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Title: Queers With Guns
Author: Elisha Moon Williams
Date: February 7th, 2022
Language: en
Topics: queerness, police violence, Structural Violence, Dual Power, community self-defense

Elisha Moon Williams

Queers With Guns


There's a lot of discussion nowadays in relation to both the rights of

marginalized people and gun reform due to the consistent problem with

mass shootings in America and the rest of the world, as well as the many

intersecting problems made clearly evident in the shooting of Amir Locke

by the police. Many of the victims of mass shootings as well as police

shootings, especially by white supremacists, have been those most

marginalized within society. Civilian shootings had dropped off almost

entirely because of the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and the

subsequent lockdowns. They seem to be coming back in full swing, however

the Biden administration is taking a pre-emptive strike against "rising

gun violence" in preparation for the rise in gun crimes that is

occurring due to the country opening back up. Of course, these actions

mean more funding for police. This will undo much of the work that

activists have done over the past 2 years to defund the police and put

their power closer to being accountable to their communities.

Meanwhile, there is a rising tide of fascism within the United States

that has no signs of disintegrating on its own after the ousting of

Trump from the presidency by the right-wing Democrat Joe Biden. He has

proven to either maintain trump-era policies on the down-low, or openly

break what little promises he did make on the campaign trail. There is a

rise in hate crimes still happening within the US, with black people and

now Asians being the most at risk during this time, among many others.

What is there to do with these many crises happening all at once? What

should we do in the face of the state establishment flopping on itself

in the face of greater autocracy? This essay seeks to partially answer

that question, mainly within the purview of guns, violence, police, what

could replace said police (along with many other things) and how we

might do so from a queer anarchist perspective.

This essay's purpose is to convince the reader, whom may or may not be

queer or otherwise marginalized, that we cannot trust the US government

(especially the police and military, but not exclusively) to protect us

against the rising tide of fascism and vigilante hatred within American

society from an intersectional queer perspective. I also seek to supply

possible alternative(s) to the current model of community defense that

the police fill across this country, so that we as queer people don’t

just deconstruct the current system, but also build the foundations for

something to replace it as we do so.

Batons and Bullets: A Brief History of American Policing

There have been very few LGBT+ activists in America who have actively

defended the many racist police murders of black people that have caused

the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020. Many liberal queer people stood

side by side with black activists in holding those officers accountable

for what they did. This stance against police brutality, however is not

deep enough as to support police abolition within largely liberal LGBT+

circles and groups. This opens them to criticism for believing and

mainly pushing for reform of the police rather than complete abolition

like many within the black community are still fighting for. This

section will catalogue a brief history of the police and the US

government's role in the lives of its subjects.

The modern police force came into being in a multitude of ways across

the United States, like many institutions in this country. Many of the

first constabularies within the American colonies and then the United

States were formed to mainly subjugate indigenous people in the defense

of European and American colonialism, as well as slave patrols that

sought to capture self-freed slaves and punish them before heading back

to their master. Once slavery was reformed through the 13^(th)

Amendment, the formations of the modern police force made vagrancy and

loitering laws that disproportionately targeted black people who had

just gotten out of slavery with no reconciliation. These impoverished

and often homeless people were forced to perform slave labor at the

hands of the states that owned those bodies as part of their

imprisonment. This trend has exploded with the rise of mass

incarceration that especially hits the black community.

In the north, state troopers in Philadelphia were actively modeled on

the white supremacy and colonialism of the American Constabulary in the

Philippines, actively seeking to keep workers (especially immigrants)

from organizing within the mines of Philadelphia[1]. We can see that the

very origins of modern policing, and policing in general, stem from

white supremacy, settler colonialism, imperialism, and enforcing the

interests of the owning class over that of collective bargaining by the

working class. These institutions are also known for overpolicing

working class neighborhoods in general, which disproportionately affect

black and other colonized working class people due to things like

redlining and banking discrimination. These institutions were never

meant to be in the common interest, but mainly serve to protect the

interests of those who own property and are at the top of these social


There's even explicit legal admission by the US government that police

officers and government offices aren't legally bound to protect others

from harm, as court decisions like Warren v. District of Columbia

show[2]. More recently the trial of the security officer who blatantly

ran away from the Parkland Shooter a few years ago shows how little cops

are legally bound to "protect and serve." The court ruled that he had no

legal duty to protect the children he was stationed to protect in case

of situations exactly like these[3]. This isn't even getting into all of

the overt white supremacist, patriarchal, classist, and ableist violence

that the police systematically enforce and protect in the modern day

that they actually do as a part of their job.

The reason why queer people should care about what cops do to working

class people, especially the homeless with vagrancy and loitering laws

is because queer people (and especially queer people of color) are

already disproportionately likely to be working class and homeless due

to non-supportive family members or guardians[4]. Another important

intersection that should be considered by queer people in regards to

their relationship to the police is that of sex workers. Plenty of sex

workers, especially queer sex workers experience the humiliating,

patronizing violence and regulation put up against them for the sake of

their "protection" at the hands of cops and the rulers who set those

laws that cops enforce. There is already a deeper queer analysis of sex

work by C. B. Daring in the collection of essays called "Queering


Why should we as queer people rely on such a rampantly authoritarian

system of social control to protect us, especially those within our

communities that are facing direct violence and harm from these supposed

"protectors?" Who would those people with badges and a gun at their hip

really be protecting? The answer would be cisheteronormative white and

able-bodied queer people, especially those of which who are already

economically privileged and can access upper class mobility that many

working class and otherwise marginalized queer people cannot. None of us

are free until all of us are free, we cannot leave parts of our

communities behind for the sake of maintaining the "normalcy" that is


Many people have posited to defund the police and replace them with

mostly "non-lethal" EMT workers who deal with calls that don't deal with

weapons. This is a step in the right direction, but still doesn't

address the underlying problem with the monopoly on the use of force

held by the government and the white supremacist history of policing in

general. The case of Elijah McClain is a clear example that you don't

need a gun or even a police officer to kill a black man who is

inherently seen as a threat using the authority of the state. It wasn't

a bullet that ended his life and extinguished his soul, but a deadly

injection by these so-called "less lethal" EMT workers as he was begging

for his life and apologizing as he was being killed. Eric Garner was

choked to death for selling loose cigarettes, he wasn't shot. George

Floyd was knelt upon for 9 minutes, he wasn't shot. It's not the use of

guns itself that is the problem, it's the fact that they're police or

act like police and can determine what the law is at any given moment

and enforce that law upon you with violence. If they actually misapply

the law they were citing, you will then have to go through years of

court charades and thousands upon thousands of dollars to prove that

they were in the wrong. And even if that's proven, the government can

STILL give the cop little to no consequence for their actions through

qualified immunity, even though they are the ones who can determine how

the laws are enacted and enforced while on the job. This is all done

without any direct oversight from the communities that they enforce

their laws upon, with only bureaucratic husks in local and city councils

sleepily reacting to the people's demand for justice with perhaps one of

the committing officers getting a jail sentence at best, but nothing to

actually prevent this kind of behavior from happening within the system

of policing in the future.

This is because the system isn’t broken and in need of fixing, it's

working exactly how it's intended to work. It's not a bug or a glitch,

but a feature. This system needs to be abolished entirely in order to

make a better path of justice, one that is actively drawn by and for the

community itself. But how would we go about that?

Queer Critiques of Gun Culture

With all of this said, one might ask, "Is this lady going to

unironically parrot the Good Guy with a Gun narrative like many

conservatives and libertarians do? Is she just going to tell everyone to

get guns and think the problem is solved?" To put it simply, no. I don't

have anywhere close to the same views as people like the Pink Pistols or

some queer conservatives. I don't reductively implore everyone to just

get a gun individually and think it will apply to everyone or think

that’s the solution to fighting such a massively intrenched system of

violence and domination. There is a lot that is deeply wrong with the

way Americans use this hyper-individualist line of thinking in their gun


To start with the most obvious problems, many gun groups both online and

in person center around the views and opinions of very reactionary

conservative men, or one of their marginalized tokens who parrot the

same talking points. Many people within these communities use their guns

as a symbol of power and yearning to dominate others. I see so many

people online, especially conservative gun owners, talk about how much

they would love to have a burglar come into their house so they can

shoot them with an array of weapons at their disposal. This was

especially bad during the racial uprisings that happened almost 2 years

ago, where many of these conservatives fearmongered about these people

who were grieving the loss of their loved ones and tired of playing

within the system that keeps killing them. They talked about how they

would gladly shoot any "rioter" that came to their hometown and tried to

"destroy property" or "steal." These ways of viewing their weapons

perpetuate a very deep level of white supremacist and patriarchal social

domination, from this deep need to show their supposed strength and

capacity for disproportionate violence at a moment's notice that just so

happens to be targeted at black people fighting for justice. This is the

definition of white supremacist machismo culture, and it isn't exclusive

to the right wing and fascists. Such patriarchal yearning to dominate

others or to use these weapons as symbols of their capacity to kill can

be seen throughout armed leftist spaces as well.

Many people would object to my characterization of American gun

communities, saying that there's a level of feminism in having women

protect themselves from predatory men by giving them "the great

equalizer." This can be a very liberatory and empowering thing to

encourage women to do on paper. The problem with this is that many gun

groups and communities think that this is the best and only way to solve

such broad issues, and never address the more implicit, systemic

problems of patriarchy in society. They only focus on the most obvious,

violent, and overt impositions of power by men over women and don't seem

to critically analyze the roots of where that mindset and therefore

action come from. It seeks to individualize the problem of patriarchy by

just telling women to get a gun in order to stop any attacker, when not

every woman can get a gun, and the threats women face aren't always the

man following her to her car at night.

This problem doesn't just apply to patriarchy within these communities,

but to people who are victims of systemic violence in general. The

answer to the problem within most American gun communities isn't to

advocate for or build a better system to replace the one currently

victimizing them, but instead to just get a gun and shoot at anyone who

might want to hurt them. As with women and patriarchy, it individualizes

the problem many marginalized groups face, or even just people in

general under the current economic system of capitalism. Without this

critical analysis of the world and the social interactions they

participate in, they instead externalize it to being solved by "getting

a gun." These gun communities are bound to keep reproducing the

capitalist, patriarchal, white supremacist, cisheteronormative, and

ableist structures that keep all of us down within society if they

maintain to have that lens within their popular structures. As

journalist Sam Levin[6] points out in a piece talking about his

interview with the President of the Pink Pistols:

"As Nicki demonstrated how she would have stopped the Orlando shooter if

she was armed at Pulse, I understood the painfully depressing truth of

the Pink Pistols’ message. They accept gun violence as normal, promote a

grotesque culture of firearms, and blame LGBT people for showing up to

nightclubs unarmed. And if I learned anything from my trip to Target

Masters, it’s that there’s nothing empowering about loading a gun and

firing back."

This isn't a problem that gun communities have alone within America,

many social institutions suffer from this exact same lack of awareness

of all of these systems, this is just my criticism within the context of

how most gun communities operate, including some left leaning,

explicitly radical or even revolutionary organizations.

Telling anyone who experiences marginalization and violence for being a

member of a certain social group to simply get a gun and shoot at

whatever seemingly threatens them also alienates a wide range of people

who are at their core sympathetic to armed self-defense. There are many

people who simply don't want to or cannot use firearms to defend

themselves. Whether it be due to a physical disability, mental health

issues, previous trauma in regard to gun violence in their lives, or

they simply don't feel comfortable with firearms as a way to defend

themselves, people have valid reasons to be uncomfortable with using

firearms or be uncomfortable around people who have firearms. It's up to

those who have those weapons to respect the boundaries that others have

and work with them if they ever wish to have those same people respect

their boundaries. Respect is a two-way street. Having firearms is just

as much about the safety and comfort of the people around them as it is

the safety and comfort of the person who has the firearm. Calling people

who aren't comfortable having firearms or being around firearms

"snowflakes" and calling any criticisms by them "liberal nonsense" is

exactly why there is a growing movement away from firearm ownership, and

even to start banning certain types of firearms that are coveted and

fetishized for their capacity to kill people (cough AR-15 cough).

Queering Gun Culture

Now that we have those criticisms in mind and the assurance that I am

not seeking to individualize the problems of marginalized people by just

telling people to "get guns," let's discuss how we can change American

gun culture (or to use queer theorist terms, "queer" it) to help suit

not only marginalized people in the here and now, but also build the

foundations for a better society in the future.

So, how does one go about queering American gun culture? One way in

which American gun culture should be queered is by de-emphasizing

individualist and ultimately harmful ways of viewing armed self-defense

and putting it towards free association and community self-defense,

especially by and for those most affected by such violence. It can be

done in a much more traditional way as in having open militias and

organizations in the same vein as the Black Panthers and other radical

liberation groups and providing spaces for queer lives while also

actively and openly defending ourselves against queerphobic violence

both by vigilantes and also by the police. These organizations can for

example provide services for queer youth who get estranged by their

family or guardians for being queer, like safe houses or free health

clinics, especially during a massive pandemic that is disproportionately

affecting working class people. We can give legal or other professional

services for disabled queer people who are often left out to dry within

the queer liberation struggle. We could be giving security for protests

in regards to not just queer issues, but also to intersectional issues

as a whole like the black panthers famously did. This can be used to

help allow the queer community to become less reliant on the systems of

police and military violence to maintain peace and solve problems within

their communities. Through this, we can look to stand in solidarity with

the most marginalized both within and without through direct action. It

is important, however, that these organizations aren't controlled by a

centralized bureaucracy or vanguard party like the Black Panthers. There

should be no separation between those that are being protected and those

that are protecting them within these communities, and the protectors

should have direct democratic oversight from those that are being

protected. This factor ultimately led to the downfall and splintering of

the BPP under the pressures of Counterintelligence Programs under the

weight of their very centralized and lack of direct control by the

people. We must learn from the lessons taught by black anarchic radicals

like Lorenzo Ervin, Ashanti Alston, and Kuwasi Balagoon among others who

came from the Black Panther Party and take what worked and what didn't

into this new context of organization for this better world to be


One might ask about the vast majority of gun owners in America, those

that are perpetuating this social system. How can we help change things

within those communities? This is where a decentralized, democratic, and

community-centered organization comes into play again. We should have

organizations that are led by and help support marginalized people and

even using firearms to do so when necessary, but we should also have

those organizations directly involved with the communities around them

and have directly democratic council structures that will control these

organizations. When those who have such privileges see these

organizations that not only help the marginalized and the oppressed, but

also the community at large, it can help confront the deeply embedded

biases that they have been taught their whole lives living within the

current gun culture. It's different to talk to someone individually as a

marginalized person about these issues. They can easily dismiss you as

the caricature that they've always given to those who don't fall in line

with the gun culture status quo: a liberal snowflake who wants to take

everyone's guns away. But it's much harder to ignore and dismiss entire

organizations led by those oppressed people and helping their local

community, and potentially being part of a larger movement that

ultimately helps that person out and show them that a better world is

possible. Action as well as revolutionary education is what can help

turn these people who were once willing participants in the current gun

culture into accomplices in the larger struggle for liberation. There is

a great set of writings that talks about how one can help construct such

a directly democratic system that I highly recommend by Daniel



I want to be clear on certain things before folks start making

criticisms of this work. These recommendations and points are not going

to fit every political context, especially outside of the United States.

The point of anarchist political philosophy and practice is to

incentivize experimentation and to find what works within your local

context. I hope this work at least started to answer some questions

about queer liberation and helped you understand where queer radicals

like me are coming from.

We cannot sit idly by and watch the capitalist state structure tear up

our communities and watch those most affected by it continue to be

brutalized by thugs in badges that occupy where we live. We need to be

building a better world, not just for queer people but for everyone who

is oppressed under this system. We cannot, like many LGBT moderates that

are going into politics, have queerness shaped and co-opted into the

capitalist state structure and be used to oppress other marginalized

groups with the likes of Pete Buttigieg or conservative LGBT

politicians. They are essentially political tokens to the right wing on

most issues and use their queerness as a bludgeon against any claims

that the organizations they participate in are systemically oppressive

and fundamentally wrong.

It is clear that the proliferation of such rulers will not lead to the

liberation of queer people, just as much as "black faces in high

places"[9] helped liberate black or other colonized people, nor has

neoliberal or "girlboss" feminism liberated women from these patriarchal

social structures[10]. As Kuwasi Balagoon[11] puts it:

"When a gay group protests lack of police protection by making an

alliance with police to form a gay task force, they ain’t making a stand

against the system, they are joining it. Putting more power in the hands

of those who attack them for being what they are in the first place.

Those women’s organizations with members with underpaid Black, Puerto

Rican, and Mexican maids who decided to vote differently when the Equal

Rights Amendment was defeated can’t be called left, just as Blacks

mobilizing to field a presidential candidate ain’t left. Left is the

land and means of production in the hands of the masses, and right is

land and the means of production in the hands of a few pigs."

We need to be working towards a much more radical vision of the future

if we want to make fundamental changes that impact peoples' lives for

the better. If we continue on the path of queer folks imbedding

themselves deeper and deeper into the web of these systems that keep all

of us under its thumb, we will only have a worse world ahead of us and

freedom will ultimately become all but impossible. The only realm of

escape would be dreams of becoming the dominator as we grind ourselves

into dust under the pressure of this death machine. As we take our last

breaths we will still think, "Just one more, just keep working and

you'll make it someday."

[1] https://plsonline.eku.edu/sites/plsonline.eku.edu/files/the-history-of-policing-in-us.pdf

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia

[3] https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2018/12/21/us-judge-says-law-enforcement-officers-had-no-legal-duty-protect-parkland-students-during-mass-shooting/

[4] https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/lgbt-homelessness-us/

[5] http://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/c-b-daring-j-rogue-deric-shannon-and-abbey-volcano-queering-anarchism#toc65

[6] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jun/23/lgbt-gun-rights-orlando-shooting-pink-pistols

[7] https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anark-constructing-the-revolution#toc1]

[8] https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/daniel-baryon-after-the-revolution]

[9] https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/lorenzo-kom-boa-ervin-anarchism-and-the-black-revolution

[10] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzAyLV5XpCQ

[11] https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/kuwasi-balagoon-a-soldier-s-story