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AppleLink - Personal Edition INDEX TO 1988 APPLE II DEVELOPMENT FORUM CONFERENCE LOGS Forum Leader: James Luther (AFL Jim) Index prepared by: Gary Jacobson (AFA Gary J) All dates are for 1988 Forum Logs NOTE: Forum logs files are referenced by date, in the format MM-DD. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A AC/BASIC Absoft's Ken Olson as forum guest 07-12 arrays 07-12 assembly subroutines and 03-08, 07-12 clipboard support 07-12 code size 05-10, 07-12 displaying SHR graphics 07-12 editor 07-12 external libraries 07-12 features & opinions 01-26, 03-08, 05-10, 07-12 future features 07-12 speed of 05-10, 07-12 telecommunication programming with 07-12 Accelerator cards 02-23 ADB Tools key code reading 03-15, 10-25 repeating key problem on key read 10-25 SendInfo 10-25 Animation routines on IIGS 06-14 Apple Developer Technical Support 06-28 Apple //c+ 09-20 Apple Programmer's Workshop (APW) compact utility 08-30 compatibility with MPW 10-25 customizing keys in 04-12, 09-27 general 02-09, 04-12 new tool support 07-19 turning off cursor in shell 12-27 utilities for 07-26 Apple standards NDA's 10-04 Pascal toolcalls and 04-05, 12-13 ProDOS 8 10-04 why adhere to 10-04 AppleLink software improvements 07-05 IIGS version 01-26 Applesoft BASIC custom line editor 05-10 DOS 3.3 catalog input 05-10 high & low ASCII in ProDOS TXT file 10-11 "input anything" routines 05-10 limitations 09-13 machine language subroutines 05-10, 11-15 passing variables from machine language back to 11-15 ROM firmware info 08-16, 08-23 Applesoft programming aids Beagle Bros 03-22 GPLE 03-22 Program Writer 03-22, 11-15 Assembly Language 6502 vs. 65816 04-12 ADC command 08-16 algorithms & routines book 04-12, 08-16 assemblers 02-09, 04-12 books on 02-09, 04-12, 05-31, 06-14, 08-16, 08-23, 12-20 COP instruction 05-17 data bank (B) register 08-16 differences between assemblers 06-14, 12-20 disassembly of code 08-16 Epic modem access from 10-25 firmware listings and 08-23 forum topic 02-09, 04-12, 06-14, 08-16, 12-20 high level languages vs. assembly 05-31 learning 01-26, 02-09, 04-12, 06-14, 08-16, 08-23 machine code 02-09 mnemonics 06-14 ORCA/M vs. APW 04-12 pseudo-ops 06-14 typing in source from magazine articles 06-14 which assembler? 02-09, 04-12, 10-25, 12-20 B Battery RAM on IIGS - resetting 04-19 BASIC Applesoft 03-08, 09-13, 11-15 AC/BASIC 01-26, 03-08, 05-10, 07-12, 08-30, 11-15 Blankenship BASIC (Bbasic) 09-13 compared to other high level languages 05-31, 08-30 comparisons 03-08, 03-29, 05-10, 11-15 forum topic 03-08, 05-10, 07-12, 09-13, 11-15 GS BASIC 03-08, 05-10, 11-15 Micol Advanced BASIC 09-20 speed of 05-10 structuring 05-31 TML BASIC 03-08, 03-29, 05-10, 11-15 toolbox in IIGS and 08-30 ZBASIC 05-10, 08-30 BASIC.SYSTEM bugs in 06-28, 09-13 patching 09-13 Boot process, ProDOS 03-22 Byteworks, The current products 05-31 future products 05-31, 08-30 upgrades 05-31, 09-20 Westerfield, Mike, as forum guest 05-31 C C (the language) APW C customer support 04-05 APW C updates 10-11 books about 12-13 Byteworks future product 08-30 debugging 05-03 compared to other languages 05-31, 06-07, 12-13 compared to Pascal 06-07 for non IIGS Apples 12-13 forum topic 04-05, 06-07, 10-11, 12-13 learning 02-09, 06-07, 12-13 libraries 12-13 LINT (debugger) 05-03 toolbox use from 10-04 Caching disk (GS/OS) memory ID & purge level 11-01 menus in System Disk 3.2 > 07-19 Cassette port 06-28 CDA's machine state while executing 07-05, 10-04 ProDOS 8 access from within 07-26 CD-ROMS how they work 04-26 read from and write to 04-26 Certified Developer - see Developer, Apple Certified Circular windows - 05-17 Compact APW utility 08-30 Compilers - writing your own 09-13 Control Manager fixes with System Disk 3.2 07-19 pen color states and 07-19 problems with 02-23, 04-05, 04-19, 07-19 COP, assembly instruction 05-17 Coprocessors 05-17 CopyPixels - setting up destLocPtr 08-16 Cross development //e, //c on IIGS 03-01 IIGS on Mac 02-09, 04-05, 05-03 MPW 04-05, 05-03, 06-07 S-C Assembler 02-09 D Date/time stamping of files differences between //e & IIGS 04-19 GS/OS ProDOS FST bug with 10-11 Debuggers hardware 06-21, 07-05, 12-20 software 05-17, 05-31, 07-05, 12-20 Debugging code 05-03, 05-17, 07-05 Desk Accessories intercepting application's keystrokes 03-15 Developer, Apple Certified application to be 12-27 Developer Services number 03-01, 12-27 qualifications for becoming 03-01 Device drivers definition 03-22 canceling out in ProDOS-8 03-22 Devices - number on-line at one time 06-21 Diagnostics 02-16, 04-19 Disassembling code as aid in learning assembly 08-16 Don Lancaster's method of 08-16 Nifty List and 08-16 Distribution licenses for Apple source code 10-25 DOS 3.3 - catalog into Applesoft array 05-10 E ECP-16 05-24 Editors Applesoft 03-22 customizing keys in ORCA or APW 04-12, 09-27 MicroEMACS 11-29 multiple files open at same time 09-27, 11-29 Epic modem - access from assembly language 10-25 Event Manager - from within a CDA 06-14 Extended ADB keyboard 03-15 F File formats - obtaining 08-30 File types 06-14, 08-30 Finder bugs 09-20 launch application by click on document 12-27 unidisk 3.5 drive polling & GS/OS 11-01 Firmware for Apple //e $C500 06-21 reference books 08-23, 10-25 Super Serial Card 10-25 Floating Point Engine - Innovative Systems 06-21 Font/DA Mover and IIGS 07-19 Fortran 06-07 FST - GS/OS 32 meg limit on volumes 10-04 all written by Apple 11-01, 12-27 character - console driver 09-27 Mac HFS 09-27 ProDOS FST bugs 10-11 G GEOS 02-23 Global Event Mask 06-14 Graphics changing SHR resolution mid-application 10-11 combining modes on same screen 08-16 Grappler C/Mac/GS, printer interface 04-19 GS BASIC features & opinions 05-10 speed of 05-10 GS/OS bugs 09-20, 10-11 calls which allocate memory 10-11 character FST (console driver) 09-27 checking for enough memory before a load 10-11 compatibility with existing applications 09-20, 09-27 directory reading with 10-04 disk errors and 11-01 extended files 09-27 Finder's UniDisk 3.5 drive polling 11-01 forum topic 09-20 hard drive compatibility 09-20 installing on a hard drive 12-27 overview of features 09-20 prefix 0 - limited to 64 characters 11-01 ProDOS 8 emulation under GS/OS 11-01 red progress bar - how it works 09-20 reference manuals for 09-20, 10-04 SCSI card and 09-20, 10-04 Talk Is Cheap (TIC) and format problem 09-27 H Hard disks bad blocks 07-19 GS/OS compatibility 09-20 installing GS/OS on 12-27 low level format 10-04 partitioning 10-04 problems 05-24 Hardware debuggers 06-21, 07-05 Hardware topic 02-16, 04-19, 06-21, 08-23 HOT-C, printer interface 04-19 I Icons - IIGS 09-13 Icon Editors 09-13, 12-27 Innovative Systems 06-21 Interpreters - writing your own 09-13 K Keyboard interrupts 03-15 Keystrokes detecting numeric pad on IIGS 03-15 intercepting application's in a DA 03-15 repeating key problem with ADB tools 10-25 Kyan Systems assembler 04-12 Pascal 02-02 L Languages comparisons 02-09, 03-01, 06-07 first one to learn 02-09, 05-31, 06-07, 11-15 new vs. revision of existing 06-07 writing your own 09-13 Libraries run time and otherwise 12-13 writing your own 12-13 Linker in APW/ORCA language written in 05-10 future improvements to 05-10 speed of 05-03, 05-10 M Machine code (debate!) 02-09 Machine language subroutines AC/BASIC and 03-08 Applesoft and 05-10 Magazines 02-23, 08-16, 08-23 Magnetic media 04-26 Memory application check before loading 10-11 diagnostics 02-16, 04-19 ProDOS 16 & GS/OS calls which allocate 10-11 screen holes 03-22 screen memory 03-22 Memory chip - see RAM chips Menu bars and NDA's 07-19 Merlin assembler converting APW code to 10-25 general 02-09, 04-12, 10-25, 12-20 updates 04-12 MessageCenter - passing pathnames 12-27 MicroEMACS text editor 11-29 Mnemonics 06-14 MPW 04-05, 05-03, 06-07, 06-14, 09-27 MPW compatibility with APW 10-25 Multi tasking - on IIGS 05-17, 09-27, 11-22 N NDA's Scrap Manager and 09-20 using the menu bar from within 07-19 Nifty List CDA 07-05, 08-16, 12-20 Note Synthesizer 04-05 O Object Module Format 05-03 Opcodes 06-14 Operating Systems topic 02-23, 04-26, 06-28, 08-30, 12-27 ORCA Desktop discussion 03-29, 04-12, 05-03, 05-17, 05-31 installing on hard disk 05-24 ORCA/M assembler conversion of Merlin code to 10-25 customizing keys in 04-12, 09-27 general 02-09, 04-12 how it was written 05-31 turning off cursor in shell 12-27 upgrades for GS/OS 09-20 P Pascal 1.1 firmware interface 02-16, 03-01 Pascal (language) Apple Pascal 02-02 books on 05-31 code size differences 04-05 compared to C 06-07 comparisons of versions available 04-05, 05-31 debugger 02-02, 05-03 forum topic 02-02, 04-05, 06-07, 12-13 Kyan 02-02 learning 02-09, 06-07 ORCA 01-26, 02-02 TML 01-26, 03-29, 04-05 speed comparisons 02-02 standard toolbox interface 04-05, 12-13 strengths/weaknesses on IIGS 06-07 which Pascal? 01-26, 02-02, 03-29 Prefixes 31 available under GS/OS 11-01 prefix zero limited to 64 characters 11-01 Print Manager sample code in HodgePodge 08-23 starting 03-29 Printer interfaces 04-19 ProDOS 32 meg limit 04-26, 08-30, 10-04 backup bit 07-19 file types 06-14, 08-30 invisibility bit 07-19 large volume sizes 08-30, 10-04 learning to program with 12-27 ProDOS-8 adding routines to 06-28, 10-04 books on 02-23 boot process 03-22 booting from subdirectory in Applesoft 03-22 canceling device drivers 03-22 emulation under GS/OS 11-01 intercepting MLI calls 10-04 loading RAM based IIGS tools from 06-28 partitioning hard drives 04-26, 10-04 TYPE command - implementation 06-28 ProDOS-16 bugs in System Disk 3.2 07-19 calls which allocate memory 10-11 checking for memory before load 10-11 error handling with SFGetFile 06-14 features of System Disk 3.2 07-19 file types 06-14 incompatibilities with OS upgrades 07-19 manuals 02-23 program segmentation 10-04 stack calls 02-23 ProSel 08-30 Psuedo ops 06-14 Q Quick Draw & Quick Draw Aux changing SHR resolution mid-application 10-11 CopyPixels - using 08-16, 10-25 how to do picture calls 11-22 starting 03-29 R RAM chips CAS before RAS 02-16 detecting bad chips 02-16 general problems 02-16 RAM disks - min/max size on IIGS 06-21 ROM, Apple IIGS 03-15 Rumors IIGS improvements 02-23, 03-15 GS/OS 02-23, 04-26, 06-28 S SC-Assembler 02-09, 10-25 Scheduler - IIGS Toolbox how to use 11-22 not intended for multi-tasking 11-22 purpose 11-22 Schematics for Apple hardware 02-16 Scrap Manager cut & paste 09-20 TML Pascal and 09-20 Screen holes 03-22 SCSI card low level format 10-04 partitioning 10-04 slot 5 use on IIGS 10-04 upgrade 05-24, 09-20 Segments, dynamic 10-04 SFGetFile call P16 errors 06-14 trouble shooting problems 10-04 Shareware software distribution 07-05, 12-20 Shells, programming comparisons 05-31 definition 05-24, 07-26 forum topic 05-24, 07-26, 09-27 Smartport Calls intercepting 04-19 technotes 04-19 Smoothtalker 01-26 Sound Tools playing two digitized sounds at same time 10-25 SetSoundMIRQV 10-11 Speed of IIGS 03-15 of APW linker 05-03 Super Serial Card programming with 04-19, 10-25 ROM listings 10-25 T Technotes, Apple II - in text format 03-29, 04-19 Text editors - allowing multiple files open 09-27 Text files - low & high ASCII in Applesoft created 10-11 Text screen memory 03-22 Text Tools, switching to multiple devices 03-01 Text Toolset - from 360 systems 08-30 Text vs. Graphic interface on IIGS applications 08-30 developer tools 09-27 TML BASIC books on 11-15 features & opinions 03-08, 03-29, 05-10 installing on hard drive 03-29 passing parameters to TML procedures 11-15 speed of 05-10 TML Pascal object programming 04-05 Scrap Manager cut & paste 09-20 toolbox support 04-05 updates 04-05 TML Speech Kit 01-26, 04-05 Toolbox, Apple IIGS AC/BASIC and 03-08 books about 03-01, 05-17, 11-15, 11-22 custom tools 05-17, 08-30 definition of toolset 08-30 forum topic 03-15, 05-17, 07-19, 09-20, 11-22 loading RAM based tools from ProDOS 8 06-28 RAM vs. ROM implementation 03-15 reference update 09-20 sample code - where to find 03-01, 06-14, 09-20 standard interface for Pascal 04-05 starting up 03-29 TML Pascal and 04-05 trouble shooting 10-04 wish list for improvements 05-17 Toolset - defined 08-30 Type command - implementing under ProDOS 06-28 U Utilities Applesoft BASIC 03-22 APW and 07-26 forum topic 03-22, 05-24, 07-26 W Westerfield, Mike 05-31 Windows creating circular 05-17 hiding of 08-30 Window Manager 05-17 Z ZBASIC 05-10, 08-30 Zedcor 05-10, 08-30 Zilog 8530 chip 06-21