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*************************************** * * * Legacy of Llylgamyn * * * * a walk-thru * * * * presented by * * * * Alien Advark * * * *************************************** Warning: this walk-thru shows how to solve this adventure step by step, these are not hints! --------------------------------------- The Legacy of Llylgamyn -- Wizardry III I will try to develop it from the bottom up, so if you just want to see early stuff, and solve the rest yourself, then just make sure you abort this message in time! if you don't want any giveaways, you shouldn't have been reading this far. 1. Starting out. As with the knight of diamonds, you cannot create new characters in L of L; they must be transferred in. There are no posted "minimum level" suggestions, however there is a reason for this. When you first transfer a character over, you will find that you cannot use him/her in a party; the character is "only a memory". To be used in L of L, each character must undergo the "rite of passage" which will turn him/her into a Legacy. To do this, enter the training grounds, call up the character by name, then enter "r". Whoops! now you've done it! you see, putting a character through the rite of passage does the following to him/her: if it had more than 500 g.p., it now has exactly 500. All equipment is taken away. It is now 1st level, with appropriate hit points, spells, etc. (you do get to keep stats close to what you had, with random variations). This would make it ideal to create a new character in mad overlord, then transfer it, right? wrong. A character with beginning stats, and less than 500 g.p. Is going to have it <very rough> in L of L. At least give him some money; that may be enough to survive. The ideal party composition when first starting out in L of L is three fighter types and three bishops! you will need all the katino's and dios's you can muster to survive your first few expeditions. Once you have a few characters up around third level, the rest will have a chance. Some cheats to speed things up: L of L does not prevent you from transferring characters in and out; just new ones need to undergo the rite of passage. Magic items are not transferrable (different coding), but gold is. This means that you can have a character undergo the rite of passage, transfer it to Wizardry I or II, get bundles of gold, and transfer it back. There's not as much to buy, but it's a start. Also, if the character is a bishop, you can turn it into a superbishop in wizardry 1, then send him/her back to L of L with full abilities! Let's see, you've got your party with three fighter types (fighters, lords, samurai, or ninja -- or conceivably a thief) and three bishops. A quick, but dangerous, way to get experience is to take on the moat monsters at the dark fortress. By all means, use katino (one per round) on them, and be ready to heal during melee; they hit hard! Interesting features of level 1: the room you start out in has two obvious doors. There are also two secret doors (next to the obvious ones); each opens on a sandy beach with an island visible in the distance. The island is in the ne corner of the 8-square lake (6e-7e,6n-7n), but that's about all you can do about it at the moment, since there's a lake in your way ("you're at the water's edge; go back or you'll drown!"; you are automatically pushed back when you see this message). Until you're ready for the island, your best bet is to initially go east. You find a 20' long corridor, ending in a door on the south. When you get to it, you see a sign reading "barracks"; irrelevant, except to tell you you're going the right way. Kick the door, turn east, kick the door, turn south, kick the door, turn west, kick, kick. Ah ha! another message! this time, you're at a dark fortress; "beware of moat monsters", sayeth the sign. Indeed, beware. You are about to have two or three encounters with moat monsters, the toughest (and best experience) critters on level 1. This is a good way to build up initial experience; you don't want to try level 2 until you're at least 3rd, and preferably 4th or 5th, level (be at least 3rd even if you bring a superbishop -- lots of spellcasting creatures on the upper levels, not to mention dragons). Turn right, proceed as far as you can, turn left (west), proceed, (your first moat monster encounter will take place in the 4th square after you turn the corner (17e, 19n) -- kill 'em!), bump into the west wall, and turn south. On your fourth square (8e, 15n) you will meet some more moaties; trash 'em! walk one more south, then turn left (east); the doors to the fortress! walk forward, then kick. O.K., you've just kicked in the northern door to the fortress, and are at (10e,14n,1u) (incidentally, except for your final destination, the fortress is totally symmetrical, so you could reverse my n-s direction and use the south door (13n) if you preferred). Turn left (n), kick, walk two squares, turn right (e), kick, forward 2, kick, forward 1, turn right, kick, turn right, walk 2, kick... Gird yourself for combat, then kick -- you are in a guardroom with some garian guards. Don't waste spells on them. Just fight, and most of them will run away. <<leave the chest behind!!>> it will not contain any magic, and the traps tend to be vicious. Turn left, kick, walk 1, turn left, prepare, kick (another fixed encounter with garian guards -- <<leave the chest>>). Kick, fight some more garian guards and <<leave the chest>>, walk two squares, take a deep breath, make sure everyone's healed, then... Kick! you are now face-to-face with the high corsair and a variable number (3-5) of garian captains. O.K., remember all those spells you weren't wasting on the previous encounters? A time will come when your characters will sneer at this encounter, but it's not yet! Put the captains to sleep, and concentrate all the fighters on the high corsair. Once he's dead, you can take on the captains (those which don't run away in panic when their leader dies). This chest will be trapped with "alarm"; disarm it and open it; it will always contain equipment, sometimes magical -- the only magic you will be likely to find on level 1. Go to the door on the south end of the east wall, and kick. Lo and behold, yet another message! this time, it's "l'kbreth" telling you that neither good nor evil alone can so live the dungeon. This is quite true. There are four doors ahead of you. The rightmost is an empty 10x10 room; the leftmost is a teleport back to the castle (good quick exit; you may need this later!), the middle ones are stairs. The catch is that only a good party (at least one good-aligned character) can use the stairs directly opposite where you are now standing (19e,13n), while only an evil party can use the stairs at (19e, 14n). If you pick the wrong stairway, you will be teleported back to the castle. So pick the right one, and go on up. The stairs up from level 1 are at (19e,13n) -- good parties only, and (19e,14n) -- evil parties only (i haven't tried a straight neutral party -- if anyone has, let us know what happens). The good stairs take you up to level 2, while the evil stairs go up to level 3 -- the levels are approximately the same in difficulty. You will need to run some evils to solve this dungeon, but put it off as long as possible -- it heavily discriminates against them! level 4 (good parties only) has all the magic; level 5 (evil only) is almost bare. Same with level 2 vs. Level 3. So, take your good party, proceed up the good stairs; you are now at (19e,0n,2u). Turn west (180 degrees) and walk down the hall -- 4 steps, turn right, 4 steps, turn left, 4 steps, turn right, one step, left, one step, left (now facing south) -- kick the door, walk forward one, turn left, walk 4, turn right, walk one, turn right (now facing west), kick the door. In case you haven't guessed by now, you will be heartily sick of the fortress and this route by the time you are able to use the shortcut (via the island -- you guessed it). If you have a superbishop along, just malor up to level 2 (i don't recommend attacking level 4, despite the greater rewards, until everybody has enough hit points and fighting ability to survive a tough magic or dragon breath battle). Let's see, you should now be at (13e, 2n, 2u). Walk one square, turn left, walk one square, kick, turn right, kick (don't look back -- that was a one-way door you just kicked through!! to get back, you will use the door in the north -- currently to your right). Walk one square, turn right, walk two squares, turn left . Blank wall here, even if you have a light spell going. So kick the wall anyway -- it's an "invisible" door like the ones you may remember from knight of diamonds. Turn right, and kick another invisible door in. Whew! that was the tough part; (took me about six expeditions up here to isolate this as the only way into the rest of level 2). From your current location (9e,2n, 2u) to the stairs up, you walk: forward,kick,forward,left,forward, kick, right,kick,left,kick,forward, right,forward,kick,right,forward, right, forward,left,forward,kick, left, forward,right,kick,forward, left, forward ,right,kick,forward, forward, left, forward,left,kick, right, kick, left,forward,right, forward,forward,kick, right,forward 4,kick,right,right,kick - - wait a sec -- isn't that where I just came from?? nope -- you just teleported to (3e,18n,2u)!! O.K., you are now at (2e,18n,2u), facing west. Kick the door, then: forward,left,forward,kick,left, forward, right,forward,kick, left,kick, left,kick,forward,right, forward,kick (but remember that door you just passed on your right -- you'll need to go that way to get out!). You're now in a north-south hallway, facing east. Turn left (n), walk 3 squares, and "bingo"! "I am around you always, but you have never seen me. You would never leave me, but were I gone, you would not cry out for me. What am I?" the answer is, of course, elementary (the elements play an important part in this dungeon), namely "air". Turn left, walk 4 squares, and you're on the stairs up to level 4. If you've detoured (as you should have, as you want to have characters of around 6th-8th level before going up to level 4), you may notice that you've only been able to map about half of the second level. Don't worry about it; there's another way down from 4th into the other part. If you got lost, your stairs up from level 2 were at (0e, 19n,2u), and you are now at (10e,2n,4u). Other important locations on level 4 are: (3e,1n,4u) -- stairs down to the island on level 1. (13e,13n,4u) -- stairs down to the other half of level 2. (12e,13n,4u) -- chute down to same (comes out at (2e,11n,2u). (19e,14n,4u) -- stairs up to level 6 -- but you can't go yet. (17e,11n,4u) -- a puzzle to get you to aforementioned stairs most safely. (7e,17n,4u) -- lair of the greater demon delf -- guardian of the crystal of evil -- an artifact you must have to solve this dungeon. The whole area south of (17e,10n,4u) -- is full of squares that say "look out!" each time you walk on one of these, you will have an encounter on your <<next>> move. All of these encounters will be pretty tough, and decent experience; all will have chests; all chests will contain magic items. Jackpot! bonanza! here's where you go to stock everybody -- good and evil! in particular, you need to find some glass bottles -- they're "ships in bottles", and enable you to walk across the lake to the island (and shortcut stairs) on the first level. Get several, if you can. (they're quite common in this section). -- to be continued....