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RWTSDRVR STX IBTRK    ;Enter with (x) = trk wntd.
         STY IBSECT   ;           (y) = sector wntd.
RWTSDRV1 STA IBCMD    ;           (a) = opcode for RWTS.
(B058)                ;RWTSDRV1 is the entry point used by the
                      ;Init function handler.
(B05B)   CMP #2       ;Is cmd a write?
(B05D)   BNE SKPWRSET ;No, so branch.  Note:  "CMP" conditions:
                      ;    (c)=0 if seek ($00) or read ($01).
                      ;    (c)=1 if write ($02) or format ($03).
(B05F)   ORA UPDATFLG ;Condition UPDATFLG to designate that
(B062)   STA UPDATFLG ;last operation was a write for next
                      ;time around. 

SKPWRSET LDA VOLWA    ;Put complimented vol in IOB.
         EOR #$FF
         STA IBVOL
         LDA SLOT16WA ;Put slot*16 in IOB.
         STA IBSLOT
         LDA DRVWA    ;Put drive in IOB.
         STA IBDRVN
         LDA SECSIZWA ;Put sector length in IOB
         STA IBSECSZ  ;(standard size of dec. 256
         LDA SECSIZWA+1 ;or hex $0100 bytes).
         STA IBSECSZ+1
         LDA #1       ;ALWAYS designate table type as 1.
         STA IBTYPE
         LDY ADRIOB   ;Set (y) & (a) to point
         LDA ADRIOB+1 ;at RWTS's IOB.
(B090)   JSR ENTERWTS ;Go call RWTS.

                      * Route execution to RWTS.
                      * (Normally entry route to RWTS for custom
                      * assembly language programs.  See preamble
                      * for required entry conditions.)
                      ENTERWTS PHP          ;Save status reg (with conditioned carry) on stk.
                                            ;(c) = 0 if seek ($00) or read ($01).
                                            ;(c) = 1 if write ($02) or format ($03).
                      (B7B6)   SEI          ;Set interrupt disable flag to prevent
                      (B7B7)   JSR RWTS     ;any further maskable interrupts
                                            ;when doing real-time programming.

                                            * Read/Write Track/Sector (RWTS).
                                            * Enter with (y)/(a) pointing at
                                            * RWTS's input/output block (IOB).
                                            RWTS     STY PTR2IOB  ;Set up a zero page
                                                     STA PTR2IOB+1 ;pointer to RWTS's IOB.
                                                     LDY #2       ;Initialize cntr for max of 2 recalibs.
                                                     STY RECLBCNT
                                                     LDY #4       ;Initialize cntr for # or re-seeks betwn recalibs.
                                                     STY RSEEKCNT
                                                     LDY #1       ;Get slot*16 from IOB & put it
                                                     LDA (PTR2IOB),Y ;in (x) so can use it to index
                                            (BD12)   TAX          ;base addresses for drive functions.

                                            * Check if wntd slot*16 = last slot*16.
                                            (BD13)   LDY #15      ;Index to get val of last slot used.
                                                     CMP (PTR2IOB),Y ;Compare wanted vs last.
                                            (BD17)   BEQ SAMESLOT ;Take branch if using same slot.

                                            * Want to use different slot so reset (x)
                                            * back to index old slot so can test old motor.
                                            (BD19)   TXA          ;Save slot*16 wanted on stk.
                                                     LDA (PTR2IOB),Y ;Get old slot*16 back and
                                                     TAX          ;stick it in (x) to index base addrs.
                                                     PLA          ;Get slot*16 wanted into (a) from stk
                                                     PHA          ;and keep it saved on stk.
                                            (BD20)   STA (PTR2IOB),Y ;Update last-used slot*16 for next time.

                                            * Check to see if last-used drive assoc with last-
                                            * used slot is still spinning.  If it is, wait for
                                            * it to stop.
                                            (BD22)   LDA Q7L,X    ;Prep latch for input.
                                            CKSPIN   LDY #8       ;Set cntr to insure at least 8 chks.
                                                     LDA Q6L,X    ;Strobe latch to read.
                                            CHKCHNG  CMP Q6L,X    ;Read again & cmp to last read.
                                                     BNE CKSPIN   ;Data changed, so still spinning.
                                                     DEY          ;No change, so chk with some
                                            (BD30)   BNE CHKCHNG  ;delays just to make sure.

                                            * Get index for slot wanted.
                                            (BD32)   PLA          ;Get slot*16 back off stk
                                            (BD33)   TAX          ;and put it in (x).

                                            * Chk to see if a drive assoc with slot wanted
                                            * is still spinning.  (As soon as get a change then
                                            * know it's spinning.  If no change, chk at least
                                            * 8 times to be certain it is off.)
                                            SAMESLOT LDA Q7L,X    ;Set read mode.
                                                     LDA Q6L,X    ;Strobe latch to read.
                                                     LDY #8       ;Set cntr for 8 chks if needed.
                                            STRBAGN  LDA Q6L,X    ;Strobe latch again.
                                                     PHA          ;Delay 14 machine cycles.
                                                     STX SLOTPG5  ;Save slot*16 wntd in page 5.
                                                     CMP Q6L,X    ;Has data changed yet?
                                                     BNE DONETEST ;Yes - data changed, so disk spinning.
                                                     DEY          ;No - no change, see if chkd enough times.
                                                     BNE STRBAGN  ;Chk at least 8 times.
                                            DONETEST PHP          ;Save test results on stk so can later
                                            (BD4E)                ;chk if need extra delay or not.

                                            * Turn motor on in a drive assoc with slot wanted
                                            * (just in case it wasn't already spinning).
                                            * Note:  This uses drive with same # as last
                                            * drive used.  This may or may not be the
                                            * specific drive # we want.  However, we must use
                                            * this instruction to send power via the controller.
                                            * Once this switch is thrown, we can later re-route
                                            * that power to whichever drive we want by throwing
                                            * another switch to select drive1 or drive2.
                                            (BD4F)   LDA MTRON,X  ;Turn motor on.

                                            * Establish z-page pointers to device characteristic
                                            * table (DCT) and RWTS's I/O buffer (so can use z-page
                                            * indirect addressing modes).
                                            * IBDCTP ---> PTR2DCT (3C,3D)
                                            * IBBUFP ---> PTR2BUF (3E,3F)
                                            (BD52)   LDY #6       ;Get ptrs from RWTS's IOB
                                            MOVPTRS  LDA (PTR2IOB),Y ;and put them in z-page.
                                            (BD56)   STA: PTR2DCT-6,Y ;(Note:  ":" used to force
                                                                  ;a 3-byte instruction.)
                                            (BD59)   INY
                                                     CPY #10      ;4 bytes to copy (6 to 9).
                                            (BD5C)   BNE MOVPTRS

                                            * Check drive status.
                                            (BD5E)   LDY #3       ;Save hi byte of motor-on-time
                                                     LDA (PTR2DCT),Y ;count in z-page.
                                                     STA MTRTIME+1
                                                     LDY #2       ;Get drive # wanted.
                                                     LDA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                                     LDY #16      ;Set (y) = index to last-used drive.
                                                     CMP (PTR2IOB),Y ;Drv wanted vs drv last used.
                                                     BEQ SAMEDRV
                                            (BD6E)   STA (PTR2IOB),Y ;Designate drv wntd as old drv
                                                                  ;for next time around.
                                            (BD70)   PLP          ;Get status back off stk.
                                            (BD71)   LDY #0       ;Reset status (z-flag off) to signal that
                                                                  ;SPECIFIC DRIVE # we want in SPECIFIC SLOT
                                                                  ;wanted was not originally spinning.
                                            (BD73)   PHP          ;Push updated status back on stk.
                                            SAMEDRV  ROR          ;Put low bit of drv wanted in carry.
                                                     BCC USEDRV2  ;Branch if want drive 2.
                                                     LDA SELDRV1,X ;Route power to select drive 1.
                                                     BCS USEDRV1  ;ALWAYS.
                                            USEDRV2  LDA SELDRV2,X ;Route power to select drive 2.
                                            USEDRV1  ROR DRVZPG   ;Put sign bit for which drive
                                            (BD7F)                ;using in z-page:  neg = drive1.
                                                                  ;                  pos = drive2.

                                            * Chk to see if a specific drive wanted in
                                            * specific slot wanted was originally on or not.
                                            (BD81)   PLP          ;Get previous test result.
                                                     PHP          ;Put it back on stk for later use.
                                            (BD83)   BNE WASON    ;Orig drv in orig slot was on.

                                            * Specific drive wanted in specific slot
                                            * wanted was ORIGINALLY OFF, so delay a
                                            * bit to avoid positioning head during
                                            * the period of heavy current flow that
                                            * occurs when motor is turned on.  (That
                                            * is, give line/capacitor time to 
                                            * bleed down cause motor on/off switch
                                            * requires more current than stepper motor.)
                                            * (Amount of delay is not constant cause
                                            * it depends on what is in accum & we don't
                                            * know cause we were just accessing hardware.)
                                            (BD85)   LDY #7
                                            WAIT4MTR JSR DELAY    ;Stall.

                                                                  * Main delay routine in DOS.
                                                                  * (Amt of delay = 100 * (a) microsecs.)
                                                                  DELAY    LDX #17
                                                                  DLY1     DEX
                                                                           BNE DLY1
                                                                           INC MTRTIME
                                                                           BNE DLY2
                                                                           INC MTRTIME+1
                                                                  DLY2     SEC
                                                                           SBC #1
                                                                           BNE DELAY
                                                                  (BA10)   RTS

                                            (BD8A)   DEY
                                                     BNE WAIT4MTR ;Go stall some more.
                                            (BD8D)   LDX SLOTPG5  ;Restore (x) = slot*16.
                                            WASON    LDY #4       ;Get trk wanted.
                                                     LDA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                            (BD94)   JSR SEEKTRK  ;Go move arm to desired trk.

                                                                  SEEKTRK  PHA          ;Save # of trk wntd on stk.
                                                                           LDY #1       ;Get drive type (1- or 2-phase)
                                                                  (BE5D)   LDA (PTR2DCT),Y ;from DCT.  (P.S. the "II" in the
                                                                                        ;"DISK II" logo stamped on Apple's
                                                                                        ;disk drive denotes a two-phase
                                                                                        ;stepper motor.)
                                                                  (BE5F)   ROR          ;Put low byte of drive type in carry.
                                                                           PLA          ;Get trk# wanted back in (a).
                                                                  (BE61)   BCC SEEKIT   ;Not using standard DRIVEII, using a
                                                                                        ;one-phase drive instead, ther4 skip
                                                                                        ;doubling of trk # & use SEEKIT as part
                                                                                        ;of routine instead of a subroutine.

                                                                  * Using a two-phase drive.
                                                                  (BE63)   ASL          ;Double trk # wanted to get
                                                                                        ;number of 1/2 trk wanted.
                                                                  (BE64)   JSR SEEKIT   ;Move disk arm to desired track.

                                                                                        SEEKIT   .
                                                     l            * Routine/subroutine to move drive arm
                                                     l            * to a specific trk position.
                                                     l            * Used as a subroutine when using Apple's
                                                     l            * disk drive II.  Note when SEEKIT is used as a
                                                     l            * subroutine, DESTRK, PRESTRK, TRK4DRV1, TRK4DRV2,
                                                     l            * STPSDONE and HOLDPRES are all expressed in half
                                                     l            * tracks:
                                                     l            * DESTRK = destination half-track position.
                                                     l            * PRESTRK = present half-track position.
                                                     l            * HOLDPRES = present half-track position.
                                                     l            * TRK4DRV1 = base addr (when indexed by slot*16) pts
                                                     l            *            at the addr that contains the last half-
                                                     l            *            track # that drive 1 was aligned on.
                                                     l            * TRK4DRV2 = base addr (when indexed by slot*16) pts
                                                     l            *            at the addr that contains the last half-
                                                     l            *            track # that drive 2 was aligned on.
                                                     l            * STPSDONE = number of half tracks moved so far.
                                                     l            * If not using a II-phase drive, change all
                                                     l            * comments that read "half tracks" to read
                                                     l            * "full tracks".
                                                     l            (BE6B)
                                                     l            SEEKIT   STA DESTRK   ;(a) = 2*trk # wanted.
                                                     l                                  ;    = # of halftrk wanted.
                                                     l            (BE6D)   JSR SLOTX2Y  ;Set (y) = slot.
                                                     l                                  * Convert slot*16 from
                                                     l                                  * (x) to slot in (y).
                                                     l                                  (BE8E)
                                                     l                                  SLOTX2Y  TXA          ;Get slot*16 from (x).
                                                     l                                           LSR          ;Divide it by 16.
                                                     l                                           LSR
                                                     l                                           LSR
                                                     l                                           LSR
                                                     l                                           TAY          ;Put slot # in (y).
                                                     l                                  (BE94)   RTS
                                                     l            (BE70)   LDA TRK4DRV1,Y ;Pres halftrk# assoc with drv1.
                                                     l            (BE73)   BIT DRVZPG   ;Contains:  neg = drive 1.
                                                     l                                  ;           pos = drive 2.
                                                     l            (BE75)   BMI SETPRSTK ;Branch if using drive 1.
                                                     l                     LDA TRK4DRV2,Y ;Using drv 2 so get pres 1/2trk#.
                                                     l            SETPRSTK STA PRESTRK  ;Save present halftrk#.
                                                     l            (BE7A)
                                                     l            * Designate halftrk we are about to seek
                                                     l            * as present halftrk for next time around.
                                                     l            * (Put halftrk info in slot dependent locations.)
                                                     l            (BE7D)   LDA DESTRK
                                                     l                     BIT DRVZPG   ;Chk to see which drive we are using.
                                                     l                     BMI DRV1USG  ;Branch if using drive 1.
                                                     l                     STA TRK4DRV2,Y ;Using drv2 -store halftrk 4 next time.
                                                     l                     BPL DRV2USG  ;ALWAYS.
                                                     l            DRV1USG  STA TRK4DRV1,Y ;Using drv1 -store halftrk 4 next time.
                                                     l            DRV2USG  JMP SEEKABS
                                                     l            (BE8B)   -----------
                                                     l            * Move disk arm to a given halftrk position.
                                                     l            * On entry: (x) = slot *16.
                                                     l            *           (a) = destination halftrack pos'n.
                                                     l            *       PRESTRK = current halftrack pos'n.
                                                     l            (B9A0)
                                                     l            SEEKABS  STX SLT16ZPG ;Save slot*16 in z-page.
                                                     l                     STA DESTRK   ;Save destin halftrk #.
                                                     l                     CMP PRESTRK  ;Dest halftrk = pres halftrk?
                                                     l                     BEQ ARRIVED  ;Yes - we are already there, so exit.
                                                     l                     LDA #0       ;Init counter 4 # of halftrks moved.
                                                     l            (B9AB)   STA STPSDONE
                                                     l            * Save current halftrk pos'n & calc
                                                     l            * number of halftrks need to move minus 1.
                                                     l            (B9AD)
                                                     l            SAVCURTK LDA PRESTRK  ;Save current halftrk pos'n.
                                                     l                     STA HOLDPRES
                                                     l                     SEC          ;Calc (PRESTRK - DESTRK).
                                                     l                     SBC DESTRK
                                                     l                     BEQ ATDESTN  ;At destin halftrk so go shutdown.
                                                     l            (B9B7)   BCS MOVDWN   ;Pres halftrk > destin halftrk so
                                                     l                                  ;want to move to lower trk.
                                                     l            * Want to move to a higher halftrk #
                                                     l            * (PRESTRK - DESTRK = neg result).
                                                     l            (B9B9)   EOR #$FF     ;Convert neg to pos.
                                                     l            (B9BB)   INC PRESTRK  ;Moving up, so inc current 1/2
                                                     l                                  ;trk pos'n for next time around.
                                                     l            (B9BE)   BCC CKDLYNDX ;ALWAYS.
                                                     l                     ------------
                                                     l            * Want to move to lower halftrk #
                                                     l            * (PRESTRK - DESTRK = pos result).
                                                     l            (B9C0)
                                                     l            MOVDOWN  ADC #$FE     ;Simulate a subtract of 1.  Actually
                                                     l                                  ;adding minus 1 (#$FF) cause carry
                                                     l                                  ;set.  Want (a) to equal 1 less than
                                                     l                                  ;number of halftrks to move.
                                                     l            (B9C2)   DEC PRESTRK  ;Moving down so reduce pres 1/2
                                                     l                                  ;trk number for next time around.
                                                     l            * Check to see which index to use to
                                                     l            * access the delay table.  IF WE ARE
                                                     l            * WITHIN 12 STEPS of the destination
                                                     l            * or start positions, then use closest
                                                     l            * distance to start or end pos'n to
                                                     l            * index delay tables.  Delay tables are
                                                     l            * only 12 bytes long, so if more than 12
                                                     l            * steps away from both start & destination,
                                                     l            * then use last index (y=12) to access table.
                                                     l            * Check if closer to destination or start pos'n.
                                                     l            (B9C5)
                                                     l            CKDLYNDX CMP STPSDONE ;Compare # of halftrks moved
                                                     l                                  ;to # of halftrks need to move.
                                                     l            (B9C7)   BCC CLSR2ND  ;Branch if closer to destn than start posn.
                                                     l            * Closer to start.
                                                     l            (B9C9)   LDA STPSDONE ;Set (a) = dist from start pos'n.
                                                     l            CLSR2ND  CMP #12      ;Are we within 12 steps of start
                                                     l                                  ;or destination pos'n?
                                                     l            (B9CD)   BCS TURNON   ;We are at or beyond 12 steps from
                                                     l                                  ;start or destn pos'n so use old
                                                     l                                  ;index to access delay table.
                                                     l            (B9CF)
                                                     l            PRESNDX  TAY          ;Use present distance to index delay table.
                                                     l            TURNON   SEC          ;Set carry so get odd index to base addr so
                                                     l            (B9D0)                ;magnet will be turned ON.
                                                     l            (B9D1)   JSR ONOROFF  ;Turn magnet ON to suck stepper motor
                                                     l                                  ;to correct halftrack pos'n.
                                                     l                                  (B9EE)
                                                     l                                  ONOROFF  LDA PRESTRK  ;Use lwr 2 bits of
                                                     l                                  ENTRYOFF AND #%00000011 ;1/2 trk pos'n to
                                                     l                                                        ;index magnet.
                                                     l                                  (B9F3)   ROL          ;2*halftrack+(c).
                                                     l                                                        ;If carry set,
                                                     l                                                        ;result is odd &
                                                     l                                                        ;magnet is energized.
                                                     l                                  (B9F4)   ORA SLT16ZPG ;Merge index to magnet
                                                     l                                                        ;with slot #.
                                                     l                                  (B9F6)   TAX          ;Use (x) for indexing.
                                                     l                                  (B9F7)   LDA MAG0FF,X ;Use magnet0 off as
                                                     l                                                        ;base address.
                                                     l                                  (B9FA)   LDX SLT16ZPG ;Restore (x)=slot*16.
                                                     l                                  ARRIVED  RTS
                                                     l                                  (B9FC)
                                                     l            (B9D4)   LDA ONTABLE,Y ;Get time 2 leave magnet on from tbl.
                                                     l            (B9D7)   JSR DELAY    ;Delay to give drive time to act before
                                                     l                                  ;magnet is turned off again cause computer
                                                     l                                  ;too fast 4 peripheral & want smooth mov't.
                                                     l                                  * Main delay routine in DOS.
                                                     l                                  * (Amt of delay = 100 * (a) microsecs.)
                                                     l                                  (BA00)
                                                     l                                  DELAY    LDY #17
                                                     l                                  DLY1     DEX
                                                     l                                           BNE DLY1
                                                     l                                           INC MTRTIME
                                                     l                                           BNE DLY2
                                                     l                                           INC MTRTIME+1
                                                     l                                  DLY2     SEC
                                                     l                                           SBC #1
                                                     l                                           BNE DELAY
                                                     l                                  (BA10)   RTS
                                                     l            (B9DA)   LDA HOLDPRES ;Get last halftrk pos'n in (a).
                                                     l            (B9DE)   CLC          ;Clr carry so index will come out even
                                                     l                                  ;and there4 magnet will be turned OFF.
                                                     l            (B9DD)   JSR ENTRYOFF ;Turn magnet assoc with prev pos'n off.
                                                     l                                  (B9F1)
                                                     l                                  ENTRYOFF AND #%00000011 ;Halftrk pos'n to
                                                     l                                                        ;index magnet.
                                                     l                                  (B9F3)   ROL          ;2*halftrack+(c).
                                                     l                                                        ;If carry set,
                                                     l                                                        ;result is odd &
                                                     l                                                        ;magnet is energized.
                                                     l                                  (B9F4)   ORA SLT16ZPG ;Merge index to magnet
                                                     l                                                        ;with slot #.
                                                     l                                  (B9F6)   TAX          ;Use (x) for indexing.
                                                     l                                  (B9F7)   LDA MAG0FF,X ;Use magnet0 off as
                                                     l                                                        ;base address.
                                                     l                                  (B9FA)   LDX SLT16ZPG ;Restore (x)=slot*16.
                                                     l                                  ARRIVED  RTS
                                                     l                                  (B9FC)
                                                     l            (B9E0)   LDA OFFTABLE,Y ;Get time 2 leave magnet off from table.
                                                     l            (B9E3)   JSR DELAY    ;Leave magnet off for a while to give 
                                                     l                                  ;arm time to be properly aligned.
                                                     l                                  ;(Need time to suck it over & also to
                                                     l                                  ;decrease bounce or over-shoot.)
                                                     l                                  * Main delay routine in DOS.
                                                     l                                  * (Amt of delay = 100 * (a) microsecs.)
                                                     l                                  (BA00)
                                                     l                                  DELAY    LDY #17
                                                     l                                  DLY1     DEX
                                                     l                                           BNE DLY1
                                                     l                                           INC MTRTIME
                                                     l                                           BNE DLY2
                                                     l                                           INC MTRTIME+1
                                                     l                                  DLY2     SEC
                                                     l                                           SBC #1
                                                     l                                           BNE DELAY
                                                     l                                  (BA10)   RTS
                                                     l            (B9E6)   INC STPSDONE
                                                     l            (B9E8)   BNE SAVCURTK ;ALWAYS.
                                                     l                     ------------
                                                     l            * Arrived at destination halftrack.
                                                     l            (B9EA)
                                                     l            ATDESTN  JSR DELAY    ;Wait for peripheral again.
                                                     l                                  * Main delay routine in DOS.
                                                     l                                  * (Amt of delay = 100 * (a) microsecs.)
                                                     l                                  (BA00)
                                                     l                                  DELAY    LDY #17
                                                     l                                  DLY1     DEX
                                                     l                                           BNE DLY1
                                                     l                                           INC MTRTIME
                                                     l                                           BNE DLY2
                                                     l                                           INC MTRTIME+1
                                                     l                                  DLY2     SEC
                                                     l                                           SBC #1
                                                     l                                           BNE DELAY
                                                     l                                  (BA10)   RTS
                                                     l            * Turn last-used magnet off so exit
                                                     l            * with all phases (ie. magnets) off
                                                     l            * because MAG1ON is wired into the
                                                     l            * write-protect switch.
                                                     l            (B9ED)   CLC          ;Turn magnet OFF.
                                                     l            * Turn magnet on or off.
                                                     l            (B9EE)
                                                     l            ONOROFF  LDA PRESTRK  ;Use halftrk pos'n 2 index magnet.
                                                     l            ENTRYOFF AND #%00000011 ;Only keep lwr 2 bits of halftrk#
                                                     l            (B9F1)                ;cause only 4 magents (0,1,2, & 3).
                                                     l            (B9F3)   ROL          ;Multiply halftrk# * 2 and add (c).
                                                     l                                  ;If (c)=1, result even, magnet off.
                                                     l                                  ;If (c)=0, result odd, magnet on.
                                                     l            (B9F4)   ORA SLT16ZPG ;Merge index to magnet with slot #.
                                                     l                     TAX          ;Use (x) for indexing.
                                                     l                     LDA MAG0FF,X ;Use magnet-0-off as base addr.
                                                     l                     LDX SLT16ZPG ;Restore slot*16 in (x).
                                                     l            ARRIVED  RTS
                                                     l            (B9FC)
                                                                  (BE67)   LSR PRESTRK  ;Calc present whole trk #
                                                                                        ;(ie. pres halftrk# / 2).
                                                                  (BE6A)   RTS

                                            * Check to see if motor was originally on.
                                            (BD97)   PLP          ;Get prev motor test result off stack.
                                                     BNE BEGINCMD ;Branch if motor was originally on.
                                            (BD9A)   LDY MTRTIME+1 ;Motor wasn't originally on.
                                                                  ;However, we have since turned it on.
                                                                  ;Now check if it has been in long enough.
                                            (BD9C)   BPL BEGINCMD ;Motor was on long enough.  No need
                                                                  ;to wait any longer.

                                            * Although motor was turned on, it hasn't
                                            * been on long enough to do accurate
                                            * reading of bytes.  There4, delay until
                                            * motor on time is 1 second (at which time
                                            * MTRTIME count is zero).  (Part of time was
                                            * taken up to seek track.)
                                            TIME1    LDY #18
                                            TIME2    DEY
                                                     BNE TIME2
                                                     INC MTRTIME
                                                     BNE TIME1
                                                     INC MTRTIME+1
                                            (BDA9)   BNE TIME1

                                            * Motor is up to speed so now process command.
                                            * (Seek=00, Read=01, Write=02, Format=04.)
                                            * Counters:
                                            * READCNTR = allow up to 48 times to find correct
                                            *            addr prologue between re-seeking.
                                            * RSEEKCNT = allow up to 4 re-seeks btwn recalibrations.
                                            * RECLBCNT = allow up to 2 recalibrations.
                                            * (There4, if necessary, allow up to 384
                                            * attempts to find correct prologue addr.)

                                            * Begin RWTS command processing.
                                            BEGINCMD LDY #12      ;Get cmd from IOB.
                                                     LDA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                                     BEQ WASEEK   ;Branch if cmd was "seek".
                                                     CMP #4       ;Was cmd "format"?
                                            (BDB3)   BEQ FORMDSK  ;Branch if command was "format".

                                            * Command was READ or WRITE
                                            * (opcodes $01 or $02).
                                            (BDB5)   ROR          ;SET CARRY IF READ CMD (opcode $01).
                                                                  ;CLR CARRY IF WRITE CMD (opcode $02).
                                            (BDB6)   PHP          ;Save carry denoting cmd on stack.
                                            (BDB7)   BCS RESETCNT ;Branch if doing a read.

                                            * Command was a WRITE.
                                            WASWRITE JSR PRENIBL  ;Not applicable to read cmd.

                                                                  * Prenibble data ($B800-$B829).
                                                                  * Convert 256 memory bytes into 342
                                                                  * six-bit nibbles as shown below:
                                                                  *              RWTSBUF1
                                                                  * BB00: 0 0 00-7 00-6 00-5 00-5 00-3 00-2
                                                                  * BB01: 0 0 01-7 01-6 01-5 01-4 01-3 01-2
                                                                  * BB02: 0 0 02-7 02-6 02-5 02-4 02-3 02-2
                                                                  *  .    . .  .    .    .    .    .    .
                                                                  *  .    . .  .    .    .    .    .    .
                                                                  *  .    . .  .    .    .    .    .    .
                                                                  * BBFF: 0 0 FF-7 FF-6 FF-5 FF-4 FF-3 FF-2
                                                                  *              RWTSBUF2
                                                                  * BC00: 0 0 01-0 01-1 AB-0 AB-1 55-0 55-1
                                                                  * BB01: 0 0 00-0 00-1 AA-0 AA-1 54-0 54-1
                                                                  * BB02: 0 0 FF-0 FF-1 A9-0 A9-1 53-0 53-1
                                                                  *  .    . .  .    .    .    .    .    .
                                                                  *  .    . .  .    .    .    .    .    .
                                                                  *  .    . .  .    .    .    .    .    .
                                                                  * BC54: 0 0 AD-0 AD-1 57-0 57-1 01-0 01-1
                                                                  * BC55: 0 0 AC-0 AC-1 56-0 56-1 00-0 00-1
                                                                  * Where AC-0 = bit 0 of memory byte which
                                                                  *              is offset #$AC bytes into
                                                                  *              the data sector.
                                                                  * The following bits are duplicated in
                                                                  * $BC00 - $BC01 & $BC54 - $BC55 but are
                                                                  * ignored in $BC00 - $BC01:
                                                                  *        01-0, 01-1, 00-0, 00-1.

                                                                  PRENIBL  LDX #0
                                                                           LDY #2
                                                                  PRENIB1  DEY
                                                                           LDA (PTR2BUF),Y ;Get byte from "data" buffer.
                                                                           LSR          ;Put its lwr 2 bits into RWTSBUF1.
                                                                           ROL RWTSBUF2,X
                                                                           ROL RWTSBUF2,X
                                                                           STA RWTSBUF1,Y ;Put remaining 6 bits in RWTSBUF1.
                                                                           CPX #$56
                                                                           BCC PRENIB1
                                                                           LDX #0
                                                                           BNE PRENIB1  ;Repeat until @ byte of RWTSBUF2 has 6 bits.
                                                                           LDX #$55     ;Make sure bits 6 & 7 of RWTSBUF2
                                                                  PRENIB2  LDA RWTSBUF2,X ;are zeroes.
                                                                           AND #%00111111
                                                                           STA RWTSBUF2,X
                                                                           BPL PRENIB2
                                                                  (B829)   RTS

                                            * Common to READ or WRITE.
                                            RESETCNT LDY #48      ;Init counter for reading addr header.
                                                     STY READCNTR
                                            SETXSLT  LDX SLOT5PG  ;Set (x) = slot*16.
                                            (BDC4)   JSR RDADDR   ;Go read addr header to find sector
                                                                  ;that we want to read or write.

                                                                  * Read the address header.
                                                                  RDADDR   LDY #$FC     ;Designate 772 chances (#$FCFC to #$10000) 
                                                                                        ;to find the correct address prologue.
                                                                  (B946)   STY PROSCRTH
                                                                  KICKNTR  INY
                                                                           BNE TRYD5
                                                                           INC PROSCRTH
                                                                  (B94D)   BEQ ERRTN    ;Error - can't find prologue.

                                                                  * Look for address prologue ("D5 AA 96").
                                                                  TRYD5    LDA Q5L,X
                                                                           BPL TRYD5    ;Wait for a full byte.
                                                                  VERSUSD5 CMP #$D5     ;Was it a "D5"?
                                                                           BNE KICKNTR  ;No - try again.
                                                                           NOP          ;Wait 2 cycles.
                                                                  TRYAA    LDA Q6L,X
                                                                           BPL TRYAA    ;Wait for full byte.
                                                                           CMP #$AA     ;Was it an "AA"?
                                                                           BNE VERSUSD5 ;No - retry sequence.
                                                                  (B962)   LDY #3       ;Set (y) for later reading of
                                                                                        ;vol, trk, sec, checksum info
                                                                                        ;from address field.

                                                                  TRY96    LDA Q6L,X
                                                                           BPL TRY96    ;Wait for full byte.
                                                                           CMP #$96     ;Was it a "96"?
                                                                  (B96B)   BNE VERSUSD5 ;No - retry sequence.

                                                                  * Read odd-even encoded volume, track,
                                                                  * sector and checksum values from the
                                                                  * address field.  (When reading,
                                                                  * calculate a running checksum.)
                                                                  * From: byte1:  1  b7  1 b5  1 b3  1 b1
                                                                  *       byte2:  b6 1  b4 1  b2 1  b0 1
                                                                  *       -------------------------------
                                                                  * To:   byte:   b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0

                                                                  (B96D)   LDA #0       ;Initialize running checksum val.
                                                                  CALCK    STA CKSUMCAL
                                                                  GETHDR   LDA Q6L,X    ;Get odd-encoded byte.
                                                                           BPL GETHDR   ;Wait for a full byte.
                                                                  (B976)   ROL          ;Shift bits & put set
                                                                                        ;carry in bit0 pos'n.
                                                                  (B977)   STA PROSCRTH ;Save shifted version.
                                                                  RDHDR    LDA Q6L,X    ;Get even-encoded byte.
                                                                           BPL RDHDR    ;Wait for full byte.
                                                                           AND PROSCRTH ;Merge to generate normal memory byte.
                                                                  (B980)   STA: CKSUMDSK,Y ;Store info read from addr
                                                                                        ;field in zero page:
                                                                                        ;$2F = vol found, $2E = trk found,
                                                                                        ;$2D = sec found, $2C = checksum found.
                                                                                        ;(Use ":" to force 3-byte instruction.)
                                                                  (B983)   EOR CKSUMCAL ;Update running checksum.
                                                                           BPL CALCK
                                                                           TAY          ;Put checksum found in (y).
                                                                  (B989)   BNE ERRTN    ;If checksum found < > 0, then error.

                                                                  * Read first 2 bytes (only) of
                                                                  * the address epilogue ("DE AA").
                                                                  TRYEPIDE LDA Q6L,X    ;Get first byte.
                                                                           BPL TRYEPIDE ;Wait for a full byte.
                                                                           CMP #$DE     ;Was it a "DE"?
                                                                           BNE ERRTN    ;No - try again.
                                                                           NOP          ;Stall 2 cycles.
                                                                  TRYEPIAA LDA Q6L,X    ;Get second byte.
                                                                           BPL TRYEPIAA ;Wait for a full byte.
                                                                           CMP #$AA     ;Was it an "AA"?
                                                                           BNE ERRTN    ;No - retry sequence.
                                                                  GOODRTN  CLC          ;Signal good read.
                                                                  (B99F)   RTS

                                                                  ERRTN    SEC          ;Signal bad read.
                                                                  (B943)   RTS

                                            (BDC7)   BCC RDRIGHT  ;Addr read was good.

                                            * Bad address (or data) read.
                                            REDUCERD DEC READCNTR ;Reduce read counter.
                                            (BDCC)   BPL SETXSLT  ;Try again.

                                            * Do a recalibration cause exhausted
                                            * all attempts to get a good read.
                                            DORECALB LDA PRESTRK  ;Save trk wanted on stack.
                                            (BDD2)   LDA #96      ;Pretend presently on trk 96
                                                                  ;so force head against stop.
                                            (BDD4)   JSR SETTRK   ;Go select drive & put trk wanted in
                                                                  ;memory location specific to drive.

                                                                  SETTRK   PHA          ;Save present trk on stack.
                                                                           LDY #2       ;Get drive # wanted from IOB.
                                                                           LDA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                                                  (B9EA)   ROR          ;Condition carry:
                                                                                        ;  clr=drv1, set=drv2.
                                                                  (B9EB)   ROR DRVZPG   ;Condition zero-page loc:
                                                                                        ;  neg=drv1, pos=drv2.
                                                                  (BE9D)   JSR SLOTX2Y  ;Set (y) = slot.

                                                                                        * Convert slot*16 from (x)
                                                                                        * to slot in (y).
                                                                                        SLOTX2Y  TXA          ;Get slot*16 from (x).
                                                                                                 LSR          ;Divide it by 16.
                                                                                                 TAY          ;(y) = slot.
                                                                                        (BE94)   RTS

                                                                  (BEA0)   PLA          ;Get trk wanted off stk.
                                                                           ASL          ;Times 2 for half track.
                                                                           BIT DRVZPG   ;Check which drive to use.
                                                                           BMI STORDRV1 ;Branch if using drive 1.
                                                                           STA TRK4DRV2,Y ;Save halftrack wanted for drv2.
                                                                           BPL RTNSETRK ;ALWAYS.
                                                                  STORDRV1 STA TRK4DRV1,Y ;Save halftrack wanted for drv1.
                                                                  RTNSETRK RTS

                                            (BDD7)   DEC RECLBCNT ;Reduce recalibration counter.
                                                     BEQ DRVERR   ;Error - exhausted recalib attempts.
                                                     LDA #4       ;Indicate 4 chances to reseek track
                                                     STA RSEEKCNT ;between recalibrations.
                                                     LDA #0       ;Seek track 0.
                                            (BDE3)   JSR SEEKTRK

                                                                  SEEKTRK  .
                                                                  (See dis'mbly above.)

                                            (BDE6)   PLA          ;Get trk wanted from stack.
                                            RESEEK   JSR SEEKTRK  ;Seek trk wanted.

                                                                  SEEKTRK  .
                                                                  (See dis'mbly above.)

                                            (BDEA)   JMP RESETCNT ;Go back to try & read again.

                                            * Got a good read.
                                            RDRIGHT  LDY TRKDSK   ;(y)=trk# found in header.
                                                     CPY PRESTRK  ;Trk found = trk wanted?
                                            (BDF2)   BEQ RTTRK    ;Yes - seeked to correct trk.

                                            * Bad seek (or some kind of protection scheme)
                                            * because track wanted < > track found.
                                            (BDF4)   LDA PRESTRK  ;Save trk wanted on stack.
                                                     TYA          ;Set (a) = present trk = trk found.
                                            (BDF9)   JSR SETTRK   ;Go select drive & put track wanted in
                                                                  ;memory location specific to drive.

                                                                  SETTRK   .
                                                                  (See dis'mbly above.)

                                            (BDFC)   PLA          ;Get trk wanted back off stack.
                                            (BDFD)   DEC RSEEKCNT ;Allow 4 attempts between recalibrations
                                                                  ;to find the correct trk.
                                            (BE00)   BNE RESEEK   ;More attempts left to find track.
                                            (BE02)   BEQ DORECALB ;ALWAYS - go do a recalibration.

                                            * Got a drive error.
                                            DRVERR   PLA
                                                     LDA #$40     ;Error code for bad drive.
                                            TOERRWTS PLP
                                            (BE08)   JMP RWTSERR

                                            * Command was seek (null).
                                            WASEEK   BEQ RWTSEXIT ;Not applicable when writing.

                                            * Command was format ($04).
                                            FORMDSK  JMP FORMAT   ;Not applicable when writing.

                                            * Found the correct track for
                                            * the READ or WRITE opcodes.
                                            RTTRK    LDY #3       ;Get vol wanted from IOB.
                                                     LDA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                                     PHA          ;Save it on the stack.
                                                     LDA VOLDSK   ;Get volume found and
                                                     LDY #14      ;save it on the IOB.
                                                     STA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                                     PLA          ;Retrieve vol wanted off stk.
                                                     BEQ CRCTVOL  ;Volume 0 good for all.
                                                     CMP VOLDSK   ;Vol wanted = vol found?
                                            (BE20)   BEQ CRCTVOL  ;Yes - got correct vol #.

                                            * Got a volume mismatch.
                                            (BE22)   LDA #$20     ;Set code for vol mismatch.
                                            (BE24)   BNE TOERRWTS ;ALWAYS.

                                            * Found correct volume, so now
                                            * check if sector is also correct.
                                            CRCTVOL  LDY #5       ;Get logical sector # wanted.
                                                     LDA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                                     TAY          ;Set (y) = logical sector # wanted.
                                                     LDA PHYSECTR,Y ;Get # of physical sector wanted.
                                                     CMP SECDSK   ;Phys sec wanted = phys sec found?
                                                     BNE REDUCERD ;No - go try again.
                                            (BE32)   PLP          ;PULL OPERATION FROM STACK.
                                                                  ;Clr carry = write, set carry = read.
                                            (BE33)   BCC WRITE    ;Branch if command was a write.

                                            * Write data sector.
                                            WRITE    JSR WRITESEC

                                                                  * Write sector to disk ($B82A-$B8B7).
                                                                  * On entry: (x) = slot *16.
                                                                  * On exit: if (c) = 1, write-protect error.
                                                                  *          if no error (c) = 0,
                                                                  *                      (a) = ?
                                                                  *                      (x) = slot*16
                                                                  *                      (y) = #$00
                                                                  WRITESEC SEC          ;(c) = 1, assume write-protect error
                                                                                        ;as default condition.
                                                                  (B82B)   STX FRMTSLOT ;Save slot*16 in pages 0 and 6.
                                                                           STX SLOTPG6
                                                                           LDA Q6H,X    ;Chk if disk is write protected.
                                                                           LDA Q7L,X
                                                                           BMI PROTECTD ;Branch if write protected.
                                                                           LDA RWTSBUF2 ;Get first 2-encoded byte & save
                                                                  (B83B)   STA HOLDNIBL ;it for later use.

                                                                  * Write a 5-sync gap between address
                                                                  * epilogue and data prologue.
                                                                  (B83D)   LDA #$FF     ;(a) = sync byte.
                                                                           STA Q7H,X    ;Write 1 sync byte.
                                                                           ORA Q6L,X
                                                                           PHA          ;(3 cyc)
                                                                           PLA          ;(4 cyc)
                                                                           NOP          ;(2 cyc)
                                                                           LDY #4       ;Write 4 more syns (2 cyc).
                                                                  WRITE4FF PHA          ;(3 cyc)
                                                                           PLA          ;(4 cyc)
                                                                  (B84C)   JSR WRITE2   ;(12 cyc before, 6 after.)

                                                                                        WRITE2   PHA          ;(3 cyc)
                                                                                                 PLA          ;(4 cyc)
                                                                                        WRITE3   STA Q6H,X    ;(5 cyc - shift)
                                                                                                 ORA Q6L,X    ;(4 cyc - strobe)
                                                                                        (B8C1)   RTS          ;(6 cyc)

                                                                  (B84F)   DEY          ;(2 cyc)
                                                                  (B850)   BNE WRITE4FF ;(2 or 3 cyc)

                                                                  * Write data prologue ("D5 AA AD").
                                                                  (B852)   LDA #$D5     ;(2 cyc)
                                                                           JSR WRITE1   ;(14 cyc before, 6 after)

                                                                                        WRITE1   CLC          ;(2 cyc)
                                                                                        WRITE2   PHA          ;(3 cyc)
                                                                                                 PLA          ;(4 cyc)
                                                                                        WRITE3   STA Q6H,X    ;(5 cyc - shift)
                                                                                                 ORA Q6L,X    ;(4 cyc - strobe)
                                                                                        (B8C1)   RTS          ;(6 cyc)

                                                                  (B857)   LDA #$AA     ;(2 cyc)
                                                                  (B859)   JSR WRITE1   ;(14 cyc before, 6 after)
                                                                                        ;(See dis'mbly above.)
                                                                  (B85C)   LDA #$AD     ;(2 cyc)
                                                                  (B85E)   JSR WRITE1   ;(14 cyc before, 6 after)
                                                                                        ;(See dis'mbly above.)

                                                                  * Convert & write contents of
                                                                  * RWTS buffers to disk.

                                                                  * Convert & write 2-encoded
                                                                  * nibbles from RWTSBUF2.
                                                                  * (EOR to calc (x) & then use (x)
                                                                  * as index to table of disk bytes.)
                                                                  *    #0 EOR $BC55 = (x)
                                                                  * $BC55 EOR $BC54 = (x)
                                                                  * $BC54 EOR $BC53 = (X)
                                                                  *   .         .
                                                                  *   .         .
                                                                  *   .         .
                                                                  * $BC01 EOR $BC00 = (x)

                                                                  (B861)   TYA          ;(a) = 0.
                                                                           LDY #$56     ;(decimal 86)
                                                                           BNE DOEOR    ;Always.
                                                                  GETNIBL  LDA RWTSBUF2,Y
                                                                  DOEOR    EOR RWTSBUF2-1,Y
                                                                           TAX          ;Index to disk byte.
                                                                           LDA DSKNBTBL,X ;Get disk byte.
                                                                           LDX FRMTSLOT ;(x) = slot*16.
                                                                           STA Q6H,X    ;Write byte.
                                                                           LDA Q6L,X
                                                                           DEY          ;(y) = $56 --> $00.
                                                                  (B879)   BNE GETNIBL  ;(Write $56 or dec #86 bytes.)

                                                                  * Convert & write 6-encoded
                                                                  * nibbles from RWTSBUF1.
                                                                  * $BC00 EOR $BB00 = (x)
                                                                  * $BB00 EOR $BB01 = (x)
                                                                  * $BB01 EOR $BB02 = (x)
                                                                  *   .         .
                                                                  *   .         .
                                                                  *   .         .
                                                                  * $BBFE EOR $BBFF = (x)

                                                                  (B87B)   LDA HOLDNIBL ;Normally = contents of $BC00.
                                                                  SCNDEOR  EOR RWTSBUF1,Y
                                                                           TAX          ;Index to disk byte.
                                                                           LDA DSKNBTBL,X ;Get disk byte to write.
                                                                           LDX SLOTPG6  ;(x) = slot*16.
                                                                           STA Q6H,X    ;Write 87th --> 341st bytes.
                                                                           LDA Q6L,X
                                                                           LDA RWTSBUF1,Y
                                                                           INY          ;(y) = #$00 --> #$FF.
                                                                  (B892)   BNE SCNDEOR

                                                                  * Convert & write data checksum.
                                                                  * (342nd byte, $BBFF ------> (x).)
                                                                  (B894)   TAX          ;Index to table of disk bytes.
                                                                           LDA DSKNBTBL,X ;Get disk byte to write.
                                                                           LDX FRMTSLOT ;(x) = slot*16.
                                                                  (B89A)   JSR WRITE3   ;(5 cyc before, 6 after)

                                                                                        WRITE3   STA Q6H,X    ;(5 cyc - shift)
                                                                                                 ORA Q6L,X    ;(4 cyc - strobe)
                                                                                        (B8C1)   RTS          ;(6 cyc)

                                                                  * Write data epilogue ("DE AA EB").
                                                                  (B89D)   LDA #$DE     ;(2 cyc)
                                                                  (B89F)   JSR WRITE1   ;(14 cyc before, 6 after)
                                                                                        ;(See dis'mbly above.)
                                                                  (B8A2)   LDA #$AA     ;(2 cyc)
                                                                  (B8A4)   JSR WRITE1   ;(14 cyc before, 6 after)
                                                                                        ;(See dis'mbly above.)
                                                                  (B8A7)   LDA #$EB     ;(2 cyc)
                                                                  (B8A9)   JSR WRITE1   ;(14 cyc before, 6 after)
                                                                                        ;(See dis'mbly above.)

                                                                  * Write a sync byte.
                                                                  (B8AC)   LDA #$FF     ;(2 cyc)
                                                                  (B8AE)   JSR WRITE1   ;(14 cyc before, 6 after)
                                                                                        ;(See dis'mbly above.)
                                                                  (B8B1)   LDA Q7L,X    ;Set READ mode.
                                                                  PROTECTD LDA Q6L,X
                                                                  (B8B7)   RTS

                                            (BE54)   BCC RWTSEXIT ;Good write - go exit.
                                                     LDA #$10     ;Write protected error code.
                                            (BE58)   BCS RWTSERR

                                            * Signal success or failure & then shut down.
                                            * NOTE:  Some references erroneously state that
                                            * the return code is set to zero if no errors
                                            * occur.  However, the seek operation always
                                            * sets the return code to zero.  Even if a read
                                            * or write operation was successful, the IOB
                                            * return byte will hold a random number (as a
                                            * result of referencing a hardware switch).
                                            RWTSEXIT CLC          ;Clr carry to signal successful operation.
                                                     HEX 24       ;"BIT $38" to skip "SEC" instruc below.
                                            RWTSERR  SEC          ;Set carry to signal unsuccessful operation.
                                                     LDY #13      ;Store return code in IOB.
                                                     STA (PTR2IOB),Y
                                                     LDA MTROFF,X ;Turn motor off.
                                            (BE50)   RTS

                      (B7BA)   BCS ERRENTER ;Branch if operation unsuccessful.
                               PLP          ;Throw status off stk.
                               CLC          ;Signal successful.
                      (B7BE)   RTS

                      ERRENTER PLP          ;Throw status off stk.
                               SEC          ;Signal UNsuccessful.
                      (B7C1)   RTS

(B093)   LDA IBSMOD   ;Get vol found from IOB
         STA VOLFM    ;& put it in Fm parm list.
         LDA #$FF     ;Designate vol wanted in
(B09B)   STA IBVOL    ;IOB as 255 for next time.
                      ;(Actually using 0 cause FF EOR FF = 0.)
(B09E)   BCS ERRWTSDR ;Branch if UNsuccessful operation.
(B0A0)   RTS


(B0A4)   LDY #7       ;Set (y) for FM error code.
         CMP #$20     ;Vol mismatch?
         BEQ SETFMERR ;Yes.
         LDY #$04     ;No.
         CMP #$10     ;Write protected?
         BEQ SETFMERR ;Yes.
         LDY #8       ;Must have been other, so
SETFMERR TYA          ;designate as general I/O error.
(B0B3)   JMP BADFMXIT ;Go handler error.

BADFMXIT SEC          ;(c) = 1 to signal UNsuccessful.
FMEXIT   PHP          ;Preserve success of operation on stk.
         STA RTNCODFM ;Put appropriate return code in FM parm list.
         LDA #0       ;Avoid that infamous $48 bug.
         STA STATUS

                      CPYFMWA  JSR SELWKBUF

                                            * Point the A4L/H pointer at the DOS work buffer (chain).
                                            SELWKBUF LDX #0       ;Designate work area buffer.
                                            (AF0A)   BEQ PT2FMBUF ;ALWAYS.

                                            PT2FMBUF LDA WRKBUFFM,X ;Get addr of DOS's work buffer
                                                     STA A4L      ;(chain) from FM parm list and put
                                                     LDA WRKBUFFM+1,X ;it in the A4L/H pointer.
                                                     STA A4L+1
                                            (AF1C)   RTS

                      * Copy work area buffer (non-chain)
                      * to DOS work buffer (chain).
                      (AE81)   LDY #0
                      STORWRK  LDA FMWKAREA,Y
                               STA (A4L),Y
                               CPY #45
                               BNE STORWRK
                      (AE8D)   RTS

(B391)   PLP          ;Exit with (c) conditioned accordingly.
         LDX STKSAV   ;Reset the stack pointer so execution will
         TXS          ;return to the caller of the function.
(B396)   RTS          ;(Normally returns to AFTRFUNC (A6AB)
         ============ ;located in the FMDRIVER routine ($A6A8).