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<^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^<^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> \[>=< Beagle Graphics Docs >=<]\\\ \\[>=< By: The Masochist of >=<]\\ \\\[>=< Hi-Res</\>Hi-Jackers >=<]\ Many thanx to: The Unknown Hacker and The Ware-Wolf <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^<^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> /^\ System Requirements : /^\ An Apple //e (motherboard version "B") with at least 128K, or an Apple //c. <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Overview: Beagle graphics is a Graphics utility that lets you use the special feacture built into the Apple //e & //c computers to display Double-Hi-Res, with this gem of a program you can achieve graphics that are double of that of the regular Apple //+ or an Apple //e with only 64K or a version "A" motherboard. With this prog. you can get 560 X 191 instead of 279 X 191. This is "Double" the resolution the Apple's usually have plus 16 colors instead of 8. <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Different Programs on the Beagle-Graphics disk: -> Double Hi-Res Utilities: Slide.Show - Double Hi-res picture-display program. Font.Editor - Double Hi-res character editor. HGR.to.DHGR - Converts Hi-res Pictures to double-Hi-res. Convert.Hi-res.1 - Converts pictures to 1/2-size double Hi-Res. Convert.Hi-res.2 - Converts pictures to Full-Screen double hi-Res. Change.Colors - Changes any double Hi-res color to any other. Double.Scrunch - Compacts Pictures to save disk space. Cut.and.Paste - Lets you load, save & move picture sections. Page.2 - Lets you move and swap pictures between pages 1 and 2. -> Double Lo-Res Utilities: GR.to.DGR - Converts Lo-Res Programs to Double Lo-Res. Convert.Lo-Res.1 - Converts pictures to 1/2-Size double Lo-Res. Convert.Lo-Res.2 - Converts pictures to Full-Screen Double Hi-Res. Lo-Res.Load.Save - Lets you load and save double Lo-Res pictures or 80-Colomn text screens. -> Plus: Many different pictures: Beagle.pac, Bbros.pac, ect.... Many different Character sets: Ascii.Font, Blippo.Font, ect.... <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^<^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> To use the features of Beagle-Graphics, you must use special BBros. commands. Here is a list and a brief explanation of each of them: (All commands us the "&" vector-meaning they all are preceded by an "&".) Here is a list of the Double Hi-Res commands: ________________ & BCOLOR Syntax: & BCOLOR Examples: & BCOLOR=15 & BCOLOR=2 Purpose: Sets the background color for clearing the screen (See &CLEAR) and for Double Hi-Res text (See & PRINT). Remarks: Color value must be between 1-15 to specify a Doub Hi-Res color: 0-Black 1-Magenta (Red) 2-Dark Blue 3-Violet 4-Dark Green 5-Grey 1 6-Medium Blue 7-Light Blue 8-Brown 9-Orange 10-Grey 2 11-Pink 12-Green 13-Yellow 14-Aqua 15-White ________________ & BOX Syntax: & BOX (x length[,y length]) [AT x,y] Purpose: Draws a square. Examples: & BOX (50,25) at 80,80 & BOX (50) at 70,80 & BOX (100) ________________ & CIRCLE Syntax: & CIRCLE (x radius [,y radius]) [AT x,y] Examples: & CIRCLE (20,10) AT 100,100 & CIRCLE (40) at 70,96 & CIRCLE (100) ________________ & CLEAR Syntax: & CLEAR Examples: & BCOLOR =13: & CLEAR & BCOLOR =0 : & CLEAR Purpose: Clears the entire double hi-res screen to the color specified by the last & BCOLOR command. ________________ & DRAW Syntax: & DRAW shape number [AT x,y] Examples: & DRAW 4 at 50,100 & DRAW 3 Purpose: Same as Applesoft DRAW command ________________ & FILL Syntax: & FILL (1st color [,2nd color]) [AT x,y] Examples: & FILL (2,3) at 20,34 & FILL (2) Purpose: Fills an outlined area with the specified color or pattern. ________________ & GOTO Syntax: & GOTO x,y Examples: & GOTO 50,75 & GOTO 99,123 Purpose: Positions the invisible double hi-res cursor at the specified (x,y) locations. & GOTO is used for positioning text, boxes, circles, shapes, fills, lines, and so on. ________________ & HCOLOR Syntax: & HCOLOR=color value Examples: & HCOLOR 9 (between 0 and 15) Purpose: Same as Applesoft HCOLOR command. ________________ & HGR Syntax: & HGR Purpose: Same as Applesoft HGR command, cept' for double Hi-Res. ________________ & HGR2 Syntax: & HGR2 Purpose: same as Applesoft HGR2 command, cept' for double Hi-Res. ________________ & HPLOT Syntax: x1,y1 [TO x2,y2...[TO xn,yn]] Examples: & HPLOT 75,20 & HPLOT 48,115 TO 79,84 TO 110,116 & HPLOT TO 125,10 Purpose: Same as Applesoft HPLOT command, cept' for double Hi-Res. ________________ & HSCRN Syntax & HSCRN (x,y,variable) Examples: & HSCRN (50,70,A) : PRINT A & HSCRN (100,0,B) : PRINT B Purpose: Returns the color value of the pixel at the specified (x,y) location. ________________ & LOAD Syntax: & LOAD main memory file, aux mem file Examples: & LOAD "PATTERNS","PATTERNS.AUX" & LOAD " PIC,D2","MYPIC.AUX,D2" Purpose: loads a double Hi-Res Picture. ________________ & MODE Syntax: & MODE (mode number) Examples: & MODE (4) & MODE (1) Purpose: Selects a double Hi-Res Graphics Mode. Remarks: Mode number must be a numeric expression (1-4): 1: 560 Mode 2: 140 Mode 3: 560 Mixed Mode 4: 140 Mixed Mode & MODE can be used instead of & HGR or & HGR2 to display the double Hi-Res Screen without Clearing the screen to black. ________________ & NORM Syntax: & NORM Purpose: Turns off Hi-Res Text, Canceling the effect of & PRINT and & XPRINT. ________________ & PRINT Syntax: & PRINT Example: & PRINT (Sample prog. later) Purpose: Allows text output on the double Hi-Res screen using subsequent PRINT statements. Remarks: Once & PRINT is executed, it will cause PRINT statements to print on the double Hi-Res screen. Important: You must use & NORMAL before printing on the text screen and/or before using a DOS command. Not all Control characters can be printed, but the important ones can. Text Size: In 560 Mode [& MODE (1) or & MODE (3)], you can display narrow characters (80 columns x 24 lines). In 140 Mode [& MODE(2) or & MODE (4)], you can display wide characters (20 columns x 24 lines) Htab/Vtab: HTAB and VTAB won't work. Use the & GOTO command. Color: The double Hi-Res text color (Foreground color) is changed with & HCOLOR. The Background color is changed by & BCOLOR. Fonts: Before using & PRINT you must load a Hi-Res Font ("character set") into memroy. Sample Program using: & PRINT 20 F=16384: PRINT CHR$ (4);"BLOAD ASCII.FONT,A";F 30 L=PEEK (974) + PEEK (975) * 256 : REM DHGR LOCATION 40 POKE L + 3,0: POKE L + 4,64 100 & HGR2: & PRINT : &HCOLOR =15: & B COLOR=0 110 & MODE (1): & GOTO 0,0: PRINT "SMALL TYPE" 120 & MODE (2): PRINT "BIG TYPE" 125 PRINT : & HCOLOR= 1: PRINT "Color type in":PRINT 127 & HCOLOR= 2: PRINT "DIFFERENT STYLES!" 130 PRINT CHR$(4);"BLOAD COLOSAL.FONT" 140 & HCOLOR= 12: ?"DIFFERENT STYLES!": PRINT : PRINT : PRINT "PLUS..." 150 & GOTO 0,10: H = INT(RND(1)*16) : B=INT (RND(1)*16): IF B <> H THEN & HCOLOR= H: & B COLOR= B: PRINT SPC ( 15): PRINT : PRINT " MIXED COLORS! ": PRINT SPC ( 15) 155 IF PEEK (-16384) < 128 OR B = H THEN 150 160 HOME: & TEXT: & NORMAL : LIST ________________ & ROT Syntax: & ROT = rotation value Examples: & ROT =16 Purpose: Sets the rotation for Double Hi-Res shapes to be drawn with & DRAW or & XDRAW. ________________ & SAVE Syntax: & SAVE main mem file, aux mem file. Examples: & SAVE "PIC","PIC.AUX" & SAVE A$,B$ & SAVE FILE.1,S6,D2","FILE.2,S7,D2" Purpose: Saves a double Hi-Res pictures to disk. Remarks: Double Hi-Res pictures are saved as two separate files, one from main memory, and another from auxlilary memory. ________________ & XBOX Syntax: & XBOX (x length [,y length]) [AT x,y] Examples & XBOX (50,25) at 80,80 & XBOX (50) at 70,80 & XBOX (100) Purpose: Draws a square or rectangle on the double Hi-Res screen. This command works just like the & BOX command, except that each point of the box is plotted using the complement (opposite) of the color already displayed at that point. ________________ & XCIRCLE Syntax: & CIRCLE (x radius [,y radius]) [AT x,y] Examples: & XCIRCLE (20,10) AT 100,100 & XCIRCLE (30) AT 70,96 & XCIRCLE (100) Purpose: Draws a circle or ellipse on the double Hi-Res screen. This command works just like & CIRCLE, except that each point of the circle is plotted using the complement (oposite) of the color already displayed at that point. ________________ & XDRAW Syntax: & XDRAW shape number [AT x,y] Examples: & XDRAW 4 AT 50,100 & XDRAW 42 Purpose: Same as Applesoft's XDRAW command, cept' for Double Hi-Res. ________________ & XLPOT Syntax: & XPLOT x1,y1 [TO x2,y2...[TO xn,yn]] & XPLOT TO x2,y2...[TO xn,yn] Examples: & XPLOT 75,20 & XPLOT 48,115 TO 79,84 TO 110,115 & XPLOT TO 125,10 Purpose: Plots a point or draws a line on the Double Hi-Res screen. This command works just like the & HPLOT command, except that each point or line is plotted using the complement of the color currently at that point or line. ________________ & XPRINT Syntax: & XPRINT Examples: & XPRINT Purpose: Allows text output anywhere on the Double Hi-Res screen. This command works just liek & PRINT, except that the color of each charater will1 be the complement of the existing color. <^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> Here is a list of the Double Low-Res commands: ________________ & COLOR Syntax: & COLOR = color value Examples: & COLOR =11 & COLOR =15 Purpose: Sets the display color for plotting double Lo-Res graphics. The colors for Double Low-Res are the same as in Double Hi-Res. ________________ & GR Syntax: & GR Example: & GR Purpose: Exactlly the same as Applesoft's GR command, cept for Double Lo-Res. ________________ & GR2 Syntax: & GR2 Example: & GR2 Purpose: Converts the screen display to fullscreen Double Lo-Res graphics (80 x 48 pixels) with no text window at the bottom of the screen. ________________ & HLIN Syntax: & HLIN x1,y1 AT y Examples: & HLIN 0,79 at 0 & HLIN 20,25 at 25 Purpose: Draws a horizontal double Lo-Res line. ________________ & PLOT Syntax: & PLOT x,y Examples: & PLOT 0,0 & PLOT 79,47 Purpose: Same as Applesoft's PLOT command, cept' for Double Lo-Res. ________________ & SCRN Syntax: & SCRN (x,y variable) Eamples: & SCRN (5,10,A) & SCRN (79,0, HUE) Purpose: Returns the color value of the block at the disignated position on the Double Lo-Res screen. ________________ & TEXT Syntax: & TEXT Example: & TEXT Purpose: Returns to text display. ________________ & VLIN Syntax: & VLIN y1,y2 at x Examples: & VLIN 5,15 at 45 & VLIN 0,39 at 79 Purpose: Draws a vertical line on the Double Lo-Res screen. <^><^>><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^><^> That is all of the 33 new commands that Beagle Graphics gives you to take advantage of the hi-quality graphical graphics on the Apple //e-c computers. By the way, if you want to print-out any of those Double Hi-Res, Double Lo-Res, or 80 collumn text screens, wait for our Tripple-Dump also from Beagle Bros. We should have it released before the end of the month!