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America Online
Tuesday, February 12, 1991  10:00 p.m. Eastern Time
Topic:  Resource Programming
Forum Leader:  Dave Sugar (AFL Dyfet)

ShanoJ     <-- been programming since he got up this morning. Brain is
ShanoJ     <-- Started using comments like "Now dispose of the shiny new
           handle we just
ShanoJ     allocated, so we won't start playing with it and get
AFL Dyfet  Just don't start using a 'naughty bit' flag :)
AFA Gary J I wish I could work on my programming project that many hours at
           once :)
AFL Scott  Resources, Resources everywhere.
AFA Gary J Natural Resources
AFL Dyfet  I'm trying to perfect a financial resource genorator :)
AFA Gary J :)
AFA Gary J Anyone know where GSBug puts it's stack?  (Like maybe $000100
ShanoJ     According to NiftyList it only owns one block, and it's not in
           bank $00...
A2GS       It probably pulls everything off the stack (ex. return address,
           etc...) when
A2GS       it first becomes activated.
AFA Gary J I'll ask a question about it later.  I guess my problem is when I
           switch to
AFA Gary J emulation  mode :)
Dave Lyons GSBug owns 1K in bank 0 while you're actually in GSBug; it keeps
           the stack in that 1K some of
Dave Lyons the time, but it also uses a bit of "your" stack.  It also doesn't
           manage the $010100 byte right
AFA Gary J That's the problem :)
Dave Lyons when switching in and out of the page-1 stack, so if you're
           tracing some code that has the stack
Dave Lyons in page 1, try typing 01/0100:80 first; this way interrupts will
           use 100..180, and your program
Dave Lyons being traced can use 181..1FF.
AFA Gary J Ah, exactly as I've been doing.  That seems to help :)
AFA Gary J (I just wanted to confirm my suspicions)
JWankerl   Okay, I made it.  We can start now.  :-)
AFL Dyfet  We wouldn't start without you :)
A2GS       slowly but surely the room fills....
A2GS       Complaint: My user group has been trying for weeks to get an Apple
           Rep. here
A2GS       in N.Y. to come and answer questions regarding the II and we
           always seem to
A2GS       get the same old lines "sorry, the people here only know about
A2GS       I even made a couple of calls to Cupertino and still hit a brick
A2GS       does Apple call that support???  I few years ago we had no trouble
A2GS       someone to show.
Matt DTS   You called the User Group Connection people?
A2GS       yes...they told me to call customer support (1-800....)
Matt DTS   Waitaminnit - "does Apple call it support" that people in
           Cupertino are busy doing things other than
Matt DTS   flying around talking to User Groups?  Clearly, the problem is
           that there should be someone in your
Matt DTS   area qualified to talk about it.  If not, your next best bet would
           be Tim Swihart (TIM.SWIHART on
Matt DTS   AppleLink).
A2GS       Read EVERYTHING I wrote above....we use to be able to get people
           right from
A2GS       Apple's N.Y. offices to show up...now no one knows anything about
           II's or at
A2GS       least not enough to answer questions regarding them and Apple.
A2GS       It's not that their aren't qualified people to answer technical
A2GS       we are trying to get someone to answer questions regarding Apple's
A2GS       etc...  I assure you, we could easily have gotten someone from the
           N.Y. offices
A2GS       to talk about anything regarding Apple's Mac policies, etc....
Matt DTS   Then you definitely need to talk to Tim Swihart.  GA.
A2GS       I will try...thanx
AFL Dyfet  The NY offices may have been 'downsized'...there can be other
           reasons for not
AFL Dyfet  being able to get people for that, too :)....
A2GS       They're available for Mac questions....
A2GS       (how convenient)
AFA Gary J I have an idea.   Let's talk about resources :)
AFL Dyfet  Okay, I guess we will move to our scheduled topic for tonight:
AFL Dyfet  Does anyone have any resource related questions to start with for
AFL DannyH yeah?
AFL DannyH how big can the resource fork be?
AFL Dyfet  Go ahead Matt...
Matt DTS   Depends.  How big is your disk?
AFL DannyH really?
AFL DannyH no set upper limit?
Matt DTS   (There is no GS/OS limitation to the size of a resource fork other
           than that it must be less than
Matt DTS   4 gigabytes to the EOF.  GA.)
AFL Dyfet  Depends on your FST, and how large a legal file can grow (16m
           under the ProDOS
AFL Dyfet  FST)....
Matt DTS   (But...oh, there's Dave to talk about the Resource Manager...)
AFL Dyfet  GA Dave...
Dave Lyons Yup, and I believe the Resource Manager will happily let you use
           the whole 4 gigs, too.  ga
A2GS       Never mind...Dyfet clarified the descrepency  :-)
AFL DannyH I have noticed NDA's with empty resource forks...
AFL DannyH is this an oversight on the author's part or is the 
AFL DannyH compiler automatically adding a resoource fork...
AFL DannyH in particular TML Pascal seems to do this
AFL Dyfet  Go ahead Surak....
Surak TFF  Well, resource forks aren't (as far as I know) required to have
           anything in 
Surak TFF  them... So it's probably just the particular compiler...
AFL Dyfet  In the case of TML Pascal, I would guess the compiler
           automatically creates an
AFL Dyfet  extended file, just in case it needs to put resources
           in....incidently, the
AFL Dyfet  TML Pascal source files have a resource fork attached...
ShanoJ     (making them a bitch to load into normal word processors... :)
AFL Dyfet  Okay, MDW has the next question...Go ahead....
MDW Flyer  Is there any limit to what type of structure can be stored as a
MDW Flyer  and what has been found to be unsuitable data to be stored as a
AFL Dyfet  Go ahead Dave...
Dave Lyons You can put whatever data you want into a resource, provided you
           use a Resource Type in the
Dave Lyons range $0001 to $7FFF.
ShanoJ     <-- Off to define an armadillo resource... :)
Dave Lyons I don't have anything
Dave Lyons very clever to say about what
Dave Lyons *shouldn't* be in a resource, except that you don't want
           gazillions of *tiny* resources,
Dave Lyons because each one takes up 20 bytes in the Resource Map (which is
           always in memory while your
Dave Lyons resource file is open), and each one takes up *another* 20 bytes
           of overhead when you actually
Dave Lyons load it (for the "master pointer record" (the handle)).  ga
AFL Dyfet  Certainly configuration data you plan to update should NOT be
           stored in the
AFL Dyfet  resource fork, if your application plans to be ran from a file
           server, since
AFL Dyfet  all your users will then share the same configuration if they like
           it or not :)
MDW Flyer  Thanks, Dave. 8)
MDW Flyer  Has the APW documentation been updated any for using Resources?
AFL Dyfet  Okay :)...Go ahead Matt...
Matt DTS   The tools that work with resources in the APW 1.1 Tools and
           Interfaces certainly come with appropriate
Matt DTS   documentation.  The other parts of APW that don't deal with
           resources haven't been changed, including
Matt DTS   the documentation.  GA.
AFL Dyfet  Okay, any more comments?
AFL Dyfet  I guess Danny has the next question...Go ahead, Danny, you have
           the floor now.
AFL DannyH what advantage(s) does a programmer gain by using an extended
AFL Dyfet  Go ahead Matt...
Matt DTS   For what?
AFL Dyfet  :)
AFL DannyH Matt is that for me?
Matt DTS   It's like asking "What advantages do I get for using memory" -
           what do you want to do with it?
AFL DannyH that's what I am asking
Matt DTS   Nononononononononono...
AFL DannyH why and when would a programmer choose to use
AFL DannyH an extended file?
Matt DTS   An extended file is just a different kind of file - one that has a
           resource fork.  You use extended
Matt DTS   files if you have resources, and you use normal files if you
           don't.  If you mean to ask "what are
Matt DTS   the advantages of RESOURCES, that's a different animal.  GA.
AFL Dyfet  I assumed Danny meant the latter....GA MDW....
MDW Flyer  SynthLab, or any program, might embed it's theme music as a
           resource.  A use.
AFL Dyfet  Resources are a generic way to provide customizable applications. 
           They provide
AFL Dyfet  a convient way to package sounds, pictures, and other useful data,
           into a
AFL Dyfet  single file that is part of the application, which can then be
           copied or moved,
AFL Dyfet  with all associated resources, as a single file....
AFL DannyH thanks ga
AFL Dyfet  At least I think that was the response Danny was looking for
           :)..GA Andy :)...
Andy Stein Very simple, stupid question: Can you make applications from
           scratch with
Andy Stein Gensys?
AFL Dyfet  Go ahead Matt...
Matt DTS   Yes, but they're not interesting.  You can make all the windows,
           controls, menus and other structures
Matt DTS   like that as you wish, but only you can write the code that does
           something interesting when you choose
Matt DTS   them.  GA.
Andy Stein Thanks.  GA
AFA Gary J :)
AFL Dyfet  Okay, WankerL has the next question...Go ahead Wankerl....
JWankerl   Is there a way to find out the host application's resource ID from
           within a
JWankerl   CDev?
ShanoJ     (Hey, that sounds famaliar... :)
AFL Dyfet  I think we had this question a few weeks ago :)..Go ahead
Surak TFF  (Yup... :)
AFA Gary J :)
Matt DTS   I'm still thinking, but I believe the answer is "no".  The
           question is "why do you want to?"
JWankerl   So Jonah can call DrawMenuBar for the application without it
           causing a crash.
ShanoJ     :)
Matt DTS   Ah.  No, I can't think of one - it would require the Resource
           Manager to turn a GS/OS reference
Matt DTS   number into a resource file number, and it currently won't do
           that.  GA.
AFL Dyfet  Egads, that was sneaky :)...
JWankerl   That's about it for me.... right now.
AFL Dyfet  Okay who else has a resource related question for tonight?
MDW Flyer  What is your combined opinion of the Resourse Editors available?
ShanoJ     Genesys + LLRE + Rez rocks... :)
JWankerl   Genesys, I think, is the best, but it still has a few
AFL Dyfet  I prefer Genesys....
JWankerl   Genesys + Rez = everything you should ever need.
MDW Flyer  I'm finished using the old TML Pascal Editor.
AFL Dyfet  Well, okay, who else has a resource question for tonight :)?
AFL Dyfet  Go ahead, Marty....
AFL Marty  What kinds of resources are currently supported (resource
JWankerl   Lots!  Pick up Nifty List 3.0 or better and do 0\rtype to see 'em,
           or get TBIII
JWankerl   ...and read the technotes, there are additional types defined
           there, too.
AFL Marty  Let me ask it this way then...
AFL Dyfet  And will be many more appearing in technotes in the future
AFL Marty  What resource types are NOT supported?
AFL Marty  For instance is there/will there be a FONT resource?
JWankerl   Good question.  What cars are not defined?  I don't know until
           they're defined.
JWankerl   Your application can support a font resource, but I don't think
           there's a 
JWankerl   standard font resource.
AFL Marty  I'm obviously not q programmer type.  Make up a good question from
           my words and answer it.
AFL Dyfet  Or ICON resources for Finder....in the case of a font resource,
           one may have to
AFL Dyfet  work a little with the font manager to actually use it....
JWankerl   There ARE Icon resources, but they don't contain the finder
AFL Dyfet  In the case of Finder icons in resources (something I would like
           to see 
AFL Dyfet  someday) Apple will have to take the lead first...
AFL Dyfet  GA MDW...
MDW Flyer  The finder icon format differs from the Q II icon format....
MDW Flyer  At least header information.
Dave Lyons (The Finder Icon format *contains* icons in QD II icon format,
           plus a lot of other stuff.)
MDW Flyer  Why put a Finder Icon in as resource?
AFL Dyfet  So you have the icon as part of the application instead of as a
           seperate icon
AFL Dyfet  file that has to be placed in the icon directory...just seems a
           little cleaner
AFL Dyfet  in my mind...
JWankerl   So you can copy the application and not have to copy the icon
           file, too.
AFL Dyfet  Go ahead Surak...
Surak TFF  In order for an icon in a file's resource fork to be of use to the
Surak TFF  wouldn't the Finder have to open every single file's resource fork
           to find
Surak TFF  the icon? (or at least to check for one?) That would seem to be
Surak TFF  cumbersome...
Matt DTS   (well, presumably it would only look in applications, and not in
AFL Dyfet  I was about to mention that, actually :)...
MDW Flyer  Matt, Tech Note ?
Surak TFF  GA
Matt DTS   (huh?)
Matt DTS   repeating:  "(huh?)"
MDW Flyer  Finder Icons TN doesn't explicitly state the need for a small icon
           image & mask
MDW Flyer  or did I miss some part of it.
MDW Flyer  I am writing a quick fix program to append the small icon info to
           the output
Matt DTS   Mine lists at offset +086 the normal size icon and right after it
           the small icon.
JWankerl   Anyone care to field a simple Memory Manager question?
Dave Lyons sure
Matt DTS   go for it
AFL Dyfet  Sure, we can do that :)
JWankerl   I wanna use InsertMItem2 to add an item to my menu, and I want my
           reference to
JWankerl   the menu item name to be a handle.  Do I have to maintain this
           handle with
JWankerl   my program, or does the menu manager take it over like the Window
           manager does
JWankerl   with menu titles?
JWankerl   oops with window titles, not menu titles.
ShanoJ     <-- 'nother MM question, for when Joe's done.
Dave Lyons (BTW, this is a Menu Manager question, not a Memory Manager
           question. :-)
JWankerl   Shoot!  Did I say memory manager.  My fault.  My brain is dying. 
Dave Lyons Checking; go ahead w/ next question in the mean time.
AFL Dyfet  Okay, I guess that would be Jonah's MM Q :)...Whichever MM he
           means :)
ShanoJ     Do you still need an answer before I go, Joe?
AFL Dyfet  Dave is checking...go ahead Jonah...
ShanoJ     Or can I just rhyme some more? :)
JWankerl   Nah, GA Jonah.  Dave'll get back to me one day.  :-)
ShanoJ     Okay, I wanna know why the Memory Manager needs BOTH a fixed and a
           locked bit?
ShanoJ     Don't they do basically the same thing?
Dave Lyons They're different.  (1) Fixed memory gets allocated down at the
           bottom of the memory map, and
Dave Lyons non-fixed gets allocated at the top.  This reduces fragmentation,
           unless people do something
Dave Lyons silly like allocate a lot of permanently-locked, non-fixed
Dave Lyons You can lock and unlock handles at will, but you don't generally
           fiddle with the fixed status (there
Dave Lyons is no call for it).
Dave Lyons (2) When the purge level is not zero, the handle can be purged if
           it is NOT LOCKED.
Dave Lyons That is, a fixed but purgable handle can go away but NOT move, if
           it's locked.  (If it's locked,
Dave Lyons it won't move or go away.)  ga
ShanoJ     Okay, so if I want a memory block that's not going to EVER move, I
ShanoJ     use.... ? I've always used attrFixed+attrLocked...
Matt DTS   Fixed means it *never* moves; locked means it can't move until you
           unlock it.
Dave Lyons Jonah, if your handle will always have purge level 0, it makes no
           different whether you make
Dave Lyons it fixed, or fixed+locked.  You want to stay away from locked-only
           if you're leaving it locked, since
Dave Lyons it would be a fragmentation island up amongst a lot of unlocked
Matt DTS   (by the way, Dave's implication aside, it's not OK for you to
           fiddle with any bits in the attributes
Matt DTS   except the locked bit, unless you're using Memory Manager calls to
           do it.)
ShanoJ     I know Matt, I took that stuff out... You'd be proud of me... :)
Dave Lyons ! on Menu Manager
ShanoJ     Okay, thanks a lot, guys! :)
AFL Dyfet  GA Dave
Dave Lyons I know at least this much:  When you InsertMItem2 by handle, it
           *keeps* your handle, so you'd better
Dave Lyons not mess up the data or dispose of that handle.
JWankerl   Okay.  I call InsterMItem2 then never mess with that handle again.
            Got it.
Dave Lyons (It seems not to be disposing of it when the menu goes away;
           safest thing is to start up the tools
Dave Lyons with a $1xnn ID and do a DisposeAll on that derived ID when you're
           quitting.  Not
Dave Lyons a completely separate ID, but one derived from your main ID.)
ShanoJ     (Is there any though of making a _CleanUpMyMemory call? Sure would
           make things
ShanoJ     a whole lot easier... :)
JWankerl   Okay.  I'll add in code like that, too.
ShanoJ     (It could be part of the DWIM toolbox... :)
Dave Lyons What would CleanUpMyMemory do, other than DisposeAll on one or
           more derived IDs?
ShanoJ     It would DisposeHandle on all the stuff I don't need, and keep the
           stuff I
ShanoJ     do. Help a lot with error routines. (right, Matt? :)
Matt DTS   No comment.
ShanoJ     :)
ShanoJ     Okay, I've got another ?
JWankerl   What would happen if I changed the name of the item I inserted? 
           Would I have
JWankerl   to use another handle?  Or could I just keep the old handle and
           change it
JWankerl   instead, then call CalcMenuSize?
Matt DTS   It would probably be best to pass the same handle to SetMItemName
JWankerl   I should use the same handle?
Matt DTS   (unless the menu manager is disposing of the old one, which I kind
           of doubt...)
Matt DTS   Dave?
Matt DTS   Oh Dave?
Dave Lyons Hi...
JWankerl   Should I use the same handle, Dave?
Dave Lyons Yeah, cram the new stuff into the old handle.  Sounds like a
Dave Lyons Of course, if it doesn't work, don't do it.  (I think it will, and
           I will -not- break things by
Dave Lyons making the Menu Mgr dispose of stuff it does not dispose of
           now...that would be bad).
JWankerl   Should I call SetMItemName with it, or just CalcMenuSize directly
JWankerl   the reference is the same?
Dave Lyons You should call SetMItemName.
Matt DTS   (Ha.)
JWankerl   Okay.
Matt DTS   <-- as if he's accomplished something
ShanoJ     Okay, my turn. Anyone know how to do a bitwise EOR in a constant
           in APW? The
ShanoJ     Lichty and Eyes book said that #attrLocked.EOR.$FFFF would do it,
           but that
ShanoJ     just makes #0, which works for them, but that's only a
           coincidence. It sure
JWankerl   Do $FFFF-attrLocked
ShanoJ     don't work when you need to keep the status of other bits... :(
ShanoJ     Okay, does anyone know a CLEAN way to do a bitwise EOR... :)
JWankerl   If you just want to flip bits, subtraction does the same thing.
Dave Lyons (Don't you have the manual??  I'd have to look it up....)
Matt DTS   According to the APW manual (I have Dave's :), .EOR. should
ShanoJ     I looked it up. It was completely unclear. As far as I could tell,
           it couldn't
ShanoJ     do it, which really surprised me... 
ShanoJ     No, look again Matt. The manual says that it returns 1 for true
           and 0 for
ShanoJ     false. All of those .xxx. operators operate on the whole
           expression, not on the
ShanoJ     individual bits... 
Matt DTS   oh.
Dave Lyons I think there's a character for it, but I forget.
ShanoJ     I was kinda surprised that L & E were wrong (and that I found the
           error! :)

AFA Gary J I'm having trouble with the ORCA/M assembler barfing on the "&"
           character in
AFA Gary J comments and within quotes.  Is it supposed to do that?
Matt DTS   It's a toss-up, but it does.
Matt DTS   Something about being able to use &sysdate in comments, so it
           always does that.
AFA Gary J Oh yeah, the sysdate thingy.
A2GS       Don't take the following 2 Q's personally...1) Why can't the GS
A2GS       fonts to an Apple Laser-printer?
A2GS       2) Why doesn't GS/OS enjoy it's own FST...allowing the user to
           take FULL
A2GS       advantage of GS/OS' incredible potential and capabilities??
Dave Lyons Do you *really* want another file system in the world?  I don't. 
           This is a fair question, and
Matt DTS   Haven't we gone through #2 about forty bazillion times?
Dave Lyons the idea has certainly been considered around here.
Dave Lyons (Good answer, Matt. :)
AFA Gary J :)
Matt DTS   Hey - "tact" is still my middle name.
AFL Marty  "Prince of discretion"
A2GS       To be honest...yes...I think this kind of FST really would make
A2GS       GS  more flexible (then it already is, hard to believe isn't it)
           and would
A2GS       allow users to get by the 32 meg partition pain with LARGE HD's.
Matt DTS   Yes, but some already-existing file system (like HFS) for
Matt DTS   can give the same benefits without creating a new disk format
           that's totally incompatible with
Matt DTS   *EVERYTHING* else out there, eliminating any possibility of
JWankerl   Why wave the ability to do it under our nose and tell us that it
           won't be done?
AFA Gary J Yes!
AFA Gary J The HFS would be a good one.
Matt DTS   No one's arguing that something beyond ProDOS would be a Good
           Thing.  We just don't think that 
Matt DTS   creating something new from scratch is going to benefit
A2GS       The why don't we have an HFS Fst?  (please don't take these as
           pressure Q's
A2GS       or that I'm trying to needle you guy's....you do FANTASTIC
A2GS       I'm just curious.
Matt DTS   Why haven't you written a program to produce class 3 PostScript
           fonts on the IIgs?
Matt DTS   (Probably because you, like us, have limited resources.)\
A2GS       Because I don't ACTIVELY use laser printers...
A2GS       although I'm sure a lot more people would...if we had many of the
A2GS       other machines enjoy (who shall remain nameless)
Matt DTS   As for #1, this is a subject that I've recently been
           investigating.  It turns out to be about 3000%
Matt DTS   more complicated than I originally thought.  Downloaded fonts can
           be "coordinated" or "non-coordinated
Matt DTS   ".  Characters like "tm" and "(C)" and others aren't necessarily
           in PostScript font strikes, so
Matt DTS   the font vector tables in PostScript must be adjusted to pick the
           Symbol font for those characters,
Matt DTS   even though the styles may be different (serif vs. sans serif, for
           instance).  Then there is the issue
Matt DTS   of renaming the downloaded font in the printer with the name
           "|______fontname" so the printer drivers
Matt DTS   can find it, as well as the issue of resolving font naming
           conventions (such as "demi" vs. "bold", 
Matt DTS   "italic" vs. "oblique" vs. "slant", etc.) so that the proper font
           can be found, downloaded and used
Matt DTS   when the matching (and how does it match?) screen font is used in
           a printed document.
Matt DTS   (in summary, there's a lot of issues to be worked out and retain
           compatibility with the Macintosh
Matt DTS   which is already doing it.)  <done>
A2GS       Couldn't you use the Mac source as a "guide" on writing the proper
A2GS       to handle the work?
JWankerl   So your program will be ready tomorrow, Matt?  :-)
Matt DTS   Sure, with an optional 68000 card.
Matt DTS   Most of the necessary work is outlined in the "LaserWriter
           Reference", actually, and of course we
Matt DTS   could use the Mac's LaserWriter driver as a reference, but it's
           still at least as complicated
Matt DTS   as has briefly been mentioned here, and I'm sure I left out
           several issues that would need to be
Matt DTS   resolved.
A2GS       To be honest: I would seriously consider getting a laser-printer
           for my GS...
A2GS       for several reasons...But I want to be able to use it to it's FULL
A2GS       without having to get a Mac Classic to do the "little"
A2GS       Seems like you guys are under-staffed.
A2GS       Thanx for the responses.
Matt DTS   It's not as simple as sending a PostScript file - we can do that. 
           It involves a lot of PostScript
Matt DTS   mechanics as well as considerable design on the IIgs or I'm sure
           it would have been done by now.
Matt DTS   We did get enough of it done to let you use fonts which have
           already been downloaded, but not as far
Matt DTS   as coordinating the fonts and downloading them.  The Mac uses a
           demonic posession called the FOND
Matt DTS   resource to keep all this straight, and it's a resource straight
           from hell.  Trust me.
Matt DTS   Next?
A2GS       Sounds like the REAL headache is in coordinating the Font's not
           just getting 
A2GS       them to the Laser printer (would you be uploading to the LP or
A2GS       done
Matt DTS   We refer to it as downloading.
A2GS       isn't that backwards?
A2GS       sort of?
Dave Lyons (It depends on whether your computer has more or less RAM than the
           printer. :-)
A2GS       (I'm a perfectionist :-)
A2GS       That's why I bought a GS...  :-)
Matt DTS   By the way, A2, I now have a LaserWriter (Personal NT) at home,
           hence the interest.  I also have a Mac
Matt DTS   to download fonts with, but it's more fun to do it natively (or so
           I thought!).
A2GS       Keep working at it...I can guarentee Apple one more Laser Printer
           sale if you
A2GS       can get the dang thing working  :-)
Matt DTS   Yeah, you'll probably buy an HP and let those other drivers not
           work instead of ours.  :)
A2GS       :)
ShanoJ     Okay, question time. If I can't make TextEdit calls from within a
           TextEdit hook
ShanoJ     routine, do I have to step through the TE data structures MANUALLY
           to retrieve
ShanoJ     the text?! :(
Dave Lyons Which hook routine, what operation?
ShanoJ     "Keystroke filtler procedure"
JWankerl   Why do you want to get text for a keystroke filtLer?
JWankerl   :-)
ShanoJ     Okay, okay, I used one too many "l"s I'll leave one out of a word
           in a minute
ShanoJ     to make up for it. Just answer the question... :)
A2GS       "a minute" doesn't contain any L's
AFA Gary J :)
A2GS       I know, I know....it's a terrible joke...but I couldn't resist
Matt DTS   Why on God's Green Earth do you want to get the text from a record
           in a keystroke fillllllter?
ShanoJ     Hey, I said I'd leave it out of "a word", not "a minute".... Come
           on... :)
AFA Gary J Well, you did.
ShanoJ     Well, I wanna do some fancy stuff, mainly including an undo
JWankerl   Hey, you can't do an undo command before I do.  :-)
Matt DTS   (I was afraid you were going to say that.  Darn...)
AFA Gary J (Not this again :)
ShanoJ     Shut up. I'm cooler than you are. I wanna do it first... :)
Dave Lyons Matt, I believe some people have managed to do auto-tabbing inside
           the key filter (but maybe it
Dave Lyons was a different hook).
Matt DTS   Who?  TML?
Matt DTS   TML did it because they weren't using TaskMaster and watched
           everything they passed to TEKey.
Dave Lyons I don't remember who (actually I don't remember for sure that they
           got it working how they wanted).
JWankerl   That's the way I was gunna handle my undo - just leave the pass
           key events to
JWankerl   controls bit off and call TEKey myself.
A2GS       Suggestion: take up basket weaving and forget the whole thing
ShanoJ     I've thought of that, Albert. Believe me, I've thought of that...
Dave Lyons Why TEKey rather than SendEventToCtl?
JWankerl   Good question.  I dunno.  I guess that would be better.
JWankerl   (I could have said that I was not using TextEdit as a control, but
           that'd be
JWankerl   a lie :-)
Dave Lyons I think so, especially if you'll ever have other controls in your
           window--it'll figure out who
Dave Lyons to give it to (and who to give first shot at it).