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_______________________________________________________________________________ \\ / / =====> VacHaus provisionals <===== / / a TNtD (Try Not to Die) drop \\ A Poetry tDrop by Wetdryvac _______________________________________________________________________________ The Trees February 17, 1993 the trees came first, I suppose though that may not be how it really was organizing particulate matter in a sequenced life truth told, none can really tell all just want to believe in their own version of the way �� these days no one realizes how unlikely it all was something starting to move beneath that yellow eye not much reverence left in the world for magic these days �� the trees had the most responsibility breaking down death and starting life again keeping in order all that should be changing light to life all that could come from the sun making in a place where naught had been made before chemistry, you may call it, or random chance �� yet the chance is of its own right magic change where none was to be had before order held it can be said that chaos is the disunion that entropy ends all in the game and it is true that entropy will one day overrun but order total is ever sterile let then the trees bind order to chaos let from nothing be born all life entropy is the destroyer this much I know to be true �� no matter what else in the story is deception I can call it magic if I will ignore that all started as a random molecular association atoms joined by pattern, forcing by organization �� of gravity, that weakest thing and strong that which caused sun to become creator of oxygen and iron from free hydrogen for chaos, by entropy, thus eliminates itself and there is life below a lone wet star let us blame it on the trees final in a line of those what stand above ground truly, it is the trees destroyed, unknowing in the end none shall stand, all contracts who can say that the final point of infinity will rise again from the trees then we can know assured, we came it can indeed be blamed, if blame is to be given �� on the trees eventually there will be an end to all ending finally everything will coldly stop it can be claimed that all forms of destruction are thus nothing �� compared to that one final singularity as such it can also follow, a story of pointless struggle how in the interim, life is but a random association of parts �� so small in the passing as to be of no matter �� yet it is important to note �� through progression rise many things of value life, progression, a chase even should that final ending loom closer, eons away what then can be said of destruction is it true all forms lead to culminated halt going somewhere could be simply another stop circling the wheel of everything ��s end but it seems rational that the interim the experience itself, is witness transiently, as those in now some nature of the system cries out, how wrong to destroy may be that the trees answered long ago, still answer progression through promotion of chance order and chaos for now joined �� some form of balance equated, temporary to disrupt the balance with death �� should be to collapse interim rocking beginning and end across fulcrum �� and where destruction seems assuredly wrong no assurance centers the whole for do not trees destroy �� mayhap the trees are right in their ways supporting, adding to life without detracting maybe the trees have the only way to go how the can we destroy when taught by such examples �� for god and king we have raised arms and made much death in the name of progression we kill begging change we ask for all our lives �� not realizing change, by its very nature, transits all twisted in this portion of interim so little right �� where so much could be in the end all will be annihilated in destruction without light yet now in light so much is destroyed so be it �� unlike the trees we stay intent upon our destruction though we may pass before too much order is taken apart commit our wrong and be gone �� perhaps �� in the interim after we pass �� there will still be trees ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: With thanks to the good folks at Hackers.Town for answering the very n00best of questions, with the following people politely [REDACTED]. May your time go in a manner you consent to. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: IRC [REDACTED] Poetry, Short Form, With Contact https://writing.exchange/@wetdryvac Poetry, Long Form, With Contact https://landofkittens.social/Wetdryvac Web https://www.wetdryvac.net KoFi https://ko-fi.com/wetdryvac Links https://linktr.ee/wetdryvac MATRIX [REDACTED] BBS [REDACTED] Primary mastodon residence, With Contact https://hackers.town/@Wetdryvac All the other coms access points [REDACTED] =============================================================================== :-==+++**********++==-: :=+**+==============+++++++***+=: :=+*+===================++++++++++*++*+=: :+*+=======================*++++++++*++====+*+: .=*+=========================++++++++++*+========+*=. .+*============================+++++++++*++===========*+. +*==============================+++++++++*+==============*+. =*===============================+++++++++*++==============++#= .*+================================+++++++++*+==============++++**. :#==================================++++++++*++=============+++++++#- -#==================================+++++++++*+=============+++++++++#= -#===================================++++++++*+++===========+++++++++++#- .#====================================++++++++**#@===========+++++++++++=#: #====================================++++++++*++#@==========+++++++++++===# ++====================================++++++++*+=%%=========+++++++++++====++ #=====================================+++++++*++=@%========+++++++++++======%. =*====================================++++++++*+==@%=======+++++++++++======+*= #=====================================++*%%%###*++@#======+*+++++++++======++=# %=====================================+++++++*#*#%@%#####*%#++++++++=====+++==# %====================================++++++++++==#@*+++++*##+++++++=====+*+===% %====================================+++++++*+===#@*====++++++++++=====++====*% #====================================++++++*++===%@+====++++++*++=====++===+*+# ++==================================*++++++**====@@+===++++++*++=====++===++++* :#=================================+%*+++++++====@@===++++++*+++====++===++++#: #=================================#%%%%%%%%###*#@@#+++++++*+#%====++===*++++# :#================================++++++++#*+*%@@@###%@%%%%%%%+=+++==+*++++#- ++===============================++++++*++++**#@%=+++#+*++==+=+++==++++++** *+==============================++++++++====+%@%++++#*++====+*===+++++++# #+=============================+++++*+===+==%@%++++#++====++===+++++++# *+===========================++++++++====+=@@#+++*++====++==+*++++++# +*==========================+++++*+=======@@#++*++====++==+++++++*+ -*+========================++++#*+======*@@*+*++====++==+++++++#- +*======================+++++#########%@@#*++===**+==*+++++*+ .+*====================+++++++=====+*%@@#######%*=+*++++**: .+*+=================++++*+======++@@@+====+++=+++++*+. -**===============++++++=====+++@@@====+*==*++**= .=+*+==========++++*+======+++@@@===++==***=. -=+*+======++++++=====+++*@@%==+**++- :-=++***++*+=====+++#%@@%+=-: =============================================================================== �2022 by Wetdryvac / VacHaus provisionals / VacHaus Press / TNtD Please contact Wetdryvac for reprint permission