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?????????????????????????????????[ PREFACE ]????[ by The Rebel ]??????????????

                     Welcome to TTL's Quad-Annual Magazine

?????????????????????????????[ Table of Contents ]?????[ by KCAH Staff ]??????

#      LINES                    NAME                   DATE      AUTHOR
?      ?????                    ????                   ????      ??????

I      1-23                oPeNiNg ScReEn             1/09/90   The Rebel
II     24-27                   PrEfAcE                1/09/90   The Rebel
III    28-55              tAbLe Of CoNtEnTs           1/17/90   KCAH Staff
IV     56-67                   MeMbErS                1/20/90   The Rebel
V      68-101           uNiX cOmMaNd SuMmArY          1/09/90   The Rebel
VI     102-176          CoMmOn UnIx PaSsWoRdS         1/20/90   The Rebel
VII    177-208          MCI mAiL rAtEs & InFo         1/19/90   The Rebel
VIII   209-217        SpRiNt EmPlOyEe NeWsLiNe        1/16/90   The Rebel
IX     218-225     nEw -:TTL:- eAsT cOaSt Co-HoMe     1/15/90   The Rebel
X      226-350           AnArChIsT's AbOdE            1/20/90   The Rebel
XI     351-369          VoIcE mEsSaGe SyStEmS         1/12/90   The Rebel
XII    270-378           pHrY cOdE pRo 3.01           1/11/90   The Rebel
XIII   379-429        PhRy CoDe PrO 3.01 hIsToRy      7/04/89   The Exciter
XIV    430-441        TTL mEmBeRsHiP dOoRs OpEn       1/16/90   The Rebel
XV     442-447               614 Ac C/nA              1/12/90   The Rebel
XVI    448-470     SeCrEt SeRvIcE sCaNnEr FrEq.'S     1/10/90   Thanx-Blaster
XVII   471-483        pHrEaK tOoLs PhIlE ReViEw       1/09/90   The Rebel
XVIII  484-490    TeRmInAl.TxT - a -:TTL:- tXt FiLe   1/14/90   The Rebel
XIX    491-508       aUtOmAtEd OpErAtOr SeRvIcE       1/16/90   The Rebel
XX     509-603               AcRoNyMs                 1/19/90   The Rebel
XXI    604-628              bRiEf NoTeS               1/20/90   The Rebel
XXII   629-657             HaPpY hAcKiNg!             1/20/90    -:TTL:-

??????????????????????????[ Members as of 01-20-90 ]????[ by The Rebel ]??????

   The Rebel - Founder / President / Security Director / Editor of KCAH / IC
 Mr. Rat - Co-Founder / Vice-President / Consul / Electronics Specialist / IC
 The Juicer - UnderBoss / Operations Officer / Sierra Contact / Scan-Man / IC
 Mad Phone Man/Blaster/Marc Blitz - East Coast Minister of Propaganda / SysOp
Jack Flash/The Archer - Sgt. of Arms / Weapons Specialist / Operations Officer
              The Captain <716> - Programming Specialist / SysOp
                Papo Sanchezz - Puerto Rico Operations Officer

                               IC = Inner Circle

?????????????????????????[ Summary of Unix Commands ]????[ by The Rebel ]?????

    ?????????                          ?????????????
    ?Command?                          ?Description?
    ?????????                          ?????????????

     write ?????????????????? Used to send a message to another user.
     uucp ??????????????????? Unix-Unix execute.
     spell ?????????????????? Spellcheck a file.
     rmdir ?????????????????? Deletes 1+ directories.
     help ??????????????????? duh!
     vi ????????????????????? Full screen editor.
     f77 ???????????????????? Fortran Compiler
     ed ????????????????????? Text editor.
     ex ????????????????????? Another text editor.
     ln ????????????????????? Used to link files.
     du ????????????????????? Reports on file system usage.
     kill ??????????????????? Ends a process.
     mail ??????????????????? Get/Send email.
     date ??????????????????? Gives date & time
     cp ????????????????????? Copies a file.
     find ??????????????????? Locates files w/ specified variables.
     awk ???????????????????? Search for a pattern w/in a file.
     cal ???????????????????? Displays a calendar.
     cc ????????????????????? "C" Compiler.
     cd ????????????????????? Change Directory
     chgrp ?????????????????? Change file's group ownership.
     du ????????????????????? Reports on file system usage.
     mv ????????????????????? Move/Rename files.
     pwd ???????????????????? Displays name of working directory.
     who ???????????????????? Who else is online?

          Not,by far,all of them... But a few....  - TR

???????????????????????????[ Common Unix Passwords ]????[ by The Rebel ]??????

      aaa                daniel             jester             rascal
      academia           danny              johnny             really
      ada                dave               joseph             rebecca
      adrian             deb                joshua             remote
      aerobics           debbie             judith             rick
      airplane           deborah            juggle             reagan
      albany             december           julia              robot
      albatross          desperate          kathleen           robotics
      albert             develop            kermit             rolex
      alex               diet               kernel             ronald
      alexander          digital            knight             rosebud
      algebra            discovery          lambda             rosemary
      alias              disney             larry              roses
      alpha              dog                lazarus            ruben
      alphabet           drought            lee                rules
      ama                duncan             leroy              ruth
      amy                easy               lewis              sal
      analog             eatme              light              saxon
      anchor             edges              lisa               scheme
      andy               erenity            angerine           scott
      arrow              elizabeth          maggot             sex
      arthur             ellen              magic              shark
      asshole            emerald            malcolm            sharon
      athena             engine             mark               shit
      atmosphere         engineer           markus             shiva
      bacchus            enterprise         marty              shuttle
      badass             enzyme             marvin             simon
      bailey             euclid             master             simple
      banana             evelyn             maurice            singer
      bandit             extension          merlin             single
      banks              fairway            mets               smile
      bass               felicia            michael            smiles
      batman             fender             michelle           smooch
      beauty             fermat             mike               smother
      beaver             finite             minimum            snatch
      beethoven          flower             minsky             snoopy
      beloved            foolproof          mogul              soap
      benz               football           moose              socrates
      beowulf            format             mozart             spit
      berkeley           forsythe           nancy              spring
      berlin             fourier            napoleon           subway
      beta               fred               network            success
      beverly            fuck               newton             summer
      bumbling           george             osiris             tape
      cardinal           gertrude           outlaw             target
      carmen             gibson             oxford             taylor
      carolina           ginger             pacific            telephone
      caroline           gnu                painless           temptation
      castle             golf               pam                tiger
      cat                golfer             paper              toggle
      celtics            gorgeous           password           tomato
      change             graham             pat                toyota
      charles            gryphon            patricia           trivial
      charming           guest              penguin            unhappy
      charon             guitar             pete               unicorn
      chester            hacker             peter              unknown
      cigar              harmony            philip             urchin
      classic            harold             phoenix            utility
      coffee             harvey             pierre             vicky
      coke               heinlein           pizza              virginia
      collins            hello              plover             warren
      comrade            help               polynomial         water
      computer           herbert            praise             weenie
      condo              honey              prelude            whatnot
      condom             horse              prince             whitney
      cookie             imperial           protect            will
      cooper             include            pumpkin            william
      create             ingres             puppet             willie
      creation           innocuous          rabbit             winston
      666                6969               100                zzz

There ya go.... A list of common unix passwords... Have phun -TR

???????????????????????????[ MCI Mail Rates & Info ]????[ by The Rebel ]??????

Here's the current MCI Mail Rates & Info... -TR

                            :: Instant Messages ::

                   0-500 Characters                    $ .45
                   501-2500 Characters                 $ .75
                   2501-7500 Characters                $1.00
                   Each Additional 7500 Characters     $1.00

                          :: Domestic Fax Dispatch ::

                   First Half Page                     $ .50
                   Each Additional Half Page           $ .30

                                  :: Access ::

             800 Access                          No Charge
             U.S. tymnet Access                  $ .25/ Per Minute
             International tymnet Access         $ .30/ Per Minute

                         :: MCI Mail's 800 numbers  ::

            Access Speed                        800 Telephone Number

              300, 1200 bps...........................800-234-MAIL
              2400 bps............................... 800-456-MAIL
              Lotus Express & Desktop Express.........800-825-1515
                                (up to 2400 bps)

?????????????????????????[ Sprint Employee Newsline ]????[ by The Rebel ]?????

There is a Sprint Employee Newsline available at 800-877-4453. It's updated
every business day with the newest employee news. The best stuff available is
toward the beginning and end. Most of the time it is just giving information
about who's been promoted and what new "big-wheels" are runnin' the show, but
once in a while you'll get something useful. The voice is very clear,so don't
hang up when you here the guy say "Hello",it's just a recording... -TR

??????????????????[ New TTL East Coast Co-Home ]????[ by The Rebel ]??????????

Due to the re-organization of TTL all old members have been "let go" and TTL
has started anew. The new East Coast Co-Home is The Switchroom,run by
Blaster,the new East Coast Minister of Propaganda. The Switchroom is running
Teleguard BBS and can be reached at (716)-285-1883. The Switchroom supports
3OO through 24OO baud.  -TR

????????????????????????????[ Anarchist's Abode ]?????[ by The Rebel ]????????

This is what you could call a floating column.. I'm writing the first article
but anyone can write for it and any amount of articles can be submitted by any
amount of people... If ya want to write an article for it(or,actually,anything
in this magazine) then write it up and send it to the PO Box given at the end
of this magazine...(that is where all articles should be sent... Due to the
fact that that is the phastest way to get them to me... Full credit will be
given for all articles... Ok, on with the column....


Nitrocellulose is usually called "gunpowder" or "guncotton".  It is more
stable than black powder, and it produces a much greater volume of hot gas.
It also burns much faster than black powder when it is in a confined space.
Finally, nitrocellulose is fairly easy to make, as outlined by the following

          MATERIALS                    EQUIPMENT
          ?????????                    ?????????

          cotton  (cellulose)          two (2) 200-300 ml beakers

          concentrated                 funnel and filter paper
          nitric acid
                                       blue litmus paper
          sulfuric acid

          distilled water

1) Pour 10 cc of concentrated sulfuric acid into the beaker.  Add to this
   10 cc of concentrated nitric acid.

2) Immediately add 0.5 gm of cotton, and allow it to soak for exactly 3

3) Remove the nitrocotton, and transfer it to a beaker of distilled water
   to wash it in.

4) Allow the material to dry, and then re-wash it.

5) After the cotton is neutral when tested with litmus paper, it is ready to
   be dried and stored. -TR


R.D.X., also called cyclonite, or composition C-1 (when mixed with
plasticisers) is one of the most valuable of all military explosives.  This is
because it has more than 150% of the power of T.N.T., and is much easier to
detonate.  It should not be used alone, since it can be set off by a not-too
severe shock.  It is less sensitive than mercury fulminate, or nitroglycerine,
but it is still too sensitive to be used alone.  R.D.X. can be made by the
surprisingly simple method outlined hereafter.  It is much easier to make in
the home than all other high explosives, with the possible exception of
ammonium nitrate.

          MATERIALS                    EQUIPMENT
          ?????????                    ?????????

           hexamine                    500 ml beaker
          methenamine                  glass stirring rod
          fuel tablets (50 g)
                                       funnel and filter paper
          nitric acid (550 ml)         ice bath container(plastic bucket)

          distilled water
                                       centigrade thermometer
          table salt
                                       blue litmus paper

          ammonium nitrate

1) Place the beaker in the ice bath, and carefully pour 550 ml of concentrated
   nitric acid into the beaker.

2) When the acid has cooled to below 20 degrees centigrade, add small amounts
   of the crushed fuel tablets to the beaker.  The temperature will rise, and
   it must be kept below 30 degrees centigrade, or dire consequences could
   result.  Stir the mixture.

3) Drop the temperature below zero degrees centigrade, either by adding more
   ice and salt to the old ice bath, or by creating a new ice bath.  Or,
   ammonium nitrate could be added to the old ice bath, since it becomes cold
   when it is put in water. Continue stirring the mixture, keeping the
   temperature below zero degrees centigrade for at least twenty minutes

4) Pour the mixture into a litre of crushed ice.  Shake and stir the mixture,
   and allow it to melt.  Once it has melted, filter out the crystals, and
   dispose of the corrosive liquid.

5) Place the crystals into one half a litre of boiling distilled water.
   Filter the crystals, and test them with the blue litmus paper.  Repeat
   steps 4 and 5 until the litmus paper remains blue.  This will make the
   crystals more stable and safe.

6) Store the crystals wet until ready for use. Allow them to dry completely
   using them. R.D.X. is not stable enough to use alone as an explosive.

7) Composition C-1 can be made by mixing 88.3% R.D.X. (by weight) with 11.1%
   mineral oil, and 0.6% lecithin. Kneed these material together in a plastic
   bag. This is a good way to desensitize the explosive.

8) H.M.X. is a mixture of T.N.T. and R.D.X.; the ratio is 50/50, by weight.
   it is not as sensitive, and is almost as powerful as straight R.D.X.

9) By adding ammonium nitrate to the crystals of R.D.X. after step 5, it
   should be possible to desensitize the R.D.X. and increase its power, since
   ammonium nitrate is very insensitive and powerful. Soduim or potassium
   nitrate could also be added; a small quantity is sufficient to stabilize
   the R.D.X.

10) R.D.X. detonates at a rate of 8550 meters/second when it is compressed to
    a density of 1.55 g/cubic cm.

???????????????????????????[ Voice Message Systems ]????[ by The Rebel ]??????

Due to the recent drop off of VMS hackers I've decided to submit this small,
but useful, list of Voice Mail Systems.

                         (800)222-4663  VMBS  Box:[4]
                       (800)333-6245<MAIL>  Phone Mail System
                         (800)344-1884  VMBS  Box:[6]
           (800)424-6262  ITT Voice Mail System  Userid:[4], Box:[4]
                       (800)437-6100  Phone Mail System
                       (800)477-7800  Phone Mail System
                         (800)441-3612  VMBS  Box:[3]
                       (800)445-6245<MAIL>  Phone Mail System
                     (800)545-6245<MAIL>  VMBS  ID:[7], Pass:[8]
                              (800)631-1146  VMBS

                     For help on VMS hacking then refer to
               Phrack XI <-> " VMS Hacking " by Black Night 713

????????????????????????????[ Phry Code Pro 3.01 ]????[ by The Rebel ]????????

The Exciter's new version of Phry Code Pro is an excellent improvement to his
last version. The options available in this version cannot even compare to any
of his older versions. His multi-plate hacking is a definite help to the
program, and the added color changes and misc. options definitely make this
version a "must-get" program. I would recommend this program to any serious
PCP hacker. -TR

????????????????????????[ Phry Code Pro 3.01 History ]????[ by The Exciter ]??

10/06/88 - Phry Code Pro was just a REAL generic PCP Hacker used for myself
           and a few friends.  It didn't have a name yet.

01/30/89 - Well, first official copy was released.  I named it finally.
           All options have been enabled.  And, then source was not
           included.  The reason is, the 10/06/88 version was stupid
           and I didn't care.  This one is a lot better.

02/02/89 - I fixed a few bugs in the source.  Pretty much the same as
           01/30/89 version.

02/07/89 - Fixed the repeating code bug.  I also added the beeping when
           contacted, I forgot to put that one in there.

02/26/89 - PCP is now compiled in Turbo Pascal 5.0!  It should be a little
           faster and will be a little more reliable.  I also made a more
           detailed documentation.

03/19/89 - Well, Phry Code Pro has gone through some major changes!  Well,
           first of all, I changed the formats of hacking a lot.  Now,
           PCP (Phry Code Pro) is user friendly.  You can hack multiple
           ID's and other neat stuff!  The documentation is now full of
           all the things you need to know!

03/27/89 - I fixed a few minor bugs.  No external differences.  I also
           fixed the modem setup.  It was locking up computers because
           the comport was not set right.  It will now init the modem
           before hacking.

04/02/89 - Fixed the runtime error that people were receiving if the
           port was not open.  Not really a big deal but it looks

04/03/89 - Ooops..  I really boofed..  I forgot to reopen the comport.  You
           really received a lot of strange return from the modem.  I think
           this is it for PCP v2.xx..  I think I finally got all the bugs
           out!!  Hooray!!  My next goal is v3.00..  This one will be
           totally awesome.  (I hope!!)

06/11/89 - Well, the first realease of the v3.xx series.  I hope you like
           the changes.  I only changed a few things though.  It is not
           really what I wanted to begin.  But hey, there are no hackers
           to hack the new formats.

07/04/89 - This version is just a fix of the bugs in v3.00.  There is
           nothing new.  The problem people were having was the equation
           I was using to select a plate with the menu bar was screwed.
           Understand??  I doubt it.  Keep on CHOPin' guys..

?????????????????????????[ TTL Membership Doors Open ]????[ by The Rebel ]????

As you can see,99% of the articles in this magazine are written by myself. For
a limited time,applications will be taken for people who would like to start
columns for this magazine. At this moment this magazine is but a Quad-Annual
magazine,but if enough people start columns it very well might become monthly,
and possibly bi-monthly. To start an article,get ahold of me on Nightmare BBS
(614)-885-4004 (19,200 USR) or on The Switchroom(See "New TTL East Coast Co-
Home" \ This magazine) and explain your idea for the column and your specific
qualifications. Also leave a number where you can be reached(times to call)
and a first name. -TR

????????????????????????????[ 614 AC C/NA ]????[ by The Rebel ]???????????????

                The 614 Area Code C/NA number is 614-464-0519.
                              Days: Monday-Friday
                              Times: 8am - 4:50pm

?????????????????????[ SS Scanner Freqs. ]????[ Thanx 2 The Mad Phone Man ]???


The freqs are NOT exact. If you do not get anything with these exact freqs
then just round up or down. They are in the general area,though.  -TR

?????????????????????????[ Phreak Tools File Review ]????[ by The Rebel ]?????

Professor Falken's Phreak Tools,released on 5/3/89, is a semi-useful program
that can be used to find the owner of any (800) or (900) exchange. It also has
the capability to give the C/NA number(s) for any given area code. Due to the
fact that the same thing could have been accomplished with 3 text files,it is
quite bulky. But besides that fact it is quite useful. One problem with this
program is that once an 800/900 exchange or C/NA number is given the program
turns off and you have to run it again to use it. The documentation for this
program is quite complete and the program is quite phreak-friendly and the
documentation doesn't even need to be glanced at,unless your curiosity gets
the better of you. -TR

???????????????????????[ "TERMINAL.TXT" - TTL TXT File ]????[ by The Rebel ]??

For those of you who have seen this file but haven't downloaded it,I'll
explain it to you. It's the Telenet terminal identifiers list compiled into
one list written by myself, thanx to Telenet. So if you're into Telenet then
I'd extremely recommend downloading this piece of TXT. -TR

????????????????????????[ Automated Operator Service ]?????[ by The Rebel ]???

An automated operator service has been implemented in many area codes, even
though it is normally only used in ESS cities, from pay phones it provides
easy scanning of calling cards w/out the operator getting in the way. To use
this service to get phree calls inside your area code(like from pay phones or
what not) all you have to do is dial 0+Number then wait for the service to
implement itself then push in the area-code and number of the phone you want
to charge the call to and it's all yours... Right now I am only sure that it's
available in most of Ohio and some of New Jersey, I'm not sure about the rest
of the world... But if it'll do someone out there any good, then there it is.
It's the easiest in-area code phreak possible. You can't charge it to a pay
phone,but you can use this to scan for pay-phones(slow,but sure). You can not
use this technique from a pay phone, either. The only realy use for this
technique is for calling anywhere in your area code for phree,but that's good
enough for an easy-ass way to phreak. A full txt file dedicated to this will
be available from -:TTL:- in the near future. -TR

?????????????????????????????????[ Acronyms ]????[ by The Rebel ]?????????????

Wanna learn everything about the telephone system,huh? Well here's a list of
acronyms that might help ya with that quest... -TR

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network:  A planned hierarchy of digital
       switching and transmission systems.  Final phase of modern day

AIS  - Automatic Intercept System:  System employing an audio-response unit
       under control of a processor to automatically provide pertinent info to
       callers routed to intercept.

ESB  - Emergency Service Bureau:  A centralized agency to which 911
       "Universal" emergency calls are routed.

ADU  - Automatic Dialing Unix:  A device which automatically generates a
       predetermined set of dialing digits.

FACS - Facility Assignment and Control System:  Mechanizes the service order
       assignment process.

CAROT- Centralized Automatic Reporting on Trunks:  This takes transmission and
       trunk measurements.  Does routine tests and forwards results to work
       control locations.

TASC - Telecommunications Alarm Surveillance and Control:  Provides
       centralized surveillance of telecom equipment.

EC   - Exchange Carrier:  A company engaged in the business of furnishing
       access service in a franchised territory.  (ie; US Sprint, MCI, AT&T)

AC   - Access Code:  A uniform set digit code assigned by an Exchange Carrier
       to an individual customer.

AC   - Area Code:  A geographic area established for the provision and
       administration of communications service. It encompasses one or more
       designated exchanges, which are grouped to serve common social,
       economic and other services. Synonymous with Local Access Transport

PJ   - Phrase Jitter:  The unwanted phase variations of a signal.  Garble, or
       Garbage online.

3TS  - 3-Tone Slope:  The difference in loss between 1004 Hz and 404 Hz and
       2804 Hz (AKA Attenuation Distortion).

PAD  - Packet Assembler/Disassembler:  Information passed though an
       Information Service, translated to the computer's specifications.  (ie;
       baud differences, computer emulations, and protocol handshaking).

ROTL -  Remote Office Test Line - A way of remotely testing trunks.

TAP  -  Technical Assistance Program.

ANI  -  Automatic Number Identification.  Automatics means for immediately
        identifying the directory number of a calling subscriber.

DCL  -  Digital Common Language.  Found on Vax/VMS systems.

TDD  -  Telecommunication devices for the deaf.

DDD  -  Direct distance dialing.  Dialing without operator assistance over
        nationwide intertoll network.

ACD  -  Automatic Call Distributor.  Switching system designed to acquire
        and/or distribute a large volume of calls to attendants to the next
        available answer position.

LATA -  Local Access Transport Area.  A geographic area established for the
        provision and administration of communications service.  It
        encompasses one or more designated exchanges, which are grouped to
        serve common social, economic and other purposes.  Synonymous with
        area code.

DS    - Digital Switch.  A switch in which connections are established by
        operations on digital signals without conversion to analog.

DSX   - A digital cross connect field which can be utilized for DS1 (Digital
        Switch), DS2 or DS3 level cross connections at a digital level

RPOA  - Registered Private Op. Agencies (ID of online system).

SCC   - (or SCCS), Switch Control Center.  SCC has overall responsibility for
        the administration and maintenance of BOC Central Offices.
        Responsibilities include installation and maintenance Control Office
        for FG B, C, and D.  SCC also handles specific trouble reports.

TAMS  - System where NUIs are checked by a central database when you try to
        connect to an address, on GTE Telenet.

TD    - Terminating Direction.  The use of Access Service for the completion
        of a  call from an IC (Interexchange Carrier) location to an end user.

????????????????????????????????[ Brief Notes ]????[ by The Rebel ]???????????

                             Sprint News 01/19/90

Dave King,United Telecom Executive Vice-President, has been named chairman of
the Kansas Chamber of Commerce & Industry board of directors for 1990. -TR

US Sprint announced, yesterday, that it will reduce Sprint Plus, it's premier
Dial-One product, by 3.3%, and increase the daytime volume discount to 10%. It
will also reduce basic Dial-One rates by 2.6%. These reductions are effective
February 1st,1990. -TR

                               TTL News 01/07/90

Grim Reaper (614) has been discharged from TTL for not doing shit... -TR

                               TTL News 01/17/90
The TTL 800 bridge is now open... All members of TTL who do not have the
number, get ahold of me to get the number and the times of the TTL
conferences.... -TR

???????????????????????????????[ Happy Hacking ]????[ From TTL ]??????????????

Well... That's the first Quad-Annual issue of Kcah ... If ya have any other
    suggestions, article, or questions about TTL,Kcah,etc... Then send me a
                    message on any of the following boards:

                         The Switchroom (info in mag)
                            Nightmare (info in mag)
                               The Iron Curtain
                                   19.2K BPS

                               or Send Mail to:

                              The Rebel & -:TTL:-
                                 P.O. Box 297

                                                The Rebel
                                                Founder & President of -:TTL:-
                                                Director of Security
                                                Kcah Editor

                              " Happy Hacking! "
