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Abstract base classes related to import.
Typed version of the return of open() in binary mode.
close(self) -> None
fileno(self) -> int
flush(self) -> None
isatty(self) -> bool
read(self, n: int = -1) -> ~AnyStr
readable(self) -> bool
readline(self, limit: int = -1) -> ~AnyStr
readlines(self, hint: int = -1) -> List[~AnyStr]
seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = 0) -> int
seekable(self) -> bool
tell(self) -> int
truncate(self, size: int = None) -> int
writable(self) -> bool
write(self, s: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> int
writelines(self, lines: List[~AnyStr]) -> None
closed = <property object at 0x7f75e3168540>
mode = <property object at 0x7f75e31684a0>
name = <property object at 0x7f75e31684f0>
Abstract base class for loaders that wish to support the execution of modules as scripts. This ABC represents one of the optional protocols specified in PEP 302.
create_module(self, spec) Return a module to initialize and into which to load. This method should raise ImportError if anything prevents it from creating a new module. It may return None to indicate that the spec should create the new module.
exec_module(self, module) Execute the module.
get_code(self, fullname) Method to return the code object for fullname. Should return None if not applicable (e.g. built-in module). Raise ImportError if the module cannot be found.
get_filename(self, fullname) Abstract method which should return the value that __file__ is to be set to. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
get_source(self, fullname) Abstract method which should return the source code for the module. The fullname is a str. Returns a str. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
is_package(self, fullname) Optional method which when implemented should return whether the module is a package. The fullname is a str. Returns a bool. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
load_module(self, fullname) This method is deprecated.
module_repr(self, module) Return a module's repr. Used by the module type when the method does not raise NotImplementedError. This method is deprecated.
source_to_code(data, path='<string>') Compile 'data' into a code object. The 'data' argument can be anything that compile() can handle. The'path' argument should be where the data was retrieved (when applicable).
Abstract base class partially implementing the ResourceLoader and ExecutionLoader ABCs.
create_module(self, spec) Return a module to initialize and into which to load. This method should raise ImportError if anything prevents it from creating a new module. It may return None to indicate that the spec should create the new module.
exec_module(self, module) Execute the module.
get_code(self, fullname) Method to return the code object for fullname. Should return None if not applicable (e.g. built-in module). Raise ImportError if the module cannot be found.
get_data(self, path) Return the data from path as raw bytes.
get_filename(self, name=None, *args, **kwargs) Return the path to the source file as found by the finder.
get_resource_reader(self, name=None, *args, **kwargs)
get_source(self, fullname) Abstract method which should return the source code for the module. The fullname is a str. Returns a str. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
is_package(self, fullname) Optional method which when implemented should return whether the module is a package. The fullname is a str. Returns a bool. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
load_module(self, name=None, *args, **kwargs) Load a module from a file. This method is deprecated. Use exec_module() instead.
module_repr(self, module) Return a module's repr. Used by the module type when the method does not raise NotImplementedError. This method is deprecated.
source_to_code(data, path='<string>') Compile 'data' into a code object. The 'data' argument can be anything that compile() can handle. The'path' argument should be where the data was retrieved (when applicable).
Legacy abstract base class for import finders. It may be subclassed for compatibility with legacy third party reimplementations of the import system. Otherwise, finder implementations should derive from the more specific MetaPathFinder or PathEntryFinder ABCs. Deprecated since Python 3.3
find_module(self, fullname, path=None) An abstract method that should find a module. The fullname is a str and the optional path is a str or None. Returns a Loader object or None.
Abstract base class for loaders which support inspection about the modules they can load. This ABC represents one of the optional protocols specified by PEP 302.
create_module(self, spec) Return a module to initialize and into which to load. This method should raise ImportError if anything prevents it from creating a new module. It may return None to indicate that the spec should create the new module.
exec_module(self, module) Execute the module.
get_code(self, fullname) Method which returns the code object for the module. The fullname is a str. Returns a types.CodeType if possible, else returns None if a code object does not make sense (e.g. built-in module). Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
get_source(self, fullname) Abstract method which should return the source code for the module. The fullname is a str. Returns a str. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
is_package(self, fullname) Optional method which when implemented should return whether the module is a package. The fullname is a str. Returns a bool. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
load_module(self, fullname) This method is deprecated.
module_repr(self, module) Return a module's repr. Used by the module type when the method does not raise NotImplementedError. This method is deprecated.
source_to_code(data, path='<string>') Compile 'data' into a code object. The 'data' argument can be anything that compile() can handle. The'path' argument should be where the data was retrieved (when applicable).
Abstract base class for import loaders.
create_module(self, spec) Return a module to initialize and into which to load. This method should raise ImportError if anything prevents it from creating a new module. It may return None to indicate that the spec should create the new module.
load_module(self, fullname) Return the loaded module. The module must be added to sys.modules and have import-related attributes set properly. The fullname is a str. ImportError is raised on failure. This method is deprecated in favor of loader.exec_module(). If exec_module() exists then it is used to provide a backwards-compatible functionality for this method.
module_repr(self, module) Return a module's repr. Used by the module type when the method does not raise NotImplementedError. This method is deprecated.
Abstract base class for import finders on sys.meta_path.
find_module(self, fullname, path) Return a loader for the module. If no module is found, return None. The fullname is a str and the path is a list of strings or None. This method is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of finder.find_spec(). If find_spec() exists then backwards-compatible functionality is provided for this method.
invalidate_caches(self) An optional method for clearing the finder's cache, if any. This method is used by importlib.invalidate_caches().
Abstract base class for path entry finders used by PathFinder.
find_loader(self, fullname) Return (loader, namespace portion) for the path entry. The fullname is a str. The namespace portion is a sequence of path entries contributing to part of a namespace package. The sequence may be empty. If loader is not None, the portion will be ignored. The portion will be discarded if another path entry finder locates the module as a normal module or package. This method is deprecated since Python 3.4 in favor of finder.find_spec(). If find_spec() is provided than backwards-compatible functionality is provided.
_find_module_shim(self, fullname) Try to find a loader for the specified module by delegating to self.find_loader(). This method is deprecated in favor of finder.find_spec().
invalidate_caches(self) An optional method for clearing the finder's cache, if any. This method is used by PathFinder.invalidate_caches().
Base class for protocol classes. Protocol classes are defined as:: class Proto(Protocol): def meth(self) -> int: ... Such classes are primarily used with static type checkers that recognize structural subtyping (static duck-typing), for example:: class C: def meth(self) -> int: return 0 def func(x: Proto) -> int: return x.meth() func(C()) # Passes static type check See PEP 544 for details. Protocol classes decorated with @typing.runtime_checkable act as simple-minded runtime protocols that check only the presence of given attributes, ignoring their type signatures. Protocol classes can be generic, they are defined as:: class GenProto(Protocol[T]): def meth(self) -> T: ...
Abstract base class for loaders which can return data from their back-end storage. This ABC represents one of the optional protocols specified by PEP 302.
create_module(self, spec) Return a module to initialize and into which to load. This method should raise ImportError if anything prevents it from creating a new module. It may return None to indicate that the spec should create the new module.
get_data(self, path) Abstract method which when implemented should return the bytes for the specified path. The path must be a str.
load_module(self, fullname) Return the loaded module. The module must be added to sys.modules and have import-related attributes set properly. The fullname is a str. ImportError is raised on failure. This method is deprecated in favor of loader.exec_module(). If exec_module() exists then it is used to provide a backwards-compatible functionality for this method.
module_repr(self, module) Return a module's repr. Used by the module type when the method does not raise NotImplementedError. This method is deprecated.
Abstract base class for loaders to provide resource reading support.
contents(self) -> Iterable[str] Return an iterable of entries in `package`.
is_resource(self, path: str) -> bool Return True if the named 'path' is a resource. Files are resources, directories are not.
open_resource(self, resource: str) -> <class 'BinaryIO'> Return an opened, file-like object for binary reading. The 'resource' argument is expected to represent only a file name. If the resource cannot be found, FileNotFoundError is raised.
resource_path(self, resource: str) -> str Return the file system path to the specified resource. The 'resource' argument is expected to represent only a file name. If the resource does not exist on the file system, raise FileNotFoundError.
Abstract base class for loading source code (and optionally any corresponding bytecode). To support loading from source code, the abstractmethods inherited from ResourceLoader and ExecutionLoader need to be implemented. To also support loading from bytecode, the optional methods specified directly by this ABC is required. Inherited abstractmethods not implemented in this ABC: * ResourceLoader.get_data * ExecutionLoader.get_filename
create_module(self, spec) Use default semantics for module creation.
exec_module(self, module) Execute the module.
get_code(self, fullname) Concrete implementation of InspectLoader.get_code. Reading of bytecode requires path_stats to be implemented. To write bytecode, set_data must also be implemented.
get_data(self, path) Abstract method which when implemented should return the bytes for the specified path. The path must be a str.
get_filename(self, fullname) Abstract method which should return the value that __file__ is to be set to. Raises ImportError if the module cannot be found.
get_source(self, fullname) Concrete implementation of InspectLoader.get_source.
is_package(self, fullname) Concrete implementation of InspectLoader.is_package by checking if the path returned by get_filename has a filename of '__init__.py'.
load_module(self, fullname) This method is deprecated.
module_repr(self, module) Return a module's repr. Used by the module type when the method does not raise NotImplementedError. This method is deprecated.
path_mtime(self, path) Return the (int) modification time for the path (str).
path_stats(self, path) Return a metadata dict for the source pointed to by the path (str). Possible keys: - 'mtime' (mandatory) is the numeric timestamp of last source code modification; - 'size' (optional) is the size in bytes of the source code.
set_data(self, path, data) Write the bytes to the path (if possible). Accepts a str path and data as bytes. Any needed intermediary directories are to be created. If for some reason the file cannot be written because of permissions, fail silently.
source_to_code(self, data, path, *, _optimize=-1) Return the code object compiled from source. The 'data' argument can be any object type that compile() supports.
str(object='') -> str str(bytes_or_buffer[, encoding[, errors]]) -> str Create a new string object from the given object. If encoding or errors is specified, then the object must expose a data buffer that will be decoded using the given encoding and error handler. Otherwise, returns the result of object.__str__() (if defined) or repr(object). encoding defaults to sys.getdefaultencoding(). errors defaults to 'strict'.
capitalize(self, /) Return a capitalized version of the string. More specifically, make the first character have upper case and the rest lower case.
casefold(self, /) Return a version of the string suitable for caseless comparisons.
center(self, width, fillchar=' ', /) Return a centered string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a space).
count(...) S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the number of non-overlapping occurrences of substring sub in string S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation.
encode(self, /, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict') Encode the string using the codec registered for encoding. encoding The encoding in which to encode the string. errors The error handling scheme to use for encoding errors. The default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise a UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are 'ignore', 'replace' and 'xmlcharrefreplace' as well as any other name registered with codecs.register_error that can handle UnicodeEncodeErrors.
endswith(...) S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool Return True if S ends with the specified suffix, False otherwise. With optional start, test S beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing S at that position. suffix can also be a tuple of strings to try.
expandtabs(self, /, tabsize=8) Return a copy where all tab characters are expanded using spaces. If tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8 characters is assumed.
find(...) S.find(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.
format(...) S.format(*args, **kwargs) -> str Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from args and kwargs. The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').
format_map(...) S.format_map(mapping) -> str Return a formatted version of S, using substitutions from mapping. The substitutions are identified by braces ('{' and '}').
index(...) S.index(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the lowest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Raises ValueError when the substring is not found.
isalnum(self, /) Return True if the string is an alpha-numeric string, False otherwise. A string is alpha-numeric if all characters in the string are alpha-numeric and there is at least one character in the string.
isalpha(self, /) Return True if the string is an alphabetic string, False otherwise. A string is alphabetic if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character in the string.
isascii(self, /) Return True if all characters in the string are ASCII, False otherwise. ASCII characters have code points in the range U+0000-U+007F. Empty string is ASCII too.
isdecimal(self, /) Return True if the string is a decimal string, False otherwise. A string is a decimal string if all characters in the string are decimal and there is at least one character in the string.
isdigit(self, /) Return True if the string is a digit string, False otherwise. A string is a digit string if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character in the string.
isidentifier(self, /) Return True if the string is a valid Python identifier, False otherwise. Call keyword.iskeyword(s) to test whether string s is a reserved identifier, such as "def" or "class".
islower(self, /) Return True if the string is a lowercase string, False otherwise. A string is lowercase if all cased characters in the string are lowercase and there is at least one cased character in the string.
isnumeric(self, /) Return True if the string is a numeric string, False otherwise. A string is numeric if all characters in the string are numeric and there is at least one character in the string.
isprintable(self, /) Return True if the string is printable, False otherwise. A string is printable if all of its characters are considered printable in repr() or if it is empty.
isspace(self, /) Return True if the string is a whitespace string, False otherwise. A string is whitespace if all characters in the string are whitespace and there is at least one character in the string.
istitle(self, /) Return True if the string is a title-cased string, False otherwise. In a title-cased string, upper- and title-case characters may only follow uncased characters and lowercase characters only cased ones.
isupper(self, /) Return True if the string is an uppercase string, False otherwise. A string is uppercase if all cased characters in the string are uppercase and there is at least one cased character in the string.
join(self, iterable, /) Concatenate any number of strings. The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string. The result is returned as a new string. Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -> 'ab.pq.rs'
ljust(self, width, fillchar=' ', /) Return a left-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a space).
lower(self, /) Return a copy of the string converted to lowercase.
lstrip(self, chars=None, /) Return a copy of the string with leading whitespace removed. If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
maketrans(...) Return a translation table usable for str.translate(). If there is only one argument, it must be a dictionary mapping Unicode ordinals (integers) or characters to Unicode ordinals, strings or None. Character keys will be then converted to ordinals. If there are two arguments, they must be strings of equal length, and in the resulting dictionary, each character in x will be mapped to the character at the same position in y. If there is a third argument, it must be a string, whose characters will be mapped to None in the result.
partition(self, sep, /) Partition the string into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator in the string. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing the original string and two empty strings.
removeprefix(self, prefix, /) Return a str with the given prefix string removed if present. If the string starts with the prefix string, return string[len(prefix):]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original string.
removesuffix(self, suffix, /) Return a str with the given suffix string removed if present. If the string ends with the suffix string and that suffix is not empty, return string[:-len(suffix)]. Otherwise, return a copy of the original string.
replace(self, old, new, count=-1, /) Return a copy with all occurrences of substring old replaced by new. count Maximum number of occurrences to replace. -1 (the default value) means replace all occurrences. If the optional argument count is given, only the first count occurrences are replaced.
rfind(...) S.rfind(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Return -1 on failure.
rindex(...) S.rindex(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int Return the highest index in S where substring sub is found, such that sub is contained within S[start:end]. Optional arguments start and end are interpreted as in slice notation. Raises ValueError when the substring is not found.
rjust(self, width, fillchar=' ', /) Return a right-justified string of length width. Padding is done using the specified fill character (default is a space).
rpartition(self, sep, /) Partition the string into three parts using the given separator. This will search for the separator in the string, starting at the end. If the separator is found, returns a 3-tuple containing the part before the separator, the separator itself, and the part after it. If the separator is not found, returns a 3-tuple containing two empty strings and the original string.
rsplit(self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) Return a list of the substrings in the string, using sep as the separator string. sep The separator used to split the string. When set to None (the default value), will split on any whitespace character (including \\n \\r \\t \\f and spaces) and will discard empty strings from the result. maxsplit Maximum number of splits (starting from the left). -1 (the default value) means no limit. Splitting starts at the end of the string and works to the front.
rstrip(self, chars=None, /) Return a copy of the string with trailing whitespace removed. If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
split(self, /, sep=None, maxsplit=-1) Return a list of the substrings in the string, using sep as the separator string. sep The separator used to split the string. When set to None (the default value), will split on any whitespace character (including \\n \\r \\t \\f and spaces) and will discard empty strings from the result. maxsplit Maximum number of splits (starting from the left). -1 (the default value) means no limit. Note, str.split() is mainly useful for data that has been intentionally delimited. With natural text that includes punctuation, consider using the regular expression module.
splitlines(self, /, keepends=False) Return a list of the lines in the string, breaking at line boundaries. Line breaks are not included in the resulting list unless keepends is given and true.
startswith(...) S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) -> bool Return True if S starts with the specified prefix, False otherwise. With optional start, test S beginning at that position. With optional end, stop comparing S at that position. prefix can also be a tuple of strings to try.
strip(self, chars=None, /) Return a copy of the string with leading and trailing whitespace removed. If chars is given and not None, remove characters in chars instead.
swapcase(self, /) Convert uppercase characters to lowercase and lowercase characters to uppercase.
title(self, /) Return a version of the string where each word is titlecased. More specifically, words start with uppercased characters and all remaining cased characters have lower case.
translate(self, table, /) Replace each character in the string using the given translation table. table Translation table, which must be a mapping of Unicode ordinals to Unicode ordinals, strings, or None. The table must implement lookup/indexing via __getitem__, for instance a dictionary or list. If this operation raises LookupError, the character is left untouched. Characters mapped to None are deleted.
upper(self, /) Return a copy of the string converted to uppercase.
zfill(self, width, /) Pad a numeric string with zeros on the left, to fill a field of the given width. The string is never truncated.
An object with a subset of pathlib.Path methods suitable for traversing directories and opening files.
is_dir(self) -> bool Return True if self is a dir
is_file(self) -> bool Return True if self is a file
iterdir(self) Yield Traversable objects in self
joinpath(self, child) Return Traversable child in self
open(self, mode='r', *args, **kwargs) mode may be 'r' or 'rb' to open as text or binary. Return a handle suitable for reading (same as pathlib.Path.open). When opening as text, accepts encoding parameters such as those accepted by io.TextIOWrapper.
read_bytes(self) Read contents of self as bytes
read_text(self, encoding=None) Read contents of self as text
name = <abc.abstractproperty object at 0x7f75e2b24880> The base name of this object without any parent references.
The required interface for providing traversable resources.
files(self) Return a Traversable object for the loaded package.
is_resource(self, path)
open_resource(self, resource)
resource_path(self, resource)
runtime_checkable(cls) Mark a protocol class as a runtime protocol. Such protocol can be used with isinstance() and issubclass(). Raise TypeError if applied to a non-protocol class. This allows a simple-minded structural check very similar to one trick ponies in collections.abc such as Iterable. For example:: @runtime_checkable class Closable(Protocol): def close(self): ... assert isinstance(open('/some/file'), Closable) Warning: this will check only the presence of the required methods, not their type signatures!
Iterable = typing.Iterable A generic version of collections.abc.Iterable.