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Connected with:   @ 23:54

Connect at <2400> baud!

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     .***********"'              '"******.                ]|[~~]|[ A Y E S
   .**********"     .    _\!/_         `***.      .
  **********"             /|\     .       `*`            P R E S E N T S :
 **********    .                            `

 ********          \__\ \__\| \_____\| \_____\| \_\| \___\|
  "******                                                            .
    '****  AHHA\    AHA\           AHA\        AHA\  AHA\
           HHHH |   VHV |          HHH |     AHHHHA\ VHV |
            \_____\|\__\| \___HHH | \_\| \_\|HHHHH | \__\| \_\| \_\| \___HHH |
AHA\_________________________ HHH |__________\____\|____________________ HHH |
VHH|||| SYSOP : MADDIE HAYES |HHV |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||HHV_|

Account Number or <NEW>

Enter Password

Ms. Dipesto looks at you curiously...

Account Number or <NEW>

Enter Password

Complete Your Phone Number
<***> ***-****

Hey! It's Blue Adept!! We haven't seen you since 05/07/89!

Good evening!
It's 23:55:09 on 05/12/89.

Welcome to the board!

Main Bulletins from 1 to 60
There are 52 new bulletins!

Ctrl-S Stop/Start  Spacebar to Exit

- Posted By - <#1> Maddie Hayes
-  Updated  - 05/12/89 07:00:08

Leaves are falling all around
It's time I was on my way
Thanks yto you, I'm much obliged

For such a pleasant stay...

                    Today is Moonlighting's last day online

What can I say?  Thank you all for everything.  You have been the best users a
sysop could ever dream of.  I'll never forget you.
                                                             Maddie Hayes

Mail Sweet Mail for you!

Read it now <[Y]/N> ?Y

-*-> Read Mail <-*-

Subj ->Hey
>From ->Maddie Hayes (#1)
Date ->05/07/89 22:12:24



<A>uto reply, <C>ontinue, <R>e-read :A


:>          80 columns            <::>        4k = 4096 bytes Max          <:
:>    .S = Save    .H = Help      <::>     .A = Abort   /EX = Editor       <:



666 bytes entered
Justa sec...reply sent

<This thing they call love, it's gonna make you cry>
05/12/89 23:55:50
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Menu...

           ]|[\/]|[   oonlighting    ]|[\/]|[ ain    ]|[\/]|[  enu
           ]|[~~]|[   -----------    ]|[~~]|[ ---    ]|[~~]|[  ---

                               .      _\!/_             .
              ***"  /A\dd a Oneliner   /!\    \M/usic Ratings  .
            ****    \B/ulletin Boards     .   /N\ews
           ****     /C\asino      .           \O/ther Systems     .
          *****     \D/efine Display Parms    /P\age     .
          *****     /E\mail           .       \Q/uickscan
          *****     \F/eedback   .            /U\ser Listing   .
           ****.    /I\nformation File     .  \V/ote   .
            ****    \L/og for Today           /Y\our Status   _\!/_
              ***_                    <OFF>                    /!\

<He seems to be completely unreceptive ..>
05/12/89 23:56:01
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Information File...

/\/\oonlighting is brought to your phone lines using the following hardware:

An Apple //e w/128 k
Two Disk II Drives
One Prometheus 2400 baud ProModem
A Panasonic KX-P1091 Printer
The Kensington System Saver
Applied Engineering's Timemaster H.O.
The Amazing CMS 20 meg Hard Drive.

                                                Sysop:     Maddie Hayes.

<Anything worth doing.....is worth doing for a profit!>
05/12/89 23:56:39
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Your Status...

   <*Your Status on Moonlighting*>

<Alias>          -> Blue Adept
<State>          -> FT. SMITH, AR
<Voice Phone>    -> 501-xxx-xxxx
<User Number>    -> 116
<Password>       -> BEERS
<Last Call>      -> 05/12/89

<Caller Number>  -> 11586
<Calls Today>    -> 2

<Time of Logon>  -> 05/12/89 23:54:34
<Present Time>   -> 05/12/89 23:56:10
<Time Online>    -> 1 mins, 18 secs

< Options Available >

System Access Granted!
Access to <General System Subs>
Access to <Classified>
Access to <Computer Chatter>
Access to <Covert Operations>
Access to <Growing Pains>
Access to <Problem Solving>
Access to <Outside the Agency>
Consecutive Calls
Unlimited Calls
Unlimited Time
Access to <Maddie's Office>
Access to <Maddie's Favorites>
One Key Input Selected
Clock Mode Off
<*  SUPERTAC  *>
SuperTac: Entry
SuperTac: D/L Privileges
SuperTac: Copy Privileges
SuperTac: Viewing Privileges
SuperTac: U/L Privileges
SuperTac: <Elite 1>
SuperTac: <Elite 2>
SuperTac: <Elite 3>
-*> Central Time Requested
Guest Sysop Access

<The Who>
05/12/89 23:57:03
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> System News...

Ctrl-S Stop/Start  Spacebar to Exit

05/07/89:  It is with my deepest regrets that I have to inform you that
           Moonlighting will be going offline for good on this Friday, May 12.
           Thank you all for your fabulous, continuous support of the board...
           For more on this, see sub-board #1.

                                                        - Maddie

<Get a good job with more pay and you're O.K.>
05/12/89 23:57:16
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Rate Music...

                              Rate The Albums
                                                       "We care that you care"

                    -A- dd a NEW title to the listings
                    -L- istings <with current ratings>
                    -R- ate an Album
                    -Q- uit to Menu


<!!> <Rate The Music> <?=Menu> List...

List which type of music?

<A> The Classics
<B> Rock
<C> Metal

Choose <Q=Abort> Metal

List <A>ll or <T>op 10? <<CR>=Abort> All

Listing METAL ALBUMS - ratings...

Ctrl-S Stop/Start  Spacebar to Exit

S#  Usr              Title                       Performer          Avg Rtg
--  ---  ------------------------------  -------------------------  -------
 1    1  BACK IN BLACK                   AC/DC                         9.3
 2  102  MASTER OF PUPPETS               METALLICA                     7.0
 3    7  KILL 'EM ALL                    METALLICA                     7.0
 4    7  RIDE THE LIGHTNING              METALLICA                     9.0
 5    7  GARAGE DAYS REVISITED           METALLICA                     3.0
 6    7  <NO NAME>                       YNGIWE J MALMSTEEN/RISING     6.5
 7  102  APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION        GUNS -N- ROSES                4.5
 8   85  ODYSSEY                         YNGWIE J. MALMSTEEN'S RIS     9.0
 9  157  7TH SON OF A 7TH SON            IRON MAIDEN !                 8.3
10  218  MINDSCAPE                       QUEENS RYCHE                  8.0
11    6  OPERATION:MINDCRIME             QUEENSRYCHE                  10.0
12    6  LIVE - SUICIDE                  GUN'S N ROSES                 9.9

<!!> <Rate The Music> <?=Menu> Quit...

<That's not a bug... it's a feature!>
05/12/89 23:57:40
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Moonlighting Clients...

Match letters <<CR>=All>:

Ctrl-S Stop/Start  Spacebar to Exit

User Number....User's Name..........Last On.........From
#1       x     Maddie Hayes         05/11/89        CT  Sysop/Great User
#2       x     The Dee Jay          05/11/89        NY  Coast to Coast
#3             Morocco Mole         02/24/89        NJ
#4       x     Xor Blade            10/10/88        MD  Sysop: Digital Dungeon
#5       x     Larry Hawkins        05/01/89        GA  Sysop: Leechers Palace
#6       x     The Warlock          05/11/89        NJ  Technofear
#7       x     Masked Marauder      05/09/89        TN  Org. Member-The Legion
#8       x     Sonny Crocket        03/03/89        CA  Sysop: 4th Dimmension
#9       x     Ralph Kramden        05/11/89        CT  Great User
#10            CT Scridlo           05/11/89        CT
#11      x     Da Sinner            03/05/89        NJ  Technofear
#12            Thrashin             02/12/89        AZ
#13            Jackson Hole         02/23/89        CO
#14            Kwak Kommando        05/09/89        CT
#15            Snarkboy!            05/06/89        MI
#16            Joviex               02/20/89        FL
#17            The Wiz              05/09/89        CT
#18            Lightning Phantom    09/17/88        CA
#19      x     Dark Sorcerer        04/15/89        CO  Great User/Phreak
#20      x     Electronic Artist    05/06/89        NJ  Great User
#21      x     The Beast            02/17/89        FL  Sysop: Beast of Hades
#22            Super Siff *-T       03/14/89        NJ
#23            Ferrari              04/08/89        CA
#24            Dr. X                04/04/89        NJ
#25      x     Bono                 05/09/89        CT  Great User
#26            Mr. Orion            01/31/89        KY
#27            The Poet             04/27/89        CT
#28            Cthulhu              02/27/89        AZ
#29            Brad the Tough       05/06/89        CA
#30            Red Snow             02/10/89        MA
#31            Scourge              03/18/89        NJ
#32      x     The Solar Dragon     03/12/89        OH  Great User
#33            Skate Rat            01/30/89        CT
#34      x     The Bronze Rider     04/20/89        NJ  Sysop: Hard Rock Cafe
#35      x     The Warelock         09/29/88        KY  Great User
#36      x     Rouge Hunter         05/11/89        HI  Org Member-The Legion
#37            Bongmaster           04/24/89        IL
#38            Virus                03/31/89        CT
#39      x     Cy Surflex           03/14/89        CA  USAlliance
#40            The Edge             11/18/88        CT
#41            Giligan              04/25/89        CT
#42            Arc Angel            04/23/89        OH
#43            Thos                 12/15/88        CT
#44      x     Rylos                12/19/88        NY  *-League Leader
#45            /\/\inuteman         04/22/89        VT
#46            The Banshee          12/22/88        NJ
#47            Blue Wizzard         05/10/89        MD
#48      x     Binary Sixx          09/11/88        NM  Sysop: Binary Sixx
#49            The Overlorde        05/05/89        WV
#50      x     James Bond           05/04/89        MA  Great User
#51            The Gray Mage        12/30/88        IL
#52      x     The Pusher           05/10/89        NY  x-USA, cDc Member
#53            SpyroGyra            12/31/88        ND
#54            Micro                11/16/88        WV
#55            Brimstone            05/09/89        NY
#56      x     Body Glove           06/13/88        CA  USAlliance
#57            Appleman             01/02/89        CT
#58            Slartibartfast       01/16/89        NY
#59            Surf Owl             09/24/88        TX
#60            Mr. Gofu             12/21/88        NY
#61            Hawaiian Chef        12/24/88        CA
#62      x     Cadet Ace            12/14/88        VC  Mnlghts 1st Aussie User
#63            Infinity             04/30/89        OH
#64            Silver Spyder        02/04/89        AL
#65            The Mentat           02/08/89        VI
#66            Dr. Halifax          04/22/89        NY
#67            The Ski Maniac       05/07/89        NC
#68            Uncle Bob            03/28/89        CA
#69            Xor  Blade           04/23/89        MD
#70            Raistlin             04/28/89        OK
#71            The Pirate           12/31/88        CT
#72      x     Rock'n Roll Doctor   12/22/88        FL  Sysop: RocknRoll Harbor
#73            Sailor               04/01/89        CT
#74            Thor                 03/17/89        CA
#75            The Wasp             01/08/89        NJ
#76            The Bunnyman         02/27/89        CT
#77      x     The Talisman         07/02/88        CA  Group: First Class 
                                                        Author: Alien Mind GS
#78      x     After Image          09/27/88        TX  Great User
#79            Daedalus             05/11/89        CT
#80            The Booger *-Jedi    02/24/89        NY
#81      x     Landon Statis        01/02/89        EN  Great User
#82            Chrome Dome          01/05/89        NJ
#83      x     Rigi Int'l           01/06/89        OH  Sysop: The Dock
#84            Mad Dave             11/13/88        CO
#85            Red Baron            05/07/89        CA
#86            Wiz Kid              05/11/89        BC
#87            Irish Whiskey        12/17/88        MI
#90            Native Son           09/06/88        OH
#91            Mr. Mongo            04/27/89        IL
#94            Mr. No One           03/31/89        FL
#98            The BIT Jockey       01/10/89        IL
#101           Lobo                 04/26/89        NC
#102           The Predator         05/11/89        NC
#103           Captain Kirk         01/13/89        CA
#104           The Itch             02/07/89        CT
#105           Whisper              01/16/89        CA
#106     x     Ubiquitous Hacker    07/05/88        IL  Programmer
#108           Wizard's Apple       11/27/88        AB
#112           Admiral Kirk         01/21/89        CT
#113     x     Valsidur Elvenking   04/09/89        CA  Sysop: Apple Orchard
#115           Doctor Who           04/22/89        CT
#116     x     Blue Adept           05/03/89        AR  USAlliance Leader/Crack
#118           Acee                 05/07/89        OK
#119           Freddy Krueger       04/08/89        CT
#120           Master of Reality    03/02/89        NJ
#121           The Nightstalker     05/01/89        NY
#122     x     Johnny Appleseed     05/03/89        CA  Great User
#123           Mort                 01/22/89        NJ
#124           Labrys               03/26/89        CT
#125     x     Z-Man                09/17/88        MD  Strata-Crackers
#126     x     aixel syD            03/23/89        CA  Great User/Allnet days
#128           The Interloper       10/12/88        TX
#131           Tortured Soul        05/11/89        CT
#133     x     Type A' Maniac       02/13/89        CA  Hack/Phreak
#134           Conan                01/31/89        NJ
#136           Shadow Lord          05/11/89        CT
#137           Rattlesnake          09/27/88        LA
#138           Prism                05/06/89        MA
#139           The Crook            02/19/89        CT
#141           Greenpeace           03/24/89        CA
#143           Code Pusher          09/09/88        MN
#144           Mr. CMC              09/03/88        CO
#145           /<racker Jack        12/29/88        AB
#146     x     Sound Wave           05/26/88        PA  GS Cracker
                                                        Author: Supertac
#147           Black Robe           09/01/88        CA
#148           Pa Scridlo           05/12/89        PA
#150     x     Warner Wolf          05/11/89        CT  Sysop: Mundens Bar
#151           Steve Dallas         03/16/89        CT
#152           The Maverick         09/06/88        TX
#153           Bud Strange          02/22/89        MA
#154           Corpus Dementia      05/04/89        MN
#155           Badfinger            03/01/89        VA
#157           Zor Prime            09/02/88        CA
#158           Knighthawk           02/26/89        GA
#160           Venereal Disease     04/03/89        CT
#161           Claude Badly         12/27/88        OH
#162           Applejake            09/17/88        CA
#164     x     The Incognito        03/06/88        MN  Sysop: (Legendary)
                                                             : The Curse
#165     x     Docs Avage           07/23/88        ND  Kracking Krew
#166     x     Modem Madman         10/09/88        CO  Phreak/Hack
#167           Catlow               05/11/89        CT
#168           Dark Knight          12/27/88        CA
#171           Pitch Black          09/02/88        VI
#172           Hackmaster           10/26/88        NJ
#173     x     Lord Waster          09/02/88        IL  Crime Ring
#174           Dr. Wooooo           09/04/88        AB
#175           X.K. Speed           10/12/88        GA
#177           The Cube             09/10/88        IA
#180           The Swinger          10/17/88        PA
#185           Bell Hellion         09/17/88        CO
#186           Squeek               09/06/88        PA
#187           The Raven            05/07/89        CT
#190           Road Runner          04/27/89        MI
#191           Seahawk              09/27/88        NM
#192           Les Gombo            03/31/89        CT
#196           Bold                 05/06/89        TX
#198     x     Mr.Chips - PZS       09/24/88        IL  Piracy Zone Software
#199     x     The Collector        09/17/88        IL  Piracy Zone Software
#200           White Rabbit         09/18/88        GA
#201           Dr. Who              10/30/88        AL
#202     x     The Magi             03/23/89        NJ  Sysop: Magic Bag
#203      x    The Master           12/03/88        NJ  Notorious LEECH
#206     x     Silver Haw/<e        03/24/89        PA  Sysop: Pheonex Project
#212     x     Midnight Maniac      09/25/88        IA  Piracy Zone Software
#214           Beach Bum            05/02/89        NJ
#218           Compsci              04/23/89        NJ
#219           Negative Energy      09/16/88        VC
#220           Sensi!               09/19/88        FL
#221           Rokken Dokken        09/19/88        IL
#222           Bernard              04/03/89        AB
#223           Arvada               09/30/88        NJ
#224           Elora                10/23/88        NJ
#225           Dire Wraith          05/11/89        CT
#226           The Copiest          03/05/89        WA
#227           Delveckyann          10/05/88        NJ
#228           The Dark Angel       10/05/88        MN
#229           J.J.                 10/06/88        WA
#230           The ArchAngel        10/08/88        GA
#231           CrackerJack          11/12/88        OH
#232           Killer               10/13/88        NC
#234           Ashen-Shugar         12/04/88        MI
#235           Colorbot             04/10/89        NC
#236           Iceman               03/17/89        WA
#237           The Commander        04/30/89        SK
#238           Phantom              10/24/88        OH
#240           The Exterminator     11/26/88        BC
#241           Jack Flash           12/18/88        CT
#242           Robin Hood           11/14/88        NJ
#243           Scoundrel Phrack     11/23/88        LA
#244           Dragon Highlord      11/24/88        CA
#245           Whodini              11/26/88        TN
#247     x     The Data Wizard      01/02/89        GA  Great User
#248           Hack                 01/22/89        CT
#249     x     The Wrench           02/27/89        CT  OLD //e cracker
#250           Mad Hatter           05/09/89        WI
#251           Duke                 12/11/88        OH
#254           Rogue                05/07/89        CT
#256           The Avatar           05/02/89        CT
#257           Styles Bitchly       12/07/88        OH
#258     x     DHC Rules            05/11/89        NY  Great User
#259           Polaris              12/13/88        MA

<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Bulletin Boards...

<!!><Board #1 <*The Reception Hall*> 1-60>  Option <?=Help> Trivia Stats

--> Musical Jeopardy Contest <--

1> View Results (Questions 1-50)
2> View Results (Questions 51-100)

Select :1

Ctrl-S Stop/Start  Spacebar to Exit

                 -*  STATS FOR MUSICAL JEOPARDY <Sub 14>  *-
                              -* Questions 1-50 *-
|    |                         |                  |                           |
| ## |Song                     | Group            | Winner                    |
|    |                         |                  |                           |
|1   |Fade to Black            |Metallica         |The Warlock (1)            |
|2   |Biko                     |Peter Gabriel     |Bono (1)                   |
|3   |I've Loved these days    |Billy Joel        |The Nightstalker (1)       |
|4   |Don't Stop Believin'     |Journey           |The Nightstalker (3)       |
|5   |Run to the hills         |Iron Maiden       |The Warlock (2)            |
|6   |Pinball Wizard (2pts)    |The Who           |Ralph Kramden (2)          |
|7   |Robery assault & Battery |Genesis           |Maddie Hayes (2)           |
|8   |Dreaming                 |Yngwie Malmsteen  |The Warlock (3)            |
|9   |Fire                     |Jimi Hendrix      |The Predator (1)           |
|10  |Foolin'                  |Def Leppard       |The Predator (2)           |
|11  |Amanda                   |Boston            |The Warlock (4)            |
|12  |Livin' On a Prayer       |Bon Jovi          |Maddie Hayes (3)           |
|13  |This Notes for You       |Neil Young        |The Predator (3)           |
|14  |Wish You Were Here       |Floyd             |The Warlock (6)            |
|15  |Judy Blue Eyes           |CSN&Y             |The Predator (4) /RK (3)   |
|16  |Misty Mountain Hop       |Zeppelin          |The Squid (1)              |
|17  |Wasted Years             |Iron Maiden       |Dr. Who (1)                |
|18  |Knockin At your Back Door|Deep Purple       |Kwak Commando (1)          |
|19  |Comfortably Numb         |Floyd             |The Predator (5)           |
|20  |Ride the Lightning       |Metallica         |The Warlock (7)            |
|21  |Do it Again              |The Kinks         |VD (1)                     |
|22  |Heartbraker              |Pat Benetar       |Kwak Commando (2)          |
|23  |Captain Jack             |Billy Joel        |Warner Wolf (1)            |
|24  |The Flame                |Cheap Trick       |Surf Owl (1)               |
|25  |Foxy Lady                |Jimi Hendrix      |Slartibartfest (1)         |
|26  |Hotel California         |The Eagles        |Maddie Hayes (4)           |
|27  |25 or 6 to 4             |Chicago           |Slartibartfest (2)         |
|28  |Wooden Ships             |CSNY              |The Nightstalker (4)       |
|29  |Don't Let It Bring U Dn  |Neil Young        |Slartibartfest (3)         |
|30  |Time                     |Pink Floyd        |Tortured Soul (1)          |
|31  |Message in a Bottle      |The Police        |Bono (2)                   |
|32  |Suite:Judy Blue Eyes     |CSN&Y             |RK (4)/Slarti (4)          |
|33  |Everybody has a Dream    |Billy Joel        |Maddie Hayes (5)           |
|34  |Money For Ntohing        |Dire Straits      |Maddie Hayes (6)           |
|35  |Layla                    |Eric Clapton      |The Predator (6)           |
|36  |Pigs on the Wing         |Pink floyd        |The Crook (1)              |
|37  |Cradle will Rock         |Van Halen         |Bono (3)                   |
|38  |Surrender                |Cheap Trick       |The Warlock (8)            |
|39  |Piano Man                |Billy Joel        |Tortured Soul (2)          |
|40  |Set the Controls..       |Pink Floyd        |Ralph Kramden (5)          |
|41  |Murder                   |David Gilmour     |Warner Wolf (2)            |
|42  |What is...               |Zeppelin          |Maddie Hayes (7)           |
|43  |I Want You..             |Cheap Trick       |Wasp (1)                   |
|44  |4 Horsemen               |Metallica         |The Predator (7)           |
|45  |Behind The Lines         |Genesis           |Maddie Hayes (8)           |
|46  |Turning away             |Floyd             |Tortured Soul (3)          |
|47  |Ohio                     |CSNY              |Warner Wolf (3)            |
|48  |Go Fishing               |Roger Waters      |Warner Wolf (4)            |
|49  |Rocket Queen             |Guns 'N Roses     |The Predator (8)           |
|50  |Fool on the Hill         |Beatles           |The Sailor (1)             |

<!!><Board #1 <*The Reception Hall*> 1-60>  Option <?=Help> Trivia Stats

--> Musical Jeopardy Contest <--

1> View Results (Questions 1-50)
2> View Results (Questions 51-100)

Select :2

Ctrl-S Stop/Start  Spacebar to Exit

                  -*  STATS FOR MUSICAL JEOPARDY <Sub 14>  *-
                            -* Questions 51-100 *-
|    |                         |                  |                           |
| ## |Song                     | Group            | Winner                    |
|    |                         |                  |                           |
|51  |Heaven Can Wait          |Iron Maiden       |Tortured Soul (4)          |
|52  |Tom Sawyer               |Rush              |Warner Wolf (5)            |
|53  |Sorrow                   |Pink Floyd        |Warner Wolf (6)            |
|54  |Dreams                   |Fleetwood Mac     |Larry Hawkins              |
|55  |Life in a Northern Town  |Dream Academy     |Compsci                    |
|56  |Bad to the Bone          |George Thorogood  |The Predator (9)           |
|57  |Edge of Seventeen        |Stevie Nicks      |The Predator (10)          |
|58  |Once in a Lifetime       |Talking Heads     |Maddie Hayes               |
|59  |Roadhouse Blues          |The Doors         |The Predator (11)          |
|60  |Anti-Social              |Anthrax           |The Warlock (??)           |
|61  |Money that Matters       |Randy Newman      |Snarkboy! (1)              |
|62  |                         |                  |                           |
|63  |                         |                  |                           |
|64  |                         |                  |                           |
|65  |                         |                  |                           |
|66  |                         |                  |                           |
|67  |                         |                  |                           |
|68  |                         |                  |                           |
|69  |                         |                  |                           |

<!!><Board #1 <*The Reception Hall*> 1-60>  Option <?=Help> Main

<My limbs are like palm trees swaying in no breeze-->
05/12/89 23:57:50
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Bulletin Boards...

<!!><Board #1 <*The Reception Hall*> 1-60>  Option <?=Help> Menu

             __     __
           /A\/\  /A\/\
          MHM      MHM /

                          * Sub-Board Menu

            A * uto Message    J * ump       P * ost
            B * rowse          K * ill       Q * uit to Main
            E * Msg.Counter    L * ist       R * everse
            F * orward         M * arked     S * can
            G * lobal Scan     N * ew       >.<  Next/Previous Sub
            ^ Includes DATESCAN              ! * Music Trivia Stats

<!!><Board #1 <*The Reception Hall*> 1-60>  Option <?=Help> Global

         *> Scanning Method:

              1> New Since Last Call
              2> New Since <Any Date>
              3> Set Number of New Bulletins
              4> Abort QuickScan

         *> Choice: Scan by date...

         Read all messages since 05/07/89

#   Board Name                     Stat
1.  The Reception Hall.............Read
2.  Classified.....................Read
3.  Computer Chatter...............Read
4.  Covert Operations <Transfer>...None
5.  Growing Pains..................Read
6.  Musical Details................None
7.  Outside the Agency.............Read
8.  AppleFest Unlimited............Read
9.  Open Forum.....................None
10. Hackers Anonymous..............Read
11. I HATE It When.................Read
12. The Pub........................None
13. DJ's Music Studio..............Read
14. Musical Jeopardy...............None
15. Maddie's Office <*EXCLUSIVE*>..None
16. Maddie's Favorites.............Read

Checking Board: -*->01<-*- :: Time Travel...<05/07/89>

 Brd ->The Reception Hall
Numb ->48 of 60
 Sub ->Moonlighting
  To ->All of my Beloved Users
>From ->Maddie Hayes (#1)
Date ->05/07/89 22:02:34

        Yes, unfortunately, this is no joke.  I guess all good things have to
come to an end, and since I will be going off to college this fall, that means
that Moonlighting will be moving out too.  Instead of trying to keep the board
holding on through the summer, I have decided that it would be in everyone's
best interest to take the system down once and for all, as soon as possible.

        I wanted to wait until after Applefest to take down the board because I
wanted to have the chance to tell my good friends and users in person.  I
wanted to make sure that everyone understood what is going on.

        Running Moonlighting has been wonderful, and I know I will miss it
desperately, but I realize that taking down the board is inevitable.  You all
have been terrific, because if it wasn't for you guys (and girls) Moonlighting
would have never become a reality for any of us.

        The board will go down for good on Friday, May 12 at 11:59 PM <I'll be
up>.  Thank you all once again.  Please keep in touch.


<B1 #48 of 60> ? or Cmd [N]#

 Brd ->The Reception Hall
Numb ->49 of 60
 Sub ->And In.
  To ->All
>From ->The Dee Jay (#2)
Date ->05/07/89 22:30:39

And in the immortal words of Porky Pig..

bebebebebebebbebebe dat's all folks.

<B1 #49 of 60> ? or Cmd [N]#

 Brd ->The Reception Hall
Numb ->50 of 60
 Sub ->Moonlighting
  To ->Dee Jay/ Maddie
>From ->Daedalus (#79)
Date ->05/08/89 07:43:59

First the show and now the Board. This is too much to take.

Maddie....Do you have anyone in mind to take over from you? I know when I asked
about you takeing the board down before you said that a number of people had
expressed an interest in taking over from you when you went to school.

<B1 #50 of 60> ? or Cmd [N]#

 Brd ->The Reception Hall
Numb ->51 of 60
 Sub ->I couldn't
  To ->Daedalus (#79)
>From ->Maddie Hayes (#1)
Date ->05/08/89 18:34:29

        I decided against handing it over to someone.  This is it.

<B1 #51 of 60> ? or Cmd [N]#skip to# 59

 Brd ->The Reception Hall
Numb ->59 of 60
 Sub ->Re: Moonlighting
  To ->all
>From ->The Warlock (#6)
Date ->05/11/89 18:17:41

        If this keeps up we might as well has a funeral service for this BBS
after it goes down... suppose we put one together on a Tele-conferencing number
in the near future... I think I could contact the people fo=huhe information.

                                        The Warlock

<B1 #59 of 60> ? or Cmd [N]#

 Brd ->The Reception Hall
Numb ->60 of 60
 Sub ->Thanks guys..
  To ->The Warlock (#6)
>From ->Maddie Hayes (#1)
Date ->05/11/89 21:31:13

        I really appreciate hearing all of this, and believe me, it breaks my
heart to take it down.  There's nothing I can really do now, though...  I would
hate to see the board die over the summer, and I'd much rather see it go now,
happily, than in pieces at the end of the summer.  You all are just the
greatest, and I'll miss you terribly..


<B1 #60 of 60> ? or Cmd [N]#

Post a message <Y/[N]> ? Y

-*-> Post Bulletin <-*-

  To ->Maddie
 Sub ->I think
>From ->Blue Adept <#116>

Post: <Y>es, N>o

:>          80 columns            <::>        4k = 4096 bytes Max          <:
:>    .S = Save    .H = Help      <::>     .A = Abort   /EX = Editor       <:

it would be in yours and everyones best interest to leave it up during the
summer...  this board will be severely missed as a mile stone in BBSing


163 bytes entered
Saving Message...Justa sec...saved

(quit to main)

<Goodbye, cruel world, it's over.       walk on by.>
05/12/89 23:57:59
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Supertac Transfer System...

   Top 5 Uploaders as of 05/12/89

1. Larry Hawkins.......  20759 Blocks
2. Catlow..............  9649 Blocks
3. Wishbringer.........  9097 Blocks
4. Jonny Smith.........  8850 Blocks
5. Daedalus............  7426 Blocks

    Moonlighting                                               SuperTac 5.5

             If you upload something on the OLD.WARES list YOU DIE!
          I am perpetually taking stuff off the drive, so check it out...


            *  Ticket to London s1


Access to Volumes:1 - 31


Transfer Timeout Interval set at <250>

<SuperTac/--> New Scan since <<CR> accepts>: 05/03/89

<U>ploads, or <D>ownloads, or <C>omplete file, or <A>bout Uploads:Uploads

<05/03/89> Scanning.....Done

 #  Filename         Vol  User                  Date       Baud  Protocol
511 XDOS             1    DHC Rules (#258)      05/03/89   2400  Ymodem
512 XTYP             1    DHC Rules (#258)      05/03/89   2400  Ymodem

<SuperTac/--> Master Directory

Master Directory

Low Volume: 1
High Volume: 31
Pause after each volume? No

Volume 01 - 05/12/89


Filename        Typ  Blks  Xmdm  Uploaded
AD.MOON         TXT     4    10 12-Dec-88
APPLEWRITER.2.1 $F5   171   680 12-Dec-88
BBS.LIST        TXT    82   322 12-Dec-88
BLU.228B        SYS    45   173 12-Dec-88
BLU.228B.DOCS   TXT     1     1 12-Dec-88
D.D.DELUXE.4.2  BIN    73   286 26-Feb-89
DDDPRO1.23C     SYS    23    85 12-Dec-88
EPBH.2.0.BQY    TXT    66   258 12-Dec-88

MERLIN.PRO      REL   170   676 12-Dec-88
MOON.WANT       TXT     3     7 29-Apr-89
OLD.WARES       TXT    10    36 12-Dec-88
PBH.PACK.3.2    SYS    33   125 12-Dec-88
PRO.ARRANGER    SYS    25    94 12-Dec-88
PROPACKER.5.3.C BIN    10    34 12-Dec-88
TIC.203         BIN   115   456 12-Dec-88
ZBASIC.128K     REL   149   589 12-Dec-88
XDOS            BIN     8    28 01-May-89
MAIL.CRUNCH.S   TXT     8    26 01-May-89
XDOS.           BIN     8    28 03-May-89
XTYP            BIN     1     4 03-May-89

Volume 02 - 05/12/89

Filename        Typ  Blks  Xmdm  Uploaded
APPLEW.V2.1.S1  REL    79   310 12-Dec-88
APPLEW.V2.1.S2  REL   242   964 12]^,K8
APWRKS2.1.PATCH TXT     1     4 12-Dec-88
AW2.EXP.3.0.2.B $DD   270  1066 12-Dec-88
BAG.OF.TRICKS   $DD   149   589 19-Jan-89
COPY.II.8.3     REL   151   599 24-Jan-89
COPY.II.8.3.PRM TXT   116   460 24-Jan-89
DIGIPAC.SYSTEM  SYS    60   234 10-Feb-89
DOLRS.CNTS.S1.A TXT   224   892 12-Dec-88
DOLRS.CNTS.S2.A TXT   244   970 12-Dec-88
EASYFIND.HACK.A $DD   106   419 26-Jan-89
SHRINKIT2.0.SHK $E0    98   386 08-Apr-89
MERLIN.PRO      TXT    24    89 18-Feb-89
PATCHES3.0.BQY  BIN   127   504 22-Dec-88
PROTERM.2.1.BQY BIN   204   811 07-Jan-89
PROTERM.2.1.FIX TXT     3     5 15-Jan-89
PROTERM.ERRORS  TXT     4     9 15-Jan-89
PROTERM2.1.INFO TXT     5    14 15-Jan-89
PT.V2.1.DOX     TXT    10    35 15-Jan-89
PTP2.2.3.BQY    BIN   180   713 19-Jan-89
SENS.DICT.A     $DD   186   737 28-Feb-89
SENS.GRAMMAR.A  $DD   174   689 25-Feb-89
SENS.SPELL.A    $DD   125   495 28-Feb-89
IISHRINK1.2.SHK $E0    75   296 08-Apr-89
WEBSTER.DICT    REL   301  1189 26-Feb-89
WEBSTER.SPELL.A $DD   185   733 25-Feb-89
ACU.PACKER.A    $DD   143   567 21-Mar-89
SHRINKIT2.01BQY BIN   100   396 15-Apr-89
SHANGHAI.IIE.A  $DD   115   453 16-Apr-89
TAKE.ONE.A      $DD   215   853 16-Apr-89
K.AUTOGRAPH.A   $DD   179   711 16-Apr-89
INTERCPT.V1.4.A $DD    62   242 16-Apr-89

Volume 03 - 05/12/89

Filename        Typ  Blks  Xmdm  Uploaded
GLOBAL.COMMDR.A $DD   183   727 04-Mar-89
MADD.FBL.GOOD.1 $E0   220   876 23-Mar-89
MADDEN.FBAL.2.A $DD   182   724 23-Mar-89
JAWS.S1         $E0   170   673 08-Apr-89
REAL.CTRL.L     TXT     6    17 12-Dec-88
SAF.SEG.S       TXT    17    64 12-Dec-88
SLOW.TYPE.MOD   TXT     9    30 12-Dec-88
SWAP.FIX        TXT     3     8 12-Dec-88
TRAX.S          TXT     8    28 12-Dec-88
TRICK.SYS       TXT     1     1 15-Jan-89
TUNES.RDMAIL    TXT    13    48 15-Jan-89
WOMANRATER.S    TXT    11    39 12-Dec-88
ZMODEM          TXT    90   353 10-Feb-89
JUMPSTART       REL   123   488 14-Feb-89
MOUSE.LINK      $F3   225   896 14-Feb-89


<SuperTac/--> Quit...

<And we danced>
05/12/89 23:58:05

Maddie has Arrived!

Alan.. You are such a sweetheart, Honestly, this is just the greatest... So is
the text file all set now like how you're going to upload it places?

except for chaining the two peices together.  yes.  definately

Great.. <did you put any of this chat in??>..

thats an excellent Idea...dudess.  say something ........deep?>  hahah

They all know that I love them... So where am I going to have to call to
get this thing when it's finished?

i'll upload it to the major boards....us ae west   bombay    lexicon exchange
magnetic page...among others...and of course, ripco.  the txt file mecca of the

hahah.. Dave just said that if a text file isn't on there, it doesn't exist.

thats about the size of it.  that dude has 96 megs of pure txt files online.
its incredible.  every doc to ever come out as well as apple file...its great.

Alan, Honestly, this is great!  I'll be talking to you, right?

yep.  i'd have kept in closer touch, but college has been taking its toll on my
time as well {s the fact that your number is written on a disk jacket
somewhere....remember hansel?  diskmaster....thats where I got that habbit.
heh..also.  can't call you on all the conferences we have because your parents
get mad when alliance snoops

If you're ever up by here, you'd better come by.  You have my voice number,
I'll give you my new phone number for my line when I get it, so you'll have no

yup.  i'll be in touch easily.  you should call around a bit again.

This summer I'll definetely be calling around to a few places... I wouldn't be
able to just forget about everything.  My birthday is Thursday, y'know... Alan,
do you realize that when you hang up, Moonlighting will be gone forever?

its kinda sad.  things that have lasted so long shouldn't have to go
away...but as we know, all good things must come to an end.  and that end is
near.  i'm happy to be the last caller though...priveledged also.  this board
has seen so much for so long.

And I'm happy to see it end this way.  SO, I guess I'll be seeing you, Alan my

heh.  yup.  well, this is goodbye.  bye to moonlighting, a great board in
modUm history{  as the history's continue and the modemers cycle, everyone will
remember this board as one of the milestones....thanks for a great board and a
great time,  i'm sure I speak for all the users that have passed through here.
bye cj,  be good

"classic last words"  Take care, Alan, thanks so much... g'night, and I'll talk
to you later...


Maddie left <sob>

<Today's technology is tommorow's breakfast cereal.>
05/12/89 23:59:59
<!!::/\/\ain><?=/\/\enu> Hang Up...

'You want to Leave us?' Ms. Dipesto gasps in horror.

'Are you sure <Y/[N]>' Y

Ms. Dipesto waves to you and says, 'Thank you for calling the Blue Moon
                             Detective Agency!'

Maddie smiles...'Goodbye, Blue Adept.'


                M   O   O   N   L   I   G   H   T   I   N   G


Moonlighting was one of the great boards throughout the 1987-1988 modeming years with its diverse userbase.  The sysop, Maddie Hayes or CJ (her real name), was one of the great female users of that time.  CJ was well liked and constantly on the top uploaders list of the major transfer boards around the nation....phreaking from allnet.  The loss of Moonlighting is a milestone in bbs history as the end of yet another era of piracy.  Most of the users of that era are gone now and an entirely new group of pirates has arrived to play out the saga.  New boards are now hotspots and Moonlighting has faded into the electronic sunset of modeming.  Moonlighting will be severly missed as will be Maddie Hayes.

Blue Adept/USAlliance