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                      |                                      |
                      |      Swiss  Famly  Robinson  Docs    |
                      |      From :   }} The Simitar {{{     |
                      |        THE ATLATA CRACKERS           |

  Meet the Swiss Family Robinson

   We are the Swiss Family Robinson andyou are Fritz, our eldest son. We are
counting on your skills and ingenuity t help us survive and to find a way to
get us rescued.

  You also have another important resposibility - you must take care of your
little brother Franz. He will go with yu wherever you go. Everything that
happens to him will also happen to you.So, when he gets hungry or thirsty,
you'll get hungry and thirsty too. He my be troublesome at times, but
remember that he's your brother and he epends on you.
  We are here to help you . . . be sureto take advantage of all that we have
to offer. Our family is a team - help u and we'll help you.


    1. We will sometimes ask you to do pecific things that are essential to
       our survival.

    2. We will organize and run the cam while you are off exploring and
       collecting things.

    3. We will offer you valuable advic when you tell us about your
       adventures and the things you hae found.

    4. We will sometimes make things ou of items you gather and DROP at our

      [ Computer  Commands ]

  You can move around and explore the iland by typing in commands using the
Swiss Family Robinson vocabulary.
  To enter a command : Type in a verb, ollowed by a noun or object, when
necessary. Then press [RETURN] key to sart the action.

   If you want to travel, type GO and te direction you want to move, for
example:   GO SOUTH   or   GO TOPSIDE
After pressing the [RETURN] key, you wil move in that direction.

  If you want to use an object, type th verb and noun of your choice, for
example:   TAKE BOOK   or   SAW BARRELS  or    OPEN FLASK
After pressing the [RETURN] key, the acion will be completed.

  If you want to tell your family aboutsomething, type TELL FAMILY ABOUT and
the name of the object, for example: TEL FAMILY ABOUT BARRELS  or  TELL
After pressing the [RETURN] key, your fmily may provide you with useful info-
rmation about that object.


  V O C A B U L A R Y  -
   If you enter a word that is outside f the vocabulary, or mispell a word
that is in the vocabulary, the program il not understand the word and will
respond with "TRY SOMETHING ELSE".
   When you enter an appropriate word fom the vocabulary, it will automatic-
ally highlight that word. If the computr doesn't display a highlighted word
after you press the spacebar, then you ill know that word won't work in that

  L O N G    C O M M A N D S :
   In some cases, where commands are seeral words long, the computer will
supply a word or words for you after yo hit the spacebar. For example, if
you decide to launch your boat, you woud enter  LAUNCH  and press the
spacebar. The computer would automaticaly add:  BOAT TO THE ______
Before pressing the [RETURN] key, you wuld enter the direction you choose
to launch toward: NORTH, SOUTH, EAST orWEST.

 E R A S E   A   L E T T E R   O R   W  R D :
   To erase a letter or entire words tht you've typed, press the
   [DELETE] key on your computer.

 F R E E Z E   a n d   U N F R E E Z E  t h e   A C T I O N
   To stop the game at any time press te  [ESC] key on your computer.

 R E T U R N    T O    A    L O C A T IO N
  To return to a game screen from a mesage screen, a HELP screen, the BOOK,
  or the MAP, press the [RETURN] key.

     S U P P L I E S :

  T H E   H E L P   K E Y .
    On the Apple press the [?] key.

     If you find yourself at a point inthe game where you don't know what
     command to enter, press the [?] ke. This key is tailored to provide
     you with options specific to each ituation.

     For example, if you are at a pointin the game where you need a verb,
     and you press the help key, a listof possible verbs will appear. If
     you choose a verb, but are still ucertain as to what should follow,
     press the help key again to reviewyour options.

     Try the help key in any situation o see what information it contains.

  I N V E N T O R Y
    1. Items in Your Possession.
       Your inventory  (the items you hve with you at a given time), is
       illustrated at the bottom of thescreen. You may also see a list of
       the items you are carrying by tying "INVENTORY".
    2. Items out of Your Possession.
       The objects directly below the lrge picture and above the text lines
       show what is on the ground whereyou are located. You can usually add
       these items to your inventory byusing the "TAKE" command.

  T H E    M A P
    As you explore the island, you willfind the map very helpful. The island
    is large and it's very easy to get ost.

    You will find a blank map on the wrcked ship. Be sure to take it with
    you everywhere. Use the map to keeptrack of where you are, where you
    have been, and to plot your path frm place to place.

    Each time you go to a new screen, that location on the map will be auto-
    matically charted for you. If you wnt to return to a place you visited
    earlier in the game, the map will hlp you to get there.

    To use the map you need to first tye "TAKE MAP", if you do not have it
    in your inventory. To read the map,you must type "OPEN MAP", then type
    "LOOK MAP". When you look at the ma you will notice a flashing cursor
    that indicates your current positio on the island.

 T H E    W O R L D    T R A V E L E R     G U I D E    T O    N A T U R E
    On the ship you will find a valuabl book. It's called THE WORLD
    TRAVELERS GUIDE TO NATURE. The bookcontains interesting facts about the
    plants, animals, and other natural hings you may encounter on your
    journey. This information contains lues about how the natural resources
    of the island can help you survive.

   If you encounter something unfamiliaron the island, you may be able to
    identify it by the way it looks to ou. Try your best to name it
    according to the way it looks to yo. For example, if it looks somewhat
    like a coconut, the call it a cocont! (That makes sense, doesn't it!)

      PIRATES NOTE: There was a poster ncluded in the origional game called
                    the NATURE KEY POSTR. It contained the pictures, names,
                    and a description o all the "things" found on the island.
                    Most of these namesare obvious by their appearance, but
                    there are a few thigs which you might not be able to
                    name by their appeaance alone. So to help you out, here
                    is a list of those hings that were shown on the poster :
                     1. Albatross - a lrge sea bird with a wide wing-span.
                     2. Aloe - a fleshyleaved plant with spiny edges.
                     3. Bamboo - a tall pole-like plant with leaves at top.
                     4. Bear - self expanatory.
                     5. Clay - fine graned earth that turns into mud when wet
                     6. Coconut palm - ooks like typical palm tree.
                     7. Cotton plant -  low shrub with puffy white pods.
                     8. Eagle - self exlanatory
                     9. Flamingo - selfexplanatory
                    10. Fullers earth -white or brown clay found in caves.
                    11. Hornet - a raunhy, little, flying insect that BITES!
                    12. Lion - self expanatory
                    13. Ostrich - big uly bird with long neck.
                    14. Pineapple plant- single-stalked plant w/ sharp leaves
                    15. Potatoe plant -low bushy plant w/ underground roots.
                    16. Python - big, long snake. Grey with black markings.
                    17. Quicksand - lare quantities of lark-vomit in a hole.
                    18. Rice - a grassyplant that grows in swampy areas.
                    19. Rubber Tree - topical tree that bears radial tires.
                    20. Stalactites-lon,pointed rocks found on cave ceilings
                    21. Sugar cane - loks like long, stretched-out corn plant
                    22. Tiger - self exlanatory
                    23. Turtle - reptile not known for its speed!
                    24. Walrus - ugly mmmal with flippers and 2 long tusks.
                    25. Waxberry - an eergreen shrub w/small leaves & berries
                    26. Whale - if you an't recognize it....YOUR BLIND!
    So now that you have all of the aboe information you should be able to
    name whatever it is you want to fin. Once you know the name of something
    you can find it in the BOOK.

    To find something in the book, you ust first "TAKE BOOK", if you do not
    have it in your inventory. To read n entry, you must first type
    "OPEN BOOK", then type "FIND ______whatever object you want to read

  S A V I N G    Y O U R    G A M E
    Games may be saved directly onto th SWISS FAMILY game disk.
     1. To save a game you are playing,you can, at any time, type "SAVE" and
        then press the spacebar.

     2. Decide which letter, A-Z, you wish to name your game. Up to 26 games
        can be saved on the disk at onetime. Type the letter you want and
        press the [RETURN] key.
          Note: Do not save a game unde a letter that already holds a game.
                Also, when you save a gme, be sure to make a note of the
                letter and the locationof your saved game.
     3. The game will be saved on the dsk. You may then continue playing the
        game or turn the computer off ad return later to play.

     1. Insert and boot the SWISS FAMIL disk.
     2. Type "CONTINUE", and press the pacebar.
     3. Decide which game, A-Z, you wan to restore. Type the letter of the
        game you want and press the [REURN] key.
     4. The game will be recalled from he disk. You can then continue the
        game from where you left off.

    If, for any reason, you wish to stat your adventure over, simply:
     1. Type "START NEW GAME", and pres [RETURN]
     2. The computer will ask you to cofirm this. If you do, then type "Y"
        and press [RETURN]. If you do nt want to end your game, type "N"
        and press [RETURN].
     3. The game will then start over fom the beginning.

     G E N E R A L    S U R V I V A L  H I N T S  (to help you on your quest)

      1. If you run aground, launch you boat again.
      2. Be systematic about exploring he island. One strategy might be to
         continue moving in one directin until you meet an obstacle.
      3. If you are not sure what direcion you are moving, try looking at
         the map for help.
      4. Keep track of the place you drpped or left items. You can then go
         back and get them later.
      5. If you leave food out in the oen, it may be eaten by wild animals
         and won't be there when you reurn. Be sure to store your food in a
         safe place.
       6. Save the game often (especialy in dangerous situations), and learn
          from your mistakes so that th next time you encounter the same sort
          of situation, you will act diferently.
       The  End .............Happy Adveturing!!
