💾 Archived View for blitter.com › OLGA › MUSIC › RESOURCES › MISC › OLGA_BROWSER › OLGA_EXTRACT › SR… captured on 2023-01-29 at 14:41:03.
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program OLGA_archiver; {(C) 1995 by Sven Winnecke. This program is made to handle OLGA's all*.tar.gz files. You have several options to choose the files you'd like to get. It is _neccesary_ to have the following files in the current archive: * the allpt*.* files * the all.idx file, which is made by calling tar -tvf all_pt#.tgz, copying them together and removing all lines concerning links and * the tar and tvedit executables. See also the readme.now file. Any comments/questions/complains to: sven.winnecke@mb2.tu-chemnitz.de. } {$M 16384,0,65536} { preserve space for the external programs } {$V-} uses crt,dos,bold; const hlp=' Press F1 for help. (Pg/Pg,/,Home/End,SPACE,Return, w,c,s,u,e,o, ESC)'; ent=455; months:array [1..12] of string [3]=('jan','feb','mar','apr','may','jun','jul','aug', 'sep','oct','nov','dec'); type alink = ^archtype; { for assigning the entries to the tar files } archtype = record name : string; { name of tar file } first : char; { 1st valid character } last : char; { last " " } count : integer; { count of matching items } Next : alink; { link to next element } end; var f,ta,ts : text; { file variables: f=index file, ta=response file } fi : file of byte;{ for determining the file size of the resp. file } s,t,su : string; { temp. strings } i,j,k,y : integer; { temp. variables, for loops and so on } { x : integer; { column where actual data starts } a : array [0..ent] of string[128]; { list of the current items } h,v,b,z : word; { for mouse handling } mouse : boolean; { flag 'Is mouse driver already initialized ?' } to_ma : boolean; { flag 'Too many items match search criteria.' } no_upd : boolean; { flag 'don't re-read index file' (after 'w'/'c' } sorted : boolean; { flag 'index file is sorted' } c : char; { for readkey waits } anc,cur,hp : alink; { anchor of tar spec list, current & temp. pointer} sr : SearchRec; { for checking if files are present } by : byte; procedure mpos; { get the mouse position and buttons } begin asm mov ax,0003h int 33h { mouse position: dx=vert., cx=horic., bx=buttons, } mov h,cx { buttons: bit 0 = left button, bit 1 = right } mov v,dx and bx,0003h mov b,bx end; end; function IToS(i: Longint): string; { make the str procedure to a function } { Convert any Integer type to a string } var s: string[11]; begin Str(i, s); IToS := s; end; procedure error (s:string); begin writeln (s); halt (1); end; procedure rmfiles; { rewrite the response files } begin assign (ta,'tarrespo.tmp'); rewrite (ta); end; procedure sort; { I know: bubble sort is sh*t, but it's the only one I know } begin for i:=1 to k do for j:=1 to k-1 do if a[j]>a[j+1] then begin a[0]:=a[j]; a[j]:=a[j+1]; a[j+1]:=a[0]; end; end; procedure out (nr:integer); { put the colored data lines onto the screen } var st:string; begin s:=a[nr]; if pos('* marked *',s)>0 then textcolor (lightred) else if s[length(s)]='/' then textcolor (lightmagenta) else if pos('.crd',s)>0 then textcolor (lightcyan) else if pos('.tab',s)>0 then textcolor (white) else if pos('.lyr',s)>0 then textcolor (green) else if pos('.btab',s)>0 then textcolor (cyan) else if pos('.num',s)>0 then textcolor (lightgray) else if pos('.pro',s)>0 then textcolor (lightgreen) else textcolor (yellow); st:=copy (' ',1,3-trunc(ln(nr)/ln(10)))+itos(nr)+' - '+s; if length (st)>77 then st:=copy (st,1,74)+'...'; write (st); end; procedure bar (x:integer); { draw or hide the red bar } begin asm mov ax,0002 { hide mouse to protect mouse cursor color inverting } int 33h end; for i:=1 to 78 do memw[$B800:160*y+2*i+1]:=memw[$B800:160*y+2*i+1] and $ff0f or ($0010+x*$0030); asm mov ax,0001 { show mouse cursor again } int 33h end; end; procedure move (arg:integer); { put a new page of data lines to screen } const update : boolean = true; var count : integer; begin case arg of 0: if j+42<k then j:=j+21 else j:=k-20; 1: if j>21 then j:=j-21 else j:=1; 2: begin j:=1; y:=1; end; 3: begin j:=k-20; if k<20 then y:=k else y:=21; end; end; if j<1 then j:=1; clrscr; if k<20 then count:=k-1 else count:=20; for i:=0 to count do begin if i>0 then writeln; out (j+i); end; bar(1); c:=#0; end; procedure lineup; { move bar 1 line up } begin if y>1 then begin bar (0); dec(y); bar (1) end else if k>21 then begin y:=21; move(1); end; c:=#0; end; procedure linedown; { move bar 1 line down } begin if (y<21) and (y<k) then begin bar (0); inc(y); bar(1); end else begin y:=1; move (0); end; c:=#0; end; procedure mark; { (de-)mark an entry } begin if pos ('* marked *',a[j+y-1])<=0 then begin a[j+y-1]:=a[j+y-1]+' * marked *'; linedown; move (4); end else begin a[j+y-1]:=copy (a[j+y-1],1,length(a[j+y-1])-11); move (4); end end; procedure mkfiles (st:string); { write marked lines to response files } var tt:string; begin assign (ta,'tarrespo.tmp'); append (ta); for i:=1 to k do begin if pos ('* marked *',a[i])>0 then begin tt:=a[i]; if pos('/',a[i])=1 then a[i]:=' * marked *'; t:=st+a[i]; if copy (t,length(t)-11,1)='/' then writeln (ta,copy (t,1,length(t)-12)) else writeln (ta,copy (t,1,length(t)-11)); cur:=anc; while cur<>NIL do begin if (t[1]>=cur^.first) and (t[1]<=cur^.last) then inc (cur^.count); cur:=cur^.next; end; a[i]:=tt; a[i]:=copy (a[i],1,length(a[i])-11); end; end; close (ta); end; procedure untar (n:integer); { edit response files and call tar } begin cur:=anc; i:=0; while cur<>NIL do begin i:=i+cur^.count; cur:=cur^.next; end; if i>0 then begin if n=1 then begin window (1,1,80,25); textcolor (lightgreen); clrscr; writeln (#10,' Press a key to start the response file editor... '); c:=readkey; exec (fexpand(fsearch('tvedit.exe',getenv('path'))), 'tarrespo.tmp'); end; c:=#0; window (1,1,80,25); textcolor (yellow); clrscr; write ('================================================================================'); writeln (' The marked files will now be unpacked. This mill take several minutes... '); write ('================================================================================'); end else c:=#0; cur:=anc; while cur<>NIL do begin if cur^.count>0 then begin hp:=cur^.next; while hp<>NIL do begin if hp^.name=cur^.name then hp^.count:=0; hp:=hp^.next; end; writeln; writeln ('tar -xvof@ ',cur^.name,' tarrespo.tmp'); swapvectors; exec (fexpand(fsearch('tar.exe',getenv('path'))), '-xvof@ '+cur^.name+' tarrespo.tmp'); swapvectors; end; cur:=cur^.next; end; if i>0 then begin writeln; textcolor (lightgreen); writeln('Done. Should the response file be deleted (y/n)?'); repeat c:=readkey; c:=upcase(c); until (c='Y') or (c='N'); if c='Y' then rmfiles; end; c:=#27; end; procedure cd; { navigate through the tar file } begin if a[y+j-1]<>'..' then begin if copy (a[y+j-1],length(a[y+j-1]),1)<>'/' then mark else begin su:=su+a[y+j-1]; end end else begin i:=length (su)-1; while (copy(su,i,1)<>'/') and (i>1) do dec (i); su:=copy (su,1,length(su)-(length(su)-i)); end; end; procedure msg (st:string); { write a message and wait for confirmation } begin window (3,24,79,24); textcolor (lightred); clrscr; write (st); c:=#0; repeat if keypressed then c:=readkey; if c='o' then begin chg_font; c:=#0; end; until (c<>'o') and (c<>#0); textcolor (yellow); writeln; write (hlp); c:=#0; window (2,2,79,22); end; procedure help; begin textcolor (white); clrscr; writeln (' Keys :'); writeln ('========'); writeln (' Page up/down : move through the list page by page up or down'); writeln (' Cursor up/down : move bar up or down. If the bar is being moved beyond'); writeln (' the page limits, the previous or next page will be shown.'); writeln (' Home : go to the first item of the list'); writeln (' End : go to the last item of the list'); writeln (' SPACE : mark the highlighted entry the for extracting'); writeln (' Return : much like SPACE, but in alphabetic list mode it will allow'); writeln (' you to change into the directories rather than mark them.'); writeln (' w : write the names of the marked entries to the response file'); writeln (' c : clear the contents of the response files'); writeln (' s : sort the list'); writeln (' u : unTAR (extract) the marked files from the TAR archives'); writeln (' e : much like (u)nTAR, but allows to edit response file first'); writeln (' o : toggle used font between normal and bold font'); writeln (' ESC : end of search, return to main menu'); writeln (' Mouse actions :'); writeln ('================='); writeln (' Left button : like pressing the Return key'); write (' Right button : like pressing the SPACE key'); msg (' Help screen. Press any key to return to the main program...'); move (4); end; procedure full; { do a full-text search } begin su:=''; writeln; write ('Searching for: '); readln (su); if su='' then exit; for i:=1 to length (su) do begin if (su[i]>='A') and (su[i]<='Z') then su[i]:=chr(ord(su[i])+32); if (su[i]=' ') then su[i]:='_'; end; write ('Searching for "',su,'"...'); window (2,2,79,22); clrscr; to_ma:=false; while not to_ma and not eof (f) do begin readln (f,s); inc(i); s:=' '+s; if pos(su,s)>0 then begin inc(k); a[k]:=copy (s,2,length(s)-1); if a[k]='' then write; if k>1 then writeln; out (k); if k=ent then to_ma:=true; end; end; j:=k-20; y:=1; if j<1 then j:=1; window (3,24,78,24); textcolor (yellow); clrscr; if to_ma=true then begin write ('Too many matches! Be more specific next time. <any Key>'); c:=readkey; end; if k=0 then begin write (' No matches for "',su,'" !! <any Key>'); c:=readkey; c:=#0; exit; end; clrscr; write (hlp); window (2,2,79,22); c:=#0; bar(1); repeat if keypressed then begin c:=readkey; if c=#0 then c:=readkey; end; mpos; if (b>0) then begin z:=b; repeat mpos until b=0; if (v>7) and (v<22*8) then begin bar(0); y:=v div 8; bar (1); if z=1 then c:=#13 else c:=#32; end else if v<8 then move (1) else if v=22*8 then move(0) else if (v=23*8) and (h>68*8) then c:=#27; end; case c of #72: lineup; { cursor up key } #80: linedown; { cursor down key } #81: move (0); { page up key } #73: move (1); { page down key } #71: move (2); { Home key } #79: move (3); { end key } #32: mark; { space } #13: mark; { return } #59: help; { F1 } 'o': begin chg_font; c:=#0; end; 's': begin sort; move (2); end; 'u': begin mkfiles (''); untar(0); end; 'e': begin mkfiles (''); untar(1); end; 'w': begin mkfiles(''); write (7); move (4); msg (' The marked file names have been written to the response file. <Key>'); end; 'c': begin rmfiles; msg (' Content of the response file deleted. <any Key>'); end; end; until c=#27; c:=#0 end; procedure groups; { navigate by directories } var sa:string; sorted_out:boolean; { if the index file is sorted and we read an element which is 'greater' than the last allowed entry the output can be aborted. } begin su:=' '; repeat sorted_out:=true; if su[length(su)]='/' then no_upd:=false; if not no_upd then begin reset (f); sa:='*'; k:=1; to_ma:=false; window (2,2,79,22); clrscr; to_ma:=false; if su<>' ' then begin; a[k]:='..'; out (k); inc (k); end; while not to_ma and not eof (f) and sorted_out do begin readln (f,s); s:=' '+s; t:=copy (s,length(su)+1,length(s)-length(su)+1); z:=pos(sa,t); if (z=1) and (t='') then z:=0; if pos('/',s)=0 then z:=0; if (su<copy(s,1,length(su))) and sorted then sorted_out:=false; if (pos (su,s)=1) and (z<>1) then begin if pos ('/',t)>0 then sa:=copy (t,1,pos ('/',t)) else sa:=t; if sa<>'' then a[k]:=sa else a[k]:='/'+copy (s,2,length(s)-1)+' '; if k>1 then writeln; out (k); inc (k); if k>ent then to_ma:=true; end; end; dec (k); j:=k-20; y:=1; if j<1 then j:=1; move (3); no_upd:=false; end; no_upd:=false; window (3,24,78,24); textcolor (yellow); clrscr; if to_ma=true then begin write ('Too many matches! Be more specific next time. <any Key>'); c:=readkey; end; clrscr; write (hlp); window (2,2,79,22); c:=#0; bar(1); repeat if keypressed then begin c:=readkey; if c=#0 then c:=readkey; end; mpos; if (b>0) then begin z:=b; repeat mpos until b=0; if (v>7) and (v<22*8) then begin bar(0); y:=v div 8; bar (1); if z=1 then c:=#13 else c:=#32; end else if v<8 then move (1) else if v=22*8 then move(0) else if (v=23*8) and (h>72*8) then c:=#27; end; case c of #72: lineup; { cursor up key } #80: linedown; { cursor down key } #81: move (0); { page up key } #73: move (1); { page down key } #71: move (2); { Home key } #79: move (3); { end key } #32: mark; { space } #13: cd; { return } #59: help; { F1 } 'o': begin chg_font; c:=#0; end; 's': begin sort; move (2); end; 'u': begin mkfiles (copy (su,2,length(su)-1)); untar(0); end; 'e': begin mkfiles (copy (su,2,length(su)-1)); untar(1); end; 'w': begin mkfiles(copy (su,2,length(su)-1)); write (7); move (4); msg (' The marked file names have been written to the response file. <Key>'); no_upd:=true; end; 'c': begin rmfiles; msg (' Contents of the response file deleted. <Key>'); no_upd:=true; end; end; until (c=#27) or (c=#13); until c=#27; c:=#0; end; function LZ(w : Word) : String; var s : String; begin Str(w:0,s); if Length(s) = 1 then s := '0' + s; LZ := s; end; procedure stat; var st,so : string; dt : datetime; dl : longint; begin window (2,4,79,21); textcolor (white); clrscr; writeln (' Calculating data...'); writeln; writeln; window (4,6,79,21); assign (ts,'all.idx'); reset (ts); i:=0; j:=0; st:='*'; so:='*'; while not eof (ts) do begin readln (ts,s); s:=' '+s; if s[length(s)]<>'/' then begin inc (i); k:=length (s); repeat dec(k); until s[k]='/'; repeat dec(k); until (s[k]='/') or (k=0); st:=copy (s,k+1,pos ('/',copy (s,k+1,length(s)-k))-1); if (st<>so) and (k>0) then begin inc (j); so:=st; end; end; end; close (ts); assign (fi,anc^.name); reset (fi); read (fi,by); getftime (fi,dl); unpacktime (dl,dt); close (fi); writeln; write ('Total number of bands : '); textcolor (lightgreen); writeln (j); textcolor (white); write ('Total number of songs : '); textcolor (lightgreen); writeln (i); textcolor (white); writeln; dl:=0; cur:=anc; so:='*'; while cur<>NIL do begin assign (fi,cur^.name); reset (fi); if cur^.name<>so then begin dl:=dl+filesize(fi); so:=cur^.name; end; close (fi); cur:=cur^.next; end; write ('Total amount of space used by the TAR archive files : '); textcolor (lightgreen); write (dl/1024/1024:5:2); textcolor (white); writeln (' MBytes.'); writeln; write ('Date & time of archive '); textcolor (green); write (anc^.name); textcolor (white); write (' : '); textcolor (lightgreen); write (lz(dt.day),' '); writeln (months[dt.month],' '+lz(dt.year)+', '+lz(dt.hour)+':'+lz(dt.min)); textcolor (white); writeln; if by=$1f then writeln ('TAR archives are gzip packed.') else writeln ('TAR archives seem not to be packed.'); msg ('Press any key to return to the menu.'); end; begin { main } doserror:=0; findfirst('olga.cfg',anyfile and not directory,sr); if doserror<>0 then error ('Configuration file not found! Use install program to re-install...'); assign (ta,'olga.cfg'); reset (ta); new (anc); cur:=anc; { build tar spec list } while not eof (ta) do begin repeat readln (ta,s); until s[1]<>';'; { read, ignore comment lines } if pos('*sorted*',s)=1 then sorted:=true else begin i:=pos (' ',s); cur^.name:=copy (s,1,i-1); cur^.first:=s[i+1]; cur^.last:=s[i+3]; cur^.count:=0; if eof (ta) then cur^.next:=NIL else begin new (cur^.next); cur:=cur^.next; end; sorted:=false; end; end; close (ta); mouse:=false; doserror:=0; findfirst('all.idx',anyfile and not directory,sr); if doserror<>0 then error ('IDX file not found! Use setup program to re-install or try to call OLGABR.BAT.' ); assign (f,'all.idx'); reset (f); rmfiles; no_upd:=false; b_on:=true; bold_on; repeat window (1,1,80,25); clrscr; i:=0; j:=0; k:=0; textcolor (yellow); textbackground (blue); clrscr; for i:=0 to 77 do mem [$B800:2+2*i]:=ord('�'); memL [$B800:4+2*i]:=$1eBA1eBB; mem [$B800:0]:=ord('�'); memL [$B8ef:14]:=$1eC81eBA; for i:=0 to 77 do mem [$B8f0:2+2*i]:=ord('�'); mem [$B8f0:4+2*i]:=ord ('�'); for i:=1 to 22 do memL[$B800:158+160*i]:=$1eBA1eBA; gotoxy (2,23); for i:=1 to 78 do write ('�'); gotoxy (23,1); write ('� OLGA - On-Line Guitar Archive �'); window (2,8,79,25); textcolor (lightblue); WriteLn(' .oooooo. ooooo .oooooo. .o.'); WriteLn(' d8P'' `Y8b `888'' d8P'' `Y8b .888.'); WriteLn(' 888 888 888 888 .8"888.'); WriteLn(' 888 888 888 888 .8'' `888.'); WriteLn(' 888 888 888 888 ooooo .88ooo8888.'); WriteLn(' `88b d88'' 888 o `88. .88'' .8'' `888.'); WriteLn(' `Y8bood8P'' o888ooooood8 `Y8bood8P'' o88o o8888o'); WriteLn; WriteLn; WriteLn(' =================================================================='); WriteLn(' =================== The Online - Guitar archive ===================='); WriteLn(' =========================================================================='); window (3,24,79,24); textcolor (yellow); write ('Initializing...'); if mouse=false then asm mov ax,0000 int 33h { Init. mouse driver -> ax=-1 : no driver / no mouse } mov h,ax cmp ax,-1 jne @x mov ax,0004 { set mouse position to upper left corner } mov cx,0 mov dx,0 int 33h mov ax,0001 { show mouse cursor } int 33h @x: nop end; if h=65535 then mouse:=true; textcolor (white); WriteLn; textcolor (yellow); Write ('('); textcolor (lightred); write ('A'); textcolor (yellow); write (')lphabetic order, ('); textcolor (lightred); write ('F'); textcolor (yellow); write (')ull text search, ('); textcolor (lightred); write ('S'); textcolor (yellow); write (')tatistics, F('); textcolor (lightred); write ('o'); textcolor (yellow); write (')nt, ('); textcolor (lightred); write ('ESC'); textcolor (yellow); write (') for quit'); repeat c:=readkey; if c<>'o' then c:=upcase(c); until c in ['A','F','S','o',#27]; reset (f); case c of 'A': groups; 'F': full; 'S': stat; 'o': begin if b_on then bold_off else bold_on; B_on:=not b_on; end; end; until c=#27; close (f); window (1,1,80,25); window (1,1,80,25); { restore normal screen conditions } textcolor (lightgray); textbackground (black); clrscr; bold_off; assign (ta,'tarrespo.tmp'); erase (ta); end.