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Title: Economic Equities
Author: Joshua K. Ingalls
Date: 1887
Language: en
Topics: economics, mutualism, production
Source: Retrieved 11/12/2021 from https://books.google.com/books?id=PcZNAQAAMAAJ

Joshua K. Ingalls

Economic Equities


I make no apology for intruding this little study upon public notice. If

the subject and treatment entitle it to respect, it is well; if not, no

explanation or excuse can avail it.

It seems evident that no mere partisan is qualified to explain general

economical principles. The advocate of protection, or of free trade, has

each a distinct purpose and aim, wholly inconsistent with the scientific

spirit. The champion of a caste or class has a predetermined result to

which all his reasonings are subordinated. Political economy has thus

far been little more than a series of ingenious attempts to reconcile

class prerogative and arbitrary capitalistic control with the principles

of exchange.

No proper solution of the problem of social industry and wealth can ever

be reached while deferring to the traditions and institutions of

barbarous ages, or to the prejudices and sordid maxims of the very rich

and powerful. To consider the interests of only the class of employers

or business men is quite as ineffectual, and to vindicate the interests

of the wage-workers, as a class, leads to no permanent improvement in

human conditions. Neither the pronounced Communist nor the State

Socialist can make an impartial investigation, since each is committed

to an ultimate conclusion.

Leaving out all schemes for political or legislative remedies, I have

sought to ascertain the true nature of the relation of earth and man to

social industry and reciprocal exchange; or at least to call attention

to these problems as far as they are capable of exact and scientific

treatment. When the truth is comprehended we shall he able to ascertain

what people or class of people, if any, are desirous of promoting

justice and honest dealing.

Glenora, N.Y., 1887.


Without any election of his own, the child of industry finds himself

ushered into this world, subject to the necessity of supplying himself

with food, raiment, and shelter. These may for a time be furnished by

the love and care of parents, friends, or guardians; and conditions of

birth or fortune may shorten or greatly lengthen this period of

dependence. Instances wherein the support of one’s life is wholly a

gratuity from favor, accident of birth, or class prerogative, can have

no economical importance, and need no consideration.

Under every circumstance, however, the truth remains unquestioned that

human life, with all its comforts, meager or abundant, is sustained by

human labor, of the person’s own or of another’s, and that,

consequently, whatever is not furnished by himself has to be taken from

the labor product of some other. As he grows to manhood, moreover, the

worker learns that place, opportunity to work, and the raw material to

work upon are essential to his life and to the procurement of its

necessities. To the production of any wealth whatever, these two and

only these two requisites are necessary—the man and the material to be

wrought with or upon.

At the very inception of the industrial problem, he has, therefore, to

face a condition of social arrangements, or institution, which not only

invites but compels attack, in the sheerest self-justice and

self-defense. In modern society and in the accepted commercial customs,

he finds his complemental factor, the land, with all opportunities and

facilities to employ his labor, already appropriated and controlled, to

his exclusion, by persons comparatively few in numbers, whose advent

into the world has been in no essential feature different from his own,

and whose wants have to be supplied in the same manner as his own—never

otherwise than through the toil of some worker

In tracing the subject further he finds that this arbitrary control of

the land has been derived from an original “common ownership,” as it

once existed among all nations and tribes whose history is known. And

what appears surprising to him is that this change of proprietorship has

been brought about through forceful conquest at times, but more

generally by betrayals of public trusts, by the gradual assertion of

privileges through class laws, and the grossest assumption of arbitrary

power; and that this exclusion of himself and class from the common

right to life, necessarily dependent upon the right to land, is

destitute of any excuse in morals, civil polity or industrial economy.

He sees that rent, that synonym of all subjective tribute and outrage,

has arisen in no such way as economists claim, but through a private

claim to ownership of the common domain, by the appropriation of the

original public tax to personal use. His first and paramount duty to

himself and fellows, then, is to question this prejudgment of the

matter, and to demand a new hearing on the merits and on the now

ascertained facts and newly-developed reasons. But whether he will

intelligently do this, or fail to do it, does not relieve us from our

duty of stating the relation which the worker holds to the earth, his

physical mother, in every economic, equitable, and ethical sense.

One of nature’s children can have no more rights than another—certainly

none wholly to exclude another. If any such, like the exclusive control

of the land, are attempted to be exercised, through the force of custom,

misapprehension of “civil law,” or perversion of the “law of exchange,”

the first moral duty, as well as the first economic suggestion, is to

rectify these errors, and establish equity and, at least, to repeal and

revoke all such violations of natural right and natural equity as work

to the subjection of the man, to the impoverishment of the soil, the

destruction of civil rule, the debasement of public morals, and the

derangement of productive industry and equitable exchange.

Private property in or commercial ownership of the land can give no

valid title against the inheritance nature bestows, and upon the

recognition of which all principles of justifiable property or ownership

depend. “The earth belongs in usufruct to the living.” No title which

gives the present holder “the right to its future products forever” and

so subverts this principle, can have any just force or application;

because the very law of property depends upon “the right to control that

which our labor has effected.” And since labor is absolutely powerless

to create or effect the production of any property without access to the

raw material, the earth and its substances and forces, my ownership of

these which debars labor from their use destroys the right to produce

property and thus strikes at the fundamental principle upon which all

true property in human society rests.

In treating our subject, then, we find ourselves unable to make a single

economic equation except upon the ground that the earth as well as the

man is free. Without such freedom of the producing factors, we can have

only forced exchanges, and to use the terms, “equitable exchange,” or

“free competition,” is calculated, then, only to delude and insnare.

That this principle is recognized but partially in our civil

institutions is no more a reason why we should defer to imperfect

conditions than why a trade economist should treat an existing

protective tariff as a natural factor in exchange; or why a chemist

should designate as component parts of a purely chemical composition the

adulterations which a tricky dealer has added to cheapen the production

and defraud his customers.

It must be understood, then, that where we speak of the equities of

production, division, and exchange we assume the freedom of “man and the



Pursuing his investigations, the worker finds that the production of the

things necessary to supply human needs is not only accomplished by human

industry, but that such industry is invariably co-operative, or social,

in its nature. What can be done by an individual alone is trifling. It

may barely sustain individual life, but cannot achieve any considerable

results in the way of storing up provision for time of inactivity and

the unproductive season. Any advantage he might enjoy would largely

depend on what he had inherited from parents, or from some one who had

wrought before him, and so partakes of the social character in its

relation to past labor.

It is usual for the successful man of affairs to pride himself upon what

he has personally accomplished. Really, as an individual, he has done so

more than Juan Fernandez did upon his ocean island. It is the social

force of which be has been an agent and director which has accomplished

all. It has required a mind capable of organizing those forces, and

faculties fitted to the work; but these faculties are not exceptional.

There are often soldiers in the ranks more capable of directing an army

than the appointed leader, and ability for the administration of affairs

is readily developed in ordinary men or women.

It is the convergence of the social forces and their concentration upon

the line of industrial or commercial development, not exceptional

capacities, which bring individuals to the front, and enable them to

appropriate undue proportions of the industrial production. The

cooperation of the industrious is essential in every step, in the

largest manufactory or in the small shop, in the mammoth farming

enterprise, or in the more modest endeavor. Production in any

comprehensive sense is the result of the association, division, and

combination of the labors of many. The manufacturer, or director of

labor, gives laborers employment, directly, and pays the wages; but

there is always first a social demand for the commodity produced, and

the other things produced which begot the demand are equally the result

of other cooperative industries.

Even the individual who produces some commodity wholly by himself does

not escape the principle, for whatever he needs beyond his own product

he has to exchange his product for, and so enters tacitly into a

co-operative circle. And since labor (present as well as past labor, or

capital) is essential in any business whatever, such business belongs in

fact to the laborer as much as to the furnisher of plant and material.

And although the buildings, tools, machinery, etc., may be the property

of, and be held in possession under the enterprise, and so be said to

belong to the capitalist or contributor of stock, the product of former

labor, still, without the application of the living labor, the business

must cease, and the plant go to waste, as certainly as if it should be

withdrawn or destroyed.

The logic of this position is recognized by many employing capitalists,

and indeed by every employer who has listened to the proposition to

arbitrate differences with his workmen. If the position of worker and

employer were simply one of buyer and seller, as our superficial

political economy would teach, there could be no place for arbitration,

for neither the buyer nor seller could submit to any arbitration to buy

what be did not want or sell what he wanted to keep, or at prices

unsatisfactory. For it is not a matter of trade, of bargain and sale, at

all; but a question of equitable division between co-workers. For the

conclusion is inevitable that as the business belongs to worker and

owner of plant or other funds alike, the products belong to both as

partners, and the subject is therefore, on this ground alone, one proper

for arbitration whenever the directors and the performers of labor find

themselves in disagreement as to division of the results of their mutual


It is obvious that where these principles are fully recognized,

co-operation in a broad and exact sense is possible—indeed, certain—of

realization, since the rational basis already exists. The only peaceful

solution to the antagonisms which disturb present industrial relations

lies, then, in this direction, and every effort to harmonize “labor and

capital” tends to make these principles known and respected by worker

and director alike. When it is understood that all industry, whether

combined or isolated, and under the most unfavorable as under the most

favorable conditions, is co-operative, and that it is an equitable

division of its products alone which needs to be sought, and not greater

freedom or facilities to “buy and sell and get gain,” general

co-operative industry will necessarily develop itself with a result

surpassing the most utopian conceptions.

A most preposterous claim is put forth for massed wealth, that only when

controlled in large amounts and in few hands can it be made effective in

yet untried or extensive enterprises. We have only to consider our

requisite in all such undertakings is the presence and skill of the

worker. The real wealth stored in his muscle and brain, and in his

rearing, training, and education to do effective work, and make any

undertaking possible, is much greater than that in the metal or paper

dollars of the millionaire, which perform no service but to exchange the

material wealth produced by earlier labor into new forms. The worker,

even as a representative of conserved wealth, is a partner of the

capitalist. But of all this the trade economist takes no account.


In the production of any wealth we find an active and a passive factor,

(1) Man, and (2) The Land, embracing all raw material and every natural

force tending to the procurement of all goods. Without land neither

matter nor opportunity is available to the activities of the man. Any

attempt to effect an exchange with his labor is a pure absurdity. He

owns nothing in which it can be embodied; and where the full power of

the monopoly of the land is exerted, he can make no terms but such as

the holder of the material dictates, and at whose pleasure he must

vacate even a piece in which to live or labor, as exigencies may occur.

And the land is but the base or passive factor in production. Until

acted upon by the human energy it is unproductive in any economic sense.

Locations of great fertility, or possessing minerals, may be held in

esteem for purposes of monopoly; but, however rich in natural resources,

under pure economic law they are only turned to exchangeable account by

human toil, and in a normal system of industry will yield only the same

return as labor employed in other fields and occupations.

Man is the active agent; complemented with the land, he is the only

productive agent; and thus complemented it may be truly said, “Labor

creates all wealth.” Under class law many things may appear as capital,

and so secure for their holders much of the wealth produced by the

general industry. But this arises from the working of no economic

principle, but from the operation of class law barbaric custom, and

institutions derived from ages of unscientific and despotic rule.

Interpreted by the more recent school of economists “as the spring or

source of the increase of wealth,” land and labor constitute the only

capital, the true and only factors in the production of wealth.

It now appears that income or the procurement of material goods, or

rights to the same, may arise in several distinct ways, only one of

which, however, can have any recognition in economic law: that which

converts natural into social wealth, through industry. The gathering of

wild fruits, the capture of game, and garnering of the natural

productions, are some of the simple forms of this process. The other

extreme is represented where great complication and combination of labor

are involved. All legitimate, ethical, and economical methods are herein

embraced. Gift, inheritance, and other means of acquiring wealth are

outside of either equitable exchange or industrial ethics.

But a civil rule which has grown out of chattelism, feudalism, and the

“law of the market,” has resulted in giving a number of processes

whereby the wealth produced by human industry, always social or

cooperative, can be converted to private use, and to yield its possessor

income without labor or care. Three of these processes only need special

notice, since the grosser form, chattelism, has disappeared in all

civilized communities.


Rent proper is that side of an assumed exchange which represents the

inequality enforced by an exclusive control of the land required by the

worker to live and labor upon. It is to that extent without the shadow

of compensation or equivalent, and the exchange of which it claims to be

a part is without equivalent, compulsory, and therefore excluded from

any equation.

From the promulgation of the “Rent Theory” by Malthus and Ricardo until

the rise of the recent school, no attempt was made to reduce rent to

economic terms. It was, in fact, claimed that “rent of land is a fund

that exists wholly through external causes, and over which the holder

exercises no control.” Now, to attempt to compensate labor from such a

fund is simply to appropriate so much of the results of such labor

without any compensation whatever; for since the fund arises from

nothing which the holder has done, the labor thus given for its use is

without return on the part of the landlord.

Mr. Macleod, the leader of the more recent school, attempts to define

rent as “the mere right to demand compensation for use,” and “the

purchase of a use for a limited period.” But he makes no effort to show

how the right to charge for the use of the natural forces is derived,

nor how any equity in the exchange can possibly exist. He satisfies

himself with reference of all values to “a desire of the mind,” and to

demand and supply, which determine the market price. The rationale of

trading upon the desire of mankind to occupy the inheritance furnished

by nature, and forcing payment for that which costs nothing to one

party, he declines to grapple with, and so leaves rent as far from any

economic explanation as the elder school. It is simply a matter without

any economical explanation. It is tax, an exaction, dependent wholly on

inverted civil rule, and depends on no commercial principle whatever.



Interest no more than rent can enter as a permanent quantity into an

equitable exchange. It is payment for a use which costs the holder

nothing, and can play a part only in a forced or fraudulent exchange.

This may be seen from the sources from which the borrower derives it,


1^(st). From the principal borrowed, in which ease it results in

bankruptcy of the borrower, and perhaps loss to the lender.

2d. From the stock of the borrower, resulting in his impoverishment.

3d. From the wages or equitable compensation of the borrower, or from

that of his employees, or from profits from those with whom he has



are impossible of explanation on any principle of exchange whatever.

They are over and above a true equation, and represent nothing but the

excess of one side over the other. To state an equation with profits is

to show their absurdity, thus: a=a+x, or a=a-x. There can be only one

value to x in such equation, and that is 0.

Compensation for service in exchange is a wholly different thing from

pure profit, and it is found on investigation that the merchant of

average honesty and success receives only a fair compensation for his

labor, compared with other employments. The system of percentage is a

very uncertain method, and yet in the absence of class law, corporate

monopolies, and devices to shield parties from healthy competition, it

would operate with comparative equity.

Rent, interest, and profits, which represent no service rendered, are of

the same nature, and affect industry in similar ways. Thus rent may be

said to be the interest of the money value of the land, or the annual

profit on the same.

Interest may be said to be the rent of such land as the money would buy;

or the profit of so much capital as it represents.

Profit may be said to be the rent of so much land as the capital would

exchange for, or the interest of so much money as is invested in the


It is hence evident that no such distinction exists between rent,

interest, and profits as a recent popular writer insists upon. They not

only accord with each other, but are interchangeable, maintain a very

uniform rate with each other, and affect industry in precisely the same

manner. They are but different forms of expression for the same thing,

and depend wholly upon the power to enforce consent to unequal


A seeming distinction exists in the fact that profit is more generally

connected with services than either rent or interest; but it only needs

in any case to distinguish between what is properly balanced by service,

in order to determine what part is purely profit or interest or rent. It

is possible, also, to conceive of service in the control of the land, in

its care and administration, and such service, of course, has an

equivalent compensation, the same as service in exchange. An appreciable

service is recognized even in matters of finance, and the calling of the

banker is not without labor to be equitably rewarded. Such service,

however, is mainly rendered to the money-lender rather than to the

money-borrower, as we shall see, since it enables the lender to secure

the conservation of the values he possesses. But the lender of money on

proper security renders no service of any kind, and his interest, above

proportional taxation, is wholly a gratuity, for which no return can be

shown, since the borrower, in furnishing security, takes all risks upon


Trade for profit, where each party charges the same, rate or amount,

comes to the same thing as if each party traded at cost and for purposes

of mutual advantage merely. It is only where the rate is excessive on

one side that advantage is obtained by one party over the other. It is

from the fact that profits in a measure equalize themselves that such

trade is at all endurable.

It is thought by many business men as well as taught in our current

political economy, that rent, interest, and profits constitute the Alpha

and Omega of all business transactions. But the truth is that they are

the destruction of all serviceable production and of all honest

exchange, and but for the large equalization of profit which takes

place, and to some extent of rent and interest as well, and but for

periodical bankruptcies and failures, by which large amounts of capital

are annually wiped out, and rents, interests, and profits canceled, any

exchange of commodities would be as difficult under their rule as

between hostile armies.

Trade for profit necessarily involves chicanery, deception,

adulteration, and cheating, and to it their general prevalence in

business is due. Equitable commerce implies the direct opposite of all

these. Yet it is difficult for the ordinary mind, educated in

profit-making, to understand how any person should seek an exchange

without actually lying or prevaricating, or should do any useful service

to another without seeking a greater service in return. Such is the

logic of our economic teaching, though the least reflection should show

one that the main service in all production and in all exchanges must of

necessity be not only devoid of profit, but minus the profits which go

to the scheming and dishonest.


What is made the sole economic principle by the later schools of

economists, viz, The right to unearned income, is now found to be

destitute of any natural basis, and wholly dependent on statutes and

customs as barbarous as the ages from which they have been derived.

Increase of wealth occurs only through the application of labor to the

land. Such increase is greatly facilitated by a combination and division

of labor. This relates also to such combination as is made by joining

present labor to the product of past effort. The concentration of force

is also productive of results. And thus it is made to appear that the

possessor of the existing product is an accessory, merely as the holder

of such material, to the new production. And in connection with the

exclusive ownership of the land, a necessity for the concurrence of the

landlord and of the capitalist is made so great that they are, to a

certain extent, able to limit production, and to prevent it wholly

whenever their terms as to a share of the increase are not complied

with. In the absence of class law and exclusive privilege, such result

could not possibly occur. For all forms of wealth constantly diminish by

natural decay and waste, by the use of improved methods, and by the

changes of fashion.

The necessity one finds to provide for rearing offspring, the approach

of old age and decay of active power, beget a constant demand for new

labor to conserve wealth through change of form and production of

enduring goods. Thus the desire to associate the products of past labor

with new enterprises must be mutual, and, under normal civil and social

conditions, could not possibly command a premium other than transient

and inconsiderable and alternate upon either side.

The mere fact that such stored products of labor can be used to furnish

improved tools and machines, so far from justifying interest or profit,

only makes more urgent the necessity of having such products conserved

without delay, since such improvements tend constantly to reduce the

value of many existing forms of wealth. Interest for use of created

wealth could not be maintained, since it tends constantly to decrease in

value and so force the employment constantly of more labor in its


To determine the economic equity of this question it is only necessary

to consider the entire amount of labor, past and present, and the entire

product arising from any industrial proceeding, and the matter of

division readily appears. Whatever as at present goes to the owner of

the land, or as interest on money or profit to capital, is so much for

which no economical account can be rendered; because if at one time

there appeared an unusual demand for forms of wealth already existing,

in order to employ present labor, such demand, resulting in a premium,

must in itself, under system of free competition, beget an increase in

conserved wealth, and tend in an equal degree to increase the demand for

present labor to reconvert and recreate such values. The mean or

equilibrium toward which demand and supply would constantly tend would

be the equality of compensation between the holder of past products of

labor and the doer of present labor. And fluctuations in the relative

price of each would extend to as far upon one side of the mean as upon

the other. This now takes place to a considerable extent under our very

imperfect system of wages, in the relative price which is maintained

between the wages of labor, at a particular time, and the price of

materials upon which such labor is employed, tending from extremes,

caused by whatever disturbing force, to a relative mean.

What obstructs effectively the natural working of the law is the

monopoly of the raw material, the land; the monopoly of money, which

results from class law; and of commodities, resulting from control of

land and money by a legally privileged few, and from the ignorance of

the industrious in economic law, which permits the childish desire for

immediate gratification to outweigh in their estimate the more distant

and substantial satisfaction.


The impulse to all human activity is the gratification of some desire of

the mind. This desire is modified and limited by the ability to acquire,

and by the relation which the individual, or collectively the society,

sustains to other individuals, or societies, and by the degree of

utility embraced in the desired thing.

Our first reflection, on noticing any material object of desire, relates

to the exertion necessary to secure it. If it be in the possession of

another, we shall consider whether we may take it by force, compass it

by cunning, or, lastly, obtain it by equitably exchanging for it some

product of our own labor with which we are willing to part. The first

and second are mere uncultured animal suggestions; the last is the only

one which is recognizable either in ethics or economics.

What next challenges our attention is the fact that others besides

ourselves are in the world, and that some explainable relation between

ourselves and every other human being exists and requires definition.

Thus we have discovered two kinds of relations to things desired by us,

in one of which we have a common interest with others, and in the other

of which we find certain things already appropriated by others, and

which we call only obtain by purchase.

As a means of distinguishing between the things thus differently related

to us, we may call the one class natural, and the other artificial

wealth. And since “the land,” in its broader sense, means all natural

things and forces, we may employ that term in preference to natural

wealth. Now it must he obvious that very different principles of

ownership attach to the land than attach to those things which have been

produced or rendered useful by human labor, although the land may still

be said to be contained in every material thing, however modified or

changed by human labor. But ownership of such things is so restricted,

through the natural limitations to which labor is always subject in its

application to the land, that no serious engrossment of natural wealth

could possibly take place in the absence of arbitrary and unequal laws.

For to the production of things of general utility there appears no

limit. And no institutional limit is needed. To the occupancy of the

land there is a natural and very positive limit, since no considerable

multiplication of its area is conceivable, and the individual worker is

limited to what he can personally occupy and make productive. Any

extension of personal dominion is in disregard of economical law as well

as of social right.

The desire for things serviceable to ourselves involves also the desire

to increase our possessions, without especial reference to the estimate

put upon individual things. We come thus to esteem certain things, not

because they furnish a particular gratification, but because their

possession enables us to command in exchange at will whatever other

things we may at any time have a desire for.

Thus stable values and the current, and especially the legal, tender

become objects of paramount desire. Finding that the control of persons

and of lands enables one to command services and commodities without

direct personal effort, the right to own these early became objects of

insatiable desire, since such desires were not counterbalanced by toil

or any sacrifice of ease in the procurement of gratification. The

desire, then, for means to save ourselves the labor necessary to supply

our wants begets a passion for control over the persons of those who

will labor directly, or for engrossment of the land and opportunity to

labor, so that we can gratify the desires of the mind by compulsory

exchanges with those so unfavorably situated as to require our assent to

the application of their labor to produce desirable things for


To treat economics, therefore, as the “science of exchanges,” without

regard to the relation in which the exchangers stand to each other and

to the land from which all values are to be created, must prove a

totally barren as well as a “dismal science.” With the vast inequalities

in condition, and the arbitrary control of a few over the material and

forces of nature, and through them of the worker himself, no equitable

or other than a forced exchange is possible. A slave or tenant can only

exchange with his master or landlord under duress, and at such

disadvantage as to set at defiance not only the ethics and equities, but

also the true economies of life.


The term wages, as commonly employed, has a very different meaning from

the natural sequences to the application of industry, and which, as

noticed by Adam Smith, constitutes the entire product resulting

therefrom. The term in this sense only is capable of scientific use.

As used to denote the purchase of labor, by the day or other period, it

gives but the most uncertain indication of any equitable or economic

principle. All that can be said of it with exactness is that it

followed, and is in some respects preferable to, serfdom or slavery.

Only under peculiar conditions, which rarely occur, can it possibly have

any just operation or tend to develop industry with any favorable

economic result.

At the best, as a daily stipend to manual labor, as salary to the

directors of labor, to government and corporation officials, and to all

who derive a stated income from any source whatever, it effects the most

absurdly unequal compensation for equally useful service we can possibly


Now, that this disparity mainly results from arbitrary and unequal

legislation, and from a misunderstanding and misapplication of economic

law, seems too palpable to be seriously discussed. My purpose here is to

show what the wages system is economically, and not to dwell upon its

monstrous inequalities.

Nor can I more than refer to the old fallacy of the “wages fund.” The

payment of wages from a fund is confined to the money or current funds

used to meet the periodic settlement, and has no application to the

general stock or plant of the employer. Usually the wages are first

earned, and the amount at any time paid is more than equaled by the

amount already added to the stock; and generally the employer is in debt

to the employee for the day’s, week’s, or month’s service.

The payment of wages is but the return, then, full or partial, of the

capital of the worker, which he has invested in food, clothing, shelter,

and culture, necessary to enable him to do the work, and which through

his service he has transferred to the stock of the employer before such

payment is made. Such is the true wages fund. It is derived from the

fund of the laborer, not that of the employer. When equitable, the wages

constitute an exchange, and can have no other significance. Nor do the

more recent school of economists attempt to treat it as anything else.

How imperfect and deceptive an exchange it usually is; how devoid of

anything like equity; how detrimental to useful production, and how

promotive of favoritism and sinecures, seems to need no illustration.

It is conceivable that the method of wages, under truly natural

relations, might be and at times does become a tolerable approximation

to a just division of the industrial production, and would under such

circumstances give no justification to the antagonism which often exists

between workmen and their immediate employers. Where the worker has a

home and opportunity to employ himself, in the fields and with the

forces of nature, he could not be taken advantage of or greatly wronged,

and what is absurdly called “the iron law of wages” could have no

application. Wages are usually paid in money, and a high or low money

rate determines nothing, because there is usually a correspondence

between the rate of wages and the cost of commodities needed by the

worker. To raise or to lower the money rate of wages has often a very

different effect from what either worker or employer anticipated.

When there seems danger of over-production, low prices and dull sales

suggest to the employer a reduction of wages. And this might give a

temporary relief if other trades maintained their former rates. But

reduction in one line causes the workmen in that line to decrease the

consumption of other than their own produce, and this begets an

appearance of glut in other products, and so the work of cheapening

products and lowering wages goes on and repeats itself in all but

exceptional lines. And yet proportional cost of living will remain

unchanged. And the same thing may occur when wages are raised. But if

wages were upheld or even increased generally in all lines of industry

in times of depression, this would correspondingly increase the power of

the workers to purchase, and so promote demand for all useful

commodities, and thus revive the circulation of goods and business


To shorten the hours of labor, if it reduced the amount of goods

produced which were oversupplied, would have a like tendency to increase

demand as related to supply. The worker, unfortunately, does not

appreciate the fact that the money rate and the rate it furnishes of the

necessaries of life are varying; nor the employer that to reduce the

money rate of wages does not necessarily change the proportion between

the cost and the marketable value of his product.

Another, and the only correct view of wages, is that it is the earnest

of ultimate division in the co-operative industry. That this is indeed

the general nature of such payments there can exist no doubt, when we

consider that all social industry is co-operative, and that it is only

through inferred contract, or bargain and sale, that the worker’s share

in the production is assumed to be transferred to the employer,

capitalist, or director of labor. But since under exclusion from the raw

material such contracts are made under duress, such exchanges are

forced, and such payment of wages does not destroy the laborer’s

rightful claim to that which constitutes really the only accumulations

of capital. These accumulations are generally absorbed by landlord and

usurer, who carry off the prize while the laborer and employer are

struggling to see which shall suffer least from the spoliation neither

can avoid.

What has been termed the “iron law of wages” has no relation to any true

economic principle. Payment of wages is not made from any fund set

apart, as assumed by the early school, for no such fund exists. The

laborer not only effects the production from which the wages are

derived, but desires to consume those things for which it is exchanged

and which beget the demand.

Natural wages are what labor produces or that for which the produce will

exchange. Hence the payment or enjoyment of the natural wages can never

beget a surfeit of labor products, but, on the contrary, an

ever-increasing demand. Under any intelligent and equitable direction

product would call for product, so that, except in special fields and in

employments requiring special skill and ingenuity, no serious

competitive strife could arise; nor until the utmost limit of productive

capability had been reached could there occur any pressure of population

Upon the means of subsistence, since each combination and division of

labor or facility for exchange would increase proportional production.

In any normal system of exchange, competition would be developed at the

top of the industrial scale, and not as now by compulsory force at the

very bottom.

But when wages, under monopoly of the raw material, become reduced to a

fraction of the labor product, and it is thus rendered possible to

withhold from the many the means of self-employment, the result ascribed

to the “iron law” is effected, and the laborers not only are reduced to

the verge of bare subsistence, but in many eases are denied employment

altogether; and that, too, when but a small portion of the land of a

country is occupied or put to productive use. Thus all the dismal

results of the “iron law” and of the Malthusian pressure are reached,

although not one of the natural conditions exists which it is alleged

constitute the producing cause.

As found in existing society, both the depression of wages and the lack

of employment are the result of pernicious artificial institutions, and

of the ignorant or purposed violations of economic law, and not of the

operation of any natural force or principle whatever. Natural wages is

the whole product of one’s effort. Conventional wages under forced

competition, as shown by Ricardo, is the amount which it costs to

maintain the laborers and keep up a supply of them, differing in no

important particular from the phenomena which attends the sustaining of

a stock of chattel-slave laborers, with this advantage to the employer,

however, that these wage slaves take from off his hands the trouble of

keeping up the stock, so that he is always enabled to obtain or to

dispense with their services, according as the exigencies of business or

other circumstance may require. He is thus able to buy labor at cost,

though he always tries to sell it at a profit. And it is this difference

between what labor costs and what it produces which constitutes or

creates the fund from which it is pretended wages are paid, and from

which all rent, interest, or profit to capital is derived. So far from

its being true, then, that capital sets apart a fund from which the

wages of labor are paid, it is absolutely certain that the only source

of increase from which the incomes of landlords, capitalists, and the

speculative class generally are derived is the legalized devices by

which they are enabled to withhold from the producer the natural wages

of labor, through control of the natural elements and opportunities

which belong of right to all.

The glaring inconsistency and brazen impudence with which it is asserted

that capitalized wealth begets income and pays wages in accordance with

any law of equitable exchange, is evidenced in the fact that at the same

time in which capital “goes on increasing and increasing while labor

remains stationary,” it is assumed that industry is not able to produce

enough to keep its rank and file from starvation.


We have seen that the impulse to action must spring from some desire of

the mind. Love of action itself may incite exertion. Usually, however,

there is the attainment of some external object, in addition to that

which incites to activity. The governing principle which serves as a

regulator to the development of this impulse is the waste of energy, the

personal sacrifice which the attainment of the desired object requires.

In the intercourse and exchanges which take place between one’s self and

others, there is one standard, more or less clearly recognized by all,

and in every transaction. It is the standard of utility, which

economists term “the cause of value.” For however erroneous may be our

estimate of what will promote our own well-being, or that of others

through which we seek to promote our own, no action capable of rational

explanation can be conceived in which this result is not proposed to

one’s self. Acts of revenge or malice are doubtless misestimates of what

will promote the personal well-being, and are not brought under either

ethical or economic rule, being the result of uncultured and ungoverned

will. The deliberate and rational desire is unquestionably based upon

the conception of what will result in the greatest good.

In a rude state human desire is subject to a law which seems to

correspond to the attraction of physical bodies. An object excites or

repels desire inversely in proportion as the squares of its distance

from us in space or time, and the difficulties intervening. This fact

gives explanation to certain phenomena in morals and trade, which

otherwise appear to disprove the theory of utility, and accounts for the

facts which seem to contradict it. Thus the passionate man elects to

gratify hatred or lust, because the gratification is near and the

atonement distant. The borrower, to obtain immediate possession,

discounts the future payment, and braves the multiplication of debt

through submission to interest. The laws of health are constantly

disregarded, because the gratification of the appetite is present, while

the consequences are remote. How great this tendency becomes is shown in

the lapses of public morals, in the ruin of personal health, and in the

disasters to business. I notice them merely to show that these instances

which appear to conflict with the doctrine of utility are really

explainable by it when fully comprehended.

VALUES are of two kinds—

Those which are positive and invariable, including all values of

utility; And those which are speculative, as in exchange.

There are also values wholly artificial, arbitrarily “created out of

nothing, and liable at any time to be as arbitrarily decreated into

nothing,” by the mere fiat of the individual will, or by that of a ruler

or of a state. These are phrases not invented by me, but sagely put

forth by the leader of the modern economic school, Henry Duncan Macleod.

These values arise wholly from the exercise of “rights and powers,”

under the rule of despotic and unreasoning will, whether as a

prerogative of absolutism or of delegated power, with pretended popular


All “rights of property,” distinct from occupation or possessory right,

are of this artificial description, and their commercial value is

created, not by labor or through the working of any economical

principle, but by the customs or institutions which absorb the

substantial production of industry without return—as a bill of sale to a

slave, or a deed to land.

THE VALUE OF UTILITY is a constant quantity or proportion.

Ex.: An article of food will always under similar conditions give the

same life-sustaining result. A ton of coal of same quality will give

uniformly the same amount of heat, and furnish the same amount of motive

power. This has no direct relation to the money price or to the “labor

cost” of a thing.

VALUE IN EXCHANGE is a variable quantity or proportion. It is determined

primarily by the amount of labor or sacrifice required in the

procurement or in the reproduction of a thing.

VALUE IN SERVICE may be regarded as the mean of exchange, since service

relates to such effort as is required to produce or procure things of

use. The compensation of such service is the consequent award to the

doer of such service, the whole product thereof.

Economic values are then reducible to exact ratios or proportions: To

ratios in utility, in service, and in exchange.

The first is determined with entire exactness, and forms the basis of

all economic problems.

The second is also determined with exactness sufficient for all

practical calculations. In it is comprised the degree of energy exerted

in any service, the length of time through which such energy is exerted,

and the proportionate utility of the resultant product.

Now, both the time and the utility are capable of mathematical

measurement. The degree of energy is the only variable proportion, and

this is capable of quite exact estimate. In the different trades,

professions, and callings, the amount of labor required to accomplish a

specific use is everywhere readily and confidently calculated.

We have, then, in the simple matter of value, the key to a sufficiently

exact system for the division and exchange of the products of the social

industry. For it is obvious that only a division which is in proportion

to service, and an exchange which transfers equivalents, can consist

with either moral or economic law.

Ex.: Two men, exchanging gold and rendering unequal amounts, would soon

transfer the whole amount which the one held who gave constantly the

larger sum, into the possession of the other, while this other would

also retain all of his own.

But if two exchange services or other values unequal to each other, a

similar result follows. Unequal pay for equal service, so conspicuous in

our industrial system, can have no other issue. When the service of a

“director of labor,” a banker, railroad king or wrecker, a stock

gambler, or millionaire, is compensated, per diem, for such service as

he renders at a rate equal to that paid one thousand men for productive

labor, it is plain that large share of their production must have been

taken to effect it. A science of exchanges which merely takes note of

what occurs under deceptive trade, and the unjust operation of crude

class legislation, has as little claim to serious attention as would a

science of chemistry, which merely sought to foist upon public credence

the notion that the wholesale adulterations of drugs and goods were in

accordance with the law of “combining proportion.”

The ratio of exchange fluctuates from a mean, the labor cost of

production, to either extreme from several causes: Inequality of

production from same application of labor; excess of labor applied to

specific industries; changing fashions and customs.

There are also artificial fluctuations quite independent of natural

causes. Manipulation of market is one means of depressing or raising

prices. Special legislation is largely resorted to to effect change, and

to shield interested parties from the operation of supply and demand,

while subjecting the producers to all the injustice and burden of a

compulsory competition.

What works great extremes, especially in the price of commodities

incapable of large production, is the very inequality of means effected

by unequal compensation. The man who earns one dollar per day stands no

chance in bidding for a desirable object against one whose income

amounts to hundreds or thousands. Such inequality enables certain

employments to command higher remuneration, without reference to their

utility, and thus difference of compensation proceeds from the simplest

serviceable employment, usually rewarded the poorest, up through every

grade of real service to such as is predatory and destructive, and to

which our semi-savage system gives the highest award of all. This is

barbarism, not civilization. This is brutal, not human. It is the piracy

and plunder of trade, not the development of equitable commerce. [2]

Any tolerable analysis exposes its crude absurdities, and any effort to

generalize it is only an attempt to synthesize dishonesty or nescience.

The only variable value is value in exchange, and this is found to

depend upon the desires, rational or otherwise, of the exchangers. But

these estimates are controlled and governed mainly by the utility which

is embraced in the thing desired, and in the expenditure of energy in

their production. The utility and the time through which the requisite

energy is exerted are subjects of exact calculation.

These have no proportion or relation to “values in service.” They depend

wholly upon arbitrary will, ill-adjusted custom, and class legislation.

To associate these in any way with the division or exchanges of labor

products can only result in subverting and destroying the values which

labor creates.

The man who is stronger or more cunning than another may subject that

other to his will, and, without the interference of his fellows, may

make him a thing and chattel. The right to command his labor will then

become valuable, and can be exchanged with others who have the desire to

live by slave labor, as long as such transactions are protected by law.

But this right to labor involves the right to the control of the person,

and potentially to his life. Now, the impossibility of classing such

values with values of service in exchange needs no showing.

Exclusive ownership of the land, of the forces of nature, and of

opportunity to labor, gives a similar result, and becomes, as John C.

Calhoun showed, a mere question as to whether the operatives who produce

wealth shall be bought and sold, and so become property, or become

hirelings and the result of their labor only become property.

Incomes from the one system are no more in violation of the laws of

equity and economy than from the other. And the values so created are

wholly different from any which involve labor compensation. It is from

these sources that increase without service springs. For the power to

absorb increase necessarily involves the control both of the land and of

the labor of a country. The ownership of the laborer made possible and

necessary the control of the land, and the control of the land compels

the acquiescence of the laborer with any terms offered which prolong


It is plain that the value of such private right to exclude labor from

the land, and to tax or appropriate the earnings of the social industry,

must depend upon the increase it will thus be enabled to realize. True

economic value is that which relates to the utilities produced by labor,

and which yields satisfaction to desire in appropriation and

consumption. Artificial or speculative values refer alone to the ability

of any property or right to derive income without work. These values

have no reference to the intrinsic character of the thing, or to its

ability to yield satisfaction in consumption; but simply depend upon a

calculation of “the present value of a series of products forever”

(Macleod). In other words, upon the sum which, at interest at current

rates, will yield the specific income derived from productive labor for

time indefinite.

To such values there is no logical explanation but the rule of

unreasoning will, and no limit within the ability of labor to produce

the income. Values of this description are not mere exaggerations; they

are, as Macleod says, “created out of nothing.” They are not mere

“watered stock,” but are stock composed wholly of water. For in this

class of values it is not the principal which begets the interest, but

the interest which creates the principal; not the value which earns the

income, but the income which begets the value. And this income or

interest is not the reward of any industry or the outgrowth of anything

which can have relation to manly service or mutual benefit; but is

merely the fruit of a usurped right to demand from the land and from the

labor a large share of their annual production, without any return


For all money values placed upon the land are fictitious, and yet in

consequence of the control which exclusive ownership gives over labor,

such values now quite equal the economic values of the entire wealth of

this country. Our other devices of debts, shares, bonds, etc., equal

again the same amount; so that dealing in these artificial values

constitutes, as Macleod says, “the most colossal commerce of modern

times.” Hence labor is paying tribute, not upon the use of any real

wealth, but upon twice its entire amount of artificial values. How much

farther can this “science of wealth” extend? A breath can and will

unmake this colossal commerce, “as a breath has made,” whenever labor

becomes enlightened and learns to reason, or the public conscience shall

require the abrogation of this subtle form of involuntary servitude.


The single ground on which it is contended that an equitable exchange

can become involved in rent, interest, or profit, is that “a use” is

parted with by the landlord, usurer, or profit-monger. Now, uses are

impossible to be parted with or to be exchanged with labor, or with any

product of labor, since they cost no labor, but are the fruits of the

operation of natural forces and opportunities upon natural objects. Even

if it were admitted that they could be reciprocally enjoyed, it would

still be impossible that one man should be able to compensate another’s

labor, and so be justified in consuming its product by pretense of

yielding the use of some material existing in nature, or of some

elemental force. No logical connection can be shown between my taking

the fish from the fisherman who had taken them from the sea, and the

paying him in the privilege of using the wind and tide in the

furtherance of his pursuit.

The person who uses nature’s wealth and nature’s forces enjoys them. The

enjoyment he cannot transfer the use of, nor do the duty by proxy. Nor

can he more than supply his personal wants from such source, without

adding to the store of social wealth, which will benefit all who have

dealings in the circle to which it applies.

He who breathes the air, appropriates the captured oxygen. Who drinks

from the spring, moistens his own lips and dilutes his own blood. To

sell or exchange such use is not only unjust, but impossible, and the

pretense is too palpable for statement. And the sale of the use of land

or of any force of nature has no better basis. It is rendered possible

only by arbitrary laws of ownership, which pervert the power of civil

government so as to exclude the many from the enjoyment of natural

privilege, till tribute is rendered for its exercise to the pretended

owner. And it is from this base that monopolized control of all things

produced by labor arises. Exclusive ownership of the land carries with

it dominion over labor, over production and exchange, and over all human

rights and interests whatever.

But may not the holder be protected in the improvements he may make upon

his land, and in the fruits his labor may have effected? Undoubtedly.

Their use belongs to him. But the use of a thing as generally understood

does not embrace the right to consume it without replacing it. To pay

the proper value of a thing is not paying for a use, for the use is

additional to its ascertained value. If I take a place of a man valued

at $1,000, and at the end of a year return it to him at an equal

valuation, whatever I pay for use is in addition to what I have

contributed to replace consumed values. This payment for use is not for

anything I have consumed, nor for anything he has produced; but wholly

for the privilege of being in possession for a certain period. The use

may or may not have been advantageous; but it was I, not he, who did the

use, and to whom it belongs.

If it had been a thousand gold dollars he had allowed me to keep, and I

had placed them in my safe, returning them at the end of the year, by

what alchemy could I have added sixty dollars to the pile? If risk or

wear had been involved in my use, it would be proper I should bear

whatever expense arose; and there all equity and social recognition of

the matter ends. Economically the same is true.

The use of natural objects and forces are necessarily social. After the

miner has dug the coals necessary for his own consumption, his personal

use of the mine ends. He can only use it farther for the social good. If

he be allowed, however, to exclude all others from doing what he has

done, be can require payment for use, or rent, not otherwise. It is the

same with all forms of usance. It is the payment for the privilege of

access to natural productions and for the use of the forces in nature.

Only usurped dominion of these can beget or maintain a claim to exchange

them for the toilsome productions created by labor.

This fraudulent claim lies not so much against the individual who

immediately pays the tribute, since he may often repay himself by a

corresponding overcharge, as against the whole of society, who find

every commodity taxed with the exaction and difficulties interposed in

the satisfaction of every desire. Every avenue of trade and exchange

becomes vitiated, and desperate struggle arises, in which every sense of

truth and honesty is sacrificed, in order to escape the payment of this

unnatural imposition, it falling at last upon the weakest and perhaps

most industrious portion of society.

Contributing to the success of this imposition is also that

shortsightedness of the ignorant and improvident, who choose the

immediate gratification of desire, and stupidly sacrifice the more

permanent but distant satisfaction; as the more stupid of animals

consume in the present every choice thing, and leave the future without

provision. It is no part of a true economic system to encourage or fail

to point out the dangerous and deceptive character of such estimates.

Prohibitory Laws, or the utterance of moral platitudes, are uncalled for

here. It is merely necessary to point out the economic bearing of the

principle, and to repeal all legislative sanction to customs so

destructive of social right.

In a truly normal condition of social industry, in a community of

passable intelligence, the desire for immediate satisfaction would be

modified by the more permanent good attained by abstinence and prolonged

effort. The love of accumulation, and desire to provide for periods

unproductive, and for offspring, would correct the spendthrift and

vagrant tendency begotten of the ungoverned indulgence, which unearned

wealth makes possible and popular. The necessity to conserve decaying

productions and depreciating values, would always create demand for

labor depending on more immediate compensation, so that if the

accumulated. wealth should be in greater demand at any particular

period, it would be so increased as to produce excess; and if at times

it would be able to command a premium over the productions of current

labor, it would at others be compelled to pay a premium to have its

values conserved, so that the interest rate would as often become a

minus as a plus ratio.

But the necessity to borrow or hire the use of land, and to pay tribute

for the opportunity to labor, begetting in fact the main necessity to

borrow funds or goods of any kind, precludes the law of use from any

natural play; so that the laborer has always to pay for their use in

addition to paying for their consumption. The mean rate of interest

would be zero, by the very law of supply and demand, were it not for the

exclusion of labor from the land and natural forces, and for various

shrewd class devices in regard to finance and legal tender made in the

interest of usurers, bankers, etc. No logical application of the law of

supply and demand can be made of the subject without involving this

result, since the principle is based upon the fact that increased demand

begets increased supply. It is only, therefore, through interference

with this principle and the free competition under it, that a charge is

maintained for use, and that it comes to have a place in our corrupted

system of exchange.

The advantages of plant, seed, young animals, or any other form of

wealth wherein the ability to grow and multiply is embraced, where

freedom of access to natural substances and forces, and freedom of

exchange prevailed, would be quite equaled by other and ordinary results

of labor; since all would be free to raise and preserve seed corn, young

stock, or new wine, if that paid better than to sell for actual

consumption. The fact that upon the seed might depend sometimes the

question of plenty or famine, would not give a monopoly to the seed

raiser, or any permanent superiority. And the same is true with regard

to the producer of young stock, the maker of tools, machines, etc. And

it would prove equally true of wealth in every form, whether reserved or

put into the circulations of commerce. Only a monopoly which prevented a

free supply could for any length of time command tribute for the use of

land, money, plant, or commodities.


Since the matter for the principal chapters was sent to the printer, the

second volume of Macleod’s “Elements of Economics” has made its

appearance. Mainly it but elaborates the positions taken in his first

volume, that all property consists of rights, not things—rights to

material things, rights to one’s labor, and rights to the future profit

or production from any undertaking or estate. And since evidences of

debt can be indefinitely multiplied, and bought and sold, he makes them

not merely a representative of wealth existing in material form, but a

distinct addition to it.

Now, as the money value of such property depends wholly upon such “right

of action,” and property of all kinds upon some civil right, it becomes

quite plain that “pure economies,” as he has defined the science, gives

no insight into any question of social, political, or civil

administration. For be draws no distinction between legal rights and

natural rights; between the “rule of reason” and blind custom, the

arbitrary will of a human potentate, or the purchasable franchise of a

corrupt legislator.

For, although under a tolerable civil system the right to one’s labor,

for instance, would inhere in one’s self, under a more crude or barbaric

one such right would inhere in the master or slave-lord, or yet in the

employer or landlord. Under the “rule of the market,” however, such

distinctions have no significance. Really Macleod bases his science of

wealth upon rights solely, and yet relegates all questions of rights

from out the science. He accepts all rights, exercised by whatever

despotic power, as of the same natural force and validity. What kind of

a scientific quantity the will of an autocrat, or the vote of a bought

legislator, is, he wisely attempts no explanation.

His utter exclusion of all questions of natural right, of all suggestion

of equity or honesty in exchange, emphasize the value of his system in

any attempt to explain social and industrial phenomena— phenomena which

can have no existence where good faith and reciprocity in dealing are

wanting. And yet, limited to the mere question of the cause of the money

value of things or rights in the markets as they are, and under existing

civil inequities, he logically and consistently reasons out several wide

departures from the elder school of economists. Notably, he demolishes

their “wages fund “ theory, showing conclusively that wages of labor are

paid from the production of labor, the selling of the labor being a

simple exchange.

Also, as to the rent theory, he occupies the same ground as the present

writer, and regards Ricardo as having uniformly inverted cause and

effect. The rent of land be makes the interest merely, or annual profit

on the purchase price, and which under commercial ownership of the land

it truly is. The right of the holder of any land to its “future products

forever”—which is not only an artificial right, but wholly an impious

legal fiction, and operative through arbitrary force alone—he assumes as

a scientific fact, without any attempt to explain or justify it, or

effort to show that there is, or could be in the absence of arbitrary

legality, any future products not the natural wages of the labor

effecting them. For there is nothing in all he has shown or can show

which proves that land has any product beyond what nature awards to the

worker. Such apparent product, interest, or profit is the creature of

class law, or of crooked dealing, as I think I have abundantly proved.

“A right to future products” of the land, or of any profit-bearing

property, is baldly a right to the results of future industry, and

differs in no essential particular from a right to the person of the

laborer. The “unilateral contract,” as he very properly designates it,

where “on one side there is simply the right to collect rent, and on the

other simply the duty to pay rent,” has no less potency over the laborer

than where, under chattelism, there is “on one side simply the right to

exact service, and on the other simply the duty to render service.” The

reader will observe that in each case the rights are all on one side,

while the duties are all upon the other. Exchange under such relations

can have no meaning, as rights are not exchangeable with duties, and no

equation can be made between a plus and a minus quantity. He is simply

consistent with himself in supposing that one’s own debts can be counted

to him as wealth; the surprising thing is that anyone professing to

teach a science should confound phenomena occurring under such forced

and unnatural conditions with any natural “freedom of contract,” or

designate such forcible taking upon the one side, and such forced

yielding upon the other, an exchange at all, to say nothing as to its

equity or justice.

It is not strange that, seeking to impose upon the world the idea that

slave laws, land laws, and class legislation generally confer natural

rights and create natural duties, from which exchangeable quantities are

produced, be should be able “to offer nothing hopeful to wage-workers,

but admonish them to keep down their numbers.”

Even so questionable a suggestion as this—virtually to reduce one of the

prime factors in production in order to alleviate want—might possibly

have a salutary effect under our inverted system of division were it not

that the tendency of commercial monopoly of the land is to gradually

reduce the self-employing class to the dependent condition of

wage-seekers. No check, therefore, even if practicable, among the class

who now work for wages could lessen the constant reinforcement of their

numbers from those more independent who are being constantly forced to

that level by the engrossment in few bands of the material source of all

production, the land.

“Nowhere are the intentions of men so often and so utterly frustrated as

in legislation.[…]

“Laws intended to limit the power of corporations end with putting

bribes into the pockets of the leaders of the legislators, or of the


“Laws intended to prevent gambling only drive gambling into commerce”

(Prof. R. J. Wright: Principia of Social Science).

“The most dangerous class in any society are those who make and execute

the laws” (Charles O’Conor).

“The system (of natural government) prevailed among the Indians. whose

villages dotted the Genesee Valley in my youth. [...]

“Yet I never saw an uncivil word or gesture used among the Senecas

toward one another; never heard of their stealing or taking liberties

with each other’s goods. [...]

“The other or artificial principle is powerfully illustrated in the

present government of England, which costs its subjects three times as

much, exclusive of local rates and taxes, as all the agricultural

laborers of England and Wales receive for their labor’’ (J. H. Hunt:

Honest Man’s Book).


Whether the influence of more liberal forms of government, of improved

machinery, and new methods of trade has been to relatively improve the

condition of labor, is not of essential importance. The question has

been ably discussed pro and con by Mr. Mallock, affirmatively, and by

Messrs. George, Hyndman, and others, negatively. It is unquestioned that

no proportionate advancement has been made in the condition of labor,

corresponding to the material advancement of the class active in the

accumulation of wealth, and in the absorption of the dominion of the


That general material prosperity would somewhat improve the condition of

labor, even under slavery, there can be little doubt; but no one could

possibly imagine that it alone would ever result in abolishing slavery.

Private dominion of the land could never become otherwise than the

oppressor and plunderer of labor, however production might be multiplied

and facilitated by the application of science and invention in the

industrial fields; or whatever changes might be made in matters of trade

or finance. There can be but one direct road to progress, and that is

through complete industrial freedom. Freedom of the person alone is not

sufficient to effect any substantial change, except in the tendency it

has to promote the ultimate freedom of the environment, on which the

labor of the person must be exerted.

The utter futility of many of the attempts at labor and financial reform

cannot fail to be seen when we consider that they are at best but

temporary expedients to escape the pressure caused by this fundamental

wrong; but which they have no power to remove, or more than momentarily

to evade.

With such we must class nearly all the efforts of the “Labor

Organizations,” which, however necessary for protection and relief from

immediate evil, look to nothing further than a mitigation, never to a

removal, of the causes so clearly pointed out by economic law. Nor can

we class as higher in the scale those schemes at financial tinkering

which periodically sway a large class of minds normally progressive.

The question of money, or of credit, for they are the same, is only of

superficial importance, and really does not interest the wage worker,

being wholly a question between the debtor and the creditor classes.

When the creditor lends his money, he wants it cheap, or rather plenty,

with minimum purchasing power. When he collects it, he wants it dear,

with maximum purchasing power. The interest of the debtor class is just

the reverse of this Whether it is credit or commodity money has little

to do with the question, and the only interest the worker has in the

matter is to understand that whoever gains or loses by the change in

money from dear to cheap and cheap to dear as well, the whole loss falls

at last upon him, since in the last analysis it is he who must produce

the means, both to meet the losses and to pay the interest.

Just now the debtor class are clamoring for fiat money so that they can

borrow at one per cent., and pay debts which are bearing five to ten per

cent. interest. This the state, with unlimited power, can do; but the

state is not likely to benefit debtors at the expense of creditors. Its

traditions mainly point in the opposite direction. But if otherwise

inclined, neither the public nor the laborer would be permanently

benefited thereby. Even the debtors as a class would not. For it would

greatly promote the temptation to obtain and extend credits, and vastly

increase the amounts required to be borrowed. As regards the land,

subject as now to private monopoly, it would increase its money price

fivefold, so that, to the man who had to purchase on credit, the amount

of the interest would be the same as now. That is, if he wished to buy a

farm which would yield him $500 annually clear of expense and labor, he

could purchase it for $10,000, when interest was at five per cent.; but

if money was “so cheap” that he could hire it for one per cent., he

would then have to pay $50,000 for the same farm, and the amount of the

low rate would be the same as of the high rate; with this disadvantage,

that if the rate of interest should again advance to five per cent., he

would be able then to sell his farm for only $10,000, which cost him

$50,000, and so could pay only one-fifth of his debt if it became

necessary to sell his farm.

It is only stupidity which prevents the currency reformer from seeing

that these fantastic tricks wrought with money values are mainly due to

the ability of a class, through pliant legislators, to play “fast and

loose” with the instruments of commerce so as to effect a sliding

fulcrum to the economic balance; and by which even the “legal tender”

may be made to mean a day or a half day’s work, accordingly as a class

are to pay it out, or to have it paid to them. While labor remains

unable to employ itself, or to have its rights in the general production

of the social wealth recognized, metallic, fiat, or commodity money can

only modify, not essentially change, the fundamental injustice; because,

however scarce or plenty the money, he has nothing to obtain with it.

Money and finance are the very last elements in the industrial course,

and can no more affect the basic injustice of our system than can the

form or fashion of the hand upon the clock correct a radical defect in

the general movement, or a branch or leaf upon a tree sustain it when

uprooted. No scarcity or plenty of the circulating medium can emancipate

the slave, or redeem the plundered inheritance of the poor. Any system

of production or industry which involves these wrongs can only work

injustice, and which superficial expedients can only serve to develop

with a greater or a less celerity.

All looking to legislation to establish justice and equity in our

industrial relations is simply the gaze of imbecility, except in as far

as it looks to the repeal of class laws and the reduction of the powers

of the legislators. The truth is that our system is mainly artificial

and unnatural, and many expedients that under more normal conditions

might have a salutary effect can now only work iniquitous results.

To show how completely capitalists has perverted the natural procession

of the industrial laws, I herewith compare the natural and the inverted

orders, that at a glance we may see the folly of attempting to reform

matters of substance by mere resorts of expediency.


By comparing the above it will be seen that not only the general order

is inverted, but that each step is regularly inverted from the natural

order. The later economists, it is true, make the “Science of Exchange”

the substance of economy; but then they define “Wealth” to be “anything

whatever whose value can be measured in money;” thus making money the

ruling factor, determining all values and dominating every transaction.

By the aid of the law only has it this power; and by its control of

indebtedness, and the confining of payment to a particular tender, it

determines all dealings and governs all exchanges. From being the

servant of commerce, it has become its master. From being an instrument,

law has made it a king. To unmake the law will not unmake the money, but

simply abrogate its kingly prerogative.

It may be claimed with truth that since money is last and at the top of

our inverted system, it should therefore claim our first attention. I do

not object to this, but to the absurdity of directing the whole force of

thought to it to the exclusion of the more important matters of exchange

and ownership; particularly to invoking legislation—instead of asking it

to undo what it has blunderingly or corruptly done—in further

experiments, and in a field, too, where there is so much conjecture, and

where so much depends on controlling to honest purposes a system of

law-making which long ago parted with all honesty or decency. Not that

politicians are in themselves worse than other men, but that they have

become subjected to the “law of the market,” and so reduced to

“purchasable commodities.”

For reasons not always sound or cogent, the older labor organizations

have generally eschewed political action. The result has been that their

strength has been dissipated, by being quite evenly divided between the

two prominent political parties, and so simply neutralized, by having

the one half voted against the other half. Other combinations to be sold

or traded by designing leaders to the one or to the other parts, have

served also to strengthen rather than change the general purpose to keep

out of politics.

But their methods are too exclusive, arbitrary, and despotic to secure

the sympathy of refined and progressive minds. The strike, the attempt

to exclude other than union men from work, the boycott, and denial of

freedom to contract, are essentially monopolistic, and can only be

justified on the ground of self-defense against the grosser monopoly,

and more powerful combinations, of employers.

Within a few years an order has been established which seemed at first

to promise great good, as an institution to educate labor into a

knowledge of fundamental economical science. It had many dangers to

encounter; a chief one of which should have been sufficiently indicated

by the experience of the “Order of United Americans,” whose brilliant

and evanescent history is within the memory of many now living, and

which fully illustrates the difficulty of changing an educational to an

administrative function and the utter idiocy of essaying salutary

reforms through political dicker. It is to be feared that a too rapid

growth has developed a similar weakness in the later order; but it may

not be yet beyond the control of the original impulse which inaugurated

it, and which proposed no less a task than the instruction of both the

worker and the director of labor as well, to the mutual advantage of all

those who seek the satisfaction of personal wants through honest purpose

and useful service, in the laws of industrial economy and equitable


If the diversion from these purposes, through political intrigue,

agitation, and excitement, is to be deplored, far more is the insane

thought that the interests of labor and social justice can be promoted

by violence and bloodshed. Supposing such attempt possible of success,

is the boycotter more capable of doing justice than the boycotted? Is

the exclusive rule of a union any less arbitrary and despotic than the

capitalist corporation? If Bourbon king is dethroned and beheaded by a

successful revolution, who shall save us from the misrule of a Danton or

Marat? Who will forecast the chances through which a Washington or even

a Cromwell may be evolved from a carnival of blood?

But no success is possible. The proletariat, who are now voted at the

polls by political leaders, will be led to any civil conflict which may

arise as policemen, soldiers, or militia, and as the minions of capital

and privilege. Laborers suffering enforced idleness will gladly enlist

for a monthly stipend to guard accumulated wealth. It is folly to

suppose that those who cannot vote, or refrain voting, from conviction,

can be brought to shoot, or to refuse to shoot, through any sense of

right, or “eternal justice.”

And yet it will not be well for those who rely for the perpetuation of

wrongful privilege upon the customary motives which sway mankind, to

presume too far upon this security. Insanity proceeds under law, as well

as sanity. It is begotten of unnatural and forced conditions, and

although it may affect but a few, it will affect them all the more

deeply. And similar excesses on the part of the dominant power, and the

purposed forcing of labor strikes and emeutes, may develop erratic

champions of labor, like John Brown, with sufficient method in their

madness to fire the hearts imbruted by despair and greatly damage

property and life, if they do nothing effective toward the emancipation

of labor.

England is learning, though late, that repression and coercion do not

remedy, but increase disorders. Surely it must be possible that the

intelligence and good judgment of our managers of affairs, our directors

of labor, and our workingmen of thought, will, without many more fatal

blunders, discover that true progress, order, and material prosperity

depend upon the general liberty to labor, clear conceptions of economic

law, and the honest purpose to establish equity and justice in all

relations involving human industry.

What is to be apprehended, and, if possible, avoided, is the diversion

of the minds of the workers themselves. They are liable to be drawn into

superficial movements for the adoption of specious remedies for minor

evils, and so be made the dupes of political aspirants. Political power

is sought mainly for personal or class aims, seldom from a desire to

promote the public good. Its attainment is at the expense of industry,

and it is idle to suppose that it will be wielded in the interest of

labor. In any question as between the worker and the holder of

privilege, it is certain to throw itself into the scale with the latter,

for it is itself the source of privilege, the creator of class rule.

Accumulated in whatever hands, whether politician, capitalist, or

workingman, it is certain to be employed to increase itself at the

expense of society.

Control of others has a single motive—that of gain in goods or fame.

Slavery has a single purpose—that of obtaining the result for which

another works. Exclusive land-holding has a single aim—that of reaping

its fruits through the compulsory toil of others. The economic

underlies, then, the civil and political impulse to govern and legislate

for mankind. For, however great his desire or ambition, the aspiring

potentate of any grade or kind could not greatly endanger the liberties

or happiness of a people if he could not command their service or gather

the products of their labor without returning an equivalent service or


Power once conceded to a czar, king and parliament, president and

congress, governor and legislature, or any coercive rule, opens the

Pandora’s box of all wrongs and despotisms. For although occasionally

rulers are animated by a sense of justice and a regard for the general

good, few can resist the ever-present temptation to use power to promote

personal uses, and still fewer can deny the constant importunities of

greedy and unscrupulous hangers-on, who see in the possession of power

only a means for the obtaining of unearned wages, and the appropriating

of the wealth produced by unpaid toil.

If the intelligent wealth-producer has a well defined desire to have the

condition of the laborer improved, he will direct his thought and that

of his fellows to the economic rather than the political aspect of

affairs, even if he do not refuse all participation in politics until

the “land and labor question” has been thoroughly canvassed in its

relation to economic values, enforce rent, interest, or inequitable

contract of any kind, has been withdrawn from the legislature and

eliminated from the functions of government altogether.

[1] The subject of Rent, Interest, and Profits will be found discussed

at length in “Social Wealth,” pp. 48–75.

[2] “The law does not compel a seller to disclose all that he knows; if

it did, it would sap the foundation of trade” (Judge Deming, of

Connecticut, in his decision against a buyer who had purchased goods,

under complete misapprehension, and which the seller knew but did not

correct until after sale). Evidently the judge was thinking of “trade

tor profit,’’ not reciprocal exchange.