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                       GLEANERS tm INDEX v2.0

                TABLE OF CONTENTS                                 1




        Contents of diskette                        2         


        Making a backup diskette                    2         


        Using the Glean Program                     3         

        Windows                                     3

        Special Keys                                3

        Main Menu                                   4


        Searching for a Subject                     4         


        Category Menu                               4         


        Display a Category                          5         

        Password Protection                         5

        Printing a Category                         5         


        Editing or Deleting Records                 6         

        Scroll Keys                                 6

        Selection Keys                              6


        Editing Keys                                7


        Field Limitations                           7


        Add New Records                             8

        Registration                                8








     Greetings:  This manual is designed to assist you in the execution 

     of commands found on your Gleaners diskette.  The sequence of 

     commands on the diskette corresponds to the steps in the manual. 


     As you proceed with the execution of the Glean program, the 

     research potential for home and school becomes apparent.  I feel 

     that the development of research and computer skills with the use 

     of the program makes for a winning combination. 


     It has been the intention from the beginning to share this program 

     with students and educators.  For all curious individuals who seek 

     knowledge, especially with the help of National Geographic (R) 

     magazines, I wish you the best of luck with this program!

     I wish to thank my wife Trish, who's inspiration initiated the

     program, and who's many hours of data entry helped produce the

     final product.


     Feel free to write or communicate with me at any time.                     



                            John Rubin                                          




                 CONTENTS OF DISKETTES                   


            Glean.exe    -    Main program             

            Cat1.rec     -    People category file                  

            Cat2.rec     -    Place category file  (A-L)            

            Cat3.rec     -    Event category file                   

            Cat4.rec     -    Animal category file                  

            Cat5.rec     -    Vegetable category file               

            Cat6.rec     -    Object file                           

            Help1.txt    -    Help file #1 

            Help2.txt    -    Help file #2 

            Help3.txt    -    Help file #3 

            Help4.txt    -    Help file #4 

            Help5.txt    -    Help file #5

            Help6.txt    -    Help file #6 

            Glean.doc    -    This file 



                             MAKING BACKUP DISKETTES                            


     When you receive your Gleaners Index diskette, first make backup 

     copy of it, then store the original in a safe place. 


     1) Format one blank diskette with the DOS format command, using 

        DOS  version 2.1 or higher. 


     2) Place the original Gleaner Diskette in drive A, and a new 

        formatted diskette in drive B. At the A> type "copy *.* B:" 




                          USING GLEAN.EXE 


     Boot up the computer using DOS. Insert Disk #1 in drive A. At the 

     A> type "Glean" and press enter (return).                           


     An introductory screen will appear.  To proceed into the program, 

     press any key. 


                                 THE WINDOWS 


        ?                   #1  TITLE WINDOW                        ? 



        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                   #2 ACTION WINDOW                        ? 

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?

        ?                                                           ?



        ?                   #3 KEY SELECTION WINDOW                 ? 


     Window #1 is the title window.  In it will be the program name and 

     the selection title.


     Window #2 is the action window.  It will either contain a menu or 

     it will be where records are displayed, edited, deleted, added or 

     searched for.


     Window #3 is the key selection window.  This window will display 

     active keys and what they do.


                                 SPECIAL KEYS 

     F1 - The F1 key is the Help Key and it will activate a help window 

     which corresponds to the screen you are viewing.  You may use the 

     PgUp, PgDown and ESC Keys to view the help file or exit the help 


     ESC - The ESC key will always bring the program back to the 

     previous step in the program.  Examples:  if you are printing a 

     category it will stop the printing, if you are at the main menu it 

     will exit the program. 



                                  MAIN MENU       



     There are 5 selections in the MAIN MENU as seen below.                     

              GLEANERS NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (R) INEDX                            


               (1) Search for a subject                

               (2) Display a category                  

               (3) Print a category  

               (4) Edit or delete existing records 

               (5) Add new records 


                    PLEASE MAKE YOUR SELECTION                                  

                 TYPE IN THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER                               


                      SEARCH FOR A SUBJECT 


     At the MAIN MENU type in "1".                                              


          A) Entering a subject                                                 


     You will be asked to type in any subject.  At the question, type in 

     a subject and press return. 


     The subject may be typed in any combination of upper or lower case 

     letters.  The subject matter may be as specific as "archeology 

     under the sea" or a general as the letter "a".  The program will 

     search the files for the subject and print a list of articles which 

     contain this subject. 



          B) Selecting a category                                            


     Below is a display of the CATEGORY MENU used in the program.  You 

     may search for the subject in any category by typing the 

     corresponding number or all of the categories by typing "7". 


                            CATEGORY MENU                                      


         The following is the list of categories to choose from. 


                             (1) PEOPLE                                         

                             (2) PLACE                                          

                             (3) EVENT                                          

                             (4) ANIMAL                                         

                             (5) VEGETABLE                                      

                             (6) OBJECT                                         

                             (7) SEARCH ALL CATEGORIES                          

                             (8) RETURN TO MAIN MENU                            



                SELECT THE CATEGORY YOU WISH TO SEARCH                          

                    TYPE IN THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER                            

     **** note  the  / key toggles the output of a search to the screen 

     or to the printer.  **** 




             D) Scrolling the screen                                            


     The program will print a list of the articles which contain the 

     chosen subject until the screen area is filled or until the list is 




                              DISPLAY A CATEGORY  



     Selection #2 of the MAIN MENU will print to the screen any or all 

     of the category files.                                          


     Upon typing "2" the CATEGORY MENU will appear.  You may view any 

     category by typing the corresponding number.   


     The file will be displayed on the screen.  You may scroll through 

     the file using the following keys.


     Up & Down Arrows - Moves up or down one record. 

     PgUp & PgDown    - Moves up or down one screen.

     Home             - Move to the first record.

     End              - Moves to the last record.

                             PASSWORD PROTECTION

     Selection 3, 4 and 5 of the main menu, print a category, edit or 

     delete a record and add new records, are password protected.

     The password is "PLEASE" is capital letters.


                               PRINT A CATEGORY 



     Selection #3 of the MAIN MENU will print out a copy of GLEANERS 

     INDEX.  Type "3" at the MAIN MENU. You will be asked for a password. 

     Type "PLEASE" and the CATEGORY MENU will appear. 


     Type in the corresponding number for the category you wish to print 

     or type "7" to print a complete category index.  



                       EDIT OR DELETE EXISTING RECORDS 

     Selection #4 of the Main Menu will edit, delete or add records to 

     an existing category file.  Type "4" at the MAIN MENU. You will be 

     asked for a password.  Type "PLEASE" and the CATEGORY MENU will 



     Type in the corresponding number for the category you wish to edit. 

     Records can be added, deleted or edited to the selected category.  

     There is a maximum number of 200 records which can be added or 

     edited at any one session.  If disk space is limited the number of 

     records which can be edited will be displayed in window #3, the 

     bottom window next to REC. 

     Use the SCROLL KEYS to select a record to edit or delete by moving 

     the pointer to the desired record. 

     Use the SELECTION KEYS to either Edit a record, Mark a record for 

     Deletion or Add a new record to the file. 

     Use the EDITING KEYS to perform the actual editing or adding of 



     *Each field,  (Category, Title, Volume, Number & Date) is          *

     *completed by pressing the ENTER key.  The Record is completed when* 

     *the ENTER key is pressed after the Date field .  The Record that  *

     *the pointer is sitting at when you escape out is not recorded.    *



     THE POINTER -  >>> 



     Up Arrow & Down Arrow - Moves the pointer either up or down through 

     the displayed records, one record at a time.         


     PgUp & PgDn - Moves the pointer either up or down through the 

     displayed records, one page at a time. 


     Home - Moves the pointer to the first record. 


     End - Moves the pointer to the last record. 




     F1 - Help Key

     F7 - Edit Key - Starts the editing of the record at the pointer. 

     F9 - Add Key - Starts the add records mode.  Records are added 

     continously until the ESC key is pressed.  The record at the 

     pointer upon quiting is not recorded. 



     (SELECTION KEYS cont.)

     F10 - Delete Key - Toggle key for deleting or undeleting a record 

     at the pointer.  A deleted record will have a "D" next to the 


     <ESC> - Escape Key - Ends the add record session. The records are 

     then sorted and recorded in the appropriate category file. 



     Left Arrow & Right Arrow - Moves the cursor left or right one 



     Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word, number or 



     End - Moves the cursor to the end of the word, number or date . 


     Ins - Inserts a space between two characters at the cursor. 


     Del - Deletes a character at the cursor. 


     Back Arrow - Deletes one character back.


     Enter - Accepts the field and moves to the next field or if on the 

     date field it moves to start of the next new record. 


     Esc - Quits to the Selection Screen.  The record at the pointer is 

     not recorded. 





     CATEGORY - Only the selected category can be entered and is set by 

     default.  The field cannot be left blank. 




                    1. - People

                    2. - Place

                    3. - Event

                    4. - Animal

                    5. - Vegetable

                    6. - Object


     TITLE - Any character is accepted.  The field cannot be left blank. 


     VOL. - Any number between 0 & 999 may be entered.  The field cannot 

     be left blank. 


     NUM. - Any number between 0 & 9 may be entered.  The field cannot 

     be left blank. 


     DATE - Any date up to the year 2999 is accepted.  The date is 

     entered as MM/DD/YYYY. The MONTH is 2 numbers. The DAY is 2 

     numbers. The YEAR is 4 numbers. The Date Field may be entered with 

     or without slashes.  The Date is checked for a valid date when the 

     enter key is pressed. 



                               ADD NEW RECORDS 

     Selection #5 of the Main Menu will Add new records to any category 

     file.  Type "5" at the MAIN MENU. You will be asked for a password, 

     type "PLEASE". 


     Press the F9 key to start adding records.  

     Press the ESC key to end adding records.

     Records can be added to any category.  There is a maximum number of 

     200 records which can be added or edited at any one session. If 

     disk space is limited, the number of records which can be edited 

     will be displayed in window #3, the bottom window next to REC. 

     Use the SCROLL KEYS to select a record to edit or delete by moving 

     the pointer to the desired record. 

     Use the SELECTION KEYS to either Edit a record, Mark a record for 

     Deletion or Add a new record. 

     Use the EDITING KEYS to perform the actual editing or adding of 



     *Each field,  (Category, Title, Volume, Number & Date) is          *

     *completed by pressing the ENTER key.  The Record is completed when* 

     *the ENTER key is pressed after the Date field.  The Record that  *

     *the pointer is sitting at when you escape out is not recorded.    *




                           STARTING A NEW DATABASE

     If you wish to create an index for another magazine or set of 

     books, you may do this with GLEANERS INDEX.  To do this, erase 

     the Cat$.rec files and Gleaners Index will create new files 

     when you add new records using the ADD NEW RECORD selection.

     Another method would be to delete all the records from the 

     Cat$.rec files using the EDIT OR DELETE RECORD selection.  Either 

     method will allow the user to create a new index.

     GOOD LUCK !!! 

     If you need help or find a bug, give me a call or drop me a line.

     The registration fee for Gleaner's Index is $15.  If you use this 

     program you should register with us.  The fee is not an exorbitant

     amount of money and it encourages the production of both new and 

     better programs for you and your children to enjoy.

     Please send the registration to :

                              GLEANERS'S PRINTING

                              P.O. Box 617

                              Kingston, Nova Scotia  BOP 1RO


     ********* Thank you for supporting shareware software **********

                              John Rubin