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Title: The Coming Community Author: Giorgio Agamben Language: en Topics: community Source: Text was extracted from https://filthandglitter.files.wordpress.com/2010/10/comingcommunity.pdf (2018-10-23)
THE COMING being is whatever^([1]) being. In the Scholastic enumeration
of transcendentals (quodlibet ens est unum, verum, bonum seu perfectum-
whatever entity is one, true, good, or perfect), the term that,
remaining unthought in each, conditions the meaning of all the others is
the adjective quodlibet. The common translation of this term as
âwhateverâ in the sense of âit does not matter which, indifferentlyâ is
certainly correct, but in its form the Latin says exactly the opposite:
Quodlibet ens is not âbeing, it does not matter which,â but rather
âbeing such that it always matters.â The Latin always already contains,
that is, a reference to the will (libet). Whatever being has an original
relation to desire.
The Whatever in question here relates to singularity not in its
indifference with respect to a common property (to a concept, for
example: being red, being French, being Muslim), but only in its being
such as it is. Singularity is thus freed from the false dilemma that
obliges knowledge to choose between the ineffability of the individual
and the intelligibility of the universal. The intelligible, according to
a beautiful expression of Levi ben Gershon (Gersonides), is neither a
universal nor an individual included in a series, but rather
âsingularity insofar as it is whatever singularity.â In this conception,
such-and-such being is reclaimed from its having this or that property,
which identifies it as belonging to this or that set, to this or that
class (the reds, the French, the Muslims)âand it is reclaimed not for
another class nor for the simple generic absence of any belonging, but
for its being-such, for belonging itself. Thus being-such, which remains
constantly hidden in the condition of belonging (âthere is an x such
that it belongs to yâ) and which is in no way a real predicate, comes to
light itself: The singularity exposed as such is whatever you want, that
is, lovable.
Love is never directed toward this or that property of the loved one
(being blond, being small, being tender, being lame), but neither does
it neglect the properties in favor of an insipid generality (universal
love): The lover wants the loved one with all of its predicates, its
being such as it is. The lover desires the as only insofar as it is
suchâthis is the loverâs particular fetishism. Thus, whatever
singularity (the Lovable) is never the intelligence of some thing, of
this or that quality or essence, but only the intelligence of an
intelligibility. The movement Plato describes as erotic anamnesis is the
movement that transports the object not toward another thing or another
place, but toward its own taking-placeâtoward the Idea.
WHERE DO whatever singularities come from? What is their realm? Saint
Thomasâs questions about limbo contain the elements for a response.
According to Saint Thomas, the punishment of unbaptized children who die
with no other fault than original sin cannot be an afflictive
punishment, like that of hell, but only a punishment of privation that
consists in the perpetual lack of the vision of God. The inhabitants of
limbo, in contrast to the damned, do not feel pain from this lack: Since
they have only natural and not supernatural knowledge, which is
implanted in us at baptism, they do not know that they are deprived of
the supreme good, or, if they do know (as others claim) they cannot
suffer from it more than a reasonable person is pained by the fact that
he or she cannot fly. If they were to feel pain they would be suffering
from a penalty for which they could not make amends and thus their pain
would end up leading them into hopelessness, like the damned. This would
not be just. Moreover, their bodies, like those of the blessed, cannot
be affected; they are impassible. But this is true only with respect to
the action of divine justice; in every other respect they fully enjoy
their natural perfection.
The greatest punishmentâthe lack of the vision of Godâthus turns into a
natural joy: Irremediably lost, they persist without pain in divine
abandon. God has not forgotten them, but rather they have always already
forgotten God; and in the face of their forgetfulness, Godâs forgetting
is impotent. Like letters with no addressee, these uprisen beings remain
without a destination. Neither blessed like the elected, nor hopeless
like the damned, they are infused with a joy with no outlet.
This nature of limbo is the secret of Robert Walserâs world. His
creatures are irreparably astray, but in a region that is beyond
perdition and salvation: Their nullity, of which they are so proud, is
principally a neutrality with respect to salvationâthe most radical
objection that has ever been levied against the very idea of redemption.
The truly unsaveable life is the one in which there is nothing to save,
and against this the powerful theological machine of Christian oiconomia
runs aground. This is what leads to the curious mixture of rascality and
humility, of cartoon-style thoughtlessness and minute scrupulousness
that characterizes Walserâs characters; this is what leads, also, to
their ambiguity, so that every relationship with them seems always on
the verge of ending up in bed: It is neither pagan hubris nor animal
timidity, but simply the impassibility of limbo with respect to divine
Like the freed convict in Kafkaâs Penal Colony, who has survived the
destruction of the machine that was to have executed him, these beings
have left the world of guilt and justice behind them: The light that
rains down on them is that irreparable light of the dawn following the
novissima dies of judgment. But the life that begins on earth after the
last day is simply human life.
THE ANTINOMY of the individual and the universal has its origin in
language. The word âtreeâ designates all trees indifferently, insofar as
it posits the proper universal significance in place of singular
ineffable trees (terminus supponit significatum pro re). In other words,
it transforms singularities into members of a class, whose meaning is
defined by a common property (the condition of belonging E). The fortune
of set theory in modern logic is born of the fact that the definition of
the set is simply the definition of linguistic meaning. The
comprehension of singular distinct objects m in a whole M is nothing but
the name. Hence the inextricable paradoxes of classes, which no âbeastly
theory of typesâ can pretend to solve. The paradoxes, in effect, define
the place of linguistic being. Linguistic being is a class that both
belongs and does not belong to itself, and the class of all classes that
do not belong to themselves is language. Linguistic being (being-called)
is a set (the tree) that is at the same time a singularity (the tree, a
tree, this tree); and the mediation of meaning, expressed by the symbol
E, cannot in any way fill the gap in which only the article succeeds in
moving about freely.
One concept that escapes the antinomy of the universal and the
particular has long been familiar to us: the example. In any context
where it exerts its force, the example is characterized by the fact that
it holds for all cases of the same type, and, at the same time, it is
included among these. It is one singularity among others, which,
however, stands for each of them and serves for all. On one hand, every
example is treated in effect as a real particular case; but on the
other, it remains understood that it cannot serve in its particularity.
Neither particular nor universal, the example is a singular object that
presents itself as such, that shows its singularity. Hence the pregnancy
of the Greek term, for example: para-deigma, that which is shown
alongside (like the German Bei-spiel, that which plays alongside). Hence
the proper place of the example is always beside itself, in the empty
space in which its undefinable and unforgettable life unfolds. This life
is purely linguistic life. Only life in the word is undefinable and
unforgettable. Exemplary being is purely linguistic being. Exemplary is
what is not defined by any property, except by being-called. Not
being-red, but being-called-red; not being-Jakob, but being-called-Jakob
defines the example. Hence its ambiguity, just when one has decided to
take it really seriously. Being-calledâthe property that establishes all
possible belongings (being-called-Italian, -dog, -Communist)âis also
what can bring them all back radically into question. It is the Most
Common that cuts off any real community. Hence the impotent omnivalence
of whatever being. It is neither apathy nor promiscuity nor resignation.
These pure singularities communicate only in the empty space of the
example, without being tied by any common property, by any identity.
They are expropriated of all identity, so as to appropriate belonging
itself, the sign E. Tricksters or fakes, assistants or âtoons, they are
the exemplars of the coming community.
THE MEANING of ethics becomes clear only when one understands that the
good is not, and cannot be, a good thing or possibility beside or above
every bad thing or possibility, that the authentic and the true are not
real predicates of an object perfectly analogous (even if opposed) to
the false and the inauthentic.
Ethics begins only when the good is revealed to consist in nothing other
than a grasping of evil and when the authentic and the proper have no
other content than the inauthentic and the improper. This is the meaning
of the ancient philosophical adage according to which âveritas patefacit
se ipsam et falsum.â Truth cannot be shown except by showing the false,
which is not, however, cut off and cast aside somewhere else. On the
contrary, according to the etymology of the verb patefacere, which means
âto openâ and is linked to spatium, truth is revealed only by giving
space or giving a place to non-truthâthat is, as a taking-place of the
false, as an exposure of its own innermost impropriety.
As long as the authentic and the good had a separate place among humans
(they took part), life on earth was certainly infinitely more beautiful
(still today we know people who took part in the authentic); and yet the
appropriation of the improper, of that which does not belong, was in
itself impossible, because every affirmation of the authentic had the
effect of pushing the inauthentic to another place, where morality would
once again raise its barriers. The conquest of the good thus necessarily
implied a growth of the evil that had been repelled; every consolidation
of the walls of paradise was matched by a deepening of the infernal
For us, who have been allotted not the slightest part of properness (or
to whom, in the best of cases, only tiny fragments of the good have been
imparted), there opens instead, perhaps for the first time, the
possibility of an appropriation of impropriety as such, one that leaves
no residue of Gehenna outside itself.
This is how one should understand the free-spirit and Gnostic doctrine
of the impeccability of the perfect. This does not mean, as the crude
falsifications of the polemicists and inquisitors would have it, that
the perfect person can lay claim to committing the most repugnant crimes
without sinning (this is rather the perverse fantasy of moralists of all
ages); it means, on the contrary, that the perfect has appropriated all
the possibilities of evil and impropriety and therefore cannot commit
This, and nothing else, was the doctrinal content of the heresy that on
November 12, 1210, sent the followers of Amalric of Bena to burn at the
stake. Amalric interpreted the Apostleâs claim that âGod is all in allâ
as a radical theological development of the Platonic doctrine of the
chora. God is in every thing as the place in which every thing is, or
rather as the determination and the âtopiaâ of every entity. The
transcendent, therefore, is not a supreme entity above all things;
rather, the pure transcendent is the taking-place of everything.
God or the good or the place does not take place, but is the
taking-place of the entities, their innermost exteriority. The
being-worm of the worm, the being-stone of the stone, is divine. That
the world is, that something can appear and have a face, that there is
exteriority and non-latency as the determination and the limit of every
thing: this is the good. Thus, precisely its being irreparably in the
world is what transcends and exposes every worldly entity. Evil, on the
other hand, is the reduction of the taking-place of things to a fact
like others, the forgetting of the transcendence inherent in the very
taking-place of things. With respect to these things, however, the good
is not somewhere else; it is simply the point at which they grasp the
taking-place proper to them, at which they touch their own
non-transcendent matter.
In this senseâand only in this senseâthe good must be defined as a
self-grasping of evil, and salvation as the coming of the place to
WHATEVER IS the matheme of singularity, without which it is impossible
to conceive either being or the individuation of singularity. How the
Scholastics posed the problem of the principium individuationis is well
known. Against Saint Thomas, who sought the place of individuation in
matter, Duns Scotus conceived individuation as an addition to nature or
common form (for example, humanity)âan addition not of another form or
essence or property, but of an ultima realitas, of an âutmostnessâ of
the form itself. Singularity adds nothing to the common form, if not a
âhaecceityâ (as Etienne Gilson says: here we do not have individuation
in virtue of the form, but individuation of the form). But for this
reason, according to Duns Scotus, common form or nature must be
indifferent to whatever singularity, must in itself be neither
particular nor universal, neither one nor multiple, but such that it
âdoes not scorn being posed with a whatever singular unity.â
The limit of Duns Scotus is that he seems to conceive common nature as
an anterior reality, which has the property of being indifferent to
whatever singularity, and to which singularity adds only haecceity.
Accordingly, he leaves unthought precisely that quodlibet that is
inseparable from singularity and, without recognizing it, makes
indifference the real root of individuation. But âquodlibetalityâ is not
indifference; nor is it a predicate of singularity that expresses its
dependence on common nature. What then is the relationship between
quodlibetality and indifference? How can we understand the indifference
of the common human form with respect to singular humans? And what is
the haecceity that constitutes the being of the singular?
We know that Guillaume de Champeaux, Peter Abelardâs teacher, affirmed
that âthe idea is present in single individuals non essentialiter, sed
indifferenter.â And Duns Scotus added that there is no difference of
essence between common nature and haecceity. This means that the idea
and common nature do not constitute the essence of singularity, that
singularity is, in this sense, absolutely inessential, and that,
consequently, the criterion of its difference should be sought elsewhere
than in an essence or a concept. The relationship between the common and
the singular can thus no longer be conceived as the persistence of an
identical essence in single individuals, and therefore the very problem
of individuation risks appearing as a pseudoproblem.
Nothing is more instructive in this regard than the way Spinoza
conceives of the common. All bodies, he says, have it in common to
express the divine attribute of extension (Ethics, Part II, Proposition
13, Lemma 2). And yet what is common cannot in any case constitute the
essence of the single case (Ethics, Part II, Proposition 37). Decisive
here is the idea of an inessential commonality, a solidarity that in no
way concerns an essence. Taking-place, the communication of
singularities in the attribute of extension, does not unite them in
essence, but scatters them in existence.
Whatever is constituted not by the indifference of common nature with
respect to singularities, but by the indifference of the common and the
proper, of the genus and the species, of the essential and the
accidental. Whatever is the thing with all its properties, none of
which, however, constitutes difference. In-difference with respect to
properties is what individuates and disseminates singularities, makes
them lovable (quodlibetable). Just as the right human word is neither
the appropriation of what is common (language) nor the communication of
what is proper, so too the human face is neither the individuation of a
generic facies nor the universalization of singular traits: It is
whatever face, in which what belongs to common nature and what is proper
are absolutely indifferent.
This is how we must read the theory of those medieval philosophers who
held that the passage from potentiality to act, from common form to
singularity, is not an event accomplished once and for all, but an
infinite series of modal oscillations. The individuation of a singular
existence is not a punctual fact, but a linea generationis substantiae
that varies in every direction according to a continual gradation of
growth and remission, of appropriation and impropriation. The image of
the line is not gratuitous. In a line of writing the ductus of the hand
passes continually from the common form of the letters to the particular
marks that identify its singular presence, and no one, even using the
scrupulous rigor of graphology, could ever trace the real division
between these two spheres. So too in a face, human nature continually
passes into existence, and it is precisely this incessant emergence that
constitutes its expressivity. But it would be equally plausible to say
the opposite: It is from the hundred idiosyncracies that characterize my
way of writing the letter p or of pronouncing its phoneme that its
common form is engendered. Common and proper, genus and individual are
only the two slopes dropping down from either side of the watershed of
whatever. As with Prince Myshkin in Dostoyevskyâs Idiot, who can
effortlessly imitate anyoneâs handwriting and sign any signature (âthe
humble Pafnutius signed hereâ), the particular and the generic become
indifferent, and precisely this is the âidiocy,â in other words, the
particularity of the whatever. The passage from potentiality to act,
from language to the word, from the common to the proper, comes about
every time as a shuttling in both directions along a line of sparkling
alternation on which common nature and singularity, potentiality and act
change roles and interpenetrate. The being that is engendered on this
line is whatever being, and the manner in which it passes from the
common to the proper and from the proper to the common is called usageâ
or rather, ethos.
ACCORDING TO the Talmud, two places are reserved for each person, one in
Eden and the other in Gehenna. The just person, after being found
innocent, receives a place in Eden plus that of a neighbor who was
damned. The unjust person, after being judged guilty, receives a place
in hell plus that of a neighbor who was saved. Thus the Bible says of
the just, âIn their land they receive double,â and of the unjust,
âDestroy them with a double destruction. â
In the topology of this Haggadah of the Talmud, the essential element is
not so much the cartographic distinction between Eden and Gehenna, but
rather the adjacent place that each person inevitably receives. At the
point when one reaches oneâs final state and fulfills oneâs own destiny,
one finds oneself for that very reason in the place of the neighbor.
What is most proper to every creature is thus its substitutability, its
being in any case in the place of the other.
Toward the end of his life the great Arabist Louis Massignon, who in his
youth had daringly converted to Catholicism in the land of Islam,
founded a community called Badaliya, a name deriving from the Arabic
term for âsubstitution.â The members took a vow to live substituting
themselves for someone else, that is, to be Christians in the place of
This substitution can be understood in two ways. The first conceives of
the fall or sin of the other only as the opportunity for oneâs own
salvation: A loss is compensated for by an election, a fall by an
ascent, according to an economy of compensation that is hardly edifying.
(In this sense, Badaliya would be nothing but a belated ransom paid for
Massignonâs homosexual friend who committed suicide in prison in
Valencia in 1921, and from whom he had had to distance himself at the
time of his conversion.)
But there is also another interpretation of Badaliya. According to
Massignon, in fact, substituting oneself for another does not mean
compensating for what the other lacks, nor correcting his or her errors,
but exiling oneself to the other as he or she is in order to offer
Christ hospitality in the otherâs own soul, in the otherâs own
taking-place. This substitution no longer knows a place of its own, but
the taking-place of every single being is always already common â an
empty space offered to the one, irrevocable hospitality.
The destruction of the wall dividing Eden from Gehenna is thus the
secret intention that animates Badaliya. In this community there is no
place that is not vicarious, and Eden and Gehenna are only the names of
this reciprocal substitution. Against the hypocritical fiction of the
unsubstitutability of the individual, which in our culture serves only
to guarantee its universal representability, Badaliya presents an
unconditioned substitutability, without either representation or
possible description â an absolutely unrepresentable community.
In this way, the multiple common place, which the Talmud presents as the
place of the neighbor that each person inevitably receives, is nothing
but the coming to itself of each singularity, its being whatever â in
other words, such as it is.
Ease is the proper name of this unrepresentable space. The term âeaseâ
in fact designates, according to its etymology, the space adjacent
(ad-jacens, adjacentia), the empty place where each can move freely, in
a semantic constellation where spatial proximity borders on opportune
time (ad-agio, moving at ease) and convenience borders on the correct
relation. The Provençal poets (whose songs first introduce the term into
Romance languages in the form aizi, aizimen) make ease a terminus
technicus in their poetics, designating the very place of love. Or
better, it designates not so much the place of love, but rather love as
the experience of taking-place in a whatever singularity. In this sense,
ease names perfectly that âfree use of the properâ that, according to an
expression of Friedrich Hölderlinâs, is âthe most difficult task.â âMout
mi semblatz de bel aizin.â This is the greeting that, in JaufrĂ© Rudelâs
song, the lovers exchange when they meet.
MEDIEVAL LOGIC has a term whose exact etymology and proper meaning still
elude the patient study of historians. One source, in effect, attributes
to Jean Roscelin and his followers the claim that genera and universals
are maneries. John of Salisbury, who cites the term in his Metalogicus,
saying that he does not understand it fully (incertum habeo), seems to
derive its etymology from manere, to persist (âone calls manner the
number and the state of things in which each thing persists as it isâ).
What could these authors have had in mind when they spoke of being at
its most universal as a âmannerâ? Or rather, why did they introduce this
third figure beside genus and species?
Uguccione da Pisaâs definition suggests that what these authors call
âmannerâ is neither generic nor particular, but something like an
exemplary singularity or a multiple singularity. âSpecies is called
manner,â he writes, âas when one says: grass of this species, that is,
manner, grows in my garden.â The logicians speak in such cases of an
âintellectual indicationâ (demonstratio ad intellectum), insofar as âone
thing is shown and another thing is meant.â Manner, then, is neither
generic nor individual: It is an exemplar, in other words a whatever
singularity. It is probable, then, that the term maneries derives
neither from manere (to express the dwelling place of being in itself,
Plotinusâs mone, or the manentia or mansio of the medieval philosophers)
nor from manus or hand (as the modern philologists would have it), but
rather from manare, and thus it refers to being in its rising forth.
This is not, in terms of the division that dominates Western ontology,
either an essence or an existence, but a manner of rising forth; not a
being that is in this or that mode, but a being that is its mode of
being, and thus, while remaining singular and not indifferent, is
multiple and valid for all.
Only the idea of this modality of rising forth, this original mannerism
of being, allows us to find a common passage between ontology and
ethics. The being that does not remain below itself, that does not
presuppose itself as a hidden essence that chance or destiny would then
condemn to the torment of qualifications, but rather exposes itself in
its qualifications, is its thus without remainderâsuch a being is
neither accidental nor necessary, but is, so to speak, continually
engendered from its own manner.
Plotinus had to have this kind of being in mind when, trying to define
the freedom and the will of the one, he explained that we cannot say
that âit happened to be thus,â but only that it âis as it is, without
being master of its own beingâ and that âit does not remain below
itself, but makes use of itself as it isâ and that it is not thus by
necessity, in the sense that it could not be otherwise, but because
âthus is best.â
Perhaps the only way to understand this free use of the self, a way that
does not, however, treat existence as a property, is to think of it as a
habitus; an ethos. Being engendered from oneâs own manner of being is,
in effect, the very definition of habit (this is why the Greeks spoke of
a second nature): That manner is ethical that does not befall us and
does not found us but engenders us. And this being engendered from oneâs
own manner is the only happiness really possible for humans.
But a manner of rising forth is also the place of whatever singularity,
its principium individuationis. For the being that is its own manner
this is not, in effect, so much a property that determines and
identifies it as an essence, but rather an improperty; what makes it
exemplary, however, is that this improperty is assumed and appropriated
as its unique being. The example is only the being of that of which it
is the example; but this being does not belong to it, it is perfectly
common. The improperty, which we expose as our proper being, manner,
which we use, engenders us. It is our second, happier, nature.
THE TENACITY of the recurrent heretical tendency that demands the
ultimate salvation of Satan is well known. The curtain rises on Robert
Walserâs world when the very last demon of Gehenna has been escorted
back to heaven, when the process of the history of salvation has been
completed, leaving no residue.
It is astounding that this centuryâs two most lucid observers of the
incomparable horror that surrounded them âKafka and Walserâ both present
us with a world from which evil in its traditional supreme expression,
the demonic, has disappeared. Neither Klamm nor the Count nor Kafkaâs
clerks and judges, nor even less Walserâs creatures, despite their
ambiguity, would ever figure in a demonological catalogue. If something
like a demonic element survives in the world of these two authors, it is
rather in the form Spinoza may have had in mind when he wrote that the
devil is only the weakest of creatures and the most distant from God; as
such âthat is, insofar as the devil is essentially impotentâ not only
can it not do us harm, but on the contrary it is what most needs our
help and our prayers. It is, in every being that exists, the possibility
of not-being that silently calls for our help (or, if you wish, the
devil is nothing other than divine impotence or the power of not-being
in God). Evil is only our inadequate reaction when faced with this
demonic element, our fearful retreat from it in order to exercise
âfounding ourselves in this flightâ some power of being. Impotence or
the power to not-be is the root of evil only in this secondary sense.
Fleeing from our own impotence, or rather trying to adopt it as a
weapon, we construct the malevolent power that oppresses those who show
us their weakness; and failing our innermost possibility of not-being,
we fall away from the only thing that makes love possible. Creation âor
existenceâ is not the victorious struggle of a power to be against a
power to not-be; it is rather the impotence of God with respect to his
own impotence, his allowing âbeing able to not not-beâ a contingency to
be. Or rather: It is the birth in God of love.
This is why it is not so much the natural innocence of creatures that
Kafka and Walser allow to prevail against divine omnipotence as the
natural innocence of temptation. Their demon is not a tempter, but a
being infinitely susceptible to being tempted. Eichmann, an absolutely
banal man who was tempted to evil precisely by the powers of right and
law, is the terrible confirmation through which our era has revenged
itself on their diagnosis.
KANT DEFINES the schema of possibility as âthe determination of the
representation of a thing in whatever time.â It seems that the form of
the whatever, an irreducible quodlibet-like character, inheres in
potentiality and possibility, insofar as they are distinct from reality.
But what potentiality are we dealing with here? And what does âwhateverâ
mean in this context?
Of the two modes in which, according to Aristotle, every potentiality is
articulated, the decisive one is that which the philosopher calls âthe
potentiality to not-beâ (dynamis me einai) or also impotence (adynamia).
For if it is true that whatever being always has a potential character,
it is equally certain that it is not capable of only this or that
specific act, nor is it therefore simply incapable, lacking in power,
nor even less is it indifferently capable of everything, all-powerful:
The being that is properly whatever is able to not-be; it is capable of
its own impotence.
Everything rests here on the mode in which the passage from potentiality
to act comes about. The symmetry between the potentiality to be and the
potentiality to not-be is, in effect, only apparent. In the potentiality
to be, potentiality has as its object a certain act, in the sense that
for it energhein, being-in-act, can only mean passing to a determinate
activity (this is why Schelling defines the potentiality that cannot not
pass into action as blind); as for the potentiality to not-be, on the
other hand, the act can never consist of a simple transition de potentia
ad actum: It is, in other words, a potentiality that has as its object
potentiality itself, a potentia potentiae.
Only a power that is capable of both power and impotence, then, is the
supreme power. If every power is equally the power to be and the power
to not-be, the passage to action can only come about by transporting
(Aristotle says âsavingâ) in the act its own power to not-be. This means
that, even though every pianist necessarily has the potential to play
and the potential to not-play, Glenn Gould is, however, the only one who
can not not-play, and, directing his potentiality not only to the act
but to his own impotence, he plays, so to speak, with his potential to
not-play. While his ability simply negates and abandons his potential to
not-play, his mastery conserves and exercises in the act not his
potential to play (this is the position of irony that affirms the
superiority of the positive potentiality over the act), but rather his
potential to not-play.
In De anima Aristotle articulates this theory in absolute terms with
respect to the supreme theme of metaphysics. If thought were in fact
only the potentiality to think this or that intelligibility, he argues,
it would always already have passed through to the act and it would
remain necessarily inferior to its own object. But thought, in its
essence, is pure potentiality; in other words, it is also the
potentiality to not think, and, as such, as possible or material
intellect, Aristotle compares it to a writing tablet on which nothing is
written. (This is the celebrated image that the Latin translators render
with the expression tabula rasa, even if, as the ancient commentators
noted, one should speak rather of a rasum tabulae, that is, of the layer
of wax covering the tablet that the stylus engraves.)
Thanks to this potentiality to not-think, thought can turn back to
itself (to its pure potentiality) and be, at its apex, the thought of
thought. What it thinks here, however, is not an object, a being-in-act,
but that layer of wax, that rasum tabulae that is nothing but its own
passivity, its own pure potentiality (to not-think): In the potentiality
that thinks itself, action and passion coincide and the writing tablet
writes by itself or, rather, writes its own passivity.
The perfect act of writing comes not from a power to write, but from an
impotence that turns back on itself and in this way comes to itself as a
pure act (which Aristotle calls agent intellect). This is why in the
Arab tradition agent intellect has the form of an angel whose name is
Qalam, Pen, and its place is an unfathomable potentiality. Bartleby, a
scribe who does not simply cease writing but âprefers not to,â is the
extreme image of this angel that writes nothing but its potentiality to
QUESTIO 91 of the supplement to Saint Thomasâs Summa Theologica is
titled De qualitate mundi post iudicium. This section investigates the
condition of nature after the universal judgment: Will there be a
renovatio of the universe? WIll the movement of celestial bodies cease?
Will the splendor of the elements increase? What will happen to the
animals and plants? The logical difficulty that these questions run up
against is that, if the sensible world was ordered to fit the dignity
and the habitation of imperfect humans, then what sense can that world
have when those humans arrive at their supernatural destination? How can
nature survive the accomplishment of its final cause? To these questions
Robert Walserâs promenade on the âgood and faithful earthâ admits only
one response: The âwonderful fields,â the âgrass wet with dew,â the
âgentle roar of the water,â the ârecreational club decorated with bright
banners,â the girls, the hairdresserâs salon, Mrs. Wilkeâs room, all
will be just as it is, irreparably, but precisely this will be its
novelty. The Irreparable is the monogram that Walserâs writing engraves
into things. Irreparable means that these things are consigned without
remedy to their being-thus, that they are precisely and only their thus
(nothing is more foreign to Walser than the pretense of being other than
what one is); but irreparable also means that for them there is
literally no shelter possible, that in their being-thus they are
absolutely exposed, absolutely abandoned.
This implies that both necessity and contingency, those two crosses of
Western thought, have disappeared from the post iudicium world. The
world is now and forever necessarily contingent or contingently
necessary. Between the not being able to not-be that sanctions the
decree of necessity and the being able to not-be that defines
fluctuating contingency, the finite world suggests a contingency to the
second power that does not found any freedom: It is capable of not
not-being, it is capable of the irreparable.
This is why the ancient dictum that says, âIf nature could speak it
would lamentâ makes no sense here. After the judgment, animals, plants,
things, all the elements and creatures of the world, having completed
their theological task, would then enjoy an incorruptible fallenness â
above them floats something like a profane halo. Therefore nothing could
define the statute of the coming singularity better than these lines
that close one of the late poems of Hölderlin-Scardanelli:
(It) appears with a day of gold
and the fulfillment is without lament.
THE FACT that must constitute the point of departure for any discourse
on ethics is that there is no essence, no historical or spiritual
vocation, no biological destiny that humans must enact or realize. This
is the only reason why something like an ethics can exist, because it is
clear that if humans were or had to be this or that substance, this or
that destiny, no ethical experience would be possible-there would be
only tasks to be done. This does not mean, however, that humans are not,
and do not have to be, something, that they are simply consigned to
nothingness and therefore can freely decide whether to be or not to be,
to adopt or not to adopt this or that destiny (nihilism and decisionism
coincide at this point). There is in effect something that humans are
and have to be, but this something is not an essence nor properly a
thing: It is the simple fact of oneâs own existence as possibility or
potentiality. But precisely because of this things become complicated;
precisely because of this ethics becomes effective.
Since the being most proper to humankind is being oneâs own possibility
or potentiality, then and only for this reason (that is, insofar as
humankindâs most proper being âbeing potentialâ is in a certain sense
lacking, insofar as it can not-be, it is therefore devoid of foundation
and humankind is not always already in possession of it), humans have
and feel a debt. Humans, in their potentiality to be and to not-be, are,
in other words, always already in debt; they always already have a bad
conscience without having to commit any blameworthy act.
This is all that is meant by the old theological doctrine of original
sin. Morality, on the other hand, refers this doctrine to a blameworthy
act humans have committed and, in this way, shackles their potentiality,
turning it back toward the past. The recognition of evil is older and
more original than any blameworthy act, and it rests solely on the fact
that, being and having to be only its possibility or potentiality,
humankind fails itself in a certain sense and has to appropriate this
failing â it has to exist as potentiality. Like Perceval in the novel by
Chretien de Troyes, humans are guilty for what they lack, for an act
they have not committed.
This is why ethics has no room for repentance; this is why the only
ethical experience (which, as such, cannot be a task or a subjective
decision) is the experience of being (oneâs own) potentiality, of being
(oneâs own) possibility â exposing, that is, in every form oneâs own
amorphousness and in every act oneâs own inactuality.
The only evil consists instead in the decision to remain in a deficit of
existence, to appropriate the power to not-be as a substance and a
foundation beyond existence; or rather (and this is the destiny of
morality), to regard potentiality itself, which is the most proper mode
of human existence as a fault that must always be repressed.
IN THE early 1970s there was an advertisement shown in Paris movie
theaters that promoted a well-known brand of French stockings, âDimâ
stockings. It showed a group of young women dancing together. Anyone who
watched even a few of its images, however distractedly, would have a
hard time forgetting the special impression of synchrony and dissonance,
of confusion and singularity, of communication and estrangement that
emanated from the bodies of the smiling dancers. This impression relied
on a trick: Each dancer was filmed separately and later the single
pieces were brought together over a single sound track. But that facile
trick, that calculated asymmetry of the movement of long legs sheathed
in the same inexpensive commodity, that slight disjunction between the
gestures, wafted over the audience a promise of happiness unequivocally
related to the human body.
In the 1920s when the process of capitalist commodification began to
invest the human body, observers who were by no means favorable to the
phenomenon could not help but notice a positive aspect to it, as if they
were confronted with the corrupt text of a prophecy that went beyond the
limits of the capitalist mode of production and were faced with the task
of deciphering it. This is what gave rise to Siegfried Kracauerâs
observations on the âgirlsâ and Walter Benjaminâs reflections on the
decay of the aura.
The commodification of the human body, while subjecting it to the iron
laws of massification and exchange value, seemed at the same time to
redeem the body from the stigma of ineffability that had marked it for
millennia. Breaking away from the double chains of biological destiny
and individual biography, it took its leave of both the inarticulate cry
of the tragic body and the dumb silence of the comic body, and thus
appeared for the first time perfectly communicable, entirely
illuminated. The epochal process of the emancipation of the human body
from its theological foundations was thus accomplished in the dances of
the âgirls,â in the advertising images, and in the gait of fashion
models. This process had already been imposed at an industrial level
when, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, the invention of
lithography and photography encouraged the inexpensive distribution of
pornographic images: Neither generic nor individual, neither an image of
the divinity nor an animal form, the body now became something truly
Here the commodity betrays its secret solidarity (glimpsed by Marx) with
the theological antinomies. The phrase in Genesis âin the image and
likenessâ rooted the human figure in God, bound it in this way to an
invisible archetype, and founded with it the paradoxical concept of an
absolutely immaterial resemblance. While commodification unanchors the
body from its theological model, it still preserves the resemblance:
Whatever is a resemblance without archetypeâin other words, an Idea.
Hence, even though the perfectly fungible beauty of the technologized
body no longer has anything to do with the appearance of a unicum that
troubled the old Trojan princes when they saw Helen at the Skaian gates,
there is still in both of them something like a resemblance (âseeing her
terribly resemble the immortal goddessesâ). This is also the basis of
the exodus of the human figure from the artwork of our times and the
decline of portraiture: The task of the portrait is grasping a unicity,
but to grasp a whateverness one needs a photographic lens.
In a certain sense, the process of emancipation is as old as the
invention of the arts. From the instant that a hand drew or sculpted the
human figure for the first time, Pygmalionâs dream was already there to
guide it: to form not simply an image of the loved body, but another
body in that image, shattering the organic barrier that obstructs the
unconditioned human claim to happiness.
Today, in the age of the complete domination of the commodity form over
all aspects of social life, what remains of the subdued, senseless
promise of happiness that we received in the darkness of movie theaters
from dancers sheathed in Dim stockings? Never has the human body â above
all the female bodyâ been so massively manipulated as today and, so to
speak, imagined from top to bottom by the techniques of advertising and
commodity production: The opacity of sexual differences has been belied
by the transsexual body; the incommunicable foreignness of the singular
physis has been abolished by its mediatization as spectacle; the
mortality of the organic body has been put in question by its traffic
with the body without organs of commodities; the intimacy of erotic life
has been refuted by pornography. And yet the process of
technologization, instead of materially investing the body, was aimed at
the construction of a separate sphere that had practically no point of
contact with it: What was technologized was not the body, but its image.
Thus the glorious body of advertising has become the mask behind which
the fragile, slight human body continues its precarious existence, and
the geometrical splendor of the âgirlsâ covers over the long lines of
the naked, anonymous bodies led to their death in the Lagers (camps), or
the thousands of corpses mangled in the daily slaughter on the highways.
To appropriate the historic transformations of human nature that
capitalism wants to limit to the spectacle, to link together image and
body in a space where they can no longer be separated, and thus to forge
the whatever body, whose physis is resemblance â this is the good that
humanity must learn how to wrest from commodities in their decline.
Advertising and pornography, which escort the commodity to the grave
like hired mourners, are the unknowing midwives of this new body of
THERE IS a well-known parable about the Kingdom of the Messiah that
Walter Benjamin (who heard it from Gershom Scholem) recounted one
evening to Ernst Bloch, who in turn transcribed it in Spuren: âA rabbi,
a real cabalist, once said that in order to establish the reign of peace
it is not necessary to destroy everything nor to begin a completely new
world. It is sufficient to displace this cup or this bush or this stone
just a little, and thus everything. But this small displacement is so
difficult to achieve and its measure is so difficult to find that, with
regard to the world, humans are incapable of it and it is necessary that
the Messiah come.â Benjaminâs version of the story goes like this: âThe
Hassidim tell a story about the world to come that says everything there
will be just as it is here. Just as our room is now, so it will be in
the world to come; where our baby sleeps now, there too it will sleep in
the other world. And the clothes we wear in this world, those too we
will wear there. Everything will be as it is now, just a little
There is nothing new about the thesis that the Absolute is identical to
this world. It was stated in its extreme form by Indian logicians with
the axiom, âBetween Nirvana and the world there is not the slightest
difference.â What is new, instead, is the tiny displacement that the
story introduces in the messianic world. And yet it is precisely this
tiny displacement, this âeverything will be as it is now, just a little
different,â that is difficult to explain. This cannot refer simply to
real circumstances, in the sense that the nose of the blessed one will
become a little shorter, or that the cup on the table will be displaced
exactly one-half centimeter, or that the dog outside will stop barking.
The tiny displacement does not refer to the state of things, but to
their sense and their limits. It does not take place in things, but at
their periphery, in the space of ease between every thing and itself.
This means that even though perfection does not imply a real mutation it
does not simply involve an external state of things, an incurable âso be
it.â On the contrary, the parable introduces a possibility there where
everything is perfect, an âotherwiseâ where everything is finished
forever, and precisely this is its irreducible aporia. But how is it
possible that things be âotherwiseâ once everything is definitively
The theory developed by Saint Thomas in his short treatise on halos is
instructive in this regard. The beatitude of the chosen, he argues,
includes all the goods that are necessary for the perfect workings of
human nature, and therefore nothing essential can be added. There is,
however, something that can be added in surplus (superaddi), an
âaccidental reward that is added to the essential,â that is not
necessary for beatitude and does not alter it substantially, but that
simply makes it more brilliant (clarior).
The halo is this supplement added to perfection - something like the
vibration of that which is perfect, the glow at its edges.
Saint Thomas does not seem to be aware of the audacity of introducing an
accidental element into the status perfectionis, and this by itself
would be enough to explain why the questio on halos remains practically
without commentary in the Latin Patristics. The halo is not a quid, a
property or an essence that is added to beatitude: It is an absolutely
inessential supplement. But it is precisely for this reason that Saint
Thomas so unexpectedly anticipates the theory that several years later
Duns Scotus would pose as a challenge on the problem of individuation.
In response to the question of whether one of the blessed can merit a
halo brighter than the halos of others, he said (against the theory
whereby what is finished can neither grow nor diminish) that beatitude
does not arrive at perfection singularly but as a species, âjust as
fire, as a species, is the most subtle of bodies; nothing, therefore,
prevents one halo from being brighter than another just as one fire can
be more subtle than another.â
The halo is thus the individuation of a beatitude, the becoming singular
of that which is perfect. As in Duns Scotus, this individuation does not
imply the addition of a new essence or a change in its nature, but
rather its singular completion; unlike Scotus, however, for Saint Thomas
the singularity here is not a final determination of being, but an
unraveling or an indetermination of its limits: a paradoxical
individuation by indetermination.
One can think of the halo, in this sense, as a zone in which possibility
and reality, potentiality and actuality, become indistinguishable. The
being that has reached its end, that has consumed all of its
possibilities, thus receives as a gift a supplemental possibility. This
is that potentia permixta actui (or that actus permixtus potentiae) that
a brilliant fourteenth-century philosopher called actus confusionis, a
fusional act, insofar as specific form or nature is not preserved in it,
but mixed and dissolved in a new birth with no residue. This
imperceptible trembling of the finite that makes its limits
indeterminate and allows it to blend, to make itself whatever, is the
tiny displacement that every thing must accomplish in the messianic
world. Its beatitude is that of a potentiality that comes only after the
act, of matter that does not remain beneath the form, but surrounds it
with a halo.
EVERY LAMENT is always a lament for language, just as all praise is
principally praise of the name. These are the extremes that define the
domain and the scope of human language, its way of referring to things.
Lament arises when nature feels betrayed by meaning; when the name
perfectly says the thing, language culminates in the song of praise, in
the sanctification of the name. Robert Walserâs language seems to ignore
them both. Ontotheological pathos-both in the form of unsayability and
in the (equivalent) form of absolute sayability-always remained foreign
to his writing, which maintained a delicate balance between âmodest
imprecisionâ and a mannerist stereotype. (Here too, Scardanelliâs
protocol-laden language is the herald that announces the prose pieces of
Berne or Waldau a century early.)
If in the West language has constantly been used as a machine to bring
into being the name of God and to found in the name its own power of
reference, then Walserâs language has outlived its theological task. A
nature that has exhausted its destiny among created beings is matched by
a language that has declined any pretense of denomination. The semantic
status of his prose coincides with that of the pseudonym or the
nickname. It is as if every word were preceded by an invisible
âso-called,â âpseudo-,â and âwould-beâ or followed (as in the late
inscriptions where the appearance of the agnomen marked the passage from
the trinomial Latin system to the uninomial medieval system) by a âqui
et vocatur...,â almost as if every term raised an objection against its
own denominative power. Like the little dancers to which Walser compares
his prose pieces, the words âdead tiredâ decline any pretense of rigor.
If any grammatical form corresponds to this exhausted state of language
it is the supine, that is, a word that has completely achieved its
âdeclensionâ in cases and moods and is now âstretched out on its back,â
exposed and neutral.
The petty bourgeois distrust of language is transformed here into a
modesty of language with respect to its referent. This referent is no
longer nature betrayed by meaning, nor its transfiguration in the name,
but it is what is heldâunutteredâin the pseudonym or in the ease between
the name and the nickname. In a letter to Max Rychner, Walser speaks of
this âfascination of not uttering something absolutely.â âFigureââthat
is, precisely the term that expresses in Saint Paulâs epistles what
passes away in the face of the nature that does not dieâis the name
Walser gives to the life that is born in this gap.
IF WE had once again to conceive of the fortunes of humanity in terms of
class, then today we would have to say that there are no longer social
classes, but just a single planetary petty bourgeoisie, in which all the
old social classes are dissolved: The petty bourgeoisie has inherited
the world and is the form in which humanity has survived nihilism.
But this is also exactly what fascism and Nazism understood, and to have
clearly seen the irrevocable decline of the old social subjects
constitutes their insuperable cachet of modernity. (From a strictly
political point of view fascism and Nazism have not been overcome, and
we still live under their sign.) They represented, however, a national
petty bourgeoisie still attached to a false popular identity in which
dreams of bourgeois grandeur were an active force. The planetary petty
bourgeoisie has instead freed itself from these dreams and has taken
over the aptitude of the proletariat to refuse any recognizable social
identity. The petty bourgeois nullify all that exists with the same
gesture in which they seem obstinately to adhere to it: They know only
the improper and the inauthentic and even refuse the idea of a discourse
that could be proper to them. That which constituted the truth and
falsity of the peoples and generations that have followed one another on
the earth â differences of language, of dialect, of ways of life, of
character, of custom, and even the physical particularities of each
person â has lost any meaning for them and any capacity for expression
and communication. In the petty bourgeoisie, the diversities that have
marked the tragicomedy of universal history are brought together and
exposed in a phantasmagorical vacuousness.
But the absurdity of individual existence, inherited from the subbase of
nihilism, has become in the meantime so senseless that it has lost all
pathos and been transformed, brought out into the open, into an everyday
exhibition: Nothing resembles the life of this new humanity more than
advertising footage from which every trace of the advertised product has
been wiped out. The contradiction of the petty bourgeois, however, is
that they still search in the footage for the product they were cheated
of, obstinately trying, against all odds, to make their own an identity
that has become in reality absolutely improper and insignificant to
them. Shame and arrogance, conformity and marginality remain thus the
poles of all their emotional registers.
The fact is that the senselessness of their existence runs up against a
final absurdity, against which all advertising runs aground: death
itself. In death the petty bourgeois confront the ultimate
expropriation, the ultimate frustration of individuality: life in all
its nakedness, the pure incommunicable, where their shame can finally
rest in peace. Thus they use death to cover the secret that they must
resign themselves to acknowledging: that even life in its nakedness is,
in truth, improper and purely exterior to them, that for them there is
no shelter on earth. This means that the planetary petty bourgeoisie is
probably the form in which humanity is moving toward its own
destruction. But this also means that the petty bourgeoisie represents
an opportunity unheard of in the history of humanity that it must at all
costs not let slip away. Because if instead of continuing to search for
a proper identity in the already improper and senseless form of
individuality, humans were to succeed in belonging to this impropriety
as such, in making of the proper being-thus not an identity and an
individual property but a singularity without identity, a common and
absolutely exposed singularity â if humans could, that is, not be â thus
in this or that particular biography, but be only the thus, their
singular exteriority and their face, then they would for the first time
enter into a community without presuppositions and without subjects,
into a communication without the incommunicable.
Selecting in the new planetary humanity those characteristics that allow
for its survival, removing the thin diaphragm that separates bad
mediatized advertising from the perfect exteriority that communicates
only itself â this is the political task of our generation.
WHATEVER IS the figure of pure singularity. Whatever singularity has no
identity, it is not determinate with respect to a concept, but neither
is it simply indeterminate; rather it is determined only through its
relation to an idea, that is, to the totality of its possibilities.
Through this relation, as Kant said, singularity borders all possibility
and thus receives its omnimoda determinatio not from its participation
in a determinate concept or some actual property (being red, Italian,
Communist), but only by means of this bordering. It belongs to a whole,
but without this belongingâs being able to be represented by a real
condition: Belonging, being-such, is here only the relation to an empty
and indeterminate totality.
In Kantian terms this means that what is in question in this bordering
is not a limit (Schranke) that knows no exteriority, but a threshold
(Grenze), that is, a point of contact with an external space that must
remain empty.
Whatever adds to singularity only an emptiness, only a threshold:
Whatever is a singularity plus an empty space, a singularity that is
finite and, nonetheless, indeterminable according to a concept. But a
singularity plus an empty space can only be a pure exteriority, a pure
exposure. Whatever, in this sense, is the event of an outside. What is
thought in the architranscendental quodlibet is, therefore, what is most
difficult to think: the absolutely non-thing experience of a pure
It is important here that the notion of the âoutsideâ is expressed in
many European languages by a word that means âat the doorâ (fores in
Latin is the door of the house, thyrathen in Greek literally means âat
the thresholdâ). The outside is not another space that resides beyond a
determinate space, but rather, it is the passage, the exteriority that
gives it accessâin a word, it is its face, its eidos.
The threshold is not, in this sense, another thing with respect to the
limit; it is, so to speak, the experience of the limit itself, the
experience of being-within an outside. This ek-stasis is the gift that
singularity gathers from the empty hands of humanity.
IN JUNE 1902, a thirty-year-old English logician wrote Gottlob Frege a
short letter in which he claimed to have discovered in one of the
postulates of The Basic Laws of Arithmetic an antinomy that threatened
to call into question the very foundations of the âparadiseâ that
Cantorâs set theory had created for mathematicians.
With his usual acumen, but not without some distress, Frege quickly
understood what was at stake in the young Bertrand Russellâs letter:
nothing less than the possibility of passing from a concept to its
extension, that is, the very possibility of thinking in terms of
classes. âWhen we say that certain objects all have a certain property,â
Russell explained later, âwe suppose that this property is a definite
object, that it can be distinct from the objects that belong to it; we
further suppose that the objects that have the property in question form
a class, and that this class is, in some way, a new entity distinct from
each of its elements.â Precisely these unstated, obvious presuppositions
were brought into question by the paradox of the âclass of all the
classes that are not members of themselves,â which today has become an
amusement for cocktail parties, but was clearly serious enough to be a
long-term stumbling block to Fregeâs intellectual production and to
force its discoverer to spend years marshaling every suitable means to
limit its consequences. Despite David Hilbertâs insistent warning, the
logicians were driven out of their paradise once and for all.
As Frege guessed, and as we begin perhaps to see more clearly today,
underlying these paradoxes of set theory is the same problem that Kant,
in his letter to Marcus Herz of February 21, 1772, formulated in the
question: âHow do our representations refer to objects?â What does it
mean to say that the concept âredâ designates red objects? And is it
true that every concept determines a class that constitutes its
extension? What Russellâs paradox brought to light was the existence of
properties or concepts (which he called non-predicative) that do not
determine a class (or rather that cannot determine a class without
producing antinomies). Russell linked these properties (and the
pseudoclasses that derive from them) with those in whose definition
appear the âapparent variablesâ constituted by the terms âall,â âevery,â
and âany.â^([2]) The classes that arise from these expressions are
âillegitimate totalities,â which pretend to be part of the totality they
define (something like a concept that demands to be part of its own
extension). Against these classes, the logicians (unaware that their
warnings unfailingly contain these variables) issue more and more
prohibitions and plant their border markers: âAnything that implies all
the members of a class must not itself be one of themâ; âall that in any
way concerns every or each member of a class must not be a member of
that classâ; âif any expression contains an apparent variable, it must
not be one of the possible values of that variable.â
Unfortunately for logicians, non-predicative expressions are much more
numerous than one might think. Actually, since every term refers by
definition to every and any member of its extension, and can,
furthermore, refer to itself, one can say that all (or almost all) words
can be presented as classes that, according to the formulation of the
paradox, both are and are not members themselves.
It is not worth objecting against this that one never mistakes the term
âshoeâ for a shoe. Here an insufficient conception of self-reference
blocks us from grasping the crux of the problem: What is in question is
not the word âshoeâ in its acoustic or graphic form (the suppositio
materialis of medieval logicians), but the word âshoeâ precisely in its
signifying the shoe (or, a parte objecti, the shoe in its being
signified by the term âshoeâ). Even if we can completely distinguish a
shoe from the term âshoe,â it is still much more difficult to
distinguish a shoe from its being-called-(shoe), from its
being-in-language. Being-called or being-in-language is the
non-predicative property par excellence that belongs to each member of a
class and at the same time makes its belonging an aporia. This is also
the content of the paradox that Frege once stated in writing, âThe
concept âhorseâ is not a conceptâ (and that Milner, in a recent book,
expressed as, âThe linguistic term has no proper nameâ). In other words,
if we try to grasp a concept as such, it is fatally transformed into an
object, and the price we pay is no longer being able to distinguish it
from the conceived thing.
This aporia of intentionality, whereby it cannot be intended without
becoming an intentum, was familiar to medieval logicians as the paradox
of âcognitive being.â According to the formulation of Meister Eckhart,
âIf the form (species) or image by which a thing is seen and known were
other than the thing itself, we would never be able to know the thing
either through it or in it. But if the form or image were completely
indistinct from the thing, it would be useless for knowledge... If the
form that is in the soul had the nature of an object, then we would not
know through it the thing of which it is the form, because if it itself
were an object it would lead us to the knowledge of itself and it would
divert us from the knowledge of the thing.â (In other words, in the
terms that interest us here, if the word through which a thing is
expressed were either something other than the thing itself or identical
to it, then it would not be able to express the thing.)
Not a hierarchy of types (like the one proposed by Russell that so
irritated the young Wittgenstein), but only a theory of ideas is in a
position to disentangle thought from the aporias of linguistic being (or
better, to transform them into euporias). Aristotle expressed this with
unsurpassable clarity when he characterized the relationship between the
Platonic idea and multiple phenomena. This passage is deprived of its
real meaning in the modern editions of the Metaphysics, but in the more
authoritative manuscript it reads: âAccording to their participation,
the plurality of synonyms is homonymous with respect to ideasâ
(Metaphysics 987bIO).
Synonyms for Aristotle are entities that have the same name and the same
definition: in other words, phenomena insofar as they are members of a
coherent class, that is, insofar as they belong to a set through
participation in a common concept. These same phenomena, however, that
relate to each other as synonyms become homonyms if considered with
respect to the idea (homonyms, according to Aristotle, are objects that
have the same names but different definitions). Thus the single horses
are synonyms with respect to the concept horse, but homonyms with
respect to the idea of the horse â just as in Russellâs paradox the same
object both belongs and does not belong to a class.
But what is the idea that constitutes the homonymy of multiple synonyms
and that, persisting in every class, withdraws its members from their
predicative belonging to make them simple homonyms, to show their pure
dwelling in language? That with respect to which the synonym is
homonymous is neither an object nor a concept, but is instead its own
having-name, its own belonging, or rather its being-in-language. This
can neither be named in turn nor shown, but only grasped through an
anaphoric movement. Hence the principle â which is decisive even if it
is rarely thematized as such â according to which the idea does not have
a proper name, but is only expressed by means of the anaphora autĂČ: the
idea of a thing is the thing itself. This anonymous homonymy is the
But for this very reason it constitutes the homonym as whatever.
Whatever is singularity insofar as it relates not (only) to the concept,
but (also) to the idea. This relation does not found a new class, but
is, in each class, that which draws singularity from its synonymy, from
its belonging to a class, not toward any absence of name or belonging,
but toward the name itself, toward a pure and anonymous homonymy. While
the network of concepts continually introduces synonymous relations, the
idea is that which intervenes every time to shatter the pretense of
absoluteness in these relations, showing their inconsistency. Whatever
does not therefore mean only (in the words of Alain Badiou) âsubtracted
from the authority of language, without any possible denomination,
indiscernibleâ; it means more exactly that which, holding itself in
simple homonymy, in pure being-called, is precisely and only for this
reason unnameable: the being-in-language of the non-linguistic.
What remains without name here is the being-named, the name itself
(nomen innominabile); only being-in-language is subtracted from the
authority of language. According to a Platonic tautology, which we are
still far from understanding, the idea of a thing is the thing itself;
the name, insofar as it names a thing, is nothing but the thing insofar
as it is named by the name.
WHEN GUY Debord published Society of the Spectacle in November 1967, the
transformation of politics and of all social life into a spectacular
phantasmagoria had not yet reached the extreme form that today has
become perfectly familiar. This fact makes the implacable lucidity of
his diagnosis all the more remarkable.
Capitalism in its final form, he argued â radicalizing the Marxian
analysis of the fetishistic character of commodities, which was
foolishly neglected in those years â presents itself as an immense
accumulation of spectacles, in which all that was directly lived is
distanced in a representation. The spectacle does not simply coincide,
however, with the sphere of images or with what we call today the media:
It is âa social relation among people, mediated by images,â the
expropriation and the alienation of human sociality itself. Or rather,
using a lapidary formula, âthe spectacle is capital to such a degree of
accumulation that it becomes an image.â But for that very reason, the
spectacle is nothing but the pure form of separation: When âthe real
world is transformed into an image and images become real, the practical
power of humans is separated from itself and presented as a world unto
itself. In the figure of this world separated and organized by the
media, in which the forms of the State and the economy are interwoven,
the mercantile economy attains the status of absolute and irresponsible
sovereignty over all social life. After having falsified all of
production, it can now manipulate collective perception and take control
of social memory and social communication, transforming them into a
single spectacular commodity where everything can be called into
question except the spectacle itself, which, as such, says nothing but,
âWhat appears is good, what is good appears.â
Today, in the era of the complete triumph of the spectacle, what can be
reaped from the heritage of Debord? It is clear that the spectacle is
language, the very communicativity or linguistic being of humans. This
means that a fuller Marxian analysis should deal with the fact that
capitalism (or any other name one wants to give the process that today
dominates world history) was directed not only toward the expropriation
of productive activity, but also and principally toward the alienation
of language itself, of the very linguistic and communicative nature of
humans, of that logos which one of Heraclitusâs fragments identified as
the Common. The extreme form of this expropriation of the Common is the
spectacle, that is, the politics we live in. But this also means that in
the spectacle our own linguistic nature comes back to us inverted. This
is why (precisely because what is being expropriated is the very
possibility of a common good) the violence of the spectacle is so
destructive; but for the same reason the spectacle retains something
like a positive possibility that can be used against it.
This condition is very similar to what the cabalists called âthe
isolation of the Shekinahâ and attributed to Aher, one of the four
rabbis who, according to a celebrated Haggadah of the Talmud, entered
into Pardes (that is, into supreme knowledge). âFour rabbis,â the story
says, âentered Paradise: Ben Azzai, Ben Zoma, Aher and Rabbi
Akiba....Ben Azzai cast a glance and died....Ben Zoma looked and went
mad....Aher cut off the twigs ...Rabbi Akiba left unharmed.â
The Shekinah is the last of the ten Sefirot or attributes of the
divinity, the one that expresses the very presence of the divine, its
manifestation or habitation on earth: its âword.â Aherâs âcutting off
the twigsâ is identified by the cabalists with the sin of Adam, who
instead of contemplating all of the Sefirot chose to contemplate the
final one, isolating it from the others and in this way separating the
tree of knowledge from the tree of life. Like Adam, Aher represents
humanity insofar as, making knowledge his own destiny and his own
specific power, he isolates knowledge and the word, which are nothing
but the most complete form of the manifestation of God (the Shekinah),
from the other Sefirot in which God is revealed. The risk here is that
the word â that is, the non-latency and the revelation of something
(anything whatsoever) â be separated from what it reveals and acquire an
autonomous consistency. Revealed and manifested (and hence common and
shareable) being is separated from the thing revealed and standsbetween
it and humans. In this condition of exile, the Shekinah loses its
positive power and becomes harmful (the cabalists said that it âsucked
the milk of evilâ).
This is the sense in which the isolation of the Shekinah expresses the
condition of our era. Whereas under the old regime the estrangement of
the communicative essence of humans took the form of a presupposition
that served as a common foundation, in the society of spectacle it is
this very communicativity, this generic essence itself (i.e., language),
that is separated in an autonomous sphere. What hampers communication is
communicability itself; humans are separated by what unites them.
Journalists and mediacrats are the new priests of this alienation from
human linguistic nature.
In the society of spectacle, in fact, the isolation of the Shekinah
reaches its final phase, where language is not only constituted in an
autonomous sphere, but also no longer even reveals anything â or better,
it reveals the nothingness of all things. There is nothing of God, of
the world, or of the revealed in language. In this extreme nullifying
unveiling, however, language (the linguistic nature of humans) remains
once again hidden and separated, and thus, one last time, in its
unspoken power, it dooms humans to a historical era and a State: the era
of the spectacle, or of accomplished nihilism. This is why today power
founded on a presupposed foundation is tottering all over the globe and
the kingdoms of the earth set course, one after another, for the
democratic-spectacular regime that constitutes the completion of the
State-form. Even more than economic necessity and technological
development, what drives the nations of the earth toward a single common
destiny is the alienation from linguistic being, the uprooting of all
peoples from their vital dwelling in language.
For this very reason, however, the era in which we live is also that in
which for the first time it is possible for humans to experience their
own linguistic being â not this or that content of language, but
language itself, not this or that true proposition, but the very fact
that one speaks. Contemporary politics is this devastating experimentum
linguae that all over the planet unhinges and empties traditions and
beliefs, ideologies and religions, identities and communities.
Only those who succeed in carrying it to completionâwithout allowing
what reveals to remain veiled in the nothingness that reveals, but
bringing language itself to languageâwill be the first citizens of a
community with neither presuppositions nor a State, where the nullifying
and determining power of what is common will be pacified and where the
Shekinah will have stopped sucking the evil milk of its own separation.
Like Rabbi Akiba, they will enter into the paradise of language and
leave unharmed.
WHAT COULD be the politics of whatever singularity, that is, of a being
whose community is mediated not by any condition of belonging (being
red, being Italian, being Communist) nor by the simple absence of
conditions (a negative community, such as that recently propsed in
France by Maurice Blanchot), but by belonging itself? A herald from
Beijing carries the elements of a response.
What was most striking about the demonstrations of the Chinese May was
the relative absence of determinate contents in their demands (democracy
and freedom are notions too generic and broadly defined to constitute
the real object of a conflict, and the only concrete demand, the
rehabilitation of Hu Yao-Bang, was immediately granted). This makes the
violence of the Stateâs reaction seem even more inexplicable. It is
likely, however, that the disproportion is only apparent and that the
Chinese leaders acted, from their point of view, with greater lucidity
than the Western observers who were exclusively concerned with advancing
increasingly less plausible arguments about the opposition between
democracy and communism.
The novelty of the coming politics is that it will no longer be a
struggle for the conquest of control of the State, but a struggle
between the State and the non-State (humanity), and insurmountable
disjunction between whatever singularity and the State organization.
This has nothing to do with the simple affirmation of the social in
opposition to the State that has often found expression in the protest
movements of recent years. Whatever singularities cannot form a societas
because they do not possess any identity to vindicate nor any bond of
belonging for which to seek recognition. In the final instance the State
can recognize any claim for identityâeven that of a State identity
within the State (the recent history of relations between the State and
terrorism is an eloquent confirmation of this fact). What the State
cannot tolerate in any way, however, is that the singularities form a
community without affirming an identity, that humans co-belong without
any representable condition of belonging (even in the form of a simple
presupposition). The State, as Alain Badiou has shown, is not founded on
a social bond, of which it would be the expression, but rather on the
dissolution, the unbinding it prohibits. For the State, therefore, what
is important is never the singularity as such, but only its inclusion in
some identity, whatever identity (but the possibility of the whatever
itself being taken up without an identity is a threat the State cannot
come to terms with).
A being radically devoid of any representable identity would be
absolutely irrelevant to the State. This is what, in our culture, the
hypocritical dogma of the sacredness of human life and the vacuous
declarations of human rights are meant to hide. Sacred here can only
mean what the term meant in Roman law: Sacer was the one who had been
excluded from the human world and who, evern though she or he could not
be sacrificed, could be killed without committing homicide (âneque fas
est eum immolari, sed qui occidit parricidio non damnaturâ). (It is
significant from this perspective that the extermination of the Jews was
not conceived as homicide, neither by the executioners nor by the
judges; rather, the judges presented it as a crime against humanity. The
victorious powers tried to compensate for this lack of identity with the
concession of a State identity, which itself became the source of new
Whatever singularity, which wants to appropriate belonging itself, its
own being-in-language, and thus rejects all identity and every condition
of belonging, is the principal enemy of the State. Wherever these
singularities peacefully demonstrate their being in common there will be
a Tiananmen, and, sooner or later, the tanks will appear.
These fragments can be read as a commentary on section 9 of Martin
Heideggerâs Being and Time and proposition 6.44 of Ludwig Wittgensteinâs
Tractatus. Both texts deal with the attempt to define an old problem of
metaphysics: the relationship between essence and existence, between
quid est and quod est. Whether and to what extent these fragments, even
with their obvious shortcomings, do succeed in furthering our thought
about this relationship, which the meager propensity of our times for
ontology (first philosophy) has hastily left aside, will be clear only
if one can situate them in this context.
The Irreparable is that things are just as they are, in this or that
mode, consigned without remedy to their way of being. States of things
are irreparable, whatever they may be: sad or happy, atrocious or
blessed. How you are, how the world isâthis is the Irreparable.
Revelation does not mean revelation of the sacredness of the world, but
only revelation of its irreparably profane character. (The name always
and only names things.) Revelation consigns the world to profanation and
thingnessâand isnât this precisely what has happened? The possibility of
salvation begins only at this point; it is the salvation of the
profanity of the world, of its being-thus.
(This is why those who try to make the world and life sacred again are
just as impious as those who despair about its profanation. This is why
Protestant theology, which clearly separates the profane world from the
divine, is both wrong and right: right because the world has been
consigned irrevocably by revelation [by language] to the profane sphere;
wrong because it will be saved precisely insofar as it is profane.)
The worldâinsofar as it is absolutely, irreparably profaneâis God.
According to Spinoza the two forms of the irreparable, confidence or
safety (securitas) and despair (desperatio), are identical from this
point of view (Ethics, III, Definitions XIV and XV). What is essential
is only that every cause of doubt has been removed, that things are
certainly and definitively thus; it does not matter whether this brings
joy or sadness. As a state of things, heaven is perfectly equivalent to
hell even though it has the opposite sign. (But if we could feel
confident in despair, or desperate in confidence, then we would be able
to perceive in the state of things a margin, a limbo that cannot be
contained within it.)
The root of all pure joy and sadness is that the world is as it is. Joy
or sadness that arises because the world is not what it seems or what we
want it to be is impure or provisional. But in the highest degree of
their purity, in the so be it said to the world when every legitimate
cause of doubt and hope has been removed, sadness and joy refer not to
negative or positive qualities, but to a pure being-thus without any
The proposition that God is not revealed in the world could also be
expressed by the following statement: What is properly divine is that
the world does not reveal God. (Hence this is not the âbitterestâ
proposition of the Tractatus.)
The world of the happy and that of the unhappy, the world of the good
and that of the evil contain the same states of things; with respect to
their being-thus they are perfectly identical. The just person does not
reside in another world. The one who is saved and the one who is lost
have the same arms and legs. The glorious body cannot but be the mortal
body itself. What changes are not the things but their limits. It is as
if there hovered over them something like a halo, a glory.
The Irreparable is neither an essence nor an existence, neither a
substance nor a quality, neither a possibility nor a necessity. It is
not properly a modality of being, but it is the being that is always
already given in modality, that is its modalities. It is not thus, but
rather it is its thus.
Thus. The meaning of this little word is the most difficult to grasp.
âHence things stand thus.â But would we say of an animal that its world
is thus-and-thus? Even if we could exactly describe the animalâs world,
representing it as the animal sees it (as in the color illustrations of
UexkĂŒllâs books that depict the world of the bee, the hermit crab, and
the fly), certainly that world would still not contain the thus; it
would not be thus for the animal: It would not be irreparable.
Being-thus is not a substance of which thus would express a
determination or a qualification. Being is not a presupposition that is
before or after its qualities. Being that is irreparably thus is its
thus; it is only its mode of being. (The thus is not an essence that
determines an existence, but it finds its essence in its own being-thus,
in its being its own determination.)
Thus means not otherwise. (This leaf is green; hence it is neither red
nor yellow.) But can one conceive of a being-thus that negates all
possibilities, every predicateâthat is, only the thus, such as it is,
and no other way? This would be the only correct way to understand
negative theology: neither this nor that, neither thus nor thusâbut
thus, as it is, with all its predicates (all its predicates is not a
predicate). Not otherwise negates each predicate as a property (on the
plane of essence), but takes them up again as im-properties or
improprieties (on the plane of existence).
(Such a being would be a pure, singular and yet perfectly whatever
As anaphora, the term thus refers back to a preceding term, and only
through this preceding term does it (which, in itself, has no meaning)
identify its proper referent.
Here, however, we have to conceive of an anaphora that no longer refers
back to any meaning or any referent, an absolute thus that does not
presuppose anything, that is completely exposed.
The two characteristics that according to grammarians define the meaning
of the pronoun, ostension and relation, deixis and anaphora, have to be
completely rethought here. The mode in which these characteristics have
been understood has determined the theory of being, that is, first
philosophy, since its origins. Pure being (the substantia sine
qualitate), which is in question in the pronoun, has constantly been
understood according to the schema of presupposition. In ostension,
through languageâs capacity to refer to the instance of discourse taking
place, what is presupposed is the immediate being-there of a
non-linguistic element, which language cannot say but only show (hence
showing has provided the model for existence and denotation, the
Aristotelian tode ti). In anaphora, through reference to a term already
mentioned in discourse, this presupposition is posited in relation to
language as the subject (hypokeimenon) that carries what is said (hence
anaphora has provided the model for essence and meaning, the
Aristotelian ti hen einai). The pronoun, through deixis, presupposes
relationless being and, through anaphora, makes that being âthe subjectâ
of discourse. Thus anaphora presupposes ostension, and ostension refers
back to anaphora (insofar as deixis presupposes an instance of
discourse): They imply each other. (This is the origin of the double
meaning of the term ousia: the single ineffable individual and the
substance underlying its predicates.)
The originary fracture of being in essence and existence, meaning and
denotation is thus expressed in the double meaning of the pronoun,
without the relationship between these terms ever coming to light as
such. What needs to be conceived here is precisely this relation that is
neither denotation nor meaning, neither ostension nor anaphora, but
rather their reciprocal implication. It is not the non-linguistic, the
relationless object of a pure ostension, nor is it this objectâs being
in language as that which is said in the proposition; rather, it is the
being-in-language-of-the-non-linguistic, the thing itself. In other
words, it is not the presupposition of a being, but its exposure.
The expositive relationship between existence and essence, between
denotation and meaning, is not a relationship of identity (the same
thing, idem), but of ipseity (the same thing, ipsum). Many
misunderstandings in philosophy have arisen from the confusion of the
one with the other. The thing of thought is not the identity, but the
thing itself. The latter is not another thing toward which the thing
tends, transcending itself, but neither is it simply the same thing. The
thing here transcends toward itself, toward its own being such as it is.
As such.^([3]) Here the anaphora âasâ does not refer to a preceding
referential term (to a prelinguistic substance), and âsuchâ does not
serve to indicate a referent that gives âasâ its meaning. âSuchâ has no
other existence than âas,â and âasâ has no other essence than âsuch.â
They stipulate each other, they expose one another, and what exists is
being-such, an absolute such-quality that does not refer back to any
presupposition. Arché anypothetos. (The anaphoric relation is played out
here between the named thing and its being named, between the name and
its reference to the thing: between, that is, the name âroseâ insofar as
it signifies the rose and the rose insofar as it is signified by the
name ârose.â The space of the anaphoric relation is solely contained in
this interworld.)
Assuming my being-such, my manner of being; is not assuming this or that
quality, this or that character, virtue or vice, wealth or poverty. My
qualities and my being-thus are not qualifications of a substance (of a
subject) that remains behind them and that I would truly be. I am never
this or that, but always such, thus. Eccum sic: absolutely: Not
possession but limit, not presupposition but exposure.
Exposure, in other words being such-as, is not any of the real
predicates (being red, hot, small, smooth, etc.), but neither is it
other than these (otherwise it would be something else added to the
concept of a thing and therefore still a real predicate). That you are
exposed is not one of your qualities, but neither is it other than them
(we could say, in fact; that it is none-other than them). Whereas real
predicates express relationships within language, exposure is pure
relationship with language itself, with its taking-place. It is what
happens to something (or more precisely, to the taking-place of
something) by the very fact of being in relation to language, the fact
of being-called. A thing is (called) red and by virtue of this, insofar
as it is called such and refers to itself as such (not simply as red),
it is exposed. Existence as exposure is the being-as of a such. (The
category of suchness is, in this sense, the fundamental category that
remains unthought in every quality.)
To exist means to take on qualities, to submit to the torment of being
such (inqualieren). Hence quality, the being-such of each thing, is its
torture and its sourceâits limit. How you areâyour faceâis your torture
and your source. And each being is and must be its mode of being, its
manner of rising forth: being such as it is.
The such does not presuppose the as; it exposes it, it is its
taking-place. (Only in this sense can we say that essence liesâliegtâin
existence.) The as does not suppose the such; it is its exposure, its
being pure exteriority. (Only in this sense can we say that essence
Language says something as something: the tree as âtree,â the house as
âhouse.â Thought has been concentrated either on the first something
(existence, that something is) or on the second (essence, what something
is), either on their identity or their difference. But what really has
to be thoughtâthe word âas,â the relation of exposureâhas remained
unthought. This originary âasâ is the theme of philosophy, the thing of
Heidegger brought to light the structure of the word als, âas,â âinsofar
as,â that characterizes apophantic judgment. Apophantic judgment is
founded on âinsofar asâ as the circular structure of comprehension.
Comprehension comprehends and discovers something always already on the
basis of something and insofar as it is something, retreating, so to
speak, toward that in which it was already lodged. In judgment this
structure of âsomething insofar as it is somethingâ takes the form
familiar to us as the subject-predicate relation. The judgment âthe
chalk is whiteâ says the chalk insofar as it is white and, in this way,
hides the around-and-about-which in the insofar-as-it-is-something
through which the former is understood.
But the structure and the meaning of the als, the âas,â are still not
clear. By saying something as âsomething,â what is hidden is not only
the around-and-about-which (the first thing) but primarily the as
itself. The thinking that tries to grasp being as being retreats toward
the entity without adding to it any further determination, but also
without presupposing it in an ostension as the ineffable subject of the
predication; comprehending it in its being-such, in the midst of its as,
it grasps its pure non-latency, its pure exteriority. It no longer says
something as âsomething,â but brings to speech the as itself.
Meaning and denotation do not account for all of linguistic
signification. We have to introduce a third term: the thing itself, the
being- such, that is neither what is denoted nor what is meant. (This is
the meaning of the Platonic theory of ideas.)
Neither the being that is absolutely not posited and relationless
(athesis), nor the being that is posited, related, and factitious, but
an eternal exposure and facticity: aeisthesis, an eternal sensation.
A being that is never itself, but is only the existent. It is never
existent, but it is the existent, completely and without refuge. It
neither founds nor directs nor nullifies the existent; it is only its
being exposed, its nimbus, its limit. The existent no longer refers back
to being; it is in the midst of being, and being is entirely abandoned
in the existent. Without refuge and nonetheless safeâsafe in its being
Being, which is the existent, is forever safe from the risk of itself
existing as a thing or of being nothing. The existent, abandoned in the
midst of being, is perfectly exposed.
Atticus defines the idea as âparaitia tou einai toiauta ecasthâ oiaper
esti,â for each thing, not cause but paracause, and not simply for
being, but for being-such-as-it-is.
The being-such of each thing is the idea. It is as if the form, the
knowability, the features of every entity were detached from it, not as
another thing, but as an intentio, an angel, an image. The mode of being
of this intentio is neither a simple existence nor a transcendence; it
is a paraexistence or a paratranscendence that dwells beside the thing
(in all the sense of the prefix âpara-â), so close that it almost merges
with it, giving it a halo. It is not the identity of the thing and yet
it is nothing other than the thing (it is none- other). The existence of
the idea is, in other words, a paradigmatic existence: the manifesting
beside itself of each thing (paradeigma). But this showing beside itself
is a limitâor rather, it is the unraveling, the indetermination of a
limit: a halo.
(This is a Gnostic reading of the Platonic idea. It also applies to the
angels-intelligences in Avicenna and the love poets, and to Origenâs
eidos and the radiant cloak of the Song of the Pearl. Salvation takes
place in this irreparable image.)
An eternal as-suchness: This is the idea.
Redemption is not an event in which what was profane becomes sacred and
what was lost is found again. Redemption is, on the contrary, the
irreparable loss of the lost, the definitive profanity of the profane.
But, precisely for this reason, they now reach their endâthe advent of a
We can have hope only in what is without remedy. That things are thus
and thusâthis is still in the world. But that this is irreparable, that
this thus is without remedy, that we can contemplate it as suchâthis is
the only passage outside the world. (The innermost character of
salvation is that we are saved only at the point when we no longer want
to be. At this point, there is salvationâbut not for us.)
Being-thus, being oneâs own mode of beingâwe cannot grasp this as a
thing. It is precisely the evacuation of any thingness. (This is why
Indian logicians said that sicceitas, the being-thus of things, was
nothing but their being deprived of any proper nature, their vacuity,
and that between the world and Nirvana there is not the slightest
The human is the being that, bumping into things and only in this
encounter, opens up to the non-thinglike. And inversely, the human is
the one that, being open to the non-thinglike, is, for this very reason,
irreparably consigned to things.
Non-thingness (spirituality) means losing oneself in things, losing
oneself to the point of not being able to conceive of anything but
things, and only then, in the experience of the irremediable thingness
of the world, bumping into a limit, touching it. (This is the meaning of
the word âexposure.â)
The taking-place of things does not take place in the world. Utopia is
the very topia of things.
So be it. In every thing affirm simply the thus, sic, beyond good and
evil. But thus does not simply mean in this or that mode, with those
certain properties. âSo be itâ means âlet the thus be.â In other words,
it means âyes.â
(This is the meaning of Nietzscheâs yes. The yes is said not simply of a
state of things, but of its being-thus. Only for this reason can it
eternally return. The thus is eternal.)
The being-thus of each thing is, in this sense, incorruptible. (This is
precisely the meaning of Origenâs theory that what returns is not
corporeal substance but eidos.)
Dante classifies human languages by their way of saying yes: oc, oil,
sĂ. Yes, thus, is the name of language, it expresses its meaning: the
being-in- language-of-the-non-linguistic. But the existence of language
is the yes said to the world so that it remains suspended over the
nothingness of language.
In the principle of reason (âThere is a reason why there is something
rather than nothingâ), what is essential is neither that something is
(being) nor that something is not (nothingness), but that something is
rather than nothingness. For this reason it cannot be read simply as an
opposition between two termsâis/is not. It also contains a third term:
the rather (which is related to the Old English âratheâ meaning quick or
eager, and which in Latin is potius, from potis, that which is able),
the power to not not-be.
(What is astonishing is not that something was able to be, but that it
was able to not not-be.)
The principle of reason can be expressed in this way: Language (reason)
is that whereby something exists rather (potius, more powerfully) than
nothing. Language opens the possibility of not-being, but at the same
time it also opens a stronger possibility: existence, that something is.
What the principle properly says, however, is that existence is not an
inert fact, that a potius, a power inheres in it. But this is not a
potentiality to be that is opposed to a potentiality to not-be (who
would decide between these two?); it is a potentiality to not not-be.
The contingent is not simply the non-necessary, that which can not-be,
but that which, being the thus, being only its mode of being, is capable
of the rather, can not not-be. (Being-thus is not contingent, it is
necessarily contingent. Nor is it necessary; it is contingently
âAn affect toward a thing we imagine to be free is greater than that
toward a thing we imagine to be necessary, and consequently is still
greater than that toward a thing we imagine as possible or contingent.
But imagining a thing as free can be nothing but simply imagining it
while we are ignorant of the causes by which it has been determined to
act. Therefore, an affect toward a thing we imagine simply is, other
things equal, greater than that toward a thing we imagine as necessary,
possible, or contingent. Hence, it is the greatest of allâ (Spinoza,
Ethics, Part V, Proposition 5, Demonstration).
Seeing something simply in its being-thus â irreparable, but not for
that reason necessary; thus, but not for that reason contingent â is
At the point you perceive the irreparability of the world, at that point
it is transcendent.
How the world is â this is outside the world.
As an intelligent preface â or, as they say, an âemancipatedâ one â does
not really need to elaborate anything, and so it is at best reduced to a
kind of false movement, a good postilla or postface can only be that
which demonstrates how the author has absolutely nothing to add to his
book. The postilla is, in this sense, the paradigm of the end of time,
when the last thing that can come to the mind of a sentient person is
the aggregation of what has already happened. But precisely this art of
speaking without saying anything, of acting without doing â or, if you
like, of ârecapitulating,â the saving and undoing of everything â is the
most difficult thing to achieve.
The author of this postilla considers his condition â like the condition
of anyone who is writing in Italian about first philosophy or politics â
to be that of survival or outliving. This conscience distinguishes him
from those who pretend to write today about similar topics. He knows
that not only âthe possibility of shaking the historical existence of a
peopleâ is vanishing into thin air, but also that the very idea of a
call, of a people or of an assigned historical task â of a klesis or of
a âclassâ â must be rethought from beginning to end. Yet this condition
of survival, of outliving â of writing without addressee, or of a poet
without people â leads neither to cynicism nor to desperation. On the
contrary, the present time, which is the time that comes after the last
day, a time in which nothing can happen because the new is always
ongoing, achieving its full maturity, is the only true pleroma of times.
What is true in such a time â in our time â is that, to a certain point,
everyone â all the peoples and all the humans on earth â is recovering
the position of a remnant. This implies, to those who look closely, that
an unprecedented generalization of the messianic condition, which was in
the beginning of the book only a hypothesis â the absence of work, the
whatever singularity, the bloom â is becoming a reality. Precisely
because the book was directed towards this non-subject, to this âlife
without formâ and to this Shabbat of man â in other words, to a public
that by definition cannot accept it â one can say that the book did not
miss its aim and it did not lose, consequently, its inactuality.
It is well known that during the Jewish Shabbat one has to abstain from
every melakha, from any productive work. This idleness, this primal
inoperativity, is for man a sort of another soul, or, if you like, his
true soul. An act of pure destruction, however, an activity that has a
perfectly destructive or de-creative character, is closer to menucha,
the idleness prescribed for the Shabbat and, as such, it is not
prohibited. From this perspective, not work but inoperativity or
decreation is the paradigm of the coming politics (the coming does not
mean the future). Redemption, the tiqqun that is at stake in the book,
is not an operation or work, but a particular kind of sabbatical
vacation. It is the insalvable that renders the salvation possible, the
irreparable that allows the coming of the redemption. For this reason,
the decisive question in the book is not âWhat to do?â but âHow to do?â
Being is less important than the like that. Inoperativity does not mean
inertia, but katargesis â that is to say an operation in which the how
integrally replaces the what, in which the life without a form and the
form without a life coincide in a form of life. The exposure of this
inoperativity was the operation of this book, which perfectly coincides
with this postilla.
Translators Note: Tiqqun is a term in Lurianic Kabbalah for the mending
of the world. It is also the name of a collective of French writers who
are best known for their Théorie du Bloom. Tiqqun de la noche seems to
refer to a Jewish costume from Shavuot, the holiday symbolizing the
giving of the Torah: during a single night, the believers are required
to read, among other texts, the beginning and the end of each and every
book in the Old Testament.
[1] Whatever (qualunque). This adjective- pronoun has many uses in
Italian that are rather awkward in English. The thematic centrality of
the term, however, has required that we preserve its position every time
it occurs in the text. The corresponding French term (quelconque) has a
resonance in the work of other contemporary philosophers, such as Gilles
Deleuze and Alain Badiou, that unfortunately may be lost on English
readers because various translations have rendered it differently, as
âparticularâ in some cases and âgeneralâ in others. As Agamben makes
clear, however, âwhateverâ (qualunque or quelconque) refers precisely to
that which is neither particular nor general, neither individual nor
[2] Agamben translates Russellâs term âanyâ into Italian as qualunque
(whatever), but when translating back into English we had to restore
Russellâs original terminology. The English usage of âanyâ and
âwhateverâ is very close, however, and should be kept in mind throughout
this passage. Agambenâs reference here is to Russellâs essay
âMathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Typesâ (1908), which
appears in Logic and Knowledge (London: Unwin Hyman, 1956), pp. 57-102;
see in particular section II, âAll and Any,â pp. 64-69.
[3] As such (tale quale): We use the standard English translation of
this phrase, âas such,â but unfortunately, with this decision we lose
the conceptual relationship in this section between quale (rendered here
as âsuchâ) and qualunque (whatever). (The reader may find it useful to
keep in mind the corresponding French term, tel quel.)