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Z A G I N F L A T C H # 6, a unique and interesting newsletter from the territory inhabited by southern Slavs PETITION FOR FREE ABORTION Organized by several women's organizations, a petition to enable Croatian women easier access to abortion was signed over 8000 during the first few days it went out. This in a time when the Croatian Population ,Movement is pushing hard for government demographic programs to repopulate Croatia with Croatians. The breeding enthusiasts are pushing for unnatural and unhealthy population growth. Beyond the state's demographic programs, they are attempting to push through legislation against "Violent Breaking of Pregancy" as the law is now called. The law would obligate women to pass several tests and talks with pyschologists , doctors , social workers and clergy before being legally able to undertake an abortion. Also the legal 15 weeks after conception during which abortion is legal would be down to 10. Women are portrayed by state propaganda to be violent and murderers, which has a strong impact on the way women are treated by society, pushing many into illegal and dangerous ba! ck alley style abortions. Killings of newborn children have increased in this atmosphere. A strange and eerie example of this sort of maniacal power of breeders could be made of a 12 year old girl who recently gave birth to a child under close surveillance by state media who happily wrote her up as shining example for other young women to take after. The Croatian Population Movement other than being completely unecological, manipulative and reminiscent of similar programs pushed by Hitler is rapidly posing a bigger and bigger threat to women's control of their bodies and should be fought. Contact B.a.b.e (Be Active Be Emancipated)Petreticev Trg 3, 10000 Zagreb Croatia, e-mail : babe_zg@zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org PROJECT PAKRAC is interested in collecting volunteers for work. Volunteers would stay in Pakrac for three weeks and work on social and other reconstruction. Most important are local volunteers who can speak some english. Pakrac is a city which was badly destroyed by the war. It was split in half with Croatians on one side and Serbians on the other until the recent action dubbed "Flash" by the Croatian Army to regain territory in Western Slavonia. 16.000 Serbs had lived in this region during Serbian military occupation; during which time not many Croatians lived there. During the first two days after "Flash" 12500 Serbs fled , 2500 chose UNPROFOR's (United Nation Protection Force) advice to stay of which 100 - 150 of these are leaving weekly. Presently somewhere between 1000 and 1500 are left in Western Slavonia. 13000 Croats are registered to return to their previous homes which they fled from during Serb occupation. Project Pakrac is being checked out by Financial Police whic! h possibly might not go so well. Get in touch: Project Pakrac, Hrv. Velikana 11, 43550 Pakrac, Croatia, tel/fax: + 385 43 83435. E-mail: Pakrac_DA@Zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org For more info contact: goran.bozicevic@Zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org SOROS FOUNDATION have been kicked out of Serbia. Their expulsion is apparently based on accusations of working against Serbia. In Croatia, Soros is also in bad standing with state officials in Croatia for helping fund free press as well as many projects, organizations and individuals going against the grain. Recently Soros put down the money for a record project "Over the Walls of Nationalism and War" featuring bands from Serbia and Croatia. MOBILIZATION IN SERBIA AND CROATIA Serbs with connections to Croatia or BIH (Bosnia) in their papers have been taken off the streets and checked to verify whether they can prove residency in Serbia. Refugees or people having fled their home territories since the war are mobilized to join Serb forces on the front lines in Krajina where Serbian military is excepting Croatian attacks. In Croatia was mobilised more then 100.000 people in a few days. Usualy military pigs are caming into houses in 4 AM. They gives 10 minutes for pick up the things. Lots of people are sleeping into another places. There was also lots of searching into the streets and apartments. Many of people expecting a court punishment for they didn't bean at apartments when soldiers are came. ACTION WITH GREEN ACTION In the first joint meeting with Green Action and ZAP, an action was planned against the removal of several trees in a square in central Zagreb. We decided to act fast, Green Action talked with the rest of their group and the action went down beinning Saturday morning , May 21. After invading the square between bulldozers digging up rubble, banners were hung between and on trees with pictures and messages demanding the trees stay. A petition was started revieving 700 signatures the first day, an info table set up and we recieved much positive reaction from passer bys. Many people upon seing our table were skeptical, appreciating our efforts but with the attitude that "they'll cut them down anyway". We also were somewhat sceptical about the results, but after more and more signatures and encouragement, a feeling of success overcame us. We decided to climb the trees and squat them when the tree killers showed up. Another day more people turned up, some bringing trumpet, guitars a! nd drums. The party had started. Some participants sectioned off the area with paper bands marking it as a free zone for the endangered trees. All the trees were given names. The protest went on for four days after which the petition was handed in to the city now with 7000 signatures all collected at one table. The city succumbed to our enormous pressure, changing the plans for the square, only cutting down two sick trees, removing some saplings and leaving the rest. ZAP wants to build a better structure to mobilize people for similar actions . We want to find people who will come to actions or demonstrations. To get on our phone list for actions write ZAP or call 422 -495. Last news: Bastards kill the trees after few months anyway. There was response of the angry people who are permanently sabotage the equipment, putting the sand into the fuel tanks, cut the electric instlations from the bulldozer. ANGRY PEOPLE BURN FERAL TRIBUNE June 26th on Split's People's square unidentified people furiously burned copies of Feral Tribune, a satyrical weekly critical of politics. Paper's were stolen from Kiosks and snatched out of the hands of street vendors and burnt in a ritual fashion. The day before it happened again , but in smaller quantities. Police didn't react to the mailcious thievery, but the media responded dutifully to the calls of the paper burners. Feral Tribune had gotten tips that their paper was about to be shut down, already having been subject to a ridiculous porn tax, a draft notice/hassle for the editor and sevral court cases. FIRST DIY NON PROFIT ANARCHO PUNK RECORD IN CROATIA The bands Nula and Bijes Zdravog Razuma split LP and tape + booklet First DIY independent vinyl release in this area. Musically , 46 minutes of fast punk hardcore with hard riffs and yeah, sometimes it's melodic. Includes a 32 (that's 23 backwards) page booklet including lyrics, thoughts, graphics and photos. Get it from ZAP for $10 for the LP , the tape is $3 postage paid outside of Croatia. (Inside Croataia they run 30 kuna LP, tape is 15 kuna + postage) or from the band directly: Vedran Meniga, V. Ruzdijaka 8, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia ACTION AGAINST CIRCUS EUROPA Recently a Circus came to town with colorful clowns, circus tents and over 200 animals. Shortly before the Circus came to town, posters were sabotaged with "CANCELLED" messages pasted over them. Also a flyer circulated titled CIRCUS EUROPA - THE REAL TRUTH which condemned the use of imprisoned animals for he use of entertainment using exceprts of the Jack London book Michael - Jerry's Brother which discusses the cruelty involved in training circus animals; also the leaflet encourages people to boycott Circuses and to explain the cruelty animals suffer to children. HOURS OF CHAOS IN VRAPCE June 10 A group of people broke into an empty restaurant, turned on the electricity held a concert on the terrace to a turnout of about 70 people. A table with fanzines was present. Bands who played included Zagreb's 5 Minutes to Steve, Verbalni Delikt, and SKZ who had their first song interrupted by a sudden pig presence. The police, however were cleverly convinced the organizers had the necessary permits , permission for the show to continue till 11 was granted and they took off thereafter. next played Javna Bruka, DobriCine and followed by a chaotic spontaneous jam session. By 11.30PM people left contentedly. BOSNIA IN BLOOD Tragedy in Tuzla 25 of May - A shell hit the city of Tuzla and killed 70 young people, mostly celebrating the ex-Jugoslav Day of Youth also Tito's birthday. Tuzla is surrounded by Serb forces , though it's possible to enter and leave. SARAJEVO - For over a thousand days Sarajevo has been under siege. Over 30,000 Muslim and Croatian soldiers have undergone maneuvers to break the grip by Serb forces. Sarajevo is inhabited by around 400,000 people. Humanitarian Aid has been blocked by Serb forces for around a few months now. The city is shelled frequently. 10 people were killed while waiting in line for water ne day, the next day 6 people in the same line were killed, next day 6 continuing day by day. 29.08. from serbs granate 37 people was killed and more then 80 are seriously wounded on the market-palce. One year before on the same market-place were more than 60 people are kiled. Parts of the town are under control by Serb forces matched with sniper fire from all sides. Serb forces have the distinct advantage over Muslim forces wreapon wise , having recently retaken their weapons previously under UN control. The safety zone around sarajevo no longer exists. NATO has bombed Serb positions several times. Serb! forces have captured 300 UNPROFOR soldiers who they use as human shields, placing soldiers on possible NATO targets. UN , very worried about their soldiers and America , very worried about an American pilot shot down. Western propaganda has put these 300 UN soldiers and 1 American pilot in front of hundreds of thousands of civilian women childrfen and men whjo die daily and are constantly struggling to survive. Well fed UN soldiers are the only "victims" which the west are worried about. So far Sarajevo has seen 10,000 people dead of which 2000 are children. Sarajevo has been under Siege for three and a half years (1200 days). A one kilometer long and 1.5 meter high tunnel under the airport makes entering and leaving the city occasionally posibble , providing you have the appropriate papers and can afford the fees. Other cities in Bosnia which are under total Siege include Srebrenica (pop. 40,000), Zepa (20,000), Gorazde(60,000), Bihac/Cazin western Bosnia (200,000). Prices in these places are several times higher than western Europe. In Bihac , for example, 50 kilos of flour costs 500 DM, 1 kilo of sugar runs 22DM , 1 liter of cooking oil 45DM. A few days ago a few people died of starvation, 1 of which is a three year old child weighing only 7 kilos. The Bihac needs 2000 tons of food a month to survive , but UNHCR (UN High Commission for Refugees) can only provide a meager ten procent of this. In Sarajevo cultural life has not died. The festival Sarajevska Zima (Sarajevan Winter) is continuing despite the war. The alternative independent radio station Zid (Wall) also is continuing and helps many young bands. Bands play around , but there are many problems obtaining equipment. Bands active in Sarajevo : Sikter Band(rap core) , Beastly Stroke, Bed Bag, Protest (HC), Grafit (alternative rock), Ornamenti, DNK, Moron Brothers, Green Cheese, Cvrkut Lesinara, AP Sound(techno), Blago Ludima Blago Gluhima, Gnu (punk rock), Pessimistic Lines(HC) and noise veterans SCH and Lezi Majmune. Concerts are organized in fallout shelters. A compilation CD titled "ROCK UNDER THE SIEGE" was put out January 95. Aside from ZID the station ISV works on the paper LIBERO (an independent paper in the style of ARKzin) . The International Peace Center is another group from Sarajevo who publish Dialogue, the Publication for Philosophical Questions, as well as the English language human rights ma! gazine WHY. (fax: 387 71 663 626) IN TUZLA , March of 94 a concert took place to a crowd featuring various local hard core, metal and punk rock bands. (new: both these two cities have fallen to Serb military since the starting the translation of this article. There was a mass exodus to Tuzla from Srebrenica which led through areas of fighting. Many were raped and-or killed during this. From Zepa civilians and soldiers fled for cover of the nearby hills. Currently there is a heated battle over Bihac which very possibly could cause the war to erupt through all of Croatia) RADIO SAIGON radio_saigon@zamir-tz.ztn.apc.org Last from Bosnia - Srebrenica and Zepa are in serbian army hands. There is a possibility of mass killing of people. Bihac area are not under the siege anymore. PONIKVE CONCERT July 15 An open air concert took place in a field outside of Zagreb. The event started with a clean up action of the surrounding forest at noon during which two large trucks were filled to the brim with trash. When the show itself was to begin rain interfered , delaying and adding much confusion, also fucking up the vegan food which was being prepared for bands and concertgoers. A number of bands from around Croatia and Slovenia eventually played late into the night. T-shirts , zines and tapes were sold. NEW RELIGION AND ETHICS CLASSES IN HIGH SCHOOLS Another success of the clergy since the Pope came to town and the popularisation of church and church promoted laws are the new Ethics and Religion classes which have become part of the high school curriculum. The HDZ , the Christian Democratic oriented ruling party, has the parliament majority and therefore the power to push through legislation which suits their politics. Since the "moral" priorities have come to focus on wartime atrocities and killing, a climate has been created which makes the creation of these laws a relatively uncontroversial thing. When people are being killed in war , how can one put their energy into fighting small things like this, goes official and popular sentiment. MCDONALDS The Multi national burger vendor now has two new restaurants in the planning stages. Besides Zagreb. now Split andVarazdin are looking at new restaurants to be opened soon. In Ljubliana Nazi skinheads attacked American basketball players who were in town playing against a Slovene teams. While walking through Ljubliana's main square the basketball players were confronted by boneheads shouting racist abuse. One of them was hit in the head by a skin during the confrontation. When the police intervened the boneheads were checked for identification and released without hassles. The American team broke off their tour of Slovenia. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL The Croatian AI chapter have been collecting petitions , one against the visit of the Indonesian President to Croatia (apparently both countries are quite good friends). Banners and posters denounced Indonesia's massacres in East Timor. Although the action was refused a permit by police, AI went ahead with it , but were driven away by pigs after a few hours. In the past , AI has organized press conferences, shown videos , organized forums , collected petitions and put out lots of written material on political prisoners around the world. email: AMNESTYH_ZG@ZAMIR-ZG.ZTN.APC.ORG , or snail mail c/o ARK NEW FROM THE CROATIAN FANZINE MARKETPLACE BOLAN #2 I MINORITY#1 (split fanzin) Jadranko Kerekovic, VeslaCka 14 b, FECAL FORCES #4 & WARHEAD# 13(split fanzin) Goc i Kukac I DON'T THINK SO #6/7, Dejan JeliCic, Vukovrska 1, 41312 Klostar Ivanic; PIGVINOVE RUKE NA FOTOAPARATU#1,#2, Josip Mickovic, Krajiska 8, 10000 Zgb;P.S. NOTHING #3, Ivan MuCnjak, MarkusevCka 157, 10000 Zagreb; SPARK #3; Aleksandar Hadzi-Veljkovic, Drziceva 64, 10000 Zagreb; P.S.NOTHING + SPARK, #4 split zine; LUNATIC #1 + tape (No Coment, Why Stakla, Sumski, Zoambo Zoet ...); 20 kn + pp; Darko Prolic, VinkovaCka 53, 58000 Split. PINGVIN JE BIO FRAJER #1 april 95, Romanijska 7/7, 18000 Nis, YU; KLAUSTROFOBIJA#3 Darko Slivar,GotovCeva 8,58000 Split; IN MEDIAS RES #7, and INFINIT ONION and IN MEDIAS RES split fanzin; Marko Strpic Rakusina 3, 10000 Zagreb MOSTAR We recieved a long fax from Mostar , a city split between Muslims and Croats detailing the situation there. The Muslim side is completely devastated while the Croatian side is nicely rebuilt with electricity and nice cars. Although it's technically possible to visit either side , it's made difficult , both sides being separated by a river with no bridge left standing. A copy of the Croatian language fax is available upon request. It will appear in a future issue of Comunitas. E-MAIL SCHOOL E mail has been a good source to communicate with areas in Serbia and Bosnia, Serbia has no telephone connections with Croatia and mail is problematic. Bosnia has a phone link to Croatia , though mail is equally a problem at times. Local human rights computer nerds held a sort of succeful training session for cybernewcomers. COMUNITAS Finally after two fucking years a new issue of Comunitas is out. Feel free to send articles for future issues. Comunitas is a Croatian language magazine published by ZAP with what one might call an anarchist slant. Also out is Infinite Onion issue 11 which is a now traveling English language zine but is also available from ZAP permanently. MONTE PARADISO 28th and 29th of July in Pola is the name for the best PunkRock concert which can be seen on this area. It goes every year, this was the third time. Monteparadiso is a big castle with lots of space for sleeping, infoshop, koncerts etc. People in Pola editing also zine, tapes and video from and about this gathering. YOUTH CLUB SHUT DOWN IN SIBENIK The autonomous youth club MZ in Sibenik on the Croatian coast was shut down by police . Shows can go on till 11.30PM and the club was fined for violating this law. Once? How about 20 times, and to our knowledge not paid the bastards once. SHORT PREVIEW OF THE SERBIAN SCENE Kraljevo: MORTUUS/Death-grind-core: Mikric Nikola, TopliCka 12, 36000 Kraljevo,YU.; TOTALNI PROMASAJ/UK-C: Kasabasic Milan (Sime), Mkedonska 13, 36000 Kraljevo, YU; SEDATIV/punk-core: Cirovic Goran, Mila Marica7/4, 36000 KV; SMUDOS, HOCU? NECU!: co Popadic, Rada Vilotijevica I/6, 36000 KV; RADiO SUFFER/Jevremovic Miladin, Skopljanska 33,36000 KV Smederevo: ANARHIST/zine: Milan Djuric, Milosa Velikog 12/10,11300 Smederevo; SKatezINE: Jeremic Mihajlo, Vuka Kradzica 6/12, 11300 SD, tel. 00 981-26-222-768; RESUME TAPES/INNER StrUGGLe/Hol-C: Lazic Miroslav, Kradjordjeva 34/28, 11300 SD, 00 981-26-226-018 LuCani : HARD TO THE CORE/zine: Jankovic Dejan, JNA 14/12,32240 LUCANI; APOLONIA/hard-rock: Spasojevic Radovan, JNA bb, 32240 LuC; SUNBURN/hc : Glisovic Zoran, Omladinska 2/a, 32240 LuC. U.K. (Ubudjali Klitoris)/noise-fun; ODJEK/anarchist group (discussion, communication and small actions); BUDI SVOJ (MEJNSTRIM)/ zine: Mijailovic Milan Omladinska 2/c, 32240 LuCani Kragujevac: JOHANBEEN/alter-noise : Kita, tel.00-981-11-339-693, 00-981-34-216-104; BOMBASKI PROCES/HC: Marko, 00-981-34-212-408; ALAN FORD/punk: Karis, 00-981-34-510-306; BONG/garage: Gotivac, 00-981-34-65-782; PROPAGANDA/alter; DEAD JOKER/death: Miki, 00-981-34-211-687; ZVONCEKOVE BILJEZNICE; TRULA KOALICIJA: kontakt Vuja; KBO/punk-HC Cesnjak/rec. studio, Vujic Sasa - Vuja, Svetozara Markovica 47, 34000 Kg. tel. 00-981-34-47-979 Sombor: SEX COMPLEX after PSIHOFONIJA/punk-HC; OGINO KNAUS/punk; IGRA MLADOSTI/alter; PROVOKATOR/grind, fuck-shit noise; TORMENT/death; ANTI-TALENTI/punk; NEM' POJMA/punk; AGITATOR/hc; FANTESTIC KISELI BEND/jazz-alter; SUBHUMANS/zine; A in YU/zine; FORMALIN/zine- kontakt VujCic Ljubomir, Prizrenska 20, 25000 Sombor Macedonian Anarchist Federation has organized grafiti, pamphlets . They've established contacts with underground radio station Kanal 103. Also produced 2 shows (Dosie and Gerilla) aired on 2 independent television stations. They can air just about anything without risk of censorship and are in need of materials to air. They also produce the fanzine Terorist (Bartling Andrej, Ul. Volgogradska 2/4-7, 91000 Skopje , Macedonia) in English as well Factory Smog Is A Sign Of Progress (Cvetkoski Ile , Ul. Egejska Br. 40 , 97500 Prilep , Macedonia). Bands in Macedonia include New Police State (NPS, Kostovski BorCe , Ul. Borkatalevski 603/4, 91000 Skopje, Macedonia) ,Brigade OD (Darko Blazo OrlandiC , 4 B 91000 Skopje) and Morbid Joker (no address). Prison Riot in Macedonia Around 400 prisoners built barricades, liberating one part of the prison. Holding out for four days without food or water, the prisoners hung banners demanding better conditions in the old and detriorating prison. Approximately 1000 special police units attacked unarmed prisoners and beat many heavily in front of TV cameras. Little is known about this here , though foreign stations broadcast coverage of the brutality. Lots of them were wounded, some hospitalized and one prisoner had their spine broken by pigs. Ethnic cleaning with the "STORM" Statement from Anti-war campaign concerning military action "storm" The chance of peaceful reintegration involving the inhabitants of former "Krajina" has been lost. The concept of an ethnically clean state, whit which the conquest of some parts of Croatia was heralded, is now turned into a completed reality from the Croatian side, through military action the Croatian Army has estabilished an ethnically cleansed stste on nearly the whole of the territory. This military action "Storm" formed the preconditions for the return of a few hundert thousands displaced Croats to their homes, their four years long suffering nearing an end. The action however included Croatian citizens of Serbian nationality only in the sens of securing their evacuation. From 1991 till now more then 70% of Serbs have left Croatia. As the last Serbs are leaving "Krajina" the counter brunt has already begun - the expulsion of Croats from Vojvodina and Bosnia - 30.000 are expected to leave during the next months. The expulsion of Serbs from Croatia is inseparably linked to the expulsion of Muslims and Croats from Bosnia. Because of the four years of war in Bosnia and Croatia hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, 4 million have been expelled, material and cultural wealth has been destroyed and the feling of security whithin our multinational community has been shattered.The war conducted here,has taught people that there is no other solution save flight.We are standing at a decisive point in the war.After the military success by Croatia the establishment of other ethnically cleansed states wiill follow.This does not help create a lasting and just peace, but contributes to greater political instability. Even if they do not share responsibility for the beginning of the war, all the sides involved in the conflict share responsibility for its results - ethnic cleansing.This includes the so called mediators - the international institutions and world powers.As usual world powers stand on the side of the more powerful.When Serbia was stronger they supported their actions.When Croatia is stronger they support theirs. Croatian citizens have to accept shared responsibility for the tragedy.All of us have the responsibitiy to ensure for everybody in this country security and human rights,in order to prevent the formation of an ethnically "cleansed" and intolerant state.We do not want to be privileged because we are born as Croats. That is why during the "victory celebration" we want to give the reminder that in the past the record of this state is that it has not even been able to control its armed representatives from comitting violence and violating the rights of citizens in peaceful times. We protest that during the action in "Krajina" representatives of international institutions, media and observers had their freedom of movement restricted.Croatian authorities therefore can not be freed from the suspicion that they tolerated or did nothing to prevent the looting and burning of houses of fleeing civilians. The declared will of Croatian authorities in accepting Croatian citizens of Serbian nationality from "Krajina" will be taken seriously only if programs for the return of refugees are presented and implemented, as was promised in Western Slavonia. It is both necessary and an obligation for the Croatian authorities and international organisations to ensure the permanent presence of international institutions as monitors and active creators - in planning, financing and implementing return programs and following the human rights situation in all parts of Croatia. Peace organisations gathered in the Antiwar Campaign Croatia will continue contributing to social and material reconstruction, supporting the return of displaced people and refugees and the establishing of international and intereligious tolerance in the republic of Croatia and in the wider Balkan region. Antiwar Campaign Croatia, The netvork of pece nd womens organization, humn rights protection grups, civic iniciatives and projects. We still need your help in distributing and coping tis newsletter-we are not that rich to do it on our own. There's no need to send any money for this but please make copies and spred it or use informations from it for your publictions.Thanks! July/August 1995. ZAGINFLATCH / NECEMO I NEDAMO TkalCiceva 38, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. E-mail ZAP_ZG@zamir-zg.ztn.apc.org tel. +385 1/ 422-495, fax +385 1/ 271-143, +385 1/ 335 230