💾 Archived View for gemini.hackers.town › Wetdryvac › poetry › 01154_The_Alphabet_Food_Distortion.tx… captured on 2023-03-20 at 18:30:19.
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_______________________________________________________________________________ \\ / / =====> VacHaus provisionals <===== / / a TNtD (Try Not to Die) drop \\ A Poetry tDrop by Wetdryvac _______________________________________________________________________________ A is for applesauce and also for egg, Which round and case lowered, goes well with porridge B is for Babushka, who bakes me my biscuits But won ��t butter them lengthwise for no readily apparent reason Perhaps she ��s persuaded that lengthwise inside A biscuit won ��t butter �� I think she ��s mistaken C is cat, and clotted, and cream And care should be taken betwixt and between For milk and the kitten, both clot and thicken But one is delicious �� the other just scritches D is for doughboys, once young men of yore Now cheerful good fair food, not shell shocked and poor Where artillery fire doth often conspire And trench-foot leaves no-one behind The elephant ��s ear becomes doggerel dear Cinnamon, sugar, and yes �� oil attire E is for all of those foods you can ��t capture Envisioned long after the chef ��s gone away Blottings of mustard and cherry parfait Ensorcelled, nay �� stricken �� with hot chardonnay E is for earwax, presently dripping Exultant in rippin �� one ��s cullin �� away F is for fingers forbidden by token From everyone ��s musters, forsaken, forlorn Flambé flustications, reductions, and similar Fool ��s gambit in frog-legs (faugh) and slippery elm For Salic of willow with which to quaff The ever more present and ever more wroth Filleted young flounder, fresh water and not First speared and then seared, served up flaming, wot? Fly on this, flying fish �� the field gun ��s hot Our fingers remembered, our sergeant did not G ��s generally breading gone all now to gluten And everything breaded must nominally be good Or barreled and bunged ginger-ale understood Garnished drinks now construed to be rude H is for helpless, in the face of the hunger I is for ice cream and cream of shaved ice Drizzled with honey and other nice things J is for Juice, squeezed hard from the stones Justice in squeezing apples and home Just thinking of drinking in all of that justice Justifies squeezing, and squeezing, and squeezing K is for korn flakes and kome-uppance and Kale Klever advert misspellings built clearly of fail Kale lauds goodness which klarity kills Killing ��s delicious, so far as food knows K advert ��s goodness however Komes and soon goes L ��s lovely lemons lingering luster Later lack lovings; lemon ��s love labors M is for mayonnaise, which many might mix With manly meat milkshake, migod, how they ��re thick M ��s also for mercury, salts simmering of which May well have had hatters inspire this dish N is for neaputt, and nalwutt, and almond For nodding at Spooner ��s most chaste algorithms Nicely describing the naughty insertions Near mutneg and nrazil butt ��s discouraging curtains O clamors orange and other sweet things Ordered and savored and safe and serene P is for peas as in peas in a pod Pods are for peas, conversely and all Though also for whales, both clever and small Ponderous, ponderous, ponderous all P is for peppers, piquins so small Launching from ponderous to murderous spall Q is for quail, which mortals will often Quiver and feather long swallowed down Little birds eaten with sumac and cumin Little birds �� ghosts still questing, uncertain R is for rice Rice is reserved One ration, one ion art reversed S is for savory, savory meats Delicious mammalian, ichthyoid, foul Sausage for ��specially wonderful treats Human exceptions, of course, cry retreat T ��s for tandoori �� what fits the clay oven Tempting and trying, spiced to perfection U is for uvula, food goes by here It enjoys catching bubble-gum, chewed or un-chewed It can ��t taste a thing, with science unsure Just what it might actually be doing in here V is for violets, perfumed and fragrant They go well in teas, or salads with eggplant W ��s watercress; waterfowl ��s battle-dress Harvesting ��s messy, but fun none the less X is xylophone, which isn ��t quite food Xenocarne �� strange meat �� butchered and Latin If xeno and carpe, start over again Don ��t eat the random, it cores from within Y ��s for yak yogurt, ��Why ��d I eat that? �� For others the fairy that comes with yogurt Delivering fruit prizes, peculiar with sweets Makes experience creamy and best of the treats For others, the plainest whole milk makes the meet For ferry or high water �� yogurt ��s just neat Z ��s for zucchini and zucchini bread Z ��s fabulous offering, gardener ��s warning Zucchini it grows when you plant it �� and grows When you ��re done with the recipes, bring out your machetes Sometimes that ��ll kill it, if you ��re lucky, sometimes it keeps going Cook what you can stand, then till under the rows ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: With thanks to the good folks at Hackers.Town for answering the very n00best of questions, with the following people politely [REDACTED]. May your time go in a manner you consent to. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: IRC [REDACTED] Poetry, Short Form, With Contact https://writing.exchange/@wetdryvac Poetry, Long Form, With Contact https://landofkittens.social/Wetdryvac Web https://www.wetdryvac.net KoFi https://ko-fi.com/wetdryvac Links https://linktr.ee/wetdryvac MATRIX [REDACTED] BBS [REDACTED] Primary mastodon residence, With Contact https://hackers.town/@Wetdryvac All the other coms access points [REDACTED] =============================================================================== :-==+++**********++==-: :=+**+==============+++++++***+=: :=+*+===================++++++++++*++*+=: :+*+=======================*++++++++*++====+*+: .=*+=========================++++++++++*+========+*=. .+*============================+++++++++*++===========*+. +*==============================+++++++++*+==============*+. =*===============================+++++++++*++==============++#= .*+================================+++++++++*+==============++++**. :#==================================++++++++*++=============+++++++#- -#==================================+++++++++*+=============+++++++++#= -#===================================++++++++*+++===========+++++++++++#- .#====================================++++++++**#@===========+++++++++++=#: #====================================++++++++*++#@==========+++++++++++===# ++====================================++++++++*+=%%=========+++++++++++====++ #=====================================+++++++*++=@%========+++++++++++======%. =*====================================++++++++*+==@%=======+++++++++++======+*= #=====================================++*%%%###*++@#======+*+++++++++======++=# %=====================================+++++++*#*#%@%#####*%#++++++++=====+++==# %====================================++++++++++==#@*+++++*##+++++++=====+*+===% %====================================+++++++*+===#@*====++++++++++=====++====*% #====================================++++++*++===%@+====++++++*++=====++===+*+# ++==================================*++++++**====@@+===++++++*++=====++===++++* :#=================================+%*+++++++====@@===++++++*+++====++===++++#: #=================================#%%%%%%%%###*#@@#+++++++*+#%====++===*++++# :#================================++++++++#*+*%@@@###%@%%%%%%%+=+++==+*++++#- ++===============================++++++*++++**#@%=+++#+*++==+=+++==++++++** *+==============================++++++++====+%@%++++#*++====+*===+++++++# #+=============================+++++*+===+==%@%++++#++====++===+++++++# *+===========================++++++++====+=@@#+++*++====++==+*++++++# +*==========================+++++*+=======@@#++*++====++==+++++++*+ -*+========================++++#*+======*@@*+*++====++==+++++++#- +*======================+++++#########%@@#*++===**+==*+++++*+ .+*====================+++++++=====+*%@@#######%*=+*++++**: .+*+=================++++*+======++@@@+====+++=+++++*+. -**===============++++++=====+++@@@====+*==*++**= .=+*+==========++++*+======+++@@@===++==***=. -=+*+======++++++=====+++*@@%==+**++- :-=++***++*+=====+++#%@@%+=-: =============================================================================== �2022 by Wetdryvac / VacHaus provisionals / VacHaus Press / TNtD Please contact Wetdryvac for reprint permission