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Title: Practical Anarchist Organising
Author: Workers Solidarity Movement
Date: 2009
Language: en
Topics: anarchist organization, Workers Solidarity Movement, Red & Black Revolution
Source: Retrieved on 15th November 2021 from http://www.wsm.ie/c/practical-anarchist-organising-wsm-case-study
Notes: Published in Red & Black Revolution No. 15 — Spring 2009.

Workers Solidarity Movement

Practical Anarchist Organising

Over the last few years, the Workers Solidarity Movement, the anarchist

organisation that publishes this magazine, has grown considerably. We

went from being an organisation with only a dozen members or so, to an

organisation six times that size. As part of that growth we have had to

reassess our internal workings and devise a range of new processes and

structures for communicating, coordinating and democratic decision

making. This article describes this process of change. It is hoped that

it may serve as a useful case-study for other groups facing similar

problems and as a small demonstration of the how anarchist

organisational principles can be applied in practice.

Up until about 2002, the WSM never really consisted of more than a

single branch in Dublin of about a dozen people and a couple of members

in Cork, with a few sympathisers scattered around the country. As an

anarchist organisation, even when we were only a handful, we were

careful to ensure that we had structures and processes in place which

would allow our members to have a full democratic input into our

policies and activities. Our constitution specifies that our twice

yearly conference, open to all members, was our supreme decision making

forum. These conferences provide an opportunity for any member to

propose a change to any of our policies. Being an organisation which

strives to put our money where our mouth is, our actions are guided by

our policies. Thus, our conferences serve as democratic decision making

forums which enable our members to direct the organisation’s activity.

Even when we numbered less than a dozen, our conferences were highly

formal affairs. In order to create new policies, or change existing

ones, members had to submit motions in writing, weeks in advance. These

motions, often accompanied by articles arguing their merits, were

collated into an internal bulletin which was circulated to all members

by post. Members then had a chance to submit written amendments to

motions. The conference itself was devoted to debate and voting on

motions. Tremendous care was taken to make sure that all points of view

were heard, and the strictest democratic principles were followed,

including providing private balloting and proxy voting.

When we numbered a dozen, the elaborate care that we devoted to internal

democracy made our conferences occasionally tortuous. Even when less

than ten members attended they could take two entire days, with

attendees increasingly irritable as time passed and procedural debates

came to the fore. Yet, despite the procedural frustrations, the

conferences proved productive. The WSM developed a set of detailed

policy documents, continually debated and amended over the years, which

distilled the organisation’s wisdom and experience into guides for

future action.

The coherence that these policies gave the organisation proved

invaluable when the anti-globalisation and anti-war movements emerged,

bringing with it a relatively large number of people who were

sympathetic or at least open to anarchist ideas. Through a lot of hard

work within broad and relatively informal anti-authoritarian groups such

as Reclaim The Streets and the Grassroots Networks, we gained respect

among activists, a higher profile for the organisation, and a wealth of

practical experience of the problems associated with organising among

larger groups with dispersed membership. Eventually, many of the

anarchist activists who had worked alongside us inthese groups came to

join the organisation. Many of those who worked within looser, less

formal groups and campaigns, repeatedly ran into organisational problems

concerning communications and decision making. The experience of working

alongside the WSM gave them an appreciation of how useful formal

structures and a capacity for coherent action can be – and that viable

anarchist models can be built.

Thus, in the last five or six years, our organisation has experienced a

steady influx of new members. Although our current membership of roughly

70 is hardly going to send the ruling class scuttling to their bunkers

in fear of revolution, over the last few years our rate of growth has

been such that we have doubled in size every two years or so. This

steady growth has required us to continually re- examine our processes

for communication and decision making across the organisation.

Happily, the formal processes which underpin our conferences have coped

admirably with our expansion. What used to seem somewhat constricting

and excessively formal, now seems to be an eminently sensible and

valuable system which allows all of our members to have a genuine

opportunity to change the organisation’s policy. Indeed, as we have

grown, our conferences have actually become more efficient and inclusive

decision making bodies. For example, at our conference in November 2007,

some 30 motions, proposing some 80 amendments to our policy documents

were proposed, debated and mostly passed, including the replacement of

our entire position paper on the environment. Most of these changes were

put forward by members who had been in the organisation for less than 2

years. To a considerable extent our conferences work better know than at

any time in the past – the formal structures that we put in place have

come into their own now that they are obviously needed. We have not had

to change our conference structures at all in order to cope with larger

numbers, simply formalise some of our standing orders. The success of

our conference structures is largely due to the fact that they were

originally borrowed from the democratic structures developed by anarcho-

syndicalist trade unions, which are retained by modern trade-unions,

albeit as a poor shadow of their former selves.

Our conferences, as they stand, provide an excellent example of direct

democracy in practice and they help to show new members exactly what our

politics mean in practice. However, if we continue our recent rate of

growth, within the next few years we will face new challenges as it

becomes more difficult to fit everybody into a room together and the

time available for debate and voting diminishes. Happily, however, we

should be well prepared for this eventuality. By the start of the

twentieth century, anarcho-syndicalist trade unions had already

developed conference structures based on tightly-mandated delegates,

which allowed vast numbers of members to have a direct say in policy

changes. We therefore have a wealth of models available to us which

should enable us to continue making directly democratic decisions at our

conferences for the foreseeable future. However, delegate-based

conferences are much less useful forums for debate – if the delegates

are already mandated to vote in a certain way, they can’t be persuaded

by argument, it is only if they have an open mandate that there is any

point in hearing arguments. We already use the Internet to circulate

debate pieces and arguments for and against proposed amendments in

advance of conferences, and as our conferences become more delegate

based, these debates and arguments will need to take on a greater role,

and may need to be given more formal structures.

While our conferences have proved well suited to coping with a larger

organisation, the rest of our structures were much less well prepared.

Conferences basically define the organisation’s core policies. There is,

however, never a formulaic way to translate general policies into

concrete actions. That is to say, that no matter how thoroughly our

policies describe our political positions, we constantly face decisions,

sometimes requiring subtle judgement calls, as to how we apply them in

practice. As a group of political activists, we face important tactical

decisions all the time – which campaigns to join, which political groups

to cooperate with, which demonstrations to go to, what leaflets to print

and so on. We also face a whole host of day to day operational decisions

– who will lay out our publications, write articles and leaflets, attend

meetings, carry our banner on marches and so on. As we grew, we

discovered that our structures were poorly suited to these types of


Once a group grows beyond a couple of dozen members, particularly when

those members live in different regions, towns and neighbourhoods, it

needs to change in character. In small groups with relatively steady

membership over years, everybody can know everybody else reasonably well

and much day to day decision making and the sharing out of

responsibilities can rely upon informal communication channels. When you

have over 50 members, this becomes impossible and informal arrangements

become barriers to new members integrating into the organisation and can

lead to the emergence of an informal leadership based upon knowledge of

the various informal mechanisms that keep the organisation ticking over.

Therefore, as we grew, we had to develop new, formal structures to

coordinate our day to day decision making and communication and to

ensure that the organisation worked in a transparent way where everybody

had an equal chance to have an input into tactical and operational


The problem was not that we had not thought about such problems in

advance – just that the measures for coordinating day to day activity

that we had defined in our constitution weren’t capable of addressing

all of our requirements. The constitution defined a National Committee,

which had to meet at least once between each conference. However, due to

our small size, the national committee was open to all members and due

to the fact that we only had a single branch, it effectively amounted to

our Dublin branch with an extra member from Cork in attendance. In these

circumstances there was little need for the national committee to meet

since it was much easier for the Dublin group to make most of the

tactical decisions, occasionally telephoning our comrades in Cork for

their opinions when needed. The constitution also defined Commissions,

bodies designed to coordinate the organisation’s work in particular

areas. However, once again, these commissions never really got off the

ground. We had a single branch which met regularly and commissions would

simply have amounted to a subset of these people having an extra meeting

– extra work without any real advantage.

Thus, when we started to experience sustained growth in the period since

2003, our structures for day to day coordination were rather theoretical

and untested in nature. One of the first real practical problems that we

encountered was how to divide up the organisation. This became pressing

in late 2004, when our Dublin branch became too large to fit in our

office’s meeting room. In addition to the cramped nature of meetings,

with up to 20 people attending, we found debates and discussions

becoming increasingly lengthy, cranky and frustrating – there were too

many people present to give everybody a chance to express their opinions

and anarchists are, if anything, full of opinions!

Therefore, we had to find a way to split our Dublin branch up. We had no

formal mechanism for doing so, so we simply gathered all of our Dublin

members together in a general meeting and, based on the arguments and

proposals that were raised, we eventually divided ourselves up into

groups based on two factors:

It was generally envisaged that continued and sustained growth would

require our branches to be increasingly tied to local community

activism. Thus, the location of each member’s residence was considered

to be important in allocating them to branches. However, the problem is

that in modern cities, with their wide socio-economic spread, community

identities tend towards the hyper- local. In practice, the various local

issues that interest people can vary widely from estate to estate and

neighbourhood to neighbourhood. Therefore, in order to have a real

impact on a community, an activist group needs to have a lot of members

living in the same neighbourhood. Furthermore, community activism is, by

its nature, slow-burning, requiring steady work over years to have a

real impact. As many of our members are relatively young and transient,

moving around the city frequently and living in rented accommodation,

they were not in a position to really implement a community- based


A year after our Dublin branch’s initial sub- division, we yet again

found that our branches had grown too big. Again, we got together and

re-divided ourselves, this time into three branches based on where each

person lived and when they could make meetings. Once, again, despite our

efforts, this did not work as well as we would have hoped and this is

still a live issue in the organisation. Of our 3 Dublin branches, only

one is mostly formed of people who are long term residents in the same


By early 2005, we had 3 branches, 2 in Dublin, while our Cork membership

had also grown to the point where it formed a stable branch. A year

later this had grown to four, with the creation of a third Dublin

branch. In 2008, a new Belfast branch was launched . As the number of

branches grew, the problem of day to day coordination between them

increased. As an organisation which prioritises theoretical and tactical

unity, we had to come up with structures which allowed us to take

decisions which would guide the whole organisation, even in cases where

there were significant disagreements about the best course of action.

The way that most organisations deal with this problem, even those that

are based around a democratic, policy-setting national conference, is to

appoint an executive committee, responsible for implementing the

organisation’s policy. Such arrangements, however, invariably degenerate

over time. Even when everybody acts with the best of intentions, the

fact that democratic decisions take longer than the decisions of an

executive officer means that the officers tend to become more powerful

over time. Alongside this tendency, the relatively privileged position

that executive officers occupy, allows them great influence over the

formation of policy. Before too long the conference has become a talking

shop with policy being effectively controlled by a small leadership. One

only needs to look at the conferences of the labour party, or many of

the trade unions to see stark examples of this process in action.

Furthermore, by limiting day to day decision making power to a tiny

number of people, the organisation vastly under-utilises its collective

intelligence. For all these reasons and more, an executive was not the

solution that we wanted.

We instead established a Delegate Council which would be responsible for

coordination and decision making across the organisation. This body was

established at our conference in Autumn 2006. Its structure has been

refined twice in the period since then, after some inadequacies in its

initial specification became clear. It meets once a month, with a

different branch hosting each meeting – meaning that its location is

rotated. Any member or branch can submit a motion to the council –

asking the organisation to commit itself to a certain course of action.

All the motions are circulated through our website and branches,

sufficiently in advance so that each branch has a chance to discuss them

at a meeting. Each branch then selects a number of delegates – one for

every five members and these delegates attend the council.

Initially, our Delegate Council meetings were not particularly

successful. Each motion would have been discussed and voted upon at

eachbranch and the delegates would merely report how many votes each

motion had received, for and against, from their branch. Although it

allowed us to make decisions, the motions had already been voted upon

and the delegates had no mandates to do anything but report those

decisions. The meetings were really limited to a bit of informal

discussion and the tallying of votes – something that could have been

done by email or over the phone. The real benefit of face-to-face

meetings is that they make it much easier for groups to make

compromises. Written motions are often formulated in such a way that

they do not include the proposer’s arguments and these may be then

misunderstood by others who only see the wording of the formal motion.

This can, for example, lead to situations where a motion is voted down,

yet no solution to the problem that it was addressing is put in its


A face-to-face meeting gives each delegate the chance to explain the

thinking behind their motions and any concerns their branches may have

about other motions and to try to see if compromises can be reached

which accommodate everybody’s desires. Thus, as these problems became

apparent, although motions were still voted on in advance, delegates

were often provided with mandates to seek compromises or amendments to

motions. Since each delegate is only representing five members and has

to report back to their branch, there is very limited space for these

looser mandates to result in abuses. At our Autumn conference in 2008,

we formalised this in a vote at our national conference.

Although the Delegate Council has proved to be reasonably effective in

coming up with tactical decisions, since it meets only once a month,

there are occasionally situation where we have to make decisions to a

tighter deadline. To enable this our constitution allows any branch, or

group of members, to call an emergency Delegate Council meeting. This

has been used on a couple of occasions when we faced important decisions

and time was felt to be of the essence.

However, there are also frequently operational questions which need to

be made at short notice – should we send a speaker to aparticular

meeting, should we bring a banner to a demonstration called at short

notice? In such cases, it is not realistic to convene a national meeting

to make the decision. Therefore, at our most recent conference in

November 2007, we instituted an Interim Decisions Committee, a body made

up of 3 members, including the national secretary, which has the

authority to make operational decisions at short notice. Its power is

subordinate to Delegate Council, which is itself subordinate to national


In it’s first year and a bit of operation, the IDC has been called on to

make only a handful of decisions. Initially these were confined to

routine matters — endorsing a demonstration that was in line with

organisational policy and precedent, and turning down a request that was

deemed outside of its mandate. However, in recent months, the IDC has

been called on to make decisions on a couple of occasions over matters

of some controversy. These decisions were disagreed with by some, but

they were implemented without any problems. Nevertheless, the debates

surrounding these decisions have revealed that there remains some unease

throughout the organisation about this committee, both within the

committee itself and across the rest of the organisation. The IDC

remains very much a work in progress and it remains possible that it

will be replaced with another mechanism which allows broader input.

In summary, over the last few years the WSM has put in place a range of

structures in order to allow the organisation to take common decisions.

These structures are intended to maximise democracy, while still

allowing snap decisions to be made in emergencies. The WSM’s steady

growth over the last few years prompted these changes, and the shape of

these structures is in constant evolution as new problems are

encountered and overcome. Although the WSM remains a very small

organisation, this example does show the viability of anarchist direct

democratic decision making principles when applied to organisations that

are geographically dispersed and have enough members so that not

everybody knows everybody else.