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A 4am crack                  2015-12-12
-------------------. updated 2020-06-24

Name: Outpost
Genre: arcade
Year: 1981
Authors: Tom McWilliams
Publisher: Sirius Software
Media: single-sided 5.25-inch floppy
OS: custom
Previous cracks: two different file
  cracks, both uncredited
Similar cracks:
  #315 Beer Run


               Chapter 0
 In Which Various Automated Tools Fail
          In Interesting Ways

  immediate disk read error

Locksmith Fast Disk Backup
  unable to read any track

EDD 4 bit copy (no sync, no count)
  hangs during boot

Copy ][+ nibble editor
  track 0 has some 4-4 encoded data
  other tracks are unreadable

Disk Fixer
  nope (can't read 4-4 encoded tracks)

Why didn't COPYA work?
  not a 16-sector disk

Why didn't Locksmith FDB work?

Why didn't my EDD copy work?
  I don't know. Could be a nibble check
  during boot. Could be that the data
  is loaded from half tracks. Could be
  both, or neither.

Next steps:

  1. Trace the boot
  2. Capture the game in memory
  3. Write it out to a standard disk
     with some kind of fastloader


               Chapter 1
  In Which We Find A Very Unfriendly
         "Do Not Disturb" Sign

[S6,D1=original disk]
[S5,D1=my work disk]

...reboots slot 6...
...reboots slot 5...

]CALL -151

; display hi-res graphics page
; (uninitialized)
0801-   8D 50 C0    STA   $C050
0804-   8D 52 C0    STA   $C052
0807-   8D 54 C0    STA   $C054
080A-   8D 57 C0    STA   $C057

; get slot (x16)
080D-   A6 2B       LDX   $2B

; a counter? or an address?
080F-   A9 04       LDA   #$04
0811-   85 11       STA   $11
0813-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
0815-   84 10       STY   $10

; look for custom prologue ("DD AD DA")
0817-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
081A-   10 FB       BPL   $0817
081C-   C9 DD       CMP   #$DD
081E-   D0 F7       BNE   $0817
0820-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
0823-   10 FB       BPL   $0820
0825-   C9 AD       CMP   #$AD
0827-   D0 F3       BNE   $081C
0829-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
082C-   10 FB       BPL   $0829
082E-   C9 DA       CMP   #$DA
0830-   D0 EA       BNE   $081C

; read 4-4 encoded data immediately
; (no address field, no sector numbers)
0832-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
0835-   10 FB       BPL   $0832
0837-   38          SEC
0838-   2A          ROL
0839-   85 0E       STA   $0E
083B-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
083E-   10 FB       BPL   $083B
0840-   25 0E       AND   $0E

; ($10) is an address, initialized at
; $080F as $0400 (yes, the text page)
0842-   91 10       STA   ($10),Y
0844-   C8          INY
0845-   D0 EB       BNE   $0832
0847-   E6 11       INC   $11
0849-   A5 11       LDA   $11

; loop until we hit page 8 (i.e. we're
; filling $0400..$07FF)
084B-   C9 08       CMP   #$08
084D-   D0 E3       BNE   $0832
084F-   BD 80 C0    LDA   $C080,X

; clear $0900..$BFFF in main memory
0852-   A9 09       LDA   #$09
0854-   85 01       STA   $01
0856-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
0858-   85 00       STA   $00
085A-   A8          TAY
085B-   A2 B7       LDX   #$B7
085D-   91 00       STA   ($00),Y
085F-   C8          INY
0860-   D0 FB       BNE   $085D
0862-   E6 01       INC   $01
0864-   CA          DEX
0865-   D0 F6       BNE   $085D

; calculate a checksum of page 8 (this
; code right here)
0867-   8A          TXA
0868-   E8          INX
0869-   F0 06       BEQ   $0871
086B-   5D 00 08    EOR   $0800,X
086E-   4C 68 08    JMP   $0868

; use the stack pointer (!) to keep a
; copy of that checksum
0871-   AA          TAX
0872-   9A          TXS

; calculate another checksum of zero
; page
0873-   A2 00       LDX   #$00
0875-   8A          TXA
0876-   55 00       EOR   $00,X
0878-   E8          INX
0879-   D0 FB       BNE   $0876

; get slot (x16) again
087B-   A6 2B       LDX   $2B

; jump to the code we just read into
; the text page
087D-   4C 00 04    JMP   $0400

Well that's lovely. I need to interrupt
the boot at $087D, but if I do, it will
modify the checksum that ends up in the
stack pointer (which is a great place
to stash a checksum as long as you
never use PHA, PLA, PHP, PLP, JSR, RTS,
or RTI).

It's also wiping main memory, including
the place I usually put my boot trace
callbacks (around $9700).

So, a three-pronged attack:

1. Relocate the code to $0900. Most of
   it uses relative branching already,
   except for one JMP at $086E, which I
   can patch. The code will still run,
   but I'll be able to patch it without
   altering the checksum.
2. Disable the memory wipe at $095D.
3. Patch the code at $097D to jump to a
   routine under my control.


               Chapter 2
       In Which Nothing Happens,

; relocate the code from $0800 to $0900
96F8-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
96FA-   B9 00 08    LDA   $0800,Y
96FD-   99 00 09    STA   $0900,Y
9700-   C8          INY
9701-   D0 F7       BNE   $96FA

; disable the memory wipe by changing
; STA to BIT
9703-   A9 24       LDA   #$24
9705-   8D 5D 09    STA   $095D

; fix the absolute JMP address
9708-   A9 09       LDA   #$09
970A-   8D 70 09    STA   $0970

; set up the callback
970D-   A9 1A       LDA   #$1A
970F-   8D 7E 09    STA   $097E
9712-   A9 97       LDA   #$97
9714-   8D 7F 09    STA   $097F

; start the boot
9717-   4C 01 09    JMP   $0901

; callback is here
; copy the code on the text page to
; higher memory so it will survive a
; reboot
971A-   A2 04       LDX   #$04
971C-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
971E-   B9 00 04    LDA   $0400,Y
9721-   99 00 24    STA   $2400,Y
9724-   C8          INY
9725-   D0 F7       BNE   $971E
9727-   EE 20 97    INC   $9720
972A-   EE 23 97    INC   $9723
972D-   CA          DEX
972E-   D0 EE       BNE   $971E

; turn off slot 6 drive motor and
; reboot to my work disk in slot 5
9730-   AD E8 C0    LDA   $C0E8
9733-   4C 00 C5    JMP   $C500

...reboots slot 6...
...reboots slot 5...

]BSAVE BOOT1 0400-07FF,A$2400,L$400
]CALL -151

I'm going to leave this code at $2400.
Relative branches will look correct,
but absolute addresses will be off by

; calculate another checksum of zero
; page, starting with the value of the
; previous checksum (at $0873)
2400-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
2402-   59 00 00    EOR   $0000,Y
2405-   C8          INY
2406-   D0 FA       BNE   $2402
2408-   A8          TAY

; if equal, nothing has changed (we've
; EOR'd everything twice, so we're back
; to zero)
2409-   F0 03       BEQ   $240E

; if checksums don't match, jump to
; (what I presume is) The Badlands
240B-   4C 74 07    JMP   $0774

; several entry points (also at $0770)
; for errors at different points in the
; boot process
2774-   A9 01       LDA   #$01
2776-   D0 10       BNE   $2788
2778-   A9 02       LDA   #$02
277A-   D0 0C       BNE   $2788
277C-   A9 03       LDA   #$03
277E-   D0 08       BNE   $2788
2780-   A9 04       LDA   #$04
2782-   D0 04       BNE   $2788
2784-   A9 05       LDA   #$05
2786-   D0 00       BNE   $2788
2788-   09 B0       ORA   #$B0
278A-   2C 00 08    BIT   $0800
278D-   20 2F FB    JSR   $FB2F
2790-   AD 55 C0    LDA   $C055

; clear the rest of main memory,
; starting at $0801
2793-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
2795-   85 01       STA   $01
2797-   A9 01       LDA   #$01
2799-   85 00       STA   $00
279B-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
279D-   A2 B8       LDX   #$B8
279F-   A9 A0       LDA   #$A0
27A1-   91 00       STA   ($00),Y
27A3-   C8          INY
27A4-   D0 FB       BNE   $27A1
27A6-   E6 01       INC   $01
27A8-   CA          DEX
27A9-   D0 F6       BNE   $27A1

; play a cute sound
27AB-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
27AD-   85 00       STA   $00
27AF-   A0 80       LDY   #$80
27B1-   AD 30 C0    LDA   $C030
27B4-   A2 60       LDX   #$60
27B6-   CA          DEX
27B7-   D0 FD       BNE   $27B6
27B9-   88          DEY
27BA-   D0 F5       BNE   $27B1
27BC-   C6 00       DEC   $00
27BE-   D0 EF       BNE   $27AF

; and reboot from whence we came
27C0-   A6 2B       LDX   $2B
27C2-   CA          DEX
27C3-   8A          TXA
27C4-   4A          LSR
27C5-   4A          LSR
27C6-   4A          LSR
27C7-   4A          LSR
27C8-   09 C0       ORA   #$C0
27CA-   48          PHA
27CB-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF
27CD-   48          PHA
27CE-   60          RTS

Continuing from $040E...

; set reset vector to The Badlands
240E-   A9 70       LDA   #$70
2410-   8D F2 03    STA   $03F2
2413-   A9 07       LDA   #$07
2415-   8D F3 03    STA   $03F3
2418-   49 A5       EOR   #$A5
241A-   8D F4 03    STA   $03F4
241D-   86 2B       STX   $2B
241F-   EA          NOP

; read from ROM but write to RAM bank 2
2420-   AD 81 C0    LDA   $C081
2423-   AD 81 C0    LDA   $C081

; wipe RAM bank 2 by copying ROM
2426-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
2428-   84 00       STY   $00
242A-   A9 D0       LDA   #$D0
242C-   85 01       STA   $01
242E-   B1 00       LDA   ($00),Y
2430-   91 00       STA   ($00),Y
2432-   C8          INY
2433-   D0 F9       BNE   $242E
2435-   E6 01       INC   $01
2437-   D0 F5       BNE   $242E

; set low-level reset vector while the
; language card RAM is writeable (also
; to The Badlands)
2439-   A9 70       LDA   #$70
243B-   8D FC FF    STA   $FFFC
243E-   A9 07       LDA   #$07
2440-   8D FD FF    STA   $FFFD

; switch back to ROM
2443-   AD 80 C0    LDA   $C080

; set input and output vectors to
; The Badlands
2446-   A9 74       LDA   #$74
2448-   85 36       STA   $36
244A-   85 38       STA   $38
244C-   A9 07       LDA   #$07
244E-   85 37       STA   $37
2450-   85 39       STA   $39

; take the checksum from boot0 (that we
; stashed in the stack pointer) and put
; it in zero page $0B
2452-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
2454-   BA          TSX
2455-   86 0B       STX   $0B
2457-   85 0C       STA   $0C
2459-   85 0D       STA   $0D
245B-   85 0E       STA   $0E

; use that checksum (now in zero page
; $0B) as the starting value of ANOTHER
; checksum of all the code on the text
; page (including this code right here)
245D-   A5 0B       LDA   $0B
245F-   A2 00       LDX   #$00
2461-   5D 00 04    EOR   $0400,X
2464-   5D 00 05    EOR   $0500,X
2467-   5D 00 06    EOR   $0600,X
246A-   5D 00 07    EOR   $0700,X
246D-   E8          INX
246E-   D0 F1       BNE   $2461

; push the new checksum to the stack,
; twice
2470-   48          PHA
2471-   48          PHA


               Chapter 3
    You're Very Clever, Young Man,
  But It's Checksums All The Way Down

; move boot0 to $0900 and patch it up
96F8-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
96FA-   B9 00 08    LDA   $0800,Y
96FD-   99 00 09    STA   $0900,Y
9700-   C8          INY
9701-   D0 F7       BNE   $96FA
9703-   A9 24       LDA   #$24
9705-   8D 5D 09    STA   $095D
9708-   A9 09       LDA   #$09
970A-   8D 70 09    STA   $0970

; set up callback after first checksum
; is calculated
970D-   A9 1A       LDA   #$1A
970F-   8D 7E 09    STA   $097E
9712-   A9 97       LDA   #$97
9714-   8D 7F 09    STA   $097F

; start the boot
9717-   4C 01 09    JMP   $0901

; callback is here
; save the checksum and unconditionally
; break to the monitor
971A-   BA          TSX
971B-   8A          TXA
971C-   8D FF 97    STA   $97FF
971F-   AD E8 C0    LDA   $C0E8
9722-   4C 59 FF    JMP   $FF59

...reboots slot 6...

97FF- 20

The initial checksum of boot0 is $20.

]CALL -151

; move boot0 to $0900 and patch it up
96F8-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
96FA-   B9 00 08    LDA   $0800,Y
96FD-   99 00 09    STA   $0900,Y
9700-   C8          INY
9701-   D0 F7       BNE   $96FA
9703-   A9 24       LDA   #$24
9705-   8D 5D 09    STA   $095D
9708-   A9 09       LDA   #$09
970A-   8D 70 09    STA   $0970

; set up callback instead of jumping to
; boot1 at $0400
970D-   A9 1A       LDA   #$1A
970F-   8D 7E 09    STA   $097E
9712-   A9 97       LDA   #$97
9714-   8D 7F 09    STA   $097F

; start the boot
9717-   4C 01 09    JMP   $0901

; callback is here
; hard-code the initial checksum value
; ($20), then reproduce the checksum on
; the boot1 code before we start
; patching it to high heaven
971A-   A2 20       LDX   #$20
971C-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
971E-   86 0B       STX   $0B
9720-   85 0C       STA   $0C
9722-   85 0D       STA   $0D
9724-   85 0E       STA   $0E
9726-   A5 0B       LDA   $0B
9728-   A2 00       LDX   #$00
972A-   5D 00 04    EOR   $0400,X
972D-   5D 00 05    EOR   $0500,X
9730-   5D 00 06    EOR   $0600,X
9733-   5D 00 07    EOR   $0700,X
9736-   E8          INX
9737-   D0 F1       BNE   $972A

; store the new checksum and break
9739-   8D FF 97    STA   $97FF
973C-   AD E8 C0    LDA   $C0E8
973F-   4C 59 FF    JMP   $FF59

...reboots slot 6...

97FF- 00

The second checksum, which gets pushed
twice to the stack at $0470, is $00.


               Chapter 4
         In Which Half A Track
          Is Better Than None

Continuing the boot trace at $0472...

]BLOAD BOOT1 0400-07FF,A$2400
]CALL -151

2472-   A0 03       LDY   #$03
2474-   20 00 05    JSR   $0500

2500-   20 DC 04    JSR   $04DC

; advance drive head by one phase
; (a.k.a. a half track)
24DC-   E6 0C       INC   $0C
24DE-   A5 0C       LDA   $0C
24E0-   29 03       AND   #$03
24E2-   0A          ASL
24E3-   05 2B       ORA   $2B
24E5-   AA          TAX
24E6-   BD 81 C0    LDA   $C081,X
24E9-   20 F8 04    JSR   $04F8
24EC-   BD 80 C0    LDA   $C080,X
24EF-   20 F8 04    JSR   $04F8

; loop a number of times (given in the
; Y register on entry)
24F2-   88          DEY
24F3-   D0 E7       BNE   $24DC
24F5-   A6 2B       LDX   $2B
24F7-   60          RTS
24F8-   8D 50 C0    STA   $C050
24FB-   A9 40       LDA   #$40
24FD-   4C A8 FC    JMP   $FCA8

We started on track 0 and advanced the
drive head by 3 phases, so now we're
on track 1.5.

Continuing from $0503...

; save X, display "Outpost" on hi-res
; screen (not shown), restore X
2503-   86 2B       STX   $2B
2505-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
2507-   A2 0F       LDX   #$0F
2509-   A0 18       LDY   #$18
250B-   20 60 05    JSR   $0560
250E-   A6 2B       LDX   $2B
2510-   60          RTS

Continuing from $0477...

; get target memory page from an array
; at $05F0
2477-   A4 0E       LDY   $0E
2479-   B9 F0 05    LDA   $05F0,Y

; when page = 0, jump to next stage
; at $0520, otherwise continue at $0481
247C-   D0 03       BNE   $2481
247E-   4C 20 05    JMP   $0520
2481-   20 90 04    JSR   $0490

; sector count (4-4 encoded tracks can
; only hold $0C pages worth of data)
2490-   85 05       STA   $05
2492-   18          CLC
2493-   A9 0C       LDA   #$0C
2495-   85 06       STA   $06
2497-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
2499-   84 04       STY   $04

; custom prologue "DD AD DA"
249B-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
249E-   10 FB       BPL   $249B
24A0-   C9 DD       CMP   #$DD
24A2-   D0 F7       BNE   $249B
24A4-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
24A7-   10 FB       BPL   $24A4
24A9-   C9 AD       CMP   #$AD
24AB-   D0 F3       BNE   $24A0
24AD-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
24B0-   10 FB       BPL   $24AD
24B2-   C9 DA       CMP   #$DA
24B4-   D0 EA       BNE   $24A0

; now read 4-4 encoded data into ($04)
24B6-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
24B9-   10 FB       BPL   $24B6
24BB-   8D 57 C0    STA   $C057
24BE-   38          SEC
24BF-   2A          ROL
24C0-   8D 50 C0    STA   $C050
24C3-   85 0F       STA   $0F
24C5-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
24C8-   10 FB       BPL   $24C5
24CA-   25 0F       AND   $0F
24CC-   91 04       STA   ($04),Y
24CE-   C8          INY
24CF-   D0 E5       BNE   $24B6

; increment target page
24D1-   E6 05       INC   $05

; decrement count
24D3-   C6 06       DEC   $06

; Loop back to read more. Note: this
; goes directly to data read routine,
; not the prologue match routine. There
; is only one prologue per track.
24D5-   D0 DF       BNE   $24B6
24D7-   60          RTS

Continuing from $0484...

; sets Y=2 and falls through to drive
; head advance routine, so this will
; skip ahead 2 phases = 1 whole track,
; so we're still on half tracks but now
; 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, &c.
2484-   20 D8 04    JSR   $04D8

; show hi-res screen, increment index
; into page array, and jump back to
; read the next track
2487-   8D 50 C0    STA   $C050
248A-   E6 0E       INC   $0E
248C-   4C 77 04    JMP   $0477

Here is the target page table (accessed
at $0479):

25F0- 08 14 40 4C 58 64 70 7C
25F8- 88 00

Each call to $0490 reads $0C sectors,
so we're filling $0800..$1FFF, skipping
hi-res screen 1 (initialized earlier
with the graphical "Outpost" loading
screen), then filling $4000..$93FF.

Once the page array is exhausted, $047E
jumps to $0520 for the next boot stage.

To sum up:

  - We're reading data from consecutive
    half tracks (1.5, 2.5, 3.5, &c.)
  - Each track has $0C pages of data in
    a custom (non-sector-based) format
  - We're using $0800..$93FF in main
    memory (hi-res screen 1 was drawn
    earlier, then the rest is read
    directly from disk)
  - Nothing in this read loop relies on
    the checksum we stashed in the
    stack pointer or the later checksum
    we pushed twice to the stack
  - $047E exits via $0520

Let's capture it.


               Chapter 5
    In Which Things Have Been Made
    As Difficult As Possible For Us

; move boot0 to $0900 and patch it up
96F8-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
96FA-   B9 00 08    LDA   $0800,Y
96FD-   99 00 09    STA   $0900,Y
9700-   C8          INY
9701-   D0 F7       BNE   $96FA
9703-   A9 24       LDA   #$24
9705-   8D 5D 09    STA   $095D
9708-   A9 09       LDA   #$09
970A-   8D 70 09    STA   $0970

; set up callback before jumping to
; $0400
970D-   A9 1A       LDA   #$1A
970F-   8D 7E 09    STA   $097E
9712-   A9 97       LDA   #$97
9714-   8D 7F 09    STA   $097F

; start the boot
9717-   4C 01 09    JMP   $0901

; initialize zero page (copied verbatim
; from $0457)
971A-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
971C-   85 0B       STA   $0B
971E-   85 0C       STA   $0C
9720-   85 0D       STA   $0D
9722-   85 0E       STA   $0E

; break to the monitor at $047E instead
; of continuing at $0520
9724-   A9 4C       LDA   #$4C
9726-   8D 7E 04    STA   $047E
9729-   A9 59       LDA   #$59
972B-   8D 7F 04    STA   $047F
972E-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF
9730-   8D 80 04    STA   $0480
9733-   4C 72 04    JMP   $0472

; fill main memory so I can verify
; which pages changed (in case I made
; a mistake in my analysis earlier!)

...reboots slot 6...

A quick inspection of memory confirms
that $0800..$93FF have changed, and the
rest are untouched (except the text
page, but I knew that).

According to "Inside the Apple //e"
(pp. 296-8), $C311 copies data from
main memory to aux memory and back.
(Aux memory is what you get by having
an 80-column card, 128K instead of 64.)

The routine itself takes 4 parameters:

  ($3C/$3D) starting address
  ($3E/$3F) ending address
  ($42/$43) destination address in the
            other memory bank
  carry bit set for main->aux copy, or
            clear for aux->main copy

Thus, to copy $0800..$93FF to auxiliary

0300-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
0302-   85 3C       STA   $3C
0304-   85 42       STA   $42
0306-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
0308-   85 3D       STA   $3D
030A-   85 43       STA   $43
030C-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF
030E-   85 3E       STA   $3E
0310-   A9 93       LDA   #$93
0312-   85 3F       STA   $3F
0314-   38          SEC
0315-   4C 11 C3    JMP   $C311

; reboot to my work disk

]CALL -151

And copy $0800..$93FF from auxiliary
memory back to main memory, I only need
to change the "SEC" to "CLC" at $0314:

0300-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
0302-   85 3C       STA   $3C
0304-   85 42       STA   $42
0306-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
0308-   85 3D       STA   $3D
030A-   85 43       STA   $43
030C-   A9 FF       LDA   #$FF
030E-   85 3E       STA   $3E
0310-   A9 93       LDA   #$93
0312-   85 3F       STA   $3F
0314-   18          CLC
0315-   4C 11 C3    JMP   $C311

Continuing from $0520...

; turn off drive motor
2520-   BD 88 C0    LDA   $C088,X
2523-   20 D0 07    JSR   $07D0

; calculate a simple one-byte checksum
; on the entire game code (minus hi-res
; graphics screen 1) to ensure the game
; code has not been tampered with
27D0-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
27D2-   84 04       STY   $04
27D4-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
27D6-   85 05       STA   $05
27D8-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
27DA-   51 04       EOR   ($04),Y
27DC-   C8          INY
27DD-   D0 FB       BNE   $27DA
27DF-   E6 05       INC   $05
27E1-   A6 05       LDX   $05

; skip from $2000 to $4000
27E3-   E0 20       CPX   #$20
27E5-   D0 F3       BNE   $27DA
27E7-   06 05       ASL   $05

; continue calculating checksum in the
; accumulator
27E9-   51 04       EOR   ($04),Y
27EB-   C8          INY
27EC-   D0 FB       BNE   $27E9
27EE-   E6 05       INC   $05
27F0-   A6 05       LDX   $05
27F2-   E0 94       CPX   #$94
27F4-   D0 F3       BNE   $27E9
27F6-   A8          TAY

; if checksum fails, it's off to The
; Badlands with you!
27F7-   D0 87       BNE   $2780
27F9-   60          RTS

Continuing from $0526...

; get those checksum values we pushed
; to the stack at $0470 and start
; fiddling with them
2526-   68          PLA          ;A=$00
2527-   AA          TAX          ;X=$00
2528-   68          PLA          ;A=$00
2529-   38          SEC
252A-   69 7E       ADC   #$7E   ;A=$7F
252C-   48          PHA          ;S+$7F
252D-   8A          TXA          ;A=$00
252E-   18          CLC
252F-   E9 00       SBC   #$00
2531-   48          PHA          ;S+$FF
2532-   38          SEC
2533-   69 36       ADC   #$36   ;A=$36
2535-   85 00       STA   $00
2537-   38          SEC
2538-   E9 36       SBC   #$36   ;A=$00
253A-   85 01       STA   $01

($00) points to $0036 now.

253C-   A8          TAY          ;Y=$00
253D-   68          PLA          ;A=$FF
253E-   48          PHA

Still $7F/$FF on the stack.

253F-   18          CLC
2540-   69 64       ADC   #$64   ;A=$63
2542-   91 00       STA   ($00),Y

zp$36 = $63 now.

2544-   C8          INY          ;Y=$01
2545-   38          SEC
2546-   69 00       ADC   #$00   ;A=$64
2548-   91 00       STA   ($00),Y

zp$37 = $64 now.

254A-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
254C-   85 00       STA   $00

($00) points to $0000 now.

254E-   68          PLA          ;A=$FF
254F-   48          PHA

Still $7F/$FF on the stack.

2550-   91 00       STA   ($00),Y

zp$00 = $FF now. ($00) points to $00FF.

2552-   C8          INY          ;Y=$01
2553-   38          SEC
2554-   E9 08       SBC   #$08   ;A=$F7
2556-   91 00       STA   ($00),Y

$0100 = $F7 now.

($36) points to $6463.
$0100 = $F7.
The game starts at $8000.

If I reproduce the initializations from
this obfuscated routine at $0520, I
should be able to run the game from the
monitor. I need to do this all at once,
since returning to the monitor will
reset $36 and possibly $100 as well.


I'm missing something. Maybe a callback
to the RWTS on the text page? I've seen
other Sirius games do that.

]CALL -151


Still no luck. Maybe some secondary
protection in the game code? Or even
a secondary loader? (I've seen both in
other Sirius games.)

Sigh. Let's start tracing through the
code at $8000.


               Chapter 6
          And One More Thing

8000-   20 00 81    JSR   $8100

; harmless
8100-   A9 C0       LDA   #$C0
8102-   85 45       STA   $45
8104-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
8106-   85 58       STA   $58
8108-   85 83       STA   $83
810A-   85 84       STA   $84
810C-   85 85       STA   $85
810E-   85 86       STA   $86
8110-   85 87       STA   $87
8112-   85 88       STA   $88
8114-   A9 01       LDA   #$01
8116-   85 8B       STA   $8B
8118-   85 60       STA   $60
811A-   4C 30 81    JMP   $8130

; harmless
8130-   8D 3F 76    STA   $763F
8133-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
8135-   85 80       STA   $80
8137-   85 81       STA   $81
8139-   85 82       STA   $82
813B-   85 8C       STA   $8C
813D-   4C C0 8E    JMP   $8EC0

; hmm
8EC0-   20 00 8F    JSR   $8F00
8EC3-   B0 0B       BCS   $8ED0
8EC5-   20 0B 8F    JSR   $8F0B
8EC8-   B0 06       BCS   $8ED0
8ECA-   4C 70 07    JMP   $0770
8ECD-   00          BRK
8ECE-   00          BRK
8ECF-   00          BRK
8ED0-   BD 88 C0    LDA   $C088,X
8ED3-   60          RTS

; turn on boot slot drive motor
8F00-   A6 2B       LDX   $2B
8F02-   BD 89 C0    LDA   $C089,X

; advance drive by 2 phases (=1 track)
8F05-   A0 02       LDY   #$02
8F07-   20 DC 04    JSR   $04DC
8F0A-   EA          NOP
8F0B-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
8F0D-   85 01       STA   $01
8F0F-   A8          TAY

; look for prologue, "D5 AA AD"
8F10-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
8F13-   10 FB       BPL   $8F10
8F15-   C9 D5       CMP   #$D5
8F17-   D0 F7       BNE   $8F10
8F19-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
8F1C-   10 FB       BPL   $8F19
8F1E-   C9 AA       CMP   #$AA
8F20-   D0 F3       BNE   $8F15
8F22-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
8F25-   10 FB       BPL   $8F22
8F27-   C9 AD       CMP   #$AD
8F29-   D0 EA       BNE   $8F15

; count nibbles until epilogue, "DE AA"
8F2B-   C8          INY
8F2C-   D0 04       BNE   $8F32
8F2E-   E6 01       INC   $01
8F30-   F0 17       BEQ   $8F49
8F32-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
8F35-   10 F9       BPL   $8F30
8F37-   C9 DE       CMP   #$DE
8F39-   D0 F0       BNE   $8F2B
8F3B-   BD 8C C0    LDA   $C08C,X
8F3E-   10 F9       BPL   $8F39
8F40-   C9 AA       CMP   #$AA
8F42-   D0 E7       BNE   $8F2B

; if >= $0C00 nibbles between prologue
; and epilogue, carry is set on exit
8F44-   A5 01       LDA   $01
8F46-   C9 0C       CMP   #$0C
8F48-   60          RTS
8F49-   38          SEC
8F4A-   60          RTS

Returning to $8EC0...

; count nibbles
8EC0-   20 00 8F    JSR   $8F00

; carry set = success, exit via $8ED0
8EC3-   B0 0B       BCS   $8ED0

; count nibbles again (but stay on the
; same track)
8EC5-   20 0B 8F    JSR   $8F0B

; carry set = success, exit via $8ED0
8EC8-   B0 06       BCS   $8ED0

; failure --> The Badlands
8ECA-   4C 70 07    JMP   $0770
8ECD-   00          BRK
8ECE-   00          BRK
8ECF-   00          BRK

; success path, turn off drive motor
; and return gracefully
8ED0-   BD 88 C0    LDA   $C088,X
8ED3-   60          RTS

I should be able to put an "RTS" at
$8EC0 to disable this secondary
protection altogether.

; set $36/$37, $0100, copy RWTS to text
; page, disable secondary protection,
; and jump to the game entry point

 8EC0:60 N 8000G
...game works, and it is glorious...

I didn't bother setting zp$01 because
the secondary protection overwrites it.
The game doesn't appear to care about
zp$01 is after it's checked at $8F46.
It also doesn't seem to care about $00.
However, I tried not setting $36/$37
and the graphics glitched out, so that
vector is being used for something.

I might be able to reduce this further,
but $0400..$93FF is a nice round number
(exactly 9 tracks on a 16-sector disk),
so let's move on.


               Chapter 7
   In Which We Step, Ever So Gently,
         Into The 21st Century

To reproduce the original disk's boot
experience as faithfully as possible, I
decided against releasing this as a
file crack. The original disk displays
the graphical title screen during boot.
In fact, it *only* displays it during
boot, then never again. Classic cracks
often didn't include the title screen,
because it was the 80s and 8192 bytes
was expensive. The social mores of the
classic crackers allowed for discarding
title screens altogether in pursuit of
the smallest possible file crack.

I have all the game code. I know how to
initialize it and call it. Now to write
it all to disk. (We'll worry about
reading it back in just a minute.)

[S6,D1=blank formatted disk]
[S5,D1=my work disk]

]CALL -151

; page count (decremented)
0300-   A9 90       LDA   #$90
0302-   85 FF       STA   $FF

; logical sector (incremented)
0304-   A9 00       LDA   #$00
0306-   85 FE       STA   $FE

; call RWTS to write sector
0308-   A9 03       LDA   #$03
030A-   A0 88       LDY   #$88
030C-   20 D9 03    JSR   $03D9

; increment logical sector, wrap around
; from $0F to $00 and increment track
030F-   E6 FE       INC   $FE
0311-   A4 FE       LDY   $FE
0313-   C0 10       CPY   #$10
0315-   D0 07       BNE   $031E
0317-   A0 00       LDY   #$00
0319-   84 FE       STY   $FE
031B-   EE 8C 03    INC   $038C

; convert logical to physical sector
031E-   B9 40 03    LDA   $0340,Y
0321-   8D 8D 03    STA   $038D

; increment page to write
0324-   EE 91 03    INC   $0391

; loop until done with all $90 pages
0327-   C6 FF       DEC   $FF
0329-   D0 DD       BNE   $0308
032B-   60          RTS

; logical to physical sector mapping
0340- 00 07 0E 06 0D 05 0C 04
0348- 0B 03 0A 02 09 01 08 0F

; RWTS parameter table, pre-initialized
; with slot 6, drive 1, track $01,
; sector $00, address $1400, and RWTS
; write command ($02)
0388- 01 60 01 00 01 00 FB F7
0390- 00 14 00 00 02 00 00 60

Now I have the entire game on tracks
$01-$09 of a standard 16-sector disk.
To read it back as quickly as possible,
I'll use qkumba's "0boot" bootloader.


               Chapter 8

0boot lives on track $00, just like me.
Sector $00 (boot0) reuses the disk
controller ROM routine to read sector
$0E (boot1). Boot0 creates a few data
tables, copys boot1 to zero page,
modifies it to accomodate booting from
any slot, and jumps to it.

Boot0 is loaded at $0800 by the disk
controller ROM routine.

; tell the ROM to load only this sector
; (we'll do the rest manually)
0800-  [01]

; The accumulator is $01 after loading
; sector $00, or $03 after loading
; sector $0E. We don't need to preserve
; the value, so we just shift the bits
; to determine whether this is the
; first or second time we've been here.
0801-   4A          LSR

; second run -- we've loaded boot1, so
; skip to boot1 initialization routine
0802-   D0 0E       BNE   $0812

; first run -- increment the physical
; sector to read (this will be the next
; sector under the drive head, so we'll
; waste as little time as possible
; waiting for the disk to spin)
0804-   E6 3D       INC   $3D

; X holds the boot slot (x16) --
; munge it into $Cx format (e.g. $C6
; for slot 6, but we need to accomodate
; booting from any slot)
0806-   8A          TXA
0807-   4A          LSR
0808-   4A          LSR
0809-   4A          LSR
080A-   4A          LSR
080B-   09 C0       ORA   #$C0

; push address (-1) of the sector read
; routine in the disk controller ROM
080D-   48          PHA
080E-   A9 5B       LDA   #$5B
0810-   48          PHA

; "return" via disk controller ROM,
; which reads boot1 into $0900 and
; exits via $0801
0811-   60          RTS

; Execution continues here (from $0802)
; after boot1 code has been loaded into
; $0900. This works around a bug in the
; CFFA 3000 firmware that doesn't
; guarantee that the Y register is
; always $00 at $0801, which is exactly
; the sort of bug that qkumba enjoys
; uncovering.
0812-   A8          TAY

; munge the boot slot, e.g. $60 -> $EC
; (to be used later)
0813-   8A          TXA
0814-   09 8C       ORA   #$8C

; Copy the boot1 code from $0901..$09FF
; to zero page. ($0900 holds the 0boot
; version number. This is version 1.
; $0000 is initialized later in boot1.)
0816-   BE 00 09    LDX   $0900,Y
0819-   96 00       STX   $00,Y
081B-   C8          INY
081C-   D0 F8       BNE   $0816

; There are a number of places in boot1
; that need to hit a slot-specific soft
; switch (read a nibble from disk, turn
; off the drive, &c). Rather than the
; usual form of "LDA $C08C,X", we will
; use "LDA $C0EC" and modify the $EC
; byte in advance, based on the boot
; slot. $00F5 is an array of all the
; places in the boot1 code that need
; this adjustment.
081E-   C8          INY
081F-   B6 F5       LDX   $F5,Y
0821-   95 00       STA   $00,X
0823-   D0 F9       BNE   $081E

; munge $EC -> $E0 (used later to
; advance the drive head to the next
; track)
0825-   29 F0       AND   #$F0
0827-   85 C8       STA   $C8

; munge $E0 -> $E8 (used later to
; turn off the drive motor)
0829-   09 08       ORA   #$08
082B-   85 D6       STA   $D6

; push several addresses to the stack
; (more on this later)
082D-   A2 06       LDX   #$06
082F-   B5 EF       LDA   $EF,X
0831-   48          PHA
0832-   CA          DEX
0833-   D0 FA       BNE   $082F

; number of tracks to load (x2) (game-
; specific -- this game uses 9 tracks)
0835-   A0 12       LDY   #$12

; loop starts here
083F-   8A          TXA

; every other time through this loop,
; we will end up taking this branch
0840-   90 03       BCC   $0845

; X is 0 going into this loop, and it
; never changes, so A is always 0 too.
; So this will push $0000 to the stack
; (to "return" to $0001, which reads a
; track into memory)
0842-   48          PHA
0843-   48          PHA

; There's a "SEC" hidden here (because
; it's opcode $38), but it's only
; executed if we take the branch at
; $0840, which lands at $0845, which is
; in the middle of this instruction.
; Otherwise we execute the compare,
; which clears the carry bit. So the
; carry flip-flops between set and
; clear, so the BCC at $0840 is only
; taken every other time.
0844-   C9 38       CMP   #$38

; Push $00B3 to the stack, to "return"
; to $00B4. This routine advances the
; drive head to the next half track.
0846-   48          PHA
0847-   A9 B3       LDA   #$B3
0849-   48          PHA

; loop until done
084A-   88          DEY
084B-   D0 F2       BNE   $083F

Because of the carry flip-flop, we will
push $00B3 to the stack every time
through the loop, but we will only push
$0000 every other time. The loop runs
for twice the number of tracks we want
to read, so the stack ends up looking
like this:

  $00B3 (move drive 1/2 track)
  $00B3 (move drive another 1/2 track)
  $0000 (read track into memory)
  $00B3 \
  $00B3  } second group
  $0000 /
  $00B3 \
  $00B3  } third group
  $0000 /
  . [repeated for each track]
  $00B3 \
  $00B3  } final group
  $0000 /
  $00D4 turn off drive, disable
        secondary protection
  $0525 game-specific entry point (pops
        next two values off the stack,
        sets up zero page, and pushes
        actual game entry point)
  $0000 boot1 checksum value (twice)

Boot1 reads the game into memory from
tracks $01-$09, but it isn't a loop.
It's one routine that reads a track and
another routine that advances the drive
head. We're essentially unrolling the
read loop on the stack, in advance, so
that each routine gets called as many
times as we need, when we need it. Like
dancers in a chorus line, each routine
executes then cedes the spotlight. Each
seems unaware of the others, but in
reality they've all been meticulously


               Chapter 9
                 6 + 2

Before I can explain the next chunk of
code, I need to pause and explain a
little bit of theory. As you probably
know if you're the sort of person who
reads this sort of thing, Apple II
floppy disks do not contain the actual
data that ends up being loaded into
memory. Due to hardware limitations of
the original Disk II drive, data on
disk must be stored in an intermediate
format called "nibbles." Bytes in
memory are encoded into nibbles before
writing to disk, and nibbles that you
read from the disk must be decoded back
into bytes. The round trip is lossless
but requires some bit wrangling.

Decoding nibbles-on-disk into bytes-in-
memory is a multi-step process. In
"6-and-2 encoding" (used by DOS 3.3,
ProDOS, and all ".dsk" image files),
there are 64 possible values that you
may find in the data field (in the
range $96..$FF, but not all of those,
because some of them have bit patterns
that trip up the drive firmware). We'll
call these "raw nibbles."

Step 1: read $156 raw nibbles from the
data field. These values will range
from $96 to $FF, but as mentioned
earlier, not all values in that range
will appear on disk.

Now we have $156 raw nibbles.

Step 2: decode each of the raw nibbles
into a 6-bit byte between 0 and 63
(%00000000 and %00111111 in binary).
$96 is the lowest valid raw nibble, so
it gets decoded to 0. $97 is the next
valid raw nibble, so it's decoded to 1.
$98 and $99 are invalid, so we skip
them, and $9A gets decoded to 2. And so
on, up to $FF (the highest valid raw
nibble), which gets decoded to 63.

Now we have $156 6-bit bytes.

Step 3: split up each of the first $56
6-bit bytes into pairs of bits. In
other words, each 6-bit byte becomes
three 2-bit bytes. These 2-bit bytes
are merged with the next $100 6-bit
bytes to create $100 8-bit bytes. Hence
the name, "6-and-2" encoding.

The exact process of how the bits are
split and merged is... complicated. The
first $56 6-bit bytes get split up into
2-bit bytes, but those two bits get
swapped (so %01 becomes %10 and vice-
versa). The other $100 6-bit bytes each
get multiplied by 4 (a.k.a. bit-shifted
two places left). This leaves a hole in
the lower two bits, which is filled by
one of the 2-bit bytes from the first

A diagram might help. "a" through "x"
each represent one bit.


1 decoded      3 decoded
nibble in  +   nibbles in   =  3 bytes
first $56      other $100

00abcdef       00ghijkl
   |           00stuvwx
 split            |
   &           shifted
swapped        left x2
   |              |
   V              V

000000fe   +   ghijkl00   =   ghijklfe
000000dc   +   mnopqr00   =   mnopqrdc
000000ba   +   stuvwx00   =   stuvwxba


Tada! Four 6-bit bytes


become three 8-bit bytes


When DOS 3.3 reads a sector, it reads
the first $56 raw nibbles, decoded them
into 6-bit bytes, and stashes them in a
temporary buffer (at $BC00). Then it
reads the other $100 raw nibbles,
decodes them into 6-bit bytes, and puts
them in another temporary buffer (at
$BB00). Only then does DOS 3.3 start
combining the bits from each group to
create the full 8-bit bytes that will
end up in the target page in memory.
This is why DOS 3.3 "misses" sectors
when it's reading, because it's busy
twiddling bits while the disk is still


              Chapter 10
             Back to 0boot

0boot also uses "6-and-2" encoding. The
first $56 nibbles in the data field are
still split into pairs of bits that
need to be merged with nibbles that
won't come until later. But instead of
waiting for all $156 raw nibbles to be
read from disk, it "interleaves" the
nibble reads with the bit twiddling
required to merge the first $56 6-bit
bytes and the $100 that follow. By the
time 0boot gets to the data field
checksum, it has already stored all
$100 8-bit bytes in their final resting
place in memory. This means that 0boot
can read all 16 sectors on a track in
one revolution of the disk. That's
crazy fast.

To make it possible to do all the bit
twiddling we need to do and not miss
nibbles as the disk spins(*), we do
some of the work earlier. We multiply
each of the 64 possible decoded values
by 4 and store those values. (Since
this is accomplished by bit shifting
and we're doing it before we start
reading the disk, this is called the
"pre-shift" table.) We also store all
possible 2-bit values in a repeating
pattern that will make it easy to look
them up later. Then, as we're reading
from disk (and timing is tight), we can
simulate all the bit math we need to do
with a series of table lookups. There
is just enough time to convert each raw
nibble into its final 8-bit byte before
reading the next nibble.

(*) The disk spins independently of the
    CPU, and we only have a limited
    time to read a nibble and do what
    we're going to do with it before
    time is of the essence. Also, "As
    The Disk Spins" would make a great
    name for a retrocomputing-themed
    soap opera.

The first table, at $0200..$02FF, is
three columns wide and 64 rows deep.
Astute readers will notice that 3 x 64
is not 256. Only three of the columns
are used; the fourth (unused) column
exists because multiplying by 3 is hard
but multiplying by 4 is easy (in base 2
anyway). The three columns correspond
to the three pairs of 2-bit values in
those first $56 6-bit bytes. Since the
values are only 2 bits wide, each
column holds one of four different
values (%00, %01, %10, or %11).

The second table, at $0300..$0369, is
the "pre-shift" table. This contains
all the possible 6-bit bytes, in order,
each multiplied by 4 (a.k.a. shifted to
the left two places, so the 6 bits that
started in columns 0-5 are now in
columns 2-7, and columns 0 and 1 are
zeroes). Like this:

       00ghijkl   -->   ghijkl00

Astute readers will notice that there
are only 64 possible 6-bit bytes, but
this second table is larger than 64
bytes. To make lookups easier, the
table has empty slots for each of the
invalid raw nibbles. In other words, we
don't do any math to decode raw nibbles
into 6-bit bytes; we just look them up
in this table (offset by $96, since
that's the lowest valid raw nibble) and
get the required bit shifting for free.

addr | raw |  decoded 6-bit | pre-shift
$300 | $96 |  0 = %00000000 | %00000000
$301 | $97 |  1 = %00000001 | %00000100
$302 | $98        [invalid raw nibble]
$303 | $99        [invalid raw nibble]
$304 | $9A |  2 = %00000010 | %00001000
$305 | $9B |  3 = %00000011 | %00001100
$306 | $9C        [invalid raw nibble]
$307 | $9D |  4 = %00000100 | %00010000
$368 | $FE | 62 = %00111110 | %11111000
$369 | $FF | 63 = %00111111 | %11111100

Each value in this "pre-shift" table
also serves as an index into the first
table (with all the 2-bit bytes). This
wasn't an accident; I mean, that sort
of magic doesn't just happen. But the
table of 2-bit bytes is arranged in
such a way that we take one of the raw
nibbles that needs to be decoded and
split apart (from the first $56 raw
nibbles in the data field), use that
raw nibble as an index into the pre-
shift table, then use that pre-shifted
value as an index into the first table
to get the 2-bit value we need. That's
a neat trick.

; this loop creates the pre-shift table
; at $300
084D-   A2 40       LDX   #$40
084F-   A4 55       LDY   $55
0851-   98          TYA
0852-   0A          ASL
0853-   24 55       BIT   $55
0855-   F0 12       BEQ   $0869
0857-   05 55       ORA   $55
0859-   49 FF       EOR   #$FF
085B-   29 7E       AND   #$7E
085D-   B0 0A       BCS   $0869
085F-   4A          LSR
0860-   D0 FB       BNE   $085D
0862-   CA          DEX
0863-   8A          TXA
0864-   0A          ASL
0865-   0A          ASL
0866-   99 EA 02    STA   $02EA,Y
0869-   C6 55       DEC   $55
086B-   D0 E2       BNE   $084F

And this is the result (".." means the
address is uninitialized and unused):

0300- 00 04 .. .. 08 0C .. 10
0308- 14 18 .. .. .. .. .. ..
0310- 1C 20 .. .. .. 24 28 2C
0318- 30 34 .. .. 38 3C 40 44
0320- 48 4C .. 50 54 58 5C 60
0328- 64 68 .. .. .. .. .. ..
0330- .. .. .. .. .. 6C .. 70
0338- 74 78 .. .. .. 7C .. ..
0340- 80 84 .. 88 8C 90 94 98
0348- 9C A0 .. .. .. .. .. A4
0350- A8 AC .. B0 B4 B8 BC C0
0358- C4 C8 .. .. CC D0 D4 D8
0360- DC E0 .. E4 E8 EC F0 F4
0368- F8 FC

; this loop creates the table of 2-bit
; values at $200, magically arranged to
; enable easy lookups later
086D-   46 B7       LSR   $B7
086F-   46 B7       LSR   $B7
0871-   B5 FC       LDA   $FC,X
0873-   99 FF 01    STA   $01FF,Y
0876-   E6 AC       INC   $AC
0878-   A5 AC       LDA   $AC
087A-   25 B7       AND   $B7
087C-   D0 05       BNE   $0883
087E-   E8          INX
087F-   8A          TXA
0880-   29 03       AND   #$03
0882-   AA          TAX
0883-   C8          INY
0884-   C8          INY
0885-   C8          INY
0886-   C8          INY
0887-   C0 04       CPY   #$04
0889-   B0 E6       BCS   $0871
088B-   C8          INY
088C-   C0 04       CPY   #$04
088E-   90 DD       BCC   $086D

And this is the result:

0200- 00 00 00 .. 00 00 02 ..
0208- 00 00 01 .. 00 00 03 ..
0210- 00 02 00 .. 00 02 02 ..
0218- 00 02 01 .. 00 02 03 ..
0220- 00 01 00 .. 00 01 02 ..
0228- 00 01 01 .. 00 01 03 ..
0230- 00 03 00 .. 00 03 02 ..
0238- 00 03 01 .. 00 03 03 ..
0240- 02 00 00 .. 02 00 02 ..
0248- 02 00 01 .. 02 00 03 ..
0250- 02 02 00 .. 02 02 02 ..
0258- 02 02 01 .. 02 02 03 ..
0260- 02 01 00 .. 02 01 02 ..
0268- 02 01 01 .. 02 01 03 ..
0270- 02 03 00 .. 02 03 02 ..
0278- 02 03 01 .. 02 03 03 ..
0280- 01 00 00 .. 01 00 02 ..
0288- 01 00 01 .. 01 00 03 ..
0290- 01 02 00 .. 01 02 02 ..
0298- 01 02 01 .. 01 02 03 ..
02A0- 01 01 00 .. 01 01 02 ..
02A8- 01 01 01 .. 01 01 03 ..
02B0- 01 03 00 .. 01 03 02 ..
02B8- 01 03 01 .. 01 03 03 ..
02C0- 03 00 00 .. 03 00 02 ..
02C8- 03 00 01 .. 03 00 03 ..
02D0- 03 02 00 .. 03 02 02 ..
02D8- 03 02 01 .. 03 02 03 ..
02E0- 03 01 00 .. 03 01 02 ..
02E8- 03 01 01 .. 03 01 03 ..
02F0- 03 03 00 .. 03 03 02 ..
02F8- 03 03 01 .. 03 03 03 ..

And now for something completely
different. The original disk briefly
displayed an uninitialized hi-res
graphics page (originally at $0801 --
literally the first thing it does on
boot). So I want to do the same. It
won't be absolutely first thing, but
it'll be close.

0890-   2C 54 C0    BIT   $C054
0893-   2C 52 C0    BIT   $C052
0896-   2C 57 C0    BIT   $C057
0899-   2C 50 C0    BIT   $C050
089C-   60          RTS

[Note to future self: $0890..$08FD is
 available for game-specific init code,
 but it can't rely on or disturb zero
 page in any way. That rules out a lot
 of built-in ROM routines; be careful.
 If the game needs no initialization,
 you can zap this entire range and put
 an "RTS" at $0890.]

Everything else is already lined up on
the stack. All that's left to do is
"return" and let the stack guide us
through the rest of the boot.


              Chapter 11
              0boot boot1

The rest of the boot runs from zero
page. It's hard to show you exactly
what boot1 will look like, because it
relies heavily on self-modifying code.

In a standard DOS 3.3 RWTS, the
softswitch to read the data latch is
"LDA $C08C,X", where X is the boot slot
times 16 (to allow disks to boot from
any slot). 0boot also supports booting
from any slot, but instead of using an
index, each fetch instruction is pre-
set based on the boot slot. Not only
does this free up the X register, it
lets us juggle all the registers and
put the raw nibble value in whichever
one is convenient at the time. (We take
full advantage of this freedom.) I've
marked each pre-set softswitch with
"o_O" to remind you that self-modifying
code is awesome.

There are several other instances of
addresses and constants that get
modified while boot1 is running. I've
marked these with "/!\" to remind you
that self-modifying code is dangerous
and you should not try this at home.

The first thing popped off the stack is
the drive arm move routine at $00B4. It
moves the drive exactly one phase (half
a track).

00B4-   E6 B7       INC   $B7

; This value was set at $00B4 (above).
; It's incremented monotonically, but
; it's ANDed with $03 later, so its
; exact value isn't relevant.
00B6-   A0 00       LDY   #$00      /!\

; short wait for PHASEON
00B8-   A9 04       LDA   #$04
00BA-   20 C0 00    JSR   $00C0

; fall through
00BD-   88          DEY

; longer wait for PHASEOFF
00BE-   69 41       ADC   #$41
00C0-   85 CB       STA   $CB

; calculate the proper stepper motor to
; access
00C2-   98          TYA
00C3-   29 03       AND   #$03
00C5-   2A          ROL
00C6-   AA          TAX

; This address was set at $0827,
; based on the boot slot.
00C7-   BD E0 C0    LDA   $C0E0,X   /!\

; This value was set at $00C0 so that
; PHASEON and PHASEOFF have optimal
; wait times.
00CA-   A9 D1       LDA   #$D1      /!\

; wait exactly the right amount of time
; after accessing the proper stepper
; motor
00CC-   4C A8 FC    JMP   $FCA8

Since the drive arm routine only moves
one phase, it was pushed to the stack
twice before each track read. Our game
is stored on whole tracks; this half-
track trickery is only to save a few
bytes of code in boot1.

The track read routine starts at $0001,
because that let us save 1 byte in the
boot0 code when we were pushing
addresses to the stack. (We could just
push $00 twice.)

; sectors-left-to-read-on-this-track
; counter (incremented to $00)
0001-   A2 F0       LDX   #$F0
0003-   86 00       STX   $00

We initialize an array at $00F0 that
tracks which sectors we've read from
the current track. Astute readers will
notice that this part of zero page had
real data in it -- some addresses that
were pushed to the stack, and some
other values that were used to create
the 2-bit table at $0200. All true, but
all those operations are now complete,
and the space from $00F0..$00FF is now
available for unrelated uses.

The array is in physical sector order,
thus the RWTS assumes data is stored in
physical sector order on each track.
(This is why my MAKE program had to map
to physical sector order when writing.
This saves 18 bytes: 16 for the table
and 2 for the lookup command!) Values
are the actual pages in memory where
that sector should go, and they get
zeroed once the sector is read (so we
don't waste time decoding the same
sector twice).

; starting address (game-specific;
; this one starts loading at $0400)
0005-   A9 04       LDA   #$04      /!\
0007-   95 00       STA   $00,X
0009-   E6 06       INC   $06
000B-   E8          INX
000C-   D0 F7       BNE   $0005

000E-   20 CF 00    JSR   $00CF

; subroutine reads a nibble and
; stores it in the accumulator
00CF-   AD EC C0    LDA   $C0EC     o_O
00D2-   10 FB       BPL   $00CF
00D4-   60          RTS

Continuing from $0011...

; first nibble must be $D5
0011-   C9 D5       CMP   #$D5
0013-   D0 F9       BNE   $000E

; read second nibble, must be $AA
0015-   20 CF 00    JSR   $00CF
0018-   C9 AA       CMP   #$AA
001A-   D0 F5       BNE   $0011

; We actually need the Y register to be
; $AA for unrelated reasons later, so
; let's set that now. (We have time,
; and it saves 1 byte!)
001C-   A8          TAY

; read the third nibble
001D-   20 CF 00    JSR   $00CF

; is it $AD?
0020-   49 AD       EOR   #$AD

; Yes, which means this is the data
; prologue. Branch forward to start
; reading the data field.
0022-   F0 1F       BEQ   $0043

If that third nibble is not $AD, we
assume it's the end of the address
prologue. ($96 would be the third
nibble of a standard address prologue,
but we don't actually check.) We fall
through and start decoding the 4-4
encoded values in the address field.

0024-   A0 02       LDY   #$02

The first time through this loop,
we'll read the disk volume number.
The second time, we'll read the track
number. The third time, we'll read
the physical sector number. We don't
actually care about the disk volume or
the track number, and once we get the
sector number, we don't verify the
address field checksum.

0026-   20 CF 00    JSR   $00CF
0029-   2A          ROL
002A-   85 AC       STA   $AC
002C-   20 CF 00    JSR   $00CF
002F-   25 AC       AND   $AC
0031-   88          DEY
0032-   10 F2       BPL   $0026

; store the physical sector number
; (will re-use later)
0034-   85 AC       STA   $AC

; use physical sector number as an
; index into the sector address array
0036-   A8          TAY

; get the target page (where we want to
; store this sector in memory)
0037-   B6 F0       LDX   $F0,Y

; store the target page in several
; places throughout the following code
0039-   86 9B       STX   $9B
003B-   CA          DEX
003C-   86 6B       STX   $6B
003E-   86 83       STX   $83
0040-   E8          INX

; This is an unconditional branch,
; because the ROL at $0029 will always
; set the carry. We're done processing
; the address field, so we need to loop
; back and wait for the data prologue.
0041-   B0 CB       BCS   $000E

; execution continues here (from $0022)
; after matching the data prologue
0043-   E0 00       CPX   #$00

; If X is still $00, it means we found
; a data prologue before we found an
; address prologue. In that case, we
; have to skip this sector, because we
; don't know which sector it is and we
; wouldn't know where to put it.
0045-   F0 C7       BEQ   $000E

Nibble loop #1 reads nibbles $00..$55,
looks up the corresponding offset in
the preshift table at $0300, and stores
that offset in the temporary buffer at

; initialize rolling checksum to $00
0047-   85 55       STA   $55
0049-   AE EC C0    LDX   $C0EC      o_O
004C-   10 FB       BPL   $0049

; The nibble value is in the X register
; now. The lowest possible nibble value
; is $96 and the highest is $FF. To
; look up the offset in the table at
; $0300, we need to subtract $96 from
; $0300 and add X.
004E-   BD 6A 02    LDA   $026A,X

; Now the accumulator has the offset
; into the table of individual 2-bit
; combinations ($0200..$02FF). Store
; that offset in the temporary buffer
; at $036A, in the order we read the
; nibbles. But the Y register started
; counting at $AA, so we need to
; subtract $AA from $036A and add Y.
0051-   99 C0 02    STA   $02C0,Y

; The EOR value is set at $0047
; each time through loop #1.
0054-   49 00       EOR   #$00      /!\
0056-   C8          INY
0057-   D0 EE       BNE   $0047

Here endeth nibble loop #1.

Nibble loop #2 reads nibbles $56..$AB,
combines them with bits 0-1 of the
appropriate nibble from the first $56,
and stores them in bytes $00..$55 of
the target page in memory.

0059-   A0 AA       LDY   #$AA
005B-   AE EC C0    LDX   $C0EC     o_O
005E-   10 FB       BPL   $005B
0060-   5D 6A 02    EOR   $026A,X
0063-   BE C0 02    LDX   $02C0,Y
0066-   5D 02 02    EOR   $0202,X

; This address was set at $003C
; based on the target page (minus 1
; so we can add Y from $AA..$FF).
0069-   99 56 D1    STA   $D156,Y   /!\
006C-   C8          INY
006D-   D0 EC       BNE   $005B

Here endeth nibble loop #2.

Nibble loop #3 reads nibbles $AC..$101,
combines them with bits 2-3 of the
appropriate nibble from the first $56,
and stores them in bytes $56..$AB of
the target page in memory.

006F-   29 FC       AND   #$FC
0071-   A0 AA       LDY   #$AA
0073-   AE EC C0    LDX   $C0EC     o_O
0076-   10 FB       BPL   $0073
0078-   5D 6A 02    EOR   $026A,X
007B-   BE C0 02    LDX   $02C0,Y
007E-   5D 01 02    EOR   $0201,X

; This address was set at $003E
; based on the target page (minus 1
; so we can add Y from $AA..$FF).
0081-   99 AC D1    STA   $D1AC,Y   /!\
0084-   C8          INY
0085-   D0 EC       BNE   $0073

Here endeth nibble loop #3.

Loop #4 reads nibbles $102..$155,
combines them with bits 4-5 of the
appropriate nibble from the first $56,
and stores them in bytes $AC..$FF of
the target page in memory.

0087-   29 FC       AND   #$FC
0089-   A2 AC       LDX   #$AC
008B-   AC EC C0    LDY   $C0EC     o_O
008E-   10 FB       BPL   $008B
0090-   59 6A 02    EOR   $026A,Y
0093-   BC BE 02    LDY   $02BE,X
0096-   59 00 02    EOR   $0200,Y

; This address was set at $0039
; based on the target page.
0099-   9D 00 D1    STA   $D100,X   /!\
009C-   E8          INX
009D-   D0 EC       BNE   $008B

Here endeth nibble loop #4.

; Finally, get the last nibble,
; which is the checksum of all
; the previous nibbles.
009F-   29 FC       AND   #$FC
00A1-   AC EC C0    LDY   $C0EC     o_O
00A4-   10 FB       BPL   $00A1
00A6-   59 6A 02    EOR   $026A,Y

; if checksum fails, start over
00A9-   D0 96       BNE   $0041

; This was set to the physical
; sector number (at $0034), so
; this is a index into the 16-
; byte array at $00F0.
00AB-   A0 C0       LDY   #$C0      /!\

; store $00 at this index in the sector
; array to indicate that we've read
; this sector
00AD-   96 F0       STX   $F0,Y

; are we done yet?
00AF-   E6 00       INC   $00

; nope, loop back to read more sectors
00B1-   D0 8E       BNE   $0041

; And that's all she read.
00B3-   60          RTS

0boot's track read routine is done when
$0000 hits $00, which is astonishingly
beautiful. Like, "now I know God" level
of beauty.

And so it goes: we pop another address
off the stack, move the drive arm, read
another track, and eventually pop off
the final routine at $00D5:

; turn off drive motor
00D5-   AD E8 C0    LDA   $C0E8     /!\

; disable secondary protection
00D8-   A9 60       LDA   #$60
00DA-   8D C0 8E    STA   $8EC0
00DD-   60          RTS

The "RTS" at $DD will pop the next
address off the stack ($05/$25) and
continue at $0526. As we saw earlier,
that routine immediately pops the next
two values off the stack and uses them
to set up $00/$01, $36/$37, $0100, and
jump to the game's entry point ($8000).
But we don't need to do any of that
ourselves. We just need to prepare the
stack, then the original code can do
what it's designed to do.

Minus the protect-y bits, of course.

Quod erat liberandum.




- typo in the 6-and-2 encoding diagram
  [thanks Andrew R.]


- initial release

A 4am crack                     No. 516