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|               BY: THE UNBELIEVER                |
|                                                 |
|  CALL:                                          |
|                                                 |
|  Stray Cat's Tavern (30 megs ae 1200/cf)        |
|  (619)756-1574                                  |
|                                                 |


A quick description of the various map features (you can call up a overall map by hitting the joystick button after you roll but before you end your turn).

                 CLOSEUP MAP                   OVERALL MAP

CHARITY CENTRAL  a picture of a heart          a "C"

CHECKPOINT       a check mark                  as closeup

HOSPITAL         a cross (like the red cross)  same

LOCKER           a key                         a "L"

PAWN SHOP        three dots in a triangle      same

RESTAURANT       a cup on a saucer             a "R"

TELEPHONE        a bell                        same

UGH              a bold arrow                  a arrow

DRUG             a morter and pestile          same

GROCERY          a milk bottle                 same

HARDWARE         a light bulb                  same

PETS             a cow                         same

SPORTS           a basketball                  same

TOYS             a teddy bear head             same

   The object of the game is to be the first player to identify and obtain 4 specific (correct) items and bring them to a Check Point.


Using the Joystick

   Whenever you need to make a choice, your options will be displayed on the screen. Move the joystick until the small arrow points to your choice, then press the joystick button. Your selection isn't actually make until you press the button. (Keyboard commands for the apple are as follows:

M , .

Where you push the button corrisponding to the direction of movement desired, the "K" key is used in place of the joystick button).

   Whenever you see the joystick symbol flashing it will be in one of three configurations:

1. The joystick handle will flash, this means that it wants you to push the joystick in a direction.

2. The joystick button will flash, this means push the joystick button.

3. Both the button and handle will flash, this means you can push the handle to select something OR push button to see more choices.


The movement keys were explained above, these are additional commands.

A- Toggles the sound on and off.

E- Ends the game and shows you the 4 correct items.

B- Shows the current player's inventory (what he or she is carrying).

S- Saves the game (in case you want to stop playing now and continue at another time, requires a DOS 3.3 formatted disk).

R- Restores a game that was saved. (Will ask for a save game diskette).

V- Shows the version number of the game. If pressed at title screen it will do a disk verify.

O- Optional variations to the program. More on this latter.

Moving Around.

   Players are represented on the board by numbered tokens.
   To move your token around the board, just push the joystick in the appropriate direction. For instance, push the joystick to the left to move your token to the left. You can "backtrack" as much as you want; that is, you can move your token to the left, then change your mind and move it to the right (there will be no movement penelty).
   You must move exactly the number of squares you rolled UNLESS you go into an activity square (any store, pawn shop, locker, restaurant, phone booth, UGH, Check Point, or Charity Central) OR bump another player.


Seeing the Entire Board.
   You can see the entire city of Fooblitzky by pressing the joystick button ONCE. This overview of the city will show you where you are, where all the other players are, and whick crosswalks are clear.
   You can only do this immediately after your roll or when you are moving along the sidewalk. To return to the playing area, press the joystick button once again.

Seeing Your Inventory
   You can see your inventory - the items you're carring - by pressing the joystick button TWICE in rapid succession, or by typing B on the keyboard. You can only do this immediately after your roll or as you move along the sidewalk. Press the joystick button once to return to the playing area.


Enter the Number of Players.

   First indicate whether 2, 3, or 4 people are playing the game. Point to the dog holding the number 2, 3, or 4, then press the joystick button.

Secretly Choose Items.

   Each player should secretly choose any 1 of the 18 items in the game while the other players look away. There are 3 screens of items, so if the item you want is not displayed, press the joystick button to see the other screens.

   When you choose an item (by pointing to it and pressing the joystick button), it is automatically put into 1 of your 2 lockers. However, you won't be told WHICH locker.

The 4 Correct Items

   The 4 items sceretly chosen at the start of the game become the 4 correct items each player must bring to a Check Point in order to win. If there are fewer that 4 players, the computer randomly selects the remaining item(s).

   The 4 correct items don't have to be 4 different items. For instance, 2 (or more) players can secretly choose the same (see "Doubles and Triples" later).

Cost of the 4 Correct Items.

   After the last player secretly chooses his or her item, the computer will show the cost of each of the 4 correct items, from least expensive to most expensive. The cost of each item will be on part 3 of the docs "Fooblitzky Worksheet".


   Foobles are the units of currency in Fooblitzky.
   You will always start with exactly twice as many foobles as are needed to buy one of each correct item. To find out how many foobles you have at the start of your turn, check the status line.
   Foobles are automatically deducted or credited whenever appropriate.


The status line is active for whoever's turn it is.
Starting from the left going to the right:
Player: #  MOVES: ##   (SQUARE)  FOOBLES: ##   ##:## AM/PM

Player shows which players turn it is

Moves show how many moves are left

(Square) shows which quadrant you are in.

Foobles shows the amount of foobles you have

##:## AM/PM shows time of day (crosswalks are busyier during rush hour 8:00 am to 8:45 am, 12:00 pm to 12:45 pm, 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm. The end of the day is after 5:45 pm).


   Looks like a upright roulette wheel. Push joystick button to stop (it will take a random amount of time to stop). This number will be your moves.


   Fooblitzky has four neighborhoods, or "quadrants": The upper-left, upper-right, lower-left, and lower-right.
   You can always tell what quadrant you are in by looking for the identifying box, which appears both in the status line and in the stores.
   EACH quadrant has one of each kind of store:
   Drug store
   Grocery store
   Hardware store
   Pet store
   Sporting Goods store
   Toy store

   Each quadrant also has one of each of the following:
   Phone booth
   UGH going clockwise around board
   UGH going counterclockwise around board

   Lockers and Check Points are in the upper-left and lower-right quadrants only. Pawn shops are in upper-right and lower-left quadrants only. The hospital is in the lower-left quadrant, and Charity Central is in the upper-right.


How the Items Are Distributed.

   There are usually 4 of every item in Fooblitzky. Generally, these are evenly distributed among the stores, so that there will be 1 hot dog in each of the 4 grocery stores, 1 eyedropper per drug store, etc.
   However, the item each player secretly chooses at the beginning of the game goes into that player's locker. So if player 1 chooses a pig, then player 1 will have a pig in one of his or her lockers.
   Each correct item also DISAPPEARS from one of the stores and will be "out-of-stock" in one of the stores. In the example above a pig will be out of stock at a pet store.
   In a 2 or 3 player game, the item(s) selected by the computer will be out of stock in one of the stores, it will not however be available in a locker.
   If 2 (or more) of the correct items are identical, then the distribution will be different (see "doubles and triples" below).

Doubles and Triples
   If 2 players secretly choose the same item, say a pig, then 2 of the 4 correct items are pigs. All players must obtain 2 pigs, plus the other 2 correct items, to win.
   If 2 players secretly choose the same item (pig) they will each have a pig in one of thier lockers. There will be 6 additional pigs for sale in the pet stores (each store
will have from 0 to 2 pigs). Thus there may be no pigs out of stock in any store, even though pigs are correct items. Regardless of how many pigs there are in a store. you will still be shown only one pig each time you enter a store.
   It's possible that 3 (or even 4) players will secretly choose the same item, say a pig. In this unlikely event, there will be 9 (or 12) pigs available for sale in the pet stores.


   You can carry up to 4 items at a time.
   The only places to get rid of items (unneeded items) are the pawn shops, the lockers, and Charity Central. You can also get rid of an item by "bumping" another player and exchanging your unwanted item for one you need.



   You can buy items at stores. Each store sells a 4, 8, and 16 fooble item. When you go into a store you'll see the items that are in stock and which items are out of stock (out of stock items will be X'ed out). However even if the store has two of an item you will only be shown one of that item. If you enter a store and every item is in stock, you MUST buy an item. If the item you wanted is out of stock and you don't want anything else, select the out of stock item. You can only buy one item per turn in any store. After you buy or try to buy something in a store, your token automatically ends up on the sidewalk square just outside the store.

Phone Booths.

   You can call any store in any quadrant from any phone booth. When you first enter a phone booth you'll choose from the six different types of stores, Then you'll choose the quadrant you want the store you are calling to be in. You will be shown which items are in stock and which are out of stock.
   Phone calls are free. You are limited to one call per turn. You will wind up on the sidewalk after your call.


   You can earn 4 foobles per turn by washing dishes in a restaurant. You earn your first 4 foobles on entry. Once you are there you still begin each turn by rolling. You are then given the choice, to stay and make 4 more foobles or leave and take your roll (the dog on the left with the hat and dish means stay, the other one means leave). Your token does NOT end up on the sidewalk after each turn.

UGH (Underground Gliding Highway).

   The fastest and safest way to move from one quadrant to another is by riding the UGH. There are two UGH loops in Fooblitzky: the outer loop (which moves you clockwise around the city) and the inner loop (moves counterclockwise). These two loops are not connected.
   Getting on a a UGH costs 6 foobles, but you can stay on as long as you want at no extra cost. You advance one station per turn. Once you get off the UGH, you'll have to pay to get on again. You still begin your turn by rolling, you will then be given the choice of staying on (dog on highway to left) or getting off (dog stepping off highway). If you get off you will then take your move.

Pawn Shops.
   You can buy and sell items at the pawn shops.
   Both pawn shops start out empty. However, the pawn shops will acquire items over the course of the game:
   - Every time the Chance Man steals an item from a player, the item goes to one of the pawn shops

   - All items donated to Charity Central go to the pawn shops

   - Players may sell items to the pawn shops.

   No one knows exactly which pawn shop will end up with any given item from the Chance Man or Charity Central.
   When you enter the pawn shop you will be given a choice:

   - Sell a item to pawn shop (choice on left (box going into shop))

   - Buy a item from pawn shop (choice on right)

   Once you choose to sell an item to a pawn shop, you MUST sell something (unless you are carring nothing). If you choose to buy an item you must buy an item (unless you have 4 items, or insufficient foobles.)
   You can sell any item to the pawn shop for 1/2 the items cost. You can buy any item from the pawn shop for 3/4 of the items cost.
   You can buy or sell only 1 item per turn. You will wind up on the sidewalk.


   Each player has 2 lockers: one in the upper-left the other in the lower-right quadrant. Lockers are completly secure (only you can get to your locker). EACH LOCKER CAN HOLD ONLY ONE ITEM AT A TIME.
   At beginning of the game, each player has one empty locker and one full one. The full locker has the item you selected at the beginning of the game.
   When you enter a locker, you will be given the choice of putting something in (picture on left) or taking something out (right).
   If you choose to take an item out of your locker, you will then be carrying that item. However you will NOT be shown what the item is. (You should know what it is because you put it there yourself or secretly selected it at the beginning of the game).
   If you choose to put something in the locker you will be shown what you are carrying, then make the choice of these items. If the locker is full you will swap the item in the locker for the item you selected from your inventory.
   To keep your opponents from finding out your correct item, you will not be shown what you take out of a locker; nor will you be told whether you've swapped items or simply put an item in. After your turn you will end up on the sidewalk.

Charity Central.

   You can get rid of all the items you are carring by going to charity central. You can't give just some of your items away, you must give all items. All items given to charity central will be randomly distributed to the pawn shop. After you donate your items to charity central you will wind up on the sidewalk.

Check Points.

   When you walk into a Check Point, the item(s) you're carrying will be displayed on the screen (unless you have no foobles, in which case your turn ends). You will then be shown one check mark for each correct item and one X for each incorrect item. However you won't be told which items are correct and which incorrect.
   YOU WIN THE GAME if you get 4 check marks at the same time. After your turn (if you don't win) you will wind up on the sidewalk.


   Whenever you are sent to the hospital, your turn ends immediatly. The ambulance ride to the hospital costs 3 foobles.
   When you're in the hospital, you will begin your turn by rolling. If the number you roll is a multiple of 3 (3,6,9,12,15,18,21, or 24) you will make a quick recovery and be discharged to the sidewalk (you then make your move).
   If you don't roll a multiple of 3, you're given the choice of staying in the hospital (dog in bed on left) or leaving (right) by paying 10 foobles.
   Every turn you stay in costs you another 3 foobles. If you don't have 10 foobles you can't buy your way out (and yes there is such a thing as negitive foobles).
   If you stay in the hospital for 3 turns, you'll be released to the sidewalk, having spent 12 foobles in all
(3 for the ambulance ride and 3 foobles a turn for 3 turns


   You can "bump" another player by landing on the same sidewalk square as that player and pushing the joystick button.
   Both players in the bump drop all the items they're carrying and then take turns picking up the items. The player causing the bump gets to pick first.
   A player will always have the same number of items after a bump as before. So a player with 0 items won't get anything from a bump.
   You must move at least 1 sidewalk square to bump another player. You can only bump a player that is on a sidewalk square. You can only bump one player at a time (if there are 2 players on the same square you can't bump them). At the end of the bump, the screen will display what each player is NOW carrying.


   If you end your turn on a sidewalk square, you might be visited by the Chance Man. The Chance Man will NOT visit you if you are in the hospital, if you enter an activity square, or if you bump another player.
   If the Chance Man visits you, press the joystick button once. One of 6 things will happen.

If the Chance Man is Friendly.

- He might give you a free turn. If he does you roll again immediatly

- He might give you some foobles.

- He might offer you 3 items, one (and only one) of which is a correct item. You must buy one of the items, but it will cost you only 1/2 of the original price. Items purchased from the Chance Man do not affect the stock of any store; that is, the items are NOT removed from any of the stores in

If the Chance Man is Unfriendly.

- He might steal foobles from you.

- He might drop a piano on your head, sending you to the hospital.

- He might steal an item from you. If he does, the item will immediately go to a pawn shop, where it will be available for sale.


   You can cross streets only at crosswalks. If a crosswalk is clear, then it's perfectly safe to cross the street. If the crosswalk has an X in it, you risk getting hit by a car, which will send you to the hospital. You're more likely to get hit during rush hours (between 8 and 8:45 am, 12 and 12:45 pm, and 4 and 4:45 pm).
   When you arrive at a crosswalk with an X on it, you'll be given the choice of crossing the street (dog on right walking across street) or staying on the sidewalk (dog on left), if you stay you will be able to continue your turn as normal. As you can see from this there is no risk of crossing a dangerous crosswalk by accident.
   Some of the crosswalks change every round; others change every 2 or 3 rounds of play.


In the Stores.
   A thumbs-up means you bought the item you chose.
   A thumbs-down means you failed to buy the item. You'll get a thumbs-down if any of the following are true:

- The item you chose is out of stock.

- You don't have enough foobles to buy the item you chose.

- You are already carrying 4 items.

In the Pawn Shops
   A thumbs-up means you bought or sold the item you chose.
   A thumbs-down means you failed to buy or sell an item. Causes:

- You tried to buy an item, but you don't have enough foobles.

- You tried to buy an item, but you're already carrying 4 items.

- You tried to buy an item, but the pawn shop dosen't have anything.

- You tried to sell an item, but you aren't carrying anything.

In the Lockers.
   A thumbs-up means you either got an item from, or put an item into a locker, or that a swap has occurred.
   A thumbs-down means you failed to put something in or get something out of your locker.

- You tried to take an item out of your locker but you are already carrying 4 items.

- You tried to take an item out of your locker but there is nothing in it.

- You tried to put an item in your locker, but you aren't carrying anything.

From the Chance Man.

   A thumbs-up means you bought the item you chose.
   A thumbs-down means you failed to buy the item you chose.


- You don't have enough foobles to buy the item you chose.

- You are already carrying 4 items.


   We recommend that you play Fooblitzky using the "standard" rules, as outlined in "How to Play Fooblitzky" and explained fully herein. However, if you would like to try some variations, here are a few suggestions.

"House Rules"

1. When each player selects an item at the beginning of the game, DON'T close your eyes or look away. Let every player know what every other player chooses. This way, the game becomes more of a chase and less a game of deduction.

2. Agree at the beginning of the game that each player needs to bring only 3 out of 4 correct items to a Check Point to win.

3. If there are only 2 players, lie to the computer and tell it that you are playing a 4-player game. Then let each person play 2 tokens.

4. If there are 4 players, play teams: players 1 and 3 against players 2 and 4. (A player might bump a teammate to GIVE AWAY correct items!)

5. At the beginning of the game, let each player secretly select ANOTHER player's item. A player won't know what item is in his or her own locker, but WILL know what item is in another player's locker.

6. Tournament Fooblitzky. Set a time limit on each move. If a player isn't done when his time is up, the next player finishes the move for him.

Changing the Program.

   If you really want to, you can vary cretain parameters and probabilities in Fooblitzky (though we recommend that you play using the "standard" rules). To change parameters, type O (for options) after you boot the disk. You will then be able to change any or all of the following:

A- The Chance Man's Frequency.
   By setting the risk level to "High," you increase the probability of being visited by the Chance Man. By setting it to "Low," you decrease the chance.

B- The Chance Man's Mood.
   You can change the Chance Man's mood to "Friendly" or "Unfriendly". If set to friendly he will do the good things more often and the bad ones less often, if unfriendly it's vice-versa.

C- Crossing Risk.
   By setting the risk level to "High," you increase the probability of being hit by a car when you use a crosswalk with an X on it, setting it to "Low" decreases the risk.

D- Starting Foobles.
   In "standard" you get exactly twice the amoumt of foobles you need to buy all 4 correct items. "High", starts all players with 128 foobles, "Low", starts all players with exactly the amount of foobles needed to but all 4 correct items.

E- Restaurant Wages.
   "standard"- 4 foobles per turn
   This can be set to any even number between 2 and 10 inclusive.

F- Locker
   In "standard" Fooblitzky, the item you choose at the beginning of the game goes to a random locker. You can change this so that the item winds up in the upper-left locker.

G- Pawn Shop
   In "standard" Fooblitzky, items donated to charity central or stolen by the chance man go to a random pawn
shop. You can change this so those items will wind up in the upper-right pawn shop.

See Ya (boy are my fingers tired)
White Gold.