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     |||||| |||||| ||  || |||||| ||||||
     ||     ||     ||| ||   ||   ||
     || ||| ||||   ||||||   ||   ||||               Your
     ||  || ||     || |||   ||   ||
     |||||| |||||| ||  || |||||| ||||||             GEnieLamp Computing

     ||    |||||| ||    || ||||||                   RoundTable
     ||    ||  || |||  ||| ||  ||
     ||    |||||| |||||||| ||||||                   RESOURCE!
     ||    ||  || || || || ||
     ||||| ||  || ||    || ||

                    ~ WELCOME TO GEnieLamp APPLE II! ~
             ~ THE TREASURE HUNT:  The Best of Music Studio ~
                     ~ HARD_VIEW:  IOmega Zip Drives ~
                   ~ HOT NEWS, HOT FILES, HOT MESSAGES ~

 GEnieLamp Apple II     ~ A T/TalkNET Publication ~      Vol.4, Issue 40
Publisher................................................John F. Peters
 Editor...................................................Douglas Cuff
          ~ GEnieLamp IBM ~ GEnieLamp ST ~ GEnieLamp PowerPC ~
        ~ GEnieLamp A2Pro ~ GEnieLamp Macintosh ~ GEnieLamp TX2 ~
         ~ GEnieLamp Windows ~ GEnieLamp A2 ~ LiveWire (ASCII) ~
            ~ Member Of The Digital Publishing Association ~
 GE Mail: GENIELAMP                       Internet: genielamp@genie.com

                             ~ July 1, 1995 ~

 FROM MY DESKTOP ......... [FRM]        HEY MISTER POSTMAN ...... [HEY]
  Notes From The Editor.                 Is That A Letter For Me?

 HUMOR ONLINE ............ [HUM]        CONNECTIONS ............. [CON]
  Software for suing Microsoft.          Virtually Real, Really Virtual.

  Summer Garden.                         The Best of Music Studio.

 HARD_VIEW ............... [HAR]        REAL-TIME SCHEDULE ...... [RTC]
  IOmega Zip Drives.                     Chat with other Apple IIers.

                     LOG OFF ................. [LOG]
                      GEnieLamp Information.


READING GEnieLamp   GEnieLamp has incorporated a unique indexing system to
"""""""""""""""""   to help make reading the magazine easier.  To utilize 
this system, load GEnieLamp into any ASCII word processor or text editor.  
In the index you will find the following example:

                   HUMOR ONLINE ............ [HUM]
                    GEnie Fun & Games.

     To read this article, set your find or search command to [HUM].  If 
you want to scan all of the articles, search for [EOA].  [EOF] will take 
you to the last page, whereas [IDX] will bring you back to the index.

MESSAGE INFO   To make it easy for you to respond to messages
""""""""""""   re-printed here in GEnieLamp, you will find all the 
information you need immediately following the message.  For example:

                    (SMITH, CAT6, TOP1, MSG:58/M475)
        _____________|   _____|__  _|___    |____ |_____________
       |Name of sender   CATegory  TOPic    Msg.#   Page number|

     In this example, to respond to Smith's message, log on to page 475 
enter the bulletin board and set CAT 6. Enter your REPly in TOPic 1.

     A message number that is surrounded by brackets indicates that this 
message is a "target" message and is referring to a "chain" of two or more 
messages that are following the same topic.  For example: {58}.

ABOUT GEnie   GEnie's monthly fee is $8.95 which gives you up to four hours
"""""""""""   of non-prime time access to most GEnie services, such as 
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SPECIAL OFFER FOR GEnieLamp READERS!   If you sign onto GEnie using the
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   method outlined above you will 
receive $50.00 worth of credit.  Want more?  Your first month charge of 
$8.95 will be waived! Now there are no excuses!

                        *** GET INTO THE LAMP! ***

           //////////////////////////////////////// GEnie_QWIK_QUOTE ////
          /  If Napoleon had won the battle of Waterloo, there'd have  /
         /   been one less Abba song.                                 /
        ///////////////////////////////////////////////  T.KRAJNA ////

                 FROM MY DESKTOP /
Notes From The Editor
by Douglas Cuff

               >>> "WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY, AND HE IS US" <<<

     As long as there has been science fiction, there have been warnings 
about how computers will control us or destroy us.  They adjust all data so 
that it fits the database, which is how the average North American ended up 
with 2.3 children.  They blindly follow instructions regardless of context, 
which is why a grammar checker complains about the repetition in the 
opening paragraph of Dickens's _A Tale of Two Cities_.

     Well, relax.  The good news is that computers are not going to 
pigeonhole us into either misery or oblivion.  The bad news is that we 
humans are doing it to ourselves... or, more likely, to one another.  The 
tendency of the computer to reduce everything to ones and zeroes means 
nothing compared to the eagerness with which some of grasp a tool that only 
deals with ones and zeroes.

     For example:  I admit, with some shame, that I use a major credit 
card.  About a year ago, the bank that issued the card gave me the capacity 
to use any convenient telephone to check my last five transactions.  I 
heartily dislike the idea, which strikes me as inviting trouble.  Or hasn't 
anyone at either the bank or the credit company realized that I'm not the 
only one in the world with access to a phone, and therefore with access to 
my last five transactions?

     Here is where I made my mistake:  I called up the bank to get them to 
disable this terrific feature.

     I explained my request and--here's where I went wrong--my potential 
problem to the person on the other end of the phone.  She thought I was 
complaining about a merchant to whom I had unwisely given my credit card 
number.  I rephrased the problem.  She still thought I was complaining 
about a merchant.  I rerephrased the problems.  She thought I was 
complaining about a hypothetical merchant.  Eventually, she passed me on to 
her supervisor.

     Needless to say, I had to start at square one, explaining my concern 
from scratch.  The supervisor thought I was complaining about a merchant.  
So I rephrased the problem.  The supervisor thought I was complaining about 
a merchant....

     "Then said I, Lord, how long?  And he answered, Until the cities be 
wasted without inhabitant, and the houses without man, and the land be 
utterly desolate."  [Isaiah 6:11]

     It took me three different people, almost an hour of my time, and 
more frustration than I care to admit to finally get the message across.  
In the end, I had to raise my voice slightly, interrupt the zombie-like 
speech, and demand, "Listen to me.  Listen to what I am saying."

     The brains of these three people were so used to dealing with maybe 
five basic consumer complaints that they routed all requests into one of 
the five areas.  Now, just possibly the poor drones who answer the phones 
all day can be excused this atrophy of the little grey cells.  Possibly.  
But not their supervisor, and most definitely not the supervisor's 

     In the end, I did convey to the Level 2 supervisor just what the heck 
I wanted.  She clearly thought I was a crank for refusing such a convenient 
service, but she allowed as how she could place what she called a "phone 
block" on my card... meaning that if I wanted to pay my credit card bill, I 
could no longer do it over the phone.

     What's more, she did place that block, and she did it the first time 
I asked for it.  I know for certain that she did it, because all of a 
sudden, merchants were telling me that they couldn't accept my credit card.  
It seems the phone block that prevented others from abusing my credit card 
also prevented certain merchants from accepting my credit card.  
(Incredibly, the alleged professionals who wrote and installed the credit 
card company's software hadn't checked for such a conflict.)  I may be 
flattering myself, but this seems to me to indicate that I was the very 
first person to request a phone block.

     By the time my credit card company straightened out the problem, I 
was well on the way to collecting a second example of how some people are 
good at dealing only with the same scenario, and reject any scenario they 
haven't prepared themselves for.

     My doctor had sent me to a specialist, and that very busy, harried 
specialist, had instructed me to call him if I had certain symptoms before 
our next appointment.  So, like the naif I am, I did call him when the 
feared symptoms grabbed hold of me and shook me like a milkshake.

     The receptionist refused--absolutely refused--to put me through to 
the specialist.  If I was in extreme pain, go to emergency.  If I was not 
in extreme pain, consult my physician.  What I was absolutely not supposed 
to do, according to the receptionist, was bother the specialist.

     Now, I understand that people do make nuisances of themselves, 
wasting the time of an overworked medical specialist when protocol demands 
that a G.P. make a referral.  I would estimate that the receptionist had 
already had to deal with a hundred such nuisances that week.  What troubles 
me is that she was no longer capable of listening.  Anyone who wants to 
turn this into a treatise on overwork--and it's not a bad idea--is invited 
to write his or her own editorial.  I still find it chilling how readily 
people tend to assume that what they're hearing is what they're used to 

     Most data base programmers make the assumptions that the data is 
going to be consistent.  Real life isn't consistent.  It's not merely that 
humans aren't consistent, it's that what happens to humans is not 
consistent.  Any program that forces you to fit the environment to the 
computer, rather than the other way around, is a third-rate program.

     The widespread use of computers in today's work-world isn't the 
problem.  It's just the symptom.


     Last month, I tipped you off that you could use Lynx to read Usenet 
newsgroup such as comp.sys.apple2, merely by visiting the links on Nathan 
Mates's home page.  Well, you can, and it's a fairly non-threatening way of 
doing it, too.

     However, for those of you who want to read comp.sys.apple2 without 
bothering Nathan, it's quite simple.  Just press G to go to a specific 
place, and instead of typing something that begins with "http://", just 


and you'll be taken to comp.sys.apple2.  It will also work with other 
newsgroups, such as comp.sys.apple2.comm, comp.sys.apple2.gno, 
comp.sys.apple2.marketplace, comp.sys.apple2.programmer, 
comp.sys.apple2.usergroups, comp.binaries.apple2, comp.sources.apple2, and 

-- Doug Cuff

GEnie Mail:  EDITOR.A2                       Internet:  editor.a2@genie.com

       |                                                          |
       |                   REPRINTING GEnieLamp                   |
       |                                                          |
       |   If you want to reprint any part of GEnieLamp, or       |
       |   post it to a bulletin board, please see the very end   |
       |   of this file for instructions and limitations.         |

                                                           ASCII ART BEGINS

     _____ ______       _      _                              ___  ___  
    / ____|  ____|     (_)    | |                            / _ \|__ \ 
   | |  __| |__   _ __  _  ___| |     __ _ _ __ ___  _ __   | |_| |  ) |
   | | |_ |  __| | '_ \| |/ _ \ |    / _` | '_ ` _ \| '_ \  |  _  | / / 
   | |__| | |____| | | | |  __/ |___| (_| | | | | | | |_) | | | | |/ /_ 
    \_____|______|_| |_|_|\___|______\__,_|_| |_| |_| .__/  |_| |_|____|
                                                    | |                 

                                                             ASCII ART ENDS

              HEY MISTER POSTMAN /
Is That A Letter For Me?
by Douglas Cuff


          o A2 POT-POURRI

                    o HOT TOPICS

                         o WHAT'S NEW

                              o THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE

                                   o MESSAGE SPOTLIGHT

                     >>> BULLETIN BOARD HOT SPOTS <<<

     [*] CAT2, TOP10 ................... Supporting Brutal Deluxe
     [*] CAT3, TOP25 ................... The Finder Patch
     [*] CAT8, TOP25 ................... Point of sale software
     [*] CAT44, TOP2 ................... KansasFest

                           >>> A2 POT-POURRI <<<

LEGAL SOURCE OF STAR TREK SOUNDS   Regarding the Star Trek sounds.  A
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   couple of years ago (Sept/Oct 93 to be 
specific), Bill Moore (of GS+) coordinated with Sound Source and converted 
the Star Trek sounds into IIgs format.  So, call "Sound Source" at 
800-877-4778 or 805-494-9996 and ask for their Star Trek and/or Terminator 
2 sounds for the Apple IIgs. They cost $24.95 each, or $39.95 for both. 
(from the Sept-Oct/93 GS+ magazine). They come in a 3 disk set, ready to 
play on the IIgs!

      Wayne Sheffield  (Be patient.  God isn't finished with me yet!)
                 (W.SHEFFIELD, CAT31, TOP5, MSG:60/M645;1)

<<<<<   Yes, it's legal.  They licensed them for this purpose
     Since you asked for the sounds on the set, here goes:  Star Trek, 
"The Logical Collection" (rSoundSample Names) (sounds are separated by a 

     Alien Beam 1;
     Alien Button 1;
     Aye, Captain;
     Bridge Button 1;
     Bridge Button 3;
     Bridge Button 4;
     Bridge Button 5;
     Bridge Button 6;
     Bridge Buttons 7A;
     Bridge Click;
     Bridge Power Up;
     Bridge to Captain;
     Bulkhead Door;
     Button Sequence 1;
     Button Sequence 2;
     Button Sequence 3;
     Computing Now, Captain;
     Did It Work?;
     Disengage Computer Now!;
     Dramatic Cue 1;
     Dramatic Cue 2;
     Dramatic Cue 7;
     Energize 1;
     Energize 2;
     Energy Field;
     Female Computer;
     Great Curiousity;
     Hail Whistle;
     He's Dead Jim;
     His Brain is Gone;
     I Can't Explain it, Captain;
     I suggest you study this;
     I'm a Doctor;
     It Will Never Work!;
     It's Gone, Sir;
     Leave That Alone;
     Main Phasers Firing;
     Main Theme;
     Maximum Warp;
     Nothing, Sir;
     Phasers 1;
     Photon Torpedo 2;
     Quickly, Captain!;
     Red Alert;
     Sick Bay 1;
     Standing By, Captain;
     Suspense Cue 1; That sir, is illogical;
     The Ultimate Computer;
     Theme Cue 1;
     Time Portal;
     View Screen 1;
     Vulcans Never Bluff;
     What have you done;
     Where are you going;
     You Are Relieved;
     You Earth People;
     Your logic can be.

     FYI, this is how they did it.  They secured the original soundtrack 
magnetic tape reels from Paramount Pictures, and converted them to Digital 
Audio Tape (DAT).  From there, they converted/editted selected sound 
effects into digital code.

     Wayne Sheffield  (Be patient.  God isn't finished with me yet!)
                 (W.SHEFFIELD, CAT31, TOP5, MSG:64/M645;1)

RUMOR:  AOL HELPS VIRUS   Just a little note on the lighter side,
     I just received notification through Air Force channels, that the 
recently mailed AOL disk was distributed with the BUPT virus on board.  Way 
to go AOL.  One more good reason to stick with the Apple.

Dave C.
                  (D.CORKUM, CAT2, TOP4, MSG:129/M645;1)

DEADEYE DRIVES   Hehehe, that reminds me of an incident that happened to me 
""""""""""""""   back when I was still working at Softdisk.

     A year or so ago, we discovered a very serious bug after we'd 
mastered and duplicated an issue, but before it had been mailed out.  
Unfortunately, due to the schedules of some of the larger Softdisk 
products, we couldn't reduplicate with the big automatic machines, so we 
had to resort to the old manual disk duplicators (two drives, can duplicate 
two disks at a time, manual eject button, have to be hand fed).

     Several people split up the long process of reduplicating all the 
Softdisk G-S disks with these old machines, and I did my part as well.  I 
had a couple of disk duplicators sitting on my desk, hooked up to a spare 
power strip (on the floor).  Unfortunately, one of the duplicators had an 
especially strong ejection spring, which shot disks out like toast.

     A one in a million shot:  I pressed the ejection button, the disk 
ejected (but I missed stopping it), it flew into a perfect arc down onto 
the power strip, hitting the button at just the right angle to shut off the 
duplicating machines.

     Fortunately I didn't hook my computers up to the same power strip! :)

-G.T. Barnabas
                  (BARNABAS, CAT44, TOP2, MSG:188/M645;1)

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   > management to
> have 15% of their sales for a computer platform and EXPECT to start
> losing money next year (and perhaps someone can explain how you can LOSE
> money selling products at a profit, even if it is only .001% of your
> total sales).

     Actually it takes bad management to concentrate on that 15%.  If you 
do, you'll be out of business quicker than you can sneeze.  In order to 
survive in the business world, you have to look for opportunity.  I think 
the Ferrengi have something in the rules of acquisition about that.  In 
order for QC to continue to support the Apple II, Quality must first 
survive and thrive.  Otherwise, the alternative is that we're not here.  
Time marches on, the world changes and QC must react to those changes.

     The good news is that QC at no time even considered dropping any of 
its popular products.  Appleworks, timeout, Six Pack, System 6, Q drives, 
Memory cards and many third party educational products we have.  We did 
drop products that did not sell.  These were not a personal thing.  We 
needed the space for that other 85% of our business.   In business, you 
learn about a dollar per foot formula that calculates just how much space 
you can spend on a product.  If we don't have a product, just call us or 
email me.  I'll tell you where to find it or at least give you a good path 
to where to get whatever it is you're looking for.

     We still support the Apple II on our telephones, here on Genie, 
Eworld, the internet, America Online and there are Apple II sections on 

> Is Quality going to drop A2 items as soon as they begin to "lose" money
> on them? If you asked me two years ago, I would have said "no." But this
> is the New QC, the one that has broken promise after promise within the
> past two years.

     Please feel free to list the promises and I'll be glad to answer 
them.  However, I cannot answer something this vague.  I understand you're 
upset, but every customer, including the Apple II customer is important to 

> You have to actively search for subscribers (and customers) if you expect
> to succeed. QC charged a premium price for a magazine that was always
> late, started shrinking after the 3rd issue, and was not even able to be
> subscribed to, as the telephone sales staff repeatedly told potential
> subscribers that it was folding -- for the past six months

     Uncle!  We learned one important lesson.  Never try to handle a 
subscription base the size of II Alive if it's not your primary business.  
We just didn't have the knowledge, the time, and the resources to continue 
with II Alive and I personally will miss the fun I had writing for it.  
There still is a Woz interview coming up in a future issue:)

> They have yet to print anything other than a press release about why
> anyone might want a Second Sight card.

     This is mostly because the second sight card is late.  We don't have 
it yet.  AppleWorks GS tought us to wait and see something before we go 
right ahead and market it.  When it's released, I'm sure it will have 
plenty of space.  After all, it's a neat thing that frees you from the 
shackles of the IIGS monitor.

> Sales of Appleworks 5 disappointing? Perhaps because there was never a
> convincing reason for people like me to update to it. I use AW3.0 about
> four times per year and have never felt limited. 

     I too used Appleworks 3 since the first day it came out.  I bought 
Appleworks GS before I had a GS.  Then I got AppleWorks 4 when it was 
Quadriga and Appleworks 5 when it was Narnia.  You never truly know what 
it's like on the mountain until you leave the valley.  Trust me, without 
Appleworks 5, you're missing a lot.
                  (QUALITY, CAT42, TOP10, MSG:303/M645;1)

FREE IIC UPGRADE DISAPPEARS   Some bad news in IIc land, I'm afraid.  My
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""   local dealer (Albany, NY) showed me a msg 
from Cupertino - Apple will no longer do the //c logic board swap for free, 
effective May 3, 1995.

     I'm now sitting with a ROM 01 //c and not happy, but I encourage 
people to appreciate the length of time that Apple _did_ support this free 
upgrade.  I have had 4 //c's upgraded over the years for free  over a 8-9 
year period.  Pretty good service.  The free lunch had to end sometime :(

Dave H.
                 (D.HUGGINS1, CAT26, TOP3, MSG:61/M645;1)

PATCHES FOR PC TRANSPORTER   I thought some of you PCT users might be 
""""""""""""""""""""""""""   interested in some of my latest patches to the 
PCT software.  Note:  These have only been tested a little.  Use at your 
own risk.  Let me know what you think.  These are only good for PCT 
software version 2.0.4 or 2.0.5.  As many of you know there is really no 
difference between the two.  Just different versions of ProDOS to fix clock 
problems.  Just Preferred Computing (what an arrogant name, I don't prefer 
them!) and AE were not honest about this.  I'm glad they are gone!  
Perferred did not offer to give me my money back, BTW.

     All patches are applied to the file AEPC.SYSTEM.  You will need a 
block editor that will follow files and show you the position relative to 
the beginning of the file.

     This first patch was listed earlier but I thought I'd post it again.  
It makes the PCT control panel show up in bright text.  Great for those dim 

Start at Byte      Bytes there
                   Replace with

$1bba:             07

     Short patch, eh?

     The next two patches are great for GS users with extended keyboards.

     This patch resets the keyboard lights on exit.  So that your Scroll 
Lock, Num Lock, and Caps Lock lights, if on at exit, will not stay on when 
you leave the PCT software.  This patch simply intercepts the exit routine 
and makes a call within the PCT software that tells it to clear all the 
keyboard lights.  I have a init for caps lock light for ROM 01 GS users 
that I hope to release in the near future that is PCT aware.  If you've 
ever tried other caps lock inits they tend to goof up the scroll lock and 
num lock lights, mine does not.  My init is also fast in that it will not 
interfere with Apple ][ telecom programs.  Encourage me!

$80                D5 46
                   60 5c
$3c60              00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
                   a9 00 8d 88 32 3a 8d 89 32 20 64 32 4c 5d 46

     This final patch swaps the function of the Open-Apple (Command) and 
Solid (Option) keys on the keyboard.  Although this patch can be used by GS 
users without an extended keyboard.  Its usefulness comes in the fact that 
(at least my) extended keyboard's option key is also labeled "ALT".  The 
PCT used the Open-Apple key for the ALT key.  This patch fixes this. It 
also offers the change in the labeling of the keyboard layout map in the 
PCT control panel.  I wish I could edit it to show a real extended 

$1244              04
$1248              08
$1707              04
$170b              08

     This part of the patch is only needed if you want the keyboard map 
labeling changed.

$725c              53 6f 6c 69 64 2d 41 70 70 6c 65 20 28 4f 50 54 49 4f
change to...       4f 70 65 6e 2d 41 70 70 6c 65 20 28 43 4f 4d 4d 41 4e

     If there are any other patches you would like to suggest I'd like to 
hear them.  I don't know if I can do all of them though, but I might give 
it a try.  One I'd like to see is the PC time syncing with secs. from the 
GS side.  However that would requiring fixing the clock driver on the PC 
side and I don't know if I can pull that off!  Currently the PCT gets the 
time with a ProDOS GET_TIME call.  This only supports Year, month, date, 
hours, and minutes, no seconds!

Happy PCing!
                  (G.TOLAR, CAT14, TOP12, MSG:342/M645;1)

MAC SERVER?  YOU DON'T NEED ANY STINKIN'...   I can't help but mention that 
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   you do _NOT_ need a Mac to 
function as a server for this purpose.  A programmer can program a GS to 
act as a special server to process the specific functions of your point of 
sale application.

     I say this with certainty because I know someone who had created a 
professional, custom, networked database entirely of GSes using nothing but 
AppleTalk connections!  (It was highly impressive.)  He wrote the program 
in two parts:  clients, and a server.  The server collected data from the 
clients and generated reports.  The clients queried the workers for sales 
information.  Like I said, it was a custom application and could not be 
repurposed without considerable reprogramming.

                  (ANIMASIA, CAT8, TOP25, MSG:12/M645;1)

TRANSWARP IIE HELP   I recently got a transwarp for my //e also.  No 
""""""""""""""""""   manual.  Someone sent me some nice instructions for 
how to set the two switch groups.  But the thing still drops into the 
monitor if I try to boot from the hard disk  (set in slot 7).  Is there 
something I haveto do different if uI use the hard drive. If I take it out 
the Transwarp works good. But with the HD (some kind of off brand mac drive 
SCSI) it crashes.  If I try to boot slot 6 or 5 after doing a 
control-reset, the prodos screen comes up, them the computer freezes.  So 
what gives?
                  (B.BAKER22, CAT14, TOP7, MSG:94/M645;1)

>>>>>   I wouldn't know unless you told me your setup.  But let's save some
"""""   time.  Here are all the details you'll probably need.

     You can put the TW card in slot 3 (yes, finally a use for slot 3!)

     Block 1 is for Memory cards, of the bank switch type.  If you have 
any of these kind of cards in a slot (rare) OPEN that switch (push it 
down).  If you use a RamWorks in the aux slot (and if you don't, get one!) 
the TW will accelerate all programs in memory :)  Switch 8 on both blocks 1 
and 2 should be OPEN for full TW speed (leave them there).

     Block 2 is for peripheral cards, and here is where the fun begins.  
Switches 1 to 7 correspond to your slots.  Any empty slots (no cards) 
should be CLOSED.  Slot 3 (where the TW should be) should be CLOSED.

     If you have a serial interface card (like a Super Serial card for 
printer or modem), that slot should be OPEN.  Parallel interface cards can 
be CLOSED for maximium speed.  Your SCSI Hard Drive slot (7) should be 
CLOSED for maximum speed.  Do you have an Apple Hi Speed SCSI card?

     I ran this configuration with DMA on and had no problems until I 
added a PCTransporter card.  Then I had to turm DMA on the SCSI card OFF.  
That may be your problem, since the TW uses it's own DMA.

     You can change speeds (for games, etc) by running these simple basic 

     First, make a subdirectory named SPEED.

     Get into BASIC and make the following programs -

          10 REM START 1 MHZ SPEED
          20 POKE 49268,1
          30 END

     LIST the input to make sure it is okay, and then save it as START.1MHZ

     Then make this one -

          10 REM START 3 MHZ SPEED
          20 POKE 49268,0
          30 END

     Save as START.3MHZ

     You can also make this one, if you feel you will ever need it.  Just 
remember that if you use this, you will have to ReBoot to get the TW back 
into operation.

          20 POKE 49268,3
          30 END

     Save as DISBLE.TW

     Now you should have these 3 basic programs under /H?/SPEED/ 
available- (Where /H? is the name of your HD Partition.)


Simply run the desired choice, and there you go!

                 (R.PASOLD, CAT14, TOP7, MSG:95-96/M645;1)

THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND...   I had some fun at the office today - we had 
""""""""""""""""""""""""""   open house for 72 new staff workers, and I 
left my //e running on my desk with a large banner on the screen which said 
"Apple II Forever!"

     Quite a few people were surprised to see an "ancient" computer, and 
they were even more amazed to find out all the "stuff" it's hooked to 
(accelerator, internal HD, scanner, laser printer, VAX mainframe, high 
speed modem), but what really blew their minds was seeing a printed 
brochure done on it.  One guy even took a copy just to show others.  "No 
one is going to believe this was done on an Apple //e!" he said over and 
over - and not just to me - to everyone he met.  :)

   |     Terrell Smith
   |       tsmith@ivcfnsc.fullfeed.com
                  (T.SMITH59, CAT2, TOP7, MSG:125/M645;1)

VT100 ON AN APPLE II PLUS   What Bill said.  Modem MGR has a VT-220
"""""""""""""""""""""""""   emulation, which (according to the manual) 
encompasses VT100 and VT-52 as well.

     Modem MGR is a SOLID, very powerful telecom program for the II+.  It 
literally has no competition in this market.

     It's $50 from:

          MGR Software
          Suite 101
          305 So. State College Blvd.
          Anaheim, CA 92806

     They take plastic.

                   (A2.TOMZ, CAT7, TOP16, MSG:78/M645;1)

                            >>> HOT TOPICS <<<

BRUTAL DELUXE AND "SYSTEM 6.0.2"   I've explained my position to Joe (who 
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""   is "shocked" and "appalled" at me, which 
is of course his right :).  I'll stick to my opinion, though:  I have no 
intention of installing the Brutal Deluxe "System 6.0.2 update," (those 
quotes are there for a reason, folks), and I will not go out of my way to 
support it in any software I write.  Period.

     That's my feeling on it; let's talk about something more fun now. :)

[Team PPCPro]
                   (SHEPPY, CAT9, TOP7, MSG:273/M645;1)

>>>>>   To be fair, Brutal Deluxe has openly invited any able programmers
"""""   to help them with the system software update.  If they can put 
together a series of patches (or a single large patch program, however they 
plan on doing it) to improve upon 6.0.1, then more power to them.  But 
these patches must not change any of the functionality of 6.0.1. If there 
are new features added, it will be up to individual software writers to use 
them or not (much like the new features that were added in 6.0.1.)  If a 
new piece of software requires the Brutal Deluxe update, it should ship 
with the patch program since this will obviously not be an official Apple 
Comp. update.

     Whether their update is "official" or not is irrelevant.  If it works 
and it's useful, people will use it.  There have been quite a few 
unofficial patches that have been endorsed by the Apple IIgs community.  
FixFontMgr is a good example.  It is included in the latest version of 
Pointless, and many people consider it a mandatory patch.  II Scroll is 
unofficial but it's so darned useful that many people can't live without 
it.  If Brutal Deluxe can create more of these types of improvements, 
that's great.

 - Tony Ward
                  (A2.TONY, CAT2, TOP10, MSG: 41/M645;1)

>>>>>   Log me in as one more very-experienced GS programmer, and one who
"""""   has done a lot of low-level work, who wouldn't trust Brutal Deluxe 
to rewrite an OS.

     I feel so strongly about this, I might design code to NOT work under 
it.  Let me hasten to add that there are programmers here I would trust to 
do such a project.  The BD folks just aren't in that lot.

     A lot of these European programs don't even work right between ROM 
01's and ROM 3's.  That speaks volumes to me about the kind of programming 
underlying it all.

     Also, I distrust many of these programs that mess illegally with my 
Battery RAM.  Quite simply, I don't see the right kind of mindset in these 
types of programmers to do an OS properly, and I don't want a poorly-done 
OS to kill the GS market by dividing it between the "good OS" and "new OS" 

     I've written SEVERAL bug-patches for the GS (I've lost count of the 
exact number; many of them were done at Softdisk, of course, but some were 
done before that).  I don't have problems with bug-patch add-ons, but 
presuming to rewrite the OS is quite a different matter.  Also, I know how 
much time and effort _I_ go to to make my patch programs 100% compatible; 
it's exhaustive and methodical work.  I haven't seen that kind of work 
ethic in many other programmers.

-Greg Templeman
                  (BARNABAS, CAT2, TOP10, MSG:43/M645;1)

>>>>>   A few months ago, Brutal Deluxe proposed a group programming
"""""   project that would identify bugs in System 6.0.1 and fix those 

     They specifically asked for assistance.  They stated that they needed 
help in identifying the existing problems, and they solicited other 
programmers to join in on the project.

     I think that if people have concerns about Brutal Deluxe's proposed 
project that they should get in touch with Brutal Deluxe directly, and 
either offer to get involved in the project, offer constructive criticisms 
of their programming skills, or explain to them why their proposed project 
might be ill conceived or unfeasible.

     The only programmer I've spoken to recently about the proposed Brutal 
Deluxe project was most vehemently opposed to any Brutal Deluxe meddling 
with system software, but was equally vehement about not contacting them to 
explain why.  And, that frustrated me, as I'd rather see the lines of 
communication opened up.

     That's my 2 cents....

                  (JOE.KOHN, CAT2, TOP7, MSG:109/M645;1)

KANSASFEST IS COMING   This is an official KFest '95 WARNING!!!
     We are limited to 80 beds (that's 40 rooms) in the dorms at Avila.  
We now have registrations for 62 of those beds.

     If you've been holding off sending in your registration because you 
are waiting for snow in Phoenix or some other miracle, you had better quit 
waiting and get in touch with PMP (Paul Parkhurst) as soon as possible.

     After we reach dorm capacity, you may still register to attend KFest 
'95, but you will need to make your own arrangements to stay in a motel.

     Full registration information may be found in the first message of 
this topic.

     Be there!  July 27-29!!

                 (C.ADAMS11, CAT44, TOP2, MSG:215/M645;1)

>>>>>   In Topic 2, there is some discussion about the Kansas City airport.
"""""   I'm not a resident of the city, but in looking at my city map it 
appears that there are two ways to get from the Kansas City International 
Airport (KCI) to the college.

     1.  Exit through the main gate (Cookingham Drive) onto Interstate 29 
heading south.  Take I-29 into the city.  It will merge with I-35; continue 
south until it connects with I-70.  Take I-70 east to the junction with 
I-435.  Take I-435 south to exit 75A (Wornall Rd.).  Follow Wornall south. 
Avila College is on the left a little ways down.

     2.  Exit through the main gate (Cookingham Drive) onto Interstate 29 
heading south.  At highway 152, exit west.  It appears to be a four lane, 
limited access highway.  Follow 152 west to I-435.  Take I-435 south and 
follow it around until it reaches Wornall Rd from the west.  Then exit to 
the college.  This appears to be a longer route, but it MAY be less 
crowded.  If you take this route, you will pass through Overland Park, 

                 (A2.CHARLIE, CAT44, TOP3, MSG:21/M645;1)

>>>>>   |>
"""""   |\oute #2 is how I've usually gotten from the airport to Avila.  
It's very difficult to make a wrong turn or get lost on.  Not that I've 
ever actually driven in Kansas City, myself...  But still, this year I'm 
planning on renting a car and driving from the airport, and I bet I could 
get to Avila via route #2 without even looking at a map.

                                                        -= Lunatic     (: 
                 (A2.LUNATIC, CAT44, TOP3, MSG:22/M645;1)

>>>>>   I agree 100% with Luny, Route #2 is =the= way to go.  Route #1 is
"""""   probably a few miles shorter, but takes you through a real 
spaghetti-pile rat's-nest of heavy-traffic intersections and lane changes.  
Route #2, OTOH, is a straight shot with no changes and has less dense 

                   (A2.TOMZ, CAT44, TOP3, MSG:23/M645;1)

>>>>>   I should have included a 3rd route in my list. Thanks, Carl

     (3) Exit the airport, go under I-29 and follow Highway 291 to the 
interchange at I-435.  Take the first ramp onto I-435.  Follow I-435 around 
the east side of Kansas City until you get to Wornall Rd.  Follow Wornall 
Rd. south to the college.

     It appears from the discussion that route #1 (through downtown Kansas 
City) is a bad idea. ;)

                 (A2.CHARLIE, CAT44, TOP3, MSG:29/M645;1)

>>>>>   I know some are likely to call this nit-picking, however anyone
"""""   that actually goes to "KCI" will be very disappointed when they 
find that KFest is not in Kono, Indonesia  B-)>

The airport code for Kansas City International airport (the airport you 
WILL arrive at if you fly) is MCI. --  HangTime [PT Powered]  B-)>
                  (HANGTIME, CAT44, TOP2, MSG:227/M645;1)

>>>>>   Here's some additional information about Kansas City hotels.  This
"""""   builds on the information that Cindy had previously posted.

     I was able to get prices (__single__ rate) for most of the hotels 
listed below.  The exception(s) were the Marriott hotels.  When I called, 
their local reservation person was gone for the evening and I couldn't get 
through on the 1-800 reservation line (it was busy).  The 24-hour 
reservation line for the Marriott hotels is 1-800-229-9290.

     Please use the prices listed below as a __guideline__ for comparison. 
 Your actual mileage may vary :)

     Kansas City Motels near Avila College (from the AAA Book)

     Courtyard by Marriott  816-941-3333
     500 E. 105th St., Kansas City, MO  64131
     (I-435 and Holmes St)

     Best Western Hallmark Inn   913-383-2550
     7000 W. 108th St., Overland Park, KS  66211
     (I-435 and Metcalf)
     [$62, free local calls, phone jack available]

     Clubhouse Inn - Overland Park   913-648-5555
     10610 Marty, Overland Park, KS  66212
     (I-435 and Metcalf)
     [$75, free local calls, phone jack available]

     Courtyard by Marriott   913-339-9900
     11301 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66212
     (I-435 and Metcalf)

     Drury Inn - Overland Park   913-345-1500
     10951 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66210
     (I-435 and Metcalf)
     [$69, free local calls, phone jack available]

     Embassy Suites - Overland Park  913-649-7060
     10601 Metcalf,  Overland Park, KS 66212
     (I-435 and Metcalf)
     [$119, local calls are $0.75 each, phone jack available]

     Fairfield Inn - Overland Park   913-381-5700
     4401 W. 107th, Overland Park, KS 66207
     (I-435 and Roe)
     [$53, free local calls, phone jack available]

     Hampton Inn - Overland Park   913-341-1551
     10591 Metcalf E. Frontage Rd, Overland Park, KS 66212
     (I-435 and Metcalf)
     [$66, free local calls, phone jack available]

     Overland Park Marriott   913-451-8000
     10800 Metcalf, Overland Park, KS 66210
     (I-435 and Metcalf)

     Red Roof Inn - Overland Park   913-341-0100
     6800 W. 108th St., Overland Park, KS 66211
     (I-435 and Metcalf)
     [$43/50, free local calls, phone jack available]

     >>>> new entry to list <<<<
     Motel 6 - Kansas City - Lenexa, KS (Southwest) 913-541-8558
     9725 Lenexa Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215
     (I-35 @ 95th St. Exit 224) -- NE corner of I-435 & I-35
     $33.14 (including tax), free local calls, phone jack avail
                 (E.WAGNER10, CAT44, TOP2, MSG:236/M645;1)

                            >>> WHAT'S NEW <<<

     (San Rafael, CA. June 7, 1995)  Shareware Solutions II, a general 
interest bi-monthly newsletter devoted to the Apple II computer, is pleased 
to announce that it is now the exclusive distributor of "The A+ Home 

     Created by Dr Cynthia Field, "The A+ Home Organizer" is a collection 
of AppleWorks GS templates designed to assist you in organizing your 
personal and family information.  There's a credit card registry, a 
personal balance sheet that allows you to create a statement of net worth, 
several mortgage related templates that will help you through the maze of 
refinancing your home, a vacation planner, a template to create address 
labels, a template that lets you enter information about friends and family 
and that serves as a reminder for important dates, a medical authorization 
form, a home inventory worksheet, and a template that tracks the details of 
your financial life.  All documentation is provided on disk.

     Originally available through inCider/A+ Magazine for $29.95, 
Shareware Solutions II is making "The A+ Home Organizer" available for only 
$5.  There are no additional charges for shipping and handling, and air 
mail delivery to anywhere in the world is included as part of the $5 cost.  
Despite its low cost, "The A+ Home Organizer" is not freeware, shareware or 
public domain; it is professionally created commercial software for the 
Apple IIGS.

     In order to use these templates, you MUST own AppleWorks GS.

     Shareware Solutions II can accept checks or money orders, in US 
dollars (or drawn on a US account) and made payable to "Joe Kohn."  Sorry, 
but no credit cards or school purchase orders can be accepted.

Joe Kohn
c/o Shareware Solutions II
166 Alpine Street
San Rafael, CA 94901-1008
                  (JOE.KOHN, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:40/M645;1)

                       >>> THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE <<<

SCRIPT-CENTRAL BACK ISSUES   I've dropped a few hints concerning a few of 
""""""""""""""""""""""""""   the projects that Shareware Solutions II has 
on tap...

     HangTime has secured the copyrights to the excellent HyperCard based 
Script-Central magazine-on-disk that he edited/created for ICON.  HangTime 
and I have reached an agreement for Shareware Solutions II to distribute 
those, once again.

     There's a lot that needs to be done before all those back issues will 
become available once again.  In no particular order....

     1) We need to set a price for each issue and we need to determine a 
price for the entire collection.

     2) I need to go through all 20+ issues and re-acquaint myself with 
them in order to be able to describe what's contained on each issue.

     3) I do not yet have a complete set of disks.

     So, in the midst of preparing the next issue of SSII, I have some 
other time consuming tasks.  I imagine that we'll be able to set an 
equitable price in the next few weeks, so that should be included in the 
next issue.

     I'd just thought you'd want to know...

Joe Kohn
                  (JOE.KOHN, CAT28, TOP4, MSG:348/M645;1)

IIGS MS-DOS UTILITIES   Recently I spoke via internet mail with Peter 
"""""""""""""""""""""   Watson.  One of the things I asked was if he 
planned on releasing a "desktop version" of his MSDOS Utilities.  Here is 
his reply:

          Re: The "desktop version".  I have started designing it, 
       but time is a real issue.  It will probably be an NDA, which 
       means I won't try to implement some of the bells and whistles 
       that would be easy in a full application.  On the other hand, 
       you will be able to transfer files from within any other 
       application, which is as close as we're going to get to a 
       "real" MSDOS FST. 

     I have no idea when it might be available, but he _is_ working on it!

Internet: WEL378@prb.mhs.compuserve.com
                   (M.WELTE, CAT9, TOP17, MSG:51/M645;1)

UPDATED SUPERCONVERT   Our goal is to have it finished by KansasFest.  
""""""""""""""""""""   Don't know how much [it will cost] yet.  We'll 
announce complete details here as soon as SC is ready.
                 (SEVENHILLS, CAT43, TOP5, MSG:217/M645;1)

STATE OF FAXINATION   As near as I can tell, we have one problem where the 
"""""""""""""""""""   program sometimes doesn't know that it's supposed to 
turn on the Print Manager; one where the Finder is doing screen updates and 
we have a Resource Manager bug; and one where a certain model of Zoom modem 
doesn't handle the ends of pages the same way that everybody else does, and 
therefore FAXination quits after sending one page. 

     Most of our users seem to be pretty happy with the last version 
(v0.1.6) so I'll release another after I check out the fixes for the 
problems mentioned above.  Then there are a couple of features that need to 
be added, and a couple of suggestions on making things a bit easier to deal 
with, and I will finally be able to declare Version 1.0!

     Yes, fax software is a *colossal* pain, but where would the fun be if 
it was easy? :)  Have I mentioned today that I hate modems?

Da Programmer
                 (S.MCQUEEN1, CAT40, TOP2, MSG:276/M645;1)

                         >>> MESSAGE SPOTLIGHT <<<

Category 9,  Topic 6
Message 100       Sat Jun 03, 1995
M.EWEN [Michael E]           at 01:44 EDT
     Yesterday at about 6:30 I posted a message in A2 about the problems I 
was having with accessing my P8 programs.  It turns out that the problem 
was my RamFast mapping.  Everything is back to normal and I am ever so 
grateful for all the help.  In my desperation I also posted the same 
message on Usenet.comp.sys.apple2.   In A2 I had 3 suggestions within a 
couple of hours and a solution within 24 hours.  On the famous Intenet I 
had not responses with the first 24 hours, none.  Now if I ever needed 
(which I don't) any encouragement to stay on GEnie I just got it.  To me it 
makes very short work of the discussion in Usenet.comp.sys.apple2 about the 
costs and usefulness of GEnie.  Once again thanks to all.

Michael E.
Delivered by:
Spectrum 2.0/CoPilot v2.55


    While on GEnie,  do  you spend most of your time  downloading files?
If so, you may be missing out some excellent information in the Bulletin
Board  area.   The messages  listed above  only scratch  the surface  of
what's available and waiting for you in the bulletin board area.

    If you are serious about your Apple II, the GEnieLamp staff strongly
urge  you to give the  bulletin board area a try.   There are  literally
thousands  of messages  posted  from people  like you from  all over the

                    HUMOR ONLINE /
Fun and Games on GEnie

   Microsoft Announces New CD-ROM Software to Aid Consumers In Suing MS

(REDMOND)  In an effort to make it easier for computer users everywhere to 
file a law suit against itself, Microsoft Corporation today announced 
Microsoft Litigation '95, a multimedia reference library complete with 139 
frequently used legal writs, briefs, templates and forms which are 
accessible from within other programs with a single click.

     With this handy tool, a user will be able to combine elements of the 
popular Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office Professional desktop 
productivity suites in conjunction with the Litigation '95 CD-ROM package 
to quickly and efficiently bring suit against Microsoft for a variety of 
reasons, whether legitimate or frivolous.

     What is new this year:

Litigation Builder   Located on the QuickSuit information retrieval 
""""""""""""""""""   toolbar, Litigation Builder provides instant access to 
an enormous variety of case law and civil code from within any program on 
the Windows platform.

Suit Wizards (tm)   Suit Wizards (tm) guide the user through the many mazes 
"""""""""""""""""   of 'legalese' required to bring suit against Microsoft, 
whether in city, county, state, Federal, Appellate, or Supreme Court.  
Localized versions of Litigation '95 will provide for the equivalent of 
lawsuits in any nation's format.

Year in Review   The Year in Review section highlights lawsuits, findings, 
""""""""""""""   settlements and other legal events of the past year which 
affect Microsoft, including the Justice Department suit, Judge Sporkin's 
refusal to approve the settlement and the Stacker suit.

All New Forms   View more than 650 legal templates and forms from around 
"""""""""""""   the world, 930 country-specific case law findings, and 180 
bar associations.  Also click a Latin legal term to hear it pronounced.  
Nothing could make it easier for a non-lawyer to bring suit against 

More Multimedia Elements   Litigation '95 contains all new video for a 
""""""""""""""""""""""""   total of 45 clips, 150 new audio clips for a 
total of five hours of sound, and 550 new images for a total of 3,000 
pictures.  The law dictionary contains more than 80,000 spoken 
pronunciations (the feature can be turned off if desired).

                     CONNECTIONS /
Online Thoughts
by Al Fasoldt

                >>> VIRTUALLY REAL, AND REALLY VIRTUAL <<<
          Copyright (c) 1995 By Al Fasoldt.  All rights reserved.
     I was adjusting the sound level of my virtual CD player the other day 
when I suddenly realized how strange this act would have seemed a few years 

     But "virtual" is the buzzword of the mid-'90s for computer users, so 
no one who has mastered a modern personal computer is likely to find 
anything strange in what I was doing.

     I turned a knob in the middle of my computer screen.  Not a real 
knob, of course -- that would really have messed up the display when I was 
doing my word processing.  It was a virtual knob.

     Then I pushed the "pause" button when the phone rang.  It isn't a 
real button, mind you.  I mean, it _is_ a real button, since it does a real 
thing -- it puts the CD player on pause.  But it's not a real button, if 
you know what I mean.

     Don't feel bad.  Sometimes I don't know what I mean or what others 
mean, either, when talk comes around to the latest virtual machines.  I 
don't know of any other term for them.

     They're all around us when we use personal computers.

     You're told to click on a window.  It's not a window, of course.  
It's a virtual window.  And you're told to press a button.  It's really a 
picture of a button.

     Things can get complicated fast.  In our standard PC setup at the 
newspaper where I train journalists in the new technologies of our trade, 
reporters click on a typewriter to start up their word processor.  It's not 
a typewriter, of course.  It's not even a picture of a typewriter, if you 
are thinking along the virtual reality path.  It's a picture of a virtual 

     And so I have my virtual CD player.  The controls look just like the 
knobs and buttons on the Technics CD player that sits on the shelf beside 
my computer, but it's a lot more fun to use.  Any time I want to listen to 
a compact disc, I can just slide the disc into my CD-ROM drive and put my 
virtual player on the screen.

     I can even slide the virtual player out of the way if I'm doing 
something else.  It sure beats trying to lug my Technics around.

     What this means to the non-virtual CD-player business is anybody's 
guess.  I know typewriters all but disappeared when word processors and 
cheap computer printers took over.  Sure, you need a computer if you want 
to use a virtual CD player, but that's no problem; every office has 
computers, and maybe 40 percent of all homes do, too.

     Computers can be turned into virtual telephones, too.  And virtual 
TVs.  I guy I know has a virtual stereo FM receiver on his computer screen.

     One of my friends made a big discovery in the area of virtuality the 
other day.  He found a virtual keyboard on his computer screen.  It comes 
with Microsoft Windows.  If you press a virtual key on this virtual 
keyboard you get a virtual letter on the screen, I suppose.  It would have 
been a lot easier for him to press the real letter on the real keyboard, 
but it wouldn't have been, well, virtual.

     And it wouldn't have been as much fun.

               ASCII ART GALLERY /
Summer Garden
by Susie Oviatt

                                                           ASCII ART BEGINS
                          .;'         .
                ';,      .;;,      .;'
                  ;;.    ;(;;,   .;/;
                  ;(;;.  `;\;;, .;(;;.
                  ;;\;;;. ;;);;.;;;);;.
         .%%%,.    `;;);;;`;);'.;/;;;;'    .,%%,
         %' `%%%,.   `;;;;.`;';;;;;'  .,%%%%%'
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        .,;;%#@#%%,'  .;.%%%%%%%.;.     `;;%%#@#%%;;.
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              %%%%%'      ,;;' .;
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                `%%%%%.  ;;;.

                    ,vvv%;mmmvv;vvvmmm;%vvvv,    .,,.
             ,, ,vvvnnv%;mmmvv;%%;vvmmm;%vvvv%;mmmmmmm,
                 .;;;'    `;;;;;;;;'   `;;;;;.
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                ;            : ;'    ,    ,'             .
                 `           :'.:   .;;,.        .,;;;;;;'
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                              `;;;.     .;'   ,;;,;;,.
                               ;;;;    .;'    `;;;;,;;;
                               ;;;;   .;'       `;;,;;'
                               `;;;,;;'           `;'
                                                             ASCII ART ENDS

[FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED READERS:  The preceding was a picture of an iris and 
a picture of a rose.]

               THE TREASURE HUNT /
Yours For the Downloading
by Charlie Hartley

     Welcome back to the Treasure Hunt!

     As Doug told you last month, there are several "Best of" disk 
collections in the Apple II library.  This month I'd like to give you some 
extra information about the "Best of Music Studio Songs" file, as well as 
information on the other Music Studio files available in the library.

     This file, titled BEST.OF.MS.BXY (#18976) was uploaded in June 1992.  
Since then there have only been a handful of new files uploaded for Music 
Studio.  If you have Music Studio, or have seen it for sale used and 
wondered about it, here is the information you need to get the best of the 
already recorded Music Studio songs.


     Here is a list of all of the songs available on the Best of Music 
Studio Songs file.  This file is designed to fit on a single 800K 3.5" 

     To make this list, a song had to be special to some folks.  I'll make 
no attempt to evaluate them, since I have a tin ear. :)

     ALLATRK.SNG              Alla Turea - Wolfgang A. Mozart
     ANNIES.SNG               Annie's Song by John Denver
     BEETHVN5TH.SNG           Beethoven's 5th
     BENHUR.SNG               Ben Hur Chariot Race March
     BLACKBIRD.SNG            Blackbird - The Beatles
     BLUE.MOON.SNG            Blue Moon - Hart & Rogers
     BO.RHAPSODY.SNG          Bohemian Rhapsody
     BOLERO.SNG               Bolero by Ravel
     BRICKWAL.SNG             Another Brick on the Wall
     BRISTL.STMP.SNG          Bristol Stomp - The Dovells
     BTVNS5THPNO.SNG          Beethoven's 5th
     BUMBLEBEE.SNG            Flight of the Bumble Bee
     CAN.CAN.SNG              Hooked On a Can Can by Eric
     CANTINA.B.SNG            Cantina Band
     CLOSER.SNG               Closer to the Heart by Rush
     COLOUR.SNG               Colour My World
     CONCERTO.SNG             Concerto in the Italian Stype
     DOWNUNDER.SNG            Down Under by Men at Work
     DWARVES.SNG              March of the Dwarves
     ENTERTAINER.SNG          The Entertainer by Joplin
     EVERY.DAY.SNG            Every Day
     FALCON.CRST.SNG          Falcon Crest  Arr: Greg Dib
     FLASHDANCE.SNG           Flashdance - What a Feeling
     GAMES.PLAY.SNG           Games People Play
     GBUSTERS.SNG             Ghostbusters- Ray Parker Jr.
     GGROBAR.SNG              Grandma Got Run Over - Brooks
     GHOSTRIDERS.SNG          Ghostriders
     HEARTBREAK.SNG           Heartbreaker by Pat Benetar
     HELP.RONDA.SNG           Help Me Rhonda by Brian Wilson
     HERE.THERE.SNG           Here, There, and Everywhere
     HILL.ST.SNG              Hill Street Blues Theme
     I.HAV.2.DO2.SNG          All I Have To Do Is Dream
     INVENTION10.SNG          Invention #10 in G Major
     INVENTION12.SNG          Invention #12 in A Major
     INVENTION15.SNG          Invention #15 in B Minor
     LINUS.LUCY.SNG           Linus and Lucy - V. Guaraldi
     LION.SLEEPS.SNG          Wimoweh Mbube - The Tokens
     LOLLIPOP.SNG             Lollipop
     LONELY.SNG               You're Only Lonely
     LUCIFER.SNG              Lucifer - Alan Parsons Project
     MORK.SNG                 Mork & Mindy Theme
     MPLE.LF.RAG.SNG          Maple Leaf Rag by Scott Joplin
     NACHT.MIDI.SNG           Eine Kleine Nachtmusik - Mozart
     NINETOFIVE.SNG           Nine To Five
     ONE.UR.WITH.SNG          Love The One You're With
     OVERTURE.SNG             Overture - Rush
     PAINT.BLAK.SNG           Paint It Black - Rolling Stones
     PEOPLE.EAT.SNG           The Purple People Eater
     PETERGUNN.SNG            Peter Gunn
     PLAY.W.FIRE.SNG          Play With Fire - Rolling Stones
     ROCK.ROUND.SNG           Rock Around the Clock
     ROCKUSA.SNG              Rock in the USA
     RUDOLPH.SNG              Rudolph Song
     RUNNING.SNG              Running With The Night
     S.L.T.WIND.SNG           She's Like the Wind - P. Swayze
     SD.SILENCE.SNG           The Sound of Silence
     SILANCEAG6O.SNG          The Sound of Silence
     SINFONIA12.SNG           Sinfonia Nolz in A Major
     SOLILOQUY.SNG            Soliloquy - Rush
     SOMETHING.SNG            Something for Nothing
     SOOLAIMON.SNG            Soolaimon by Appletree
     SPAULDING.SNG            Hooray for Captain Spaulding
     SPIRIT.SNG               Spirit of the Radio by Rush
     ST.ELSE.SNG              St. Elsewhere  Arr: Greg Dib
     SURFIN.USA.SNG           Surfin' USA - Beach Boys
     SYRINX.SNG               The Temple of Syrinx
     UNDER.SEA.SNG            Under the Sea
     VINCENT.SNG              Vincent (Don McLean)
     WONDERFUL.SNG            Wonderful! Wonderful!
     YAKETY.YAK.SNG           Yakety Yak - The Coasters
     Z812.SNG                 1812

     Since this file was uploaded, there have been only four other Music 
Studio files uploaded.  They are:

     File# Filename           Description

     22510 CANNON.SNG.BXY     Tune for Music Studio .01
     19924 PEACE.BXY          Music Studio song 'Peace, Peace'
     19625 UNDERSEA.BXY       Under the Sea from "Little Mermaid."
     19528 AMERICANPIE.BXY    Song, American Pie by Don McLean.

     Of the four, only PEACE.BXY caught my attention (but don't forget my 
tin ear ;)

     Below is a list of all of the other Music Studio songs available in 
the Apple II library.  It includes all of the songs on the BEST list, as 
well as a number of others.

     File# Filename           Description

     17378 LINUS.LUCY.BXY     Peanuts theme song for MS 2.0
     17377 GGROBAR.BXY        GGROBAR for Music Studio 2.0
     17267 FAREWLL.SNG.BXY    Rush: A Farewell To Kings for MS
     17159 THETREES.MS.BXY    The Trees by Rush for Music Studio
     17018 CLASSICAL..BXY     A bunch of classical songs for MS
     17016 OLDIES.BXY         A bunch of oldie songs for MS
     17015 RUSH.TUNES.BXY     A bunch of RUSH tunes for MS
     17014 ROCK.TUNES.BXY     A bunch of tunes for MS
     16574 PAPA.PRCH.BXY      Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16573 SINFONIA12.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16572 SINFONIA09.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16570 SINFONIA07.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16569 SINFONIA03.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16567 IF.I.FELL.BXY      Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16566 NIGHTINGALE.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16565 WONDERFUL.BXY      Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16564 SUNDAY.GIRL.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16563 GAMES.PLAY.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16562 LUCIFER.BXY        Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16561 BE.LIKE.U.BXY      Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16560 RISING.SUN.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16257 TRUE.COLORS.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16256 CAL.GIRLS.BXY      Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16254 I.GET.AROUN.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16253 PURPLE.PEPL.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16252 FR.OVRSPILL.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16251 ROKROLL.SND.BXY    Sound file for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16247 FALCON.CRST.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16246 MAPLE.LF.RG.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16245 GO.YOUR.WAY.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16244 DOWN.UNDER.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16243 RUDOLPH.BXY        Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16242 SURFR.GIRL.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16241 BARBARA.ANN.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16240 BERETTA.SNG.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16230 POSMNTATERS.BXY    Ragtime song for MusicStudio 2.0.
     16174 CANTINA.BXY        Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16173 CAN.CAN.SNG.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16172 SPAULDING.BXY      Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16171 AMERICA2.BXY       Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16170 CAL.DREAMIN.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     16169 BROADWAY.BXY       Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     15722 MUSICON.BXY        Icons - Music Studio and SoundSmith
     15552 WITCHY.BXY         Song for Music Studio
     15551 STAIRWAY.HV.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     15550 KILLING.ME.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     15549 EVERYBREATH.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     15483 BOADWAY.BXY        Song for Music Studio
     15456 SOLACE.BXY         An original piece for Music Studio
     15419 FALLING.2.BXY      New version of Twin Peaks theme
     15368 TWIN.PEAKS.BXY     Twin Peaks Theme for Music Studio
     15271 VINCENT.BXY        Song for Music Studio
     15216 MTRIBUTE.BXY       Michigan Tribute for Music Studio
     15201 BACH.BXY           Song for Music Studio
     15194 WE.R.WORLD.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     15193 CELLO.WBNK.BXY     Wavebank for Music Studio (Re-Up)
     15190 STELSEWHERE.BXY    Song For Music Studio (Re-UP)
     15163 PSN.PIGEONS.BXY    by Tom Lehrer for MusicStudio
     15139 COLOUR.SNG.BXY     Song for Music Studio (Re-Up)
     15138 MS.1812.SNG.BXY    Song for Music Studio (Re-UP)
     15137 BUTLOVE.SNG.BXY    Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     15136 GHST.BUSTR.BXY     Song for Music Studio (RE-UP)
     15134 SAIL.AWAY.BXY      Song for Music Studio 2.0
     15029 AGNST.ODDS.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     15028 AXEL.FOLEY.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     15027 ANOTHR.BRIK.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     15026 ON.BROADWAY.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     15025 AMERICA.BXY        Song for MusicStudio
     14923 DONT.BE.SHY.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     14502 IN.MY.ROOM.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     14498 INVENTION.13.BXY   Song for Music Studio
     14497 SOOLAIMON.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     14217 GOD.REST.YE.BXY    A Christmas song for Music Studio
     14216 GHOSTRIDERS.BXY    Ghost Riders song for Music Studio
     14209 W.CHRISTMAS.BXY    Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14208 WHAT.CHILD.BXY     Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14207 SILENT.NITE.BXY    Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14206 MANGER.BXY         Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14205 KING.W.BXY         Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14204 JOY.2.WORLD.BXY    Christmas Song For Music Studio
     14176 FIRST.NOEL1.BXY    Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14172 DECK.HALLS1.BXY    Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14167 BETHLEHEM.BXY      Christmas Music For Music Studio
     14066 XMAS.CAROL.BXY     by Tom Lehrer for MusicStudio 2.0.1
     13962 NEVER.ENDIN.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13961 JUMP.BXY           Song for Music Studio
     13960 HEARTBREAKR.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13959 FLASHDANCE.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13957 DANCER.BXY         Song for Music Studio
     13938 MARTHA.BXY         Song for Music Studio
     13901 SND.SILENCE.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13900 GT.CHARLIE.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13899 CLEMENTINE.BXY     A Music Construction Set Song
     13898 BUMBLEBEE.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     13897 BOHEMIAN.RP.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13896 BOLERO.BXY         Song for Music Studio
     13895 BOOKENDS.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13639 TRIO.K1.BXY        Song for Music Studio
     13638 TCHAIKOVSKY.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13637 PRE.BELLS.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     13636 MOZART.3.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13635 MOZART.2.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13634 MINUET.T.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13633 MINUET.F.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13632 MINUET.2.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13631 FANFARE.M.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     13630 DWARVES.BXY        Song for Music Studio
     13629 ALLEGRO.F.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     13590 AMANDA.BXY         Song for Music Studio
     13574 HITCHCOCK.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     13410 HLLSTRT.MS.BXY     Hill Street Blues for Music Studio
     13377 SONSDAUGH.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     13376 SEVENWORDS.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13375 SACREDHEAD.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13374 PRAISE.LORD.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13373 OVERSPILL.BXY      Song for Music Studio
     13372 NINETOFIVE.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13371 MORK.MINDY.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13370 PETER.GUNN.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13344 CHRISTVER2.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13343 CHRISTVER1.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13341 CHIEFSINNER.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13340 CHARIOTS.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13339 AMADEUS.BXY        Song for Music Studio
     13338 LORD.GUIDE.BXY     Song for Music Studio
     13337 I.KNOW.BXY         Song for Music Studio
     13335 HOLYHOLY.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13334 ENTERTAINER.BXY    Song for Music Studio
     13333 CROWNHIM.BXY       Song for Music Studio
     13239 MUSKRAT.BXY        Muskrat Ramble for Music Studio 2.1
     13023 UNDER.SEA.BXY      from The Little Mermaid for MS 2.0
     13020 STREN.LIFE.BXY     a Ragtime Two Step by Scott Joplin
     12953 MEDIT.BXY          Bossa Nova tune for Music Studio
     12674 REQUERO.BXY        3 Classic Guitar Music Studio Songs
     11818 SNDSMITH.94.BXY    Version 0.94 of an awesome sequencer
     11747 ANNIES.SNG.BXY     MS file of Annie's Song by J Denver
     11190 POPULAR.BXY        30's,40's & modern popular music
     11189 CLASSICS.BXY       classic music for Music Studio 2.0
     10998 OLDIES.ROCK.BXY    18 Music Studio files
     10019 RUSH.WIND.BXY      Song by Keith Green for MS2.0
      9754 SIDE.BYSIDE.BXY    side by side for Music Studio
      9049 XMAS.BXY           White Christmas for Music Studio


     That's it for this month.  I hope you have found something here to 
whet your interest.  Drop me a line and let me know what you think of this 
column and offer any suggestions you might have about what should be in it.

     Until next time, happy downloading!

                                -- Charlie Hartley

                       HARD_VIEW //
Hardware and You
by Bill Quinn



          [Editor's note:  This column was originally written for 
          GEnieLamp IBM.  I've presented it here, in a slightly abbreviated 
          form, because much of the information is applicable to those who 
          wish to run a Zip drive on their Apple II.]

                    >>> ADD SOME ZIP TO YOUR LIFE! <<<

Author's note:  This is an article I wrote for a computer club's monthly
"""""""""""""   magazine.  Since I wrote the article I have purchased an AC 
adapter that will work world-wide and I must say that it is half the weight 
of the one that comes with the Zip drives.  To the person who wanted to 
know if you can run programs from the drive--yes.  Just remember the 
parallel-port drive has a speed like an old AT hard drive--the Seagate 4038 
at about 29 Ms.

I Have a Zippy Drive   A couple of months ago I heard rumors that the
""""""""""""""""""""   Iomega Company was going to release a new external 
portable drive.  The name of this new drive is Zip.

     From the preliminary information I learned that:

          It would be small, measuring about 5 x 7 x 1-1/4 inches.
          It would weigh about one pound.
          The disks would hold 100 Mb of data.
          The disks would measure about 4 x 4 x 1/4 inches.
          The drives were made as a SCSI or Parallel port drive.
          The parallel Zip Drive has a Printer Pass-Though Connector.
          The cost would be about $200 for either drive.
          The 100 Mb disks would sell for about $20.
          The 25 Mb disks would sell for about $15.

     In my opinion the most important information was the cost of the new 
drive and the cost of those 100 Mb disks.

     Because Iomega makes the excellent Bernoulli drive, I was most 
interested in adding one of these new drives to my portable computer in 
order to reduce the weight we carry when traveling.  We use a Compaq Aero, 
a sub-notebook computer, which weighs only about four pounds.  We also 
carry the Bernoulli Transportable drive and about four Bernoulli 90 Mb 
cartridges.  The transportable and cartridges weigh about 12 pounds; about 
three times the weight of the computer.

     This Zip drive has reduced the weight of our computer gear by over 
eight pounds.  When traveling eight pounds is a lot of computer weight to 
loose.  Try to lose eight pounds of body weight in a week's time.

     I purchased the parallel port Zip drive because I wanted the ability 
to move the drive around to our various computers.  I wanted the ability to 
connect the drive to other peoples machines without a lot of configuration 
hassles as well.

     The Zip Drive comes with one free 100 Mb Zip Tools Disk which has 
about 20 Mb of Iomega programs to install and support the Zip drive in 
either DOS or Windows.  The one 3.5 inch (1.44 Mb) installation diskette 
furnished allows you to boot your computer with the Zip drive and to 
install the software for DOS or Windows from the Zip 100 Mb disk.  There is 
an external power supply (a cube 2x2x3 inches) along with a Data Cable 
furnished with the Zip Drive too.

     My only criticism of the Zip Drive is the Power Supply cube which 
plugs directly into an electrical outlet.  This method necessitates the use 
of a power strip for conveniently switching on or off the Zip drive.  If a 
power strip is not used, the cube will not allow you to plug any other 
gadget into the same outlet.  The same type of power cubes are used for 
portable printers and modems and I don't like them either.  I would rather 
they use a short 12 to 18 inches pig-tail wire with a plug on the end.  
This system would allow you to plug several other items into a power strip 
or a wall outlet box.

     Installation on my various systems was very easy.  If you need more 
information or if you have installation problems, there is a 130-page 
manual and a couple of short "read me" files on the 3.5 installation 
diskette.  These cover just about everything you would need should you 
experience any problems.  Well... maybe the Crash Queen would need some 
help. (grin) 

     I used the new Iomega drivers that came with the Zip drive on our 
Tower computer.  These drivers allowed me to boot with the two Bernoulli 
drives and the Zip drive when attached.

     On the portable computer and some other computers I use the Iomega 
GUEST program.  The GUEST program is a system driver which allows you to 
use your Zip drive temporarily almost anywhere.  It uses about 25 Kb of 
memory and it may be loaded in either high memory or conventional memory. 
This GUEST driver may be used as a permanent system driver as well.

     When installed, the Zip drive becomes just another drive on your 
system.  You can run programs.  You can copy files and programs to and from 
the Zip drive.  If you use Stacker you can store over 200 Mb on each disk.

     Performance of this drive has been more than adequate for me.  The 
access speed of the Zip drive is about 29 ms which equates to the speed of 
the old Seagate 4038 series drive I had in an old 286 computer.  The speed 
of data transfer to and from the Zip drive will depend on the model you 
purchase.  SCSI will be faster.  If you have a bi-directional parallel port 
or an EPP chip set, you may be able to use a faster mode of data transfer 
which will significantly improve the performance of your Zip drive.

     Caching will also speed up drive access.  Make sure you load the Zip 
drivers before loading your cache program. 

     I have been running several programs from the Zip drive and I can see 
a small difference in the speed of loading the programs.  The speeds of my 
hard drives are about 10 to 12 ms, which is about three times faster than 
the Zip drive. With the cost of the 100 Mb disks at $20, however, I can put 
up with the slower speed.

     To make the most of your Zip drive Zip disks may be used to extend 
your hard disk (hard disk upgrade alternative).  Are you constantly running 
out of hard disk space?  Your Zip drive and disks give you unlimited 
storage for all your information.  By placing files on Zip disks you have 
ready access to them without filling up your hard disk.  Zip Tools software 
will help you find any files you need, and Zip drive's hard-disk-like 
performance will let you access information quickly.

     Do you need to move information between different work locations?  
Between home and work?  To and from clients?  Your Zip drive and disks 
offer complete mobility.  Zip disks fit in a shirt pocket.  The Zip drive 
is easy to carry and is quickly set up.  The GUEST program allows you to 
use your Zip drive temporarily almost anywhere.

     Back up your hard disk.  Your Zip drive makes backups fast and 
simple.  You don't need special backup software just copy critical files to 
a Zip disk.  Copying is lightning fast and it will give an exact duplicate 
of your original files.  Should you need to restore a file simply copy it 
back to your hard drive, or just access it directly from the Zip drive. 

     Create a multimedia library (images, sounds, and video).  Because of 
their high capacity, being removable, and random access, Zip disks are 
ideal for storage-hungry image, sound, and video files.  Clips may come 
from a variety of sources including scanners, CD-ROMs, and video input 
devices.  Multimedia presentations and demonstrations may be created and 
stored to include video which may be replayed directly from the Zip disk.

     Do you need to keep files for a number of years?  Archive your 
valuable files on a Zip disk and store them in a safe place.  Whenever you 
need them you can access them quickly.

     Get organized.  If you work on several different projects or with 
many different clients, try segmenting your work onto different disks.  You 
can organize your information by project, client, date, or whatever.  Zip 
disks give you the capacity to get all associated files onto a single disk.  
Switching between projects and customers is as simple as inserting another 
Zip disk.

     To keep sensitive or confidential information safe, store it on a Zip 
disk and use your Zip Tools software and assign to it a password which must 
be used in order to read from or write to the disk.  At work you can 
protect sensitive information such as personnel files, company directories, 
and product plans or designs.  At home you can secure personal information 
such as tax records, budgets, and computerized checkbooks.

     I like this Zip drive and can recommend it as a best buy for the 
average computer user.  Considering the cost of the drive and disks it has 
proven to be an excellent purchase.



\\\ Works like a hard drive...

     Max Sustained transfer rate up to 1.4MB/second
     Average Seek time 29 milliseconds
     Buffer size 32K SCSI throughput up to 60MB/minute
     Parallel throughput up to 20MB/minute
     Average start/stop time 3/3 second
     Drive long format time (surface verify) 15 minutes
     Drive short format time 5 seconds
     Drive auto spin down
     Software selectable

\\\ No fail reliability...

     Drive data bit transfer (hard errors) 10 errors in 10(13) bits
     Disk drop height/shock tolerance 8ft/1000Gs
     Disk estimated shelf life 10 years
     Disk storage capacity 100MB or 25MBs
     Drive read/writes 100MB or 25MB disks.

\\\ Operating system compatibility
     DOS, Windows, Mac, OS/2, ProDOS, and GS/OS
     Drive temperature tolerances: Operating 50' to 90' F(10' to 32'C)
     Storage -8' to 126' F (-22'to 52' C)
     Shipping -40' to 140' F(-40' to 60' C)

     Drive operational modes fixed or removable
     Drive orientation horizontal or vertical
     Drive service life 5 year Warranty
     1 year warranty on drive
     Limited Lifetime warranty on disks

              REAL-TIME SCHEDULE //
Conference Time
by Gena Saikin

     Here's the latest RTC schedule for A2.  All times shown are Eastern.  
Come join us!

Day  Time          Topic/Name                Your Host        GE Mail
---  ------------  ------------------------  ---------------  ------------
Sun  1500-1700 ET  Voyage II the Limits      Mark Kline       M.KLINE1
                   & Beyond
     1700-1900 ET  II Forward Lounge         Bill Moore       BILL.MOORE
     1900-2100 ET  Look II the Rainbow/PAUG  Cindy Adams      C.ADAMS11
     2100-2300 ET  II Speak                  Gena Saikin      A2.GENA
     2300-0100 ET  Ken's Korner              Ken Lucke        K.LUCKE

Mon  2100-2300 ET  ProDOS Palace             Tim Kellers      KELLERS
     2300-0100 ET  Chunk's Bits and Bytes    Chuck Stites     C.STITES

Tue  2100-2300 ET  The Lunatic Fringe        Lunatic E'Sex    A2.LUNATIC
     2300-0100 ET  ****                      Gena Saikin      A2.GENA

Wed  2100-2300 ET  Greatly Insane            Nelson Eisel     N.EISEL
     2300-0100 ET  II Change the World       Greg Templeman   BARNABAS

Thu  2100-2300 ET  Off the Walls             Sarah Phillips   SARAH.P
     2300-0100 ET  TBC Forum                 Mike Garvey      TBC

Fri  2100-2300 ET  Apple II Roadside Diner   Paul Parkhurst   PMP
     2300-0100 ET  Friday Frolics            Greg Betzel      SNAKEBYTE
     0100-0300 ET  Ryan's Late Nite Luau     Ryan Suenaga     R.SUENAGA1
     0300-dawn     Open RTC                  INFORMAL

Sat  1500-1700 ET  The Wizard's Lair         Ray Merlin       R.MERLIN
     1700-1900 ET  Millennium Apple          Dave Johnson     VACC.DAVE
     1900-2100 ET  The Wishing Well          Doug Pendleton   DOUG.P
     2100-2300 ET  The Cave                  Dave Ciotti      BINARY.BEAR
     2300-0100 ET  The Abyss                 David Kerwood    D.KERWOOD
     0100-0300 ET  Sheppy's Bug Collection   Eric Shepherd    SHEPPY

           ////////////////////////////////////////////// QWIK_QUOTE ////
          /  HUXTER'S LAW OF SCIENCE FICTION VISUALS:                  /
         /           It's not space unless there's a nebula.          /
        ///////////////////////////////////////////  Sean Huxter  ////

                          LOG OFF /
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the main menus in the following computing RoundTables.

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 DigiPub         DIGIPUB      1395        Atari ST        ST          475
 Macintosh       MAC          605         IBM PC          IBMPC       615
 Apple II        A2           645         Apple II Dev.   A2PRO       530
 Macintosh Dev.  MACPRO       480         Geoworks        GEOWORKS    1050
 BBS             BBS          610         CE Software     CESOFTWARE  1005
 Mini/Mainframe  MAINFRAME    1145        Programming     PROGRAMMING 1445
 Data Comm.      DATACOMM     1450        IBM PC Prog     IBMPCPRO     617
 PowerPC         PPC          1435        PowerPCProg     PPCPRO      1440

     GEnieLamp is also distributed on CrossNet and many public and 
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     o To reach GEnieLamp on Internet send mail to genielamp@genie.com

     o Back issues of GEnieLamp are available in the DigiPub RoundTable 
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     o We welcome and respond to all E-Mail.  To leave comments, 
       suggestions or just to say hi, you can contact us in the DigiPub 
       RoundTable (M1395) or send GE Mail to John Peters at [GENIELAMP] on 
       page 200.

     o If you would like to meet the GEnieLamp staff "live" we meet every 
       Wednesday night in the Digi*Pub Real-Time Conference at 9:00 EDT 

     o The Digital Publishing RoundTable is for people who are interested 
       in pursuing publication of their work electronically on GEnie or via 
       disk-based media.  For those looking for online publications, the 
       DigiPub Software Libraries offer online magazines, newsletters, 
       short-stories, poetry and other various text oriented articles for 
       downloading to your computer.  Also available are writers' tools and 
       'Hyper-utilties' for text presentation on most computer systems.  In 
       the DigiPub Bulletin Board you can converse with people in the 
       digital publishing industry, meet editors from some of the top 
       electronic publications and get hints and tips on how to go about 
       publishing your own digital book.  The DigiPub RoundTable is the 
       official online service for the Digital Publishing Association.  To 
       get there type DIGIPUB or M1395 at any GEnie prompt.

                          >>> GEnieLamp STAFF <<<

  GEnieLamp  o John Peters         [GENIELAMP]    Publisher
  """""""""  o Mike White          [MWHITE]       Managing Editor

   APPLE II  o Doug Cuff           [EDITOR.A2]    EDITOR
   """"""""  o Gina E. Saikin      [A2.GENA]      A2 Staff Writer
             o Charlie Hartley     [C.HARTLEY3]   A2 Staff Writer

      A2Pro  o Tim Buchheim        [A2PRO.GELAMP] EDITOR

      ATARI  o Sheldon H. Winick   [GELAMP.ST]    ATARI EDITOR
      """""  o Bruce Smith         [B.SMITH123]   EDITOR/TX2
             o Mel Motogawa        [M.MOTOGAWA]   ST Staff Writer
             o Terry Quinn         [TQUINN]       ST Staff Writer
             o Richard Brown       [R.BROWN30]    ST Staff Writer
             o Al Fasoldt          [A.FASOLDT]    ST Staff Writer
             o Timothy V. Steed    [T.STEED1]     ST Staff Writer

        IBM  o John Peters         [GENIELAMP]    IBM EDITOR
        """  o David Leithauser    [D.LEITHASUER] HyperRead Editor

  """""""""  o Tom Trinko          [T.TRINKO]     Mac Staff Writer
             o Bret Fledderjohn    [FLEDDERJOHN]  Mac Staff Writer
             o Ricky J. Vega       [GELAMP.MAC]   Mac Staff Writer

   POWER PC  o Ben Soulon          [BEN.GELAMP]   POWER PC EDITOR

    WINDOWS  o Bruce Maples        GELAMP.WIN     EDITOR

       ETC.  o Jim Lubin           [J.LUBIN]      Add Aladdin Scripts
       """"  o Scott Garrigus      [S.GARRIGUS]   Search-ME!
             o Mike White          [MWHITE]       (oo) / DigiPub SysOp
             o Susie Oviatt        [SUSIE]        ASCII Artist
             o Al Fasoldt          [A.FASOLDT]    Contributing Columnist
             o Phil Shapiro        [P.SHAPIRO1]   Contributing Columnist
             o Sandy Wolf          [S.WOLF4]      Contributing Columnist
             o Lloyd E. Pulley     [LEPULLEY]     Contributing Columnist

  Opinions expressed herein are those  of the individual authors, and do
  not  necessarily  represent  opinions of  GEnie Information  Services,
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  lowing terms only. Reprint permission granted, unless otherwise noted,
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