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[National Enlightener. Th!rd B!g !ssue]
            [Volume 3 of 3]


First off we'd like to apologize for 
this issue's giant size. But as you can
see for yourself the ELITEZ!@#!@#!!1!!!
are quite talkative. We wanted to bring
you the elite msg's so you could judge
for yourselves. Our own opinions are
that some are pompous assholes while
others are speaking the truth and to
be commended. But we're not here to 
tell you what is good or bad, you look
for yourselves and be the judge of it.

We would also like to thank Mike (you
know who you are), for dowloading the
14 smaller files that made up parts
1 to 3, putting them through his IBM
and giving us back the 3 large segments
that now make up this issue. We're
unelite ][+ owners & don't have 500 meg
ramcards like Infy to throw all this on.

And with that, we're off!


We told you in the first section with
all the LOD rags (being ragged on and
ragging others), that we'd get back to
LOD. So here we are. 

Before starting on lod, it should be
pointed out that there are 3 lod's at
least. The lod we are talking about
is Lex Luthor's, the loudest member
of which is King Blotto. The "real"
lod that many people confuse with
lex's, had nothing to do with com-
puters. This was the name of a 
"terrorist organazation" in CA, made
up of local rich kids who got bored
of sitting around getting high and
decided to add some fun into their
lives by killing local people and
starting a miniture 3rd reich. There
was a big write-up on them in a 1985
issue of Rolling Stone and there is
also a movie called: Dangerously Close,
based on their story. It should be
noted that this lod has it origins in
1979, while lex's began in 1984. There
wasn't any conflict of names since the
CA group had nothing to do with comp-

There is also 1 more lod started by 
some people in NJ. It looks like a 
parody of lex's, or it could be that
it was started without knowledge of
lex's group. It is a name out of a 
comic book after all.

Now back to lex's lod.


From Blotto's own words, (reply to the
Atom's rag on him):

[Things in brackets are our comments,
the rest is all Blotto's]

(I don't see how you can say I ran a "trap" board? (Like Sherwood // thanks to
 that asshole, Creative Cracker) 

[Blotto gets upset when people accuse
him of running a trap board. So what 
does he do? he turns around and 
accuses someone of the same thing.]

(I don't give a damn about the number wimp, it became public domain
long before you ever got it.  But I don't see where you say it is easy
to get onto?  Were you on it?  Were any of your friends?  How about
any people on the systems you call?  No.  You see, even though all you
brats have the number, you could NEVER get on.  I never had a security

[That was in reference to his BBS # 
which the Atom posted. We weren't on
Blottoland, we didn't care. But we
didn't need to be on Blottoland, The
414 Wizard only put up everything that
was ever on it, in his AE line. So 
while you had no "security problem" on
your board. You did have a programming
problem. And the same thing you did to
Dragonfire came back to you in some
form of poetic justice when Mr. Xerox
took down your board and James put it
all on his AE. Don't do to others what
you wouldn't want someone to do to you,
might be a stupid cliche', but it came

[As a aside, this is not the first time
lod's boards have been crashed. While
Xerox took down a string of them in 
1985 & gave them to Wizard 414 (WOPR,
Blottoland & LOD the board), LOD (Lex's
bbs) had problems 2 months after it 
went up. Lex let a few pirates on it,
his big mistake. The first thing one
of them (Blue Adept, then of 1200 club)
did, was to crash his board and take
everything on it. 2 days later all of 
LOD was up on Diamond Jim's in CA. 

The reason all of the boards were so
crashable was probably because none of
the loddies are good programmers. Both
Blottoland and LOD were running GBBS.
Blottoland had the "normal" (Those
put in by Greg) GBBS backdoors taken
out. But Xerox still Crashed it. James'
GBBS (Cryton) also had the backdoors 
out, but Lord Digital crashed it. So
that could all be Greg's fault for
writing lame bbs programs. But LOD was
just lex's own stupidity. According
to Adept he hadn't even removed the
normal gbbs backdoors and Adept crashed
it by running OBJ Cracker on his 
serial #. Whatever he did, it worked.]

  John? At least you got the Tele-Trial origin right! (You
now have 3 1/2 right answers) I did start them, but you'll never know
if I'm on one since you don't know anyone on the Tele-Trial Network.

[Atom got Blotto's name wrong, which is
as far as we know: Brad. Not that it
makes some big difference what his name
is. Which brings us to Tele-Trial. 
Another bad joke, Blotto can get someone
banned from 5 boards that he is big on.
The rest of the modem community couldnt
care less and life goes on as usual. We
see nothing wrong with it, it is even a
good idea. Except for 2 things.

1) How is anyone going to enforce it? 
2) What gives Blotto the right to judge

   answer to 2: Nothing.]

               Lex Luther(?)  Sharp Razer(?)                  

(You forgot non-rodents, non-assholes, and non-losers.)

[The question marks signify people he
claims not to know. We'll get to non
rodents, assholes and losers in a 
minute. For now: So the Atom spelled
their names wrong. Blotto knew what
he meant, unless he has forgotten LOD's
founder (Lex Luthor), or LOD's garbage
can raider (Sharp Razor).]

(The Legion of Doom is not inactive, although you seem to think it is.
Your NTLS is acting up again.  The 2300 Club is a local club that can
run circles around people like yourself and your associates.  The
ELITE?  I'll drink your blood for that, chicken-shit!  You fit into
the ELITE better than me!  I hate that word.  Anyone who calls them-
selves elite has to be an asshole.)

[This is a perfect example of Blotto
in contradictions. We agree with half
of it, but the other doesn't make any
sense. He hates the word elite, but
goes around judging people, calling 
this one a rodent, this one a loser,
this one a asshole... If you judge 
someone that means you consider your-
self worthy of judging them. Therefore
better than they are. In other words
ELITE. Whether you say it or not, does
not make the difference. It's a stupid
way of thinking. Reminicent of Hitler,
I am elite, the jews are not. I can't
explain why they're not elite, but I 
am and I said so, so they must all die.
We dont know or care if lod is active,
the 2300 club could run circles around
the Atom, but then again so could a 
epileptic quadraplegic. Which brings us
to Blotto's quote: "I'll drink your 
blood for that chicken-shit." That one
sentence describes lod & Blotto to 
perfection. It is the reason lod gets
its own section. It is the only group
in existence that actually uses 
physical threats. Not only is it dumb
(At worst you beat someone up, if they
are wimps you win. If they have any
brains, they sue you for assault. 
Blotto is a grown man, but makes these
statements) but it's hot air. The 414
Wizard challanged lod many times, they
always backed down. But that could all
be one sided (James side), so we won't
hold that against them, instead we will
use Blotto's own quote, in which he 
says (in colorfull terms) that he will
beat up the Atom. The Atom is one of
the few people who uses his real name
because he knows nothing will ever 
happen to him and he likes making 
people angry. To this day he calls at
least 20 boards on a regular basis &
rags on everyone and everything. The
first time we saw Blotto's reply was
late 1985. The Atom wrote that file in
early 1985, he dates his file while 
Blotto doesn't. What this leads up to
is Blotto threatens to beat him up, he
knows who is responsible. But nothing 
at all has happened to the Atom. And
nothing will ever happen to the Atom,
because lod & Blotto can be best 
described as: idle boasts and empty
threats. Not one person they have 
ever threatened has had anything happen
to them. 

Blotto takes the time to rag on anony-
mous people because there is no danger
in it. "I will kill you rodent". And
that's the end of it. But when he knows
who is responsible he does nothing. And
that's not even mentioning the other
people using their real handles who rag
on him: Tempest, Freeze, Xerox, Bum, 
etc, and some (Zero Page) going as
far as ragging on his parents.

We think it's all just harmless ego 
exertion. But there is no reason to 
boost your ego even further, especially
by making empty threats. Does anyone 
who knows the Atom think he is cowering
in fear? He is laughing and writing his
next loserlist.]

(Right again, but we can all see from your writing, that you most
certainly aren't! ( 5 points strong) )

[Here blotto rags on Atom for his bad
spelling. The Atom can't spell, the 
Atom can't do a lot of things (In case
you haven't noticed, we don't much care
for the Atom ourselves). But many 
people can't spell. Booting up the
Hacker magazine from Bootleg, that 
James wrote is enough to show this. He
is in his 20's. James has his own 
problems, but many older people do not,
and just can't spell. Is that a crime?
The Atom is in his early 20's himself &
despite his spelling does go to

(I bet John Wayne and Motley Crue are some of yours.....)

[This refer's to the Atom's hero's. As
far as we know the Circle Jerks and 
Madonna are his hero's. But for our
part, we like the Duke, pilgrim.]

(Why don't you get real.  Those files are your only source of valid
info in the phreak world.  Where are your files?  What have you ever
accomplished on your own in the business?)

[We have nothing bad to say about BIOC.
If he did nothing else, he at least 
collected the usefull portions of 5
books into a few files. Which brings
us to another point: What has lod ever
accomplished? We think Xerox has his
own ego problems, but he was a very
good cracker and programmer. What have
you ever done Blotto? What did >you< 
write? a few files on boxing. James did
more than that. He even wrote a halfway
usefull program in addition to more 
files than Blotto ever did. What makes
you so much better than James? If James
is a rodent, does not logic follow that
you must be one as well? By your own 
logic you are one. You have done less
than he has. He even beats you in your
major claim to fame. Newsweek. When he
got busted he was on radio, TV, papers
and magazines, around the country. Many
more than you ever were. We think this
is no way to judge someones skill, but
if anyone wants to see it that way, 
James wins hands down, against everyone.

We don't like James or the Atom. But we
don't judge people just because we dont
like their personalities. The Atom is
no super cracker. But neither is Blotto
so who is he to judge him? Blotto has 
every right to hate him, the Atom did
rag on him. But chances are, if you 
were around during 1984-1985 as you say
you were, than every time you unpacked
a new ware, you had the Atom to thank.
He wrote Disk Rigger. Which was not even
a good packer/unpacker, but at the time
there was nothing better. Did King 
Blotto come out with the next great 
packer? has King Blotto ever come out 
with >any< program? No. So why is he 
calling the Atom a rodent for never 
having accomplished anything. By his
own logic, both the 414 Wizard and the
Atom are lesser rodents than Blotto.]

(Just because you would never have the dream of a chance to get onto
the same systems as Paul, don't start calling him unknown or a jerk.
He is probably the most respected phreak around now, and could tear a
brat like you apart instantly.)

[Why does Blotto talk for other people?
He is the only pirate/phreak/hacker in
the country who even bothers to reply 
to his hate files. When others are 
confronted with their shit lists, they
shrug and say they don't care. Why take
so much time to respond to "Rodents?"
Recent examples of this are The Gonif,
The Wombat, Apple Bandit, Lord Digital,
and Hot Rod. Most of them had even more
space devoted to rags on them than 
Blotto did. All of them have had files,
interviews or "explanations" (Hot Rod's
file which is one long explanation.),
published since then. All of them said
they didn't care, or thought he was a
loser. Blotto booted up a word processor
and wrote a reply to him 3 times as long
as the Atom's rag on Blotto was to begin
with. Did you get gratification out of
ragging on the Atom? If you didn't, why
write it? If you did, you are still no
better than him.]


We don't hate lod or Blotto, but thought
it would be interesting to apply his own
logic to himself and his group. Against
his own statements, they don't hold up
too well.

Which brings us to our next point: Why
should they? This is a hobby. This is
supposed to be fun. Too many people are
letting it run their lives. Even if lod
was not filled with physical wimps, I
thought it was a group of people who
were interested in learning things. Not
a 3rd rate street gang. 

Who is to say what a rodent or a geek
or a asshole is? People who have 
accomplished (I'm belaboring this point
because it plays such a big part in
Blotto's own platform) much more than
all of lod and all the other people
calling them rodents put together, are
being judged by people who have no
right to do that. Who is anyone to
say the Gonif is a rodent because he
TYPEZ LIKE THIZ D00DZ!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!
You think someone does that by any
other way than choice? he is making a
point. The point being that this does
not matter, it's nothing. It is just
a bunch of people with computers who
were once friends many years ago, 
escalated into thousands of immature
children flinging hate at each other.

You can tell someone is a asshole from
the way they act. The Atom might be a
asshole from the way he acts, but he 
has accomplished more than enough. By
the same token You (Blotto) might also
be a asshole for lashing out at everyone
and calling them rodents (Zaphod 
Beeblebrox's word, made famous by Apple
Bandit). You don't even have anything
positive to fall back on. But the point
is: Why does anyone have to justify
themselves to anyone? THIS IS SUPPOSED

By ELITE!@# pirate/phreak standards, 
The Gonif is a rodent, Dr. Micro is a
rodent, many people are rodents. What
makes someone a rodent? The nearest
rodent test we can come up with follows:

1] Are you a conformist?
   <NO>: Rodent <YES>: Non Rodent

2] Do you write the way you want to. or
   the way other people want you to?
   <MY WAY>: Rodent <THEIR WAY> Non Rodent

3] Do you just not care and view this
   all for what it is. A hobby?
   <YES>: Rodent <NO, IT'S IMPORTANT>: Non Rodent

4] Can you laugh at yourself?
   <YES>: Rodent <NO>: ELITE!!1!

5] What is bigger?


Well so much for all that serious stuff
onto the fun!

Today in ELITE!!111 phreak/pirate 
counterparts. We have (Thanks to the
Wombat's observations):

Phreak: Lex Luthor!!!!
Pirate: Sherlock Apple

These two could be long lost brothers!

Let's compare:

Lex: Spends his life converting long 
books and manuals into even longer
text files!

S.A: Spends his life converting long
game docs into even longer text files!

Other activites: Nothing.

<amazed hush falls over readers.... Why
 they are identical!!!1121212!@!@@!!!!>

Tune in next time when:

King Blotto says: "You rodent!"
   The Atom says: "You rodent!"


Now it's time for this issue's special:

      ELITE!!1!! Psychology!@#!@#

  or "What makes an ELITE!@, ELITE!?"

On today's show we have with us: Eugene

Eugene has just undergone deprogramming
only 2 short weeks ago Eugene was known
under the mighty name: Super Hackerman!

In this issue we will talk to Eugene &
try to discover what started him on the
path of ELITENESS!

[us] Eugene, can you hear us?

[eg] <hiding under a desk>

[us] It's ok Eugene, we aren't going to
     hurt you. No more electro shock

[eg] <coming out> Oh. Thank you, thank
     you. <he begins kissing out shoes>
     Is it time for my medicine yet?

[us] No! not yet, but if you're good
     you'll get triple your normal dose
     after our talk!

[eg] That's great. I really appreciate
     it guys. What ya wanna talk about?

[us] We just want to talk about you, or
     rather the old you. Super Hackerman

[eg] <begins to tremble> Thuper Hackerm.
     .... yes, that was me! the real
     Eugene, he was strong and cool and
     knew everything and <Eugene begins
     to drool> was in the best clubs &
     called all the boards and..

[us] We get the picture. What we really
     want to know is. Why? what drove 
     you to be elite?

[eg] Well I never claimed to be elite,
     it just happened. I was just so
     good and <BuZzZzZzZzZzZz>

   <Eugene crumples from electro-shock>

     <Getting up>

     No, please guys, don't do this to 
     me. I'll be good I will. It was
     just a small fallback on my old
     personality, please don't do that
     to me anymore. Please?

[us] We won't. But we want the truth, 
     not the lies you used to tell to

[eg] Ok, ok, just don't hurt me........

     Well it all began when I was born.
     I always suspected that mom & dad
     didn't really like me. My life 
     went on, it was a shitty life, but
     at least it was better than nothing
     or I think it was. I can't remember
     I get confused easily.

[us] Fast forward a little...

[eg] Ok, then after 1st grade when the
     other guys used to pour paint on
     me and make me eat dogshit I....

[us] Little more.... Thanks...

[eg] Oh... well then in 9th grade I got
     my computer and this thing called
     a Mo-Tem. I called lots of places
     with it. Then I wrote down a list
     of all the technical things I did
     not understand. Then I posted a 
     bunch of messages full of those
     words. Soon people began to think
     I was cool. I took copya disks and
     put title pages on them, people
     loved it. And then I started a 
     elite group with other fellow
     elites and then I.....

[us] Thanks. Do you think you could
     summarize why people feel the 
     need to be elite in 1 sentence?
     If you can do it, 4 times the
     dose of medicine!!!!1!!!

[eg] oh gosh oh golly oh.... ok let
     me think.... It's hard for me to
     think.... wait a sec...... Ok I
     got it!

     Elite's feel the need to be Elite
     in order to make up for our real
     inferiority. This is the one place
     in the world where I am not a loser
     and outcast. That's why I lived my
     life by modem!

[us] Very good Eugene. But that was 3
     sentences. Sorry you lose!!!@#1!!!

[eg] wait! no... I can't lose, I'm 
     elite, I'm... no I'm not I forgot,
     please don't hurt me. don't do



Well that wraps it up for this issue! 
stay tuned next time for more brilliant
insights! more Elite rags! and more of
everything you can expect. Only from

National Enlightener! (C) 1986! If it's
not NE, it's not ELITE!@#!@@#1 "I can't
be wrong, I'm elite!"