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Further Reading

Abulafia, David, 2019, The Boundless Sea: A Human History of the Oceans, New York: Penguin.

Adorno, Theodor, 2010, Minima Moralia, London and New York: Verso.

Albrecht, Glenn, 2005, ‘Solastalgia: A New Concept in Human Health and Identity’, PAN (Philosophy, Activism, Nature), 3, 41–55.

Angus, Ian, 2016, Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth, New York: Monthly Review Press.

Arboledo, Martin, 2020, Planetary Mine: Territories of Extraction under Late Capitalism, London and New York: Verso.

Barak, On, 2020, Powering Empire: How Coal Made the Middle East and Sparked Global Carbonization, Berkeley: University of California Press.

Barca, Stefania, 2012, ‘On Working-Class Environmentalism: A Historical and Transnational Overview’, Interface: A Journal for and about Social Movements, 4:2, 61–80.

______, 2014, ‘Work, Bodies, Militancy: The “Class Ecology” Debate in 1970s Italy’, in Boudia, Soraya and Jas, Nathalie, eds., Powerless Science?: Science and Politics in a Toxic World, New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books.

______, 2014, ‘Laboring the Earth: Transnational Reflections on the Environmental History of Work’, Environmental History, 19:1, 3–27.

______, 2019, ‘Labour and the Ecological Crisis: The Eco-Modernist Dilemma in Western Marxism(s) (1970s-2000s)’, Geoforum, 98, 226–35.

Barca, Stefania and Leonardi, Emanuele, 2018, ‘Working-Class Ecology and Union Politics: A Conceptual Topology’, Globalizations, 15:4, 487–503.

Barbusse, Henri, 2004, Under Fire (Le Feu), New York: Penguin Books. Bellamy, Brent Ryan and Diamante, Jeff, 2018, Materialism and the Critique of Energy, New York: MCM Publishing.

Bellamy Foster, John, 2000, Marx’s Ecology: Materialism and Nature, New York: Monthly Review Press.

______, 2002, Ecology Against Capitalism, New York: Monthly Review Press.

______, 2011, The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth, New York: Monthly Review Press.

______, 2020, The Return of Nature: Socialism and Ecology, New York: Monthly Review Press.

Bellamy Foster, John and Burkett, Paul, 2017, Marx and the Earth An Anti-Critique, Chicago: Haymarket Books.

Benjamin, Walter, 1996, ‘Capitalism as Religion’, in Selected Writings Volume 1, 1913–1926, Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.

Bennett, Jane, 2010, Vibrant Matter: The Political Ecology of Things, Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press.

Berry, Thomas, 1999, The Great Work: Our Way Into The Future, New York: Bell.

Biehl, Janet and Studenmaier, Peter, 1995, Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, Chico, CA: AK Press.

Böhm, Steffen, 2013, ‘Why Are Carbon Markets Failing?’, Guardian, 12 April 2013.

Böhm, Steffen and Misoczky, Maria Ceci, 2015, ‘Environment, Extractivism and the Delusions of Nature as Capital’, in Mir, Raza, Willmott, Hugh and Greenwood, Michelle, eds., The Routledge Companion to Philosophy in Organization Studies, Abingdon and New York: Routledge.

Bonneuil, Christophe and Fressoz, Jean-Baptiste, 2016, The Shock of the Anthropocene, London and New York: Verso.

Boyer, Dominic, 2019, Energopolitics: Wind and Power in the Anthropocene, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Brooks, Rodney, 1999, Cambrian Intelligence: The Early History of the New AI, Boston: MIT Press.

Broswimmer, Franz, 2002, Ecocide: A Short History of the Mass Extinction of Species, London: Pluto Press.

Brunner, Keith, 2018, ‘Against Climate Geoengineering – A response to Jacobin’, Institute for Social Ecology, March 2018.

Buck, Holly, 2019, After Geoengineering: Climate Tragedy, Repair and Restoration, London and New York: Verso.

Caffentzis, George, 1980, ‘The Work/Energy Crisis and the Apocalypse’, available at libcom.org.

Campbell, Nancy, 2018, The Library of Ice: Readings from a Cold Climate, London and New York: Scribner.

Carson, Rachel, 2020, Silent Spring, New York: Penguin.

Chakrabarty, Dipesh, 2017, ‘The Politics of Climate Change is more than the politics of Capitalism’, Theory, Culture and Society, 34, 2–3.

Chattopadhyay, Kunal, 2014, ‘The Rise and Fall of Environmentalism in the Early Soviet Union’, Climate and Capitalism, 11 March 2014, available at climateandcapitalism.com.

Connolly, William E., 2019, Climate Machines, Fascist Drives and Truth, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Creed, Barbara, 1993, The Monstrous-Feminine: Film, Feminism, Psychoanalysis, Abingdon: Routledge.

Crosby, Alfred, 2004, Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900–1900, Cambridge University Press.

Cunsolo, Ashlee and Ellis, Neville, 2018, ‘Hope and Mourning in the Anthropocene: Understanding Ecological Grief’, The Conversation, 4 April 2018.

Daggett, Cara New, 2019, The Birth of Energy: Fossil Fuels, Thermodynamics and the Politics of Work, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

Dale, Gareth, Mathai, Manu V., and Puppim de Oliveira, Jose, eds., 2016, Green Growth: Ideology, Political Economy and the Alternatives, London: Zed Books.

______, 2018, ‘The Rise and Flaws of Green Growth’, APN Science Bulletin, 8:1, 59–64.

Demuth, Bathsheba, 2019, Floating Coast: An Environmental History of the Bering Strait, New York: W W Norton and Co.

Emmerson, Charles, 2010, The Future History of the Arctic, London: Bodley Head.

Engels, Friedrich, 1841, ‘Ernst Moritz Arndt’, Telegraph fĂŒr Deutschland No. 2, January 1841, available at marxists.org.

Fields, Barbara and Fields, Karen, 2012, Racecraft, London and New York: Verso.

Fish, Kenneth, 2013, Living Factories: Biotechnology and the Unique Nature of Capitalism, Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Forchtner, Bernhard, ed., 2019, The Far Right and the Environment: Politics, Discourse and Communication, Abingdon, Routledge.

Geraghty, Jim, 2011, ‘Climate Change Offers Us an Opportunity’, Philadelphia Inquirer, 28 August 2011.

Goldstein, Jesse, 2018, Planetary Improvement: Cleantech Entrepreneurship and the Contradictions of Green Capitalism, Boston: MIT Press.

Goodenough, Ursula, 1998, The Sacred Depths of Nature, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.

Gorke, Martin, 2013, The Death of Our Planet’s Species: A Challenge To Ecology And Ethics, Washington, DC: Island Press.

Gould, Stephen Jay, 2010, The Flamingo’s Smile: Reflections in Natural History, New York: W W Norton and Co.

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Grove, Jairus Victor, 2019, Savage Ecology: War and Geopolitics at the End of the World, Durham, NC: Duke University Press.

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Hughes, Jonathan, 2010, Ecology and Historical Materialism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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