and I wish to sincerely thank them both for their contributions. Also, Phil Moore has sent me another update to his excellent Appleworks database of Eamon bugs. Most of the time it is easy to cite someone as Eamonaut of the Month, but this time around we have got three prime candidates. The award goes to Adam Myrow, who has been responsible for most of the bug reports and fixes that you have seen in the last two issues. Adam typically not only outlines the precise nature of the bug, but usually supplies a bug fix as well, demonstrating an excellent grasp of the workings of the Eamon MAIN PGM. This is the more remarkable when you learn that Adam is totally blind and uses a speech synthesizer to "read" the text on the computer screen. Think about that next time you are messing with some programming. Adam, your prize is any eight Eamon disk sides, three back issues of the EAG newsletter, or a two-issue extension to your membership. Let me know which you choose! _______________________ Speaking of Phil Moore's Eamon Bugs database, I am making it available to EAG members for $1.00. This ADB is Appleworks 3.0-compatible and it contains all the bugs listed in all of the EAG newsletters (except June '96). This is a handy thing to have when searching for old bugs and their fixes. The database doesn't contain the fixes, of course, but lists the EAG issue where it can be found. It does, however, list a short description of each bug. If you'd like a copy of this database, send me a buck and I'll send you a 5.25 disk. If you need it on a 3.5 disk, send a 3.5 disk and a buck and I'll return it to you with the ADB copied to it. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ EAMON ADVENTURER'S GUILD Thomas Zuchowski, Editor Membership/subscription fee for 4 issues: US-Canada: $7.00; foreign: $12.00; in U.S. funds This newsletter is published 4 times per year, in March, June, September, and December ________________________________________________ We are always looking for new material! If you would like to publish your own letter or article in this newsletter, feel free to send one in. We make quarterly Eamon adventure giveaways to the best contributions. If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the EAG list, send it on a disk to the above address. It will be assigned an Adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems before release. An informal critique and disk with bug corrections will be returned. Once released, you will be given any Eamon Adventure of your choice in exchange, and may be awarded several Eamon Adventures if your Eamon is of superior quality. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ BACK ISSUES: NEUC 'Adventurer's Log': Mar'84, May'84, Aug'84, Oct'84, Jan'85, Mar'85 May'85, Aug'85, Oct'85, Jun'86, Jan'87, Oct'87 EAG back issues: 1988: - Jun, Sep, Dec 1989,90,91,92,93,94,95,96: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec Price: $1.00 each (NEW PRICE!) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ New Adventures ________________________________________________ 239 Idol of the Incas by Clyde Easterday This puzzle-heavy adventure is an Indiana Jones type scenario that has lots and lots of special stuff. Clyde spent two years working on this Eamon, and the effort shows in a painstaking attention to detail. Reviewed in this issue. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Letters ________________________________________________ What does "TOGGLE LOCK MODE" do under the special functions menu? I'll probably never use it but I'm curious as to what it's for. The manual makes no mention of it. - Adam Myrow "Lock Mode" is an option that bypasses the main menu and jumps straight to the editing menu. Say that you want to edit a bunch of artifacts. When you complete editing an artifact, this mode jumps directly to the question that asks which artifact you want to edit. It also works when adding stuff. I personally don't think that it's worth much because I don't know any way to get out of it once you start using it, and it only saves two keystrokes. I rather suspect that it was an option that John added but then never really finished. Most of the special functions are poorly implemented, in my opinion. I personally never use any but the printer. - Tom Z ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Eamon Walk-Through ________________________________________________ A Walk-Through of Eamon 62 The Caverns of Doom by Paul J. Hollander Tom Zuchowski reviewed this adventure (EAG, Sep. '96). He complained about the spelling errors and room connection errors. I agree completely. Tom also criticized the lack of a theme. The Egyptian elements hint at an ancient Egyptian theme, which could have been very interesting. But the monsters and artifacts from other mythologies bury the Egyptian elements. Tom reported that the room exits were usually well enough marked. I found the hallways to be well marked, but the room exits are not. Mapping was mandatory just to remind me where I entered a room. This wouldn't be a bad problem if there was only a single entrance. But 18 of the 100 rooms have unmarked exits in addition to the entrance. Concealed doors should be visible if one LOOKs, but these are not. Bashing into walls looking for exits gets frustrating very rapidly. Tom was unable to find an exit to the Caverns, and neither could I. However, one room is named Exit Chamber, obviously marking where the exit should be. After spending a few days with the Caverns, I decided to add an automatic exit (line 205). I also modified the LOOK command (lines 6052-6058) to show all the exits. Modifications to the Main Pgm: 205 IF ROOM = 96 THEN ROOM = 97 : NBTL = 0 : GOTO 100 6052 A$ = "EXIT " : PRINT DK$;"READ EAMON.ROOMS, R";ROOM 6054 FOR D = 1 TO 6 : INPUT R2 : IF R2 THEN A$ = A$ + MID$(" N S E W U D ", D*2, 2) 6056 NEXT : PRINT DK$ : PRINT A$ 6058 IF ROOM = 98 THEN PRINT : PRINT "A VINE COVERED SIGN POINTS NORTH TOWARD THE GUILD HALL." I persistently try to read scrolling text. This strains my eyes and has given me some bad head- aches. So I added another modification to minimize the scrolling: Line 300 becomes line 302, and a new line 300 is added. 300 HOME : PRINT "YOUR COMMAND? "; A$ Make the modifications to a copy of The Caverns of Doom. There are still twisty passages, unfriendly monsters, and death traps. But with luck and a good healing spell, the adventurer can get out alive with a pack full of loot. The adventure's primary objectives are the four stolen pieces of computer equipment. One can leave the caverns with none, some, or all of them. Other loot is usually less valuable, so if anything must be abandoned, the computer parts should be the last to go. _______________________ The following route seems the most direct to the computer equipment and the exit: One enters the Caverns and walks south into a large cavern. Go west to the large room and make friends with Superman. You need all the friends you can get. Continue west then south into the green room. Go south. The cyber-nibble lies in the hallway. After getting the cyber-nibble, continue south. Turn east then north into the staff room. Continue north through a one-way portal to a west- north bend. Go north, then east to a T-intersection. Continue east to another T-intersection. Turn south and continue south all the way to the end of the hallway. Turn west into the space room, where the cyber-bit lies. After getting the cyber-bit, return east into the hallway. Go north to the first T-intersection, then west to a four-way intersection. Turn south, then west, then north to get to another T-intersection. Turn west, and enter the lava room. Go south from the lava room to a four-way intersection. Turn east into the secret room, and climb a ladder to reach the endgame beginning. Go south to a four-way intersection. One of the hallways leads to one of the missing computer parts and another leads to the other missing part. Take the east hallway for two moves. There is a room to the south, where the cyber-byte is located. Get the cyber-byte, and return to the four-way intersection. Walk west to the vertical chamber, and go up. Go east to a four-way intersection, and turn south. Continue south through the chapel to the burial chamber, where mummies are prepared. Go down, then proceed east through several rooms. The hallway turns north to enter a four-way intersection. Go north into the Egyptian room, and get the cyber-key. You now have all four of the stolen computer parts in your pack, and you want to leave the Caverns. Go north into the exit chamber, where you are spit out into the forest. Stroll north until you reach the guild hall. You've won, and the townsfolk reward you handsomely. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Dungeon Designs ________________________________________________ A flaw in the Eamon Master design There is a potential problem with the way the Eamon Master stores the character records in the CHARACTERS file. This problem derives from the fact that each record of the CHARACTERS file is only 150 bytes long. That is normally enough, but if your character has a long name and picks up several long-named weapons, there is a fair chance that the total data length will exceed the 150-byte limit. When this happens, the tail end of this overlong record overwrites the front end of the next character record when it is written back into the CHARACTERS file. This trashes that next record, crashes the Character Maintenance program, and can possibly crash the Main Hall program. John Nelson printed a fix for this in the Aug'85 issue of the NEUC "Adventurer's Log", but it was a very complex fix that modified every program on the Master, added several new programs, and broke all of the existing character editors and listers. I have never seen the modified version, and I am afraid that I am responsible for eliminating it from the public domain because I did not ever make the mods to the Master in the EAG library. Here's how to tell if you have the crash-proof modified version: among others it will have files named VILLAGE and CHARACTERS.EXT on it. There is really no simple way to fix this. If you are serious about wanting a bullet-proof Master, you'll have to do the three pages of mods listed in the Aug'85 and Oct'85 issues, and will also have to modify all of your character utilities as well. The existing CHARACTERS records have enough room to accommodate a very powerful character as long as his name plus the weapon names don't add up to more than about 45 letters. The actual allowable length will depend on the size of the numbers in the character's and weapons' stats. I recommend for a rule of thumb that you adopt a really short character name like SAM or BOZO and try to keep the total number of letters in your weapons' names to about 40 letters. This is a very conservative rule and should comfortably keep you out of trouble unless you have cheater-superman stats. Another place to scrounge extra space is by keeping the two gold numbers down to three or four digits. Here are some more suggestions: 1) Use the FRESH SAM program to play Eamon and don't use the Main Hall at all. That's what I have done for 10 years and is probably why I have never seen the problem. 2) Once you get a pretty fair set of weapons that falls within the name-size guidelines, quit trading up every chance you get. Likewise, once you get a decent stash built up, quit grabbing treasure that will enlarge the gold numbers. 3) Just put one character in the CHARACTERS file. Then it will never matter how large that record gets. However, be advised that names larger than about 15 letters will crash the Character File Maintenance program. If for some reason you want to have more than one character, put each one on his own personal copy of the Master disk. 5.25 disks are CHEAP. Alternatively, you could keep multiple single-character CHARACTERS files on the same disk by giving them difference filenames and renaming the one in current use to CHARACTERS. 4) Keep a backup copy of your CHARACTERS file! Making an occasional backup of the Master would take care of that for you. Or you could put an extra copy on the Master under a different file name. I personally do both. See item 6 below. 5) Don't use a cheater-superman character. Keep everything but the spell abilities in two digits at most and the spell abilities in three digits. Even these limits will permit an absurdly strong cheater character. 6) If the Eamon you are playing changes your character's name from FRED to something like SIR BOSSMAN or QUEEN OF THE PURPLE FLOWERS, and you know that you are probably pushing the record length limit already, then don't return to the Main Hall. When you reach the end of the game, halt the program without returning, and then reboot the Master and resurrect your character. If you don't find out that this happened until you've already returned, then do a letter count of the names, and if it's iffy use the Character Maintenance program to make sure that the CHARACTER file is still OK. If there is any question in your mind, then delete the CHARACTER file and replace it with a copy of your backup. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Bugs'n'Fixes ________________________________________________ Eamon Dungeon Design Disk 7.1 Program: ProDOS: DUNGEON.LIST EAMON.LIST.V7.1 DOS 3.3: DUNGEON LIST DUNGEON LIST V7.1 Problem: printout not right on Imagewriters I've had sporadic reports of problems using the DDD 7.1's various dungeon listing programs with Imagewriters. These reports complain that these programs print the descriptions all on one line. I had thought that all printers automatically do a line-feed when they reach the end of a line. Every printer I've ever used has that capability, but apparently Imagewriters can't do that. I can't do a general bug fix for this; the fix that is known to work for an Imagewriter messes up the output on my Panasonic. I don't know where the problem lies or how to make a fix work for all printers on all Apple II models. If you have the problem with these programs printing descriptions all on one line, try replacing Line 8000 in the offending program with this one: 8000 FOR AZ = 1 TO LEN (A$) STEP 80: PRINT MID$ (A$,AZ,80): LP = LP + 1: NEXT: LP = LP + 1: RETURN Note that the above line will generate 80-column printouts. If you desire a 40-col. printout, change the two "80"s in the line to "40". ________________________________________________ Eamon Dungeon Design Disk 7.1 Program: ProDOS: DUNGEON.EDIT EAMON.EDIT.V7.1 Problem: When in 80-col. mode or pseudo-40-col. (ESC-4) mode, the Escape key intermittently doesn't work right when editing after having used main menu option 3 to list something. This problem does not appear when running under DOS 3.3 or in true 40-col. mode under ProDOS. It must have something to do with the way that the 80-col. firmware handles the escape key. I do not know of any way to fix this. If anyone else does, please let me know! ________________________________________________ #123 Wizard of the Spheres Date Fixed: 11/23/96 Problem: Dropping anything causes you to drop everything Fix: In Line 5050, change PRINT to IF WT > 10 * MD%(0,1) THEN PRINT ________________________________________________ #148 Journey to Jotunheim (80-col. PRODOS) Date Fixed: 11/23/96 Problem: Can't return to Main Hall on single drive systems. Fix: Move Line 31554 to 31525 ________________________________________________ #148 Journey to Jotunheim (40-col. PRODOS) Date Fixed: 11/23/96 Problem: Can't return to Main Hall on single disk drive systems. Fix: Move Line 31554 to 31525 Change this Line: 31552 ONERR GOTO 31530 Delete Lines 31556-31558 ________________________________________________ #194 Attack of the Kretons Date Fixed: 1/26/97 Problem: GET ALL gets the Orb of Evanyur Fix: In Line 4216, change GOSUB 58 to GOSUB 58: GOTO 4240 Problem: Artifact 46 desc. has wrong owner name Fix: Change EVIL EDDIE to MANLY MAX Problem: Room 23 desc has door direction wrong Fix: Change NORTH to WEST Problem: Room 44 desc has exit wrong Fix: Change EAST to WEST ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Eamon Reviews ________________________________________________ #105 The Strange Resort by "Sam" Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 4.0 Extra Commands: OPEN, DRINK Deleted Commands: none, no SAVE Special Features: None Playing Time: 10-30 min. Reviewer Rating: 1.0 Average Rating: 1.0/2 Description: No introduction. You wander aimlessly around a nearly deserted vacation resort. Comment: 74 rooms, a large percentage of which have interesting descriptions such as YOU ARE IN A ROOM. Several bad room connections. There's almost nobody there, and the half-dozen bad guys include a soldier, a homicidal baseball player, and guards armed with Star Wars weapons. The loot includes really neat stuff such as a faded cookbook lying on a kitchen counter. My take for the adventure was 64 GP. Difficulty of (1). ________________________________________________ #107 The Last Dragon by Roger Pender Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 6.0 Extra Commands: None Deleted Commands: None Special Features: None Playing Time: 2-3 hours Reviewer Rating: 8.0 Average Rating: 7.7/3 Description: "You find a body lying face down near a stream. Cautiously you turn him over and look at his face. An Elf! This one is badly wounded and delirious. The Elf keeps talking about dragons. No. A dragon. The last dragon! A ship waiting in a hidden cove. He draws a crude map in the mud showing its location and dies. You stare silently at his body and ponder his words. A treasure! A dragon! A mysterious voyage! You think to yourself, 'Here is your great adventure. Why hesitate? Do you want to live forever?' You mount your horse and ride towards the cove." Comment: This Eamon has many elements in motion. Like many of Roger's Eamons, you must pay close attention to what you've been told, and must try to do the right things in order to cause the plot to move forward. At first glance this seems like a simple Quest to kill a dragon. But there is far more going on here than just that quest, and killing the old dragon (if you survive) is just the first part of the adventure. While you have to read carefully, this is not really a puzzler's Eamon. There are lots and lots of secret passages and locked doors, and there are three magic words to learn. But the secret passages are found with a simple LOOK, the doors all have keys, and the magic words will get things moving when nothing else seems to work. Lots of combat. Very well written. Interesting plot twists. Highly recommended! I give it a difficulty of (7). Here are a few hints: Invictus is for one purpose only; don't try it before its time. Think about a world without dragons to slay, but don't let it keep you from putting the old dragon out of its misery. And never forget to try the magic words when you need a result. ________________________________________________ #117 Dungeon of Doom by Dan Knezek Reviewed by Adam Myrow MAIN PGM Version: 4 (heavily modified) Extra Commands: DRINK, HELP, OPEN, READ, RUN, STATUS, USE, KEY, BELL, SOUND, RESTORE, QUIT Deleted Commands: WAVE, FLEE (replaced by RUN) Special Features: sound effects, key click, prompt bell, (all can be turned on and off) 80-column version accepts lowercase input, unlimited heal and power spells, can heal other monsters, can save up to 3 games, can restore at any time. Playing Time: 2-4 Hours Reviewer Rating: 8.0 Average Rating: 8.0/4 Description: "Dungeon of Doom is not a game for undeveloped characters. Weak characters will be eliminated quickly. It is suggested that your character have some armor expertise and that they know the 'heal' spell... "Dear adventurer: You have been chosen by the A.A.A. (Adventurers Association of America) as the only one capable of the following task: "You are to enter the dark recesses of the dungeon of the great dragon Shantieka in search of the black sword. It has been said that Shantieka herself guards the sword, deep in the dungeon's lower level. You are to find it and return it to the A.A.A. (by making it out of the dungeon alive.) If you should make it back with the sword, great wealth and fame shall be yours. And now, you are teleported to Shantieka's dungeon. Good luck Comments: Above is all of the intro except for the notes on the commands. Here we have a classic "kill and loot" game with several bells and whistles with some good puzzles thrown in for good measure. The first puzzle you encounter is a medium-tough riddle that when solved, allows you to proceed to the lower level. The dungeon itself is huge with tons of bends, t-intersections, and 4-way intersections. The intro isn't kidding about the game being tough! There is loads of combat with a large variety of monsters. The unlimited heal spell is absolutely necessary and the fact that you can heal your companions is something that I have always missed in older Eamons so I'm glad to see it included. This is the most ambitious Eamon (in terms of features) I have ever played based on the old version 4 DDD. The sound effects are not great but add some fun to the game. Another nice feature is the status command which prints the information about your character that you can normally only review from the Main Hall. This is good as the power spell can mess with your stats and also, you can decide if a weapon you find is worth keeping. The help command merely lists all commands. I'd peg the difficulty around 7. A few hints: pay attention to the advice you are given just after you get to the second level. Don't read any writing on the second level as one inscription holds a nasty surprise. It's not a death trap but it does set you back a bit. Also, ProDOS users should run the "Eamon.117.INTRO" program to resume and DOS 3.3 users should run the "DUNGEON OF DOOM" program. Otherwise, the sound routine won't get loaded and you'll end up getting dropped into the monitor. Overall, I liked this Eamon. My only complaint is that although the puzzles were good, there weren't enough of them. I'm a big puzzle fan. I would recommend this game to anybody who likes combat and likes unusual game features. ________________________________________________ #122 The Valley of Death by Sam Ruby Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 6.0 Extra Commands: None Deleted Commands: None Special Features: None Playing Time: 2-3 hours Reviewer Rating: 5.0 Description: (Paraphrase of a typically lengthy Ruby introduction): You and a good friend spy a sign: 'Adventurers! This Is Your Big Chance! Need two good warriors not afraid to face danger. Organizing expedition to the Valley of Death. Untold riches await!' Inquiry reveals that only one man has ever survived a trip to that place, and he can't explain how he got out alive. You decline to sign on, but your friend goes ahead and signs up. And now he is missing. You resolve to visit the valley and find your friend, and return alive! Comment: This is a quite uncharacteristic Sam Ruby Eamon adventure. It is primarily a "kill 'n' loot" scenario; there are just a couple of gate keys for puzzles, and they aren't very deeply hidden if you look for them. It has nothing at all to do with the Lord of the Rings stories, as all of Sam's other early Eamons do. The Valley of Death borrows more from King Kong than anything else, though there are no huge apes to be found. But there are plenty of dinosaurs, and a village outside a massive wall. The village is just loaded with people who want to kill you; in fact you'll find that you have to FLEE several times to get the number of enemies down to something survivable. Lots of combat, with more than 50 enemies to battle. Hack'n'slashers will love this one. Just remember to examine likely-looking items in the descriptions to find out if they are real artifacts, and those keys will show up OK. One hint: that firewood is really dry; it will burn in a place where you wouldn't expect it to. I'm modifying my original ratings slightly, raising my rating to (5) and the difficulty to (7), because of two "gotcha!" death traps plus all the bad guys. (Don't forget that FLEE command, though!) Also, I should mention that it does have a Quest, to find your friend, though that is not very clear from the introduction text. ________________________________________________ #239 Idol of the Incas by Clyde Easterday Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski MAIN PGM Version: 7.1 Extra Commands: JUMP, HELP, THROW Deleted Commands: WEAR Special Features: "Arcade game" action at end of game Playing Time: 2-4 hours Reviewer Rating: 8.0 Description: "In the Incan writings of a time forgotten by all but a few, there exists a priceless and beautiful idol, known as the 'Idol of the Incas', which has never been found. Many explorers have tried to discover the legendary 'Path of Adventure', to where the idol was kept in the days of the Incas. "There is legend that all who have taken this 'Path of Adventure' have never returned. Some say the idol is cursed, and that all who have found the idol and tried to remove it have died. Many well-known explorers have gone before you and never returned. In times past you have traveled to the ends of the Earth with some of the most famous adventurers, but taking this 'Path of Adventure' may be the most dangerous and rewarding adventure you have ever taken. "You have climbed high in the Peruvian mountains to get to the once-lost Incan city of Machu Picchu, to find the 'Idol of the Incas'." Comment: This Eamon is very reminiscent of the "Indiana Jones" movies, with you of course in the role of Indy. It does a very good job of conveying the ambience of exploring a lost and dangerous ruin. This is a puzzler's Eamon. There is so little combat that you are very unlikely to need the HEAL spell at all! But there is something to take note of or solve in every second or third room of movement. Clyde makes very heavy use of embedded artifacts to conceal parts of the puzzles in plain view. If you've played my own "Thror's Ring", then you will have a good idea of the kind of puzzling in store for you here. At the same time, this is a very forgiving play. It's darned near impossible to get killed here; you just get stopped from further progress until you find your way past whatever is stopping you. Yet, while stopping your progress, the text of the play encourages a state of high anxiety and danger where the plot requires it. You'll have a great time if you buy into the story line. The HELP command gives players a boost by way of some heavy hinting about some crucial puzzle elements. If you're a hard-core gamer, you will have a lot more fun if you ignore that command altogether and work to solve the puzzles the old-fashioned way. And those who get bored by too much puzzling can use this command to keep things moving at a pace more to their liking. A hint: Never forget that artifact descriptions may themselves contain words that lead to other artifacts. And here's a go-faster: the Eamon 7.x PUT command does not require you to be holding the object; it can also be in the room. At the very end there is a little arcade-game action loosely based on the mine cart ride in "Temple of Doom". It makes clever use of the text screen and is an amusing novelty. A lot of effort went into making sure it would work right at any CPU speed. Difficulty of (8), I think. The actual difficulty will vary according to how good you are at Eamon puzzling and how much you make use of the HELP command. Good play. Great atmosphere. Highly recommended for puzzlers, but Hack'n'slasher fans will find it less well suited to their action appetite. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Eamon Adventure Listing ______________________________________________________ Ratings are given on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 highest. Format is R/N, where R = the adventure's overall rating; N = the number of people who have rated it. Note key: a: version 4 or older h: contemporary setting b: version 5 i: 40/80 column capability c: version 6 j: 80-column only d: version 7 k: 40 & 80 col. versions e: ProDOS only l: 2-disk adventure f: contains a quest m: 3-disk adventure g: science-fiction n: 4-disk adventure 1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave D. Brown 4.3/6 a 2. The Lair of the Minotaur D. Brown 4.5/6 a 3. The Cave of the Mind Jacobson/Varnum 3.2/7 a 4. The Zyphur Riverventure J. Jacobson 5.7/7 a,f 5. Castle of Doom D. Brown 4.6/6 a 6. The Death Star D. Brown 4.0/8 a,f,g 7. The Devil's Tomb J. Jacobson 5.0/7 a 8. The Abductor's Quarters J. Jacobson 4.7/3 a,f 9. Assault on the Clonemaster D. Brown 3.7/3 a,f 10. The Magic Kingdom D. Cook 4.0/4 a 11. The Tomb of Molinar D. Brown 3.0/5 a,f 12. The Quest for Trezore J. Jacobson 6.2/4 a,f 13. Caves of Treasure Island Genz & Braun 4.5/6 a,f 14. Furioso W. Davis 5.3/3 a 15. Heroes Castle J. Nelson 4.3/3 a,f 16. The Caves of Mondamen J. Nelson 7.4/5 a,f 17. Merlin's Castle R. Hersom 4.5/3 a 18. Hogarth Castle K. Nestle 4.5/2 a,f 19. Death Trap J. Nelson 7.5/4 b 20. The Black Death J. Nelson 6.5/2 a,f,h 21. The Quest for Marron J. Nelson 7.0/3 b,f 22. The Senator's Chambers J. Plamondon 4.9/6 b,f 23. The Temple of Ngurct J&R Plamondon 7.2/4 b,f 24. Black Mountain J. Nelson 7.0/4 b,f,h 25. Nuclear Nightmare J. Nelson 6.0/3 b,f,h 26. Assault on the Mole Man J. Nelson 6.0/3 b 27. Revenge of the Mole Man J. Nelson 6.0/4 b 28. The Tower of London F.& S. Smith 5.5/3 a,h 29. The Lost Island of Apple D. Brown 2.0/1 a 30. The Underground City S. Adelson 2.0/1 a,g,h 31. The Gauntlet J. Nelson 5.0/1 b 32. House of Ill Repute Anonymous 1.7/3 a,h 33. The Orb of Polaris J. Nelson 6.7/3 b,f 34. Death's Gateway R. Linden 6.5/2 a,h 35. The Lair of Mutants E. Hodson 6.9/4 a,f,g 36. The Citadel of Blood E. Hodson 6.0/4 a,h 37. Quest for the Holy Grail E. Hodson 7.0/2 a,f 38. City in the Clouds E. Hodson 7.2/3 a,f,g 39. Museum of Unnatural History R.Volberding 5.5/4 b,f 40. Daemon's Playground R.Volberding 4.7/3 b 41. Caverns of Lanst R.Volberding 5.7/3 b 42. Alternate Beginners Cave R.Volberding 5.0/6 b 43. Priests of Xim! M & E Bauman 5.7/3 b 44. Escape from the Orc Lair J. Hinkleman 3.8/4 b 45. SwordQuest R. Pender 7.8/4 b,f 46. Lifequest D. Crawford 3.0/2 b,f 47. FutureQuest R. Pender 7.8/6 b,f,g 48. Picnic in Paradise J. Nelson 6.0/5 c 49. The Castle Kophinos D. Doumakes 7.0/2 b,f 50. Behind the Sealed Door T. Berge 4.7/3 b 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff T. Berge 6.8/3 b 52. The Devil's Dungeon J. Merrill 6.0/3 a,h 53. Feast of Carroll D&J Lilienkamp 5.7/3 a 54. Crystal Mountain K. Hoffman 5.0/1 b 55. The Master's Dungeon J. Allen 6.5/4 a 56. The Lost Adventure J. Allen 6.0/1 a,h 57. The Manxome Foe R. Olszewski 5.5/2 b 58. The Land of Death T. Berge 6.0/1 b 59. Jungles of Vietnam J. Allen 2.1/4 a,h 60. The Sewers of Chicago J. Allen 3.2/4 a,h 61. The Harpy Cloud A. Forter 4.0/3 b 62. The Caverns of Doom M. Mullin 3.0/2 b,f 63. Valkenburg Castle J. Weener 2.5/2 a,f 64. Modern Problems Anderson/Barban/Thompson 6.2/2 a,f,h 65. The School of Death K. Townsend 5.5/2 b,f,h 66. Dungeons of Xenon S. Bhayani 5.0/1 a,f 67. Chaosium Caves S. Bhayani 3.0/1 a,f 68. The Smith's Stronghold A. Porter 6.0/1 b,f 69. The Black Castle of NaGog D. Burrows 7.5/2 b,f 70. The Tomb of Y'Golonac R. Romanchuk 6.0/2 a,f 71. Operation Crab Key J. Vercellone 1.0/1 a,h 72. House on Eamon Ridge T. Berge 4.5/2 b 73. The Deep Canyon K. Blincoe 7.0/3 a 74. DharmaQuest R. Pender 7.9/6 b,f 75. Temple of the Guild D. Doumakes 7.0/1 b 76. The Search for Yourself D. Doumakes 7.5/2 b,f 77. Temple of the Trolls J. Nelson 7.3/3 c,f 78. The Prince's Tavern R. Davis1 9.0/3 a,f 79. The Castle of Count Fuey D. Brown 5.8/6 a,f 80. The Search for the Key(80a) D. Brown 4.0/4 a,f 81. The Rescue Mission (80b) D. Brown 6.7/3 a 82. Escape from Mansi Island S. Starkey 5.0/1 b,f 83. The Twin Castles J. Tankard 6.3/3 c,f 84. Castle of Riveneta R. Karsten 5.0/1 b,h 85. The Time Portal E. Kuypers 5.0/2 b,g 86. Castle Mantru S. Constanzo 6.0/1 c,f 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain J. Nelson 6.3/3 c 88. The Shopping Mall A. Porter 1.0/4 c,h 89. Super Fortress of Lin Wang S. Bhayani 3.9/4 c,f 90. The Doomsday Clock J. Tankard 6.0/1 c,f,h 91. FutureQuest II R. Pender 8.0/5 b,f,g 92. The Fugitive D. Doumakes 7.0/1 c,f 93. Flying Circus R. Krebs 7.0/1 b 94. Blood Feud R. Krebs 5.0/1 b,f 95. The Maze of Quasequeton B. Kondalski 3.2/4 a,f 96. The Chamber of the Dragons B. Kondalski 2.3/3 a 97. The House of Secrets G. Gunn 6.0/1 a 98. Slave Pits of Kzorland R. Hersam 3.0/1 a 99. In the Clutches of Torrik J. Nelson 5.3/3 c,f 100. Sorceror's Spire J. Nelson 7.5/5 c 101. Ground Zero Sam 1.5/2 a,g 102. The Eamon Railroad Sam 2.2/5 a,h 103. Top Secret Sam 1.5/2 a 104. The Lost World Sam 1.5/2 a,g 105. The Strange Resort Sam 1.0/2 a,h 106. Camp Eamon R. Slemon 7.0/2 b,f,h 107. The Last Dragon R. Pender 7.7/3 c,f 108. The Mines of Moria S. Ruby 8.2/4 c,f 109. The Forest of Fear S. Ruby 6.3/3 c,f 110. Fire Island G. Gioia 5.0/1 c,f 111. A Vacation in Europe D. Smith 4.5/2 c,h 112. Hills of History D. Smith 6.0/2 c 113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek R. Volberding 6.0/3 c,f 114. Thror's Ring T. Zuchowski 9.0/6 c,f,i 115. The Ring of Doom S. Ruby 5.0/1 c,f 116. The Iron Prison S. Ruby 5.5/2 c,f 117. Dungeon of Doom D. Knezek 8.0/4 a,f,k 118. Pittfall S. Starkey 8.0/1 c,f 119. Grunewalde P. Hurst 6.5/2 b,f,l 120. Orb of My Life J. Nelson 9.0/1 c,f 121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil R. Davis1 8.2/2 c,f 122. The Valley of Death S. Ruby 5.0/1 c,f 123. Wizard of the Spheres M. Elkin 5.0/1 c,f 124. Assault on Dolni Keep T. Zuchowski 9.2/6 c,f,i 125. The Mattimoe Palace J. Actor 3.0/1 b,f,h 126. The Pyramid of Anharos P. Hurst 7.3/3 c,f 127. The Hunt for the Ring S. Ruby 6.8/2 c,f 128. Quest of Erebor S. Ruby 6.0/1 c,f 129. Return to Moria S. Ruby 8.6/4 c,f,l 130. Haradwaith S. Ruby 7.0/2 c,f 131. Nucleus of the Ruby K. Somers 6.0/1 c,f,j 132. Rhadshur Warrior R. Pender 7.9/5 c,f,g,h 133. The Final Frontier R. Slemon 5.0/1 c,f,g 134. Pyramid of the Ancients J.& R. Pirone 4.0/1 c 135. The Tomb of Evron M. Greifenkamp 2.0/1 b 136. The Mountain Fortress M. Greifenkamp 3.0/1 b,f 137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle M. Greifenkamp 6.5/2 b 138. Starfire E. Phillips 4.8/4 c,f 139. Peg's Place M&A Anderson 7.5/2 c,f,h 140. Beginner's Forest M. Anderson 5.0/1 b 141. The Infested Fortress M&P Hamaoka 3.0/2 c 142. The Beermeister's Brewery J. Actor 6.0/3 b,f,h 143. The Alternate Zone J. Actor 6.0/2 b,f 144. Gartin Manor G. Gioia 5.0/1 c,f,h 145. Buccaneer! P. Hurst 8.3/3 c,f,l 146. The House of Horrors D. Cross 6.0/1 c,f,h 147. The Dark Brotherhood P. Hurst 8.7/3 c,f,l 148. Journey to Jotunheim T. Zuchowski 8.5/6 c,f,i 149. Elemental Apocalypse S. Ruby 7.8/4 c,f,n 150. Walled City of Darkness T. Zuchowski 8.8/3 c,f,i 151. Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid) D. Crawford 3.5/2 c,f,g 152. The Computer Club of Fear N. Segerlind 5.5/2 c,f,h 153. Lost! N. Segerlind 4.0/2 c 154. A Trip to Fort Scott W. Trent 7.0/2 b 155. Tomb of the Vampire Trent/Grayson 5.8/4 b,f 156. The Lake N. Segerlind 4.0/1 c 157. Pathetic Hideout of Mr. R. N. Segerlind 5.0/1 c,f,h 158. The Lair of Mr. Ed N. Segerlind 7.0/1 c,f,h 159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum N. Segerlind 6.5/2 c,f,h 160. Monty Python & Holy Grail N. Segerlind 7.0/2 c,f 161. Operation Endgame S. Ruby 8.9/5 c,f,h,m 162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure T. Zuchowski (N/A) d,i 163. The Sands of Mars T. Swartz 5.7/3 a,f,g 164. A Real Cliffhanger T. Swartz 6.0/1 a,h 165. Animal Farm S. Ruby 6.8/2 c,f,h,l 166. Storm Breaker S. Ruby 8.5/2 c,f,m 167. Expedition to the Darkwoods G. Gioia 3.5/2 c,f 168. The High School of Horrors M.Haney/A.Hunt 4.5/2 a,h 169. The Black Phoenix R. Pender 8.1/5 c,f,g 170. Ragnarok Revisited N. Segerlind 7.8/3 c,f,i 171. The Pyramid of Cheops R. Parker 5.0/1 b 172. The Mountain of the Master M. Dalton 5.2/2 a,f 173. The House that Jack Built R. Parker 2.0/2 b,h 174. Escape from Granite Hall R. Parker 3.5/2 b 175. Anatomy of the Body R. Parker 3.5/2 b,g 176. Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze R. Parker 3.0/1 b,h 177. Shippe of Fooles R. Parker 3.0/1 b 178. The Alien Intruder R. Parker 3.0/2 b,g 179. The Wizard's Tower R. Parker 4.4/2 b 180. Gamma 1 R. Parker 3.5/2 b,g 181. The Eamon Sewer System R. Parker 1.0/1 b 182. Farmer Brown's Woods R. Parker 1.0/1 b,h 183. The Boy and the Bard S. Ruby 7.8/3 c,f 184. Quest For Orion P. Gise 5.4/5 d,f,i 185. The Body Revisited R. Parker 5.0/3 d,f,i 186. Beginner's Cave II J. Nelson 2.0/2 c 187. Batman!! A. Geha 2.0/1 b 188. Encounter: The Bookworm R. Parker 6.5/4 d,f,i 189. The Ruins of Belfast D. Sparks 3.0/1 a,h 190. Shift Change at Grimmwax D&A Sparks 4.5/2 a,f,h 191. Enhanced Beginners Cave Brown/Nelson 5.0/1 c 192. Mean Streets T. Tetirick 4.0/1 c,h 193. The Creature of Rhyl R. Parker 7.0/1 d,f,i 194. Attack of the Kretons N. Segerlind 9.0/3 d,f,i 195. The Training Ground C. Hewgley 5.0/1 c 196. The Cat House Anonymous 1.0/1 b,h 197. Star Wars-Tempest One S. Averill 2.0/1 c,g 198. Revenge of the Bookworm R. Parker 6.5/1 d,f,i 199. Quest of the Crystal Wand R. Davis2 5.0/1 c,f 200. The Lost Isle R. Davis2 4.0/2 c 201. The Caverns of Vanavara C. Hewgley 5.0/1 c,f 202. The Plain of Srevi K. Ivers 4.5/1 c 203. Lotto's Masterpiece H. Haskell 5.3/3 d,f,i 204. Sanctuary S. Ruby 9.0/1 d,f,l 205. Utterly Outrageous P. Gise 6.5/1 d,f,h,i 206. Curse of the Hellsblade Nelson/Zuchowski 7.5/1 d,f,i 207. Eamon Renegade Club P. Schulz 5.0/1 d,f,h,i 208. Assault on Helstar P. Schulz 6.0/1 d,f,h 209. Apocalypse 2021 H. Purvis 5.0/1 d,f,g,i 210. Return of Ngurct H. Purvis 5.0/1 d,f,i 211. Lair of the Marauders H. Purvis 6.0/1 d,i 212. Haunted Keep H. Purvis 5.0/1 d,i 213. Demongate H. Purvis 7.0/1 d,i 214. Deathstalker's Castle P. Schulz 6.5/1 d,f 215. Treasure Island M. Anderson 6.0/1 d 216. The Pirate's Cave M. Anderson 5.0/1 d,f 217. Eye of Agamon H. Purvis 7.0/1 d,f 218. Return to Pendrama H. Purvis 6.5/1 d,f,i 219. The City of Sorcerors R. Osgood 5.0/1 a,f 220. Catacombs of Terror P. Schulz 5.0/1 d,i 221. Count Dracula's Castle R. Parker 2.0/1 b,f 222. The Halls of the Adept Berge/Cottingham 7.0/1 b,f 223. Time-Shift C. Sena 4.0/1 a 224. Prisoner of Darkness P. Schulz 7.0/1 d 225. Adventure in Interzone F. Kunze 8.0/1 d,i 226. Bookworm 3-D R. Parker 7.5/1 d 227. B I Z A R R O A. Porter 2.0/1 b 228. Shipwreck Island R. Ledbetter 4.0/1 c 229. Firestorm P. Schulz 7.0/1 d,f 230. Well of the Great Ones M. Ellis 5.0/1 c,f 231. Keep of Skull Gorge D. Kellogg 4.0/1 d,f 232. Jewel of Yara H. Purvis 6.0/1 d 233. The Domain of Zenoqq R. Claney 4.0/1 a,e,f,j 234. The Forbidden City R. Parker 5.0/1 d,f,j 235. Vaalpa's Plight H. Haskell 5.0/1 d,f 236. Search for Mack C. Roth 5.0/1 d,f 237. Fiends of Eamon F. Kunze 8.0/1 d,e,f,i 238. Sagamore J. Czarnik 2.0/1 d 239. Idol of the Incas C. Easterday 8.0/1 d,f,i SD#137 Redemption S. Ruby 9.5/1 d,e,f,j SD#152 Banana Republic S. Ruby 9.0/1 d,e,f,j SD#156 The Curse of Talon S. Ruby 9.0/1 d,e,f,j Dungeon Designer Diskette Version 7.1 DDD 7.1 Multi-Disk Supplement Dungeon Designer Diskette Version 6.2 Eamon Utilities Diskette Graphics Main Hall EAG Tutorial #1 (1988-1991) EAG Tutorial #2 (1992-1993) EAG tutorial #3 (1994-1995)