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               \/                                  \/
               /           XYPHUS SOFT-DOX          \
               \                                    /
               /             WRITTEN  BY            \
               \                                    /
               /             THE PENGUIN            \
               \                                    /
               /             WRITTEN FOR            \
               \                                    /
               / THE SOUTH POLE......[312] 677-7140 \
               \ THE OUTPOST.........[312] 441-6957 /
               / TEMPLE OF DOOM......[805] 682-5148 \
               \                                    /
               /\                                  /\

          The World of Arroya

Ten  thousand  southern  suns  have passed since the Archmage Szhaalin
tore the very heart from the demon lord  Xyphus  and  hid  it  in  the
Arroyan  continent. His life's work done, the mighty Szhaalin vanished
into the western wilderness, while the gravely wounded demon lord sunk
into caverns beneath the Earth to languish in eternal pain. Legend has
it that pieces of the demon's heart fell to the soil and formed small,
sword-shaped amulets of violet crystal from whence all magic  springs,
and  that  somewhere  in  the very bowels of the Earth itself lies the
actual heart-a gemstine the size of a human head. 

'Tis said that when the demon lord bled, tribes of goblins sprang from
the droplets  of  ichor-the  Cotico,  the  Malakee,  the  Maripo,  the
Sedento,  the  Mazanti,  and  the  dread  Azulus  with their companion
Hellhounds. All of Arroya was forbidden to human kind  by  the  beasts
and  monsters that still dwell there. poisonous serpents and oversized
vermin roam the plains, while all manner of the dead-that-walk are  to
be found in the hills and forests. All the men that have ventured into
the  lost continent have vanished without a trace, save for occasional
survivors sprouting half-mad ramblings  that  gave  birth  to  legends
surrounding Arroya. 

Some  thirty  years ago a conqueror was born. Some men say that Das is
the descendant of the great wizard Szhaalin,  while  others  scoff  at
such  talk, calling it the foolish tales of old women...I tell ye that
there is much wisdom in the tongues of women,  but  heed  ye  what  ye
will.  In  his short lifetime Das has overrun most of the known world,
aye, and has brought it to order and justice, albeit with the edge  of
the  sword and the purification of the torch. It is said that men need
a strong leeader to follow, one who holds little in esteem save  might
and  force.   Das is such a one, a man to be reckoned with, a mover of
continents and oceans.  Perhaps such a ruler is  needed  before  poets
can  sing  and  painters  can  render  the beauty which abouds in this

The progress of Das has come to a halt at the borders of Arroya. While
his legions were easily capable of subduing the civilized world,  they
came  not  prepared  to  face  the tribes of goblins and the forces of
demonic magic that hold sway in the lost continent.  Only through  the
use  of  mercenary  troops recruited from the nomadic bands of humans,
elves, and dwarves that live  on  the  costal  plains  of  Arroya  can
victory  come  to  Das.  It  is  told  in  song  that  a small band of
wizardlings and warriors, no more  than  four  strong,  can  slay  the
long-suffering  demon  lord  Xyphus  and  open  the  lost continent to
subjugation. As long as Xyphus lives, no matter  how  sorely  wounded,
his  demon  minions shall roam the land and Arroya shall never fall to
mortal hands. Das has promised suzerainty over the Central Steppes  of
Arroya  to  the  one  that  slays the demon lord. None have managed to
claim the reward... 

The kingdom waits. 

The Geography of Arroya

The Lost Continent of Arroya is a subtropical wilderness consisting of
vast plains and sweeping forests dotted with  lakes  and  crisscrossed
with  swif-flowing rivers. The inland Sea of Mithral is populated with
rather large serpents and krakens, rendering it  impossible  to  cross
unless  one  has wings. There are several major mountain ranges around
the continent, as well as a few small mountains and dormant volcanos. 

At certain times of the year, some rivers  can  be  crossed,  but  the
force  of  their  flow is such that there are no clearly marked fords.
There are also rumors of underground rivers and lakes, but no one  who
has  ventured  underground has survived long enough to map them.  Many
of the rivers are surrounded by dismal swamps inhabited by some rather
unpleasant creatures. While the marshes can be crossed, it  is  rather
slow going. 

The  Korayan  Mountains  in the eastern part of Arroya are so tall and
steep  that  they  have  traditionally  been  considered  to   be   an
insurmountable  barrier.  These  mountains  are the home of the fierce
Korayan Falcon  and  the  famed  Spider  People  of  Selcham  Pass,  a
particularly nasty tribe of four-armed mutant orcs. 

But  perhaps  the  most  striking aspect of Arroya is the northeastern
part-the Enchanted Plains.  These  are  broad  expanses  of  sand  and
sawgrass  where  inexplicable  forces  seem  to be at work.  There are
areas of these plains that no human can cross, yet monsters roam about
them freely. Philosophers have debated the reasons for such  phenomena
over  the  centuries,  but  none has found the solution to the mystery
posed by this landscape. 

There are also rumors  of  large  areas  of  underground  tunnels  and
caverns,  where  it  is  said  the once-great Demon civilization still
resides. There may be some truth to these  rumors  as  not  very  many
Demons are spotted above ground...Nevertheless, it is common knowledge
among  the Arroyan Dwarves that there are, indeed, numerous tunnels in
the southwest of the continent, come quite large, while others are  so
narrow that only a human child can pass through them. 

Through  the  Lost  Continent  there  are  scattered forts and trading
posts. The forts are the only signs of the invasion of Arroya  by  Das
the  Conqueror,  who you serve. In these forts you can rest, be healed
by skilled conjurors (at no charge) and purchase supplies. Most of the
forts are hard pressed by the  local  tribes  of  goblins,  orcs,  and
Demons.  Often  you  will  be  called  upon by the commanders of these
garrisons to carry messages to other, similar outposts. 

The trading posts are scarce and hard to find. These wilderness stores
are manned by those who can live with either side in  the  great  war,
and  who pledge allegiance to no ruler. They are permitted to exist in
Das because they aid his troops and scouts, while  local  tribes  find
them  to  be the only source of good metal weapons and armor.  Healing
services are provided at the trading posts as well, at  no  charge  to
the wounded character. 

Character Races & Professions

There  are  three  races in Arroya from which player characters can be
recruited. They are Elf, Human, and Dwarf. Each race has its strengths
and weaknesses, some of which may not become apparent until  later  in
the campaign. Choose your party carefully. 

Elf  -  The  Arroyan  elf  is  not a true native of the continent, but
rather a descendant of a band of elves that came to  Arroya  centuries
earlier  under the leadership of the warrior-king Ellanyl.  An outcast
from his homeland, Ellanyl led his colony to  the  Lost  Continent  in
search of a new home. He rashly burnt his three long ships immediately
upon  his arrival on the coastal plains of Arroya and subsequently was
killed, along with all of his skilled  carpenters,  in  a  Demon  raid
within  a  year  of his landing. The surviving elves established small
settlements in the coastal forests and  have  managed  to  eke  out  a
meager existence until the present. 

Elves  are  small  people, averaging perhaps five feet in height. They
are very quick and agile, and are most at home in the woods. They  are
good fighters and spell casters, although they tend to tire quickly if
using heavy weapons. 

Humans - The Human is the only true Arroyan race from which characters
may  be  recruited.  For hundreds of centuries they were slaves of the
Demon civilization, and their  numbers  diminished  yearly  under  the
harsh treatment they received at the hands of their cruel masters. The
slave  race of Humans eventually died out, but not before runaways had
escaped into the mountains and formed small outlaw  bands  that  still
survive till this day. The Humans of Arroya hate Demons above all else
and will fight them to their dying breath. 

The Human stands between five and a half and six and a half feet tall,
usually  weighs  150-250  pounds,  and  is at his or her best wielding
heavy weapons. They are not as hardy as Dwarves,  but  a  lot  tougher
than Elves. 

Dwarf  -  The  Dwarves  of  Arroya  are  recent  arrivals  to the Lost
Continent.  They first touched her shores a paltry two  hundred  years
ago,  in  search of precious metals. The dwarves are a race of miners,
and thrive in rocky,  mountainous  terrain.  They  are  also  at  home
underground  and  are  valued  for  their  acute sense of direction in
subterranean passages. They have no love for  Demons  or  any  of  the
goblin tribes that inhabit Arroya, and are handy in a fight. 

The  tallest  dwarf  stands  but  four feet from head to toe. They are
uniformly stocky, usually outweighing their Elven counterparts. Common
wisdom is that a Dwarf can stand three blows  for  every  two  another
race  receives  in a fight. However, they have very short legs and are
not fond of  running,  a  trait  which  makes  them  laggards  on  any


There  are  two  classes  of  player characters in Xyphus: Fighter and

The Fighter can use any weapon except the Xiphoid Amulet, but may  not
cast spells or use magic other than in the form of magical weapons and
armor enchantments. 

The  Spellcaster  can  fight  a  little,  using clubs or maces, but is
unable to wield an  edged  or  advanced  weapon.  A  spellcaster  can,
however,  cast  spells,  provided  that  he or she possesses a Xiphoid
Amulet. There are no restrictions on the armor that a spellcaster  may
use,  but  both  armor  and spells are expensive in Arroya and gold is

Character Creation

One may have up to four characters in Xyphus, although that number  is
not  required.  To  create characters, simply type in their names when
asked to do so by the program, and choose their professions. Depending
on their race and profession, they will  be  given  their  proper  hit
points, skill factors and movement abilities. 

Should you succeed in winning the game with a party of four, you might
consider tackling it with fewer player characters... 

Playing the Game

The  game  Xyphus consists of six separate scenarios, each one tougher
than the previous one. The average playing time of a  scenario  ranges
from  3  -  12  hours, depending on the skill of the player. There are
three components to playing Xyphus,  the  Master  Disk,  the  Scenario
Disk,  and  the  Game  Disk. The Game Disk must be created by you. The
game is always played on the Game Disk you create. Any number of  Game
Disks can be created with characters unique to that game. 

To  begin  boot  the  Master  Disk.  You  will  be  presented with two


Select (A). You will then be asked to enter the number  of  characters
(1-4)  for  this  game. Using four characters is recommended the first
time through.  Less than four makes for a very difficult game. 

Once you have selected the number of characters  in  your  party,  you
will  then  be asked: ENTER THE NAME OF CHARACTER 1.  Upon naming your
first character, you will be asked: SELECT RACE: H)UMAN  D)WARF  E)LF.
Choose  your race carefully and remember that balanced parties are the
key to success in Xyphus. 

Upon choosing the character race, you will be asked:  SELECT  F)IGHTER
OR S)PELLCASTER. Choose the profession you wish that character to be. 

Finally,  you  will  be  shown  the  character as it exists and asked:
CHARACTER OK? (Y OR N).  Type  "Y"  if  you  are  satisfied  with  the
character or "N" if you wish to start over. 

Repeat the sequence for the remaining characters in your party. 

Once  you  have created your party, you will be asked: ENTER NUMBER OF
DISK DRIVES (1 OR 2)? Type in the appropriate number. 

If you have one disk drive, you will be told to put a  blank  diskette
in  the  drive.  This  will  be your Game Disk.  Press the spacebar to
continue here, and throughout the process of creating the  Game  Disk.
You will be told to insert the Scenario Disk at the appropriate times.
Be  patient,  there is a lot of data on the Scenario Disk and you will
have to swap disks a number of times. The program will always tell you
when to do so. 

If you have two disk drives, you will be told to put a blank in  Drive
two  and the Scenario Disk in Drive one.  The program will then create
your Game Disk. 

Once you have created your Game Disk, you will always use it  to  play
Xyphus. Each time you boot up the Master Disk, choose the (B) CONTINUE
EXISTING GAME option and insert your Game Disk when asked to do so. 

NOTE: During the play of Xyphus there will be pauses after battles and
victories  to  allow  you  to read displayed messages. The computer is
waiting for a keypress. Pressing the spacebar will continue the game. 


Xyphus can be played with the keyboard  (Macintosh  users  should  see
special  instructions).  The  map  in  Xyphus  is based on a system of
hexagons, thus you may move any of  your  characters  in  any  of  six
directions   -   Northeast,  East,  Southeast,  Southwest,  West,  and
Northwest. The keys to use are: 

     Y - Northeast
     H - East
     B - Southeast
     V - Southwest
     F - West
     T - Northwest
     G - Remain for one turn in the same spot. 

NOTE: Should you wish to move the entire party as a group  instead  of
moving  your  characters, simply hold down the CTRL key while pressing
the key for your chosen direction. Common sense should tell  you  that
any party can only move as quickly as its slowest member. This is true
for Xyphus. 


The  keys  for combat are the same as for movement. Combat takes place
when a player chracters moves next to a creature and then  chooses  to
strike  at it by attempting to move through it.  Should you attempt to
fight something using group movement capability (holding down the CTRL
key in conjunction with a direction key), your  party  may  move,  but
will refuse to engage in combat. 

Other Important Keys

0  -  Rest  &  Heal. This command will put the player character into a
trance of approximately 10 moves, during which his  or  her  endurance
level  will  return  to  full  strength and 4 points of damage will be
healed. However, a character in a trance is  extremely  vulnerable  to
and  will  be  unable  to  defend  against  an  attack until he or she

P  -  Purchase.  The  purchase  command  serves  two  very   important
functions.  Whenever it is invoked, the current Experience Point total
of the character is checked to see if a new level has been reached. If
so,  you will be advised of the advancement and your chatacter will be
awarded extra Hit Points. It is a good practice to  hit  "P"  whenever
you  enter  a trading post or a fort, regardless of whether you intend
to purchase anything or not. 

Also, whenever you enter a trading post or a fort, you have the option
of purchasing new weapons, spells, or armor. Pressing the "P" key will
enable you to do so. You will then be shown a menu: 

      (M) MAGIC SHOP
      (SPC) EXIT

Choosing any of the above options will in turn lead  to  a  new  menu.
Entering  the  Weapons,  Armor,  or Magic shop will show you a list of
available merchandise and the current prices for each  item.  You  may
choose to buy whatever you canb afford. 

Finally, when your party has completed assigned tasks in the scenarios
and  are  all gathered in the destination fort, selecting "P" will end
the current scenario and move the party to the next one. 

Choosing (/) - Character status - will provide the  following  two  or
three  screens  of  information (This option may be chosen at any time
during the game):