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DOSCOLD  LDA IBSLOT   ;Slot * 16 from RWTS's IOB table.
         LSR          ;Divide by 16.
         STA SLOTPRSD ;Put slot in parsed table.
         LDA IBDRVN   ;Drive # from RWTS's IOB.
(9D91)   STA DRVPRSD  ;Put drive in parsed table.

(9D94)   LDA BASICCLD ;Get identifying byte:  $20 = integer
         EOR #$20     ;                       $40 = A(ROM).
(9D99)   BNE ISFPROM  ;Branch if FP is in ROM.

ISINT    STA ACTBSFLG ;Set active basic flag to denote
                      ;integer ($00).

(9D9E)   LDX #10
         STA CHAINTRY-1,X
         BNE INT2BSIC

ISFPROM  LDA #$40     ;Set active basic flag to #$40 to
         STA ACTBSFLG ;signal using Applesoft ROM.
         LDX #12
         STA CHAINTRY-1,X
         BNE AROM2BSC
BYPASWRM SEC          ;(c) = 1, signal for coldstart.
(9DBC)                ;(c) = 0, signal for warmstart.
(9DBD)   BCS CMWRMCLD ;Force branch to bypass part of the
                      ;warmstart routine.

CMWRMCLD PHP          ;Save (c) denoting if warm or cold starting.
         JSR INITIOHK ;Initialize the I/O hooks.

                      * Initialize the I/O hooks so that DOS intercepts
                      * all input & output.  For instance, if a routine
                      * encounters a "COUT  JMP (CSW)", then execution will
                      * actually flow to DOS's output routine (OPUTINCP,
                      * $9EBD).  Similarly, any routine that refers to
                      * "RDKEY  JMP (KSW)" will actually jump to DOS's
                      * input routine (INPTINCP, $9E81).
                      * The true (ie. normal) hooks are saved,
                      * ex:  KSW: KEYIN --> KSWTRUE: KEYIN.
                      *      CSW: COUT1 --> CSWTRUE: COUT1.
                      * The intercepts are then set as follows:
                      *    ADINPTCP: INPTINCP --> KSW: INPTINCP.
                      *    ADOPUTCP: OPUTINCP --> CSW: OPUTINCP.

                      * Check if input hook needs to be reset.
                      INITIOHK LDA KSW+1
                               CMP ADINPTCP+1
                      (A856)   BEQ CKOUTHK  ;Input hook already points to DOS's
                                            ;input handler, so go check output hook.

                      * Reset input hook to point to DOS.
                      (A858)   STA KSWTRUE+1 ;KSW: KEYIN --> KSWTRUE: KEYIN
                               LDA KSW
                               STA KSWTRUE
                               LDA ADINPTCP ;ADINPTCP: INPTINCP --> KSW: INPTINCP
                               STA KSW
                               LDA ADINPTCP+1
                      (A868)   STA KSW+1

                      * Check if output hook needs to be reset.
                      CKOUTHK  LDA CSW+1
                               CMP ADOPUTCP+1
                      (A86F)   BEQ SETHKRTN ;Output hook already points to DOS's
                                            ;output handler, so go exit.

                      * Reset output hook to point to DOS.
                      (A871)   STA CSWTRUE+1 ;CSW: COUT1 --> CSWTRUE: COUT1.
                               LDA CSW
                               STA CSWTRUE
                               LDA ADOPUTCP ;ADOPUTCP: OPUTINCP --> CSW: OPUTINCP
                               STA CSW
                               LDA ADOPUTCP+1
                               STA CSW+1
                      SETHKRTN RTS

(9DD5)   LDA #0
(9DD7)   STA CIOCUMUL ;Simulate a "NOMON" command.  Note that we
                      ;can "NOP" out this instruction to defeat
                      ;"NOMONCIO" when cold- or warmstarting.
(9DDA)   STA OPUTCOND ;Set condition 0.
         PLP          ;Get status back off the stack.
         ROR          ;Use it to set CONDNFLG=$00 for warmstart
         STA CONDNFLG ;or =$80 for coldstart.
(9DE2)   BMI LANGCOLD ;Branch if doing coldstart.

LANGCOLD JMP (TOCLDVEC) ;Jumps to BASIC's coldstart routine
         ------------ ;(BASICCLD) at $E000.

BASICCLD JMP BSCOLDST ;Go to basic's main coldstart.

BSCOLDST LDX #$FF     ;Set hi byte of current line # to $FF to
         STX CURLIN+1 ;signal immediate (direct) mode.
         LDX #$FB     ;RESET STACK POINTER to point to $1FB so
(F12E)   TXS          ;enough space is left on stack for the first
                      ;set of link pointers & line number associated
                      ;with an Applesoft program line.

         LDY #>BSCOLDST
         STA GOWARM+2
         STY GOSTROUT+2
(F13B)   JSR NORMAL   ;Simulate a "NORMAL" statement.

                      * Set the normal mode.
                      * (INVFLG: #$FF and FLSHMSK: #$00 for normal mode.)
                      NORMAL   LDA #$FF
                               BNE NORMINV  ;ALWAYS.
                      INVERSE  LDA #$3F
                      NORMINV  LDX #0
                      SETINV   STA INVFLG
                               STX FLSHMSK
                      (F27F)   RTS

(F13E)   LDA #$4C     ;Opcode for "JMP" instruction.
         STA GOWARM
         STA JMPADRS
(F146)   STA USR

(F148)   LDA #<IQERR  ;Point the USR at illegal-quantity-error routine.
         LDY #>IQERR
         STA USR+1
(F14E)   STY USR+2

(F150)   LDX #$1C     ;BUG - should be #$1D.
MV2ZPG   LDA CHRGETFP-1,X ;Get byte of orignal and copy it to
         STA CHRGET-1,X ;to its zero page location.
         STX SPEEDFLG ;On the last pass, set speed to 255 (SPEEDFLG=1).

(F15C)   STX TRCFLG   ;Simulate a "NOTRACE" statement.
         STA TEMPRY   ;Contains a #$00 expect during INIT routine.
         STA LASTPT+1 ;Always equals $00.
         PHA          ;Put a $00 on the stack at $1FB (not used).
         LDA #3       ;Set the length for the temporary string
         STA DSCLEN   ;descriptor for use by garbage subroutines.
(F168)   JSR CRDO     ;Go print a <cr>.

                      CRDO     LDA #$0D     ;Positive ASCII for <cr>.
                      (DAFD)   JSR OUTDO

                                            OUTDO    ORA #$80     ;Convert to neg ASCII.
                                                     CMP #" "     ;Is it a ctrl char?
                                                     BCC GODOPUT  ;Branch if ctrl  char.
                                                     ORA FLSHMSK  ;$40 for FLASH, $00 for INVERSE or NORMAL.
                                            GODOPUT  JSR COUT     ;Go to output handling routine.

                                                                  COUT     JMP (CSW)    ;DOS intercepts output via CSW hook.
                                                                  * DOS's output intercept routine.
                                                                  OPUTINCP JSR PREP4DOS

                                                                                        * Prepare for processing by DOS.
                                                                                        PREP4DOS STA ASAVED   ;Save (a), (y) & (x)
                                                                                                 STX XSAVED   ;registers.
                                                                                                 STY YSAVED
                                                                                                 TSX          ;Adjust stack ptr &
                                                                                                 INX          ;save it so when we
                                                                                                 INX          ;later restore it &
                                                                                        (9EDD)   STX STKSAVED ;then hit an "RTS"
                                                                                                              ;we will return to

                                                                                        * Handy entry point frequently
                                                                                        * used by assembly language
                                                                                        * programmers to disconnect
                                                                                        * DOS completely.
                                                                                        UNCONDOS LDX #3
                                                                                        SETRUHKS LDA CSWTRUE,X ;Restore the I/O
                                                                                                 STA CSW,X    ;hooks 2 pt 2 the
                                                                                                 DEX          ;true I/O handlers.
                                                                                                 BPL SETRUHKS ;4 bytes to move
                                                                                        (9EEA)   RTS          ;(0 to 3).

                                                                  * Use current OPUTCOND value to index table containing
                                                                  * address of output condition handlers.  Do a "stack jump"
                                                                  * to the appropriate condition handler entry point.
                                                                  (9EC0)   LDA OPUTCOND
                                                                           ASL          ;Times 2 cause 2 bytes/address.
                                                                           TAX          ;Set (x) to index tbl of entry pt addrs.
                                                                           LDA OUTHNDTB+1,X ;Put adr of output handler on stack
                                                                           PHA          ;(hi byte first) and then do a "stack jump"
                                                                           LDA OUTHNDTB,X ;to the appropriate entry point.
                                                                           LDA ASAVED   ;Get char to be printed.
                                                                  (9ED0)   RTS          ;Execute the "stack jump".

                                                                  STACK JUMP TO OPUTHDL0
                                                                  * Output handler 0.
                                                                  * (Evaluate start of line.)
                                                                  OPUTHDL0 LDX RUNTRUPT ;Was a RUN interrupted?
                                                                  (9EEE)   BEQ NONTRUPT ;Branch if not.

                                                                  * File not being read.
                                                                  NONTRUPT LDX CONDNFLG ;Are we doing a warmstart ($00),
                                                                                        ;coldstart ($80), using A(RAM) ($C0)
                                                                                        ;or doing a READ ($01)?
                                                                  (9EF6)   BEQ SETIGNOR ;Branch if warmstarting.

                                                                  * Not doing warmstart, so check (a) to see
                                                                  * if using "?" associated with READing an
                                                                  * INPUT statement.
                                                                  (9EF8)   CMP #"?"
                                                                           BEQ OPUTHDL6 ;Branch if doing a READ.
                                                                           CMP PROMPT   ;Is (a) = the prompt character?
                                                                           BEQ SET2EVAL ;Branch if about to print a prompt.
                                                                  SETIGNOR LDX #2       ;Set condition 2 for default to signal
                                                                           STX OPUTCOND ;that non-DOS commands should be ignored.
                                                                           CMP DCTRLCHR ;Is the char = DOS's control character?
                                                                  (9F08)   BNE OPUTHDL2 ;No.

                                                                  * Output handler 2.
                                                                  * (Ignore non-DOS commands.)
                                                                  OPUTHDL2 CMP #$8D     ;Is char a <rtn>?
                                                                           BNE DSPLYALL ;Yes - fall thru.
                                                                  SET2EVAL LDX #0       ;Set condition 0 - evaluate start
                                                                           STX OPUTCOND ;of line.
                                                                  (9F2C)   JMP DSPLYALL ;Go display char unconditionally.

                                                                  * Display the char.
                                                                  DSPLYALL JSR RESTOREG

                                                                                        * Restore (a), (y) & (x) registers.
                                                                                        RESTOREG LDA ASAVED
                                                                                                 LDY YSAVED
                                                                                                 LDX XSAVED
                                                                                                 SEC          ;Why?????
                                                                                        (9FC4)   RTS

                                                                  (9FA7)   JSR GODSPLY

                                                                                        * PRINT A <CR> THROUGH THE TRUE
                                                                                        * OUTPUT HANDLER.
                                                                                        GODSPLY  JMP (CSW)

                                                                                        COUT1    .
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly in APPLE II REFERENCE MANUAL.)

                                                                  * Save registers.
                                                                  (9FAA)   STA ASAVED   ;Save (a), (y) & (x) registers.
                                                                           STY YSAVED
                                                                  (9FB0)   STX XSAVED

                                                                  * Reset hooks & stack pointer.
                                                                  DOSEXIT  JSR INITIOHK ;Reset DOS hooks.

                                                                                        * Initialize the I/O hooks so that DOS
                                                                                        * intercepts all input & output.
                                                                                        INITIOHK .
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly above.)

                                                                  * Reset stack pointer & retrieve registers.
                                                                  (9FB6)   LDX STKSAVED ;Retrieve the saved stack pointer value
                                                                           TXS          ;& reset the stack to return to caller.
                                                                  RESTOREG LDA ASAVED   ;Restore (a), (y) & (x) registers.
                                                                           LDY YSAVED
                                                                           LDX XSAVED
                                                                           SEC          ;Return to routine that called routine
                                                                  (9FC4)   RTS          ;that contained "JSR PREP4DOS" instruc.

                                            (DB67)   AND #$7F     ;Convert char back to positive ASCII.
                                                     PHA          ;Save it on the stack.
                                                     LDA SPEEDFLG ;Delay in accordance with speed setting.
                                            (DB6C)   JSR WAIT

                                                                  * Monitor ROM's main delay routine.
                                                                  * Delay z number of cycles based on
                                                                  * the formula:
                                                                  *    z = ((5 * a^2) + (27 * a) + 26) / 2
                                                                  *    where a = value in accumulator in entry.
                                                                  WAIT     SEC          ;Prepare for subtraction.
                                                                  WAIT2    PHA          ;Save (a) on the stack.
                                                                  WAIT3    SBC #1       ;Keep on reducing (a)
                                                                           BNE WAIT3    ;until it equals zero.
                                                                           PLA          ;Get original val of (a) off stack.
                                                                           SBC #1       ;Reduce original (a) down to 0 again.
                                                                           BNE WAIT2
                                                                  (FCB3)   RTS

                                            (DB6F)   PLA          ;Get saved char back from stack.
                                            (DB70)   RTS

                      (DB00)   EOR #$FF     ;No reason for this?
                      (DB02)   RTS

(F16B)   .
- find the highest RAM location in the machine.
- put the address (plus 1) of the highest memory
  location available to Applesoft in MEMSIZ ($73).
- set end of free space/top of string storage (FRETOP, $6F).
- turn off the $D6 run protection switch.
- put a $00 in $800.
- make sure that there is at least 1 page of free
  space between the start of the Applesoft program
  (TXTTAB, $67) and the end of free space (FRETOP, $6F).
- simulate a NEW (& CLEAR) command.  (Adjusts almost
  all major zero page pointers.)
- set USR vector jump ($0A - $0C).
- set GOWARM vector jump ($00 - $02).
(F1D2)   JMP (GOWARM+1) ;Jump to basic's main command loop
         ------------ ;(ie. warmstart routine) called RESTART.


                      * Print a <cr> through basic, DOS's
                      * output handler (OPUTINCP) & the monior.
                      CRDO     .
                      (See dis'mbly above.)
                      (DB02)   RTS

(D43F)   LDX #$DD     ;RH brackett for Applesoft prompt.

                      INLINPL2 STX PROMPT
                      (D530)   JSR GETLN

                                            * Get a line of input.
                                            GETLN    LDA PROMPT   ;Print prompt.
                                            (FD6C)   JSR COUT

                                                                  COUT     JMP (CSW)    ;Output hook pts to DOS's output handler.

                                                                  * DOS's output intercept routine.
                                                                  OPUTINCP JSR PREP4DOS

                                                                                        PREP4DOS STA ASAVED   ;Save (a), (y) & (x)
                                                                                                 STX XSAVED   ;registers.
                                                                                                 STY YSAVED
                                                                                                 TSX          ;Adjust stk ptr and
                                                                                                 INX          ;save it so that
                                                                                                 INX          ;when we later
                                                                                        (9EDD)   STX STKSAVED ;restore it and hit
                                                                                                              ;an "RTS", we can
                                                                                                              ;return to $FD6F.

                                                                                        * Restore the I/O hooks to point to the
                                                                                        * true I/O handlers, ex: 
                                                                                        *     KSWTRUE: KEYIN --> KSW: KEYIN.
                                                                                        *     CSWTRUE: COUT1 --> CSW: COUT1.
                                                                                        UNCONDOS LDX #3
                                                                                        SETRUHKS LDA CSWTRUE,X
                                                                                                 STA CSW,X
                                                                                                 BPL SETRUHKS ; 4 bytes to move
                                                                                        (9EEA)   RTS          ;(0 to 3).

                                                                  * Use current OPUTCOND value to index table containing
                                                                  * address of output condition handlers.  Do a "stack jump"
                                                                  * to the appropriate condition handler entry point.
                                                                  (9EC0)   LDA OPUTCOND
                                                                           ASL          ;Times 2 cause 2 bytes/address.
                                                                           TAX          ;Set (x) to index table of addresses.
                                                                           LDA OUTHNDTB+1,X ;Put adr of output handler on stack
                                                                           PHA          ;(hi byte first) and then do a "stack jump"
                                                                           LDA OUTHNDTB,X ;to the appropriate entry point.
                                                                           LDA ASAVED   ;Get char to be printed.
                                                                  (9ED0)   RTS          ;Execute the "stack jump".

                                                                  STACK JUMP TO OPUTHDL0
                                                                  * Output handler 0.
                                                                  * (Evaluate start of line.)
                                                                  OPUTHDL0 LDX RUNTRUPT ;Was a RUN interrupted?
                                                                  (9EEE)   BEQ NONTRUPT ;Branch if not.

                                                                  NONTRUPT LDX CONDNFLG ;Are we doing a warmstart ($00),
                                                                                        ;coldstart ($80), using A(RAM) ($C0)
                                                                                        ;or doing a read ($01)?
                                                                  (9EF6)   BEQ SETIGNOR ;Branch if warmstarting.

                                                                  * Not doing warmstart, so check (a) to see
                                                                  * if using "?" associated with READing an
                                                                  * INPUT statement.
                                                                  (9EF8)   CMP #"?"
                                                                  (9EFA)   BEQ OPUTHDL6 ;Branch if getting ready
                                                                                        ;to read a text file byte.
                                                                  (9EFC)   CMP PROMPT   ;Are we printing a prompt?
                                                                  (9EFE)   BEQ SET2EVAL ;Branch if about to print prompt.

                                                                  SET2EVAL LDX #0       ;SET CONDITION0 - evaluate start of line.
                                                                           STX OPUTCOND
                                                                  (9F2C)   JMP DSPLYALL ;Go display char.

                                                                  * Display the char.
                                                                  DSPLYALL JSR RESTOREG

                                                                                        * Restore (a), (y) & (x) registers.
                                                                                        RESTOREG LDA ASAVED
                                                                                                 LDY YSAVED
                                                                                                 LDX XSAVED
                                                                                                 SEC          ;Why?????
                                                                                        (9FC4)   RTS

                                                                  (9FA7)   JSR GODSPLY

                                                                                        GODSPLY  JMP (CSW)

                                                                                        * PRINT APPLESOFT PROMPT through
                                                                                        * the true output handler.
                                                                                        COUT1    .
                                                                                        - print char thru true output handler.
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly in APPLE II REFERENCE MANUAL.)

                                                                  * Save registers & reset hooks.
                                                                  (9FAA)   STA ASAVED   ;Save (a), (y) & (x) registers.
                                                                           STY YSAVED
                                                                  (9FB0)   STX XSAVED

                                                                  * Routine to exit DOS.
                                                                  DOSEXIT  JSR INITIOHK

                                                                                        * Initialize the I/O hooks so that DOS
                                                                                        * intercepts all input & output.
                                                                                        INITIOHK .
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly given above.)

                                                                  (9FB6)   LDX STKSAVED ;Retrieve the saved stack pointer val
                                                                           TXS          ;& reset the stack to return to caller.
                                                                  RESTOREG LDA ASAVED   ;Restore (a), (y) & (x) registers.
                                                                           LDY YSAVED
                                                                           LDX XSAVED
                                                                           SEC          ;Return to the routine that called the
                                                                  (9FC4)   RTS          ;routine that contained the "JSR PREP4DOS"

                                            * GET A SINGLE BYTE OF INPUT.
                                            (FD6F)   LDX #1
                                            BCKSPC   TXA          ;Force fall thru to next instruction.
                                                     BEQ GETLNZ
                                                     DEX          ;Initialize (x) = 0 as index to input buf.
                                            NXTCHAR  JSR RDCHAR

                                                                  * Routine to read an input byte.
                                                                  RDCHAR   JSR RDKEY

                                                                                        RDKEY    LDY CH       ;Get horiz cursor
                                                                                                              ;pos'n 4 nxt char.
                                                                                        (FD0E)   LDA (BASL),Y ;Pick up char in next
                                                                                        (FD10)   PHA          ;screen pos'n & save
                                                                                                              ;it on the stack.
                                                                                        (FD11)   AND #$3F     ;Convert char to
                                                                                                 ORA #$40     ;flashing.
                                                                                        (FD15)   STA (BASL),Y ;Put flashing char
                                                                                                              ;on scrn to serve
                                                                                                              ;as cursor.
                                                                                        (FD17)   PLA          ;Get char back that
                                                                                                              ;cursor is replacing.
                                                                                                              ;(Need it in case do
                                                                                                              ;bkspc or -> and
                                                                                                              ;want to reinstate
                                                                                                              ;orig char on scrn.
                                                                                        (FD18)   JMP (KSW)    ;Input hook still
                                                                                                 ------------ ;pointing to DOS.

                                                                                        INPTINCP JSR PREP4DOS ;Save regs & stk ptr

                                                                                                              * Adjust & save stk
                                                                                                              * ptr so can later
                                                                                                              * rtn to $FD38.
                                                                                                              * Pt hks at true
                                                                                                              * I/O handlers.
                                                                                                              PREP4DOS .
                                                                                                              (See dis'mbly

                                                                                        (9E84)   LDA CONDNFLG ;Test if doing
                                                                                        (9E87)   BEQ INPUTWRM ;warmstart.
                                                                                                              ;Fall thru if
                                                                                        (9E89)   PHA          ;Save condition flag.
                                                                                                 LDA ASAVED   ;Put substitute
                                                                                                 STA (BASL),Y ;cursor back on scrn
                                                                                                 PLA          ;Get condition val.
                                                                                        (9E90)   BMI INPUTCLD ;Branch 4 coldstart.

                                                                                        * Doing a coldstart.
                                                                                        INPUTCLD JSR KEYCOLD

                                                                                                              * Initial processing
                                                                                                              * when 1rst keyboard
                                                                                                              * input request is
                                                                                                              * made by basic after
                                                                                                              * a coldstart entry.
                                                                                                              KEYCOLD  .
                                                                           .      * Test if using A(RAM) or not.
                                                                           .      * On entry, (a) = contents of CONDNFLG.
                                                                           .      *               = $00 = warmstart.
                                                                           .      *               = $01 = reading.
                                                                           .      *               = $80 = coldstart.
                                                                           .      *               = $C0 = using A(RAM).
                                                                           .      (9DEA)
                                                                           .      KEYCOLD  ASL          ;(a) * 2 to drop out hi bit.
                                                                           .      (9DEB)   BPL SKPDARAM ;Branch if not using A(RAM).
                                                                           .      * Using A(RAM) which was loaded via
                                                                           .      * Integer basic (ROM).
                                                                           .      (9DED)   STA ACTBSFLG ;Using A(RAM), set active
                                                                           .                            ;basic flag to #$80.
                                                                           .      * Copy image of A(RAM)'s entry pt vector
                                                                           .      * tbl to the active entry pt vector tbl.
                                                                           .      (9DF0)   LDX #12
                                                                           .      ARAM2BSC LDA IMGARAMV-1,X
                                                                           .               STA CHAINTRY-1,X
                                                                           .               DEX
                                                                           .      (9DF9)   BNE ARAM2BSC
                                                                           .      * Blank out the primary file name buffer
                                                                           .      * to make sure a "HELLO" file won't be run.
                                                                           .      (9DFB)   LDX #29     ;30 bytes to copy (0 - 29)
                                                                           .      BLNKPRIM LDA SCNDFNBF,X ;Copy blank secondary
                                                                           .               STA PRIMFNBF,X ;to primary.
                                                                           .               DEX
                                                                           .      (9E04)   BPL BLNKPRIM
                                                                           .      * Build DOS buffers and set condition.
                                                                           .      (9E06)
                                                                           .      SKPDARAM LDA MAXDFLT  ;Set MXFILVAL to a default
                                                                           .                            ;value of 3.
                                                                           .      (9E09)   STA MXFILVAL ;Note:  Default value can be
                                                                           .                            ;changed by setting MAXFDFLT
                                                                           .                            ;between 1 and 16 & then
                                                                           .                            ;INITing a disk.
                                                                           .      (9E0C)   JSR BILDBUFS ;Go build the DOS buffers.
                                                                           .                            (A7D4)
                                                                           .                            BILDBUFS .
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                            (Long routine, see dis'mbly
                                                                           .                            given in the MAXFILES cmd.)
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                                     (RTS)
                                                                           .      (9E0F)   LDA EXECFLAG ;Chk if exec file actv.
                                                                           .      (9E12)   BEQ SKPDEXEC ;Branch if not EXECing.
                                                                           .      (9E1D)
                                                                           .      SKPDEXEC JSR RESTAT0
                                                                           .                            * Reset CONDNFLG & OPUTCOND
                                                                           .                            * = 0 to signal file not
                                                                           .                            * being read & set
                                                                           .                            * condition to evaluate
                                                                           .                            * start of line when we
                                                                           .                            * return to OPUTINCP.
                                                                           .                            (A75B)
                                                                           .                            RESTAT0  LDY #0
                                                                           .                                     STY CONDNFLG
                                                                           .                                     STY OPUTCOND
                                                                           .                            (A763)   RTS
                                                                           .      * Check if the disk was just booted.
                                                                           .      * (If just booted disk, NDX2CMD contains a $00
                                                                           .      * which was etched on the disk when the disk
                                                                           .      * was originally booted.)
                                                                           .      (9E20)   LDA NDX2CMD  ;Was last command an "INIT"?
                                                                           .      (9E23)   BNE OLDBOOT  ;No.
                                                                           .      * Disk was just booted, so copy
                                                                           .      * the IMAGE of DOS's entry point
                                                                           .      * vector table to page 3.
                                                                           .      (9E25)   LDX #47
                                                                           .      STOR3DOS LDA IMGDOSVT,X
                                                                           .               STA PG3DOSVT,X
                                                                           .               DEX
                                                                           .      (9E2E)   BPL STOR3DOS
                                                                           .      * Program the reset key to point at
                                                                           .      * DOS's warmstart routine.
                                                                           .      *
                                                                           .      * Note that the reset key can be
                                                                           .      * programmed to point at any location
                                                                           .      * simply by putting the address of the
                                                                           .      * target routine (in low/hi format) in
                                                                           .      * #3F2/$3F3.  Next, EOR the contents of
                                                                           .      * $3F3 with the number #$A5 and put the
                                                                           .      * result in $3F4.  (If $3F3 EOR #$A5
                                                                           .      * is not equal to $3F4, then the disk
                                                                           .      * reboots and a coldstart is done.)
                                                                           .      (9E30)   LDA IMGDOSVT+2
                                                                           .               STA RESETVEC+1
                                                                           .               EOR #$A5
                                                                           .               STA VLDBYTE
                                                                           .               LDA IMGDOSVT+1
                                                                           .      (9E3E)   STA RESETVEC
                                                                           .      * Set the command index to RUN
                                                                           .      * the "HELLO" file.
                                                                           .      (9E41)   LDA #6       ;Command index for RUN.
                                                                           .                            ;(Can be changed to BRUN,
                                                                           .                            ;etc.)
                                                                           .      (9E43)   BNE DOPENDNG ;ALWAYS.
                                                                           .      * Go do the pending command.  If the
                                                                           .      * disk was just booted, then RUN the
                                                                           .      * "HELLO" file.  Note:  The actual name
                                                                           .      * of the HELLO file resides in the primary
                                                                           .      * filename buffer.  It was written to the
                                                                           .      * disk as part of the DOS image when the
                                                                           .      * disk was INITed.  Therefore, if you want
                                                                           .      * to change the name of the HELLO file,
                                                                           .      * you must:
                                                                           .      *     1) change the file name in the
                                                                           .      *        file name field section of
                                                                           .      *        the appropriate directory
                                                                           .      *        sector.  (Easiest to use
                                                                           .      *        the RENAME command.)
                                                                           .      *     2) zap the primary file name
                                                                           .      *        buf on the disk (trk$01,
                                                                           .      *        sec $09$, offsets $75 to $92.
                                                                           .      (9E4A)
                                                                           .      DOPENDNG STA NDX2CMD  ;Set cmd index & go do cmd.
                                                                           .      (9E4D)   JMP DODOSCMD
                                                                           .               ------------
                                                                           .      * Do the DOS command.
                                                                           .      (A180)
                                                                           .      DODOSCMD JSR RESTAT0  ;Reset condition 0.
                                                                           .                            * Reset CONDNFLG & OPUTCOND
                                                                           .                            * to 0 so signal file not
                                                                           .                            * being read & set
                                                                           .                            * condition to evaluate
                                                                           .                            * start of line when we
                                                                           .                            * return to OPUTINCP.
                                                                           .                            (A75B)
                                                                           .                            RESTAT0  LDY #0
                                                                           .                                     STY CONDNFLG
                                                                           .                                     STY OPUTCOND
                                                                           .                            (A763)   RTS
                                                                           .      (A183)   JSR CLRFMPRM
                                                                           .                            * Zero out the fm parm list.
                                                                           .                            (A1AE)
                                                                           .                            CLRFMPRM LDA #0
                                                                           .                                     LDY #$16
                                                                           .                            ZFMPARM  STA FMPRMLST-1,Y
                                                                           .                                     DEY
                                                                           .                                     BNE ZFMPARM
                                                                           .                            (A1B8)   RTS
                                                                           .      * Use the command index to get the
                                                                           .      * address (minus 1) of the command's
                                                                           .      * entry point.  Stick the entry point
                                                                           .      * address on the stack (hi byte first)
                                                                           .      * & then do a funny jump to execute
                                                                           .      * the command.
                                                                           .      (A186)   LDA NDX2CMD  ;(a) = index to command.
                                                                           .      (A189)   TAX          ;(x) = index to table of
                                                                           .                            ;entry points.
                                                                           .      (A18A)   LDA CMDTBL+1,X ;Get addr of the cmd's
                                                                           .      (A18D)   PHA          ;routine & put it on the
                                                                           .                            ;stack (hi byte first).
                                                                           .      (A18E)   LDA CMDTBL,X
                                                                           .               PHA
                                                                           .      (A192)   RTS          ;Do a stack jump to process
                                                                           .                            ;the command.
                                                                           .               .
                                                                           .               .
                                                                           .      (EXECUTE THE COMMAND, IE. RUN THE
                                                                           .      HELLO FILE WHEN COLDSTARTING.
                                                                           .               .
                                                                           .               .
                                                                           .      NOTE:  PARTS OF THE FOLLOWING DIS'MBLY ARE
                                                                           .             VERY FRAGMENTED.  IT IS ONLY MEANT
                                                                           .             TO ILLUSTRATE THE PATTERN OF PROGRAM
                                                                           .             FLOW.  SEE DIS'MBLY OF RUN & LOAD
                                                                           .             COMMANDS FOR MORE DETAIL.
                                                                           .      * Run command handler.
                                                                           .      (A4D1)
                                                                           .      CMDRUN   LDA ACTBSFLG ;Check which basic is
                                                                           .                            ;current.
                                                                           .                            ;Contains $40 if A(ROM),
                                                                           .                            ;$80 if A(RAM), $00 if Int.
                                                                           .      (A4D4)   BEQ LOAD4RUN ;Branch if using Integer.
                                                                           .      (A4D6)   STA RUNTRUPT ;SET THE RUN INTERCEPT FLAG
                                                                           .                            ;TO DENOTE THAT A RUN CMD IS
                                                                           .                            ;BEING INTERRUPTED TO
                                                                           .                            ;ACCOMODATE A LOAD.
                                                                           .      LOAD4RUN JSR CMDLOAD
                                                                           .                            (A413)
                                                                           .                            CMDLOAD  .
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                            (Load the HELLO file.)
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                            - point I/O hooks at DOS.
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                            (A44D)   JMP (RLOCNTRY)
                                                                           .                                     ------------
                                                                           .                            (D4F2)
                                                                           .                            SETLINKS .
                                                                           .                                     .
                                                                           .                            - Set up ZERO PAGE POINTERS.
                                                                           .                            - Adjust link pointers in
                                                                           .                              the HELLO program (so it
                                                                           .                              is relocatable).
         ............<<< S T A C K  P O I N T E R  W A S  R E S E T >>>.................................................

                      CRDO     LDA #$0D     ;Positive ASCII for <cr>.
                      (DAFD)   JSR OUTDO

                                            OUTDO    ORA #$80     ;Convert to neg ASCII.
                                                     CMP #" "     ;Is it a ctrl char.
                                                     BCC GODOPUT  ;Branch if ctrl char.
                                                     ORA FLSHMSK  ;$40 for FLASH, $00 for INVERSE or NORMAL.
                                            GODOPUT  JSR COUT     ;Go to output handling routine.

                                                                  COUT     JMP (CSW)

                                                                  * DOS's output intercept routine.
                                                                  OPUTINCP JSR PREP4DOS

                                                                                        * Prepare for processing by DOS.
                                                                                        PREP4DOS STA ASAVED   ;Save (a), (y) & (x)
                                                                                                 STX XSAVED   ;registers.
                                                                                                 STY YSAVED
                                                                                                 TSX          ;Adjust stack ptr &
                                                                                                 INX          ;save it wo when we
                                                                                                 INX          ;later restore it &
                                                                                        (9EDD)   STX STKSAVED ;then hit an "RTS"
                                                                                                              ;we will return to

                                                                                        * Handy entry point frequently
                                                                                        * used by assembly language
                                                                                        * programmers to disconnect
                                                                                        * DOS completely.
                                                                                        UNCONDOS LDX #3
                                                                                        SETRUHKS LDA CSWTRUE,X ;Restore the I/O
                                                                                                 STA CSW,X    ;hooks 2 pt 2 the
                                                                                                 DEX          ;true I/O handlers.
                                                                                                 BPL SETRUHKS ;4 bytes to move
                                                                                        (9EEA)   RTS          ;(0 to 3).

                                                                  * Use current OPUTCOND value to index table containing
                                                                  * address of output condition handlers.  Do a "stack jump"
                                                                  * to the appropriate condition handler entry point.
                                                                  (9EC0)   LDA OPUTCOND
                                                                           ASL          ;Times 2 cause 2 bytes/address.
                                                                           TAX          ;Set (x) to index tbl of entry pt addrs.
                                                                           LDA OUTHNDTB+1,X ;Put adr of output handler on stack
                                                                           PHA          ;(hi byte first) and then do a "stack jump"
                                                                           LDA OUTHNDTB,X ;to the appropriate entry point.
                                                                           LDA ASAVED   ;Get char to be printed.
                                                                  (9ED0)   RTS          ;Execute the "stack jump".

                                                                  STACK JUMP TO OPUTHDL0
                                                                  * Output handler 0.
                                                                  * (Evaluate start of line.)
                                                                  OPUTHDL0 LDX RUNTRUPT ;Was a RUN interrupted?
                                                                           BEQ NONTRUPT ;Branch if not.
                                                                  (9EF0)   JMP FINSHRUN ;Finish off the RUN command.

                                                                  * Finish off the RUN command because
                                                                  * it was interrupted to do a LOAD.
                                                                  FINSHRUN LDA #0       ;Zero out the run intercept flag.
                                                                           STA RUNTRUPT
                                                                  (9F7D)   JSR INITIOHK ;Reset I/O hooks to pt at DOS.

                                                                                        * Initialize the I/O hooks so that DOS
                                                                                        * intercepts all input & output.
                                                                                        INITIOHK .
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly given above.)

                                                                  (9F80)   JMP RUNFPINT ;Jump back into the RUN command
                                                                           ------------ ;to finish it off.
                                                                                        ;NOTE:  The stack was reset so
                                                                                        ;we return to the correct level.

                                                                  RUNFPINT JSR CRVIADOS

                                                                                        CRVIADOS LDA #$8D     ;<cr>.
                                                                                        (9FCA)   JMP GODSPLY  ;Go print the <cr>.

                                                                                        GODSPLY  JMP (CSW)    ;AT THIS POINT IN
                                                                                                 ------------ ;TIME, DOS INTERCEPTS
                                                                                                              ;THE OUTPUT.

                                                                                        * DOS's output intercept routine.
                                                                                        OPUTINCP JSR PREP4DOS

                                                                                                              * Save registers.
                                                                                                              * Restore the true
                                                                                                              * I/O hooks.
                                                                                                              * Adjust & save the
                                                                                                              * stk ptr so can
                                                                                                              * later rtn to $A4DF
                                                                                                              PREP4DOS STA ASAVED
                                                                                                                       STX XSAVED
                                                                                                                       STY YSAVED
                                                                                                                       STX STKSAVED
                                                                                                              UNCONDOS LDX #3
                                                                                                              SETRUHKS LDA CSWTRUE,X
                                                                                                                       STA CSW,X
                                                                                                                       BPL SETRUHKS
                                                                                                              (9EEA)   RTS

                                                                                        * Use current OPUTCOND value to
                                                                                        * index table containing the
                                                                                        * address of output condition
                                                                                        * handlers.  Do a "stack jump"
                                                                                        * to the appropriate condition
                                                                                        * handler entry point.
                                                                                        (9EC0)   LDA OPUTCOND
                                                                                        (9EC3)   ASL          ;Times 2 cause 2
                                                                                        (9EC4)   TAX          ;Set (x) to index
                                                                                                              ;tbl of entry pt
                                                                                        (9EC5)   LDA OUTHNDTB+1,X ;Put adr of
                                                                                                 PHA          ;output handler on
                                                                                                 LDA OUTHNDTB,X ;stk (hi byte 1rst)
                                                                                        (9ECC)   PHA          ;& do a "stack jump"
                                                                                                              ;to the appropriate
                                                                                                              ;entry point.
                                                                                        (9ECD)   LDA ASAVED   ;Get char to be
                                                                                        (9ED0)   RTS          ;Execute the "stack

                                                                                        STACK JUMP TO OPUTHDL0
                                                                                        * Output handler 0.
                                                                                        * (Evaluate start of line.)
                                                                                        OPUTHDL0 LDX RUNTRUPT ;Was a RUN
                                                                                        (9EEE)   BEQ NONTRUPT ;Branch if not.

                                                                                        * RUN not interrupted.
                                                                                        NONTRUPT LDX CONDNFLG ;Get condition.
                                                                                        (9EF6)   BEQ SETIGNOR ;Branch for warm.

                                                                                        SETIGNOR LDX #2       ;SET CONDITION 2.
                                                                                        (9F02)   STX OPUTCOND ;Signal ignore
                                                                                                              ;non-DOS cmds.
                                                                                        (9F05)   CMP DCTRLCHR ;DOS's ctrl char?
                                                                                        (9F08)   BNE OPUTHDL2 ;No.

                                                                                        * Output handler 2.
                                                                                        * (Ignore non-DOS cmds.)
                                                                                        OPUTHDL2 CMP #$8D     ;<cr>?
                                                                                                 BNE DSPLYALL ;No.
                                                                                        SET2EVAL LDX #0       ;SET CONDITION 0
                                                                                                 STX OPUTCOND ;(evaluate start
                                                                                        (9F2C)   JMP DSPLYALL ;of line).

                                                                                        * Display the char.
                                                                                        DSPLYALL JSR RESTOREG

                                                                                                              * Restore registers.
                                                                                                              RESTOREG LDA ASAVED
                                                                                                                       LDY YSAVED
                                                                                                                       LDX XSAVED
                                                                                                              (9FC4)   RTS

                                                                                        (9FA7)   JSR GODSPLY

                                                                                                              GODSPLY  JMP (CSW)

                                                                                                              * PRINT A <CR> THRU
                                                                                                              * TRUE OUTPUT HANDLER.
                                                                                                              COUT1    .
                                                                                                              (See dis'mbly in APPLE
                                                                                                               II REFERENCE MANUAL.)

                                                                                        * Save registers & reset hooks.
                                                                                        (9FAA)   STA ASAVED
                                                                                                 STY YSAVED
                                                                                        (9FB0)   STX XSAVED

                                                                                        * Routine to exit DOS.
                                                                                        DOSEXIT  JSR INITIOHK

                                                                                                              * Initialize I/O hks
                                                                                                              * so DOS intercepts
                                                                                                              * all input & output.
                                                                                                              INITIOHK .
                                                                                                              (See dis'mbly above.)

                                                                                        (9FB6)   LDX STKSAVED ;Restore stk pointer.
                                                                                        RESTOREG LDA ASAVED   ;Restore registers.
                                                                                                 LDY YSAVED
                                                                                                 LDX XSAVED
                                                                                                 SEC          ;Why?????
                                                                                        (9FC4)   RTS          ;RETURN TO THE ROUTINE
                                                                                                              ;THAT CALLED THE
                                                                                                              ;ROUTINE THAT
                                                                                                              ;CONTAINED THE
                                                                                                              ;"JSR PREP4DOS"

                                                                  (A4DF)   JSR INITIOHK

                                                                                        * Initialize I/O hks
                                                                                        * so DOS intercepts
                                                                                        * all input & output.
                                                                                        INITIOHK .
                                                                                        (See dis'mbly above.)

                                                                  (A4E2)   JMP (RUNTRY) ;Go execute the prgm.
                                                                           ------------ ;(RUNTRY points to RUNFPROM if using
                                                                                        ;A(ROM) or FPRAMRUN if using A(RAM)).

                                                                  RUNFPROM JSR SETZPTRS

                                                                                        SETZPTRS .
                                                                                        - simulate CLEAR & RESTORE statements
                                                                                        - reset important zero page pointers
                                                                                        - REINTIALIZE THE STACK POINTER TO
                                                                                          POINT TO $1F8 (while retaining return
                                                                                        (D696)   RTS
         ............. <<< S T A C K  P O I N T E R  W A S  R E S E T >>>.........................
(A4FF)   STA PROMPT   ;Zero out the prompt & on-err flag.
         STA ERRFLG
(A503)   JMP NEWSTT   ;Jump into BASIC to execute the program.

- pops in & out of DOS whenever
  a line containing a PRINT,
  INPUT or GET is encountered.
         BEQ RESTART

     Once again the RESTART ($D43C) routine
is entered.  However this time execution
flows through DOS's output (OPUTINCP, $9EBD)
and input (INPTINCP, $9E81) handlers in a manner
different than that depicted above.  Because
the flags are set as shown below, the computer
eventually ends up requesting the operator to
input commands via the KEYBOARD:
         CONDNFLG: $00, ACTBSFLG: $40,
         RUNTRUPT: $00, and OPUTCOND: $00.
The exact execution pattern is shown in the
disassembly of the RESTART routine described
in the file titled "DOSWARMSTART".