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NATO COMMANDER DOCS UPI...Brussels: The new NATO commander was sworn in today in a brief ceremony. AP...Wittenberge: The East German labor movement claims that the workers in the border town of Wittenberge are on strike. Reports from West Germany sources indicate that large numbers of refugees are crossing the border in the vicinity. East Germany today accused the West German Government of supplying food and weapons to the striking workers. REUTERS...Frankfurt: NATO forces have been placed on Alert Level 3 and all leaves have been cancelled. Tension along the East German border has increased as a result of the West German government's recent support of the dissident East German labor movement. REUTERS...Moscow: The USSR threatened today to crush the labor revolt by force if necessary. It warned the West German government not to interfere with the 'internal affairs' of a Warsaw Pact country. AP...Wittenberge: East German dissidents announced the beginning of talks with the West German government aimed at the reunification of the two Germanies. The West German government refuses to confirm or deny the existence of these talks. REUTERS...Berlin: All access routes to the city of Berlin have been closed by the East German Government. American and British outposts report contact with Russian mechanized forces. The Soviet government refused to acknow- ledge the outbreak of hostilities but noted that 'appropriate measures' were being taken. Situation Briefing (April 30) To: Incoming Nato Commander Nato forces in central Region consist of 24 divisions and supporting assets from the US, West German, British, Dutch and Belgian armies. In addition a number of French divisions should become available if war breaks out. The Warsaw Pact has deployed over thirty divisions from East Germany, Czechoslovakia and the USSR along the East German border. An additional 50 divisions are avaiable from the WP strategic reserve in Poland and the USSR. Therefore the initial priority in any conflict with the WP forces must be to hold back the attack until NATO reserves can be assembled and NATO air superiority can be established. COMPUTER CODE A B C COUNTER CODE C E I NATO Order of Battle -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= US V Corps: 3rd Armored and 8th Mechanized divisions. Headquatered at Frankfurt, this Corps must defend the centrally located Fulda gap and the large concentration of air assets based at Frankfurt. US VII Corps: 1st Armored and 3rd Mechanized divisions. This Corps defends the city of Nurenburg and the US nuclear missles near Ulm. US Support Units: Six Surface-Air missles units, three Air Wings, two Assault Helicopter units, and two groups of Tactical nuclear missles. US Reinforcements: 1st Mechanized Division, arrives May 3-4; 2nd Armored Division, May 6-7; 4th Mechanized Division, May 13-14; 2nd Marine Division, May 15; 101st Airbone Division, May 24. West German I Corps: 3rd and 21st Panzer (Armored) Divisions; 1st, 7th, and 21st Mechanized Divisions. This Corps defends the northern approaches. (Hannover/Hamburg) WG II Corps: 10th Panzer, 4th, 1st and 1st Alpine Divions. This Corps defends the southern approaches and the city of Munich. WG III Corps: 5th and 12th Panzer Divisions; 2nd Mechanized Division. This Corps defends the central approaches. WG Militia units: Will be called up to defend major cities if war breaks out. WG Support units: Two air wings, three Assault helicopter units and six SAM installations. BRITISH I Corps: 1st, 2nd and 4th Armored Divisions. This powerful armored force is concetrated near Hannover. The 3rd Mechanized (Airmobile), arrives on May 8th. NETHERLANDS I Corps: 1st and 4th Mechanized Divisions. BELIGIAN I Corps: 1st and 16th Mechanized Divisions. These small divisions are ideal for rear area defense against Soviet Airborne divisions. These countries also contribute two air wings and four SAM sites. The French army isn't integrated into the NATO command structure but is expected to supply the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th Mechanized Divisions in the event of a European war. COMPUTER CODE D E COUNTER CODE H A Warsaw Pact Order of Battle -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Stationed in Eastern Europe: 2nd Soviet Guard Tank Army, 6 divisions 3rd Soviet Shock Army, 3 divisions 20th Soviet Guards Army, 5 divisions 8th Soviet Guards Army, 4 divisions 1st Soviet Guard Tank Army, 4 divisions East German 3rd Army, 3 divisions East German 5th Army, 3 divisions Czechoslovakian 1st Army, 3 divisions Czechoslovakian 4th Army, 4 divisions WP Strategic Reserve: 5th Soviet Guard Tank Army,12 divisions 7th Soviet Guard Tank Army,12 divisions 8th Soviet Guards Tank Army,5 divisions 13th Soviet Mechanized Army,4 divisions 16th Soviet Mechanize Army,12 divisions 1st Polish Army, 13 divisions 1st Hungarian Army, 6 divions The strategic situation and Warsaw Pact doctrine require an all-out attack by WP forces. Soviet strategy envisions overrunning forward NATO defenses and airfields before reinforcements arrive and NATO's qualitative air superiority can be decisive. You may expect concen- trated attacks along the line. The Soviet strategic reserve may reach the front in as little as two days or three days. Maximum advantage should be taken of the excellent defensive positions offered along the major rivers and forests. Air units and SAM support units should be protected. Without air superiority any prolonged defense or counterattack will be impossible. Major cities should be held for political reasons. The powerful attack strength of the helicopter units should be used to eliminate WP units which are cut off or to support a counterattack. Nuclear weapons should be used only as a last resort and must be authorized by the Comander-in-Chief. COMPUTER CODE F G COUNTER CODE J L At the end of the first day (except in the demo), a classified NATO codei is displayed and requires the player to enter the correct countercode. To determine the correct countercode, read the letter displayed by the computer when it asks for the countercode. Then go to the countercode table, (found throughout these docs), and locate the code letter given by the comp. Located directly beneath the comp. generated code letter is the countercode letter. Type the correct one in and hit <RET>. COMPUTER CODE H I COUNTER CODE I F SCENARIOS -=-=-=-=- Surprise Attack: In this scenario the WP launches a suprise strike against the NATO forces. The NATO player must delay the attackers and inflict as much damage as possible. In this scenario, political points are ignored. Hannover/Hamburg: This scenario uses only the Northern half of the map. WP forces attempt to overrun the NATO defenders and capture these two cities. Pre-Emptive Strike: The NATO player takes the initiative and attacks the WP armies. Allows to use offensive tactics The Italion Option: WP forces attack along the German front but offer peace to the Italians. Political points are doubled as they are required to persuade the Italians to join battle. The Battle of Germany: This scenario includes the entire WP assault on Germany and ends only with the with- drawal of either WP or NATO forces. You armies may be organized into divisions (larger units) or brigades (smaller units). Divisions are more powerful and easier to manage, brigades give you more tactical flexibilty. COMMANDS -=-=-=-= Cursor Control: The white rectangular cursor is used to designate what unit you are communicating with. The joy- stick or the UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT arrows may be used to move it. On the ][+ the ; / <- ->, control movement. Unit Status: (Button 0 or <SB>) This cmd displays the stats of the unit under the cursor. Included are Unit ID, Strength, Supply Level, Defense Mode, Morale and other status information. Move: (Button 1 or M) Cmds the unit to move to a new location. After entering the M cmd, move the cursor to the new location. The use the HERE command. Attack: (Button 0 & 1 or A) Cmds the unit to attack an enemy unit. Ground units may only attack adjacent units. Helicopter units may attack anywhere on the map. Desigante the unit to be attacked with the HERE command. Here: (Button 0 or <SB> or H) used to designate the destination of a MOVE or ATTACK cmd. If an attack is being ordered you will be asked to select an accerlated attack, normal or chemical attack using the keys 1, 2, 3. Cancel: (X) Cancel any outstanding move ment or attack orders for that unit. Orders: (O) Used to give special orders to Air or Nuclear units. Air units may be ordered to begin Air Superiority, Ground Support or Reconnaisance missions. Nuclear units may be commanded to authorize, launch or cancel nuclear strikes. Terrain: (T) This cmd removes the units from the display, allowing you to see the terrain under those units. Cities: (C) This cmd removes the units from the display and shows the names of the major cities. <Toggleable> Freeze: (F) Stops the game while allow- ing cmds to be entered. <Toggleable> General Status: (G) Displays the curernt situation, including casualties WP penetration, Political Points, Combat Points and total victory points. Air Status: (Q) Displays the basic air war status information. Who?: (W) Positions the cursor over the source of the previous radio message unless the message was from the surrendering unit. Put: (Ctr-P) Save current game. Load: (Ctrl-L) Loads a saved game. Restart: (Ctrl-@) Restarts the game. UNIT TYPES -=-=-=-=-= American, British and French units are blue. West German, Dutch and Belgian units are purple. All WP units are Red/Orange. Due to the fact that I cannot draw what each unit looks like, you'll have to try and figure 'em out yourself.... Mechanized Infantry: the backbone of every army. Better on defense than attacking. Armor: Fast moving and hard hitting. Armor Calvary: Mobile reconnaisance units. Airborne: used mainly to attack lightly defended rear are installations. (WP only) Militia: best suited for fixed defense. Helicopters: used to eliminate surround ed or weakened units. Air Wings: air planes, etc.. Surface-to-Air Missiles: missiles, etc. Tactical Nuclear Missiles: last resort! COMPUTER CODE J K COUNTER CODE G I BASIC CONCEPTS -=-=-=-=-=-=-= Modes: A unit may assume one of four modes. In Prepared Defense, the unit is dug in a defensive posture. In Tactical the unit is in a mobile posture. A unit may only move and attack if it is in Tactical mode. The Hasty Defense and Defense modes are used during the tran- sition from Tactical to Prepared Defense modes. Units automatically enter the Tactical mode when ordered to move or when routed. Movement: Units will move faster over road and clear terrain than river and forested. Units that are fresher will move faster than borken and routed units. A unit cant move through another Combat: Many factors affect combat. Tanks are more suitable to attacking, infantry are better on defense. Defending units are stronger in Prepared Defense mode. Combat is also affected by the amount of air power assigned to ground support. A chemical attack reduces the effectiveness of the infantry, but leaves the tanks at full strength. There is a political point penalty for the use of chemical weapons by NATO forces. Morale: Morale levels are Fresh, Pressured, Tired, Broken and Routed. COMPUTER CODE L M COUNTER CODE G F Air Operations: Air Wings may be assigned one of three missions. Air superiority orders the wing to engage and defeat the WP air units directly. Air Wings on ground support missions assist ground units in both defensive and offensive combat. Air Wings on Reconnaisance missions may discover lcation of WP units which are not in combat with NATO forces. Nuclear Operations: Nuclear strikes must be authorized by the Commander in Chief. USe this only as a last resort or if the commies have started using 'em also. You lose political points, but who care? Nuke those fucking commies! Victory Points: are a measure of how successfully (or unsuccessfully) you are conducting the campaign. Victory points may be Political or Combat points. Politcal points represent general world opinions to the battle, and are gained by capturing cities, they are lost by losing cities, and using chemical or nuclear weapons. Combat points reflect the battle situation and are gained by inflicting casualities on the enemy, they're lost by allowing the enemy to penetrate into your territory. COMPUTER CODE N O P COUNTER CODE F P N Later and like WE ROCK! Apple Rebel The Ace The Wardon Hot Rod Lord Rama The Klepto Allister Fiend The Timelord