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Title: The Labor Party Illusion
Author: Sam Weiner
Language: en
Topics: party, United States
Source: Retrieved on 1999-05-01 from https://web.archive.org/web/19990501195343/http://www.tigerden.com:80/~berios/labor-illusion.html
Notes: Originally written in the United States some 25 years ago, this essay was as relevent then as it is today. At the time, Sam Dolgoff went by the pseudonym “Sam Weiner” in his writings.

Sam Weiner

The Labor Party Illusion

The cry for a Labor Party in the United States is again being heard from

various sides. Some of the Socialist Party people are agitating for it.

The Trotskyists are currently in favor of it, and Meany, President of

the AFL-CIO, climbs on and off of the bandwagon as the spirit moves him

or as policy considerations of the moment appear to dictate.

Agitation for a Labor Party is almost as old as the labor movement

itself. Numerous beginnings in this direction have at times been made.

In 1829, the “Workingmens Party” in New York received 6,000 out of

21,000 votes, a higher proportion than any other independent movement

has since achieved.

At times the sentiment for a Labor Party has been confined to small

radical and liberal groups on the fringes of the broader labor movement.

At other times powerful coalitions with a mass following, including

unions and farmers’ organizations, have organized large mass movements

such as the Populists of the last century and the two “Progressive

Parties” of Robert La Follette and Henry Wallace.

At the 1936 Convention of the AFL, 104 delegates, representing a

powerful bloc of unions large and small, came close to committing the

Federation to working for the establishment of a Labor Party. Such a

policy would have been a reversal of the traditional position that

called for “rewarding our friends and punishing our enemies” among the

capitalist politicians of the Republican and Democratic Parties. Other

examples of Labor Party attempts have been the American Labor Party in

New York State and the Farmer Labor Party in Minnesota and adjoining

states. In addition to those who have wanted a distinct political party

of Labor, based on the unions, independent of and in opposition to the

old-line parties, there have been organizations such as the Socialist

Party, that oscillated between running their own candidates and

supporting capitalist “friends of labor.” Despite their differences, all

of the radical tendencies supporting parliamentary action by the workers

base their attitudes on the belief that such action can in some way

alleviate or cure social evils.

Those who favor independent electoral action by Labor reason that-. “The

United States is a democracy where the majority rules. We, the workers,

farmers and small businessmen, are the majority of the people. We have

voted for the Republicans and the Democrats and they have betrayed us.

We must establish a political party controlled by ourselves and run our

own candidates. They will surely be elected since we are a majority.

Then the government controlled by us will legislate in our favor.”

At first sight this appears reasonable. What could be simpler? However,

a closer examination reveals that this argument is based on fundamental

political and economic misconceptions. The idea of a Labor Party is

based on the widespread myth that in a democracy the majority rules.

This is a myth that must be exposed.

Leon Blum, the eminent French politician, whose vast and unsavory

experience qualifies him as an expert on the subject, remarked that,

”The parliamentary regime is a regime of parties.” Jean Jacques

Rousseau, the philosopher of democratic government, would not endorse

“representative government” as it is practiced today. He wrote: “The

deputies of the people should not and cannot be the people’s

representatives, they can only be its servants.... The moment that

people give power to their representatives, they abdicate their

liberty.” (The Social Contract)

The fundamental principle of every political party, regardless of the

form of government, is the same. V.0. Key, professor of government at

Yale University, in his penetrating and scholarly book, Politics,

Parties and Pressure Groups has this to say:

“It is sometimes said that the method by which a party seeks to gain

control (of the government) is the unique characteristic of the party as

a group. The American party uses the peaceful method of campaigning and

appeal for popular support to gain power, which is said to differentiate

it from the factions ... which struggle for power by the use of military

force. The theory ... is advanced that the modern party and the

democratic electoral process are but a sublimation, perhaps temporary,

of the tendency to resort to force to gain control of the government....

This theory gives a clue to the nature of the party struggle .... The

term Party is applied equally to the peaceful parties of America and to

the Communist Party of Russia, the Nazi Party of Germany, and the

Fascist Party of Italy. The methodology of these parties varies, but

their fundamental objective-to place and keep their leaders in control

of the government—is the same.”

A capitalist democracy is a competitive society where predatory pressure

groups struggle for wealth and prestige and jockey for power. Because

such a society lacks inner cohesion, it cannot discipline itself. It

needs an organism which will appease the pressure groups by satisfying

some of their demands and prevent the conflicts among them from

upsetting the stability of the system. The Government plays this role

and in the process enacts more and more laws. The bureaucratic governing

group thus becomes a class in itself with interests of its own, and

becomes more firmly entrenched as it extends its influence.

The end result of this process will be reached when the State assumes

ownership and/or control over the whole of society, establishing State

Capitalism-or, if you prefer, State “Socialism.” The United States is

fast evolving in this direction.

At this stage in its drift towards totalitarianism, the governing group

cannot rule alone. It needs the financial and moral support, at any

given time, of most of the influential power groups: the financiers, the

labor movement, the farmers, the press, the churches, as well as the

military and civilian bureaucracies. Despite their differences, all

these institutions and groups are inter-dependent and no one of them can

stand without leaning on the others. Parliamentary democracy is, at this

stage, the political system which safeguards the unjust economic and

social order.

The actual rulers in a parliamentary democracy are the class of

professional politicians. In theory, they are supposed to represent the

people, but in fact they rule over them. They do not represent. They

decide. This is why Pierre Joseph Proudhon, the anarchist thinker, said,

“Parliament is a King with 600 heads.” The political parties, or more

accurately, the inner clique that controls them, select the candidates

for whom the people vote. The candidates express the will of the party

and not that of the people. The platforms of the contending parties are

adjusted to trick the voters into balloting for their candidates. Then

the immense machinery of mass hypnotism goes into high gear. The press,

the radio, television and the pulpit brainwash the public. The stupefied

voter casts his ballot for candidates that he never nominated and never

knew, whose names he forgets, and whose platforms he has perhaps never

read. The electoral swindle is over. The voters go back to work (or to

look for work) and the politicians are free to decide the destiny of the

millions as they see fit.

Political machines seek to perpetuate themselves by all sorts of tricks.

They sidetrack, channelize and emasculate the popular will. New

politicians try to displace old ones by changing the electoral laws,

while entrenched politicians defend outworn electoral systems when they

feel that the new laws might weaken their positions and perhaps even

abolish their sinecures.

For example, the politicians in the big cities are incensed at the

politicians from the rural areas who control many state governments,

because the state legislature dictates to the cities and deprives them

of revenue. Representation in many state legislatures is not relative to

actual population but according to districts and counties. These

arrangements were made when America’s population was predominantly

rural. Since then the growing population has concentrated in the cities,

yet the system of representation remains the same.

The Painter and Decorator of June, 1960, in an article entitled “All

Votes Aren’t Equal,” gives many examples, such as:

“...fewer than 300 inhabitants of Union, Connecticut, have the same

number of representatives in the states lower house as the city of

Hartford, with a population of over 177,000-giving each Union voter the

strength of 685 Hartford voters. Business groups generally defend

unequal representation. They have learned that the conservative

philosophy of small town lawyers and business men is often closely in

line with their own views. Also, rural legislators may almost always be

counted upon to oppose the objectives of organized labor.... Such

inequities are a major factor in American politics. In the South,

political machines have used the county unit system to become

self-perpetuating. In many northern states, huge city populations have

been denied their proportional voice and vote in enacting legislation

essential to their survival.”

Labor Parties are no more immune to the diseases inherent in the

parliamentary system than are other political parties. If new Labor

Party legislators are elected they will have to “play the game”

according to the established rules and customs. If they are honest, they

will soon become cynical and corrupted and will be swallowed up by the

machine. Most of them will find the new environment to their taste

because they have already learned how to connive and bamboozle the

public when they were operating as big wheels in their own union

organizations. The administrations of most labor unions are patterned

after the governmental forms of political parliamentary democracy. A

course in the school of labor fakery prepares the graduates for

participation in municipal, state and national government. When they

take political office, they will not represent the members of the

unions, but rather the political machine that controls the labor


For the sake of illustration, let us assume that a strong Labor Party in

the United States has succeeded in electing thousands of local, state

and national officeholders as has happened in England, France, Germany

and many other countries. The history of the parliamentary labor and

socialist party movements in Europe gives us a good idea of what would

happen to a similar movement in the U.S.

The record of the Labour Government which ruled Britain from 1945 to

1951 proves that it betrayed every socialist principle and violated

nearly all its pre-election pledges. These betrayals were reflected in

its domestic, foreign and colonial policies.

The direction of Labour Government policy was clearly formulated by a

high party official, Sir Hartley Shawcross, in February, 1946: “I take

the opportunity of making it quite clear that this Government like any

Government as an employer, would feel itself perfectly free to take

disciplinary action that any strike situation might develop demanded.”

The Labour Party had pledged itself not to use troops as

strike-breakers. Only six days after coming into power the Labour

Government ordered troops to break a strike of London dock-workers. This

was repeated three months later. The Government decreed wage freezes and

compulsory arbitration.

Pre-election pledges to the effect that the unions would have direct

representation in the management of state owned industries were

forgotten. The Party, once in power, reversed its traditional opposition

to military conscription in favor of permanent peacetime conscription.

In nationalizing the Bank of England, the coal mines, railways, canals

and other utilities, the Labour Government guaranteed the stockholders

the same income as before.

The principle behind these domestic policies guided Labour Party action

in foreign and colonial affairs as well. Before the dropping of the atom

bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 1945, President Truman had

obtained the agreement of the British Labour Government. The military

adventures in Greece, Egypt, Iran, Indonesia, Korea and elsewhere caused

an increase in the “defense” budget from 692 million pounds in 1948 to

1032 million pounds in 1951. One hundred and thirty six Spanish

anti-fascists were deported into the arms of Franco to certain

imprisonment, torture or death.

The Labour Party’s defeat in the last General Election was due primarily

to the justified disappointment of the workers with its actions when in

power. In 1945, Arthur Greenwood (Labour Government Privy Seal) said: “I

look around my colleagues and I see landlords, capitalists and lawyers.

We are a cross-section of the national life and this is something that

has never happened before.”

it is impossible for any political party of “Labor” to reach power

without concessions to the Right—to the middle class—at the expense of

basic principles. “Labor” (or “Socialist”) parties lose their identity

and eventually are found to differ only on minor points from the

“conservative” contenders for power. Labor Partyism is

class-collaboration in the political field and it is just as disastrous

for the workers as class-collaboration has been in the economic field.

There is every reason to believe that the same fate would befall an

American labor party if one were established. Advocates of a labor party

in the U.S. could profit by the lessons of the British Labour Party.

In the competition for votes, the original ideals and principles would

be forgotten. The thousands of new officeholders would become a

conservative force deeply rooted in the established order, and married

to their jobs. They would establish rapport with the business community,

with the large agricultural interests, with the clergy. They would

cultivate the support of the press and other mass-media interests upon

whose support they will come to depend. The Labor Party would then be

swamped by hordes of lawyers, bourgeois intellectuals, liberal

churchmen, ambitious office-seekers and other careerists, who would

infiltrate the organization. The honest workers and the radical elements

would be forced into the background. Of “labor,” only the name would

remain. The once proud Labor Party would become just another party in

the machinery of the State.

Matthew Wohl, deceased Vice-President of the AFL (himself a first-rate

conniver), in the debate with the labor party bloc at the 1936

Convention, let the cat out of the bag in an unguarded moment:

“I have watched these politicians in our movement. I followed their

methods and regardless of how they talk of their trade union loyalty, my

experience has been that when they enter the political arena they begin

by talking as politicians, and very soon thinking like politicians, to

the desertion of every trade union activity they pledged themselves to

become part of.”

The various factions inside the American labor movement were always

sharply divided on the question of parliamentary action in general and

the labor party issue in particular. There are factions that believe in

the class struggle and also in parliamentary action.

In our opinion, tactics must flow from principles. The tactic of

parliamentary action is not compatible with the principle of class

struggle. Class struggle on the economic field is not compatible with

class collaboration on the political field. This has been demonstrated

throughout the whole history of the labor movement in every land.

Parliamentary action serves only to reinforce the institutions that are

responsible for social injustice — the exploitative economic system and

the State.

The strength of the labor movement lies in its economic power. Labor

produces all the wealth and — provides all the services. Only the

workers can fundamentally change the social system. To do this, they do

not need a labor party, since by their economic power they are in a

position to achieve the social revolution that is indispensable-for

human progress. As long as the means of production are in the hands of

the few and the many are robbed of the fruits of their labor, any

participation in the political skullduggery which has as it sole purpose

the maintenance of this system, amounts to tacit and direct support of

the system itself. By electoral participation in any form, radicals

become accomplices in the fraud.

The North American labor movement today is reactionary. Almost all of

the unions are tyrannically controlled by unprincipled bureaucrats and

not a few by racketeers, whose ethics are those of the predatory social

system in which they operate. They practice class collaboration, and

uphold the doctrine that the interests of the employer and his victim,

are identical. This is a secret from no one. In the August, 1958 issue

of Harpers Magazine, Dick Bruner, expolitical staff executive of the

CIO, wrote:

It (the labor movement) lacks its own ideas. On many of the most

fundamental political and social issues, it is hard to distinguish

Labor’s position from that of the National Association of Manufacturers.

It has adopted the ‘mass market’ concept of the big corporations and its

leaders treat the rank and file with contempt!”

Any serious Labor Party that is formed will be under the domination of

this corrupt, collaborationist union bureaucracy. The same leaders who

have repeatedly sold out the workers at the bargaining table will repeat

their betrayals in the legislative bodies. Labor Partyism means class

collaboration on the political field. The same disastrous results are

inevitable since It involves making concessions to classes whose

interests are diametrically opposed to the basic interests of the

working class.

Selig Perlmann, the well-known labor historian, in A Theory of the Labor

Movement, says:

“Under no circumstances can labor here afford to arouse the fears of the

great middle class for the safety of private property as a basic

institution. Labor needs the support of public opinion, meaning the

middle class, both rural and urban......

The middle class, as the name implies, allies itself not only with the

labor legislators, but also with the military faction, the financial

interests and other anti-labor pressure groups, when it feels that it

has something to gain thereby. The Labor Party will then be forced to

support their middle class allies for fear of retaliation when they need

its support for some of their own measures. This being the case, it is

bound to lose whatever identity it did have, and become as corrupt as

any of the old parties.

Those who are today beating the drum loudest for the ‘Labor Party are

radicals of various Marxist or pseudo-Marxist groups. These same people

will tell you that they believe in the class struggle and economic

action by the workers. Some will explain that parliamentary action is

only a gimmick to gain a public forum, or free time on television every

four years. Others claim that parliamentary action is necessary to

supplement and make economic action more effective.

Nothing could be more dangerous to the workers’ cause. Electioneering

diverts the attention of the working class from militant struggles into

essentially counter-revolutionary channels. It vitiates their confidence

in the class struggle and in their own independent economic power.

In the supplement to Elzbacher’s Anarchism, Rudolf Rocker deals with

this problem in the following terms:

“All the political rights and liberties which people enjoy today, they

do not owe to the good will of their governments, but to their own

strength.... Great mass movements and whole revolutions have been

necessary to wrest them from the ruling classes, who would never have

consented to them voluntarily. What is important is not that the

governments have decided to concede certain rights to the people,but why

they had to do this.

“If Anarcho-Syndicalism nevertheless rejects the participation in

national parliaments, it is not because they have no sympathy with the

political struggles in general, but because its adherents are of the

opinion that this form of activity is the very weakest and most helpless

form of the political struggle for the workers....

“It is a fact that when socialist labor parties have wanted to achieve

some decisive political reforms they could not do it by parliamentary

action, but were obliged to rely wholly on the economic fighting power

of the workers. The political general strikes in Belgium and Sweden for

the attainment of universal suffrage are proof of this. And in Russia,

it was the general strike in 1905 that forced the Tsar to sign the new

constitution. It was the recognition of this which impelled the

Anarcho-Syndicalists to center their activity on the socialist education

of the masses and the utilization of their economic and social power.

Their method is that of direct action in both the economic and political

struggle of the time. By direct action they mean every method of the

immediate struggle by the workers against economic and political

oppression. Among these the outstanding are the strike in all its

gradations, from the simple wage struggle to the general strike,

organized boycott and all the other countless means which workers as

producers have in their hands.” (Pages 257–259)

In this connection, the reader has but to recall the direct action

movements of workers and students in our own Southern states, as well as

in South Africa, Korea, Turkey, Japan, Venezuela, Hungary, Poland and

East Germany. The American labor movement turned to parliamentary action

not because economic action is ineffective but because it surrendered

its greatest weapon—the right to strike—to the employing class, the

State and the union dictators. The labor movement is in deep crisis

because the membership has been infected by the counter-revolutionary

virus of class collaboration of which parliamentarism is but one form.

Instead of chasing the Labor Party illusion, all who seek a progressive

revolutionary transformation of society should work to re-educate and

inspire the labor movement with revolutionary principles, from which

revolutionary strategy and tactics will logically flow.

Sam Weiner