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 \                                                            /
  \          WHERE IN THE WORLD IS CARMEN SANDIEGO?          /
   \                                                        /
    \              A Mystery Exploration Game              /
     \                                                    /
      \ By Dane Bigham, Gene Portwood and Lauren Elliott /
       \                                                /
         \                                            /
          \          -Written by The Whip-           /
           \                                        /


The Chase is On...

     Monday, 5 a.m.  A ringing sound jars you awake.  You grope
for the phone and drop the receiver on the floor.  Out of the
darkness comes the voice of your boss.  "Wake up, kid.  Got an
Assignment for you."

You stumble out of bed, turn on the light, and grab your brand
new detective's notebook.

"Ready, chief," you answer, your voice thick with sleep.

"Just got a call from Interpol.  Looks like Carmen's gang's
pulled another caper."

"Any leads?"

"Not with this bunch.  They're too slick.  Can't give you any
more details on the phone.  Better get down to the office double
quick.  It's going to be a rough one."

"Right, chief."

     As your trembling hand replaces the phone on its cradle,
you wonder why you ever got into this line of work.  Before this
morning, Carmen Sandiego and her Villains' International League
of Evil (V.I.L.E.) were just sensational headlines in the
newspaper.  For more than five years, Carmen and her gang of
felons had managed to stockpile the world's most valuable
treasures, while outwitting every so-called "crime expert" from
New York to Sydney.  Now they've struck again.  And you, the
newest employee of the Acme Detective Agency, have been given
the near-impossible assignment of tracking them down.

                        Your Assignment

     The thief is hiding in one of 30 cities.  Your job is to
track him or her down, using clues you unearth along the way.
Clues can point to the city itself or the country in which the
city is located.
     There are 10 possible suspects, any one of whom could be
the thief.  Carmen Sandiego is the most elusive of the lot.
     As a new detective, you begin at the Rookie level.  As your
investigative skills inprove, you climb your way up through the
ranks - five levels in all - until you reach Ace Detective.
and the Police Dossiers will all be useful in unraveling clues.
(Due to the size of The World Almanac, I am obviously not
including this with the documentation...Go buy your own copy!)
     Work quickly.  You have only a limited amount of time to
solve the case.  The Crime Computer will let you know what your
deadline is. (The higher you rank, the tougher the case.)

                          Special Keys

CONTROL-I...Toggles joystick/keyboard
CONTROL-L...Lists your current rank at the Acme Detective Agency
CONTROL-D...Delete a detective's name from Interpol's files
CONTROL-R...Ends current game and starts a new one
CONTROL-S...Toggles sound on/off
CONTROL-Y...Flips y-axis on joystick
CONTROL-F...View the Detective Hall of Fame

                      Beginning the Search

     Your starting point is the scene of the crime - the city
where the thief swiped the treasure.  Refer to the OFFICIAL
INTERPOL MAP LIST to check for your exact location by city and
     The main screen always gives your present location, the day
and the time.  As you arrive in each new city, be sure to read
the descriptions that appear on the screen.  They contain
information that could be useful in solving future cases.  The
pictures themselves - notable landmarks or typical scenes from
that country - may also come in handy.

     The four options on the Main Menu help you track down the
suspect.  The options are:

[SEE CONNECTIONS]  lists all possible destinations reached by
connecting flights from your present location.  Check these
first to see where the thief might have gone.  When you've seen
the connecting cities, clear them from the screen with the [HIDE

[DEPART BY PLANE]  lets you depart for the city of your choice
once you're ready to take off after the suspect.  A schematic
map on the bottom left-hand corner of the screen shows your
travel options.  Select your destination and your travel route
will be displayed.

[INVESTIGATE]  lets you unearth clues in each city so you can
track the suspect to the next destination.  Every city has three
locations, which change case by case.  Visit as many or as few
clue locations as you wish, but remember that the more
investigating you do, the more valuable time you lose.  Use the
World Almanac to help unravel the clues you dig up.

[VISIT INTERPOL]  helps you narrow down your list of suspects.
Using Interpol's Crime Computer, you'll pin down the identity of
the thief.  Here's how:

     Select [VISIT INTERPOL] from the Main Menu.  On the right
side of the screen you'll see a list of characteristics.  As you
pick up clues about the suspect, enter information about these
characteristics into the Crime Computer in the following way:
Highlight a characteristic that you know - for example, hair -
and press RETURN or button #0 on the joystick to cycle through
all possible hair color choices.  For any category in which you
don't know an identifying characteristic, just leave the space
blank.  Select COMPUTE when you've finished entering all the
information you know.  The Crime Computer will give you a list
of all suspects who have these characteristics.  When you've
narrowed down the list to one suspect, the Crime Computer will
issue you an arrest warrant.  Now you're ready to make an arrest
as soon as you catch up with the suspect. (If you need to change
the warrant because new clues point to a different suspect,
simply enter the correct characteristics in the Crime Computer
and a new warrant will be issued.)

                    Using The World Almanac

     Your most important investigative tool is The World
Almanac.  Here you'll find information about nations of the
world plus other facts you'll need to catch your suspect.  Start
at the index, located in the front (not the back) of the book to
find the country or other subject in question.  Remember: Clues
may point to either the connecting cities or other locations
within those countries.

     Examples for using The World Almanac:

What country uses kroner as its currency?

     1. Check your connections to find out which cities the
thief might have fled to.  The possible connections could be
Montreal, London, and Olso.
     2. Check your Official Interpol Map List to identify the
countries where each city is located.
     3. Located these countries in the index and turn to the
appropriate pages.
     4. By looking under "Finance: Currency" in the section
describing each country, you'll discover that the kroner is used
in Norway, the dollar in Canada, and the pound in the United
Kingdom.  Looks like Norway is where you should head!

Where does the King Cobra live?

     1. Again, first check your connections, then use your
Official Interpol Map List to identify the countries where these
cities are located. (If you don't know already.)
     2. Think of the general category in The World Almanac where
you might find information about king cobras - in this case,
     3. Look up "Snakes" in the index, and turn to the
appropriate page.
     4. Find "King Cobra" under "Snakes."  From the description,
you now know that its home is South Asia.  If one of the
connecting cities were Bangkok, the capital of the Southeast
Asian nation of Thailand, this city would be a good place to go!

                        Sleuthful Hints

     The thief cleverly stays in hiding, and orders a crony to
check you out.  When you see a Suspicious Presence run across
the screen, you know you're on the right track.
     No thief worth his or her salt gives up without a fight.
The closer you get, the more dangerous your situation becomes.
     Use the Crime Computer sparingly or you'll use up valuable
hours.  And don't waste time playing tourist or aimlessly
criss-crossing the globe.  Instead, use The World Almanac to
decipher clues and keep your investigation time down.
     Be sure you've been issued an arrest warrant by the Crime
Computer before you catch up with the thief.  If you don't have
a warrant, you can't make an arrest. and the thief will slip
through your fingers.  And be sure your warrant is for the
correct suspect.  Because if it's not, you'll be thrown off the
     Every case is different.  Whenever you begin a new
assignment, you start at a new city.  You'll be looking for a
new stolen treasure, and a new suspect.
     If you've reached the top of the detective ranks and have
been retired, you can get back on the job by picking an assumed
name.  Your real name could be on a hit list!

                   Official Interpol Map List

           Currently known V.I.L.E. Operational Bases

                   CITY               COUNTRY
                   ----               -------
              Peking (Beijing)   People's Republic of China
              Tokyo              Japan
              Bangkok            Thailand
              Singapore          Singapore
              Port Moresby       Papua New Guinea
              Sydney             Australia
              Montreal           Canada
              New York           USA
              Mexico City        Mexico
              Lima               Peru
              Rio De Janeiro     Brazil
              Buenos Aires       Argentina
              Reykjavik          Iceland
              Oslo               Norway
              London             UK
              Paris              France
              San Marino         San Marino
              Budapest           Hungary
              Moscow             USSR
              Rome               Italy
              Istanbul           Turkey
              Athens             Greece
              Bamako             Mali
              Cairo              Egypt
              Baghdad            Iraq
              Kigali             Rwanda
              Moroni             Comoros
              Kathmandu          Nepal
              New Delhi          India
              Colombo            Sri Lanka

                        Police Dossiers

     The following information has been gleaned from Interpol's
files and our field agents.  While brief, these descriptions may
contain valuable clues to be used in tracking down and
identifying members of the V.I.L.E. organization.


[Name:  Carmen Sandiego]

Occupation:  A former spy for the Intelligence Service of

Miscellaneous:  Carmen Sandiego (known to the inner circle as
"Buffy") is reported to be an agent, double agent, triple agent,
and quadruple agent for so many countries that even she has
forgotten which one she is working for.  The auburn-haired
founder of the Villains' International Legion of Evil (V.I.L.E.)
has recruited the most cunning and resourceful band of thieves
in history.  During her years as a Monacan secret agent, she
generally posed as a tennis pro and always traveled to and from
th matches in here 1939 Packard convertible.  Carmen has a
fondness for tacos and never appears in public without her
famous ruby necklace "The Moon of Moldavia."


[Name:  Merey LaRoc]

Occupation:  Ms. LaRoc is a freelance aerobic dancer

Miscellaneous:  For the past five years, this brunette beauty
has been traveling around the world with a mobile health spa to
conduct exercise classes for the extremely wealthy.  Rumor has
it that this is merely a cover for her criminal activities.
When she isn't pilfering the treasures of the World, Merey can
usually be found participating in the good life.  A world class
mountain climber, she has a mania for fance jewelry and spicy
foods.  Her favorite mode of travel is in the back of a fancy
limousine where she can relax and plot her next job.


[Name:  Dazzle Annie Nonker]

Occupation:  Proprietress of the toughest yogurt bar east of

Miscellaneous:  Born sole heir to the fortune of the shoelace
king, Baron Franz von Nonker, Annie was quickly disinherited
when she ran off with a Croation tennis pro.  Cast adrift when
she failed to make the cut for the Davis Cup mixed doubles, she
was forced to live only by her wits and the paltry $3,000,000
she had been able to save out of her allowance.  With this
modest windfall and her innate grit, the blond bombshell was
able to open Chez Acidophilus.  Frequented by the dregs of
humanity, Chez Acidophilus has become the headquarters for
V.I.L.E.  Annie is rumored to have a tattoo and craving for
shellfish.  She is known to drive a Bugatti limousine.


[Name:  Lady Agatha Wayland]

Occupation:  A colorful character with a prediction for
sensible shoes, Lady Agatha is a reader of mystery stories set
in upper-class English drawing rooms.

Miscellaneous:  Lady Agatha has no ability at solving murder
cases but is very interested in amassing great wealth.  A
compulsive lawbreaker, she loves to exceed the speed limit in
her Denghby super-chauvinist speedster.  Red tresses streaming
in the open air, she drives through the countryside looking for
great Mexican restaurants.  An avid sportswoman, Lady Agatha has
been known to pick up a few extra dollars on weekends trouncing
unsuspecting locals at the local tennis courts.  She is reported
to have a diamond ring the size of a small grapefruit stolen
from the Royal Treasury of Graustark.


[Name:  Len "Red" Bulk]

Occupation:  Ex-professional hockey player and compulsive
gambler, Len was barred for life from playing when he was caught
trying to bribe himself.

Miscellaneous:  Bitter and unemployed, Bulk was forced to turn
to crime in order to support his gambling habit.  He swears he
will quit just as soon as he "wins the big one."  Because of an
unfortunate habit of blocking too many shots with his head, Len
will occasionally think he is a Big Horn sheep and begin
climbing the nearest peak.  Cannot fit into any car that has a
top, loves seafood and tries to impress strangers by showing
them the tattoo of a mermaid on the thumb of his right hand.


[Name:  Scar Graynolt]

Occupation:  Scar plays the role of a mild-mannered folk
guitarist, while in reality, he is a complete plug-ugly.

Miscellaneous:  Graynolt made a fortune selling reflective
headbands to scandinavian basketball teams to allow them to play
outdoor games forthe first time during the winter months.  A
super athlete, Scar plays killer croquet for money.  One of his
prize possessions is a five-carat pinky ring he won from Ihor
Ihorovitch in a marathon match that lasterd three days.  Rarely
seen in public, he rides around in a limousine with shaded
windows with his trusted man-servant, a 6'8" sherpa, as his only
companion.  He is said to have red hair.


[Name:  Nick Brunch]

Occupation:  Hard-boiled ex-private eye, ear, nose and throat.

Miscellaneous:  The only things that interest Nick are fast cars
and faster women.  He'll never turn down a caper that permits
him to live in the fast lane.  An avid mountain climber, Brunch
was last seen roaring through an Alpine village on his
Kamikaze-1250 motorcycle.  He generally wears a soiled
trenchcoat, snap-brimmed fedora and sports a Dick Tracy
Crimefighter's ring on his left hand.  A close friend of Scar
Graynolt, they share a common interest in Mexican food.  Brunch
has black hair, brown eyes and a seedy mustache.


[Name:  Fast Eddie B.]

Occupation:  A world class croquet player, he always carries his
custom-made set of mallets in the trunk of his convertible.

Miscellanous:  Gentleman thief and society cat burglar, Fast
Eddie mixes easily with the jet set and can usually be found at
one of PEOPLE Magazine's top 10 playgrounds for the rich.
Impeccably groomed at all times, he once fought a duel with a
waiter in his favorite Mexican restaurant who spilled a drop of
hot sauce on his white linen suit.  His most famous crime was
the theft of a damask tablecloth.  Posing as a waiter, Fast
Eddie removed it from the table during a state dinner for the
Ambassador without spilling a drop or breaking a plate.  In
fact, the theft wasn't even noticed until dessert was served.
This raven-haired criminal mastermind always leaves a diamond
stickpin at the scene of the crime as his trademark.


[Name:  Ihor Ihorovitch]

Occupation:  Pretender to the Czarist throne and a lot of other
things, too, Ihorovitch has an amazing ability to disappear from
sight for varying amounts of time.

Miscellaneous:  He seems to have a great fascination for very
large marsupials.  A likeable brute, Ihorovitch provides an
additional hand for the mob's nefarious activities.  Blond and
sporting a strange Ukranian tattoo, he has been known to eat the
contents of an entire lobster tank by himself.  Ihorovitch has a
color television set installed in his limousine so he doesn't
have to miss the Saturday morning cartoon shows.


[Name:  Katherine "Boom-Boom" Drib]

Occupation:  Three-time winner of the Trans-Siberian Motorcycle
race, Drib is the official hostess for V.I.L.E.

Miscellaneous:  The brunette beauty - a one-time centerfold for
Popular Mechanics magazine - is a fanatic about health and
fitness.  Although she has never actually attended a meeting,
she is a charter member of Merey LaRoc's aerobic class.  A
gourmet cook specializing in seafood dishes, she is also
fascinated with the concept of mountain climbing.  She has a
tattoo of an eagle on her left bicep.

                  Written by The Whip  5-1-85