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Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 8 Num. 43 ====================================== ("Quid coniuratio est?") ----------------------------------------------------------------- ALPHA 66 ======== (From the June 1996 Conspiracy Nation Newsletter) ------------------------------------------------- The year is 1946. With the defeat of the Nazis, the USSR is shaping up as the big enemy of freedom. In Munich, Germany, ALLEN DULLES of the OSS, the Allies' WWII secret spy network, begins recruiting Nazis to shelter under the umbrella of the U.S. government. Among other American agents working to recruit the presumably dead Hitler's master spies are RICHARD HELMS, JAMES ANGLETON, THEODORE SHACKLEY and WILLIAM HARVEY. All these would later become Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) big shots. The CIA, officially born 1 year later, is supposedly formed just to be a central clearinghouse of intelligence coming in from other U.S. government intelligence agencies, such as Naval Intelligence and Army Intelligence. There is also a minor provision in the original enacting legislation saying that the Agency is to "perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence affecting the national security as the National Security Council may from time to time direct." The CIA takes the "minor provision" and, by 1954, has interpreted it as somehow meaning it has full authority to help topple the legally elected government of Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala. Because of the "success" of the Guatemalan coup d'etat, veterans of that affair are later selected by CIA "covert plans" Deputy Director Richard Bissell to help with attempts to overthrow the government of Fidel Castro's Cuba. Among those chosen by Bissell is E. HOWARD HUNT. Just prior to "Bay of Pigs", MARITA LORENZ, then a girlfriend of Castro, is recruited by Alex Rorke and FRANK STURGIS (a.k.a. Frank Fiorini) to poison Fidel. She smuggles two poison capsules in a jar of cold cream. But the cold cream melts the capsules and the plot fails. Then comes Bay of Pigs: on board a U.S. Navy vessel that officially "doesn't exist" at that time and place, the "USS Essex", is JIMMY ROTHSTEIN. He and others are there to help support the Bay of Pigs operation. But the Bay of Pigs operation does not succeed. CIA attempts to overthrow the Cuban regime, however, still continue. In October of 1961, a plot to murder Castro by firing a bazooka at him while he stands on a balcony is thwarted. One of the plotters is captured by Castro's men; he is found hiding at the estate of AMADOR ODIO, a wealthy Cuban. Another conspirator, ANTONIO VECIANA, escapes to Miami. Secret director of the "bazooka plot" against Castro is "MAURICE BISHOP", a cover name used by DAVID ATLEE PHILLIPS, the CIA's Chief of Western Hemisphere. "Bishop" suggests to Veciana that he form a group called ALPHA 66. It becomes an extremely militant Cuban exile group. In spite of the Bay of Pigs disaster, President John Kennedy remains staunchly anti-Castro. JM/WAVE, the largest CIA installation anywhere except for CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, is set up and covert actions to overthrow Castro continue. Head of operations at the JM/WAVE facility (disguised as "Zenith Technical Enterprises, Inc") is DAVID SANCHEZ MORALES. Working closely with Morales at JM/WAVE is JOHN ROSSELLI, originally a gangster with Al Capone's Chicago mob. (Also connected with Chicago organized crime is JACK RUBY.) By this time, assassination has long since become part of U.S. policy and is a sizeable business. Helping develop the weaponry is MITCHELL LIVINGSTON WERBELL III. Castro is not feeling too safe, what with plots to kill him and to invade "his" island and/or overthrow his government going on. Is that why his Soviet allies begin smuggling missiles to Cuba? JFK finds out that missiles are being shipped to Cuba. And now, as we all "know", comes JFK's moment of glory where he boldly stares down Khruschev until the Soviet leader "blinks" and withdraws the missiles. This is what we are told. But the real story is that Khrushchev makes a deal with JFK: "I'll withdraw the missiles if you'll stop going after Castro and Cuba." We don't get the whole story because, hey, that's politics; President Kennedy wants to look "tough" to help him politically. So at this point -- after the Cuban Missile Crisis -- JFK causes covert actions against Castro to ease off. This in turn causes the Cuban exiles to become furious and to believe that JFK has "betrayed" them. GEORGE DE MOHRENSCHILDT, the son of a pre-Bolshevik, Czarist Russian official, migrates to the United States in 1938. During World War II, he works with French intelligence. He is friends with Mrs. John V. Bouvier, mother of Jackie Kennedy. De Mohrenschildt is a "White Russian"; he is firmly anti-communist. In the early 1960s, he works as a consultant for several Texas oil companies. For some reason, de Mohrenschildt befriends "working-class drifter" LEE HARVEY OSWALD and introduces him to the Dallas White Russian community. Around April of 1963, de Mohrenschildt moves to Haiti and goes into business with CLEMARD JOSEPH CHARLES who works in turn with Haitian President "Papa Doc" Duvalier. Charles most likely works as Duvalier's "bag man"; i.e. his job apparently involves bringing bags of money from Duvalier to U.S. politicians. It is also possible that Charles was a conduit of funds for CIA. Decades later, one of Clemard Charles' corporate fronts is the St. Charles Pacific Peace Organization. The Treasurer of the organization is Frank Sturgis. In September of 1963, "Maurice Bishop" calls Veciana of Alpha 66 and asks him to come to Dallas, Texas. Veciana meets Bishop, most probably in the Southland Center, a 42-story office building. When Veciana enters the lobby, he sees Bishop in a corner, speaking with a young man -- Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald leaves without having been introduced to Veciana. Also in September of 1963, SILVIA ODIO, daughter of Amador Odio, the wealthy Cuban who hid one of the conspirators involved in the "bazooka plot", is visited by 3 men. They come to her apartment in Dallas one evening in the last week of September. One of the 3 men is Lee Harvey Oswald, introduced to her as "Leon Oswald". In October 1963, Marita Lorenz, the girl whose poison capsules for Castro had melted in her jar of cold cream, meets with Frank Sturgis and a man she calls "Ozzie" (Lee Harvey Oswald) in the home of ORLANDO BOSCH. They discuss "certain streets in Dallas". In November 1963, Lorenz joins Frank Sturgis and other men in a drive from Florida to Dallas. They leave after midnight in two old, beat up cars. They arrive in Dallas and register at a motel on the outskirts of town. At the motel, "Ozzie" visits. Then later, they are visited by Jack Ruby. Lorenz later asks Sturgis, "Where'd you get that Mafia punk [Ruby]?" Sturgis replies that, "I made a mistake. This is too big. I want you to go back to Miami." Lorenz agrees to go back to Miami. As she is about to leave for the airport, E. Howard Hunt arrives. In the Dallas JFK motorcade on November 22, 1963 is HENRY B. GONZALEZ, Filming the tragedy in the JFK Deathmobile, from the "grassy knoll", is Abraham Zapruder. He sells the film to TIME, INC. which will not allow it to be shown to the public. (The Zapruder film was finally resurrected through the heroic efforts of Robert J. Groden, author, with Harrison Edward Livingstone, of High Treason, an excellent book which explores the JFK assassination.) Time-Life and its owner HENRY LUCE had actively supported the Alpha 66 group. Wife of Henry Luce is CLARE BOOTH LUCE. She is friends with David Atlee Phillips, i.e. "Maurice Bishop". (As documented in Carl Bernstein's article, "The CIA and the Media" [Rolling Stone 10/20/77], America's major news media have been working hand in glove with the CIA. Journalists who are secretly paid by the CIA (in addition to the money they are paid by their nominal employers) are known as CIA "assets". The Agency invests its money in many places. In the early 1960s, many so-called "committees" were formed -- for example, Citizens for a Free Cuba, Citizens Committee to Free Cuba, etc. The CIA established some of these "committees" for the purpose of funneling cash and weapons to anti-Castro groups.) VIRGINIA PREWETT is on the board of directors of the Citizens Committee to Free Cuba. She is also one of David Atlee Phillip's ("Maurice Bishop") media "assets". She works, around the time of President Kennedy's murder, as a columnist for the Washington Daily News. where she writes articles favoring groups such as Alpha 66. Other members of her "Citizens Committee", who are also CIA media "assets", write stories designed to point suspicion at Fidel Castro as being the instigator of the JFK assassination. The founder and executive director of the Citizens Committee to Free Cuba is PAUL BETHEL. Bethel has recruited Clare Booth Luce as a founding member of his Citizens Committee to Free Cuba. Bethel is a very close friend of David Atlee Phillips ("Maurice Bishop"). In fact, Bethel, Phillips, and WAYNE SMITH, employed by the State Department at the American Embassy in Havana in 1960, had all been chums in a little theater group there at that time. Paul Bethel writes for WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY's National Review. Buckley is a CIA "asset", takes instruction from Phillips, and is godfather to one of E. Howard Hunt's children. Phillips ("Bishop") works through JM/WAVE to coordinate propaganda operations of several Cuban exile groups. David Sanchez Morales, head of operations at JM/WAVE, later goes on to work with WILLIAM COLBY and his "Operation Phoenix" in Vietnam. (Operation Phoenix, according to New Times magazine reporter Michael Drosnin, "oversaw the creation of mercenary terror teams, the founding of a vast and brutal secret police force, the construction of a nationwide network of interrogation centers, and finally devised Phoenix to coordinate and provide a legal cover for the growing campaign of mass murder and political imprisonment [in Vietnam]." Phoenix, writes Gaeton Fonzi in The Last Investigation, "was a secret war waged by hit men." So Morales gets a little "hit man" training or he is already an accomplished "hit man" and was honing his skills. Bottom line: Morales is a "hit man" for CIA.) (Recapping is hard to do at this point, but basically we have CIA --> Veciana --> Alpha 66 --> Cuban Missile Crisis --> JFK assassination --> media "assets" plant disinformation.) Moving ahead in time, we encounter the Nixon Administration. The year is 1969. President Richard Nixon launches what he calls the "War Against Drugs"; Nixon, nobly, says he wants to save America's kids from drugs. Friend of Mitch WerBell, since old OSS days, is LUCIEN CONEIN. E. Howard Hunt, now working for the Nixon White House, offers Conein a job running the "War Against Drugs". By 1973, Conein is chief of Special Operations for the Drug Enforcement Agency [DEA]. Conein recruits at least a dozen CIA people into his Special Operations branch of DEA. (That figure is estimated to be higher by retired Brigadier General Russell S. Bowen in his book, The Immaculate Deception. According to Bowen, by 1971 there are "more than 100 CIA-trained Cuban exiles, under cover of narcotics enforcement [functioning] as a White House goon squad...") Was Nixon's antidrug campaign in reality a bid to establish his own intelligence network? Was Nixon's "War Against Drugs" really the start of undeclared, semi- martial law in America? Savvy folks, on the lookout against declarations of martial law, do not see semi-martial law, disguised as a "War Against Drugs". Remember: the year is 1969. There is massive unrest at home as the War in Vietnam has by now been essentially undermined. 1971: Veciana sets up headquarters in Caracas, Venezuela, with purpose being to recruit an experienced "team" to assassinate Fidel Castro. Castro will be visiting Chile, and the plan is to shoot him at a press conference there. The assassins are then to be arrested by the Chilean military before Castro's bodyguards get a chance to kill them. "Maurice Bishop" says that from there he can arrange their escape from Chile. Working with Veciana to help organize the assassination attempt is LUIS POSADA. Posada works for the Venezuelan secret police -- DISIP. He is also working for CIA. Invited to Caracas at this time by DISIP is Orlando Bosch, he of the aforementioned house in Florida, Frank Sturgis, "Ozzie", and the "certain streets in Dallas." Lucky for Castro, the 1971 Chilean plot fails. So, Chilean military does not need to lend a hand. President of Chile at this time is SALVADOR ALLENDE. Allende, democratically elected and a socialist, is not part of the plot against Castro. Two years later the Chilean military is again at cross-purposes with Allende. From 1970 thru 1973, CIA pours $13 million of our money into Chile, hoping to undermine President Allende. Most of this money is slipped to CIA "assets" in the media, with consequent effect on the information received by the Chilean people. HAL "THE SPOOK" HENDRIX works for International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT) Corporation in Chile. A former "reporter" for the Miami News, in which capacity he had pumped out disinformation about Lee H. Oswald immediately after the JFK murder, Hendrix now (early 1970s) sends a cable to America. The cable goes to an ITT vice president. It tells him that the Nixon White House has given the "green light" for operations meant to overthrow Salvador Allende. Says Henry Kissinger, commenting on the Allende election, "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go 'Communist' because of the irresponsibility of its own people." In September 1973, Allende is overthrown by a military coup d'etat. Taking over in Chile is GENERAL AUGUSTO PINOCHET. Pinochet and friends -- the "junta generals" -- gain power with help from ITT, CIA and David Atlee Phillips ("Maurice Bishop"). More than 10,000 Chilean dissidents are shot and/or tortured to death following the coup. Among those arrested, tortured and sent to a Chilean concentration camp is former Foreign and Defense Minister of that South American nation, ORLANDO LETELIER. To quiet mounting international criticism, General Pinochet later releases Letelier and lets him leave the country. In December 1974, Orlando Bosch and other anti-Castro terrorists visit Chile. They meet with the junta generals and work out a mutual assistance pact: the Cubans will help DINA, the Chilean secret police, liquidate Pinochet's exiled enemies who have been bad-mouthing the Generalisimo from abroad. In return, Chile will supply Bosch and friends arms, explosives, fake passports, and a safe haven from which to operate. By the summer of 1976, Bosch has united many of the various militant Cuban exile groups. In a meeting in the Dominican Republic attended by representatives of these groups, a coalition called Commando of United Revolutionary Organizations (CORU) is born. Within 10 months, CORU takes "credit" for more than 50 acts of violence: bombings, kidnappings, and assassinations. Among those assassinated is Orlando Letelier: in Washington, D.C., Letelier is driving down Massachusetts Avenue. A remote-control bomb attached to the car explodes. CIA media "asset" Virginia Prewett writes a disinformation piece, in which she suggests that Letelier had been "sacrificed" by leftists -- in other words, the leftists knew it would appear obvious that Pinochet et al. was behind the bombing so they, according to Prewett, took advantage of this obviousity and murdered one of their own. But, in fact, the orders to kill Letelier had come from Chile, through their secret police, to CORU. Letelier's briefcase, recovered at the scene of the bombing by a homicide detective, somehow finds its way into the hands of David Atlee Phillips. Phillips, in turn, distributes its contents to "friendly" "journalists" and legislators. Around this time too, the body of mobster John Rosselli is found inside a drum floating in the waters near Miami. Rosselli, linked to CIA through the JM/WAVE facility, had inside knowledge about CIA/Organized crime links. Also around this time, the New York Daily News has headlines of "Ex-Spy Says She Drove to Dallas With Oswald & Kennedy 'Assassin Squad.'" Marita Lorenz has decided to go public and disclose part of what she knows. James Rothstein, now an NYPD detective, receives information that an infuriated Frank Sturgis is on his way to Lorenz's home to murder her for talking. Rothstein intercepts Sturgis and arrests him. Rothstein described to this editor what happened next: "I talked to Sturgis when I arrested him. See, I had Frank Sturgis two hours before anybody knew we had him. And another thing: see, I had been in the Bay of Pigs invasion on an aircraft carrier that 'didn't exist'. And so when I grabbed Sturgis, after we had him under control and everything, the first thing I did was to congratulate him for assassinating John F. Kennedy. I purposely did that. And when I told him that I had been on the Essex and that we had bombed that place for 3 days and 3 nights, he said, 'The only way you knew that is if you were there.' Because it was unknown. And after that, he took me in as one of his [confidants]. We talked for 2 hours." Chairman of the House Select Committee on Assassinations, formed in September of 1976, is Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez. In October, Richard Sprague is chosen as the Committee's chief counsel. Gonzalez feuds with Sprague and eventually resigns from the Committee. He flies back to Texas and gives an angry interview to the San Antonio Express-News. "The Committee was programmed to self-destruct," rages Gonzalez. "I'm aware at last that the House leadership never had intended for the JFK investigation to fly, and indeed had prefabricated the whole thing for the skids." In late March of 1977, George de Mohrenschildt receives a notice that he is being sought to testify before the Assassinations Committee. Hours later, he dies of a shotgun wound to the head, an apparent suicide. Years pass. In July of 1988, The Nation magazine reports discovering a memo written by J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI on November 29, 1963. The document summarizes oral "briefings" given on the day after the JFK murder to, among others, "Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency." Was Bush with CIA as far back as 1963!? Bush says the memo must refer to "another George Bush." CIA then says the "George Bush" referred to in the memo was a low-level researcher and analyst with the Agency, whose name is George William Bush. But, this person, George William Bush, gives a sworn affidavit stating that, "I am not that Mr. George Bush of the Central Intelligence Agency referred to in the memorandum." Questioned further, President Bush has the White House stonewall the matter by refusing to discuss it. But Bush has apparently been with CIA since before 1961 and has worked with, among others, FELIX RODRIGUEZ who is also known as "Max Gomez". (You remember "Max Gomez": he showed up in the last issue of Conspiracy Nation. ) George Bush, using his company, Zapata Oil, as a corporate cover for his Agency activities, has worked with the anti-Castro groups both before and after Bay of Pigs. In 1971, Bush joins up with the "War on Drugs" gang; President Nixon appoints him to the White House Cabinet Committee on International Narcotic Control. In the mid-70s, Congress and the Justice Department try to crack down on rogue elements within the rogue Central Intelligence Agency, but Bush, now CIA Director, gums up the works. By 1988, with the increasing militarization of the "War on Drugs", Bush is riding high on a white horse. Mid-way into his presidency he appears on national television holding a big bag of cocaine. Says President Bush: "This bag of cocaine was purchased right across the street from the White House !! " Of course we know that Reagan/Bush, through Oliver North, was helping fund and supply an illegal war against the Sandinistas in the 1980s. Part of the illicit scheme involved flying weapons to Nicaragua's Contras out of an airport near Mena, Arkansas. Working on the project was TERRY REED, author, with John Cummings, of the bestseller Compromised. Above Terry Reed in the chain of command is "Max Gomez", a.k.a. Felix Rodriguez, who incidentally is the man who killed Che Guevara. Terry Reed, currently suing certain persons in Arkansas, has hinted that another book may be forthcoming. On a 1994 shortwave broadcast of America's Town Forum with then-host Tom Donahue, Reed mentioned that the sequel to Compromised most likely would deal in part with Zapata Oil -- George Bush's company. Which brings us back to Detective James Rothstein (retired). After the April 1995 OKC bombings, Rothstein was hired and/or asked by a wealthy Chicago businessman to go down to Oklahoma and find out exactly what happened. Based on what Rothsteain found out as well as on other information I have, here is what probably happened. Note that the following scenario still has gaps and is subject to change when/if further info becomes available. McVeigh returns from the Gulf War. He wants to get into Special Forces but he apparently doesn't make it and "washes out" at Fort Bragg. Also, subsequent to the Gulf War, some Iraqis are recruited into U.S. intelligence. It's worth noting that Dr. Michael Parenti has stated that Saddam Hussein himself was "owned" by CIA but that something went wrong -- perhaps he, like Barry Seal and Ron Brown, got too greedy. So McVeigh becomes a "drifter" -- or possibly a government agent of some type if his "washing out" from Special Forces is itself just a cover story. After the Waco Massacre he demonstrates strong feelings of outrage about what happened. He may have been duped into a BATF "sting" operation where a BATF agent provocateur provided him with a Ryder truck filled with explosives and asked him to drive it to Oklahoma City. Going along for the ride with McVeigh is the elusive "John Doe #2". Unbeknownst to McVeigh but known to John Doe #2 is that a "beeper" -- a remote tracking device -- is attached to the truck. This allows BATF to maintain a "loose tail" on the truck; they can follow the truck even though they are miles away. The plan seems to be to stop McVeigh at the last minute, thereby (hopefully) giving BATF dramatic, heroic, last-minute-rescue footage for "news" programs which in turn might help BATF's public image. After the Gulf War, Saddam Hussein is supposedly angry about something. Perhaps he feels that his CIA buddies have double-crossed him. Unbeknownst to BATF and U.S. Intelligence, John Doe #2, riding with McVeigh, is actually a double-agent with a mission from Saddam Hussein: possibly revenge of some/any sort. John Doe #2 secretly removes the "beeper" from the truck. Now BATF is in a panic. They have lost the truck! All that is known is that the truck is going to Oklahoma City. There is an emergency. Every available BATF agent is called out. (That is why there were no BATF in the Murrah Building when the bombs went off; they were all out on the street, looking for McVeigh.) In the early morning hours of April 19, 1995, BATF agents are spotted by several witnesses all over Oklahoma City. The agents carry wire hoops with which they desperately hope to pick up some signal from the "beeper". (They of course still don't know that the "beeper" has been disabled.) Meanwhile, other Iraqi agents have entered the Murrah Building carrying satchels loaded with high-powered explosives. These satchels are placed against key support columns. That morning, the truck pulls up in front of the Murrah Building. Perhaps McVeigh believes that the explosion will not be very powerful; perhaps he is unaware of the other explosives placed against certain support columns in the building. Some have speculated that the real explosives, the ones in the satchels, were connected to air-pressure detonators and that the truck bomb only served as a means to set off the detonators on the satchels. McVeigh and John Doe #2 leave the truck, start the timing device to explode the truck, then get into an automobile and drive away. A few blocks from the scene, John Doe #2 gets out of the car, changes the license plate, and then gives McVeigh the O.K. to drive off. But, one last little thing John Doe #2 does is to make sure the new license plate on McVeigh's car is not well-attached, thus making it likely he will be pulled over. McVeigh may have believed he was making a relatively harmless "statement" on the 2-year anniversary of the Waco Massacre. Little did he know that the waters were deeper than he thought. Same too with BATF: they perhaps believed that a relatively harmless "sting" operation -- wherein McVeigh would first be tempted by an agent provocateur and then arrested by BATF, a "bad cop" "good cop" routine -- was in the works but, again, the waters were deeper than they had supposed. But Rothstein adds that there is more to this than his outline of events. I would have to agree: the investigation into the OKC bombings is, according to McVeigh's defense attorney, Stephen Jones, "the largest criminal investigation in the history of the U.S., larger than Kennedy's death, larger than Oswald by any standard." Other elements that somehow tie in are (1) co-defendant Terry Nichols travels to the Phillipines, then somehow has bricks of silver stashed away in a storage facility -- where'd he get all the silver? (2) Andreas Strassmeir, an ultra-right German, may have been involved in the "sting operation"; Strassmeir, now back in Germany, denies this. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Views expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of Conspiracy Nation nor of its editor. Main source for this issue was The Last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 1993). Other books consulted were High Treason by Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone, The Immaculate Deception by Russell S. Bowen, and Deep Politics and the Death of JFK by Peter Dale Scott. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ----------------------------------------------------------------- I encourage distribution of "Conspiracy Nation." ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like "Conspiracy Nation" sent to your e-mail address, send a message in the form "subscribe cn-l My Name" to listproc@cornell.edu (Note: that is "CN-L" *not* "CN-1") ----------------------------------------------------------------- For information on how to receive the improved Conspiracy Nation Newsletter, send an e-mail message to bigred@shout.net ----------------------------------------------------------------- Want to know more about Whitewater, Oklahoma City bombing, etc? 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