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Title: Smash Teal Jones Author: Anonymous Date: 2016 Language: en Topics: logging, walbran, teal jones, fairy creek blockade, green anarchy, monkeywrenching Source: Retrieved February 16th, 2022 https://bcblackout.files.wordpress.com/2020/07/smashtealjones2016-web.pdf Notes: More info → momentofinsurrection.wordpress.com/201 /05/05/anarchists-in-the-woods-then-again
The murderers of Earth have names and addresses. They are on the wrong
side of history... on the wrong side of the war. This conflict does not
fit easily into any environmental NGO’s marketing campaign. This is an
uncontrollable insurrection for survival, subsistence, dignity and
freedom. A struggle against the boundless horrors and humiliations of
industrialization and commodification, of which Teal Jones is just one
especially disgusting example. This is a call from your friends in the
woods... calling all forest ninja crews, lone wolves, wild cats and
raccoons...Keepin’ up with the Joneses...
the BC coast, wholly owned by CEO Tom Jones and his brother COO Dick
Jones (pictured). They are sons of Jack Jones who founded the company in
1946. They proudly trace their settler history to their
great-great-grandfather, who began his logging career in the colony of
BC in the 1860s. Tom’s wife Holly, his daughter April Choquette, and son
Chad also work for the company, as do Dick’s daughters and sons Shelley
Schmidt, John Gardner, Alan and Mandy Jones.
(VP & CFO), Mark Carter (Operations Planner), John Burch (VP
River and Triggs Road in North Surrey, at the eastern terminus of the
recently constructed Hwy 17/SFPR (part of the Pacific Gateway highway
and port expansion megaprojects)Corporate Main Office: 17897 Triggs
Road, Surrey, BC, V4N 4M8, Tel: 604-587-8700 Fax: 604-581-6162 Toll
Free: 1-888-995-8325 Website: tealjones.com Email: info@tealjones.com
Media Inquiries: communications@tealjones.com Sales: sales@tealjones.com
Online contact form: tealjones.com/contact-us
South Shore Rd, Mesachie Lake, BC, V0R 2N0, Tel: 250-749-4510, Fax:
250-749-4511Duke Point Log Sort: 750 Jackson Rd, Nanaimo, BC, V9X 1J2,
Tel: 250- 722–3160 — Other locations in BC:Sandspit Logging: 423 Beach
Road, Sandspit, BC, Tel: 604-587-8700Salmon Arm Mill: 4051 45^(st) SE,
Salmon Arm, BC, V1E 4N3, Tel: 250- 832–9777Revelstoke Block Mill:
Revelstoke, BC
USA operations:
988–0468, Fax: 360-988-0568
580-298-2470, Fax: 580-298-9865. Website: tealjones.com/our-
products/southern-yellow-pine Sales Rep: Stephanie Deupree, Tel:
580-298-2470 ext 3307, Fax: 580-298-9865 sdeupree@tealjones.com Recent
Resistance & Rabble Rousing
Convergence at the bridge over the river in the Heart of the Walbran
(pictured below). This marks 25 years since the last major battle to
defend this sacred place, and renews fighting spirits for the coming
conflict. Pacheedaht elder Bill Jones and the family of deceased
Pacheedaht warrior Harriet Nahanee are there to dedicate a new trail
into one of the proposed cutblocks.The MC opens the event by boldly
stating that anarchists were instrumental in kicking off resistance in
1991 and that indigenous people and settlers working together have the
power to defeat Teal Jones.
drops in various locations, and strategizing for future confrontation
with the enemy. To date one of the cutblocks in the Heart of the Walbran
has been approved, so the threat of devastation is very real.
the Walbran. At least one person is arrested for violating a court
injunction granting Teal Jones a buffer zone around nearby logging (the
injunction has since expired). Blockaders also temporarily prevent the
logging trucks from unloading at Teal Jones’ Duke Point Log Sort in
Nanaimo. — Late 2014: News breaks that Teal Jones has applied for large
clearcuts throughout the Central Walbran ancient forest. Above: recent
clearcutting by Teal Jones near the Heart of the Walbran. Like pretty
much all scum sucking capitalists these days, Teal Jones claims to be
“environmentally responsible” and fully in compliance with the
government’s hollowed out, bullshit environmental regulations, a farce
which only serves to legitimize genocide and give it a friendlier face.
We won’t insult anyone’s intelligence or waste time picking apart the
multitude of blatant lies in these pathetic attempts to market
“sustainable logging”. A picture is worth 1,000 words.
Below: Central Walbran Ancient Forest, home to species at risk including
marbled murrelets, Queen Charlotte goshawks, red-legged frogs, Vaux’s
swifts, and Keen’s long-eared myotis, as well as cougars, wolves, black
bears, elk, black-tailed deer, steelhead, and coho salmon. This valley
has been lovingly cared for by generations of people, and for such a
wild and grandiose place, it has a warm and inviting charm... and a
feeling of having been inhabited and cherished. A place where one can do
just about anything they could desire such as camp communally, dip in
emerald swimming holes, wander breathtaking trails, hunt for karst
caves, or just hide away somewhere in the vastness of it all.
Resignation is death. Resistance is life. The secret is to really
Blast from the past! Action reports from resistance to ecocide in the
Elaho Valley (Squamish Territory) Lava Creek Illegal Actions 1999:
disclaimer: this timeline has been supplied by the multinational
scum-sucking parasites at Interfor. Words pertaining to vandalism would
be best referred to as forms of creative artistic reconstruction in the
passion of rage. All work stoppages are because of people’s fierce
determination regardless of what is noted otherwise.
Aug 09: protest camp established. Tree sitter. Work shut down.
Aug 10: tree sitter. Shut down for fire hazard.
Aug 11: camp around drill rig. Three tree sitters.
Aug 12: court order read. Camp moved to south side of lava creek. Shut
down for fire hazard
Aug 13–16: roadblocks removed. Tree sitters. Cannot work.
Aug 17: two tree sitters. Cannot work. 22 RCMP/6 vehicles/helicopter/2
dog/2 ambulances/3 search and rescue. 1 arrested.
Aug 18: sitter. Cannot work. 20 RCMP (tactical squad). 1 arrested
Aug 19: work by drill delayed ½ day. Seven defy court order. About 6
RCMP. 5 arrested. Tree sitter remained.
Aug 20: work on Br. E 1081 stopped by tree sitter. 1 arrested. Tree
sitter remained.
Aug 21: blasting delayed due to whistling in trees.
Aug 23: drill rig vandalized overnight. Batteries ruined/grind wheel
broken/grease in cab. Cayenne pepper spread around. Drilled holes
filled. Right of way flagging removed, fallers cannot work. Two RCMP.
Tree sitter stays overnight.
Aug 24: drill still inoperable. Replacement tree sitter is arrested. 6
Aug 30: drill rig vandalized. High-pressure hose cut. Tree sitter,
“Gumshee”, prevents excavator from operating. Cannot work.
Aug 31: tree sitter disappeared. 7 RCPM/1 dog/2 vehicles/helicopter.
Sep 05: bridge blocked. Driller cannot get to work. 3 RCMP. 3 arrested
(1 for assault on RCMP)
Sep 12: arrestee left voice message, “beat you up in front of your
Sep 14: lava Creek Bridge abutment dug up. Bridge blocked by boulders &
logs. tree sitter arrested.
(ed. Note: this is when over 70 Interfor workers attacked the camp,
destroyed everything & sent 3 to hospital)
Sep 16: road culvert blocked up with rocks; locks placed on explosive
Sep 26: Volvo gravel truck windshield smashed, instruments destroyed and
spray painted/gravel truck 1 flat tire/shop truck 4 flat tiers,
compressor destroyed/court order sign stolen/blasting sign removed/ lava
Creek bride approach dug up/feces in drill cap/rock & log debris on
Sep 29: road blocked at gate. Cannot work.
Sep 30: blockade removed by RCMP. Betty Krawczyk arrested.
Oct 2: Interfor Employees’ pledge banner stolen from trees at 22 mile.
Lava Creek Illegal Actions 2000:
Feb 17: “The Lorax” claims to have spiked 100’s of trees in Elaho
May 04: Elaho Logging chainsaws vandalized. RCMP investigation.
May 15: gate blockaded at 20 mile. 2 arrested.
Jun 05: blockade at 38 mile, barbed wired log and rock tripod and
barriers- all day – loss of work. 1 arrested/10 RCMP
Jun 13–16: protesters in block 102–51 disrupting & stopping falling
Jun 19: trench across Lava Bridge, protesters in 102–51. Stopped
Jul 10: blocked at 102–51, block boundary markings painted over or
Jul 26: protester arrested for interfering with RCMP operations.Jul
25–28: barbwire, log, rock, and old truck barricade on lava Creek
Bridge. (ed. Note: RCMP nearly kills 3 tree sitters when they cut the
support line to their sits.)
Jul 29-August 1: bridge blockade; numerous RCMP attend.
Aug 2: arrest of 3 tree sitters for mischief and intimidation and 3
counts of obstructing a police officer.
Aug 28: blockade at 38 mile, tripod on road. Loss of work all day. 1
arrested (mischief and intimidation).
Aug 29: vandalism; doors locks jammed on yarder & loader, grapple yarder
tail block undone, high tension wire set loose- extremely dangerous.
Graffiti on Demigner trail sign.
Sep 15: No.2 bridge: 220 spikes driven into surface. 75% have heads cut
Oct 3: Powerhouse Bridge spiked, (spike heads cut off) & debris/High
Falls bridge spiked & debris/Chuck Chuck bridge spiked & debris/ Grader
vandalism- all windows & lights smashed, tires flattened, hoses cut,
radio smashed, glass put in fuel tank/ Water tank pulled off
road/Shovelnose Bridge spiked & debris- log loader severely vandalized,
all hoses and fillings cut, all instruments destroyed, gravel into
hydraulics, radio stolen/Turbid Creek bridge spiked & vandalized/36
mile- debris over road for ½ mile/No.2 bridge spiked & debris- Approx.
cost of vandalism $30.000.00
Nov 28: 25 new mileage markers removed over 24-mile stretch of road.
Nov 30: Elaho Earth First! Claim sabotage to generator; generator not
working and believed to be tampering (material put into crankcase)
Communiqué from the Lorax: Wed. Feb. 16, 2000: The Lorax today took
responsibility for spiking hundreds of ancient trees in the Elaho
Valley, in areas approved for clear-cut logging this year. The purpose
of the tree spiking is to protect grizzly bear habitat and to deter
International Forest Products from clear-cutting this ancient coastal
rainforest, located on Native land northwest of Whistler, BC. Hundreds
of black bears and a small number of grizzlies inhabit the rugged
mountains and canyons near the Elaho River. No one is likely to be
injured as a result of the spikes. If Interfor decides to carry out its
clear-cut plans, workers will have to find the spikes with metal
detectors and remove them by hand. Most sawmills screen logs for foreign
objects that may damage the saw. The Lorax encourages wood buyers
worldwide to boycott InterFor. The company is destroying a unique cedar,
hemlock and Douglas fir forest that is thousands of years old, without
regard for wildlife, water quality or Native land claims. The Elaho
River area is the southernmost remnant of grizzly bear habitat on the
west coast of North America. Five and ten-inch spikes were driven into
trees north of Mile 63 on the Elaho main and Elaho main West logging
roads. An area north of Cessna Creek, and proposed roadways, were spiked
along with the following cut blocks: 101–9, 101–52, 101-52A, 102-52B,
102–54, 102–55.
The Monkey Wrench gang Claims Sabotage in the Elaho Valley: An
underground group known only as the Monkey Wrench Gang is claiming a
recent act of sabotage in the Elaho Valley. George Hayduke, the group’s
media liaison, says the gang recently crippled a giant generator owned
by International Forest Products by pouring abrasives into the machines
crankcase while it was running. “Sabotage is easy”, says Hayduke, “all
you need is determination and a little grit”. Interfor, a Vancouver
based corporation, holds the permit to log the upper Elaho Valley, an
area of untouched ancient forest that includes the rare Elaho Giants,
some of the oldest Douglas Firs in the world. The embattled logging
company has provoked blockades, tree-spiking and worldwide boycotts
because of its destructive practices. “Lets be clear about one thing, we
are not the ‘peaceful protesters’”, Hayduke says, “standing on logging
roads, climbing trees and waving signs is great. But this game is for
keeps. We’re not going to hurt anyone, but we’re going to stop those
goddamn machines’. To the best of our knowledge, no one was caught or
arrested for any of the acts of sabotage listed here!
“NGOs [...] provide such a useful safety valve, preventing social
tensions from becoming social struggles. NGOs turn revolutionaries into
careerists, radical politics into office politics, struggles into
bureaucracies.” – Peter Gelderloos: The Crisis as Pacification