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FNINIT   JSR ZWRKAREA ;Initialize the work area.

                      * Zero out the FM work area so it can be customized
                      * in accordance with the calling function.
                      * (Although some work bytes may not be subsequently
                      * altered, don't be lulled into thinking that they
                      * are not important.  Zero values are just as relevant
                      * as non-zero values.)
                      * (P.S.  Don't confuse the FM work area with its
                      * image (FM work buffer) that is housed in the
                      * chain of DOS buffers.)
                      ZWRKAREA LDA #0
                               TAX          ;Initialize the x-index.
                      ZEROWRKA STA FMWKAREA,X ;Put a $00 byte in work area.
                               CPX #45      ;Work area is 45 bytes long.
                      (ABE5)   BNE ZEROWRKA

                      * Begin customizing the work area.
                      * Get volume, drive, slot  & catalog track
                      * values from the FM parameter list.  Put
                      * drive, slot*16, catalog track and
                      * complemented volume number in the work area.
                      (ABE7)   LDA VOLFM    ;Volume number.
                               EOR #$FF     ;Calculate 1's complement of volume #.
                               STA VOLWA
                               LDA DRVFM    ;Drive #.
                               STA DRVWA
                               LDA SLOTFM   ;Get slot #.
                               ASL          ;Calculate slot * 16.
                               TAX          ;Set (x) = slot * 16.
                               STX SLOT16WA
                               LDA #$11     ;Normal catalog trk = #17.
                               STA TRKWA
                      (AC05)   RTS

(AE91)   LDA #4       ;Opcode for format.

(AE93)   JSR RWTSDRV1 ;Call RWTS driver to FORMAT the disk.

                      RWTSDRV1 .
                      (See dis'mbly of RWTSDRV1 using FORMAT.)

(AE96)   LDA VOLWA    ;Complemented volume number (from work area).
         EOR #$FF     ;Uncomplement it & put volume # in VTOC.
         STA VOLUSED
         LDA #$11     ;Use trk # 17 for catalog track.
(AEA0)   STA NXTRKUSE ;Set the catalog trk as the next track to
                      ;assign.  (NXTRKUSE is located in the VTOC.)
(AEA3)   LDA #1       ;Assignment direction is forward.

(AEA8)   LDX #56      ;Offset to TRKMAP0 in the VTOC.
         LDA #0
ZVTOC    STA VTOCBUFF,X ;Zero out a TRKMAP byte.

(AEB2)   LDX #$0C     ;Offset to start of trkmap3.
FREETRK  CPX #$8C     ;Offset 1 past the end of TRKMAP34.
         BEQ FREEDTKS ;Done up to end of TRKMAP#$34?
         LDY #3       ;Initialize the index to the end of FRETKMSK.
FREEIT   LDA FRETKMSK,Y ;Free most TRKMAPs.  (Starting with
(AEBA)                ;TRKMAP3.)  NOTE:  Not freeing up VTOC
                      ;sector or tracks used by DOS.
(AEBD)   STA TRKMAP0,X ;Free tracks by placing the following bytes
                      ;in each TRKMAP:  "FF FF 00 00".
(AEC0)   INX          ;Kick up index to byte in TRKMAP.
(AEC1)   DEY          ;Reduce index to FRETKMSK cause loading from
                      ;the end of FRETKMSK:  "00 00 FF FF".
(AEC2)   BPL FREEIT   ;(4 bytes/TRKMAP & 4 bytes/FRETKMSK)
         CPX #$44     ;Offset to start of TRKMAP17 (ie. cat trk).
(AEC6)   BNE FREETRK  ;Have we freed trks 3 to 16 yet?
                      ;If not, take branch.
(AEC8)   LDX #$48     ;Offset to trk 18 (ie. skip the cat trk).
         BNE FREETRK  ;ALWAYS - go free trks 18 to 34.
FREEDTKS JSR WRITVTOC ;Write freed up VTOC to disk.

                      * Write the Volume Table of Contents (VTOC).
                      WRITVTOC LDA #2       ;Write opcode for RWTS.

                      * Common to read/write the VTOC.
                      RDWRVTOC LDY ADRVTOC  ;Get the address of the VTOC from the FM
                               STY IBBUFP   ;constants table & designate it as the
                               LDY ADRVTOC+1 ;I/O buffer in RWTS's IOB.
                               STY IBBUFP+1
                               LDX TRKWA    ;Enter RWTS driver with (x)/(x) = trk/sec values of
                               LDY #0       ;the VTOC.
                      (B00E)   JMP RWTSDRVR ;Call RWTS driver to read/write the VTOC.

                      * Read/Write Track/Sector driver.
                      RWTSDRVR .
                      (See dis'mbly of RWTS driver using WRITE.)

(AECF)   LDX #0

                      * Designate the directory sector buffer
                      * as the I/O buffer in RWTS's IOB.
                      PT2DIRBF LDA ADRDIRBF ;Get the addr of the directory sec buf
                               STA IBBUFP   ;in the FM constants table.
                               LDA ADRDIRBF+1 ;Store it in RWTS's IOB.
                               STA IBBUFP+1
                      (B051)   RTS

(AEDB)   LDA #$11     ;(a) = number of catalog track.
         LDY SECPERTK ;Number of sectors/track = 16.
(AEE2)   STA IBTRK    ;Put catalog track in IOB.

SETLNKTK STA DIRLNKTK ;Set the trk/sec values for the link to the
SETLNKSC STY DIRLNKSC ;next directory sector.
         INY          ;Get the number of the sector to be written
         STY IBSECT   ;and put it in RWTS's IOB.
         LDA #2       ;Write opcode for RWTS.
(AEF1)   JSR RWTSDRV1 ;Write the directory sector to the disk.

                      RWTSDRV1 .
                      (See dis'mbly of RWTS driver using WRITE.

(AEF4)   LDY DIRLNKSC ;Sector value of the next directory sec to write.
         DEY          ;Kick it down (will increment it later).
         BMI DOIMAGE  ;Don't do sector 0 cause that is the VTOC.
         BNE SETLNKSC ;Go write sectors 2 to 15.
(AEFD)   BEQ SETLNKTK ;Go back to write sector 1 and zero out
                      ;the directory sector links.

DOIMAGE  JSR PRPWRDOS ;Get ready to write the DOS image.

                      * Set up RWTS's IOB to write DOS.
                      PRPWRDOS LDA FIRDOSPG ;Designate the start of DOS as the address
                               STA IBBUFP+1 ;of the I/O buffer in RWTS's IOB.
                               LDA #0
                               STA IBBUFP
                               LDA VOLWA    ;Complement the volume number.
                               EOR #$FF
                               STA IBVOL
                      (B7D5)   RTS

(AF02)   JSR WRDOSIMG ;Write the DOS image

                      * Write the DOS image in trks 0 to 2.
                      * That is, write trk02/sec04 ($B5FF) down
                      * to trk00/sec0C ($9D00).
                      WRDOSIMG LDA BTSTAGE+1 ;Calculate the number of pages to write:
                               SEC          ;         (#$B6 - #$9D = #$19 or #25).
                               SBC IBBUFP+1
                               STA BT2PGCTR ;Set counter for 25 pages.
                               LDA BTSTAGE+1
                               STA IBBUFP+1
                               DEC IBBUFP+1 ;Start with page #$B5.
                               LDA #2       ;Start with trk02/sec04.
                               STA IBTRK
                               LDA #4
                               STA IBSECT
                               LDA #2       ;Write opcode for RWTS.
                               STA IBCMD
                      (B76C)   JSR RWPAGES  ;Write trk2/sec4 to trk0/sec0.

                                            * Read/write a group of pages.
                                            RWPAGES  LDA ADROFIOB+1 ;Initialize (a)/(y) with hi/low bytes
                                            (B796)   LDY ADROFIOB ;of the addr of RWTS's IOB for entry
                                                                  ;into RWTS.
                                            (B799)   JSR ENTERWTS ;Enter into RWTS to read/write a sector.

                                                                  * Entry to RWTS.
                                                                  (B7B5)   PHP          ;Save status on stk.
                                                                                        ;(c) = 0 if seek or read.
                                                                                        ;(c) = 1 if write or format.
                                                                  (B7B6)   SEI          ;Set the interrupt disable flag to prevent
                                                                                        ;any further interrupts from occurring when
                                                                                        ;doing real-time programming.
                                                                  (B7B7)   JSR RWTS     ;Enter RWTS proper to do operation:
                                                                                        ;        $00=seek, $01=read,
                                                                                        ;        $02=write & $03=format.

                                                                                        * RWTS proper.
                                                                                        RWTS     .
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly of RWTS in formatted
                                                                                        dis'mbly of RWTS driver using WRITE.)

                                                                  (B7BA)   BCS ERRENTER ;Operation was not successful.
                                                                           PLP          ;Throw status off the stack.
                                                                           CLC          ;Signal operation was successful.
                                                                  (B7BE)   RTS

                                                                  ERRENTER PLP          ;Throw status off the stack.
                                                                           SEC          ;Signal operation was unsuccessful.
                                                                  (B7C1)   RTS

                                            (B79C)   LDY IBSECT   ;Get # of sector just read or written.
                                            (B79F)   DEY          ;Value for next sector to read/write
                                                                  ;(when executing BOOT1, #$09 --> #$FF).
                                            (B7A0)   BPL SAMETRK  ;Branch to use the same track.

                                            * Start a new track.
                                            (B7A2)   LDY #$0F     ;Start with sector 15.
                                            (B7A6)   DEC IBTRK    ;Reduce # of trk wanted.

                                            * Adjust pointer to IOB and test if there
                                            * are any more sectors to read/write.
                                            SAMETRK  STY IBSECT   ;Store number of sector wanted.
                                                     DEC IBBUFP+1 ;Reduce buffer's page address.
                                            (B7AF)   DEC BT2PGCTR ;Reduce counter for # of pages
                                                                  ;(ie. sectors) to read or write.
                                            (B7B2)   BNE RWPAGES  ;More sectors to read or write.
                                            (B7B4)   RTS

                      * Write trk00/sec09 ($BFFF) down
                      * to trk00/sec00 ($B600).
                      (B76F)   LDA BTSTAGE+1 ;Store hi byte of address of the
                               STA IMG8D+1  ;start of Boot1 (#$B6).
                               CLC          ;Calulate the hi byte of the address of
                               ADC #9       ;trk00/sec09 (#$B6 + #$09 = #$BF).
                               STA IBBUFP+1 ;Set buffer to send info to page #$BF.
                               LDA #10      ;Designate that there are 10 pages to
                               STA BT2PGCTR ;write (#$BFFF - #$B600).
                               SBC #1
                      (B783)   STA IMG8FF   ;Designate that 9 pages are to be read
                                            ;when BOOT1 is executed.
                      (B786)   STA IBSECT   ;Start writing with trk0/sec9.
                      (B789)   JSR RWPAGES  ;Go write trk0/sec9 to trk0/sec0.

                                            * Read/write a group of pages.
                                            RWPAGES  LDA ADROFIOB+1 ;Initialize (a)/(y) with hi/low bytes
                                            (B796)   LDY ADROFIOB ;of the addr of RWTS's IOB for entry
                                                                  ;into RWTS.
                                            (B799)   JSR ENTERWTS ;Enter into RWTS to read/write a sector.

                                                                  * Entry to RWTS.
                                                                  (B7B5)   PHP          ;Save status on stk.
                                                                                        ;(c) = 0 if seek or read.
                                                                                        ;(c) = 1 if write or format.
                                                                  (B7B6)   SEI          ;Set the interrupt disable flag to prevent
                                                                                        ;any further interrupts from occurring when
                                                                                        ;doing real-time programming.
                                                                  (B7B7)   JSR RWTS     ;Enter RWTS proper to do operation:
                                                                                        ;        $00=seek, $01=read,
                                                                                        ;        $02=write & $03=format.

                                                                                        * RWTS proper.
                                                                                        RWTS     .
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly of RWTS in formatted
                                                                                        dis'mbly of RWTS driver using WRITE.)

                                                                  (B7BA)   BCS ERRENTER ;Operation was not successful.
                                                                           PLP          ;Throw status off the stack.
                                                                           CLC          ;Signal operation was successful.
                                                                  (B7BE)   RTS

                                                                  ERRENTER PLP          ;Throw status off the stack.
                                                                           SEC          ;Signal operation was unsuccessful.
                                                                  (B7C1)   RTS

                                            (B79C)   LDY IBSECT   ;Get # of sector just read or written.
                                            (B79F)   DEY          ;Value for next sector to read/write
                                                                  ;(when executing BOOT1, #$09 --> #$FF).
                                            (B7A0)   BPL SAMETRK  ;Branch to use the same track.

                                            * Start a new track.
                                            (B7A2)   LDY #$0F     ;Start with sector 15.
                                            (B7A6)   DEC IBTRK    ;Reduce # of trk wanted.

                                            * Adjust pointer to IOB and test if there
                                            * are any more sectors to read/write.
                                            SAMETRK  STY IBSECT   ;Store number of sector wanted.
                                                     DEC IBBUFP+1 ;Reduce buffer's page address.
                                            (B7AF)   DEC BT2PGCTR ;Reduce counter for # of pages to
                                                                  ;read or write.
                                            (B7B2)   BNE RWPAGES  ;More sectors to read or write.
                                            (B7B4)   RTS

                      (B78C)   RTS

(AF05)   JMP GOODFMXT ;Exit cleanly.

         CLC          ;(c) =  0 to signal good operation.
         BCC FMEXIT
BADFMXIT SEC          ;(c) = 1 to signal unsuccessful.
FMEXIT   PHP          ;Save status on stack.
         STA RTNCODFM ;Store return code in FM parameter list.
         LDA #0
         STA STATUS
(B38E)   JSR CPYFMWA  ;Copy the work area to the work buffer.

                      * Copy the FM work area (non-chain) to
                      * the FM work buffer (in DOS chain).
                      CPYFMWA  JSR SELWKBUF ;Select the FM work buffer (in DOS chain).

                                            *  Point the A4L/H pointer at the FM work buffer.
                                            SELWKBUF LDX #0       ;Set index to select work buffer.
                                            (AF0A)   BEQ PT2FMBUF ;ALWAYS.

                                            PT2FMBUF LDA WRKBUFFM,X ;Get address of selected buffer from the
                                                     STA A4L      ;FM parameter list & put it in the pointer.
                                                     LDA WRKBUFFM+1,X
                                                     STA A4L+1
                                            (AF1C)   RTS

                      (AE81)   LDY #0       ;Initialize index.
                      STORWRK  LDA FMWKAREA,Y ;Get byte from the FM work area.
                               STA  (A4L),Y ;Put it in the work buffer.
                               CPY #45      ;45 bytes to copy (0 to 44).
                               BNE STORWRK
                      (AE81)   RTS

(B391)   PLP          ;Retrieve status of success of operation
                      ;from the stack.
(B392)   LDX STKSAV   ;Adjust stack pointer to force exit to the
         TXS          ;caller even if we are several subroutines
(B396)   RTS          ;deeper than the original entry point.
         ============ ;(Returns to AFTRFUNC ($A6AB) in the
                      ;FMDRIVER routine ($A6A8).