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Title: Learning from May Day
Author: Dec McCarthy
Date: 2005
Language: en
Topics: May Day, Ireland, Red & Black Revolution
Source: Retrieved on 9th August 2021 from http://struggle.ws/wsm/rbr/rbr9/mayLearnDA.html][struggle.ws]] and [[http://struggle.ws/wsm/rbr/rbr9/mayLearnOrg.html
Notes: This article is from Red & Black Revolution (no 9, Spring 2005)

Dec McCarthy

Learning from May Day

Anti-Capitalist Strategy direct action, militancy and building the


The experience of May Day brings up us back to some of the perennial

questions thrown up by counter-summits protests: how do we broaden our

movement and what role do direct action and confrontational tactics have

in that process. These are, of course, the issues that have been

mainstay of Red and Black Revolution debates over the past few years but

have been usually viewed through the prism of events outside of Ireland.

The following article is a personal account of the Dublin Grassroots

Network’s approach to such issues in relation to May Day and goes on to

argue for increased tactical flexibility from anarchists within the

anti-capitalist movement.

DGN and direct action

The two defining, and in Irish politics novel, characteristics of the

various Grassroots groups -including DGN — has been the advocacy of

non-hierarchical organisation and an insistence on the importance of

direct action in protest. This emphasis on direct action has undoubtedly

helped libertarians carve out a political space for itself. However, it

is clear from May Day and other events that Grassroots groups have

planned over the past three years that we are primarily focused on

spreading libertarian ideas and regard direct action as only one, albeit

vital, element of libertarian struggle. This approach has meant that at

least as much time and effort has been spent on making persuasive

arguments and distributing leaflets as planning actions.

Furthermore, many of those actions could be characterised as “fluffy”,

“moderate” or even simply symbolic. Some of the visiting protestors

thought that we should have been much more confrontational. I would

argue though, that our approach was principled but pragmatic and that we

had to take local sensibility and political experience into account. I

think this is why May Day was a relative success. What is important is

that we communicated our ideas to a fairly large amount of people and we

did so without compromising ourselves. This doesn’t mean I think we did

everything perfectly or that the same approach would yield the same

results in the future but simply that at that particular time in Ireland

these were sensible choices.

To discuss this properly I shall first clarify what sort events DGN

envisaged when planning the protests and what level of confrontation we

imagined this would entail. The overall strategy and the main aim of the

organisers of the No Borders weekend was to plan events that could

potentially involve large numbers of people (including any acts of civil

disobedience). As street confrontations are, more often than not,

determined by the cops it was difficult to know in advance how all this

would pan out but the actions were devised to minimise the possibility

of arrests and to avoid physical confrontation without giving away our

right to protest.

So generally, over the May Day weekend DGN chose to defy rather than

confront — more akin to a pink/silver bloc approach than black bloc

tactics — and The Critical Mass, the No Borders picnic, the RTS, the Top

Oil Action and the Bring the Noise march, and the mass direct action at

Fitzwilliam Square are all examples of this. Many of these actions had

some element that could have been deemed illegal but the hands-off

policing policy employed for most of the weekend meant that this never

became an issue.

Early on in the planning process disruption tactics such as blockades

were also mooted as was the possibility of direct action at the banquet

centre itself but nobody within DGN advocated targeting property or

employing militant tactics against the police. Most activists, anarchist

and non-anarchist alike, thought that widespread property damage or

attacking the cops would be counterproductive and inappropriate in an

Irish context. At the same time DGN consistently reaffirmed our support

for a “diversity of tactics” in resisting neo-liberalism both at home

and abroad. DGN organisers were conscious of how at anti-capitalist

events elsewhere divisions and splits had emerged between various

alternative globalisation factions over the issue of militant tactics

and because of this strived to avoid the terms violent or non-violent to

describe the planned protests.

In Ireland, one bloc fits all

So why did DGN chose this “fluffy” approach? First of all Grassroots and

its spin-off activist groups are broad libertarian coalitions which

includes people who are convinced pacifists and this has definitely had

some influence on Grassroots initiatives. But the question then remains

why most of the anarchists within DGN, who are not pacifists, fully

supported this approach. In practical terms, DGNers knew that we were

not a small part of a general mobilisation, we were wholly responsible

for whatever mobilisation took place.

The small size of the anti-capitalist movement in Ireland and the

magnitude of the security operation meant that militant action would

probably attract very few people onto the streets and, in all

likelihood, result in beatings and arrests. In the long term it was also

thought that such forms of protest would alienate people and provide a

pretext for the criminalisation of anti-capitalist activity in the

future. However, more importantly these choices also reflect in a very

fundamental way the political orientation of most Irish anarchists,

including the WSM, who believe that mass participation and direct action

should be one of the main objectives of anti-capitalist activity. This

does not mean that we oppose other forms of protest and resistance but

that we think that this orientation to “mass politics” is more likely in

the medium term to build the confidence and momentum of radical social


Push it, push real good

In the run up to the May Day weekend it was impossible to know if groups

apart from DGN were intending to use more militant tactics and we were

concerned to accommodate a diversity of tactics while ensuring that

there was a clear demarcation between groups that wanted to use

different methods of struggle. The obvious logic of such a demarcation

is to give people participating in protests the choice of what sort of

actions and risks they want to take. To this end the DGN organisers of

the Bring the Noise demonstration met with most of the international

visitors before May Day. It was agreed that any group who did not want

to abide by the general guidelines drawn up by the march organisers,

including using “any form of offensive physical confrontation”, should

do so away from the main march.

This is why the most confrontational action of the weekend, taken by the

“pushing bloc” at the Ashtown roundabout near Farmleigh, was done

separately from the main Bring the Noise march. This bloc was made up of

a mixture of foreign activists including the Wombles,[1] some DGN

activists and Irish black blocers. Their attitude was that it was

important to contest the boundaries imposed by the state on protest so

when the DGN march finished they emerged from the crowd, largely masked

up and in formation, and advanced on the police lines. With only a

hundred or so people within the bloc and another few hundred from the

Bring the Noise contingent behind them there never was any possibility

of breaking through the police lines. In fact, I don’t think, even if

every single person at the protest joined in, this would have been a

possibility without the use of molotovs and other weapons. This was

never on the cards and consequently the whole incident had a stagey

quality as if we were all playing our allotted roles in a grand

spectacle of rebellion.

However, the pushing bloc did not see the action as an exercise in

futility but a visible and empowering act of resistance. It is open to

debate whether this action was a positive thing for libertarian politics

in Ireland but my own opinion is that, on balance, the pushing bloc’s

symbolic confrontation was an important part of the May Day weekend and

a good, if unplanned, example of diversity of tactics in action. The

pushing bloc could certainly not have acted without the existence of

DGN’s larger protest and although their action had no chance of success

it served a purpose by showing that through solidarity resistance is


Tactical flexibility and strategy

May Day shows that, as a movement we need to avoid being boxed either by

others or by ourselves by defining ourselves simply as the militant

direct action wing of the anti-capitalism. Popularising our ideas and

methods of struggle can take many forms and May Day worked because we

took this into account when planning our actions, dealing with the media

and cooperating with groups outside DGN. Unpredictability, imagination,

and a willingness to defy any limitations imposed either from within or

outside will, I believe, broaden and strengthen anarchism. Sterile

purism, dogma and formulaic thinking, on the other hand, will ensure

that anarchism remains an obscure tendency of left wing thought confined

to dusty rooms above pubs. The difficulty is, of course, to be

tactically flexible without abandoning the passion and the combativity

at the heart of the anarchist tradition. This demands that we are

scrupulous in assessing our own activities and clearly distinguish

between media stunts, symbolic protest and genuinely effective direct

action. In that spirit, the worst lesson to draw from May Day would be

that same tactics will necessarily work in the future or that we can

avoid confrontation and still achieve our aims.

Anarchism is nothing if it is stripped of its willingness to confront

power and the tactical choices made over May Day are not in any way a

blueprint for future struggles. We have quite rightly criticised the old

left for ritualistic and meaningless forms of protest and we need to

examine our own politics with the same rigour. If we are simply going

through the motions, whether repeating the same type of symbolic

protests or property damage at a summit, we will end up as bad as the


Organisational Problems

1. DGN fucks up with accommodation

A couple of days before May Day the police discovered and shut down the

squat that was intended to serve as a convergence/accommodation centre

during the protests. Although the 100–150 or so international activists

were all found somewhere to sleep, this loss obviously caused

difficulties. Without a proper convergence centre in which to debate and

discuss issues related to the protests many of the international

activists felt excluded and blamed and resented DGN for not providing

what they regarded as basic facilities for a protest like May Day. On

the other hand, a large number of Irish activists felt they were doing

their best in difficult and stressful conditions and that the visitors

were treating DGNers as disreputable tour operators rather than

comrades. Unsurprisingly, over the week a very discernible them and us

attitude developed between some Irish and English anarchists. (It should

be noted that the visitors were a very heterogenous group and ‘some’

means only some).

This led to further difficulties when the Indymedia centre began to

serve as the default convergence centre with people hanging around,

eating and drinking. This was not what the Community Media Network (CMN)

had agreed to when it had made their premises available to Irish

Indymedia and it ended up creating tensions and misunderstandings

between people from CMN/Indymedia and people from DGN. CMN/Indymedia had

no problem with meetings being held in the building but understandably

felt that if the place was treated as a social centre it would undermine

its role as an alternative media hub. On the other hand, some of the

visitors believed that Indymedia, as a constituent part of the

anti-capitalist movement, should make the space available to them

because DGN hadn’t provided any other options. This underlying tension

flared up in innumerable little incidents. At one point tempers were so

frayed that CMN activists were pushing to have the Indymedia centre shut

down early because of the behaviour of some international activists.

The lack of solidarity and the rudeness of small minority of visiting

activists was not the real cause of the problems though. The blame rests

with us in DGN for not thinking through the consequences of issuing an

international call out without having the capacity to provide the basic

infrastructure for visiting protestors.

Why did this happen? While many people in DGN have had a lot of

experience organising protests and campaigns of various sorts we had

not, until May Day, organised anything that included the sort of

logistical support that an international call out demands and we

underestimated the work that it would involve. The group dealing with

accommodation provision was too small and included activists who were

already burdened with an extraordinary amount of work. We should have

collectively made much more of an effort to support them or made the

decision that we were not in the position to provide accommodation much

earlier. This highlights one of the observable drawbacks of the working

groups model that we used when people are overstretched; difficult and

problematic tasks, such as accommodation provision, get doled out as a

way of taking them off the agenda rather than really dealing with them


Wisdom in hindsight is a fairly useless luxury but it is also worth

reflecting on how we took an international model and applied it

wholesale to a local context without entirely thinking it through and

how that ended up colouring the perception of a good number of the

visiting activists. As effective network building both between various

elements of the Irish anti-capitalist movement and international

activists is one of the secondary aims of events like May Day this

stands as one of DGN’s greatest failings over the weekend.

2. DGN’s Legal support

Similarly, DGN’s legal and defendant support work was more piecemeal

than it should have been. The main reason for this is that once again we

left an important job in the hands of too few people and we failed to

understand just how much preparation and effort is needed to do such

work effectively. Because of this, going into May Day, we didn’t have a

proper bail fund and ever since May Day a small number of people doing

legal support having been trying to play catch up.

In the run up to the protests the legal team distributed thousands of

bust cards with a solicitor’s phone number and legal briefings to

prepare people for the possible consequences of protesting. It appears

though that many of the people who were arrested near the Ashtown Gate

were new to politics and had never taken part in anything

confrontational and did not have this information. This meant many of

those arrested were processed without knowing what was likely to happen

to them or whether they could expect support. This was further

complicated by the fact that the Gardai refused to allow the arrestees

to make their phone call until Sunday, which slowed down the response of

the legal support group. Nonetheless, they were nearly all contacted one

way or another over the weekend. Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the media

furore about the riot, the vast majority of defendants contacted opted

not get involved in a defendant support group or accept any help from

DGN. For those who did opt to accept our solidarity money was and is

continuing to be raised but there is no May Day defendants group to

speak of.

Two of the English anarchists arrested did ask DGN for solidarity but

were unhappy with the level of support they received. DGN’s lack of

organisational coherence is part of this story because, despite some

individuals’ best efforts on this score, we failed to make defendant

support a collective priority. Some of this is a question of experience

but for something as important as legal support this is not acceptable

and this aspect of the May Day experience begs political as well as

organisational questions.

3. DGN’s failings as an organisational model

These problems were not just oversights, they are serious political

problems. We need to develop sustainable legal support structures within

the libertarian movement but there are a number of obstacles to this,

not least the organisational form of DGN. One of the fundamental

strengths of the DGN network model is that it is easy to get involved,

have a say, work on a given issue and then, if you choose, take a break.

This is very attractive in certain respects but as the network is

primarily a network of individuals, rather than groups, it can lack

organisational coherence and consistency. This is compounded by the fact

that many of the people in DGN have only been working with each other

for a relatively short period and the informal patterns of cooperation

and interdependence that might compensate for such organisational

weaknesses haven’t fully developed yet. This has meant that problems and

issues can present themselves at a time when DGN is not meeting very

regularly or at all and often nobody takes up the slack. This is in

contrast with more established anti-capitalist networks elsewhere, which

consist mainly of groups that have had a longer experience of working

with each other.

Potentially, this could create other problems: not least unclear

decision-making, the development of informal hierarchies, and a lack of

accountability. It also seems as if the structure of DGN makes it

impossible to plan political activity in a paced and strategic manner.

For instance, after May Day many activists felt completely burnt out

during a period which saw an anti-immigrant referendum and Bush’s visit

to Ireland and this definitely hampered the libertarian campaigns in

response to these two events. Politically, such an unstable network is

also very unlikely to build the sustained links with communities and

workplaces that could make anti-capitalism a genuinely subversive force.

It is not clear at the time of writing whether DGN has a future or not

in its current form but hopefully these very serious failings will be

addressed by the anti-authoritarian community in the future.

[1] The WOMBLES (White Overalls Movement Building Libertarian Effective

Struggles) are a loose anti-capitalist group in Britain that dresses in

white overalls with padding, helmets and breathing protection at

protests. They should not be confused with the animated children’s

television characters, the Wombles.