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Ae Pro Docs continued


  Same as other menu's--following instructions below.

A=User abort char.:
  This char. is used as a way of "escape" from any command operation.
  It can be entered at any time within a string input.

J) do not operate any disk utility pgms "fix file sizes".
   Permanent damage to the disk and contents.

k) if AE has been run, and exited while still connected to host, the next
   time it is run (no power-down done) many modem related defaults will be
   the same.

L) response for prompts are from operator, specific defaults are assumed
   if c/r is entered,or def=n or def=y or specific answer.



S = Shift key hardware mod (menu 2)
C = Case toggle key (menu 3)
F = 80 col board firmware (menu 3)

S & C options:
   S&C are used together.  If 40 col. screen & "S" is set to ON, it assumes
you shift key has been electrically connected to game port like some of the
80 col boards are.  If "S" is set to OFF, it assumes case conversion will
be done via software and the key will be typed to act as shift in the "C"
option.  ESCape key is defined as toggle for upper/lower case.  ONE press
next char. will be typed, TWO presses shift-lock enabled.

F option:
   This is used to process incoming chars. you can support case shifting is
the same fashion as the card would have done, but without the extra
processing it may perform on chars like ^A ^V ^K.  This is accomplished by
turning "F" OFF and "S" ON.  If you like all of the functions of your 80
col. board then set "F" to ON.  Then make necessary substitutions in the
editor cursor key definition table.



MENU DISPLAY IS  !,C,D,F,G,H,I,J,L,M,P,R,S,V,W,X,-,2 = 40 col.

In 80 col. the format will change to split screen left and right

Note: Anytime you are connected to a host,
      you can re-enter terminal mode by press SPACE BAR.

-> = NOT presently on line
<- = ARE      "    "   "

!= Display Program Status:
   Used            Free
   Interrupts      Control show
   Baud select     Transpose
   Emulation       Format
   Copy            Printer
   Auto-save       Answer-back
   Auto-disconnect Keyclick
   Chat            Cat
   Brief           Duplex

Above display a status report of parameters.
It can be called any time from "->" or "+>" by "^Q"

C=Clear Buffer:
  Clears any data currently in copy buffer.  If brief mode is OFF,
  you will be asked if you're sure you want to continue.

D=Dial or Connect:
  Prepares to accept a number to dial or macro dial.
  If you modem doesn't support dialing capabilities, this is ignored.
  "#" & "*" are valid.  Also special characters.

Special dialing command char.:

A=AutoSearch mode this char. appears as the first and only char. specified.
  AE will pick up the line and search back & forth between answer and
  originate until it finds a valid carrier.  This auto mode ends the need
  to know which mode you in.
C=Carrier wait - use this to "pace" dial.  Novation CAT modem will stop the
  dialing in progress to wait for a second "carrier" or steady tone.
  You would use this for "pace" or switchboard outgoing lines.  Tone waiting
  is auto at the initiation of the dialing
H=Hold for keypress- this will work with any dialing modem.  Halts any
  dialing sequence in progress, displays the fact on screen and prompts
   user to type any key to continue dialing, or ESC to abort.
M=(as first and only char.)- dial from currently selected macro file.
Mx=(as first and only char.) - dial from currently selected macro file and
   auto-log with element "x" of macro instead of one selected.  If space is
   specified instead of "x", direct AE to auto-log at all,even if auto-log
   operation is specified within macro
P=Pulse mode.  Only effective with Apple CAT modem.  Will start or continue
  dialing with pulsing dial instead of TouchTone.
T=Tone mode.  APPLE CAT only - Returns to Touchtone mode if previously set
  to pulse mode.
:=Delay character.Causes dialing to pause for approximately two seconds.
+=Receiver one.  Cause the APPLE CAT earpiece to be turned on so you can
  monitor the phone line.  Does not enable the mouthpiece.  It will remain
  on until carrier is received from host.  "+" if first char. in dialing
  string the receiver will activate immediately when on-line, if first
  picked up instead of first digit is actually dialed.
&=Voice mode APPLE CAT only.  If at end of dialing string, will enter voice
  mode at completion of dial sequence.  If encountered prior to end, will
  immediately abort dialing at current position and jump to voice mode. If
  dialing is completed a human answered, manually enter "&" , you will
  abort loop & enter voice mode as if you are talking on a standard phone.
/=(as first and only char.) repeat last sequence executed at this level.
/x or //= (as only char) repeats the last sequence executed at this level
"x" times.  "//", repeat, indefinitely.  Use this on auto-redial very busy
systems and keep doing x times until connection is made.  When connection
is made, a number of bells will sound, as specified in Install.

  Number of bytes currently used in the date buffer & total space remaining.

  Special protocol file receive mode.  Note: "/" =if used with "Filename?"
  will recall the last filename, optional drive parms can be specified.
  Example: "TEST,S6,D1" is the same as "TEST,S6D1" either is OK.
  Also c/r with "Filename?" =catalog current drive, any key displays next
  page of catalog.  c/r or ESC will return to "Filename?".

  Only effective with modem with auto-dialing.
  If Brief is OFF, there will be a double-check to hang-up.

  CATALOG,DELETE effective. Catalog will also show remaining space on disk.
  One page at a time-SPACE BAR =continue.Abort=c/r or ESC
  Delete - after specified a c/r alone will catalog disk.

  Display any sequential text file--any key will stop or start.
  ESC or c/r will abort. "<" ">"(non-shift) --fast/slow speed.
  If "P" enabled file will go to printer.
  Other commands same as "G" this instruction

  Loads sequential text file into buffer.  Same as ".G" in editor, also
  append to file is active here.  If buffer size is exceeded by file being
  loaded, option given to restore buffer to original (no new data) or
  accept data that has been loaded so far.  If latter buffer will be in
  full status

  Select "/" or "?" to review particular macro group.

  Turns printer on/off.  If turned on will initialize printer with string
  from Install pgm. "^I80N" and others are not necessary.
  For most printers the 255 byte "ring" buffer is automatic, except Apple
  High Speed and customer user drivers.

  Toggles buffer on/off.  ON-all data seen on screen in terminal mode is
  stored in buffer.  If free space is exceeded "BUFFER-FULL-COPY-OFF
  *beep*" is displayed and copy flag is disabled.

  Sends a disk file or current memory (M) to the host.  Enter filename,
  drive specs., or enter just (M) follower by c/r.
  M=send Memory-the contents of the current buffer.  Contents can be data
  loaded from disk,created in editor,or captured from another host, or any
  combination.  If sent from memory all send modes except Christensen
  protocol are supported.  If Char (K) is enabled, the send is non-protocol
  mode (standard ASCII), linefeeds will be appended to outgoing text's
  c/r's automatically.
 Send Options:-Protocol- send a file in the Christensen protocol
 Standard- L = text will be sent one line at a time until whole file is
               transferred. "<" ">" apply here also
 C = data will be sent one char. at a time, the next char. will not be sent
     until echo of previous is recd
 Prompt? - c/r = text will be sent in continuous stream, with specific
 delay after c/r or "N" option.  Any other char. typed at this level will
 be taken as the char. to wait for after each line.
 Example-Bulletin board- boards line prompt "?", you would enter "?", one
 line of data would be sent and then wait for host to send the "?".  You
 could also set up a manually controlled "pulse" send mode by specifying a
 prompt char. that could not come from the host, and enter the char.
 manually each time from your own keyboard to send another line.
Note: during standard ASCII text file block sends (line mode with no
 prompt),AE will respond to XON/XOFF char.  To abort any of the above ESC.

  Displays current contents of data buffer.  "<" ">" apply here also.
  If (P) is enable,text will go to printer.

   Writes current buffer data contents to disk.When the data has been saved to disk,it will automatically clear buffer.

 Terminates and returns to operating system it was in at execution time.
 If BRIEF is on,and double-checks will be in effect.

  This shows its character substitute table as defined in Install pgm.
  It's a visual "reminder" to you as to the set-up.


  Will display menu 2,when pressed.


MENU DISPLAY IS: A,B,E,K,N,O,T,U,Y,Z,1,:,^,+,",/,$,#,%,':

40 col.display/ 80 col.will be split.  Anytime connected to host,
 you can re-enter terminal mode by pressing SPACE BAR.

-> = NOT on-line        +> = ARE on-line

  If enabled, shows the upper case equivalent of control characters being
  represented.  RUBout is displayed as "^#".  Linefeed not preceded by c/r
  will be shown.  This is useful in trouble-shooting problems.

  Displays current baud rate.

  Toggles to full from half duplex, or half to full.  In full, chars. you 
  type do not appear on your screen unless echoed by host.  In half it is
  assumed that host is not echoing.  If you see two of each char. you type,
  or none at all,toggle between full or half.

  Enable or disables the interactive terminal chat mode.
  Used when typing to another terminal package, or when typing to a host
  which requires linefeeds after any c/r typed.  It also puts you in half
  duplex so out-going char. are displayed on the local screen.  If Chat is
  enabled during a text file send (not protocol mode), linefeeds will be
  append to each c/r sent during transfer.  If linefeeds are necessary
  during keyboard communication, they will be needed during transfers as

N=SET DELAY (0-9):
  This is used in standard send mode when line at a time with no prompt
  checking is used.  It sets a fixed delay interval after sending each line
  of data.  Zero is standard, approx. 60 ms delay.  If host has no prompt
  to handshake, and host cannot receive incoming data without losing some
  of the first chars. try setting this mode.  Increase by one, the number
  of default for each char. that seems to be lost.  This value is not used
  in send mode using prompted handshaking.

  If a file is specified, this option will be enabled.  All disk options
  are valid.  c/r alone will disable command.  After name is specified the
  copy flag "R" is enables.  When the buffer gets to within 1k of full,
  used defined XOFF char. will be sent and a wait for data sending stop
  will go into effect.  Data will be automatically saved to disk when
  buffer is full,the added name ".AEx" will be added to the file name.
  (x= save cycle number).  First file will be .AE1, second .AE2,etc.  After
  save,buffer will be cleared,there will be a beep to indicate that another
  buffer is being started and the XON char. to the host is sent to tell it
  to continues sending.  This process is indefinite as long as there is
  space on the disk.  You are free to exchange disks between saves, should
  you get a full disk message during one of the saves, put in new disk, use
  the "W" command to continue.  Used "/" as the filename to save under.
  This will get the files intact.  When the save is over, manually type the
  XON char. from the keyboard to signal the host to continue.  From then on
  its back to automatic mode.  By using the "/" command you are recalling
  the last name used in the related buffer.

  Left arrow sends the BS (backspace) char. which tells the host to
backspace one char.  Some systems, require a RUBout char. to be sent to
perform the same operations.  RUBout is not available on the Apple
keyboard.  Two solutions-- One = defin the char. in the substitution table,
then invoke by typing "^W^H"(^H is a backspace, or left arrow) this retains
the left arrow key.  Two=if you do not want to do two keystrokes, you can
enable Transpose mode (T), this converts the left arrow key to send a
RUBout instead of a backspace.
If Transpose OFF = ^H is ^H and ^W^H is RUBout
 "      "    ON  = ^H Is RUBout and ^W^H Is ^H

   See section on MACROS

   System Editor.  It has its own command chars.Contents of data buffer
will remain intact and become that of the editor unless you clear it either
before or after entering the editor mode.  Upon entry, display will be the
buffer status and your prompt will become the next new line after the
existing text.

  Normally OFF, when OFF it does not modify the display of incoming data.
When ON it will cause the screen to wrap to the next line at a pre-set
column width set up with the master Install pgm.  This is useful for 80
col. that does not handle its own line wrap when the column width is
If must be OFF to use terminal emulation mode for actual emulation.


-=> End Of AE Dox File #4 <=-
  Displays the main command menu.

   Normally ON. When ON,and AE loses carrier while connected to host it instructs AE to immediately terminate the connection by hanging up.  If
disabled prompt "->" will return indicating carrier is lost, but will not
have disconnected the line.  This is useful when you have to deal with
unstable connections and there are momentary losses of carrier,that are so
short that connection can be maintained as far as host is concerned.  Press 
SPACE BAR to re-enter terminal mode.  If host has hung-up, you can't
re-enter terminal mode. To end issue the "H" command.


Normally internal. The EXTernal port will function at any baud rate,
whereas the INTernal port external 212a card mode will function only at
1200 baud.

+ = AUTO ANSWER (data)
   This command enters the unattended remote mode.  It works only with
modems capable of direct dial and answer capabilities, or externally inter-
faced modems that can answer independently of the Apple and control the DCD 
(data carrier detect) line to indicate valid carrier.

   Default is in master Install pgm.  If ON, speaker will emit a "click"
   for each key pressed.  Intensity of sound is adjustable.

/ =Do CRC:
   Performs a Cyclic Redundancy Check On a specified file.  Is not accurate
on Random text files.  Use for verification of accurate transfer or
determine it two files of the same name exist.  It is also the final status
check of Christensen protocol transfer.  If this matches,which it will
99.9% of the time,the transfer is perfect.

   Normally ON,directs AE as to whether or not to consult the terminal 
emulation table defined in the macro section.  If on the table conversion
chars are installed and it will convert as per the table.  Use this with 80
col or external terminal.  If you don't want a particular conversion to
take place, or are talking to host, that does not sent l/f char. after each
c/r,you must disable.  L/R's will be appended by AE.

   Quick update of Install program.
   Must operate on 40 col.ONLY. Be prepared to switch if in 80 col.

This is used when you wish to operate a mail receive node for automatic DDD
or TWX forwarding messages.Much like auto-save in command and filenames.
"O" performs exactly the same when enabled.

   This mode determines how much operator prompting AE does when various
commands or displays are issued.  When OFF, its in VERBOSE mode.  If will
ask for confirmations to various commands or display additional information
to other commands when issued.  It is recommended that you use the program
for awhile with brief OFF and become familiar with the various options.


UNATTENDED OPERATION-- Christensen Protocol:


Auto-answer mode:
"+" enter mode by this command.
Call received = number of call received to date since the running of pgm.
Waiting for ring = pick up line and wait for carrier without seeing initial
ring pulse add another "+.
Apple CAT= auto-search between 300 - 1200 baud and select the rate of the
caller to operate.
Press user abort key (ESC) will exit and return to command prompt.
When a call comes in and prompt Entry: is displayed, caller is required to
type the password defined in the Install pgm.  If not password or incorrect
AE will hang-up and recycle.  Once the correct password is issued "->" will
appear at this point caller must use the following commands:

C=Copy incoming data:
Will ask for filename under which to save,if ok prompt "!" will appear,
signaling that AE is ready to receive data.  It can handle dumps at full
speed with no regard to c/r or l/f.  If file already exists caller will be
notified.  Two "^C"'s received in a row will cause the copy mode to close
and save it contents to disk.  No further data can be received until
another "C" is issued.  Two "^D"'s in a row will abort the copy mode and
return to remote. Data in buffer will be cleared and no data will be saved.

Display the directory of currently logged or specified drive.
c/r will catalog.  ESC or c/r will abort.

Short menu of options available at this level.

R=Receive file:
Enter the Christensen receive mode.  Will open specified filename (drive
parms accepted) and let you know when its ready to receive data.  If file
exists and message will appear.  If a maximum number of errors is exceeded
during receive, abort will be valid.  Re-dial and try again.

S=Send file:
Enter the Christensen send mode.  Any file of any type or size may be sent
to another AE PRO in this mode.  The file will be opened and the caller
will be told how many Christensen blocks there are to send and the wait for
the receiving AE PRO to signal it is ready.  Ten consecutive sending errors
will abort transfer.  In certain type of files sending might be in LETTERED
instead of NUMBERED blocks.  This is a special info packet of data.

V=View ASCII text file:
Same as previous commands, display of the contents of any sequential text
file.  ^S Will stop display any key continue.  c/r or ESC will abort.


To be used with DDD or TWX forwarded messages.
"here-is" function valid here.
The calling computer will dump forwarded mall at 300 baud
(if DDD) or 110 baud (if TWX).


This powerful editor can be used anytime, on-line or off-line.
You can modify data, be it just loaded from disk, captured from another
system or from any other source.  It's really a minimal word-processor for
composing letters, mail, or other data files, or creating programs or EXEC
files.  You have line oriented editing for listing and text display or
screen oriented edition on an individual line of text.  You can enter and
exit the editor anytime, the editor is a "overlay".

Expanded Buffer:
The editor shares the same buffer as the capture buffer (18k).
There is a special mode, that enlarges it by 7k.  This is the "R" command.
In this mode the editor is NOT common to the main data buffer & the two may
not co-exist.  Therefore, to continue work on data that originally was in
the data buffer, you have to save it to disk, issue the "R" command and
re-load from disk.  The reverse is true on exiting.  If you wish to save
the editor buffer, the data must be saved to disk.

Editor Commands:
Command can be displayed in brief form any time from within the editor, by
typing .H or .? command.  All editor commands are in the DOT COMMAND.  Each
command begins with "." as the first char. of a line of text.  It can be
input at any level within editor, as long as its the first char and not the
line being currently edited with "E" edit command.  Any text NOT preceded
with dot, is taken literally.  To type a line that ends up with a dot as
its first char. you must type two dots.

EDITOR COMMANDS: .C .D .E .F .G .H .I .L .M .O .P .R .S .X .

.C=Clear buffer:(C<y>)
This resets the buffer to zero.You will be asked to confirm before actual
clearing.  If you get tired of being asked and wish to anticipate inputting
the answer, you can type "CY".

.D=Delete lines:(Dxx,<yy>)
This will delete a single line or range of lines.  The line ranges are
optional, if not specified, AE will ask.  If a single line is specified as
".D4", just line 4 will be deleted.  If a ranges is desired ".D4,6" will
delete lines 4,5,&6.  If FROM or TWO is out of range a range error will be
displayed.  If TO range is high, it will take the highest line number as a
wild card.  If you had 10 lines of data and typed ".D4,50" all lines from 4
to the end (this case 10) would be deleted.  NOTE: since editor is line
oriented, it is assumed each line is ended with a c/r.  If it is not, the
new line prompt will be the same number as the last line listed, AE will
give a range error.  Solution hit c/r once as a new line, the use ".D" to
delete it.  Also you can't edit a line that is not properly terminated by
c/r.  Example: editing data that was just captured--when the "R" command is
turned off it sets the end of file.  This may not correspond to the c/r at
end of line.  Thus,there may be several char. left-over that are not ended
by c/r.

.E=Edit line:(Exx)
This is the screen oriented edit mode.  This means actual display of data
you about to edit.  You can move the cursor around within the line to add,
exchange, insert, or delete chars.  The chars. that effect cursor movement
are setable by you,from the factory they are set as follows:

^A = cursor left one WORD.  Cursor will settle on first char. of a word.
^S = cursor left one character.  Control chars. are displayed as uppercase,
     with "^".
^D = cursor right one "^U,(right arrow) is the same, but not redefinable.
^F = cursor right one WORD.  Same rules as ^A.
^X = cursor to beginning of line.
^C = cursor to end of line.
^P = prefix character.  Example: If you want to enter ^C into text, you
     type ^P^C.  ^C normally can't be entered cause its a cursor command.
     To enter ^P itself enter ^P^P,
^G = gobble character.  Destructive forward delete and not user definable.
^H = delete char. to left of current cursor position. (left arrow).
     If using external terminal RUBout key will do same.
     These keys are not definable.
^R = recalls original line unedited.
     Use to quickly restore garbaged line to original condition.
^V = toggles editing insert.  If ON,any other char. typed will be inserted
     into existing text at cursor position.  If OFF, any char. typed will
     be exchanged for whatever char. cursor is currently on.  As insert is
     toggled the bell will sound to indicate change.  Do not confuse this
     with the editor .I operation in the editor itself.
^Z = zaps the current line.  Completely eliminates the contents of the line
     being edited.  If accidentally pressed, typed restore with ^R.
     To exit this level, c/r.  Note: Since editor is line oriented each
     line is terminated with a c/r.  If not new-line prompt will be same
     number as the last line edited.

.F=Free space/buffer status:
   Displays current number of chars. in buffer,
   as well as the number remaining.

.G=Get file from disk:
   Load sequential text from disk.  If no file is specified, AE will ask.
The last file can be recalled by "/".  A c/r alone will Catalog Directory
can be scrolled by pressing any key.  c/r will abort catalog.  AE will
check to see if buffer is full, and you will be asked to append/load a new
file if buffer has data. If buffer has data typing anything except "A"
(including c/r), will clear the buffer.  If file is to large for buffer
message will be displayed-any key except "N" will cause whatever has just
been added to the buffer to be disregarded.  If "N" is entered, whatever
part of the file that was loaded will remain to the end of buffer.

   Displays the editor menu-all options available in edit mode.

.I=Insert lines:
   Enters repeating insert loop starting at whatever line number specified.
The editor prompt, which is usually ">n" (n is the line # you're working 
on), will change to ">n>" in insert mode.  You can remain as long as you
like, all dot commands are valid here.  If N is included in the insert
directive, the line numbers prompt will be turned OFF (this is "blind"
insert mode). .I = OFF  .In = ON

.L-List lines:
 List line on screen.  If no staring point, list will start from beginning.
A specified range is possible.  .lxx,yy= xx is starting line, yy is ending
line. "N" is valid and "<" ">" .
.M=Margin set (right):
  Sets the column that will no longer accept input in any mode, also screen
edit.  Preset to 78 chars. per line, can be modified by the Install pgm.
Value 1-255.

.O=Output to printer:
   Outputs specified range of line to printer.  Normally line numbers are
not printer, but if "N" is also entered line number will be supplied too.
All other options are the same as .L.

.P=Put file to disk:
   Write the current buffer contents to disk. Options same as .G command.

.R=Reset maximum memory:
   This is a special mode that expands memory capabilities (buffer size) by
just over 7k.  If does this by overwriting particular parts of AE that are
disposable when your NOT using them at this time.  You cannot maintain your 
current buffer when you enter this mode.  Buffer must be written to disk,
mode activated and file loaded back in.  Also you cannot exit the editor
without first clearing your buffer.  If you wish to retain data with the .C
command, then you can exit.  When exited, overwritten part is restored
automatically.  Use the mode when you just need the editor itself with a
larger buffer and not on-line.

.S=String search:
Searches entire buffer for the specified string (series of chars.).
When match is found, the line the match is on will be displayed on screen.
To find the next occurrence of the same match type ".", if no match the
message "Nothing" will appear.  If you want to edit the line where the
match was found type .E by itself, the cursor will position itself at the
end of the match found, edit the line and accept with c/r.  If you want
more matches after edit type "." again to continue.  If any other command
is issued the operation is aborted and must be restarted.
If ":xx" (xx=line #) is added to search,the search will begin on the line
specified instead of the beginning of the file.

.X=eXit editor:
  Exits the editor and returns to main command mode.  May not exit if under
the ".R" mode.  If not in ".R" mode, you can move back & forth between edit
and main part of pgm.with no changes to the current buffer.

.=Search for next occurence:
   A manual recursive search mode used only after a search has been
   initially entered.


-=> End Of AE Dox File #5 <=-

This prefix char. system allow complete versatility in producing char. that
are not normally available on the Apple keyboard.  A prefix char. is one
that signals the system that the NEXT char typed should be acted upon a
special way.  By prefixing, new chars. & macros can be produced without
sacrificing any other keys including the prefix key itself.
Example: Install pgm. table converts "," to a "[", we don't want to lose
typing a "," so we prefix the comma with TERMINAL PREFIX KEY (usually a ^W).
Now when we type "^W,", we actually output a "["


   One of the powerful features of AE is the ability to INTERRUPT.
An interrupt is a function within the Apple's 6502 processor which causes
it to halt an operation currently in progress, do something else for awhile
and then resume what was going on originally.  Under normal conditions the
processor does only one thing at a time.  Each step takes thousands of
processor "cycles" to complete.  When that project is done, it will do the
next in line.  Any pgm. may take millions of these operations to do some-
thing simple like printing a menu of commands on the screen.  Since a new
operation can't begin until the processors has finished the previous one,
it is clear to see that multiple operations cannot normally be carried out.

----Enter INTERRUPTS----

With Interrupts, a whole new world of possibilities emerges.
When interrupt occurs,the processor is internally told to "put on hold"
what it is doing and to handle the interrupt request.  When the interrupt
request has been fulfilled,the processor will pick up exactly where it left

Interrupts will allow you to operate various menu commands, status displays
or status changes such as COPY ON or OFF, PRINTER ON or OFF all without
losing any incoming data.  There are limitations, YOU MANY NOT PERFORM DISK
ACCESSES SUCH AS LOAD, SAVE OR CATALOG and expect incoming data to be
intact.  DOS does not allow interrupts to remain enables while accessing the
disk, so a small portion of incoming data may be lost at these times. 
Also, modems do not support interrupts as shipped, & may need minor
modifications before they become operative in that mode, there are a
handful of modem that flat out do not support interrupts at all.  It
possible employ interrupts.  At 300 baud you can live without them, but
1200 baud & up THEY ARE MANDATORY if using 40 col or any 80 col boards.
These hardware devices simply can't maintain the throughout required at all
time, and tie up the processors while writing to their screens.  Since
interrupts put precedence on incoming data, none will be lost with the 
slowest of displays.  As a rule, external terminal will not require them,
but unless you have a specific reason not to use them,use them.

Novation Apple CAT comes ready to operate in an interrupt driven mode and
is completely controllable from software.  No hardware changes are needed.
AE will automatically enter the interrupt mode with this modem.

Hayes II is capable of operating in interrupt mode if a certain jumper is 
installed on the card itself.Soldering is necessary, if not experienced let
a technician do it.

MicroConnection:  hardware modification is necessary--soldering again.

     No provision for operation of the ESI LYNX in an interrupt driven

   Not normally available but with simple hardware change they are enabled. 
   --Soldering again-

SSM AIO board: Hardware modification is necessary-soldering required.

CCS Card:   Already supported with no hardware changes.

Comm Card:  Hardware modification is necessary--soldering required.

SSC Card:
   Fully ready and is automatically compensated for at run-time.
   SW1 switch be enabled see SSC MANUAL for further details.


   There are two parts to terminal emulation.  Input & Output.
Input is always what the data will be coming in, i.e. the codes for the
terminal your host THINKS it is talking to.  The output is what those
incoming codes are actually converted to for whatever terminal you are
actually using.  80 col. boards used the DATAMEDIA terminal, the codes are
always entered in ASCII HEX.

Terminal emulation Table -software/input-Vt52

bytes 1-12  1a 20  2a 1B  3a 0C  4a CA  5a CB  6a 00  7a 00  8a C8  9a D9
      10a C1  11a C3  12a 00


bytes  1-12  1b A0  2b 00  3b 0C  4b 0B  5b 1D  6b 00  7b 00  8b 19  9b 1E
       10b 1F  llb 1C  12b 00

BYTE 1 - Cursor offset - this has to do with actual ASCII values used to
direct the cursor during a gotoxy sequence.  Such a sequence has 4 char.,
but some may require 3.  Start with lead-in char., followed by address
cursor char.  The next 2 bytes after the x,y coordinates, usually transmit
in yx order.  Most terminal used ASCII 20h are the "base" or 0th row or
column at upper left corner.  That is the space char. (space bar), as you
add positions, you increment up the ASCII chart for the different locations
on the screen.  All terminals do not use the same offset.  When converting
from one type of terminal to another this offset must be known for both
terminals.  We make two uses of the same byte, high bit clear, we assume a 
normal sequence order of YX, high bit set-the terminal requires the
sequence in XY order.  Example: Bytes 1a & 2a both indicate a cursor offset
of 20hex, but the 2nd one, A0hex, (a 20h with the high bit set) tell us the 
coordinates will need to be sent in reverse order.

BYTE 2- Lead-in char- many terminals use a lead-in char. to perform certain
functions on the screen.  This char. will precede one of several function 
chars.  Doing this can build functions in the screen without taking up more
ASCII chars.  Typical lead-in char. ESC (1Bh), when a function requires
this char., it high bit will be set in the table.

BYTE 3- Clear screen- the clear screen in this example is 0Ch(^L) for both
input & output.  Whenever these locations are the same, the exact results
can be produced by setting both to 00, no modification, just passing the ^L
right on thru unmodified.

BYTE 4 & BYTE 5 - Clear to end of page and line - not available on all
terminals, set to zero if not implemented.

BYTE 6 & BYTE 7 - Hi-lite  ON/OFF - this char. if encountered, will cause
the terminal to go into or out of a highlighted or inverse text mode.

BYTE 8 - Home cursor - causes the terminal cursor to "home".
Most terminals it will be the upper left-corner, some, lower left-corner.

BYTE 9 - Load cursor- part of the gotoxy sequence - tells the terminal to
look at the next two chars. as the actual xy coordinates for positioning.
May be prefixed with previous described chars.

BYTE 10- Cursor up causes the cursor to non-destructively move up one line.

BYTE 11- Cursor forward - non-destructive move forward 1 char.

BYTE 12- Extra - this is an extra value which may be used for code
    conversions, to support functions not already being converted.

Remember-- if any two terminals or setups requires the same char. sequence
to execute a particular function (except the first two bytes of each half 
of a table), the entry position in both sections of the table may both be 
zeros,so the original sequence will pass through unaltered.


UTILITY PROGRAMS:The following utilities on on the AE disk.

MPF.A - converts Applesoft Basic programs to ASCII text.
MPF.I -    "     Integer     "     "      "    "    "
BFD8/92-   "     Binary blocks of data to ASCII text.

Once conversion has taken place,this text may be transferred to any
practically any dial-up computer system.  Typical use is to forward a
program file to anyone in another part of the country via the Source or
other public access time sharing system.  The file would be temporarily
stored on the mainframe until downloaded, once transferred back to an
APPLE,it may be EXEC'd into memory and appropriately saved to disk.

MPF.A Applesoft->text:
   To create a text file from an Applesoft pgm. first type "FP" and "LOAD"
the pgm. from disk.  Then, type "EXEC MPF.A".  MPF.A is an EXEC file that 
manipulates internal Applesoft pointers and the LOAD PFM.A, which is the
pgm. that actually does the file writing.

PFM.A is not runable--it may only be used by MPF.A.
Next, you will be prompted for the filename to create & which slot/drive
you want the file written to.  When the file is written to disk, you will
be asked if you want to CRUNCH it.  Crunching removes all spaces and
punctuation from a file which has been created from a pgm.  This should be
on occasion when crunching is not used unless it is on files that were not
created from a Basic pgm.  When CRUNCH begins, it asks what the maximum
line length should be.  Defaults 160 chars. uploading a pgm to another
APPLE you could use 255.  Example: uploading to the Source you use 140,
cause that is the maximum legal line length.  CRUNCH doesn't cut off lines,
it just keeps track of which lines are too long & how much.  If you need to
modify the lines, load them into the editor.  The crunched version of the
file will be the same name as the original with a /C appended to the end.
Crunched files can be 35 percent smaller that a non-crunched one.

MPF.I Integer->text:
   MPF.I and PFM.I do the same as MPF.A & PFM.A doe for Applesoft, except
the crunch is not built into it.  A crunched Integer file will not show
quite the savings an Applesoft file will.

   SPACECRUNCH is the pgm which is used in MPF.A.It can just as easily be
used as a stand alone to crunch previously uncrunched files, or to crunch Integer files as well.

BFD8/BFD92 Binary->text
   These two create text files from binary blocks of data.
The only difference between the 2 versions is their location in memory.
BFD8 = $800( 2048 DEC.)  BFD92 = $9200 (37376 DEC.)  Select appropriate the
one to use depending on where the binary block resides.  BLOAD the block of 
data into memory,then BRUN BFD from Applesoft basic.  It will NOT work from 
Integer.  You'll be asked starting & ending addresses of the block, give 
address in HEX & the new filename.

   Example: Applesoft pgm called "KLUDGE" that has a binary called 
"KLUDGE.OBJ".  You want to make a file from the two and send it.
Load pgm and a look at the really long lines,break them up into two smaller
ones, (being careful of internal logical operation).
Then "EXEC MPF.A" and follow the prompting and crunch it.
Now "BLOAD KLUDGE.OBJ".Find out its starting & ending addresses.
One way is to CALL-151, TYPE AA60.AA73, the last 2 bytes of the displayed
block are the starting address,and the first 2 will be the length.
Now "BRUN BFD8",again follow prompting, after all of this is done type FP
to reinitialize Applesoft pointers.  Now "BRUN AE" and use the Y to get
into the editor.  In editor type .G to get converted file into the buffer.
Keep in mind that this file will eventually be EXEC'd into another APPLE.
INSERT at the beginning of the file (.I0):
on separate lines in UPPER case.  Then exit the insert mode of the editor
by a "." by itself.  This insures that when the following pgm. lines are
EXEC'd the system will be clear and initialized.  "MONI" also allows you to
see the contents of the EXEC file being loaded into memory.  Now .G the
binary part of the file, & APPEND it to the current buffer.  Remember the
last editor line number of the basic part of the pgm, once loaded, start 
listing 5 lines before your noted line.  You should see the Basic part of
the pgm & 2-3 blank lines, the binary pgm.  Now ".D" (delete) the blank 
lines.  Now,INSERT at the junction of the end of the Basic part and
beginning of the binary part, these lines:
Go to end of file and add,
your file is now complete, use the ".PUT" command to save the finished file
to disk.  You may delete the earlier two parts.  When EXEC'd into an Apple
all loading will be automatic & save everything to disk.

This is used when necessary to transfer ASCII text in Christensen Protocol
to software unlike AE, like SDS "PROFESSIONAL", P-TERM, Z-TERM, CP/M.
ASCII text stored on disk in APPLE DOS does not include linefeeds after
c/r's; CP/M text files require linefeeds after c/r's.


-=> End Of AE Dox File #6 <=-

   8 - Intra computer PSIO serial card -
   9 - Apple /// serial port.

  Select #6 for 40 col. mode only option,not only when using the APPLE
with its 40 col screen,but also with another device such as a modem plugged 
into the default screen slot.


3=System defaults (menu 3)
  G= deaf letter set key-
  H= Videx Enhancer-  take full advantage of your Videx keyboard.
  I= Half duplex auto-linefeed
  K= Expand tabs - 80 col.

4=System defaults (menu 4)
  G= Here-is RUBout key, as described in the manual incorrectly labeled "F"
  M= Re-send with bell
  N= wait after-bell (recommended ranges 100ms (as shipped) to 1000ms
     (one second))
  O= Printer host XON/XOFF
  P= console Output w/pass thru
  U= Update macro immediately -

  S= send a file- additional option for those that us
     CHARACTER mode of sending for timeshare system
  N= Null (set delay after c/r)-used before for sending data,
     now its in addition to handshaking.


- = Printer - Host- determines if the status of the printer buffer will
cause XON/XOFF protocol to be in effect while printing is in progress.
If not sure how to use leave OFF.

L = Load Macro File- now the first time you access any old format macro
file, whether it be in Macro Configuration or main command prompt
(";" or "-") with the "Mx" command, an automatic update will occur and the
modified macro save back to the disk under the same name.

S= Set terminal parms -
B= Change single parms -
M= cursor down (before "extra")-most terminal this will be ^J ($0A)
N= extra- reserved for additional conversions
O= extra-    "      "      "         "
P= Printer ON -this option is only operational if on the INPUT side of the
   emulation table.
Q= PRinter OFF-
" = Internal command char:
G= Get another macro file and execute a specified element "Gx<filename>
This is an instruction to GET macro file (do not use .MAC extension) & when
loaded, execute element #x.
S= Set current macro parms.- synonymous with "U".
<xyzzy> Macro string handshaking:
Handshake whole word or phrases syntax is <string>.
"<" ">" are required to delimit the search string.

Example: ***^C%:70315,1305'%*password'<ok>r maug
         ***^C = wait 3 time intervals and send ctrl-c to "wake-up"
                 Compuserve node
%:         = handshake (wait for) the ":" char before outputting account number
             70315,1305'= account number followed by c/r
 %:        = wait for next ":" char before sending password
password'  = send account password follower by  c/r (')
<ok>       = wait for OK string sent by Compuserve before sending next
             command (assuming you have default set to exit)
r maug     = following the above release of the macro,send the "r maug"
             command to Compuserve to Run the MicronetApple UsersGroup
             bulletin board (maug)


  As data is being transferred,there are little messages on the screen that
indicate the current status such as block number being sent, re-sent, error
indication and type of error and error count.  The first of the two numbers
in the error counter indicate the total number of errors that have occurred
in this session, the second number indicates the total
 number of
consecutive errors.
If more than 9 consecutive errors occur, the send will abort.
Examples: <ERR# 1-1> Host did not send an acknowledge of block #2.
          <ERR# 2-1>Someone got confused and sent the wrong block.
          <ERR# 3-1>Still confused.
                    Timeout error (no activity within x time)s
                    Checksum error.
                    Received total not what was sent
                    Bad start.
                    Improper data format usually.
                    Wrong block # received.
                    Filetype specified invalid.
                    SYNC ERROR! Irrecoverable synchronization error

Non AE PRO Protocol:  CP/M used the XMODEM program (vers 4.3)


-=> End Of AE Dox File #7 <=-