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<h1 id="portable-oberon-07">Portable Oberon-07</h1>
<h2 id="using-obnc-modules">using OBNC modules</h2>
<p>This is the eleventh post in the <a
href="../../04/11/Mostly-Oberon.html">Mostly Oberon</a> series. Mostly
Oberon documents my exploration of the Oberon Language, Oberon System
and the various rabbit holes I will inevitably fall into.</p>
<h2 id="working-with-standard-input">Working with standard input</h2>
<p>By R. S. Doiel, 2020-08-15 (updated: 2020-09-05)</p>
<p>Karl Landström’s <a href="https://miasap.se/obnc/">OBNC</a>,
Oberon-07 compiler, comes with an Oberon-2 inspired set of modules
described in the Oakwood Guidelines as well as several very useful
additions making Oberon-07 suitable for writing programs in a POSIX
environment. We’re going to explore three of the Oakwood modules and two
of Karl’s own additions in this post as we create a program called <a
href="SlowCat.Mod">SlowCat</a>. I am using the term “portable” to mean
the code can be compiled using OBNC on macOS, Linux, and Raspberry Pi OS
and Windows 10 (i.e. wherever OBNC is available). The Oakwood Guideline
modules focus on portability between an Oberon System and other systems.
I’ll leave that discussion along with <a
href="http://www.fim.uni-linz.ac.at/pow/pow.htm">POW!</a> to the end of
this post.</p>
<h3 id="slowcat">SlowCat</h3>
<p>Recently while I was reviewing logs at work using <a
href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_(Unix)">cat</a>, <a
href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grep">grep</a> and <a
href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/More_(command)">more</a> it struck
me that it would have been nice if <strong>cat</strong> or
<strong>more</strong> came with a time delay so you could use them like
a teleprompter. This would let you casually watch the file scroll by
while still being able to read the lines. The program we’ll build in
this post is “SlowCat” which accepts a command line parameter indicating
the delay in seconds between display each line read from standard
<h2 id="working-with-standard-input-and-output">Working with Standard
Input and Output</h2>
<p>The Oakwood guides for Oberon-2 describe two modules particularly
useful for working with standard input and output. They are
appropriately called <code>In</code> and <code>Out</code>. On many
Oberon Systems these have been implemented such that your code could run
under Unix or Oberon System with a simple re-compile. We’ve used
<code>Out</code> in our first program of this series, “Hello World”. It
provides a means to write Oberon system base types to standard out.
We’ve used <code>In</code> a few times too. But <code>In</code> is worth
diving into a bit more.</p>
<h3 id="in">In</h3>
<p>The <a href="http://miasap.se/obnc/obncdoc/basic/In.def.html">In</a>
module provides a mirror of inputs to those of <a
href="http://miasap.se/obnc/obncdoc/basic/Out.def.html">Out</a>. In
Karl’s implementation we are interested in one procedure and module
status variable.</p>
<li><code>In.Line(VAR line: ARRAY OF CHAR)</code> : Read a sequence of
characters from standard input from the current position in the file to
the end of line.</li>
<li><code>In.Done</code> : Is a status Boolean variable, if the last
call to an procedure in <code>In</code> was successful then it is set
TRUE, otherwise FALSE (e.g. we’re at the end of a file)</li>
<p>We use Karl’s <code>In.Line()</code> extension to the standard
<code>In</code> implementation before and will do so again as it
simplifies our code and keeps things easily readable.</p>
<p>There is one nuance with <code>In.Done</code> that is easy to get
tripped up on. <code>In.Done</code> indicates if the last operation was
successful. So if you’re using <code>In.Line()</code> then
<code>In.Done</code> should be true if reading the line was successful.
If you hit the end of the file then <code>In.Done</code> should be
false. When you write your loop this can be counter intuitive. Here is a
example of testing <code>In.Done</code> with a repeat until loop.</p>
      IF In.Done THEN
    UNTIL In.Done = FALSE;
<p>So when you read this it is easy to think of <code>In.Done</code> as
you’re done reading from standard input but actually we need to check
for <code>FALSE</code>. The value of <code>In.Done</code> was indicating
the success of reading our line. An unsuccessful line read, meaning
we’re at the end of the file, sets <code>In.Done</code> to false!</p>
<h3 id="out">Out</h3>
<p>As mention <code>Out</code> provides our output functions. We’ll be
using two procedure from <code>Out</code>, namely
<code>Out.String()</code> and <code>Out.Ln()</code>. We’ve seen both
<h3 id="input">Input</h3>
<p>“SlowCat” needs to calculate how often to write a line of text to
standard output with the <code>Out</code> module. To do that I need
access to the system’s current time. There isn’t an Oakwood module for
time. There is a module called <code>Input</code> which provides a
“Time” procedure. As a result I need to import <code>Input</code> as
well as <code>In</code> even though I am using <code>In</code> to manage
reading the file I am processing with “SlowCat”.</p>
<p>A note about Karl’s implementation. <code>Input</code> is an Oakwood
module that provides access to three system resources – mouse, keyboard
and system time. Karl provides two versions <code>Input</code> and
<code>Input0</code>, the first is intended to be used with the
<code>XYPlane</code> module for graphical applications the second for
POSIX shell based application. In the case of “SlowCat” I’ve stuck with
<code>Input</code> as I am only accessing time I’ve stuck with
<code>Input</code> to make my source code more portable if you’re using
another Oberon compiler.</p>
<h2 id="working-with-karls-extensions">Working with Karl’s
<p>This is the part of my code which is not portable between compiler
implementations and with Oberon Systems. Karl provides a number of
extension module wrapping various POSIX calls. We are going to use two,
<a href="http://miasap.se/obnc/obncdoc/ext/extArgs.def.html">extArgs</a>
which provides access to command line arguments and <a
which provides a means of converting strings to integers. If you are
using another Oberon compiler you’ll need to find their equivalents and
change my code example. I use <code>extArgs</code> to access the command
line parameters included in my POSIX shell invocation and I’ve used
<code>extConvert</code> to convert the string presentation of the delay
to an integer value for my delay.</p>
<h2 id="our-approach">Our Approach</h2>
<p>To create “SlowCat” we need four procedures and one global
display a help text if parameters don’t make sense
to get our delay time from the command line
<dt><code>Delay(count : INTEGER)</code></dt>
a busy wait procedure
<dt><code>SlowCat(count : INTEGER)</code></dt>
take standard input and display like a teleprompter
is an integer holding our delay value (seconds of waiting) which is set
by ProcessArgs()
<h3 id="usage">Usage</h3>
<p>Usage just wraps helpful text and display it to standard out.</p>
<h2 id="processargs">ProcessArgs()</h2>
<p>This a functional procedure. It uses two of Karl’s extension modules.
It uses <code>extArgs</code> to retrieve the command line parameters and
<code>extConvert</code> the string value retrieved into an integer.
<code>ProcessArgs()</code> returns TRUE if we can successful convert the
command line parameter and set the value of count otherwise return
<h2 id="delayvar-count-integer">Delay(VAR count : INTEGER)</h2>
<p>This procedure uses <code>Input0</code> to fetch the current epoch
time and counts the number of seconds until we’ve reached our delay
value. It’s a busy loop which isn’t ideal but does keep the program
<h2 id="slowcatvar-count-integer">SlowCat(VAR count: INTEGER);</h2>
<p>This is the heart of our command line program. It reads a line of
text from standard input, if successful writes it to standard out and
then waits using delay before repeating this process. The delay is only
invoked when a reading a line was successful.</p>
<h2 id="putting-it-all-together">Putting it all together</h2>
<p>Here’s a “SlowCat” program.</p>
    MODULE SlowCat;
      IMPORT In, Out, Input, Args := extArgs, Convert := extConvert;

      MAXLINE = 1024;

      count: INTEGER;

    PROCEDURE Usage();
      Out.String(&quot;SlowCat outputs lines of text delayed by&quot;);Out.Ln();
      Out.String(&quot;a number of seconds. It takes one parameter,&quot;);Out.Ln();
      Out.String(&quot;an integer, which is the number of seconds to&quot;);Out.Ln();
      Out.String(&quot;delay a line of output.&quot;);Out.Ln();
      Out.String(&quot;SlowCat works on standard input and output.&quot;);Out.Ln();
      Out.String(&quot;    SlowCat 15 &lt; README.md&quot;);Out.Ln();
    END Usage;

    PROCEDURE ProcessArgs() : BOOLEAN;
          res : BOOLEAN;
      res := FALSE;
      IF Args.count = 1 THEN
        Args.Get(0, arg, i);
        Convert.StringToInt(arg, i, ok);
        IF ok THEN
           (* convert seconds to microseconds of clock *)
           count := (i * 1000);
           res := TRUE;
      RETURN res
    END ProcessArgs;

    PROCEDURE Delay*(count : INTEGER);
      VAR start, current, delay : INTEGER;
       start := Input.Time();
         current := Input.Time();
         delay := (current - start);
       UNTIL delay &gt;= count;
    END Delay;

    PROCEDURE SlowCat(count : INTEGER);
        IF In.Done THEN
          (* Delay by count *)
      UNTIL In.Done = FALSE;
    END SlowCat;

      count := 0;
      IF ProcessArgs() THEN
    END SlowCat.
<h2 id="compiling-and-trying-it-out">Compiling and trying it out</h2>
<p>To compile our program and try it out reading our source code do the
    obnc SlowCat.Mod
    # If successful
    ./SlowCat 2 &lt; SlowCat.Mod
<h2 id="oakwood-guidelines-and-pow">Oakwood Guidelines and POW!</h2>
<p>Oberon and Oberon-2 were both used in creating and enhancing the
Oberon System(s) as well as for writing programs on other operating
systems (e.g. Apple’s Mac and Microsoft Windows). Implementing Oberon
compilers on non Oberon Systems required clarification beyond the
specification. The Oakwood Guidelines were an agreement between some of
the important Oberon-2 compiler implementers which attempted to fill in
that gap while encouraging portability in source code between operating
systems. Portability was desirable because it allowed programmers
(e.g. students) to compile and run their Oberon programs with minimal
modification in any environment where an Oakwood compliant compiler was
<p>Citation for Oakwood can be found in <a
Programming with Windows</a>.</p>
<p>Kirk B.(ed): The Oakwood Guidelines for Oberon-2 Compiler Developers.
Available via FTP from ftp.fim.uni-linz.ac.at,
<p>The FTP machine doesn’t exist any more and does not appear to have
been included in JKU’s preservation plans. Fortunately the POW! website
has been preserved.</p>
<p><a href="http://www.fim.uni-linz.ac.at/pow/pow.htm">POW!</a> was a
different approach. It was a compiler and IDE targeting other than
Oberon Systems (e.g. Windows and later Java). It was intended to be used
in a hybrid development environment and to facilitate leveraging
non-Oberon resources (e.g. Java classes, native Windows API). POW
project proposed “Opal” which was a super set of modules that went
beyond Oakwood. Having skimmed “Oberon-2 Programming with Windows” some
may seem reasonable to port to Oberon-07, others less so.</p>
<p>Why Oakwood and POW? These efforts are of interest to Oberon-07
developers as a well worn path to write code that is easy to compile on
POSIX systems and on systems that are based on the more recent <a
href="http://www.projectoberon.com/">Project Oberon 2013</a>. It
enhances the opportunity to bring forward well written modules from
prior systems like <a
href="https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Oberon/A2">A2</a> but implemented
for the next generation of Oberon Systems like <a
href="https://github.com/io-core/io">Integrated Oberon</a>.</p>
<h3 id="oakwood-pdf">Oakwood PDF</h3>
<p>Finding a PDF of the original Oakwood guidelines is going to become
tricky in the future. It was created by Robinson Associates and the copy
I’ve read from 1995 includes a page saying not for distribution. Which
sorta makes sense in the era of closed source software development. It
is problematic for those of us who want to explore how systems evolved.
The term “Oakwood Guidelines” is bandied about after 1993 and several of
the modules have had influence on the language use via book
publications. I was able to find a PDF of the 1995 version of the
guidelines at <a
<p>Here’s a typical explanation of Oakwood from <a
for a description of Oakwood.</p>
<p><strong>The Oakwood Guidelines for the Oberon-2 Compiler Developers
/These guidelines have been produced by a group of Oberon-2 compiler
developers, including ETH developers, after a meeting at the Oakwood
Hotel in Croydon, UK in June 1993</strong></p>
href="http://www.edm2.com/index.php/The_Oakwood_Guidelines_for_Oberon-2_Compiler_Developers#The_Oakwood_Guidelines">http://www.edm2.com/index.php/The_Oakwood_Guidelines_for_Oberon-2_Compiler_Developers#The_Oakwood_Guidelines</a><br />
(an OS/2 developer website) was helpful for providing details about
<p>It would have been nice if the Oakwood document had made its way into
either ETH’s or JKU’s research libraries.</p>
<p>Leveraging prior art opens doors to the past and future. Karl has
done with this with the modules he provides with his OBNC compiler
<h3 id="next-and-previous">Next and Previous</h3>
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