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Title: The God Pestilence Author: Johann Most Language: en Topics: anti-clerical, atheist, religion Source: Retrieved on April 26, 2009 from http://dwardmac.pitzer.edu/Anarchist_Archives/bright/most/godpest.html Notes: Published by Freiheit Publishing Association, New York
Among all mental diseases which man has systematically inoculated into
his cranium, the religious pest is the most abominable.
Like all things else, this disease has a history; it only regrettable
that in this case nothing will be found of the development from nonsense
to reason, which is generally assumed to be the course of history.
Old Zeus and his double, Jupiter, were still quite decent, jolly, we
might even say, somewhat enlightened fellows, if compared with the last
triplet on the pedigree of gods who, on examination, can safely rival
with Vitzliputzli as to brutality and cruelty.
We won’t argue at all with the pensioned or dethroned gods, for they no
longer do any harm. But the more modern, stir officiating cloudlollers
and terrorists of hell we shall criticise, expose and vanquish the more
The Christians have a threefold God; their ancestors, the Jews, were
content with a single simpleton. Otherwise both species are quite a
humorous crowd. “Old and New Testament;” are to them the sources of all
knowledge; therefore, willing or not, one must read the “holy writ” if
one wants to fathom their shallowness and learn to deride them.
If we only take the “history” of these deities, we find an ample
sufficiency for the characterization of the whole. In a short sketch the
case stands thus:
In the beginning God “created” heaven and earth — consequently he found
himself next of all ins complete void, where it surely may have been
dreary; enough to bore even a deity, and it being but a trifle for a god
to conjure worlds out of nothing by magic, like a juggler shaking eggs
or silver dollars out of his coat-sleeves, so he (God) “created” heaven
and earth. Somewhat later he moulded the still, moon and stars to suit
It is true, certain heretics, called astronomers, have established long
since that the Earth neither is, nor could have been the centre of the
universe, nor could its existence have antedated that of the sun, around
which it revolves. These people have proved it to be sheer lunacy to
speak of sun, moon and stars and with the sidle breath of the earth as
being, compared with the former, something special and of great
preponderance. It has been taught to every schoolboy that the sun is
only a star, the Earth one of its satellites, and the moon an
undersatellite of the Earth; and, furthermore, that the Earth, compared
with the universe, far from acting a conspicuous part, is only an atom,
looking like a rain of dust.
But why should a god concern himself about astronomy? He does what he
pleases, and poohoos science and logic. For this reason he made, after
manufacturing the earth, first the light, and afterwards the sun. To-day
even a Hottentot can understand there can be no light can earth without
the stuff, but God — well, he is no Hottentot.
But let us continue to investigate. Thus far the “creation” was quite a
success, but there was still something lacking — things ere not lively
enough. The creator wanted some pastime, therefore he finally made man.
Curiously enough, he now deviated entirely from the method previously
applied. Instead of accomplishing this creation by a simple and
imperative “let it be!” he made it exceedingly troublesome. He took a
prosaic lump of common clay in his hand, modelled it into the figure of
a man “after his own image,” and “breathed into his nostrils the breath
of life.” God being of infinite wisdom, benign, just, in short —
amability itself — it occurred to him that this Adam, as he had named
his last article, being alone, would find life exceedingly tedious
(perhaps he remembered his own former lonely existence to “Nothing”),
and so he made him quite a nice, enticing little Eve. But in the
meantime experience had evidently taught him, that the handling of a
lump of clay was a rather unclean business, especially for a god,
therefore he applied another new method of manufacture he tore
(dexterity is no witchcraft, least of all for a god) a rib out of Adam’s
body, and changed it into a charming female. Whether this rib, extracted
from Adam was restored at a later period, or whether after the performed
operation Adam had to run about in the world as a “one-sided”
individual, is a matter upon which the polite historian says nothing.
Modern natural science has established that animals and plants have,
through the most manifold ramifications, developed during the course of
millions of years from simple molluscous matter to their present forms.
Man is nothing but the most perfect form of this development and, that
he not only, had, some thousands of years ago, a very brutish appearance
without Language, but also, that he — every other supposition excludes
itself — must have developed from inferior, animal species.
Consequently, natural science stamps God with his self-proclaimed
creation of man as a preposterous braggart. But of what avail is all
this? — God won’t have any tomfoolery. Whether his tales have a
scientific ring, or whether they sound like foolish babble, he commands
belief in them, otherwise he will let it come to pass that his
competitor, the “devil” will get you into his clutches, which is
supposed to be quite uncomfortable. For in hell there is not only
moaning and the gnashing of teeth, but, an eternal fire burns, an
indefatigable worm is gnawing your soul and a dreadful stench of burning
pitch and sulphur fills the air. To all these discomforts the bodyless
man is supposed to be exposed. His flesh, of which he is void, is
stewed; his decayed and fallen-out teeth clatter; he howls without a
throat or lungs; he smells without a nose — and all this eternally. A
devil of a god! Taking all in all, God is, as he candidly informs us in
his autobiographical chronicle — the Bible — extremely whimsical and
revengeful; actually an ideal model of a despot.
Hardly were Adam and Eve in existence, before God took it as a matter
of, course that this rabble must be governed. He decreed a penal code,
which said categorically, “Thou shalt not eat of the fruit of the tree
of knowledge!” Since that time no tyrant has existed anywhere, who did
not lay down the same decree for the people.
Adam and Eve did not respect this prohibition, therefore, they were
exiled and sentenced to hard labor for life — they and their descendants
for all time to come. Beyond this “civil rights” were taken away from
Eve, she being declared to be a bond-servant to Adam, whom she was to
obey. Besides, both of them were to be under eternal divine police
surveillance. Verily, not even William (the German Emperor), has got
ahead of him as a haberdasher of human affairs.
But in spite of God’s useless severity to mankind they angered him more
and more in proportion as they multiplied. How rapidly this
multiplication took place is demonstrated by the history of Cain and
Abel. After the former had slain his brother, he went into “a strange
and, and took unto himself a wife.” Where the location of this strange
land, and whence the women that were to be found there, God has
forgotten to mention, a matter of no surprise, considering the burden of
overwork he had to perform at that time.
At last the cup was overflowing. God resolved to destroy all mankind by
means of water. Only a few specimens of the race were excepted, with
which to make another trial. Unfortunately, notwithstanding all his
wisdom, he had made a misgrab, for Noah, the chief of the saved, soon
unmasked as a brand old toper, with whom his daughters raised “flail
Columbia.” What good could ever come of so degraded a family?
Again mankind spread; again they developed to such simpletons and
rapscallions in sin — about whom the renowned Mecklenburger sang-book
states so much viciousness — that God felt like bursting with heavenly
wrath, the more so, as all his exemplary local punishments, such as the
destruction of whole cities with fire and brimstone, were entirely
disregarded and “thrown to the dogs.” He resolved to destroy the whole
mob, root and branch, when a really remarkable event occurred, which
toned, him down considerably. Otherwise mankind would have been done for
long ago.
One fine day a certain “holy ghost” suddenly appeared upon the stage. He
came hither like a wart over night, nobody knew whence. The Bible-scribe
(God) merely says lie himself was the holy ghost. All at once we have to
deal with a dual deity. Said holy ghost took a notion to descend in the
shape of a dove, or rather of a cock-pigeon, and to enter into an
intimacy with an obscure woman named Mary. In a sweet hour he
“overshadowed” the selected of his heart, and lo! she gave birth to a
baby boy, which occurrence, as God positively avers in the Bible, never
encroached the least bit upon her virginity. Now, this boy was not only
human, he was also God, being the son of God (of the holy ghost). The
first mentioned God now called himself God the father, at the same time
assuring us of his identity not only with the holy ghost, but also with
God the son. The father to be his own son, the son his own father, and
either or both the holy ghost. Thus the “holy trinity” was shaped. —
And now, poor human brain, stand firm, for what now follows is enough to
stagger a horse. We know that God the father had resolved to fricasee
the whole human rabble. This intention filled the son with unbearable
sorrow. He (being his own father), shouldered all the guilt of man; and
allowed himself to appease the fury of the father (being his own son),
to be cruelly put to death by the “to be redeemed” rabble — of course,
not without subsequently ascending hale and hearty to heaven. This
sacrifice of the son (who is one with the father), tickled the father
(who is one with the son), to such an extent that he immediately
proclaimed a general amnesty — under conditions — which partly remain in
force to-day.
That is the “historical” part in the “Holy Scriptures.” Here we see that
absurdity and nonsense are put on so thick that those who already
idiotic enough to digest such stuff are susceptible to the most crazy
hallucinations. Among these must be classed first and foremost the
doctrine of reward and punishment of mankind in the “great hereafter.”
It has long ago been scientifically proved that there is no existence of
a soul independent of the body. That which the religious humbuggers call
soul, is nothing more or less than the seat of thought, the brain, which
receives impressions by means of the living senses, and by such
impressions becomes active; and consequently, at the moment of physical
dissolution this action necessarily must cease. But what care the deadly
enemies to human reason for the results of scientific research? Just as
much as is necessary to prevent their promulgation among the people.
And so they preach the immortality of the soul. Woe to it in the
“hereafter,” if the body which here held it, has not punctiliously
respected God’s penal code during life. As these folks assure us, their
“all bountiful,” “all righteous,” “all benevolent,” “all merciful” God
is a super-highly developed pokenose, sniffling into the minutest
affairs and trifles of each and every individual, and making entries of
all their shortcomings in his blacklist. He is quite a queer coon
anyway. Under danger of giving new born babes a bad cold, he desires
that, to his glory, they be drenched with water (otherwise baptized).
He takes a heathenish delight in hearing an innumerable herd of his
faithful sheep bleat their litanies to hire from their church-stalls,
consecrated to such practices, or when the most devoted of his adherents
send aloft without cessation their pious “caterwaulings” and pray, or
rather beg for all things possible and impossible, while he participates
in bloody wars and receives the thanksgivings and frankincense of the
victors as the “God of battles.”
He gets riproaring mad if anybody doubts his existence, or when a
Catholic cats meat on Friday, or does not by repeated application to the
confessional chair scrub off his sins; or when a Protestant does not
hold in contempt the bones of saints and the paraphernalia and images
prescribed for Catholics, or when he does not, as a rule, toddle through
the world with a face long enough to stop a clock, turned up eyes, bent
back and folded hands.
If such a person dies impenitent, then his “all merciful” God decrees a
punishment to him, in comparison to which all the scourges of the knout
or cat-o’-nine tails, all pangs and sufferings of prison life, all
privations of deportation and exile, all emotions of those sentenced to
the scaffold, all pains of the rack and other instruments of torture
that human tyrants ever invented, are only pleasant, agreeable, tickling
sensations. This God exceeds in bestial cruelty everything malignant
that we know of on earth. His prison is hell, his handman the devil, and
his punishments last forever. He employs worms that never cease gnawing,
fires which are never quenched, and other deviltries a thousandfold as
chastisements and only shows mercy for minor transgressions after long
periods of time, provided the transgressor died a Catholic; for these he
has under certain circumstances provided a “purgatory,” which differs
from hell about as much as a jail from prison. It is fitted up only for
comparatively transient inmates, with somewhat more lenient regulations;
— but, at any rate, even in purgatory you will be singed mercilessly.
The so-called “cardinal sins” are never punished with purpatory, always
with hell. These include among others “blasphemy,” perpetrated by word,
by writing, or by thought. Consequently, in this direction God permit
neither freedom of the press, nor speech, not even of the unspoken
thought. This in itself is enough to stamp him from the outset as a
successful competitor in churlishness with the basest despots and
tyrants of any country or time, but the means and the duration of his
punishments augment the baseness of his nature to the utmost.
Consequently this God is the most atrocious monster conceivable.
His attitude is the more infamous in that he allows it to be said of
him, that the entire world, and especially mankind in their behavior,
are regulated by his omnipotent divine providence. He maltreats man for
actions of which he himself is the originator or prime cause. How
amiable, compared with this monster, are the tyrants of earth of the
past and present time. Should it please God, however to permit a person
to live and die happy in accordance with his (God’s) conceptions, he
maltreats him still worse, because the promised “heaven,” examined by
gaslight, is a good deal worse institution than hell itself; for there
you have no desires, you are always satisfied, without eve having a
longing for anything. (But as without desire and attainment thereof no
gratification is possible, so existence in heaven is without enjoyment.)
Eternally employed in “beholding the Lord,” eternally listening to the
same strains from the same harps, eternally singing that same new and
entrancing song in the same melody if not the one of “Gabriel blowing
the trumpet in the morning,” surely not anything more exhilarating.
This is the highest degree of getting-tired-after-a-whilishness. The
occupancy of an isolated prison cell would be decidedly preferable. It
is not surprising, then, that those who are rich and mighty enough to
enjoy paradise on earth, should laughingly proclaim with Heine,
“The angels and the birds may own
The heavens for themselves alone!”
And yet the rich and mighty foster and nourish divine idiocy and
religious stupidity. It is, in fact, part of their business; It is, in
fact, part of their business; it is really a question of life or death
to the domineering and exploiting classes, whether the people at large
are dumbfounded religiously or not. With religious lunacy stands and
falls their power. The more man clings to religion, the more he believes
— the more he believes the less he knows — the less he knows, the more
stupid he is — the more stupid, the easier he is governed — the easier
to govern, the better he may be exploited — the more exploited, the
poorer he gets — the poorer he, the richer and mightier the domineering
classes get — the more riches and power they amass, the heavier their
yoke upon the neck of the people.
The tyrants of all time and of all countries were always well acquainted
with this train of thought, and for that reason always were on good
terms with the priesthood of all creeds. Casual quarrels between these
two kinds of enemies to mankind were at all times only of a domestic
character, merely a struggle for supremacy. The priests or preachers
know that they are done for, unless they have the “upper tendom” for a
prop. It is no secret to the rich and powerful that mankind can only be
enslaved and exploited when the necromancers of the churches ingraft
sufficient servility into the hearts of the masses of the people to make
them look upon the earth as a vale of tears, to imbue their minds with
the justness of the godly decree; “Serve ye your master” (those in
authority), and to buy them off with an alleged “spare-rib” of which the
people will get the soup in that home beyond the skies, the
Mr. Windthorst, Member of the German Parliament, Arch-Jesuit and
Champion of the Clerical Faction, once in the heat of debate gave us
plainly to understand what the frauds and charlatans of society think in
regard to this matter. “When the people lose their faith” — said he —
“they will no longer bear their intolerable misery, but rebel!” — That
was to the point, and should have aroused the minds of all work people
to earnest reflection, if — yes, — if the great majority of them had not
become religious imbeciles to such an extent, that it were an utter
impossibility to comprehend the simplest ideas, tho heard with normal
It is not in vain that the priesthood of all sorts — i.e., the “black
gensdarmerie” despotism — have always so strenuously exerted themselves
to prevent the retrogression of religious sentiment, altho, as is
well-known, when among themselves they could burst with laughter over
the nonsense they preach for ready cash.
During thousands of years these brain-defilers have instituted a reign
of terror, without which the religions craze would long since have been
abolished. Scaffold and sword, dungeon and chains, poison and poignards,
assassination and judicial murder, these were the means by which the
religious insanity was upheld, forever a, blot of shame in the history
of the human race. Hundreds of thousands have been slowly roasted to
death at the stake “in the name of God” because they dared to fend a
stink in the biblical mire. Millions have in tedious wars been compelled
to break each other’s heads, to burn and sack entire countries, and,
after wholesale murder and incendiarism, to spread disease and
pestilence, all to maintain religion. The most excruciating tortures
were invented by the priests and their accomplices to scare those into
religion by the application of mundane devilishness, who had ceased to
fear God.
When a man maims the hands or feet of another, we say he is a criminal
what shall we call those who maim the intellect of man, and, failing in
that attempt, with refined cruelty destroy the body inch by inch?
It is certainly true that to-day they can not carry on their nefarious
“Godly” brigandage in the manner formerly in vogue, but in lieu thereof
have taken to worming into domestic affairs of families, influencing
women, kidnaping children, and misusing the schools for the furtherance
of their ends. Their hypocrisy has rather increased than diminished.
After their attempts to abolish the newly discovered art of printing had
signally failed, they with their usual cunning and craftiness utilized
it, and have gradually to a great extent made the press of today servile
to their cause.
An old adage says, “Where a priest has trod, no grass will grow!” That
means in other words, if a person is once in the clutches of the
priests, his intellect becomes barren — his intellectual functions cease
to operate in a normal way, and instead religious maggots and divine
worms wriggle through his brain. He resembles a sheep that has the
These misguided, unhappy wretches have been defrauded of the real object
of life; and, what is worse, they form the great crowd in the train of
the, opponents to science and the march of reason, to evolution and
liberty. Whenever new chains are to be forged for mankind, they are
wiling to work: at the anvil as if possessed by demons. Whenever the
road of progressive development is to be blockaded by obstacles, these
Kaffirs oppose in their broadest front to the spirit of the times. The
attempt to cure such imbeciles is not only a piece of good work to them,
it is really an, attempt to cauterize a cancer which brings suffering to
the whole people and: which must ultimately be unconditionally
extirpated, of this earth is to become a fit habitation for mankind
instead of being a play ground for Gods and devils to torment us.
Out then with religion from he heads of the people, and down with
priesthood! The latter are in the habit of saying, “The aim sanctifies
the means.” Very well, let us apply this precept against there. Our aim
is to make mankind independent of every condition of slavery, of the
yoke of social servitude as well as of the shackles of political
tyranny, and, not least because last, of all bane of religious darkness.
All means to attain this object, and made use of at all opportunities
offering, will be acknowledged just and right by every true
Every person, possessing common sense in place of religious insanity,
neglecting to do the utmost in his power, daily, hourly, to overthrow
religion, shirks a duty. Every person, released from deistic
superstition, forbearing to oppose priesthood where, when and however an
opportunity presents itself, is a traitor of his cause. Therefore, war
to the black hounds! Implacable war to the knife! Incite against the
seducers of man, enlighten the seduced! Let us make every means of
strife subservient: The scourge of derision and scorn, the torch of
science and knowledge, and where these are insufficient — weightier
arguments — those that will be felt.
For the ignorant, or rather those, craftily made and kept so, if they
appear to have a little sense left, the following questions will be
“If God desires that we know, love and fear him, why does he not show
himself? — If he is as good as the clergy tell its, what reason is there
to fear him? If he is omniscient, — why bother him with private affairs
and prayers? — If he is omnipresent, why build him churches? — If he is
just, why the supposition that man, whom he created full, of faults,
shall be punished? — If man does good only by the grace of God, why
should he be rewarded? — If he is omnipotent, how can he permit that we
blaspheme? — If lie is inconceivable, why shall we occupy ourselves with
him? — If the knowledge of God is necessary, why does he remain
obscure?” Such questions are puzzles to them.
Every thinking person must admit, that not one single proof of the
existence of a God has ever been found; and besides this, there is not
the least necessity for the existence of God. As we know the inherent
properties and laws of nature, the presence of God, either within or
beyond this nature, is really to no purpose, quite superfluous and
evidently untenable. Morally the necessity for his existence is still
more insignificant.
There is a large empire, ruled by a potentate, whose demeanor creates
differences of opinion in the minds of his subjects. He wants to be
known, loved and honored, and that all shall obey him, but he never
shows himself. Every one endeavors to confound the conception of him by
individual nations. The people, subjected to his power, have only such
ideas about the character and laws of their invisible sovereign as his
ministers see fit to make known, altho the latter admit, at the same
time, that they are unable themselves to form a conception of their
master, that his will is inscrutable, his views of things and, his
properties unfathomable, and that even his servants disagree about the
decrees sent forth by him; for in every province of his empire, the laws
differ, and they accuse each other of having altered and forged them.
These edicts and commandments, which they claim to have authority to
promulgate, are obscure; they are conundrums, which the subjects for
whose special benefit and enlightenment they are issued, can neither
understand nor solve. The laws of this hidden monarch require
explanation, but those who explain are ever at variance themselves.
Everthing that they, relate about their concealed’ sovereign is a
chaotic mass of contradictions. They do not say one word that could not
at once be proved as a lie. They speak of him as exceedingly good, but
still there is no individual existing who does not complain of his
mandates. They speak of him as infinitely wise, but yet in his
administration everything opposes common sense and reason. They praise
his justice, and still the best of his subjects are, as a rule, the
least favored. They assure us that he sees everything, still his
omnipresence alleviates no distress. He is, they say, a friend of order,
yet in his domain everything is confusion and disorder. All his actions
are self-determined, yet occurrences seldom if ever bear out his plans.
He can penetrate the future, but does not know the things that will come
to pass. He permits no insult to himself to go unpunished, but still
submits to them from everyone. They are amazed at his knowledge and the
perfection of his works, yet his works are imperfect and of short
duration, for he creates, destroys, and constantly improves upon that
which he has made, without even being satisfied with his productions.
All his enterprises are for the sake of glory, yet his purpose, to be
universally glorified, is never attained. He labors incessantly for the
welfare of his subjects, but the most of them are in dire distress for
the necessities of life. Those whom he apparently seems to favor most
are the least satisfied with their lot. We sec them nearly all
refractory to a, master, whose grandeur” they admire, whose wisdom they
praise, whose benevolence they honor, whose justice they fear, and whose
commandments they revere, but never keep. The empire is the earth; this
sovereign is God; his vassals are the priests; his subjects are mankind
— a fine conglomeration.
The God of the Christians, as we have seen, is the God who makes
promises only to break them; who sends them pestilence and disease, in
order to heal them; a God who demoralizes mankind in order to improve
them. A God who created man “after his own image;” and still the origin
of evil in man is not accredited to him. A God who saw that all his
works were good, and soon after discovered that they were bad; who knew
that man would eat of the forbidden fruit, and still eternally damned
him therefore. A God who is so dull as to allow himself to be outwitted
by the devil; so cruel that no tyrant on earth can be compared with Mini
— that is the God of the Jewish-Christian theology. He is an all-wise
bungler who created mankind perfectly, lint could not keep them in that
state; who created the devil, yet could not keep him under control; a
God who is omnipresent, yet descended from Heaven to see what mankind
was doing; who is merciful, and yet has, at times, permitted the
slaughter of millions. An Almighty, who damned millions of innocent for
the faults of a few who caused the deluge to destroy mankind excepting a
very few with whom to start a new generation, no better than the
preceding — who created a Heaven for the fools who believe in the
“gospel,” and a hell for the enlightened who repudiate it. A divine
charlatan who created himself through the Holy Ghost, and then sent
himself as mediator between himself and others, and who, held in
contempt and derided by his enemies, was nailed to a cross, like a bat
on a barndoor; who was buried — arose from the dead — descended to hell
— ascended to Heaven, and since then for eighteen hundred years has been
sitting at his own right hand to judge the living — and the dead when
the living lead ceased to exist. A terrible despot! whose history should
be written in letters of blood, because it is a religion of terror.
Away then with the Christian theology! Away with a God invented by
preachers of the bloody faith, who, without their important nothing, by
means of which they explain everything, could no longer revel in
superfluity; no longer glorify poverty, and live in luxury themselves;
no longer preach submission and practice arrogance; but who would,
through the march of reason, be hurled into the deepest depths of
Away then with the malignant trinity — the murderous father — the
unnatural son — the lascivious ghost! Away with all the debasing
phantasies in whose name man is degraded to miserable slavery, and
through the almighty power of falsehood has been deluded into hoping for
the joys of Heaven as an indemnification for the miseries of earth. Away
then with those, who with their sanctified hallucinations are the curses
of liberty and happiness — the priesthood of all sorts!
God is merely a spectre, fabricated by designing scoundrels, through
which mankind is tyrannized and kept in constant dread. But the phantom
instantly dissolves, when examined under the glass of sober reflection.
The defrauded masses become impatient... and no longer fear the bugbear,
but will rather hold out to the priesthood the word of the poet:
“A curse to the idols to whom we pray’d, That in winter our hunger and
cold be stay’d, In vain did we hope, in vain did we wait, To be
humbugg’d and fool’d was ever our fate.”
It is to be hoped that they will not stand humbug ging and fooling much
longer, but will, one of these fine clays throw their crucifixes and
saints in the fire, “transform their crucifixes and chalices into useful
utensils, and make of their church” — theatres, concert and assembly
halls, or, should they not be serviceable for that purpose, use them as
cornbins or stables — find useful work for the priests and nuns, and
then be surprised at themselves for not having done it long before.
This short and terse method will, of course, only be consummated in the
storm of the coming social revolution; in fact, at that moment, when the
conspirators of priesthood, the princes, the nobility, the bureaucrats,
the capitalists; and the exploiters of all kinds, are swept away as by a
whirlwind, there cleaning state and church with an iron broom of the
accumulated mire of centuries.