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|							                      |
|                              ProTALK v2.1                                   |
|                                                                             |
| Written by Parik Rao                                 Thanks to Tom McDonald |
| 07/21/88                                                    For his Support |
|                                                                             |
|                      The Apple Rebel BBS @ 916/457-0624                     |
|                      The official ProTALK Support Board                     |
|                          And Networking Home Base.                          | |_____________________________________________________________________________|

ProTALK is (c)opyright 1988 Parik Rao
ACOS (tm) is (c)opyrighted by L&L Productions
GBBS (tm) is (c)opyrighted by L&L Productions
ProSEL (tm) is (c)opyrighted by Glen Bredon
Copy II+ (tm) is (c)opyrighted by Central Point

|              |
|   Part I     |---> Foreword

Welcome to the wonderful world of ACOS!  I would like to introduce you to
ProTALK, a GBBS compatible Bulletin Board System (BBS) running under  the
ACOS environment.  ProTALK is a complete BBS package with auto-networking
abilities to boot! What is the price of ProTALK you ask? It is absolutely

The only thing I ask is you register, so we can keep tabs on who's  ready
for an  upgrade, or who would like to be in the network. We may also  ask
you to beta-test any future updates,so it would be in your best interests
to register!  You merely call the ProTALK support board,  the information
on it is given at the end of this file.

Finally, before I  begin with a  explanation and instructions  on how  to
setup ProTALK, a word  to the  reader.  I have  worked countless hours on
this product, in hopes of bettering the Apple II BBS community.  I do not
wish to recieve mail asking why I let this into the public, or  how bad I
wrote code.  I wrote it, unless you  have something constructive  to say,
don't say anything at all.  I am releasing this publicly  mainly so I  do
not have to maintain the hassle of validating systems and such, but  also
maybe BBS users can appreciate how much work SysOps really do.  It  seems
a current trend that users DEMAND the highest technological  advancements
from the poor sysops, who must struggle to keep  up with such  demands if
they wish to have  any users.  It  becomes a extremely  large power play.
Just stop and think about your BBS, whether you are running it for  your-
self  anymore, or  for boosting your ego  by saying you  have the biggest
mass storage device in town...

With that deep, philosophical question in mind, let us continue!

|              |
|   Part II    |---> ProTALK v2.1

What is ProTALK you may ask?  Well, a short  discription is needed!  Pro-
TALK is a Complete BBS package with networking capabilities quite advan-
ced if I do say so myself!  However, as we all  know, BBS SysOps are the
"hacker" types who will want to dig through every bit of the source code
so I won't delve into the inner workings!

I'll just insert that it is a easy to use,  fully configurable BBS with-
out too many hassles!  It comes with  its own configuration program,  so
you don't have to become too deep a hacker!  

|              |
|   Part III   |---> Installation

If you have previously  run ProTALK, the  only thing you  need to run is
the file CONVERT.S.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me,
there are only 15 or so of you so  it should not  be much of  a problem.
Read the documentation however for technical aspects of ProTALK  not yet

So you've decided  to actually  boot up/run ProTALK,  eh?  Good for you!
The installation is quite simple.  First, you must own a  hard drive, or 
some other  mass storage  device.  Second, you  must configure your hard
drive as such for optimal performance.  Note the drivemap, where  VOLUME
stands for /YOUR VOLUME NAME/ (eg, HARD1, CMS, etc, etc)

A:/VOLUME/BBS                  <--- will contain ACOS, ACOS.OBJ, and all
                                    the .S (segment) files
B:/VOLUME/DATA                 <--- will  contain  all  the menus,  help
                                    files, and data files
C:/VOLUME/DATA                 <--- not used by ProTALK
D:/VOLUME/DATA                 <--- not used by ProTALK
E:/VOLUME/DATA                 <--- not used by ProTALK
F:/VOLUME/BOARD                <--- Where Message Base Files are stored
G:/VOLUME/MAIL                 <--- Mail/networking Storage areas
H:/RAM                         <--- temporary FAST-ACCESS data area
I:/VOLUME/DATA                 <--- not used by ProTALK
J:/VOLUME/DATA                 <--- not used by ProTALK
K:/VOLUME/DATA                 <--- not used by ProTALK
L:/VOLUME/AE/VOL.              <--- SuperTAC data files

A: is where all the .S files will go, and also  your copy  of ACOS  and
   ACOS.OBJ will go.  This is where you will always boot up your BBS.

B: is where all the data files will  go.  These include any  help files
   you make, and all the menus and data files generated by ProTALK.

F: is where all the message base files (b1,b2,b3,etc) are stored.

G: is where your mail files and networking temporary files are stored.

H: is a area used by ProTALK for fast-access data storage/recall.  It's
   crucial this area be on some sort of ram drive, as if  it wasn't the
   BBS could slow down heavily.

L: is where SuperTAC stores all its data files.  Read the documentation
   packaged with SuperTAC for more information.

If you currently run a BBS, please skip to part V.
|              |
|   Part IV    |---> Configuring a New BBS

        running a ACOS board, or if you  do not wish  to convert  GBBSs
        user files, message bases, etc.

First, create the directories as specified in Part III.   Now, you must
Get ahold a copy of a master GBBS Disk.  Now boot up the GBBS disk, and
install GBBS onto your hard drive.  Now, go in with a copy utility such
as ProSEL (tm) or  Copy II+ (tm) and copy ACOS and  ACOS.OBJ to the  A:
drivespecifier as mentioned in the above pathname map.  Copy  the  rest
of the /GBBS.PRO subdirectory onto  your B: drivespecifier.   Copy over
B1 to your F: drivespecifier.

Now  unpack ProTALK.BQY and  copy over all  the segments (.S files)  to
the A: drivespecifier.  On A: there should only be ACOS, ACOS.OBJ,  and
the segments.

Unpack ProTALK2.BQY and copy over the help  files and menus to  your B:

Now reboot the GBBS MASTER DISK,and answer "N" when it asks if you wish
to configure your BBS from scratch.  It'll ask for the pathname of your
ACOS file.  Enter /VOLUME/bbs, =not= the /GBBS.PRO subdirectory but the
subdirectory where ProTALK segments are contained!

Reconfigure all the drivespecifiers to meet the pathname standards, and
make sure you make H: as /RAM.

Now, finally,  boot up  the ACOS on  the /VOLUME/bbs drive.  Enter  for
a starting segment "GEN.CONFIG".

After this segment has compiled, you must  answer "Y" to "Configure BBS
from scratch? ".  

Follow the onscreen prompts, and your BBS is now ready to run!  You may
wish to add boards of course, use the "E" command in system segment...
|              |
|   Part V     |---> Transferring GBBS to ProTALK

Ok, this is for all you SysOps who currently run GBBS Pro v1.3 and wish
to convert to ProTALK.  If you are starting from scratch or do not wish
to convert your BBS, please read PART IV.

The VERY, VERY, VERY first thing to do is => BACK UP YOUR HARD DRIVE <=
I cannot guarantee something  unexpected will happen,  and if it  does,
you will lose your  old BBS  and be stuck  with nothing!  So Back  that
sucker up first!

Ok, now that it's  all backed  up, delete ALL  your segments.  I  would
suggest also following the guidelines in the DRIVESPEC MAP in Part III,
but its up to you.  Go into your GBBS Master CONFIG area,  and reconfig
H: as /RAM.

Now unpack ProTALK.BQY and ProTALK2.BQY into your  BBS subdirectory(s).
Boot up ACOS.  Enter "GEN.CONFIG" as the starting program.

Wait until the segment compiles, and answer "N" to  "Configure BBS From
Scratch? ".

Follow the online prompts, and you should be ready to go!  Read Part VI
however for modifications that you will have to do...

|              |
|   Part VI    |---> Modifications Needed.

There are many modifications that  will be required  to get ProTALK  to
custom-fit your needs.  There  is about  15 minutes of  work to get  it
up and running  correctly however after  configuring  it all.  You must
merely load each segment, and do a FIND/REPLACE the following...

THE REBEL                       =    YOUR HANDLE/NAME
SLEDGE                          =    YOUR COSYSOPS NAME
916/457-0624                    =    YOUR BOARDs NUMBER

There are about 7 segments that must be modified, however, it would be
wise to check every segment.  The fastest way is to use a Apple  IIgs,
Diversi-Key, and the ProTERM editor, you merely make four macro's that
just automatically find/replace the above.

At any rate, after these modifications,  you merely load up ACOS,  hit
<RETURN> at  the SEGMENT TO LOAD: prompt,  and after compiling,  and a 
wait, you should see the logon screen.  DO NOT WORRY if you get a  msg
stating  "SCANNING VOLUME [xx]",  or if you get a  BAD DRIVE SPECIFIER
after SCANNING VOLUME [xx], it  just means  that the BBS  is making  a
master directory automatically and could not find one of the drivespec
automatically, it will hang for about 3 minutes and reset itself  with

Now, you  must  go manually compile  each segment so your  users don't
have to wait while they're online (you are, after all, a nice sysop!).
After testing out various features, and doing whatever pleases you, go
to the system segment.  You =may= have to run the NEW MESSAGE FIX, the
command is "M" from the SYSTEM LEVEL.  The reason is  that not  always
are the number of  new messages  converted due to  quirks in ACOS  and
compression routines.  Logon as a few users and see if  the number  of
new messages  is correct.  This  is only applicable  if you  converted 
your old GBBS board of course!

Now you must go in, create boards, edit boards, and change  any menu's
you see  fit.  eg, you  are just  making cosmetic  changes before  you 
open up for the general public!

The hardest part comes  now.  Boot up the  idle-time-screen, turn  off
the moniter, and go  watch TV  or excercise.  After  all, 24 hours  in
front of a CRT screen is dangerous!

|              |
|   Part VII   |---> Segment Descriptions  

Herein is a list of all segments and short descriptions of each...

LOGON.SEG.S     = Non Proterm logon, also boots up the board and is
                  a very important and heavily used segment...

LOGON2.SEG.S    = ProTERM Logon segment, is basically the same thing
                  as LOGON.SEG.S but is very glittery!

MAIN.SEG.S      = Main subroutine of the BBS, its basically the shell
                  where users execute the main commands

MAIN2.SEG.S     = ProTERM version of MAIN.SEG.S, glittery as usual

MSG.SEG.S       = Message base for Non-ProTERM users

MSG2.SEG.S      = Message base for ProTERM Users

MSG3.SEG.S      = Aux segment for MSG2.SEG.S, contains routines that
                  would not fit!

SYSTEM.SEG.S    = System level, for SysOps only!  Contains run-time
                  commands that help you run your BBS...

SYSTEM2.SEG.S   = Exact replicate of SYSTEM.SEG.S, kept in case you
                  wish to make a glittery version

MAIL.S          = Mail segment

MAIL2.S         = Same thing as MAIL.S, just kept in case you wish
                  to make a glittery version

SUPERTAC.S      = File transfer Segment, PROTERM Version

STAC2.S         = Non-ProTERM Version of SuperTAC

STAC.AUX2.S     = Contains File Transfer routines of SuperTAC, PT Spec

SUPERTAC.AUX.S  = Contains various routines for SuperTAC, PT Spec

STAC.AUX.S      = Various routines, Non-ProTERM version

SUPERTAC.SYS.S  = SuperTAC System Level Segment

NEW.USER.S      = Non-ProTERM Version of segment that handles new users

NEW.USER2.S     = ProTERM version of segment that handles new users

GET.STATS.S     = Converts old users to new upon their logon

CHECK.BYE.S     = Segment that basically checks whether the user
                  really wants to terminate or not in ProTERM Spec

TERMINATE.S     = Segment that handles termination on ProTERM Spec

VOTE.S          = Vote Segment

VOTE2.S         = Held in case you want to make a glittery version

STATS.EDITOR.S  = Segment that holds routines in case the user 
                  wants to reconfigure certain statistics

STATS2.EDITOR.S = Same as STATS.EDITOR.S but glittery

HOME.S          = Segment that contains routines for clearing the
                  screen in ProTERM Special

EDITOR.S        = Segment that contains the editor used by most of
                  the BBS

EDITOR2.S       = Segment that contains the editor used by the
                  message base

UP.S            = Segment that allows SysOps to upload to A: - L:

NEW.MSG.FIX.S   = Called by System Segment whenever a SysOp wants
                  to reset the number of new messages

BOARD.EDIT.S    = Segment that is called by the System Level when
                  a sysop wishes to edit a message base

VAR.EDITOR.S    = Segment that allows global var changes, called
                  by System Level

GEN.CONFIG.S    = Configures the BBS for the first time

NET.CONFIG.S    = Contains the Config for the NetWork

Well, there you have it...a list of the segments in ProTALK v2.1!

|              |
|   Part VIII  |---> Technical Information

Here are the bytes, flags, variables, and nibbles used by ProTALK v2.1...


0       - Unvalidated User
1       - Validated User
2       - Message Base Access
3       - SuperTAC access
5       - 10 Pieces of Bulk Mail sendable in EMAIL
19      - 50 Pieces of Bulk Mail sendable in EMAIL
20      - SuperTAC Entry/Priviledged User status on Messages
21      - Download Access in SuperTAC 
22      - Copy-Incoming Access in SuperTAC
23      - View Files Access in SuperTAC
24      - Upload Access in SuperTAC
25      - Elite in SuperTAC              |____
26      - Super Elite in SuperTAC        |____> see addendum
27      - Super-Super Elite in SuperTAC  |
28      - SuperTAC File Manager          |
30      - Elitist Scum status on Messages
33      - DemiGOD status on Messages, Unlimited Pieces of Bulk Mail Sendable
34      - SYSOPS/COSYSOPs only


0       - Nulls used
5       - Low Byte of New Message Counter
6       - High Byte of New Message Counter
7       - Time Spent Online (minutes)
10      - Low byte1 of Bytes Posted
11      - High byte1 of Bytes Posted
12      - Low byte2 of Bytes Posted
13      - High byte2 of Bytes Posted
15      - SuperTAC Protocol

0       - Video Width
5       - Users Time Limit (minutes divided by 10)
6       - Calls Made Today


BP      = Bulletins Posted
TC      = Times Called
CL      = Time Allowed Daily TOTAL (in minutes)
PV      = UNUSED
UL      = Uploads
DL      = Downloads
U1      = High Byte Blocks Uploaded
U2      = Low Byte Blocks Uploaded
D1      = High Byte Blocks Downloaded
D2      = Low Byte Blocks Downloaded
U3      = UNUSED
D3      = UNUSED
PT      = UNUSED (may be used for a point system)
DO      = Days Online
AY      = Whether the user needs to be converted (NEVER change)
LR      = Last Message Read

S1$     = Birthday
S2$     = First Name
S3$     = Computer
S4$     = Sex
S5$     = Group
S6$     = UNUSED
S7$     = UNUSED
S8$     = UNUSED
S9$     = UNUSED

AB      = Number of boards online
DU      = Days BBS has been online
SU      = System Uploads
SD      = System Downloads

IT$     = Idle Time
NE$     = Net Extension

|              |
|   Part IX    |---> Notes, Etc, Etc

First off, I modified SuperTAC to allow one more level.  I describe the
entire setup as...

Flag(20)        = User has access to all public volumes
Flag(25)        = User has access to privileged volumes
Flag(26)        = User has access to elite volumes (does NOT show up in logs)
Flag(27)        = User has access to another level of elite volumes
                  (again, does NOT show up in download/upload logs)
Flag(28)        = User is a board manager

I have  it setup so that Public Domain utilities are setup for flag(20),
then files for trade between higher level users are (25), and then files
I have written are for flag(26), and finally ProTALK SysOps get flag(27).

Second off, if you have any trouble modifying ProTALK, getting it up and
running, =ONLY= contact me  on The Apple Rebel BBS.  Sorry, but I do not
want to waste long distance phone bills answering  any more questions on
how to get ProTALK up.  I will  gladly answers  questions of any kind on
the BBS though, so feel free to get an account.

The number again is posted at the end of this file.

Thirdly, ProTALK locks out 300 baud users, if you do wish to retain
them, remove the line:

if info(2)=1 gosub lockout


Lastly, you may  be  interested in the way  ProTALK keeps the  users time 
statistics in order.  It  has two  sets, one to  count how  much  time is
allowed per CALL, and one to set how much time is allowed per DAY.  There
is no calls/day limit, just time limits.

CT        =   Number of minutes allowed DAILY
nibble(5) =   Number of minutes allowed per CALL (option #F on Sys Edit)

A good setting is 40 minutes per CALL, and 1 hour per DAY.

|              |
|   Part X     |---> Technical Information

ProTALK contains two main external routines, they are named X.WAIT  and
X.CALL respectively.  Both are available in the general public, and the
documentation is available.

VOTE is a complete vote module, it requires very little work, once  you
boot it up  (by either  having the force  vote option, or  entering "V"
at the main prompts) you are prompted with a SYSTEM MENU, enter "G" for
GENERATE  FILES,  it'll automatically generate  the files, and now  you
can procede normally, by  letting your users add  questions or  A)dding
a few questions yourself.

There is a file called PROSCRN included with ProTALK. I did =NOT= write
it, so don't give me undue credit for this great mod.  It allows sysops
to view ProTERM Special locally, to use it, copy it over to the  prefix 
where your ACOS.OBJ is, boot up AppleSoft ProDOS Basic, and then  enter
the following commands:


Simple enough?

The  Message  base does  not use the  standard "F"orward  and "R"everse
read format, instead you just use "R"ead Messages, selecting  "F"orward 
or "R"everse from there.  If you wish to "R"ead Reverse,  but not  from
the last message, merely "S"kip messages once  you begin reading.  This
was done to preserve code space, as the segments are quite large and  I 
did not want to create another MSGx.SEG.S!

The Message Base has a added  option, if you  use a  "%" as  the  first
letter in a message base, the board becomes a "Anonymous" type of board
What does the  anonymous mode  mean?  It  allows the  user to  enter  a 
message under  any  name he/she  choose's!  This only  is available  on
boards that have "%" as the first letter in their name, eg,"%WHO'S WHO"
is a prime example that exists on the Apple Rebel BBS.  SysOps are left
a little note at the bottom of the message stating:

[Note]:Supposedly from ------

the ----- stands for the name the user chose to assume, eg, they  could
use "SYSOP" or whatnot.  This could be a lighthearted, fun modification
or it could start some  serious quarrels.  Be  very careful  with  this

SuperTAC only  uses one data file, L:STAC.DATA (L: can  be replaced  by
whatever drivespecifier you use).  It contains the following lines...


X1      = SysOp Access Low Volume
Y1      = SysOp Access High Volume
X2      = Normal Access Low Volume
Y2      = Normal Access High Volume
X3      = Flag(25) Access Low Volume
Y3      = Flag(25) Access High Volume
X4      = Flag(26) Access High Volume
Y4      = Flag(26) Access Low Volume
X5      = Flag(28) Access Low Volume
Y5      = Flag(28) Access High Volume
X6      = Flag(27) Access Low Volume
Y6      = Flag(27) Access High Volume
A$      = Last User to Exfer
B$      = Last User to Upload
C$      = Last User To Download
W1-W3   = Total Blocks Uploaded (high1, high, low bytes)
Z1-Z3   = Total Blocks Downloaded (high1, high, low bytes)

Any volume that is above the one defined by FLAG(25) [Y3] is =NOT= shown in
the system logs, such as DOWNLOAD, UPLOAD, and ABOUTs files.  This means if 
you DO have special volumes setup you do not want your normal users to see,
you should set up flag(26) or (27)  [this allows two sets of elite volumes]
to point  to the high volumes, and then set up flags for your users accord-

The segment AUTODIR.S automatically creates a master directory every night.
You must NEVER create a master directory yourself, just link to AUTODIR
if you have to create one for reasons unknown.

The segment BOARD.EDIT.S allows you to edit your boards without  having to
boot up your GBBS Config program.  I did not write this program, I  merely
modified it to keep it compatible with  GBBS, it may have bugs  for all  I
know, it does work fine when editing message bases however,and that is all
I recommend you use it for.

If you have remote sysops who would like to download segments or such from
your A: - L: drivespecifier, get them into your system level, and  use the
"S"egment Work.  You will be able to upload, download, and catalog any  of
the drivespecifiers, the protocol is set to Batch Ymodem automatically.

Next, for those SysOps  who currently  run games, I would  be VERRRRRRRRRY 
careful with them, some  of them will definitly conflict  with ProTALK.  I
have included TURBO.RUN.BQY in its own game module for  your users entert-  
ainment, I did not write  this fine segment, I  am merely distributing it.

Also, there is a segment called DIAL.S.  It is a beta-test dialing segment 
I wrote when testing X.CALL,  just use it for  the heck of it,  it doesn't
really serve any purpose, it will call out  fine, but when you  are online
things look very strange, with carriage returns not being served properly.
My aim was not to write a terminal program, just to test out X.CALL.

There is a segment called VAR.EDITOR.S included with ProTALK v2.1. It lets
you to globally effect changes. It is called by typing "V" from the system
level, you then select  FLAG, BYTE, NIBBLE,  or VARIABLE.  You  can change 
any of the variables that  is specific for  each user (a list is presented
somewhere above) except AY, since this variable should never be changed.

You merely enter the flag/nibble/byte/variable  to globally change,  enter 
the new value, and  then enter  the starting user  number and ending  user
number.  The system will work for awhile, and the variable will have  been
globally changed!

The system also prints the time  in the idle  time state, if you  have any
problems with the board with X.WAIT, please contact me and we can work out

X.WAIT also kicks  into  a slow-wait routine  sometimes, you will  see the
screen print something along the lines of...

RETURNING TO IDLE TIME STATE IN         ->  00:00:60 secs"

and the 60 will vary from 1-60.  Don't worry, this is a function I  had to
insert to keep the  integrity of  the board.  It  will return to  the idle
state within 1 minute.

SuperTAC allows multiple drivespecifiers to be online,  to accomplish this
three segments must be changed.  They are:


At the beginning of each segment, you will find a line something along the
line of...


To use  2 drives/volumes,  change FV to  the highest volume  of the  first
drive, and v2$="K" or whatever other drivespecifier  you wish.  An example

/CMS/TRANSFER/AE/VOL.1          <- These are your L: drive specifiers
                     2          <- previously defined
                     3          <-
                     4          <-

/CMS.2/TRANSFER/AE/VOL.5        <- These are the transfer volumes on
                       6        <- your second drive.  They MUST be
                       7        <- numbered sequentially =AFTER= the
                       8        <- the ones on the first drive (eg, 5-8)

After changing these lines, whenever a user logs to volume 5 for example,
SuperTAC checks to see if it indeed is above the  first drive, and if so,
it changes the drivespec to K: + x, where x represents the volume number.
Remember,  the second drive must NOT be numbered 1-20 or whatnot, but 20-

=Note= This was a built in feature of SuperTAC, I did not write it!

Finally, if you wish to network, please read the accompanying  NET.DOCS
and call the Apple Rebel BBS as the instructions state.  Networking  is
a exciting, innovative technology  coming into full swing  for Apple II
BBSs, and I have  designed cheap alternatives  to calling direct,  such
as PC Pursuit, but these updates are only available on the  Apple Rebel

|              |
|   Part XI    |---> Wrapping it Up...

Well, I guess you've got ProTALK up now, eh?  I wish the best of luck for
you, and I sincerely hope you join in the network.  Its SysOps who do that
make it all worth it, and keep my faith in the Apple II Community alive.
Feel free to drop me a note on the Apple Rebel BBS anytime, I'm available
on other BBSs but more and more infrequently with other programming projects.

Lastly, I ask you to PLEASE register with the Apple Rebel BBS, I sincerely
want to keep track of who's running this sucker.  It may be nice to keep
a running list or whatnot.  

Thank you all for your time, and may God be with you, and your system, which
will definitely need him...


                                                                     Parik Rao
|              |
|   Part XII   |---> Ending

===================       ============       =============       ==============
The Apple Rebel BBS       916/457-0624       120 Megabytes       1200-9600 Baud
===================       ============       =============       ==============

                        The Official ProTALK Support Board


ProTALK is (C)opyright 1988 Parik Rao, and is a trademark (tm) of Rogue Systems