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			The Eamon Adventurer's Guild

				June 1995

News and Stuff

The biggest news right now in the Eamon world is that I am in the process of uploading the entire Eamon library to GEnie. Right now there are only a few public-domain vendors left who carry the entire Eamon list.  I've embarked on this huge uploading task so that the complete Eamon library will be preserved, no matter what happens to those vendors or myself.  My plans are to upload various oddball stuff too, like Sam Ruby's special editors that he wrote for many of his Eamons

If you are on GEnie, you will find that the Eamon library is becoming quite large, making it more difficult to find any particular Eamon adventure you are looking for.  I recommend that you do a library search on the keyword EAMON, and save and print out the resulting listing.  You will find that, for the most part, a search sorts the library by operating system and display type, because I am using special naming conventions designed to do this.

If you're not on GEnie, it continues to develop as the Last Bastion of Apple II programmers and users.  Apple Corp. recently turned the filetype database over to the GEnie Apple II Programming sysops to maintain, and Apple is now completely out of the Apple II business.  From this point, anyone desiring a filetype assignment must request it from the A2Pro sysop in charge of the database.

There really hasn't been much else going on in the world of Eamon since the last issue.  There are a couple of partially-completed Eamons in the works, but there is no way to predict when or even if they will surface.

I've recently been going through my old correspondence archives, sorting out the stuff worth keeping so that I can free up a little filing space around here.  I am quite surprised to find dozens of letters from people who were working on Eamons that apparently never were completed.  Alas.  If only they had asked for a bit of help, they might have gotten past whatever was keeping them from completion.  Many of my very best computing friends grew out of our correspondence while devloping their Eamons.  People like Nate Segerlind, Pat Hurst, and many, many others did much to enrich my life.  I can only wonder what good friends I missed with those long-dead Eamon projects.  Most of these people aren't even with the EAG any more (my archives go back almost ten years).

The annual Apple II gathering in Kansas City will take place as usual this year.  Although ICON (formerly Resource-Central) has gone out of business, some Apple II enthusiasts have taken things in hand and are going forward with the usual arrangements at Avila College.  I will be going again this year.  I'll let you know if any really interesting news comes to light!


NEUC 'Adventurer's Log' back issues:
  Mar'84, May'84, Aug'84, Oct'84, Jan'85, Mar'85
  May'85, Aug'85, Oct'85, Jun'86, Jan'87, Oct'87

EAG back issues: 1988:  -   Jun, Sep, Dec
  1989,90,91,92,93,94: Mar, Jun, Sep, Dec
			  1995: Mar
   Quantities of 1-5: $1.75 each
   Quantities of 6 or more: $1.25 each

You do not have to order six of the same issue to get the quantity price.  You may order any mix of six or more different issues.


Thomas Zuchowski, Editor

Membership/subscription fee for 4 issues:
US-Canada: $7.00; foreign: $12.00; in U.S. funds
This newsletter is published 4 times per year, in March, June, September, and December


We are always looking for new material!  If you would like to publish your own letter or article in this newsletter, feel free to send one in.  We make quarterly Eamon adventure giveaways to the best contributions.

If you would like to add your own Eamon adventure to the EAG list, send it on a disk to the above address.  It will be assigned an Adventure number, and tested for bugs and other problems before release.  An informal critique and disk with bug corrections will be returned.  Once released, you will be given any Eamon Adventure of your choice in exchange, and may be awarded several Eamon Adventures if your Eamon is of superior quality.



Received your letter of March 16, notifying me that I have not yet renewed my membership, I was surprised, because I don't remember getting a prior notification that my membership had lapsed.		- Ed Berman

Ed, the EAG doesn't send out notifications that a membership is expiring. We rely on our members to note the expiration date on their mailing labels.  We do underline each expiring date with a red marker to bring attention to it.

We do this to save money.  About three-quarters of our members renew on their own without need of any reminder.  Many don't get around to it until a month or two after they have nominally expired.  It would be a waste of the none-too- plentiful EAG funds to send reminders to people who remember to renew on their own.

Not to worry.  We do send reminders to those who haven't renewed by the time the next issue comes out, as we did in your case, and back-date the membership to include the most recent issue.		- TomZ

In the bug fix for the CHARACTERS FILE MAINT program, you have this code:


It looks like the GET Z$ is just there to pause the screen until the user has read the message. So, why PRINT Z$?  I know it isn't doing any harm, but it takes up a little memory for no purpose, unless I've missed something here.		- Steve Bernbaum (via GEnie)

You didn't miss anything, Steve.  The PRINT statement serves no purpose in a DOS 3.3 program.  However, in ProDOS, if a GET is immediately followed by a disk command, the disk command is ignored.  "Closing" the GET with a PRINT statement prevents the problem.

I make it a point to "close" all ProDOS GETs, even when they don't precede a disk command.  You never know when a mod might be done to the program that might cause a problem.  Also, while a simple PRINT is all that is needed, I usually also print the variable.  Often the GET is looking for a specific user input, and printing what he typed will give some feedback.  While printing Z$ serves no purpose here, I am in the habit of always doing GET the same way so that it will always be correct.

I do make an effort to program identical code in both DOS 3.3 and ProDOS whenever possible.  This is both for consistency in both versions, and to simplify things if a conversion to ProDOS ever becomes desirable.  Thus the DOS 3.3 fix gets ProDOS-valid code.	- TomZ

Dungeon Designs

A Tour of the MAIN PGM 7.1 	(Part IV)

22000-22190 DRINK routine
22010 check for object S$; check if object is
	 available; if not found then exit through
	 error message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
22020 if object not drinkable then exit through
	 error message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
22030 if not open then exit through error
	 message at 92 (YOU MUST FIRST OPEN IT)
22110 if #uses less than one then print NONE
	 LEFT; exit to PICK FOE through line
	 counting routine
22130 decrement #uses; reduce/increase hits by
	 Heal Amt; print FEEL BETTER or WORSE
	 message; if hits reduced below zero then
	 set to zero
22140 update line counter; proceed to DO BATTLE
	 subroutine to print state of health
22190 exit to PICK FOE routine

23000-23210 READ routine
23010 check for object S$; check to see if
	 object is available; if not then exit
	 through error message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
23020 if not drinkable then exit through error
	 message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
23030 if not open then exit through error at 92
23040 print IT SAYS:; update line count
23210 print Effects defined by artifact data;
	 exit to PICK FOE routine

24000-24150 FREE routine
24010 check for object S$; check to see if
	 object is available; if not then exit
	 through error message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
24020 if not Bound Monster then exit through
	 error message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
24030 set some temporary variables
24120 if guard is present then print WON'T LET
	 YOU DO THAT message; exit to PICK FOE
	 through line counting routine
24130 if key exists and not available then print
	 DON'T HAVE KEY message; exit to YOU SEE
24150 print FREED message; put freed monster in
	 room, remove bound monster; update
	 monster alignments and group totals; exit
	 to PICK FOE through line counting routine

25000-25090 REQUEST routine
25010 if object is named then run object through
	 PARSE routine to see if it parses into
	 full command (REQUEST XX FROM YY)
25040 if not full command then get object
	 requested S$ and monster name B$
25050 check for monster named; if not present
	 then exit through error message at 96
25060 if monster is enemy then exit through
	 SMILE routine
25070 check to see if monster has it; if not
	 print DOESN"T HAVE IT message; exit to
	 PICK FOE through line counting routine
25080 print OKAY; update line count; transfer
	 object from monster to player; increase
	 weight carried WT by object's weight; if
	 object was monster's ready weapon then
	 mark him as unarmed
25090 exit through DROP routine to check for
	 effects of object acquisition

26000-26100 WEAR routine
26010 check for object S$; check to see if
	 object is available; if not then exit
	 through error message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
26015 if object already worn then proceed to
	 error message at 26100
26020 if not wearable then then exit through
	 error message at 94 (YOU CAN'T...)
26030 if armor then proceed to 26080
26040 if armor and already carrying shield then
	 proceed to error message at 26100
26050 if armor then update player data to show
	 that shield is carried if armor class is
	 odd number (eg: PLATE AND SHIELD)
26060 if already armored then proceed to error
	 message at 26100
26070 set player's armor data to this artifact
26080 mark object as worn; print WORN; exit to
	 PICK FOE through line count
26100 print ALREADY WEARING message; exit to
	 PICK FOE through line counting routine

27000-27040 REMOVE routine
27010 check for object S$; check to see if
	 object is available; if not then print
	 AREN'T WEARING IT message; exit to YOU SEE
	 through line counting routine
27020 if object is player's shield then remove
	 shield from player data
27030 if object if player's armor then remove
	 armor from player
27040 mark object as carried by player; print
	 REMOVED message; exit to PICK FOE through
	 line counting routine

28000-28900 USE routine
28900 print TRY ANOTHER COMMAND message; exit to
	 PICK FOE through line counting routine

29000-29070 RESUME GAME routine
29005 turn off ONERR
29010 ask RESUME GAME?
29020 get answer
29030 if "N" then delete saved game and restart
29040 BLOAD saved game variables and pointers
29050 set screen to 40-col.; if saved game was
	 80-col. then set screen to 80-col.
29060 OPEN data files used during play
29070 preset command variables to no command;
	 exit to YOU SEE routine

31000-31950 INIT routine
31005 set string variables to file names
31010 turn off ONERR; open EAMON.DESC; input
	 database parameters; close file
31015 set # of Artifacts NA to number in
	 database plus six for player's stuff;
	 dimension all arrays
31020 input artifact data
31030 input monster data
31035 set up multiple monster numbers and group
31039 temporarily go to FAST.START code to save
31040 input player data from FRESH.MEAT file
31050 input player weapons into artifact array
31052 check for player weapons (name not
	 "NONE"); increase # of artifacts variable
	 NA for each one found; set weapon
	 artifact type to "magic" if dice times
	 sides exceeds 25; set weapon weight to 2;
	 add weight to WT carried
31054 close open files
31055 delete FRESH.MEAT (disabled by REM)
31060 open EAMON.DESC and EAMON.ROOMS; set
	 player Ready Weapon; set player dice and
	 sides to that of Ready Weapon
31080 check player weapons for duplicate names
31090 if artifact name matches name of player's
	 weapons then add "#" to front of artifact
	 name; if rename is required then make
	 second pass to ensure that no fresh name
	 matches were generated
31100 check player's armor class AC and generate
	 armor artifact to match; make wearable;
	 set armor weight based on class of armor;
	 mark as "worn"; add to weight carried; set
	 armor class of artifact
31110 check player's armor class for shield and
	 generate shield artifact if present; make
	 it wearable; set weight to 10; mark as
	 "worn"; add to weight carried; set armor
	 class of artifact
31111 set player's armor to that of armor worn;
	 mark player as "friendly"
31120 calculate effect of Armor Expertise and
	 Armor Class
31130 read number of commands NC from data; dim
	 command list array; read commands from
	 data; calculate line breaks for listing
	 commands; set next room R2 to 1
31140 set room to 1; set number of exit
	 directions to 6; assign FF$ to the
	 linfeed character (used by II+ 80-col.
	 video cards to clear screen for HOME
31410 read SMILE responses into array
31420 read attack verbs into array; read attack
	 result verbs into array
31430 set line counter to 50 to force HIT ANY
	 KEY TO CONTINUE pause when game is ready
	 to begin; set line length variable CP
	 (used by line counter routine) to number
	 held in memory location 768; if not 80
	 then set CP to 40 (note: the intro
	 program pokes 80 into location 768 if
	 80-col. display was chosen)
31440 determine weapon type of Ready Weapon
31900 proceed to GO routine to set up Room 1
	 and begin game
31910 DATA: number of commands
31920 DATA: commands
31930 space for additional commands
31940 SMILE responses
31945 attack verbs
31950 attack result verbs

32000-32900 DONE routine
32010 clear keyboard strobe so no keypress is
	 pending; execute screen pause
32020 close open files; reset SPEED spell
32030 if dead then exit game
32040 compile list of weapons carried
32050 if fewer than 5 weapons carried then
	 proceed to sell stuff
32060 print "TOO MANY WEAPONS" message
32070 list weapons carried; get number of weapon
	 to sell
32080 put cursor on "sell" input line; get
	 player input; if invalid weapon number
	 than repeat this line
32090 remove "sold" weapon from list; if still
	 more than 4 weapons then relist weapons

32300 assemble retained-weapon data in
	 preparation for return to Main Hall
32310 print SELL GOODS message
32315 remove shield and armor from artifact data
32320 compute value of artifacts carried
32350 print computed value
32360 add value to gold carried; if value is
	 less than zero then set to zero
32370 execute screen pause

32500 set up ONERR vector to recover if Master
	 disk is not inserted as prompted
32505 turn off II+ (Videx) 80-col. mode
32506 turn off IIe 80-col. mode
32510 print INSERT EAMON MASTER message; clear
	 keyboard strobe
32520 get keypress; if not "C" then again
32530 print keypress to screen
32540 if player is dead then delete THE
	 ADVENTURER from Master disk to tell the
	 Main Hall that no one is returning from
	 an adventure
32550 open CHARACTERS and write player data
32555 write more player data to file
32560 write player weapons to file
32570 write player name and record number in THE
32900 run MAIN HALL to exit program

33000-33540 FAST.START routine
33005 lower the top of free memory to make a
	 protected place for the search routine
	 code; BLOAD the search routine
33010 set ONERR vector to recover if no saved
	 game is found
33015 check for presence of saved game
33020 set ONERR vector to recover if no
	 FAST.START file is found
33025 check for presence of FAST.START PARMS;
	 input memory freespace parms
33030 if current memory free space matches parms
	 then BLOAD FAST.START info; reset ONERR
	 flag; proceed to INIT routine at 31040 to
	 set up and start game
33035 (this line will be run only if present
	 memory setup does not match FAST.START
	 parms) delete FAST.START parms info;
	 proceed to start of INIT routine to load
	 artifact and monster info

33500 generate current memory free space info
	 and save as FAST.START parms info; close
	 all files
33510 BSAVE FAST.START variable pointers
33520 BSAVE FAST.START variables
33530 BSAVE FAST.START strings
33540 proceed to INIT routine at 31040 to set up
	 and begin game

Adventure Reviews

#2  The Lair of the Minotaur	by Donald Brown

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: Simple text animation in intro
Playing Time: 30-90 min.
Reviewer Rating: 5.0	Average Rating: 4.5/6

Description: "You had arranged to meet in the town of Dunderhaven with your girlfriend, Larcenous Lil.  When you arrived, you learned that she had come into town flat broke, and had tried to pick up some easy cash by burglarizing a nearby castle.  She hasn't been seen since.

Making your own subtle entrance into the castle, all seemed to be going well until suddenly the lights go on and you see yourself surrounded by bowmen and a fat, ugly man on a throne.  He sneers at you, and says, 'Well, boys, another thief.  I guess we'll send the scoundrel to meet the first.' With that, he pulls a lever, and the bottom drops out of the floor."

Comment: And from there, your "quest" is to find Lil and get out alive.  This Eamon can perhaps be described as an "advanced Beginners Cave".  With about 90 rooms, it is fairly large.  There are several neat little events and specials that aren't exactly world-class but do make it more interesting to play.

All in all, a pretty good second adventure for beginners.  I put the difficulty at (5), for a couple of death traps and a pretty decent maze.  The monsters are pushovers for an advanced character, but plenty tough for beginners.

One hint: you can't complete it unless you know your Eamon magic spells.
#3  The Cave of the Mind	by Jim Jacobson
				and Red Varnum
Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4
Deleted Commands: UP, DOWN
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 15-30 min.
Reviewer Rating: 3.0	Average Rating: 3.2/7

Description: "As you prepare for your next adventure, you meet a little man outside the Hall.  He beckons you to see what he is holding. As you get closer, you notice a grail with a strange, bubbling green liquid within.  In a strange low voice he says: 'Most adventures are for normal adventurers.  But you are special, and should try the most challenging adventure you could imagine.'  With a sly wink, he hands you the grail.  You look at the potion, then back to the man --- but he has disappeared.

Not being one weak on courage, you raise the grail to your lips and quaff the potion."

Comment: This is definitely a beginner-level Eamon. It has much of the flavor of the original Beginners Cave, with a little humor and simple map and such. It is pretty small, with 26 rooms.

Strictly for beginners and Hack'n'Slash fans.  The difficulty will ring in at about (4) for beginners, and much lower for experienced characters with good weapons.

#4  The Zyphur Riverventure	by Jim Jacobson

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4
Extra Commands: ENTER, OPEN, DRINK
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: None
Playing Time: 20-60 min.
Reviewer Rating: 5.0	Average Rating: 5.7/7

Description: "A famous scientist (Prof. Axom) was kidnapped 3 months ago.  The Society for the Preservation of Scientists (SFPOS) has offered a reward for the safe return of professor Axom (who is also a friend of yours).

"It has been rumored that the infamous Black Warrior (who lives somewhere along the Zyphur River) was responsible for the kidnapping.  You must follow the river, find the professor, and bring him back...alive!"

Comment: This adventure is a very good example of an early Eamon.  The large and somewhat complex map is well laid out, with competent room descriptions.  It has a boat that is interesting and unusual (but be sure to remember to re-enter the boat each time you enter the river!)

Apart from the above, it's rather low in content by modern standards, with few monsters and artifacts.  But it's a clean quest and a relaxing play.  If you keep a careful map, you'll find the difficulty is certainly no more than (5).

#5 Castle of Doom		by Donald Brown

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: Unusual Save method
Playing Time: 30-60 min.
Reviewer Rating: 4.0	Average Rating: 4.6/6

Description: "The Castle of Doom is run by two kindly old ladies who want to give valiant Adventurers a little bit of excitement.

You will be traveling in a round castle just chock-full of evil monsters and wonderful treasure.  A special treat for you in this dungeon -- the owners will keep things as they are if you choose to return to the Main Hall to heal up for a while!"

Comment: This is yet another Eamon in the mold of the early ones: simply laid out, with minimal quest and no plot development. This is primarily a standard "kill'n'loot" scenario.

I enjoyed a couple of clever specials. A "save" is performed when you leave the adventure to return to the Main Hall by making a "snapshot" file of the dungeon's status.  Then if the same character returns to the adventure, he will find it exactly as he left it.  It works surprisingly well when considered in light of the intro text.

There is a vampire, and lots of vampire-related paraphernalia strewn about.  Given all the stuff, I expected something special, but didn't really see anything.
This is a relaxing foray, suitable for young Eamonauts.  I give it a (4) for difficulty.

#13 Caves of Treasure Island	by Genz & Braun

Reviewed by Tom Zuchowski

MAIN PGM Version: 4
Deleted Commands: None
Special Features: Hi-res map in intro, musical
			 instrument sounds
Playing Time: 30-90 min.
Reviewer Rating: 5.0	Average Rating: 4.5/6

Description: "The Adventurer's Guild has elected you to rescue a captured Adventurer.  Recently the Guild received a note in a bottle asking for assistance.  The author explained that he had been taken captive on Treasure Island by pirates.  Unfortunately, the exact location and name of the unlucky adventurer were destroyed by sea water.  However, in the bottle was a map.

A word of caution!  Legends tell of hidden caverns with one-way passages and tunnels under the surface of the island. Also the water around is infested with man-eating sharks.  A ship will drop you off on the island but it has other duties.  Another is scheduled to land on the south beach soon after you are dropped off.

Comment: The intro has a fairly nice hi-res map, too, that is hardly essential to the play, but is a nice touch just the same.

This Eamon has a lot of nice touches.  There is some stuff with some magical musical instruments, and when you play them, you hear "music" through the speaker.  There are some interesting specials with some of the other commands, too.

However, the intro isn't kidding about the one-way stuff.  Unless you are simply lucky, it will take you several attempts to complete the quest, because some one-way passages prevent you from returning to explore other passages.  If you don't do them in the right order, then you won't have the stuff you need to complete the quest.  There are no clues as to which is the correct sequence.  You must simply guess.  There are quite a number of death traps, too. Even so, the difficulty isn't much worse than a (6).


ProDOS Eamon Adventures

	EAG ProDOS Eamon Revision Dates:

	Date: 5/9/95		    40-col.   80-col.

  1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave    06/06/91
  5. Castle of Doom                02/24/90
  8. The Abductor's Quarters       04/21/90
 12. The Quest for Trezore         09/03/90
 16. The Caves of Mondamen         03/28/90  05/08/93
 19. Death Trap                    05/09/93  05/09/93
 20. The Black Death               09/15/90  08/04/93
 21. The Quest for Marron          08/05/90  07/03/93
 22. The Senator's Chambers        02/26/90
 23. The Temple of Ngurct          02/15/93  02/15/93
 24. Black Mountain                08/29/90  02/25/92
 25. Nuclear Nightmare             02/25/90
 26. Assault on the Mole Man       10/03/90
 27. Revenge of the Mole Man       10/06/90
 28. The Tower of London           02/25/90
 33. The Orb of Polaris            08/15/91  09/21/91
 34. Death's Gateway               01/18/91  09/07/91
 35. The Lair of Mutants           01/15/91
 36. The Citadel of Blood          07/23/90
 37. Quest for the Holy Grail      10/13/90  12/07/93
 38. City in the Clouds            10/20/90  06/20/93
 39. Museum of Unnatural History   01/22/91
 41. Caverns of Lanst              01/28/91
 45. SwordQuest                    08/20/90  01/31/93
 47. FutureQuest                   07/14/90  12/01/92
 48. Picnic in Paradise            08/08/90
 49. The Castle Kophinos           08/11/90  09/27/93
 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff      10/23/90
 53. Feast of Carroll              02/26/90
 55. The Master's Dungeon          03/03/90
 56. The Lost Adventure            01/29/91
 58. The Land of Death             02/07/91
 64. Modern Problems               02/19/91
 68. The Smith's Stronghold        02/24/91
 69. The Black Castle of NaGog     07/11/90  09/03/91
 73. The Deep Canyon               03/06/91  09/09/93
 74. DharmaQuest                   10/13/90  10/12/92
 75. Temple of the Guild           03/17/91  02/06/94
 76. The Search for Yourself       04/18/90  01/22/93
 77. Temple of the Trolls          08/15/90  08/01/91
 78. The Prince's Tavern           05/28/91  05/28/91
 80. The Search for the Key        10/27/90
 81. The Rescue Mission            10/27/90
 86. Castle Mantru                 03/23/91
 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain      03/26/91
 90. The Doomsday Clock            04/01/91
 91. FutureQuest II                01/25/90  07/28/91
 92. The Fugitive                  11/02/90  06/03/94
 93. Flying Circus                 11/07/90  05/11/93
 97. The House of Secrets          04/06/91
 99. In the Clutches of Torrik     04/14/91
100. Sorceror's Spire              05/09/90  05/31/93
106. Camp Eamon                    11/11/90  07/11/93
107. The Last Dragon               10/15/91  10/15/91
108. The Mines of Moria            04/18/90  09/29/91
109. The Forest of Fear            01/09/91
112. Hills of History              04/19/91
113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek     11/15/90
114. Thror's Ring                  03/05/90  05/04/91
117. Dungeon of Doom                         01/15/91
118. Pittfall                      06/18/90  09/02/91
119. Grunewalde                    04/28/91
120. Orb of My Life                06/19/91  06/19/91
121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil       06/02/90  11/08/92
124. Assault on Dolni Keep         05/09/90  05/21/91
126. The Pyramid of Anharos        03/15/92  03/15/92
127. The Hunt for the Ring         11/20/90
128. Quest of Erebor               11/24/90  10/25/93
129. Return to Moria               12/01/91  12/01/91
130. Haradwaith                    11/27/90  01/12/94
131. Nucleus of the Ruby                     04/08/92
132. Rhadshur Warrior              10/03/92  10/03/92
137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle     04/26/92
138. Starfire                      06/15/90  05/21/91
139. Peg's Place                   11/30/90  11/28/93
142. The Beermeister's Brewery     04/26/92
143. The Alternate Zone            05/01/92
145. Buccaneer!                    07/31/90  11/01/92
146. The House of Horrors          05/09/92
147. The Dark Brotherhood          04/11/90  05/27/91
148. Journey to Jotunheim          01/18/95  01/18/95
149. Elemental Apocalypse          01/14/94
150. Walled City of Darkness       01/23/92  01/23/92
154. A Trip to Fort Scott          06/05/90  09/30/93
155. Tomb of the Vampire           10/07/90
158. The Lair of Mr. Ed            12/25/90
159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum      05/18/92
160. Monty Python & Holy Grail     01/25/90  03/20/93
161. Operation Endgame             06/29/91  06/29/91
162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure      05/26/90
163. The Sands of Mars             03/17/92
164. A Real Cliffhanger            03/18/92
165. Animal Farm                   04/02/92
166. Storm Breaker                 01/09/93  01/09/93
169. The Black Phoenix             03/15/90  11/15/91
170. Ragnarok Revisited            09/15/90  03/10/93
183. The Boy and the Bard          06/20/90  04/10/93
188. Encounter: the Bookworm       05/31/92
191. Enhanced Beginners Cave       01/27/90
194. Attack of the Kretons         01/14/94  07/30/91
195. The Training Ground           02/12/90
196. The Cat House                 04/20/92  04/20/92
198. Revenge of the Bookworm       06/06/92
204. Sanctuary                     10/14/90  03/09/92
205. Utterly Outrageous            06/10/92
206. Curse of the Hellsblade       11/14/94  11/14/94
208. Assault on Helstar            06/21/92
211. Lair of the Marauders         07/04/92
213. Demongate                     07/05/92  05/15/94
214. Deathstalker's Castle         07/15/92
215. Treasure Island               08/16/92
216. The Pirate's Cave             09/20/92
217. Eye of Agamon                 09/13/92  09/18/93
222. The Halls of the Adept        09/18/94  09/19/94
225. Adventure in Interzone        12/20/94  12/20/94

Dungeon Designer Diskette  Ver.7.1 01/31/95
Eamon Utilities Diskette           01/30/95
Graphics Main Hall                 05/23/91


  Eamon Adventure Listing

Ratings are given on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 highest.
Format is R/N, where R = the adventure's overall rating;
N = the number of people who have rated it.
				   Note key:
     a: version 4 or older    h: contemporary setting
     b: version 5             i: 40/80 column capability
     c: version 6             j: 80-column only
     d: version 7             k: 40 & 80 col. versions
     e: (reserved)            l: 2-disk adventure
     f: contains a quest      m: 3-disk adventure
     g: science-fiction       n: 4-disk adventure

  1. Main Hall & Beginners Cave  D. Brown       4.3/6 a
  2. The Lair of the Minotaur    D. Brown       4.5/6 a
  3. The Cave of the Mind       Jacobson/Varnum 3.2/7 a
  4. The Zyphur Riverventure     J. Jacobson    5.7/7 a,f
  5. Castle of Doom              D. Brown       4.6/6 a
  6. The Death Star              D. Brown       4.0/8 a,f,g
  7. The Devil's Tomb            J. Jacobson    5.0/7 a
  8. The Abductor's Quarters     J. Jacobson    4.7/3 a,f
  9. Assault on the Clonemaster  D. Brown       3.7/3 a,f
 10. The Magic Kingdom           D. Cook        4.0/4 a
 11. The Tomb of Molinar         D. Brown       3.0/5 a,f
 12. The Quest for Trezore       J. Jacobson    6.2/4 a,f
 13. Caves of Treasure Island    Genz & Braun   4.5/6 a,f
 14. Furioso                     W. Davis       5.3/3 a
 15. Heroes Castle               J. Nelson      4.5/2 a
 16. The Caves of Mondamen       J. Nelson      7.4/5 a,f
 17. Merlin's Castle             R. Hersom      4.5/3 a
 18. Hogarth Castle              K. Nestle      4.5/2 a,f
 19. Death Trap                  J. Nelson      7.5/4 b
 20. The Black Death             J. Nelson      6.5/2 a,f,h
 21. The Quest for Marron        J. Nelson      7.0/3 b,f
 22. The Senator's Chambers      J. Plamondon   4.9/5 b,f
 23. The Temple of Ngurct        J&R Plamondon  7.2/4 b,f
 24. Black Mountain              J. Nelson      7.0/4 b,f,h
 25. Nuclear Nightmare           J. Nelson      6.0/3 b,f,h
 26. Assault on the Mole Man     J. Nelson      6.5/2 b
 27. Revenge of the Mole Man     J. Nelson      6.0/3 b
 28. The Tower of London         F.& S. Smith   6.2/2 a,h
 29. The Lost Island of Apple    D. Brown       2.0/1 a
 30. The Underground City        S. Adelson     2.0/1 a,g,h
 31. The Gauntlet                J. Nelson      5.0/1 b
 32. House of Ill Repute         Anonymous      1.7/3 a,h
 33. The Orb of Polaris          J. Nelson      6.7/3 b,f
 34. Death's Gateway             R. Linden      6.5/2 a,h
 35. The Lair of Mutants         E. Hodson      6.9/4 a,f,g
 36. The Citadel of Blood        E. Hodson      6.0/4 a,h
 37. Quest for the Holy Grail    E. Hodson      7.0/2 a,f
 38. City in the Clouds          E. Hodson      7.2/3 a,f,g
 39. Museum of Unnatural History R.Volberding   5.5/4 b,f
 40. Daemon's Playground         R.Volberding   4.7/3 b
 41. Caverns of Lanst            R.Volberding   5.7/3 b
 42. Alternate Beginners Cave    R.Volberding   5.0/5 b
 43. Priests of Xim!             M & E Bauman   5.7/3 b
 44. Escape from the Orc Lair    J. Hinkleman   3.8/4 b
 45. SwordQuest                  R. Pender      7.8/4 b,f
 46. Lifequest                   D. Crawford    2.0/1 b,f
 47. FutureQuest                 R. Pender      7.8/6 b,f,g
 48. Picnic in Paradise          J. Nelson      6.0/5 c
 49. The Castle Kophinos         D. Doumakes    7.0/2 b,f
 50. Behind the Sealed Door      T. Berge       4.7/3 a
 51. The Caves of Eamon Bluff    T. Berge       6.8/3 b
 52. The Devil's Dungeon         J. Merrill     6.0/3 a,h
 53. Feast of Carroll            D&J Lilienkamp 5.0/2 a
 54. Crystal Mountain            K. Hoffman     5.0/1 b
 55. The Master's Dungeon        J. Allen       6.5/4 a
 56. The Lost Adventure          J. Allen       6.0/1 a,h
 57. The Manxome Foe             R. Olszewski   5.5/2 b
 58. The Land of Death           T. Berge       6.0/1 a
 59. Jungles of Vietnam          J. Allen       2.1/4 a,h
 60. The Sewers of Chicago       J. Allen       3.2/4 a,h
 61. The Harpy Cloud             A. Forter      4.0/2 b
 62. The Caverns of Doom         M. Mullin      3.0/1 b,h
 63. Valkenburg Castle           J. Weener      2.0/1 a,f
 64. Modern Problems   Anderson/Barban/Thompson 6.2/2 a,f,h
 65. The School of Death         K. Townsend    5.5/2 b,f,h
 66. Dungeons of Xenon           S. Bhayani     5.0/1 a,f
 67. Chaosium Caves              S. Bhayani     3.0/1 a,f
 68. The Smith's Stronghold      A. Porter      6.0/1 b,f
 69. The Black Castle of NaGog   D. Burrows     7.5/2 b,f
 70. The Tomb of Y'Golonac       R. Romanchuk   6.0/2 a,f
 71. Operation Crab Key          J. Vercellone  1.0/1 a,h
 72. House on Eamon Ridge        T. Berge       4.5/2 b
 73. The Deep Canyon             K. Blincoe     7.0/3 a
 74. DharmaQuest                 R. Pender      7.9/6 b,f
 75. Temple of the Guild         D. Doumakes    7.0/1 b
 76. The Search for Yourself     D. Doumakes    7.5/2 b,f
 77. Temple of the Trolls        J. Nelson      7.3/3 c,f
 78. The Prince's Tavern         R. Davis1      9.0/3 b,f
 79. The Castle of Count Fuey    D. Brown       5.7/5 a,f
 80. The Search for the Key(80a) D. Brown       4.2/4 a,f
 81. The Rescue Mission    (80b) D. Brown       6.7/3 a
 82. Escape from Mansi Island    S. Starkey     5.0/1 b,f
 83. The Twin Castles            J. Tankard     6.0/3 c,f
 84. Castle of Riveneta          R. Karsten     5.0/1 b,h
 85. The Time Portal             E. Kuypers     5.0/1 a,g
 86. Castle Mantru               S. Constanzo   6.0/1 c,f
 87. Caves of Hollow Mountain    J. Nelson      6.3/3 c
 88. The Shopping Mall           A. Porter      1.0/3 b,h
 89. Super Fortress of Lin Wang  S. Bhayani     4.2/3 c,f
 90. The Doomsday Clock          J. Tankard     6.0/1 c,f,h
 91. FutureQuest II              R. Pender      8.0/5 b,f,g
 92. The Fugitive                D. Doumakes    7.0/1 c,f
 93. Flying Circus               R. Krebs       7.0/1 b
 94. Blood Feud                  R. Krebs       5.0/1 b,f
 95. The Maze of Quasequeton     B. Kondalski   3.2/4 a,f
 96. The Chamber of the Dragons  B. Kondalski   2.0/2 a
 97. The House of Secrets        G. Gunn        6.0/1 a
 98. Slave Pits of Kzorland      R. Hersam      3.0/1 a
 99. In the Clutches of Torrik   J. Nelson      5.3/3 c,f
100. Sorceror's Spire            J. Nelson      7.5/5 c
101. Ground Zero                 Sam            1.0/2 a,g
102. The Eamon Railroad          Sam            2.2/5 a,h
103. Top Secret                  Sam            1.5/2 a
104. The Lost World              Sam            1.0/1 a,g
105. The Strange Resort          Sam            1.0/1 a,h
106. Camp Eamon                  R. Slemon      7.0/2 b,f,h
107. The Last Dragon             R. Pender      7.7/3 c,f
108. The Mines of Moria          S. Ruby        8.2/4 c,f
109. The Forest of Fear          S. Ruby        6.3/3 c,f
110. Fire Island                 G. Gioia       5.0/1 c,f
111. A Vacation in Europe        D. Smith       4.5/2 c,h
112. Hills of History            D. Smith       6.0/2 c
113. The Life-Orb of Mevtrelek   R. Volberding  6.5/2 c,f
114. Thror's Ring                T. Zuchowski   9.0/6 c,f,i
115. The Ring of Doom            S. Ruby        5.0/1 c,f
116. The Iron Prison             S. Ruby        5.5/2 c,f
117. Dungeon of Doom             D. Knezek      8.0/3 a,f,k
118. Pittfall                    S. Starkey     8.0/1 c,f
119. Grunewalde                  P. Hurst       6.5/2 b,f,l
120. Orb of My Life              J. Nelson      9.0/1 c,f
121. Wrenhold's Secret Vigil     R. Davis1      8.2/2 c,f
122. The Valley of Death         S. Ruby        4.0/1 c
123. Wizard of the Spheres       M. Elkin       5.0/1 c,f
124. Assault on Dolni Keep       T. Zuchowski   9.2/6 c,f,i
125. The Mattimoe Palace         J. Actor       3.0/1 b,f,h
126. The Pyramid of Anharos      P. Hurst       7.3/3 c,f
127. The Hunt for the Ring       S. Ruby        6.8/2 c,f
128. Quest of Erebor             S. Ruby        6.0/1 c,f
129. Return to Moria             S. Ruby        8.6/4 c,f,l
130. Haradwaith                  S. Ruby        7.0/2 c,f
131. Nucleus of the Ruby         K. Somers      6.0/1 c,f,j
132. Rhadshur Warrior            R. Pender      7.9/5 c,f,h
133. The Final Frontier          R. Slemon      5.0/1 c,f,g
134. Pyramid of the Ancients     J.& R. Pirone  4.0/1 c
135. The Tomb of Evron           M. Greifenkamp 2.0/1 b
136. The Mountain Fortress       M. Greifenkamp 3.0/1 b,f
137. The Ruins of Ivory Castle   M. Greifenkamp 6.5/2 b
138. Starfire                    E. Phillips    4.8/4 c,f
139. Peg's Place                 M&A Anderson   7.5/2 c,f,h
140. Beginner's Forest           M. Anderson    5.0/1 b
141. The Infested Fortress       M&P Hamaoka    3.0/2 c
142. The Beermeister's Brewery   J. Actor       6.0/3 b,f,h
143. The Alternate Zone          J. Actor       6.0/2 b,f
144. Gartin Manor                G. Gioia       5.0/1 c,f,h
145. Buccaneer!                  P. Hurst       8.3/3 c,f,l
146. The House of Horrors        D. Cross       6.0/1 c,f,h
147. The Dark Brotherhood        P. Hurst       8.7/3 c,f,l
148. Journey to Jotunheim        T. Zuchowski   8.4/5 c,f,i
149. Elemental Apocalypse        S. Ruby        7.8/4 c,f,n
150. Walled City of Darkness     T. Zuchowski   8.8/3 c,f,i
151. Eamon S.A.R.-1 (Deneb Raid) D. Crawford    3.5/2 c,f,g
152. The Computer Club of Fear   N. Segerlind   5.5/2 c,f,h
153. Lost!                       N. Segerlind   4.0/2 c
154. A Trip to Fort Scott        W. Trent       7.0/1 c
155. Tomb of the Vampire         Trent/Grayson  5.7/3 c,f
156. The Lake                    N. Segerlind   4.0/1 c
157. Pathetic Hideout of Mr. R.  N. Segerlind   5.0/1 c,f,h
158. The Lair of Mr. Ed          N. Segerlind   7.0/1 c,f,h
159. The Bridge of Catzad-Dum    N. Segerlind   6.5/2 c,f,h
160. Monty Python & Holy Grail   N. Segerlind   7.0/2 c,f
161. Operation Endgame           S. Ruby        8.9/5 c,f,h,m
162. Eamon 7.0 Demo Adventure    T. Zuchowski   (N/A) d,i
163. The Sands of Mars           T. Swartz      5.7/3 a,f,g
164. A Real Cliffhanger          T. Swartz      6.0/1 a,h
165. Animal Farm                 S. Ruby        6.8/2 c,f,h,l
166. Storm Breaker               S. Ruby        8.5/2 c,f,m
167. Expedition to the Darkwoods G. Gioia       3.5/2 c,f
168. The High School of Horrors  M.Haney/A.Hunt 4.5/2 a,h
169. The Black Phoenix           R. Pender      8.1/5 c,f,g
170. Ragnarok Revisited          N. Segerlind   7.8/3 c,f,i
171. The Pyramid of Cheops       R. Parker      5.0/1 b
172. The Mountain of the Master  M. Dalton      5.2/2 a,f
173. The House that Jack Built   R. Parker      2.0/2 b,h
174. Escape from Granite Hall    R. Parker      3.5/2 b
175. Anatomy of the Body         R. Parker      3.5/2 b,g
176. Dirtie Trix's Mad Maze      R. Parker      3.0/1 b,h
177. Shippe of Fooles            R. Parker      3.0/1 b
178. The Alien Intruder          R. Parker      4.0/1 b,g
179. The Wizard's Tower          R. Parker      4.4/2 b
180. Gamma 1                     R. Parker      3.5/2 b,g
181. The Eamon Sewer System      R. Parker      1.0/1 b
182. Farmer Brown's Woods        R. Parker      1.0/1 b,h
183. The Boy and the Bard        S. Ruby        7.8/3 c,f
184. Quest For Orion             P. Gise        5.4/5 d,f,i
185. The Body Revisited          R. Parker      5.0/3 d,f,i
186. Beginner's Cave II          J. Nelson      2.0/2 c
187. Batman!!                    A. Geha        2.0/1 b
188. Encounter: The Bookworm     R. Parker      6.5/4 d,f,i
189. The Ruins of Belfast        D. Sparks      3.0/1 a,h
190. Shift Change at Grimmwax    D&A Sparks     4.5/2 a,f,h
191. Enhanced Beginners Cave     Brown/Nelson   5.0/1 c
192. Mean Streets                T. Tetirick    4.0/1 c,h
193. The Creature of Rhyl        R. Parker      7.0/1 d,f,i
194. Attack of the Kretons       N. Segerlind   9.0/2 d,f,i
195. The Training Ground         C. Hewgley     5.0/1 c
196. The Cat House               Anonymous      1.0/1 b,h
197. Star Wars-Tempest One       S. Averill     2.0/1 c,g
198. Revenge of the Bookworm     R. Parker      6.5/1 d,f,i
199. Quest of the Crystal Wand   R. Davis2      5.0/1 c,f
200. The Lost Isle               R. Davis2      4.0/1 c
201. The Caverns of Vanavara     C. Hewgley     5.0/1 c,f
202. The Plain of Srevi          K. Ivers       4.5/1 c
203. Lotto's Masterpiece         H. Haskell     5.5/2 d,f,i
204. Sanctuary                   S. Ruby        9.0/1 d,f,l
205. Utterly Outrageous          P. Gise        6.5/1 d,f,h,i
206. Curse of the Hellsblade  Nelson/Zuchowski  7.5/1 d,f,i
207. Eamon Renegade Club         P. Schulz      5.0/1 d,f,h,i
208. Assault on Helstar          P. Schulz      6.0/1 d,f,h
209. Apocalypse 2021             H. Purvis      5.0/1 d,f,g,i
210. Return of Ngurct            H. Purvis      5.0/1 d,f,i
211. Lair of the Marauders       H. Purvis      6.0/1 d,i
212. Haunted Keep                H. Purvis      5.0/1 d,i
213. Demongate                   H. Purvis      7.0/1 d,i
214. Deathstalker's Castle       P. Schulz      6.5/1 d,f
215. Treasure Island             M. Anderson    6.0/1 d
216. The Pirate's Cave           M. Anderson    5.0/1 d,f
217. Eye of Agamon               H. Purvis      7.0/1 d,f
218. Return to Pendrama          H. Purvis      6.5/1 d,f,i
219. The City of Sorcerors       R. Osgood      5.0/1 a,f
220. Catacombs of Terror         P. Schulz      5.0/1 d,i
221. Count Dracula's Castle      R. Parker      2.0/1 b,f
222. The Halls of the Adept   Berge/Cottingham  7.0/1 b,f
223. Time-Shift                  C. Sena        4.0/1 a
224. Prisoner of Darkness        P. Schulz      7.0/1 d
225. Adventure in Interzone      F. Kunze       8.0/1 d
226. Bookworm 3-D                R. Parker      7.5/1 d
227. B I Z A R R O               A. Porter      2.0/1 c
228. Shipwreck Island            R. Ledbetter   4.0/1 c
229. Firestorm                   P. Schulz      7.0/1 d,f
230. Well of the Great Ones      M. Ellis       5.0/1 c,f
231. Keep of Skull Gorge         D. Kellogg     4.0/1 d,f

SD#137  Redemption               S. Ruby        9.5/1 d,f,j
SD#152  Banana Republic          S. Ruby        9.0/1 d,f,j

	Dungeon Designer Diskette    Version 7.1
	DDD 7.1 Multi-Disk Supplement
	Dungeon Designer Diskette    Version 6.2
	Eamon Utilities Diskette
	Graphics Main Hall
	EAG Tutorial #1 (1988-1991)