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     |||||| |||||| ||  || |||||| ||||||
     ||     ||     ||| ||   ||   ||
     || ||| ||||   ||||||   ||   ||||               Your
     ||  || ||     || |||   ||   ||
     |||||| |||||| ||  || |||||| ||||||             GenieLamp Computing

     ||    |||||| ||    || ||||||                   RoundTable
     ||    ||  || |||  ||| ||  ||
     ||    |||||| |||||||| ||||||                   RESOURCE!
     ||    ||  || || || || ||
     ||||| ||  || ||    || ||

                    ~ WELCOME TO GENIELAMP APPLE II! ~
                     ~ A2/PRO_DUCTIVITY: More Decoding
                 ~ FILE BANDWAGON: Top 10 Files for April
                 ~ REFRACTIONS: Copyright and Permissions
                   ~ HOT NEWS, HOT FILES, HOT MESSAGES ~

 GenieLamp Apple II     ~ A T/TalkNET Publication ~     Vol.6, Issue 64
Editor...................................................Ryan M. Suenaga
Editor Emeritus................................................Doug Cuff
          ~ GenieLamp IBM ~ GenieLamp ST ~ GenieLamp PowerPC ~
        ~ GenieLamp A2Pro ~ GenieLamp Macintosh ~ GenieLamp TX2 ~
         ~ GenieLamp Windows ~ GenieLamp A2 ~ LiveWire (ASCII) ~
            ~ Member Of The Digital Publishing Association ~
 GE Mail: GENIELAMP                       Internet: genielamp@genie.com

                             ~ June 15, 1997 ~

 FROM MY DESKTOP ......... [FRM]        HEY MISTER POSTMAN ...... [HEY]
  Notes From The Editor.                 Is That A Letter For Me?

 A2/PRO_ductivity ........ [A2P]        REFRACTIONS ............. [RFR]
  A2Pro Bits & Bytes.                    Pretty Please?

 FILE BANDWAGON ...........[BAN]        LOG OFF ................. [LOG]
  Top 10 files for April 1997            GenieLamp Information


READING GENIELAMP   GenieLamp has incorporated a unique indexing system
"""""""""""""""""   to help make reading the magazine easier.  To utilize
this system, load GenieLamp into any ASCII word processor or text editor.
In the index you will find the following example:

                   HUMOR ONLINE ............ [HUM]
                    Genie Fun & Games.

     To read this article, set your find or search command to [HUM].  If
you want to scan all of the articles, search for [EOA].  [EOF] will take
you to the last page, whereas [IDX] will bring you back to the index.

MESSAGE INFO   To make it easy for you to respond to messages reprinted
""""""""""""   here in GenieLamp, you will find all the information you
need immediately following the message.  For example:

                    (SMITH, CAT6, TOP1, MSG:58/M475)
        _____________|   _____|__  _|___    |____ |_____________
       |Name of sender   CATegory  TOPic    Msg.#   Page number|

     In this example, to respond to Smith's message, log on to page 475
enter the bulletin board and set CAT 6.  Enter your REPly in TOPic 1.

     A message number that is surrounded by brackets indicates that this
message is a "target" message and is referring to a "chain" of two or more
messages that are following the same topic.  For example:  {58}.

ABOUT Genie   Genie has pricing plans to fit almost any budget.  Genie's
"""""""""""   services include email, software downloads, bulletin boards,
chat lines, and an Internet gateway included at a non-prime time connect
rate of $2.75.  Some pricing plans include uncharged online connect time.
As always, prices are subject to change without notice.  To sign up for
Genie, call (with modem) 1-800-638-8369 in the USA or 1-800-387-8330 in
Canada.  Upon connection wait for the U#= prompt.  Type:  JOINGENIE and hit
RETURN.  The system will then prompt you for your information.  Need more
information?  Call Genie's customer service line (voice) at 1-800-638-9636.

GET GENIELAMP ON THE NET!   Now you can get your GenieLamp issues from
"""""""""""""""""""""""""   the Internet.  If you use a web browser,
connect to "gopher://gopher.genie.com/11/magazines".  When using a gopher
program, connect to "gopher.genie.com" and then choose item 7 (Magazines
and Newsletters from Genie's RoundTables).

                        *** GET INTO THE LAMP! ***

       ///////////////////////////////////////// Genie_QWIK_QUOTE /////
      /        "I'm still organizing right now."                     /
     /                                                              /
    /          "'still' implies there's an end."                   /
   ///////////////////////////////////////  C.KNOBLOCK & A2LAMP ///

                 FROM MY DESKTOP /
Notes From The Editor
by Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W., L.S.W.

                         >>> I CAN BEGIN AGAIN <<<

     I recently celebrated the first anniversary of my graduate school
commencement with the realization that I had stopped doing a lot of things
that were important to me due to the time crunch school created. . . and
never resumed them.  I concluded that I simply replaced one thing I was
obsessed with another; once I was done with graduate school, I became
obsessed with getting _GenieLamp A2_ done.

     I made a conscious decision to start those things up again, the first
of which was to invite an old friend of mine over for dinner.

     Lianne and I have known each other since 1989, when we both started
doing part time work for a social service agency here in town.  I was still
and undergrad, and she, a few years older than me, was just starting her
graduate program in social work.  We've followed similar paths, though
she's always been a few steps ahead of me: she finished her graduate
program before I started, she got her social work license before I became
eligible, and she now has her national certification, a year before I can
even apply.  And while we've never lost track of each other, we've gone as
long as a year between phone calls.

     So, instead of being involved in an electronic conference on a
national online service talking about my favorite computer and my labors
editing an electronic newsletter, I took a night off in late spring so
Lianne, her husband, and her one year old daughter could come over to have
some home cooked vegetarian spaghetti and to restart some old traditions.

     I found that since the last time Lianne had been over for dinner, we
both had finished graduate school and gotten our careers in order; she had
gotten married and had her baby; and I had gone through major relationships
which hadn't panned out.  But although we're clearly different people than
we were eight years ago, we still have importance to each other.

     And there's a need to break from the habits of what you're obsessed
with to return to the things that're really important.

                                [*] [*] [*]

     I must start business this month with an apology to Tony Ward, the A2
librarian.  In quoting him in the "HEY MISTER POSTMAN" column last month, I
totally butchered what he had originally written.  I don't have much of an
explanation, except that I composed most of last month's issue on a
Macintosh and it crashed several times before I was done, which makes me
wonder if it's bad karma to compose an Apple II periodical on a Mac.

     Onto new business: with this issue of _GenieLamp A2_, we also welcome
our readers to the Official Unofficial home of _GenieLamp A2_ on the World
Wide Web.  Point your web broswer to:


     The page is not yet complete, but when it is done, you will find links
to home pages of our staff, a history of the publication, email links, and
archives of the complete _GenieLamp A2_ collection.  It is 100% lynx
friendly, compliant with Nathan Mates' _Viewable on A Real Apple II_
guidelines, and will eventually be enhanced for viewing by the _Spectrum
Internet Suite_.

                                [*] [*] [*]

     Finally, in case you've been living under a virtual rock the last few
months, I thought I'd remind you about the annual Apple II event of the
year: KansasFest 1997 is approaching rapidly.  Mark your calendars for July
30 through August 3, and plan on joining us over at Avila College in Kansas
City, Missouri

-- Ryan

Genie Mail:  A2LAMP                           Internet:  a2lamp@genie.com

       |                                                          |
       |                   REPRINTING GENIELAMP                   |
       |                                                          |
       |   If you want to reprint any part of GenieLamp, or       |
       |   post it to a bulletin board, please see the very end   |
       |   of this file for instructions and limitations.         |

                                                           ASCII ART BEGINS

      _____            _      _                              ___  ___
     / ____|          (_)    | |                            / _ \|__ \
    | |  __  ___ _ __  _  ___| |     __ _ _ __ ___  _ __   | |_| |  ) |
    | | |_ |/ _ \ '_ \| |/ _ \ |    / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \  |  _  | / /
    | |__| |  __/ | | | |  __/ |___| (_| | | | | | | |_) | | | | |/ /_
     \_____|\___|_| |_|_|\___|______\__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/  |_| |_|____|
                                                   | |

                                                             ASCII ART ENDS

              HEY MISTER POSTMAN /
Is That A Letter For Me?
by Ryan Suenaga


          o A2 POT-POURRI

                    o HOT TOPICS

                         o WHAT'S NEW

                              o THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE

                                   o MESSAGE SPOTLIGHT

                     >>> BULLETIN BOARD HOT SPOTS <<<

     [*] CAT  3, TOP 32 ....... Disk of the What?
     [*] CAT  4, TOP 46 ....... A Close Call for Appleworks?
     [*] CAT  5, TOP  3 ....... Tiger Learning Computer
     [*] CAT 35, TOP 26 ....... Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam. . . .
     [*] CAT 35, TOP 28 ....... Which Road to 56k?
     [*] CAT 43, TOP 16 ....... Pages or Pagers?
     [*] CAT 44, TOP  7 ....... The Excitement Builds

                           >>> A2 POT-POURRI <<<

EUNICHS WHO LOVE UNIX CONTINUED   I have a question regarding the Internet
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   and Lynx:

[I can't recall where I read about this, SSII or in an answer you gave here
on Genie][I've got it saved _somewhere_ -- for all the good that knowledge
does me.]

You mentioned a method for downloading [IMAGE]s via Lynx. What was it? I
tried (D)ownloading (a JPEG image); but, how do I go about saving the
picture to disk? I have a IIgs and use Proterm 3.1.

Mike Sakarias, Juneau Alaska
                 (M.SAKARIAS, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:276/M645;1)

>>>>>   Depends on how you have Lynx configured.
Default, Lynx can usually save to your workspace, and when you quit Lynx,
you can download it from your isp by your usual method (ZModem in my case).

You can also configure Lynx to send the file to you via XModem, YModem, or
ZModem.  Someone else will have to help you with that, though.  Took me a
long time to get mine right :)

"There's no shortage of windmills to tilt at."--Logan
ANSITerm and CoPilot v2.55
                   (A2LAMP, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:277/M645;1)

>>>>>   Lynx can be configured to do darned near anything, provided you can
create your own lynx.cfg file. I've never tried it on Genie, but I'm
asuming it won't work because we don't have permanant private storage. If
you use Lynx on an ISP and want to customize it, here's what you do.

Find your ISP's default lynx.cfg file and copy it to your home directory.
If you don't know where it's located, try 'whereis lynx' to find it. Once
you have a copy of your own, you can customize it anyway you want, but you
have to tell Lynx at startup time where your personal lynx.cfg is located.
Like this: 'lynx -cfg=/mydir/lynx.cfg'. You can make that an alias and put
it in your .login (or .profile or whatever) file so you don't have to type
it all out everytime.

In the lynx.cfg file there is a section called "Downloader definitions".
This lets you customize the options presented when you <D>ownload a file.
Here's what mine looks like for adding a zmodem option:

DOWNLOADER:Zmodem download: /home2/tward/lynx.sz %s %s:TRUE

That's pretty cryptic, let me try to explain. 'DOWNLOADER' is required. The
colons are separators. 'Zmodem download' is what will be displayed on the
screen as an option when I <D>ownload a file. '/home2/tward/lynx.sz %s %s'
is the command that will be run when I choose 'Zmodem download'. 'TRUE' (or
'FALSE') determines if this downloader definition will be availble for
anonymous users.

You're asking, "Why can't I just use 'sz' as the command name instead of
that '/home2/tward/lynx.sz %s %s' mess? Good question. You see, when lynx
downloads a file from a remote site, it saves it somewhere on your ISP's
system (a /tmp directory somewhere) with what is probably an unrecognizable
filename like temp06783541. But Lynx is a little smarter than that, it
provides a "suggested" filename that matches the real filename. The first
'%s' is the ugly temporary name, the second '%s' is the nicer "suggested"
filename. However, we can only pass the first one to sz, which would result
in the incorrect filename when you download.

Sooo...we need a little "stub" command in our home directory to grab that
second "suggested" filename and pass =that= to sz. I call that stub program
'lynx.sz' but you can call it anything you want. Here's what it looks like:

cp $1 ~/lynx.temp/$2
sz ~/lynx.temp/$2
rm ~/lynx.temp/$2

Ouch, that's ugly! Not really. All it does is copy the temporary file $1
(which was the first %s, the one with the ugly name) to a file with the
correct name $2 (the second %s, "suggested" filename) in a directory called
'lynx.tmp' in my home directory. Then it uses sz to send it zmodem, then it
deletes the file.

Sorry for the long post. The UNIX junkie in me got carried away. :)

 - Tony
                  (A2.TONY, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:278/M645;1)

>>>>>   When using lynx, there are two different graphic types that you're
"""""   likely to encounter:

[IMAGE] - All versions of lynx can download these easily. Just place your
lynx cursor on the [IMAGE] link and press D. The file will be transfered
from the remote computer to your ISP's system, and then lynx will display a
message asking if you want to save the file to your home directory on your
ISP's computer, or whether you want to use zmodem to download it directly
to your machine.

If the above process is not happening, then lynx was probably not installed
properly, and you should contact your ISP.

[INLINE] - If you are using any version of lynx prior to v2.6, it's
somewhat of a pain to download these, but it is possible (I'll get to that

Graphics of the [INLINE] type can easily be downloaded with lynx v2.6 or
2.7. When you hit a page with an [INLINE] that you want to download, just
press the * key. When you do that, lynx will re-retrieve the page, and the
[INLINE] will become an active link and the graphic will then be able to be
downloaded just as if it were an [IMAGE] graphic.

If you are using an older version of lynx that doesn't directly support
downloading of [INLINE] graphics, the only way I know how to download those
is by hitting the \ key (to display the html source code), noting the
complete URL for the graphic (by capturing it in my scrollback) and then
hitting lynx's G (Go To) command and when prompted for the URL, to send the
captured URL as the destination.

I hope that answers the question...

                  (JOE.KOHN, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:279/M645;1)

                            >>> HOT TOPICS <<<

KANSASFEST FOREVER   > Are we waiting for a minimum no. of attendees before
""""""""""""""""""   > declaring that the KFest is on?

Yes, but we are almost there.  I'm not even worried about it this year.

However, if you haven't signed up yet, and you'd like me to be able to
sleep at night now so that we can all stay awake in July, get your
registration info in to InTrec SOON.  As soon as we hit the "magic number"
the whole world will know. :)

(aka The Big Cheese)
                  (CINDY.A, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:109/M645;1)

>>>>>   Once again, we hope to have so many excellent KFest Sessions that
"""""   you'll have a hard time deciding which ones to attend:)  The best
way to do that is for you to let us know what sessions you would like at
KFest this year.

So.....Let's hear it!!!

I'd like to hear from any potential presenters also! If you have an idea
for a dynamite session, we need to get you on the schedule. Once again I'll
need your proposals and any special requirements you may have. It takes
some time and juggling to handle this, so the sooner you get your proposals
in the better we can accommodate you.

Looking forward to seeing everyone at KFest '97!! Just remember that KFest
is what YOU make it, so crank out those ideas and let's make this year even
better than last year!

    ("Godzilla/ScheduleMeister/and a few others I'd rather not mention")

P.S. In an effort to retain any sanity I may still have, it would be
appreciated if you answer in the A2 RT (Category 44 Topic 7) or send email
to "Mac.BB". Except for "special situations", I would rather see the
discussions in public (C44T7) so everyone can respond and help make this a
very special year at KFest. Thanks all!
                   (MAC.BB, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:113/M645;1)

>>>>>   I would dearly love to see a session on how to write a Hyperstudio
"""""   NBA / Hypercard XCMD in either Orca Pascal or Orca C.  Of course,
it would have to be pretty step-by-step. :)

   | homas
                 (T.COMPTER, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:114/M645;1)

>>>>>   I don't know about dynamite, but I'm sure I can arrange a "bomb".
"""""   :)

Actually, I would very much like to do a hands-on, GraphicWriter/AWGS
specific desktop publishing session. Last year, I talked mostly about DTP
concepts and theory and how to apply those to the IIGS. This year, I would
like to get down and dirty doing some real-world stuff, answering
real-world questions and talking about real-world issues that concern those
of us who do DTP on the IIGS.

I may be bringing my GS to Kfest, but if I don't I would need to arrange
the use of a IIGS for this session.

So, would anyone be interested in this sort of thing? If so, any
suggestions on carrying out such a session from you all would be most

                 (M.JONES145, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:115/M645;1)

>>>>>   Another thought ...
With everything going on concerning Spectrum and SIS, I would suggest a
session devoted exclusively to those products. I understand Ewen won't be
attending this year, but surely we can arrange someone to do this sort of
demo. In fact, Geoff Weiss may be planning to attend, and he would be a
natural for a SIS demo.

                 (M.JONES145, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:116/M645;1)

>>>>>   We should lock Geoff into this as soon as possible. :-)
I also intend to do at least one if not two sessions on some stuff I've
been working on recently.

                 (RICHARD.B, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:117/M645;1)

>>>>>   To do at least one thing totally off the wall and weird this year,
"""""   I'd like to do a session on doing Apple II friendly HTML pages.

Ewen's email to me specifically hinted very strongly that Geoff Weiss would
demo SIS at KansasFest 1997.  Of course, I've received no message from
_Geoff_ that would indicate that, but you never know what turns up in your
mailbox. . .

. . . including the revelation that this year at the Apple II Publisher's
Forum, -five- different Apple II publications shall be represented. :)

"There's no shortage of windmills to tilt at."--Logan
ANSITerm and CoPilot v2.55
                   (A2LAMP, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:118/M645;1)

<<<<<   > I also intend to do at least one if not two sessions on some
"""""   > stuff I've been working on recently.


                  (CINDY.A, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:119/M645;1)

>>>>>   I think Geoff is really looking forward to K'Fest, and I am sure he
"""""   will do the demo. Whoever is organising the sessions, will need to
contact him at geoff@the-hermes.net.

Unfortunately I can't be there this year, but I will be there in spirit, if
not code! :)

 Ewen (Speccie)
 Delivered by: CoPilot v2.5.5 and Spectrum 2.1
                  (E.WANNOP, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:120/M645;1)

>>>>>   Thomas,
>> I would dearly love to see a session on how to write a Hyperstudio NBA /
>> Hypercard XCMD in either Orca Pascal or Orca C...

Can't promise anything right now, but your request in "on the list" so
there's a good chance someone will be willing and able to present this type
of session. Thanks for the input!


>> I would very much like to do a hands-on, GraphicWriter/AWGS specific
>> desktop publishing session...

Judging from your session last year, I'd say we can/should give this the
"green light" and take into account any comments that are mentioned here.
The GS should be no problem but thanks for mentioning it. We don't want any
presenter scheduled for 2 places at the same time - ditto for the

>> With everything going on concerning Spectrum and SIS, I would suggest
>> a session devoted exclusively to those products...

Hmmm. Geoff was one of the 1st presenters to offer help with KFest '97 -
received his email on August 13th (1996)!  He offered to do a UNIX session
this year but maybe we can talk him into a SIS session also:)  No doubt
this is an important session to include this year.


>> We should lock Geoff into this as soon as possible. :-)
>> I also intend to do at least one if not two sessions on some stuff I've
>> been working on recently...

I'll email Geoff about a SIS session in addition (or in place of) his UNIX
session. (We could always "convince" Tony to handle UNIX) <G>

Will pencil YOU in for 2 sessions!  If you have any special requirements,
please let me know. The reason you get 2 "automatic" sessions is that I've
never heard you talk without something worthwhile to say:)

Thank you Thomas,Max,and Richard!! Let's here from the rest of you!
                   (MAC.BB, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:121/M645;1)

I received email a few days ago that indicaated that Steve Cavanaugh,
editor of The Apple Blossom and HyperQuarterly, has decided to make this
year's KFest his first!  This'll be a great opportunity to see what we can
get with a great paper publication and the new HyperCard disk subscription!

"There's no shortage of windmills to tilt at."--Logan
ANSITerm and CoPilot v2.55
                   (A2LAMP, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:130/M645;1)

>>>>>   I'm looking forward to meeting Steve C. I hope he'll be willing to
"""""   do a HyperQuarterly demo, and perhaps even join in on a HyperCard
session for us beginning HCGS scripters. :)

BTW, spread the word near and far that the May 20 date for getting the
super-duper early bird special Kfest '97 registration price of $300 is
growing near. After that day, the price goes up. So be sure to take
advantage of the savings by registering early.

If you can't lay your hands on a registration form, check out the A2
Library. You'll find it there.

As Ryan's announcement about Steve Cavanaugh's planned attendance shows,
things are shaping up quite nicely for another rousingly successful Kfest.

                 (M.JONES145, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:131/M645;1)

Shifty List 2.0 is a great program.

I created a script for use before running Spectrum.  I added Spectrum to
the list, but I can't seem to get it to run automatically as the startup
application.  I tried two ways:  with Spectrum at the end of the list and
with SetStart Control Panel followed by Spectrum at the end of the list.
The documentation is not clear (at least to me) if SetStart is required on
the list or not.

My SetStart is set to run Autopilot (a program launcher from GS+) as my
startup application.  When I do a Shifty-Boot, everything works as expected
except I end up in Autopilot (not Spectrum).

What am I doing wrong?

- Ken Watanabe
                (K.WATANABE5, CAT13, TOP18, MSG:86/M645;1)

>>>>>   I'm pretty sure you have to put the application =before= SetStart
"""""   in your script. That way by the time SetStart loads, Shifty List
can tell it which application to launch.

 - Tony
                  (A2.TONY, CAT13, TOP18, MSG:87/M645;1)

>>>>>   Yeah, the application needs to be before SetStart in your script.
"""""   When the application is seen, Shifty List alters SetStart's
preferences temporarily, so that when SetStart is loaded, it will select
the correct application.

I apologize if the documentation is unclear on this.

                   (SHEPPY, CAT13, TOP18, MSG:88/M645;1)

THE SIS SPECTACLE   Arggggggh!!!!
I installed SIS, set preferences, and when I start it (START.SIS), it
hangs. When I click on Quit SIS, I have to click it 3 times and then I get
a message saying that Browser needs Spectrum 2.1 or later. The next message
I get tells me to install SIS.

I've re-install several times. I've shift-booted. Same thing...nothing.

Also, I could not intall SIS using Finder. I get an application not found
error. I had to install using Spectrum's Run Script method.


 | Norm |
                   (N.LEE, CAT43, TOP17, MSG:153/M645;1)

>>>>>   Monday, May 12, 1997 - 23:40
I received SIS today.  I have wasted the last two hours trying to get it to

I installed it as instructed and restarted Spectrum.  When I run the
Start.SIS script, I see the SIS splash screen with "Loading...." at the
bottom.  The first time I then get the prefs screen.  After the prefs are
saved nothing else happens.  The splash screen remains with a large white
square in the center where the prefs screen was and "Loading...." at the

Subsequent attempts to run the script result in the splash screen and the
loading message being displayed.  Eventually the cursor square appears on
the splash screen upper left in white.  Nothing else happens.

In both cases, I then tried all the menu choices, none of which did
anything.  Eventually, a message appears stating that version 2.1 of
Spectrum is required.  I am running version 2.1.  This is followed by a
message that I have to use the installer to install the Browser.  I did
that already.  I have reinsstalled three times with the same results.

How do I get this thing to work?

                        MT Steve
                (S.BERNBAUM, CAT43, TOP17, MSG:154/M645;1)

>>>>>   A little patience is required...

You should start off with a fully installed Spectrum v2.1. Now run the
Install script on the SIS disk. This should start Spectrum and run that
script. When it has finished installing all the files to the right places,
it will say the process is finished and Quit Spectrum. Now run Spectrum
again, and run the Start.SIS script to configure SIS.

If you are currently offline, or have no modem connected, or your modem is
turned off, you will need to have a little patience as SIS loads. Just sit
and wait for the appropriate prompts. Trying to click things will not help,
as SIS is running under Spectrum scripts, you just have to wait till you
get the appropriate response dialog, screen, or menu becoming active.

The first time you will be taken to the Configuration dialog. If you intend
to use SIS offline, it is a good idea not to put in a Home page until you
are used to the way SIS and the World Wide Wait works. That way SIS will
not try to look for one when it starts up. If you are always going to run
SIS after you have connected to your Host, then you can put in the page you
like most.

In general, you do need a lot of patience with SIS. This is because SIS
connects to the great World Wide Wait. The World Wide Wait is notorious for
very long waits, with nothing happening. SIS has to allow for that, so
sometimes it may seem a long time before something happens on screen or to
the menus if there is no response from a particular action. Nothing we can
do about that...

If you are online at either a Genie prompt, or a Unix prompt of your host
system, it will speed things up. Once configured, you should be sailing
away on the surf...

>> Received my copy of SIS today. Install..no problem...Had it up and
>> running within 10 min. :)
>> Great job guys !! Well worth the wait.

It can be done as you can see, and Max's surfboard shows the signs of being
well used...

 Ewen (Speccie)
 Delivered by: CoPilot v2.5.5 and Spectrum 2.1
                 (E.WANNOP, CAT43, TOP17, MSG:155/M645;1)

>>>>>   I received SIS today too.  I had the same problems that Norm
"""""   mentioned.  Basically, after installation and running the script
START.SIS, I got two message boxes with OK button.

First one said - The Browser will only work with Spectrum v.2.1 or later.

     Strange, since that's what I have.

Second one said - Please run the Installer from the Spectrum Internet Suite
to install the Browser X Display.

     Obviously, I did this already.

The solution that worked for me - I removed the Spectrum preference file
from my System/Preferences directory (on my boot volume).  I believe it's
called spectrum2.pref.  The next time I started Spectrum, it created a new
"default" preference file.  After that (and setting up my configuration
again), SIS worked!

WARNING - You will have to set up Spectrum's configurations again if you
remove or delete the preference file.  This includes phone numbers and
port/display settings.

Hopefully, someone will provide a more elegant solution, but this one
worked for me.  I haven't played with SIS very much yet, but it does

BTW - Joe Kohn's "unofficial instructions" in March 1997 Shareware
Solutions II were very helpful.

- Ken Watanabe
                (K.WATANABE5, CAT43, TOP17, MSG:156/M645;1)

>>>>>   I had one small problem with SIS install that was 100% my fault: I
"""""   ran out of hard drive space.

Quick observations: remarkably fast, simple to set up, and so much what I
expected it seemed like I designed it :)

One quirk: when viewing my own page (http://www.kestrok.com/~rsuenaga),
there is a piece of ASCII art designed by David Kerwood which appears to be
screwy, though it looks fine in Lynx.  I -suspect- this is a linefeed
problem, but if someone could take a look. . . :)

Who won't claim that GenieLamp will be later because of SIS
(But could :)
                  (A2LAMP, CAT43, TOP17, MSG:157/M645;1)

>>>>>   Ryan burbled (the result of too much late night cold poi):
>One quirk: when viewing my own page (http://www.kestrok.com/~rsuenaga),
>there is a piece of ASCII art designed by David Kerwood which appears to
>be screwy, though it looks fine in Lynx.  I -suspect- this is a linefeed
>problem, but if someone could take a look. . . :)

Well, it is and it isn't. :)

You ran into a problem that we discovered in the very last day of testing,
that being that there is a character limit on the amount of preformatted
text in an ALT tag that can be displayed by SIS. If you want your wonderful
artwork (!) to be displayed correctly in SIS as well as Lynx, change it
from this:

<IMG ALIGN=Left SRC="http://www.primenet.com/~adams/kfest97.gif"
WIDTH="347" HEIGHT="333" ALT="
    __ __ ______          __     _ ____  _____
   / //_// ____/__  _____/ /_   ( ) __ \/__  /
  / ,<  / /_  / _ \/ ___/ __/   |/ /_/ /  / /
 / /| |/ __/ /  __(__  ) /_      \__, /  / /
/_/ |_/_/    \___/____/\__/     /____/  /_/

To this:

<IMG ALIGN=Left SRC="http://www.primenet.com/~adams/kfest97.gif"
WIDTH="347" HEIGHT="333" ALT="
      __ __ ______          __     _ ____  _____
     / //_// ____/__  _____/ /_   ( ) __ \/__  /
    / ,<  / /_  / _ \/ ___/ __/   |/ /_/ /  / /
   / /| |/ __/ /  __(__  ) /_      \__, /  / /
  /_/ |_/_/    \___/____/\__/     /____/  /_/

Really. That'll work. There's a few extra space characters in the first
version that causes SIS to not wrap the lines correctly. Look at the KFest
page on A2-Web for an example of how this figlet should actually display.

For those of you who run into the problem of SIS telling you that it
requires v2.1 of Spectrum to run, that's true enough. That includes the
preferences file that Spectrum v2.1 creates. If you try to use the same
preferences file from a previous version of Spectrum, it won't work.
Deleting that preferences file, and letting Spectrum v2.1 build it's own,
will fix that problem. Be aware that deleting your old preferences file
will cause you to lose all your settings, so be sure and make some notes on
how you have Spectrum set up before you do this (phone numbers, etc.)

David K. - A2-Web!   Get tangled at http://www.syndicomm.com/a2web/
                  (A2.DAD, CAT43, TOP17, MSG:158/M645;1)

>>>>>   > BTW - Joe Kohn's "unofficial instructions" in March 1997
"""""   >  Shareware Solutions II were very helpful.

Thank you.

When I wrote about SIS in the latest issue of Shareware Solutions II, I
tried to do as complete a job as possible.

I also figured that a lot of folks would be purchasing the Spectrum/SIS
bundle, and that's the main reason why I included installation instructions
for both Spectrum and SIS.

I welcome you all to the wonderful world of Spectrum Internet Suite. I know
you're all going to love it ;-)

                 (JOE.KOHN, CAT43, TOP17, MSG:161/M645;1)

                            >>> WHAT'S NEW <<<

  ______      _____
 (      )   (      )     ____________________________________________
  |     |  /     /      (        _____________________________'97____)
  |     | /     /        |      |
  |     |/     /         |      |                         II Infinitum!!
  |           /          |      |______
  |     |\     \         |      _______) __________    ________   ________
  |     | \     \        |      |       (     _____)  (     ___) (__    __)
  |     |  \     \       |      |        |   |__       \    \       |   |
  |     |   \     \      |      |        |    __)       \    \      |   |
  |     |    \      \    |      |        |   |_____   ___\    \     |   |
 (______)    (________) (_______)       (__________) (_________)    |___|

We still have some space available for KansasFest 1997!  KFest '97 will
again  be held on the campus of Avila College in Kansas City, Missouri. It
will take place from July 30 - August 3, 1997. The cost will be only $375,
which _includes_ use of a double room in the Avila College dorms _and_

There are also a limited number of single rooms available. (If you wish to
stay at one of the many hotels or motels near the college then the cost is
$300, but you would, of course, have to find and pay for your own room and
meals.)  The last date pre-registrations will be accepted is July 20th.

Featured presenters this year include Max Jones, editor and publisher of
_Juiced.GS_; Geoff Weiss, co-author of the first Apple II web browser, the
_Spectrum Internet Suite_; and Ryan Suenaga, editor of _GenieLampA2_.  The
annual Apple II writer's and publisher's forum will feature the editors of
five Apple II publications, our keynote speaker will be the webmeister of
the hot new Mother Of All Apple II Web Sites, David Kerwood, and this
year's roastee will be Richard Bennett, the world famous Australian

Check-in will be on Wedensday from 1-4 pm, and check-out from 11 am - 1 pm
on Sunday. Computer sessions will be conducted on Thursday and Friday. A
vendor fair is scheduled for Saturday morning, with software and hardware
demos slated for Saturday afternoon.

Meals included in the registration price are Thursday breakfast through
Sunday breakfast, with the exception of Saturday dinner. All children under
18 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.

++ Please Note++ Dinner on Wednesday and Saturday are NOT included this
year.  Attendees can dine on their own at one of the many fine restaurants
near the Avila campus, or join the Kfest '97 group for their annual treks
to KC Masterpiece and Jess & Jim's Steak House.

KFest this year is being sponsored by InTrec Software, Inc..

If you have questions about KFest, or wish to make suggestions, you can
find answers via the InterNet. Just send an email message to
Cindyadams@delphi.com, or visit the World Wide Web page at

Why wait?  Register now!  Join us today!  KFest 1997 approaches!
                  (CINDY.A, CAT44, TOP7, MSG:162/M645;1)

VAV-WARE, TAKE TWO   I have uploaded a new version of all of my finder
""""""""""""""""""   extensions....Seems that since they were all written
in the same manner, they all contained the same bug....damn those bugs.
Anyhow,  I have fixed the pesky little bug (previous versions wouldn't
close out completly when the finder exited).

Let me know what you think

When they are release the will be the following:

Number: 28543  Name: FF101.BXY  FinderFlipper V1.0.1
Number: 28544  Name: FR101.BXY  FinderRefresher V1.0.1
Number: 28545  Name: WORKSETS101.BXY  WorkSets V1.0.1
Number: 28542  Name: CDR101.BXY  CD Remember V1.0.1

FinderFlipper V1.0.1:

        FinderFlipper is a finder extension that aids in the task of
bringing windows up front.  No longer will you have to move windows around
in order to find one that you have buried.  No longer  will you have to
move your mouse all the way to the Windows menu to select the window you
want. <<<<Freeware>>>>

FinderRefresher V1.0.1:

        FinderRefresher is a finder extension that will force the front
most window to refresh itself. <<<<Shareware $5>>>>

WorkSets V1.0.1:

        If you work with different files in multiple folders often and dont
like to clutter up the desktop of the Finder with aliases then WorkSets is
for you.  WorkSets is a finder extension that allows the user to record the
open folders on the desktop in a list for later retrieval. <<<<Shareware

CD Remember V1.0.1:

        Have you ever been surfing through a CD checking out what is there
weaving your way through all of the directory structures....wait, something
strikes your fancy, it's an application...Double-click....hey, this stinks
or worse yet, a system crash.  After you return to the Finder you have to
start all over surfing your way back down the directory tree to get back to
the point at which you left.  Well, no longer will you have to spend your
time retracing your steps, let CD Remember remember where you were. CD
Remember will remember folders you have open when you leave the finder
until you return.   <<<<ShareWare $15>>>>
                 (C.VAVRUSKA1, CAT13, TOP10, MSG:3/M645;1)

FRESH BLOSSOMS   We're pleased to announce that the latest issue of Apple
""""""""""""""   Blossom, Volume 3 Number 2 is completed and will be mailed
out to subscribers on Tuesday, May 27.

This issue has several press releases and news bits, a HyperTalking article
on sound in HyperCard IIGS stacks, a very interesting interview with David
Kerwood by Ryan Suenaga, a review of the Tiger Learning Computer, and a
brief history of ProDOS 8's last few version upgrades by Jerry Cline of

Hyper Quarterly, our HyperCard IIGS disk-subscription is also nearing
readiness, and the first issue should ship in the next two weeks. More
information on that when it is ready for publication.


Steve Cavanaugh                                         The Apple Blossom
Apple Blossom Publishing                                  Hyper Quarterly
http://members.aol.com/newblossom/        The Apple II Modem Starter Disk
email: stevec1021@aol.com    abpub@ziplink.net   appleblossom@delphi.com
                   (A2LAMP, CAT13, TOP17, MSG:60/M645;1)

                       >>> THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE <<<

JOKO AND EGO   A few years ago, right after EGO Systems became the
""""""""""""   publisher for Addressed For Success, I contacted Steve
Disbrow to suggest that we offer an AFS/Contacts GS bundle.

The reason for an AFS/Contacts GS bundle seemed obvious to me at the time.
After all, the two programs complement each other and go hand-in-hand. What
AFS can't do, Contacts can and what Contacts can't do, AFS can.

Well, to make a long story short, Steve and I never did reach an agreement
on offering that bundle.

But...that should be changing soon, as Shareware Solutions II is (if all
goes according to plan) going to become the new publisher of Addressed For
Success after EGO closes the doors at the end of June, 1997.

I just thought you'd all want to know that. Of course, details will be
provided once they are worked out.

                  (JOE.KOHN, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:294/M645;1)

<<<<<   Steve Disbrow posted a message in the EGO Systems category a few
"""""   weeks back that said he was closing down his mail order operations
on June 27th.

Some of the products that EGO sells are already sold out. So, if there is
_anything_ that you want to purchase from EGO, you better do it now.

At this point, some of the products are "up for grabs" to the highest
bidder. It looks like I submitted the high bid for Addressed For Success,
so SSII will be publishing that.

Additionally, since Diz was a distributor of WestCode Software products,
I've been in contact with WestCode, and SSII plans to be the new
distributor of their product line...once Diz sends me whatever he has left

At this point, I do not know who else, if anyone, has bid on EGO products.
So, get what you need by June 27, 1997.

Joe Kohn
                  (JOE.KOHN, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:297/M645;1)

                         >>> MESSAGE SPOTLIGHT <<<

Category 35,  Topic 26
Message 210       Sat May 10, 1997
A2.TONY [Librarian]          at 17:31 EDT

With all the recent talk about spam email, I thought I'd let you all know
how I handle it. First, my signature:
   ____________________________    ____________________________________
  \    tward@interaccess.com   /__\   Unsolicited email ads are not    /
  /    a2.tony@genie.com       \__/ welcome and will not be tolerated. \
  \___ tonyw1@delphi.com ______/  \_______ Just say NO to SPAM! _______/

Depending on where I'm sending the email, I'll add a pointer to a great
website for information about spam. Check it out:


I won't go into procmail filtering unless someone asks because it's really
complex and it doesn't work on Genie anyway. If you want to take some time
to respond to the spammers, here are some tips.

1) Look at the header. The =whole= header. Genie provides the whole header
but many mail programs (such as pine) don't unless you tell them to. The
"From:" and "Reply To:" addresses are rarely the person who sent the spam.
You have to do some detective work with the header and possibly some other
tools like traceroute, whois and nslookup. Play with those commands on your
ISP to see how they work.

2) Send your response to as many recipients as possible. Once you've nailed
down the originating site, send email to sysadmin, abuse, root, postmaster,
and anything else you can think of.

3) Be polite. Crude rants and raves won't get you anywhere.

4) Include the entire piece of spam you received, with the =whole= header.
Sometimes the site will use this information to give a spammer the boot.

Some people use a slightly different method. After receiving the first spam
they will send a reply like this:

"Thank you for the unsolicited email advertisement. I will be more than
happy to look at any future advertisements for the standard consultant's
fee of $100/page. Any further email advertisements I receive from you will
result in a bill for the above amount. If you believe you have received
this note in error, please let me know."

If you do receive another email ad from them, send them a bill. I'm quite
serious about this. Most people who use this method will never hear from
spammers a second time, for obvious reasons. But it does involve some work
unless you're very adept with procmail or some other email filter.

 - Tony


    While on Genie,  do  you spend most of your time  downloading files?
If so, you may be missing out some excellent information in the Bulletin
Board  area.   The messages  listed above  only scratch  the surface  of
what's available and waiting for you in the bulletin board area.

    If you are serious about your Apple II, the GenieLamp staff strongly
urge  you to give the  bulletin board area a try.   There are  literally
thousands  of messages  posted  from people  like you from  all over the

                A2/PRO_ductivity /
By Ryan M. Suenaga, M.S.W.

                        >>> A2PRO BITS & BYTES <<<

BASE ON BALLS   In his DEBASED program just released, Robert Hardman
"""""""""""""   [R.HARDMAN] sharedhis
assembly source code for shifting 4 6-bit bytes into 3 8-bit bytes.

While Robert has done a fine job with this code, I'm wondering if there isa
shorter, quicker way to do it. First take a look at Robert's code:

 * Turn 4x6-bits into 3x8-bits
 *                       inbyte1 inbyte2 inbyte3
 * inbyte1            xx|654321  |        |
 * inbyte2              |    xx65|4321    |
 * inbyte3              |        |  xx6543|21
 * inbyte4              |        |        |xx654321
 * rotate bits 5/4 of inbyte2
 * into inbyte1 to make outbyte1

M6I8 LDA  inbyte2
     ASL       ;discard unused bits
     ROL  outbyte1  ;shove lower 6 to upper 6
     ASL       ;and insert upper 2 as
     ROL  outbyte1  ;lower 2

 * The upper 4 bits of Acc are now the upper 4 bits of
 * OB2, and the lower 4 are clear.

     STA  outbyte2  ;save that half...
     LDA  inbyte3   ;turn middle 4 bits of IB3
     LSR       ;into lower 4 bits of OB2
     ORA  outbyte2  ;combine with upper 4
     STA  outbyte2  ;and save

 * finally, overwrite hi 2 of IB4 with lo 2 of
 * IB3 to make OB3

     LDA  inbyte3
     ASL       ;move lo 2 to hi 2
     ORA  inbyte4   ;combine with lo 6
     STA  outbyte3  ;and save

 * That's it


outcount  dfb  1
strlen    dfb  1
inbyte1   dfb  1
outbyte1  =    inbyte1
inbyte2   dfb  1
outbyte2  =    inbyte2
inbyte3   dfb  1
outbyte3  =    inbyte3
inbyte4   dfb  1

Now, here's my challenge. Can anyone tighten this code?

Assume that the 4 6-bit bytes are already in inbyte1, inbyte2, inbyte3, and
inbyte4.  The job is to get rid of the leading two bits of each byte and
then put the remaining 6 bits of each one together in a line with the other
ones to create 3 8-bit bytes.
For example, the binary code for the word "God" is

G = 71 or 01000111
o = 111 or 01101111
d = 100 or 01100100

Put those three in a line and then divide them into 4 6-bit parts and you

0 1 0 0 0 1-1 1 0 1 1 0-1 1 1 1 0 1-1 0 0 1 0 0

Tack on two leading zeros and you have the four bytes


Now the challenge is to turn those 4 bytes back into the original 3
bytesthat spell "God".   Can you do it better than the code given here?

Show us! :)

                 (A2.CHARLIE, CAT2, TOP6, MSG:158/M530;1)

>>>>>   How do you want it, optimised for cycles, code length or number of
"""""   instructions?

You said "tighten", but just wanted to be sure.

                  (RICHARD.B, CAT2, TOP6, MSG:159/M530;1)

<<<<<   Optimised for cycles is what I had in mind. I'm looking for code
"""""   taht performs the task as quickly as possible without introducing
potential errors.

I can imagine that there would be a _significant_ increase in either code
length or number of instructions anyway.

Have at it. :)

                 (A2.CHARLIE, CAT2, TOP6, MSG:160/M530;1)

>>>>>   Give me a 16meg lookup table and I can have that thing running so
"""""   fast it'd make your eyes spin in their sockets :)  But 16meg is a
little impractical

                  (JUST.DAVE, CAT2, TOP6, MSG:161/M530;1)

                     REFRACTIONS /
Pretty Please?
by Douglas Cuff

                        >>> PERMISSION GRANTED <<<

     Home pages are everywhere.  It's not just TV commercials and newspaper
advertisements--either you have a web page yourself, or you know someone
who does.  The world wide web has brought publishing within the reach of
anyone with enough money to afford a computer.

     Unfortunately, the web page has shown us the horror of technology--or,
rather, the horror of humans let loose upon it--even more clearly than
desktop publishing did.  Now hundreds of thousands of people have been
granted the power of publishing without being taught about the
responsibilities.  A frequently ignored responsibility is taking good care
not to steal.

     If you want to include a logo on your web page to show how much you
enjoy a singer or television show, you must ask the permission of the
person who owns that logo.  (You will of course have heard and dismissed
the lame cry that the owner should be grateful for the "free advertising".)
If you are denied permission, you don't include the logo.  (You will have
run into self-centred folk who still have not realized that the Stewart's
Law of Retraction--"It is easier to get forgiveness than permission."--is
meant to be a joke.)  You can't always get what you want.

     People sometimes avoid asking for permission because it's a hassle.
Well, in the first place, because a rule or a law something inconveniences
you doesn't mean it doesn't apply to you.  And in the second place, it's
not a hassle; in fact, most of the time, it's a snap.  Let me tell you
about three times I've asked for permission to reproduce material belonging
to someone else.

     In my still-incomplete HyperStudio stack about Canada, I wanted to
include sound samples of two voices familiar to many Canadians--Peter
Gzowski, host of CBC Radio's nationally-broadcast programme _Morningside_
(6 September 1982-30 May 1997) and Shelagh Rogers, deputy host.  Through
CBC Enterprises, I legitimately acquired a tape of Peter and Shelagh saying
my name.  (I wrote _Morningside_ a letter, and they read the letter over
the air.)  Although I bought a legitimate copy of that part of the
programme, that was just so I could listen to it whenever I liked--I had
not purchased the right to distribute it.  So I wrote Morningside again and
asked permission to distribute sound samples of Peter and Shelagh saying my
name.  One of the production staff, Shelley Ambrose, phoned to tell me it
was fine, corrected my spelling, and wished me luck.  No demands for
credit, no stickiness nor stuffiness.  Plain sailing.

     My next request was equally uncomplicated.  I wrote Purity Factories,
a small biscuit- and confectionery-manufacturer, to ask for permission to
reproduce their logo on a sub-section of my home page.  Their sales manager
thought it was a great idea, and promised to hand my letter to their
general manager.  I waited several weeks before telephoning the general
manager to prompt him for a decision.  He said no.  He went on to explain:
They guard their trademarks pretty closely.  They liked my Purity page and
were grateful for it, but it wasn't worth the legal hassle to give me
permission to use their logo.  I thanked him for his time, and that was it.
Simple.  (Accepting a refusal isn't always easy, but you get plenty of
chances to get good at it.)

     My third request was the only one that lived up to the scenario that
alarmists dream up.  I wrote to Paramount Pictures.  Paramount is one of
the companies that employs zealots to protect their meal-ticket.  Those of
us who respect intellectual property wince whenever Paramount's name is
brought up.  Either their executives or their lawyers--or both--have no
idea when to stop.  When you try to send Paramount a comment from their web
site, they ask that your letter not contain any *ideas*.  Not story
ideas--they've already covered that legitimate worry separately.  They
don't want your letter to express any ideas.  It must be a "suit" thing.

     What I wanted to do was attach part of the _Mission: Impossible_ theme
to the Task Impossible event in my Sound Control Panel.  Normally, that's
the kind of action I avoid.  Use a copyrighted sound, particularly one from
the popular media?  No thanks.  However, I knew that Paramount had sound
clips from last summer's movie starring Tom Cruise on their web site.
What's more, their legal text said that it was okay for me to have one copy
of any material downloaded from the site.  So, no problem, right?

     Well, there wouldn't have been, if I had been willing to attach the
entire 2- or 3-minute song to the Task Impossible event.  I just wanted
eight or possibly four notes--that's enough for most people to get the
reference and the joke.  Paramount's standard legal text informed me:  "You
also agree that you will not alter, disassemble, decompile, reverse
engineer or otherwise modify the Downloaded Material."  Well, to clip out a
short section counts as altering and modifying, so I wrote to them to ask
permission for that.  Several weeks ago I wrote them.  Have I heard back
them?  Of course not.  They're probably still wondering if it will weaken
their position if they acknowledge having received it.  Meanwhile, of
course, I do nothing about the sound event.  I can't.  It's their material.
Until I have their permission, I can't go ahead.  It's not enough just to
ask permission--I must wait until I get it.

     Fortunately, Paramount and their ilk are still the exception.  When
you ask for permission to reproduce people's work in a way that doesn't
hurt the person who owns it, you'll most often get a prompt and cheerful
yes, or a reasonably prompt and polite no.

     My favourite permissions story predates the world wide web by several
years.  A master's student wanted permission to reproduce a comic strip in
her thesis, so she asked the cartoonist who created and owned the strip.
The cartoonist wrote back that no one had ever asked him for that before.
He had had little education, and was honoured to think of something he had
created being a small part of a thesis.

     Only occasionally will your request to reproduce be swallowed by a
faceless bureaucracy.  Most of the time, you'll get to talk to another
person, someone who will listen to what it is that you want, and let you
know quickly whether that's possible.  Even if your request is denied,
you'll end up feeling good that you made a real contact with another human
being.  You'll end up feeling good that someone listened to you.  You'll
end up feeling good that you're respecting the rights of others, and that
your web page and computer are free from copyright violations.  You'll be
doing the right thing, and you'll end up feeling good.

                  FILE BANDWAGON /
Top 10 Files for April
by Douglas Cuff

     This feature lists the ten most popular files for the month.  To give
files a chance to seek their own levels, no files will be added to the list
until they've been in place at least a month.  This month, we look at the
files uploaded 1-30 April 1997.

     This isn't the Academy Awards ceremony, folks; it's more like the
People's Choice Awards (both of which are trademarked, by the way).  The
Top 10 doesn't necessarily tell you what's new and interesting--what files
_you_ might find interesting--it simply tells you what files have been
downloaded a lot--what other people found interesting!

     This month, GenieLamp A2 occupies four spots on the list, but we're
just counting that one file.  We hope this explains why there are 13 files
on the Top 10 list.

File #  Filename          Bytes  DLs  Short description
------  ---------------  ------  ---  -------------------------------------
28522   SLDEMO2.0.BXY     94464  108  Shifty List 2.0 DEMO
28454   SPAMMASTER.BXY     9844   57  NDA to take care of e-mail spam!!
28457   ALMP9704TXT.BXY   64896   46  GenieLamp A2, Apr 97 (text)
28459   ALMP9704.HS.BXY   95872   40  GenieLamp A2, Apr. 1997 (HyprStudio)
28456   ALMP9704AWP.BXY   72704   38  GenieLamp A2, Apr 97 (AppleWorks)
28497   JUPITER.BXY     1443968   37  Cartoon animation on Jupiter
28492   FISH2.BXY        630144   36  Animation of aquarium
28460   PLAYBALL.BXY     917592   33  Baseball INIs & Slide Show.
28530   PLAYCD.BXY        16896   32  Play CDs with RamFAST card and CDA
28496   INVOKE.BXY       491904   29  Animation of metallic woman
28458   ALMP9704.HC.BXY   83456   27  GenieLamp A2, Apr. 1997 (HyperCard)
28483   COUNT2.BXY      1114752   25  Animation of a neat countdown
28472   BURGER.BXY      1136384   25  Animation of building a burger

SLDEMO2.0.BXY   The Shifty List v2.0 demo by Eric "Sheppy" Shepherd is a
"""""""""""""   utility that allows you to select which extensions and desk
accessories are loaded when you shift-boot your Apple IIgs.  (The first
release of Shifty List, version 1.0, appeared on issue #57 of _Softdisk
G-S_ in 1995.)  Shareware ($20)

SPAMMASTER.BXY   SpamMaster by Bret "Slixter" Victor is a New Desk
""""""""""""""   Accessory (NDA) that works with CoPilot to let you reply
to those who send unsolicited internet E-mail ("spam") to your Genie
account.  Shareware.

ALMP9704---.BXY   Four editions of the February issue of GenieLamp A2
"""""""""""""""   (edited by Ryan Suenaga) grace our Top 10 list this
month--text file, HyperStudio stack, AppleWorks word processor, and
HyperCard stack.  All editions feature the same great articles--a
behind-the-scenes interview with the Spectrum Internet Suite development
team from Max Jones, the return of Peter Brickell's "Real World Apple"
column, and a "PD_Quickview" column on Change-A-File.  (If that seems
familiar, that's because I goofed and gave that description last month.
What I meant to say about ALMP9703 was that it includes a look at the Focus
Hard Card and a caution about believing Internet rumors, particularly those
from unverified sources.)  Freeware.

JUPITER.BXY   In April, Russell Nielson converted a bunch of animations to
"""""""""""   Apple IIgs format, and they make up half of our top 10 list
this month.  This animation is a monochrome look at Lost in Space that
features a robot, a spaceship, and a surface vehicle.  It's 1439K and lasts
about 1 minute and 12 seconds.

FISH2.BXY   This colourful underwater animation features a entertaining
"""""""""   fish that blows some amusing bubbles.  It's 645K (it will fit
on a 3.5" disk) and lasts about 10 seconds.

PLAYBALL.BXY   A collection of baseball pictures, sounds, and even a little
""""""""""""   music from Pat Kern--91 desktop backgrounds, 9 conventional
IIgs pictures, 8 rSounds, and 1 synthLAB song--"Take Me Out to the Ball
Game".  Lots of baseball team logos in this batch, plus a few pictures to
make you wonder if Ms Kern isn't something of a Cubs fan.

PLAYCD.BXY   Play CD by Aaron Pulver is a beta ("unfinished") version of a
""""""""""   Classic Desk Accessory (CDA) for RamFAST SCSI card and CD-ROM
owners that will play your audio CDs from any non-desktop
application--including ProDOS 8!  It only plays CDs--it can't stop or skip
tracks or rewind.  It works with CD drives with ID strings of APPLE, SONY,
TEXEL, ShinaKen, NEC, and has been found to work with the second-hand
Toshiba drives Vitesse was selling.  Freeware.

INVOKE.BXY   This animation features a metallic female form genuflecting in
""""""""""   from of a cube... no, it's a sphere...  no, wait....  Anyway,
it's 503K (it will fit on a 3.5" disk) and lasts about 4 seconds.

COUNT2.BXY   This animation may be useful for video producers out
""""""""""   there--it's an updated film leader that counts from 10 down to
2.  Unfortunately, the timing isn't quite right, so each count takes longer
than a second, but with some animation viewers you can adjust the speed to
fix this.  This animation is 1340K and lasts about 17 seconds.

BURGER.BXY   This animation shows you the necessary layers in order to
""""""""""   create a perfect hamburger.  The animation file is 1247K and
lasts about 28 seconds.


           //////////////////////////////////////// Genie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
          /  "Today I read that the new 'Pentium II' chip has a bug.'  /
         /                                                            /
        /    "It's not a bug, it's a feature!"                       /
       ////////////////////////////////// T.SMITH59 & MAC.LIB.RON ///

                         LOG OFF /
GenieLamp Information

    o   COMMENTS: Contacting GenieLamp

         o   GenieLamp STAFF: Who Are We?

GenieLamp Information   GenieLamp A2 is published on the first of every
"""""""""""""""""""""   month in library 55 of Genie's A2 RoundTable (page
645;3).  GenieLamp is also distributed on CrossNet and many public and
commercial BBS systems worldwide.

    o To reach GenieLamp on Internet send mail to genielamp@genie.com or to
      reach GenieLamp _A2_, send mail to a2lamp@genie.com

    o Back issues of GenieLamp A2 are available in the A2 RoundTable
      Library #55 on page 645 (m645;3).

    o We welcome and respond to all E-mail.  To leave comments, suggestions
      or just to say hi, you can contact me in the A2 RoundTable (Category
      3, Topic 3) or send GenieMail to Ryan Suenaga at [A2LAMP] on page

                          >>> GENIELAMP STAFF <<<

  GenieLamp  o John Peters         [GENIELAMP]    Publisher
  """""""""  o Mike White          [MWHITE]       Managing Editor

   APPLE II  o Ryan M. Suenaga     [A2LAMP]       Editor
   """"""""  o Doug Cuff           [D.CUFF]       Editor Emeritus
             o Peter C. Brickell   [P.BRICKELL]   A2 Staff Writer
             o Max Jones           [M.JONES145]   A2 Staff Writer

      A2Pro  o Tim Buchheim        [A2PRO.GELAMP] Editor
      ATARI  o Sheldon H. Winick   [GELAMP.ST]    Editor
        IBM  o Sharon Molnar       [SHARON.LAMP]  Editor
  MACINTOSH  o Richard Vega        [GELAMP.MAC]   Editor
   POWER PC  o Ben Soulon          [BEN.GELAMP]   Editor

 Opinions expressed herein are those  of the individual authors, and do
 not  necessarily  represent  the  opinions  of  Genie Online Services,
 Yovelle  Renaissance Corp.,  GenieLamp Online Magazines, or  T/TalkNet
 Online Publishing.  Bulletin board messages are reprinted verbatim and
 are included  in this  publication with  permission from  Genie Online
 Services and the source RoundTable.  Genie Online Services,  GenieLamp
 Online  Magazines,  and  T/TalkNet  Publishing  do  not  guarantee the
 accuracy or suitability of any information included herein. We reserve
 the right to edit all letters and copy.

 Material  published in  this edition may be  reprinted under the  fol-
 lowing terms only. Reprint permission granted, unless otherwise noted,
 to  registered computer  user groups and  not for profit publications.
 All articles  must remain unedited  and include  the issue  number and
 author  at the top of each article reprinted.  Please include the fol-
 lowing at the end of all reprints:

 The  preceding  article  is reprinted  courtesy of  GenieLamp  Online
 Magazine.  (c) Copyright 1996 T/TalkNET  Publishing and Genie  Online
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 Have  your  modem  dial  1-800-638-8369  in  the  United  States   or
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