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Infinite Onion
c/ o ZAP
41000 Zagreb

Revolution Infinite Onion style and the Holy
Unspeakable Name of God

Revolution is like this:

It's a cycle of
situations met with a conflicting forces. Like Hegel put it, a thesis
met with an antithesis produces a synthesis which then as a new thesis
is again met with a new antithesis. Growing and learning and never
stopping. Conflict bringing about the new, the beautiful, the alive
and the completely repulsive. Eter nal change bringing life to new
plateaus and ne w highs. Discovering these highs are so low compared
to the new levels in sight and then climbing to meet them. Peeling the
peels and discovering there are always more. Growing and becoming
jaded and then being knocked off the pedestal all the time when one
discovers that all this knowledge or wisdom or experience is only the
first step.

"This time I got it all figured out: All I know is that
I don't know nothing ..... And that's fine" - Operation Ivy

to the Cabala and magick th is takes the for m of Yahweh or the
tetragramaton where the hebrew letters YHVH make up the same formula :
Yod (Y) being the idea, the sperm, the concept , the theory. The first
He (H) as a nurturing medium, the womb , the mind putting concept or
theory into practical thought. Vau (V) , the new child being born ,
the action taking place, the revolutionary theory becoming alive in
the form of new collectives and movements of resistance, conceptual
liberation becoming manifest into reality. As the manifestation grows,
solidif ies and matures the final He becomes the new medium for change
or transformation like the synthesis of two ideas becomes the new
thesis. YHVH-> Yahweh is the Hebrew name of god. In contrast with so
many tired and oppressive concepts of externalized and judgemental
supreme being, this brings god down to inside one's self , the
continual reaching for higher ground through constant transformation.
God is the high potential in you.

This is me constantly changing,
growing and learning as well as the wor ld. We a ren't stuck, we're
always in motion and as we propel ourselves and take on this change as
a fact of life and as a hope for the future. We aren't stuck in the
spectacle. We aren't trapped in social control. Sure it's knocked us
back, distracted us and confused us , but these are just the basis' we
are working out of and adding influence to, constantly crumbling ,
destroying , fighting and creating and loving and building. We destroy
the influence in ourselves constantly and bring about change on the
whole of it all as a result of our change internally. As we tear down
the materialism and imposed social values inside of ourselves, there's
a world of locks to glue, fur stores to burn down , kings to be
dethroned and institutions of control and hate to be toppled. Then
there's spiritual growth, the learning , building strength inside and
then projecting it outwards and building a new world by building
communities, sharing knowledge and love, creating a world where people
have a say in their lives and con trol over their situation. And by
the time we arrive there, we'll be looking at entirely new
revolutions, new beginnings and new reasons to surge on. Fuck the way
things are, we have worlds to discover! Every revolution is just one
peel in a plant that never quits , every change takes us to another
level to start from , coming full circle does not mean the cycle
stops. I've been round this circle so many times and as far as I'm
concerned , the beat don't stop.

Infinite O nion is available either
from ZAP for about $2 Europe or $3 other places. It+s also available
from DS4A (SAE + 40p for UK , rest of Europe send 90p to DS4A c/o Box
8, Greenleaf Bookshop / 82 Colston Street / Bristol , Avon , UK) or
ACTIVE (about the same to BM ACTIVE / WC1N  3XX / LONDON UK) . In the
US this should be available conveniently through Profane Existence or
Blacklist Mailorder. . All these have excellent mailorder

Oh yeah, the disclaimer! Neither Infinite Onion nor  anyone
even marginally involved let alone r esponsible for it+s publication
does by any means whatsoever suggest that any part of this magazine
should be taken as encouragement to act in any illegal manner. On the
contrary Infinite Onion supports and applauds those who act within the
parameters of the legality. So there.

This magazine remains the property of the sender unless
an/or it has been personally and materially accepted by the prisoner
to whom it is addressed. In the event that the prisoner is denied
direct access to this publication , it must be returned to the sender
with notice of the reasons for failing to deliver to the

Welcome to the wonderful first ever footnote intensive
issue of the Infinite Onion! The bulk of this issue consists of
footnotes as you may or may not have noticed. The idea here is to get
away from the normal linear format that my zine had suffered from.
Although I haven+t put it all together yet, and I+m not quite sure how
it will turn out, I+m hoping to sort of tie e verything here t ogether
in some way or other. Humans don+t ordinarily think linearly , but
through attempts at organizing life completely logically and in a way
that can be computerized, categorized, organized on a straight line1
and dealt with systematically we+ve ended up formatting all of our
thoughts linearly, even when logical thinking defies what+s happening
around us. If cause and effect clashes with an observed, perhaps
completely illogical or unscienti fic synchronicity in seemingly
-unrelated+2 events, many people will attempt to reconstruct the
happening to a shape that conviently fits into their appropriate slots
of thinking (usually cause and effect). People do this out of
necessity. Our understanding of the Universe is made up of the model
(map) we+ve built in our heads of what is outside of our body3 and we
will inevitably relate all of what we experience to this map and fit
it with the method of organizing/processing that we worked out over
the years or were taught no matter wh ether it really fits or not. But
the map is not the territory! When we process information not designed
specifically for our thinking process (ie: not relating to our map),
we end up filtering a good deal of information simply because it
doesn+t fit on the map4. So, by organizing this issue as more of an
interelated net of information instead of seemingly unrelated and
linear chunks of information, I+m attempting to introduce the
possibility of map reconstruction, the r ealization of a different
thinking process that may fill in some gaps o r open some windows to a
new perspe5ctive.

Confused? Think I+m intellectualizing simple
things to absurdity? Wrogn! I+m absurdizing intellectuality!

 A lot of things have landed elsewhere in this issue though
trying to even coming close to saying it all would be absurd and
probably life consuming. Basically since leaving the US , I moved to
Zagreb and have stayed here on and off. Trying to do stuff here on the
on and traveling around Europe o n the off. Getting away from the US
was good. I had been itching to break out of this stagnance I felt
while I was in the US for a long time and breaking out of that inertia
in my life felt good. Fuck, it still feels good.

The last few months
have had me half way around the world, moving constantly or living
hectically ; it+s been too much to want to rattle through here except
that I+ve been traveling with bands, mobs of punks,by myself, crashing
with friends , squatting, playing, being wet, being angry , being
happy, selling patches and stol en stuff, going to gatherings and
demos, getting arrested , getting weird, getting high and of course
getting lost in weird (and some high) places among other things and
staying at my parents house in between. There+s a real contrast
between these two aspects of my life right now. First off, travelling
provides me with all the chaos , tumult and freshness I need in life.
Where it rubs me the wrong way as it occasionally does, it+s usually
something i can draw from later in li fe, an obstacle in me that needs
to be sma shed (was it Nietzsche that said -What doesn+t kill me only
makes me stronger+) to be able to move on to the people and
experiences which I value more.  Developing new friendships , seeing
the cool shit people are organizing or involved in elsewhere , sharing
their lives and struggles is empowering and fucking inspiring.
Traveling really keeps a flame alive when -home+ seems so void. And so
many things are brought home , things that where always there , just
harder to see at times.
         On the other ha ng in Zagreb has
been to a large extent frustrating and lonely. After living in big
punk houses for so long usually overfilled with crazy people I could
relate to and share my experiences with, I found myself at my parents6
(footnotes to 6 found in footnotes 7,8, 9 . last 6 in footnote 6 is
footnote 9 , first 6 is 7, second 6 is 8 .. of course) comfortable,
pet. bourgeois flat , bored out of my skull and rediscovering the
brain deadening contentment of TV p acification : the simplest default
to doing more th ings on my own. It changed since I first moved to
Zagreb. I met some very good people and spend time with them when I
can , but not living in the same space really seems to fuck up the
possibility of living my ideas and sharing my life with friends.
Hesse wrote about Steppenwolf+s hate for bourgeois stability and at no
other time have I felt it more strongly than while I was there . I+ve
heard so many boring lines about the importance of stability and
material security. What , for this? I haven+t felt more separated from
people and stuck and stuck than I have living in that warm
comfortable, warm flat, well fed , bored and gorged on empty
materialist escapism than I have for years. Give me a dangerous, damp,
dirty, slug infested squat anyday.
     Anyhow ,  I came to Zagreb
hoping to get active with anarchists here against the war or help out
with refugee stuff. After latching on to a few people from ZAPO who
I+d been in touch with through the mail I realized not much of
anything was happening here with the most active people had headed
elswhere to be of more use. I spent alot of time doing alot of not
much. I did manage to find some people interested in doing some stuff
, but it+s difficult getting people who grew up in a culture which
outruled the possibility of creating an alternative or building
grasroots resistance to step forward. So much hasn+t been tried here
and there are so few examples of what could happen. Unfortunately when
things really seemed to be picking up momentum, I was pressured to
leave th e country more or less permanently. More on this in the
Zaginflatch section.

Become an ordained Minister in the
Universal Life Church for free! According to them Life is Freedom ,
Food and Sexuality. Heaven is when you have it and Hell is when you
don+t. They also have a number of other titles available including
among many others, Dervish, Flying Nun and Martyr. Help the ministry
grow! Request information on becoming ordained at ULC, 601 Third
Street, Modesto, CA 95351, usa. The ULC only beli eves in that which
is right and everybody has the right to decide what is right for
METELKOVA squat in Ljublana is starting up a reading
library which should include among other things books , comics , zines
, and whatever else they feel like putting in. They are planning to
have some speakers in the space and have long range ideas to do a
distro. They are welcoming any halp with donating books and zines so
send them whatever you do! For mail sen d things to Toma+ Trplan,
-tudentski Dom, Topni|ka 33, 61000 Ljubliana , Slovenia. Otherwise
stop by at Metelkova , just go left after coming out of the central
train station and you+ll find it on your right hand side a couple
minutes walk down the road.
Greenpeace London is still fighting
McDonalds in court over McDonald+s libel suit which has been going on
for about four years now, during the course of which Helen and Dave
the two unwaged defendants have made fools out of McDonalds claims and
uncovered additional bullshit about t he company+s policies and evil
deeds . The small independent collective which is not a part of the
larger Greenpeace organization was sued by McDonalds in response to
their six page factsheet outlining criticisms made of McDonalds by
several concerned people and organizations around the world. The trial
produced statements by McDonalds workers and contractors themselves
admitting McDonalds+ purchases of beef grown on ex-rainforest land in
Brazil (deforested as recently as 10 years ago) , lying about the
incredibly destructive packa ging used (according to the UK President
of McDonalds , not more than 100 to 150 cups from McDonalds end up as
litter from the soft drink purchases of one million customers. The man
also claims styrofoam packaging is less environmentally damaging than
using plates, knives and forks), evidence on the stomping out of trade
unions, the completely unhealthy cancer and death inducing qualities
of their food ( -We are not a health store+) ; the trial has also
revealed further informat ion concerning the murder and torture of
animals which McDonalds makes their food out of. Chickens to be used
in Chicken Mcnuggets and McChicken sandwiches were crammed into cages
less than the size of an A4 sheet of paper and no access to daylight
causing severe health problems in over a third of the chickens. Chicks
rejected by the company were dumped into dust bin sized containers and
gassed. Over 1300 birds (that+s only 1% ) were decapitated without
being stunned daily. Chicke ns kept in battery cages to supply eggs
are stuffed in 5 to a cage with even less space than broiler chickens
and no freedom of movement , no access to fresh air and no sunshine.
The pigs who spend over half their lives on less than half a meter of
floor space per pig have their teeth clipped at infancy. Pigs were
stunned using electric tongs, then shackled and knifed, some falling
off the -bleeding rail+ before they were killed. McDonald+s beef
consists mainly of dairy cows ,who after years of stress, pain,
exhaustion and disease are sent off t o be slaughtered for McDonalds+
burgers. Though it has been admitted that the methods for murdering
the cows were -not particularily good+, Helen and Dave have been
unable to verify the conditions independently as their expert
witnesses have been denied access to all relevant establishments.

Although the trial has produced a lot of incriminating evidence bound
to convince any human with an ounce of consciousness for their own
health and the rest of the planet to avo id or help destroy the
corporation entirely, it+s been high costs for the defendents. Helen
and Dave were denied a right to jury trial (McDonalds argued that the
issues were too complex for a jury), and are representing themselves
since no legal aid is available in libel cases. The defendents are up
against McDonald+s team of top libel lawyers and have to deal with the
corresponding mountain of approximately 30 000 pages of documentation
themselves. Though the legal system is confusing as hell they+ve had
to learn as they went a long. In retaliation to McDonald s+ lawsuit,
Helen and Dave have filed a countersuit (to run alongside McDonalds+
suit) against leaflets and press releases claiming critics of
McDonalds were deliberately circulating lies about the company.
It looks as if the court proceedings will still take some time. In the
meantime, Greenpeace London is stepping up it+s campaign against
McDonalds and encourage others to join in the fight against the fast
food multis (it+s not just McDonalds) and express solidarity for them.
For more information on thei r suit and different campaigns going on
write to McLibel Support Campaign c/o Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX ,
UK. tel/fax 071 713 1269
For McDonalds haters in Croatia: ads in
Croatian daily newspapers are announcing the opening of new McDonalds
retaurants in Croatia and are in search of qualified candidates for
restaurant management. This cannot go unopposed. McDonalds has spread
it+s American consumerist bullshit to over half the world , don+t let
them get their foot in here t oo! Let McDonalds know of you r hate and
of your absolute unwillingness to allow them to set up further murder
facilities in Croatia. The address listed on the ad is McDonald+s
Central Europe GmbH c/o Mrs. Sonja Spindler, World Trade Center,
A-1300 Flughafen-Wien, Austria. Please fill us at Infinite Onion
and/or Zaginflatch in on further information or actions against the
The Earth Liberation Prisoners (ELP) is a network that has
been set up to circulate up to date in formation on people who have
been imprisoned for radical bio centric activities, including those
involved in ALF, Green Anarchist, Earth First and ELF activities. The
network is also set up to support the activists imprisoned through
solidarity actions and letter writing. Prison can be a lonely place so
any letters of support can really help break that isolation that the
state tries to impose. For further info or a prisoner list send a self
addressed envelope and about 50p for postage to E.L.P. c/o MSEF!, Box
23, 5 High Street, Gastonb ury, Somerset England

Claremont Road Evicted. 

Claremont Road which was a community of squatters resisting
the building of an outdated , badly planned, pollution increasing,
incredibly expensive motorway link road which was estimated to
displace over 1000 people from their homes and all together incredibly
eco-hostile was evicted in early December after a four day struggle
with police and security dolts. Protestors and squatters held the
police off non-violently dutring the entire conflict, but in the end
it was the pigs and roadbuilders w ho took the buildings that once
housed a vital community to turn it into asphalt. Grrrrrr!


As a result of the
police riots which broke out at the 1992 Velka Pardubicka Steeplechase
in the Czech Republic, 34 animal rights protestors are being charged
with organized riot. All are faced with possibible sentences of 2-3
years prison. The Steeplechase which is a highly dangerous horse race
track has so far directly clai med the lives of over 50 horses who
died on the field as well an unknown number who were killed as a
result of exhaustion or after untreatable injuries.  A demo and civil
disobedience action 700 strong was held to block the race ,
specifically one obstacle which has alone claimed the lives of 20
horses. The action was attacked by police who beat many protestors
severely. One group of 40 protestors were pushed into a van and
beaten, with some being tear gassed and bleeding. Th ey were then
driven to a forest, held at gun point, beaten further and released.
Others were trampled under the hooves of police mounts and yet others
were chased down individually and beaten. Though several top police
officials were fired, most police involved were found innocent. The 34
activists singled out to face trial still have to be given court
dates. The Animal SOS  Foundation is one of the groups affected by the
charges and is asking for support. Animal SOS  Foundation , Kafkova 9
, Dejvice , Prague 6 , Czech Republic , tel/fax: 0042 2 531 141


If your band is interested in touring the former USSR and are
not too into making money at it , try contacting Serget Chernov c/o
Hanna Kolb, Eidelstedter Weg 75 , D-20255 Hamburgf , Germany for
further information.

900 ARRESTS AT ANTI EU DEMO - A demo against the
EU summit in Essen was banned by German courts who feared violent
actions from -autonomous+ groups. Despite the ban over 1000 people
showed up in Essen to take part in the countersummit organized by a
coalition of anti-EU groups including everyone from the green party to
autonome groups. Early on through the summit/countersummit cops
harrassed and IDd people on public transport , the streets, even going
as far as pulling over cars on the motorway.  Friday night, one car
from Berlin was pulled over terrorist squad style. The Berliners were
escorted to prison at gunpoint with bags pulled  over their heads and
were accused of conspiring to build molotov coctails. The evidence
included bottles of mineral wat er, an oil canister and a toilet roll
found in the b oot of the car. Saturday about 3000 ignored the ban and
took to the streets to protest and were immediately cornered by cops
who officially arrested a total of 918 demonstrators - a new record
for Germany. Eyewitnesses reported a non-German being beaten and
kicked badly by three to five pigs who then dragged him to a wall were
he was further beaten by up to 10pigs. He put up no type of resistance
warranting the beating. He wasn+t taken to a hospital until half an
hour of lying unconscious on the pavement. O ther non-Germans were
processed separately and banned from the city for two months. The
Essener Alliance who organized the anti-summit are demanding the
resignation of Minister of interior affaisrs who took political
responsibility for the ban and the police actions -Will the
prohibition of the demonstration and the preceeding judicial history
be a model case for the treatment of a critical opposition by the
police and politics, every future left opposition movem ent can be
criminalized.+ With the CJB in Eng land , bans , evictions and
tightening of immigration laws in Germany and elsewhere these fascisms
seem to be spreading steadily.

new on the ZAPATISTAS

The Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) notified the International Red
Cross Committee that, after the installation of Eduardo Robledo Rincon
as governor of Chiapas, the ceasefire in force since January 12th was
considered broken. And that hostilities could break out at any moment.
The election was considered ri gged by many.
Dec 11 -14 Zapatist a
troops broke through a military encirclement of between 40 to 60
thousand Mexican army troops .With the aid of locals and their
knowledge of the terrain and climate they burst through with no
casualties or open fire. Between December 15 and 18th , EZLN troops
took control of 38 municipios in Chiapas , declaring them autonomous
In a comunique dated 17th of December the EZLN set out
demands that the National Comission of Inte rmediation (CONAI) act as
the mediator between the EZLN and the Mex ican government rejecting
president Zedillo+s proposal to set up a mediating entity consisting
of representatives of different political parties. -The solution to
the conflict  that  is apparently  confined  to  the southeast,  but
in  fact  is manifest  throughout  the  country,  will  not  come
from "governmental    commissions"   but   from    a    profound
transformation  in  the  political,  social  and   economic relations
between governors and the governed .+ - Subcommandante Marcos
On Dec. 20 th e New York Times reported civilian takeovers of town halls
and blocking of highways in various areas of Chiapas.  December 21 ,
75 Bay Area Zapatistas stormed the Mexican Consulate in San Francisco
and demanded the  recognition of Bishop Ruiz as mediator in the
Chiapas conflict, the boot for the PRI governor of Chiapas, and the
installation of the PRD losing candidate. Several of the participants
in the take-over announced a fast in solidarity with Chiapas'fasting
Bishop Ruiz. The protestors for ced the Con sul, Sr. Figueroa, to make
phone calls to the Diocese of San Cristobal de las Casas and to the
Office of the Presidency in Mexico City, which he did.  Although a
large number of police responded to a call from the Consulate, there
were no arrests as the protestors vacated the premises peacefully
after achieving their demands.
22nd of December in Burlington, VT (USA) demonstrators rallied in 
support of the indigenous popular struggle in Chiapas.

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The door opened silently and the old woman crept in. She wanted
to surprise the old man, awake in the big bed , by sneaking up on him
but something distracted her.
   -Nicu, my dear . . . I can smell
something burning+, said Elena
       -Ah, don+t worry my dear, I+m
burning today+s suit. it+s in the grate+. The President of Romania
wasn+t at all surprised by his wife+s creeping about. She had learnt
the silent stealthy tip-toe w alking whilst on shopping trips in
Bucharest ple would double take the old lady wrapped up and half
hidden behind the Gucci scarf. She couldn+t resist a peek at the
people now and then.
   She spoke again. -Don+t you think it+s a bit
wasteful dear. I mean you+ve hardly even stained the sleeves with soup
or had a chance to give it your own particular smell. It could become
like a member of the family , an old friend. Do you have to destroy
your clothes ?+
  -We are the mother and father of the working
classes. If we want to burn our clothes a s an examp to the people ,
then we must do as our mind desires. Are you getting in or what?+

With a graceless motion, Elena removed her nightdress and stood
momentarily in the light of the fire, he naked body orange and
purposely displayed. She looked over at Nicolae. -What are you
reading, Nicu?+, she said in such a way, the pronunciation soft and
warm. He turned and flicked an eyebrow, regarding his naked love with
no other facial display. -Oh, this . .+ , h e laid down the very thick
book on the elderdown, it+ ssy picture of himself face up, -it+s my
latest work on politics and the masses+, he laughed and she laughed
too. -I do wish they would write my books with more jokes , or at
least some asides . . . These tend to be very dull. I+m thinking of
getting the team to start a series of Ceausescu thrillers. What do you
think ?+
     -I don+t think so dear. - She was starting to chill a
little. The fire glowed and changed shadows across her breasts. She
patted her stomach and went to star t a sentence about her thin , old
body but she halted the thoughts before they became words. This was
not the time.
       She stepped to the other side of the master
bedroom and lifted the covers. Sliding down beside her husband, she
turned to face his now vertical body. Cheerily she looked at his aging
face and with one hand touched him lightly on the eyebrow and slid the
other one between the elastic tops of his pajamas and his stomach
skin. She whispered tales of the ir drives down the victory Boulevards
in Bucharest and of how th stopped to admire the many streets,
avenues, squares and places named after them. Of bookstores, their
windows displaying the latest Ceausescu book, behind the rows of
books, huge poster portraits of him. His Institute in the town center
, his hospital in the Eastern Quarter ... all these things put him in
the mood for good sex with his wife and First Lady. As stirrings
within them became more dominant and to the fore, the book the old man
was reading , shifted closer to the edge of the bed and finally tum
bled over the edge to land front up on the old carpet, Nicu+s face
hidden and buried in the deep shag.
 The last time he had been in
Elena+s arms in Trgoviste was a year ago when his wife was touring the
country visiting the former sites of relocated peasant communities.
Nicolae was alone in his favorite pub, a glass of President Ale before
him on the table. He always sat alone here and thought long and hard
about policy. The beer slid down smoothly  and policy was settled in
his head until he was back home in Bucharest with his aides and
flunkeys and headed Presidential memo pad. Any locals in the place
would usually not disturb Mr Ceausescu unless they were young , brave
Securitate after an autograph on their Party card. He didn+t mind at
all . The people loved him. They loved his beer too.
    This year
they were together in the bar. they had not had time down any of
Ceausescu+s finest as the moment they arrived , they had gone straight
down into the cellar and sat behind so me beer crates. The people
outsi had not thought to check inside the pub because of its obvious
loyalty to the revolution. Dotted between displays of flowers hanging
over the pub balconies were the corpses, still warm, of Securitate
people unconvinced about the nature of the masses in times of change.
The landlord, a shrewder character, had understood the times and
decided that to continue to sell beer throughout the festival of the
oppressed was a better business decision than upholding the security
of the nation for a man who had n ever p aid for his beers anyway.

Elena whispered into Nicu+s ear, -Don+t worry ... it will never last.
They are just angry about something. They don+t understand. We have
run this country well. We have managed its wealth with consideration
for everyone. Can you open my purse dear, the clasp+s stiff. There+s a
handgun in there. I want to take it out, just in case.
   Nicu pointed
the gun at his wife+s face , who jumped back startled. -What are you
doing , Nicu ?+
 Nicolae dropped his hand and the gun poi o the floor.
He had been miles away , back in Bucharest where his own home was on
fire. The people+s love for him was over. He had been found out. No
more shit. He had pointed the gun at her to say this. How could he
tell he outright. He needed her now. Her strength. Her sour faith. Her
belief in the common people.
   -Nicu, you are the most beloved son of
the people and I love you.+
     Two pieces of rope lay on the table
behind the soldiers. The q uestion master continued the questioning.

Both Ele sitting close together, looked up at the shabby room they had
ended up in.
     -This is outrageous, a provocation+, Elena had
shouted when the soldiers had led them in the place. Dumped heavily in
two chairs, Elena sat in a huff occasionally making asides to a tense
soldier who looked fairly heroic to her with his uniform tatty and his
designer stubble and beautiful eyes twinkling in the makeshift
   Nicolae was tired, -I recognize only the Grand National
Assembly and the representative s of the g class . . . I will sign
nothing. I refuse to answer those who have fomented this coup d+etat.
I am not the accused. I am the President of the Republic, I am your
Commander In Chief. We have been working for the people since the age
of fourteen.+
        The large inquisitor, sighed and began again.
-You have staved Romania+.
       Elena looked across Nicu+s face. He
was exhausted. This was tiresome business. Nicolae spoke, - Nonsense,
speaking as an ordinary citiz en , I can tell you that for the first
ti ives the workers had 200 kilos of flour a year and many additional
benefits. All your allegations are lies.+
   -What about your z400
million foreign bank accounts+.
  -Show me proof ..., I want proof !
Confront me with the organizers of this coup. There are no such
accounts . It+s all lies. There+s not a single dollar.+
prosecutor leaned forward , - Are you mentally defective ?+

Elena erupted, startling the youngster guarding over her. -This is
outrageous. How can you even ask such a qu est court rose to recess ,
but the President refused to stand. -Let+s get this over with , he
muttered. Elena refused as well. She was angry. Looking around, she
weighed up the situation. These jumped up army clerks were taking
over. An appeal against any sentence these pricks passed would give
them time. Anything could happen in Bucharest. the Securitate still
controlled the Capitol+s sewers.
       Nicu leant over and touched
his wife+s knee. Was he giving up, wa s it love ? Did he mean
everything was okay ? W d he mean. Nicu , you fool you never let it
come through. Why hold it all in ? Elena considered what was happening
around her. When all this was over , she would officially order a
glass of President+s Ale for every Romanian. This ones on the old man
, this time. Let him buy the drinks for once.
       The sound of
General Stanculescu re-entering the room with four soldiers brought
her back to the present. The young men came right over to them, stood
them up and began to tie their ha nds behind their backs. esident
spoke to everyone present in the room : -I don+t recognize the
legitimacy of this court. Whoever staged this coup can shoot anyone
they want. The traitors will answer for their treason. Romania will
live and learn of your treachery. It is better to fight with glory
than to live as a slave+. Tears began to move down his face.

struggled and shrieked, -Everyone has the right to die as they wish.
Don+t tie us up. It+s a disgrace.+ She turn ed to a young soldier, - I
brought you up like a mother. W hy are you doing this ? If you want to
kill us, kill us together+. She would not cry. This was it. No
helicopter ride back to Bucharest to face the people there like they
thought. The soldiers led them out, down the corridor. Outside , more
soldiers gathered in the courtyard. Elena moved slowly forward and the
blue eyed Hero of the Revolution who had guarded her earlier  bumped
into her. Quietly he said to her, -Lady , you+re in real trouble+ ,
Elena stared into his face and raged: -You keep away from me , you
motherfucker !+

    By the time they saw the wall ahead of them ,
Nicolae was starting to hum The Internationale. Elena interrupted his
reverie, -Stop it Nicu. Look they+re going to shoot us like dogs.+

They turned away instinctively. The President caught the fire in his
chest. The firing squad obeyed orders to shoot low to keep the
President+s face in tact so that he was recognizable after his death.
For Elena no such order was issued and the squad stuck her face to the
wall and her body slid to the f r. The soldier with beautiful blue
eyes, rushed up and fired another burst at her as she lay down dead.

The Defense Ministry ordered a search of the Stadium+s ground. Leave
no stone unturned. The bodies of the Ceausescu+s had been helicoptered
into the place and left on the turf. Now they had disappeared.
A little later, a shout indicated that the corpses had been found, moved
to a shed inside the ground by unknown hands. The blue eyed soldier
shifted the bodies back. Taking a final look at Ele feeling struck.
The corpse with no face could be just any old old woman+s corpse from
the revolutionary streets of Bucharest. The hideous thought flashed
large before the memory of his firing an angry burst at the body of
the President+s wife. Elena lives ? , he thought but he kept the
thought to himself.

This was taken from FAST ... HARD , the
International Magazine for the Hard Of Living. If you have a copy of
the video recording of Ceausescu+s executi on, go ahead and contact
Chris , c/o 56 a Info Books hop, 56 Crampton Street. London SE17 , UK
. All sightings of Elena should be reported to the Ceausescu Detective
Agency at the above



In an age bent on self destruction and
romanticising the addiction of toxic (non)pleasures , along with their
toxic cures, it+s interesting how half assed some of the adherents of
this school of suicide dabblery can be. Is a life sucking culture and
societ y really enough ? Apparently , the thrill of life introduced by
the exciting cycle of work and consumption doesn+t cut through the
dulleness of the safe life we enjoy. Though cigarette smoking had
proven its merits successfully as the thano-adventure it is, it still
takes years to even get close to any semblance of that first flirt
with death that our culture mystifies, romanticizes, fills with fear
and enforces vigorously. The wide road to suicide can be even more
exciting. Marlboro Man spent years coughing and sputtering before even
catching a glimpse of the Styx. Why wait around for the real kicks
when the taxi cab to adventure is right within reach of your doom
hungry fingertips right now. A few tips:

Try adding some tasty and quickening plastic shavings into your rolling tobacco

or smoking the filter first

Or how about a delicious smoker tea?

A handful of cigarette butts, steeped in hot water will no doubt
greatly increase the effectivene ss of your cigarettes and their
exciting effect on your body. Best prep possible.

Ever tried playing Russian Cigarette Roulette? Nyet, no Russian tobacco needed
for this one.Simply saturate one cigarette filter out of a fresh pack
with pure unfiltered nicotine (way more exciting and effective than
regular nicotine found in cigarettes). Every time you light up , feel
the rush before putting the cigarette to your lips. Will this be the
last one? Sigh in dissapointed relief at the sight of the broke punk
you just bumbed a smoke to as t hey clutch their stomach and wretch in
p vomiting and pleading for help.

Try soaking your body in flammable liquids. Why should it always just be 
the lungs to get all charred up?

Or for even more outer body solidarity with the
gasping martyrs inside, it may prove handy to burn a section of your
skin before every time you take a puff.

Don+t stop , the possibilities are endless.


fuckin+ Y. Tips for Natural Healing
by -enna

   When  surrounded by
growing plants in fields & f prefer to scavenge medicinal herbs from
Nature myself.  However, if this isn+t possible, if you+re surrounded
by cities of concrete, if there+s a foot of snow on the ground, or you
are unable to identify  different plants,  many health food stores are
generally quite well stocked with a variety of dried herbs,
tinctures, tablets, extracts, powders, etc.
       There are a few
herbs I use a lot  that are beneficial for just about everything, one
of which is raw garlic.   I k new Hare Krishnas couldn+t be ed when I
learned that  it is against their religion to include garlic in their
food.  Garlic is God and should be a main staple of everyone+s diet to
be consumed daily.  Garlic was eaten by ancient pyramid builders to
increase their strength, it warms your body when it+s cold & it acts
as a repellent against nasty people obsessed  with sterility who fear
body odor.  I+ve even gotten high from eating really potent organic
garlic.  Garlic acts as an antibiotic & helps protect the body against
all diseases, i nfections, fungus & bacteria.  In addition, it
detoxifies the body, strengthens blood vessels, lowers blood pressure
& fights asthma, arthritis, cancer, circulatory problems, colds, flu,
digestive problems, heart disorders, insomnia, liver disease, ulcers &
yeast infections.  Although I+ve never read any warnings concerning
the ingestion  of too much garlic or experienced any harsh effects
myself, I have heard of excess amounts of garlic causing kidney
     Echinacea is another mul ti-purpose natur ntibiotic
(without the side-effects of synthetic antibiotics) good for colds,
flu,  infections of all kinds & strengthening the immune system.

Sharing many of the same properties & often used in conjunction with
echinacea is goldenseal.  Goldenseal acts as an antibiotic as well &
is considered a cure - all herb.  It is anti-bacterial, cleanses the
body & mucus membranes, strengthens immunity, fights colds , flu,
diabetes, ulcers, stomach, pro state, bladder & vaginal disorders,
regulates menses, lo lood pressure & stimulates the central nervous
system.  The powder form of goldenseal  root is excellent to put on
open bleeding cuts, scrapes & scratches.  However it should not be
used for puncture wounds because it will clot the blood pre-maturely
before cleaning itself out.  This herb is extremely strong & should be
used for no longer than 10 consecutive days.

        Here+s some
ideas of what to do for a few ailments; things that have worked well
in my own experiences or that have been passed on to me

HEADACHES - ginger  root compresses, tons of peppermint tea,
rosemary (rosemary is good for brain energy & its scent, while
sleeping, makes dreams more vivid), burdock root (fresh burdock root
can also be cooked and eaten), damiana, yerbamate

FEVER - A fever is
an indication  of an infection or disease that works as a defense
mechanism, destroying foreign microbes & sometimes eliminating toxins.
So unless a fever exceeds 102 F, allow it to run its course.  To lower
a very high temperature, try 1/2 t spn lobelia extract or tincture,
hyssop, licorice root, thyme & yarrow tea combination, or an echinacea
root poultice.

SORE THROAT - gotu kola, vit.C, coltsfoot, tea tree
oil gargle, suck on fresh licorice root

COLDS - feverfew, fenugreek
(decreases mucus), ginger root, pau d+arco, slippery elm & yarrow tea,
potato peeling broth (Peel potato so peels are 1/2 inch thick, boil 20
- 30 min., strain, cool & drink twice a day.)

STAPH - In ostracizing
staph from my body  I d id a lot of things  & I+m not sure which
methods were effective, but somehow it worked.  I munched a bunch of
garlic, took echinacea, goldenseal and yellow dock tablets,  soaked my
open  pus-oozing sores in warm salt water to extract the pus, covered
the sores with tea tree oil & drank lots of ginger root tea & popped
vit. C capsules to strengthen my immune system.  It+s also a good idea
to wash anything the infection may have come in contact with where the
staph will continue to liv e (ie clothing, blankets) &to (ughh!)

P.M.S. - dong quai & raspberry leaf (both  known for their
female - oriented properties), blessed thistle, cayenne, kelp,
sarsaparilla, squaw vine & dandelion ( I have read that dandelion is
good in prevention of breast cancer.  Also, the leaves are tasty
sautDed with vegetables or in a salad.)

royal,  feverfew (stimulates uterine contractions & promotes menses),
parsley tea (3 times a day for 3 days), chamomile; blood circulation
everywhere in body, message breasts, sol ar plexus area & lower
central back (should feel it in uterus); vinegar & water or lemons &
water douche immediately  to kill or stop sperm after dodgy
intercourse; mental work - create mental storms & hell in your uterus
so that it+s not a good place to be, tell the fetus to piss off & that
you don+t want it ; Take cuntrol!

Take time off for yourself -  time
you don+t have to look at  a clock. Take some time off from being
drunk as fuck (alcohol , pot & other drug s weaken your immune
system).  Eat wholefoods, fresh fruits & ve getables & avoid animal
products (In addition to welcoming a whole array of diseases, factory
farmed animals are pumped full of antibiotics, which , when consumed,
pump you full of antibiotics, building up your resistance to them, so
that when you are ill, healing methods are less effective.)

say NO to the medical  establishment (the biggest druglords of +em
all) & its greed-induced diseases.  Skip a doctor+s appointment. Blow
up a hospital .  Shout a loud -Pork you!+ to the  pharmaceutical
parasite s. Overthrow the medical profession. Align with Earth.
Empower  & heal thyself!

eiditors herbal tips :

 I used to drink a
tea of Ginko Biloba and Gotu Kola to start off the day perky and clear
headed. Both these herbs help oxygenate the brain.

Damiana is supposed
to help increase the sex drive and makes for a weird social smoking
herb with a funky fruity taste to it. Soak it in Vodka for a few days
and strain for an aphrodisiacal liquor.

Tea tree oil incidentally
kills strep throat on contact. Th e strep t hat is, your throat stays
alive. Also watch cuts heal before your eyes after being cleaned and
bathed with tea tree oil. I+ve heard rumours that it chases bugs out
of heads.

A cloth bag og mugwort in your pillowcase has made some
people+s dreams very vivid. Fun smoking herb.

Europeans who like to
mix tobacco with their pot or hash should consider replacing their
tobacco with Mugwort or Coltsfoot. Coltsfoot actually helps heal your
lungs when you smoke it by dislod ging phlegm and opening up more
glogged bron



an incredible resource for animal rights activists. Lists pages of
animal rights groups, contains up to date news from the ALF press
office, tons of newspaper clippings on direct action reports, debates
, articles and lots of pictures of animals.
121 Railton Road , London SE24 OLR, UK - Support anarchist prisoners
around the world and publish the n ewsletter Taking Liberties
available for about 35p plus postage.
Communications Coalition, 1442 A Walnut St. #406, Berkeley, CA 94709 ;
phone (510) 464-3041 - A pirate radio group help give access to
everything you need to know about building a pirate station, their
newsletter Reclaming the Airwaves contains cheap mailorder DIY pirate
radio kits along with the necessary knowledge to get on the air
anywhere. They also provide circuit diagrams for those of you with
circuit agility.
 CONTRA FLOW 56 Crampton St, London SE 17 , UK; fax:
071 326 0353 - A good anarchjist newsheet, at this address also find a
health food co-op and the 56A Infoshop.
Green Anarchist Mail Order, PO
Box 407 , Camberly GU15 3FL , UK - Besides putting out an excellent
paper from an eco-anarcho point of view these elves also distribute
some good literature and T-shirts.
THE FIFTH ESTATE , 4632 Second
Ave., Detroit , MI 48201, usa- An excellent , long running anarchist
paper containing a healthy va riety of news, rev iews, listings,
interviews, history , analysis and the On Gogol Boulevard
international news section. They also have a decent mailorder
selection of books.
THE BLACK HAND , Kafkova 9, Dejvice, Prague 6,
Czech Republic, tel/fax: 0042 2 531 141 - If you ever go to Prague ,
drop in here . The Black Hand is sort of an amalgation of different
group using an amazing building for their various projects. Here
you+ll find a vegan kitchen,  refugee relief groups, a cou ple
different distros, theatre groups, the Animal SOS foundation, practice
spaces for bands, a couple halls for performances, art shows, Roma
activists and a mishmash of other groups and individuals. They should
be officially open by the time you read this and may still need some
help with shitwork.
TOLERANZGRENZE , Postafach 69 , A- 1163 , Wien ,
Austria - Try sending six marx for Austria+s fattest anarchist punk
zine. Anarchist history more in depth than Prof. Felix , vegan
recipes, boring band interviews, c op violence collages. Imagine
Profane Existenc e playing chess with Interim. auf Deutsch.
Box 4 , 136 Kingsland High St. , Hackney, London E8 - Everything you
always wanted to know about astronomy , obscure and weird composers,
the occult, history, folkore and hate by confused and angry Scottish
nationalists who happen also to be members of the communist Party.
Press , 22 Lutton Place, Edinburgh, ScotlandEH8 9PE - huge catalog of
SLUG AND LETTUCE - PO Box 2067, Peter Stuy Stn., NY NY 10009 -
For a SASE you get listings of pen pals , co lumns , ads , punk rock
pictures and tons of classifieds (cuz they+re free)
Box 20298, NY NY 10009 - Excellent squatter paper from NYs Lower East
Side. They+ll also sell you things like books, kits to fuck up piss
tests, anarcho-software and squatter comics.
WC1N 3XX - Far too much stuff at once. Mountains of dischordian
lunacy. Seek it out . a bit hippylike
HOAX, AUX 64 , Beechgrove,
Aberhonddu, POWYS , CYMRU, UK , LD3 9 ET, UK - pranks , conspiracies ,
the number 2 3, Eris , big like Head, just not so hippylike. Most


This message is a carbon copy of message "EZLN Letter; We know what Awaits
Ust" written by moonlight (igc.apc.org) on 15.12.94.  FROM LA JORNADA,
DECEMBER 13, 1994, PGS. 8-11 Translated by: Cecilia Rodriguez ,
National Commission for Democracy in Mexico

USA  Zapatista Army of
National Liberation Mexico December 1994
EZLN: We know What We're Doing; It is Worth It
To Whom It May Concern:
I am the escaped one, 
after I was born
They locked me up inside me
but I left.
soul seeks me,
through hills and valley,
I hope my soul
finds me.


I write this, while reports from our
companeros arrive about preparations for the advance of our units, and
as I burn a last stack of unanswered letters. That is why I write to
you now.  I always told myself I would respond to each and every
letter we received.  It seemed to m e that it was the least we could
do, answer so many people who had bothered to write a few lines and
risk putting their name and direction on it hoping for a response.

The war is imminent. I definitely cannot save these letters. I should
destroy them because, if they fall into the hands of the government,
they could cause many problems for many good people and a few bad
people.  Now the flames are high and their colors change.  Sometimes
they are an iridescent blue which never fails to surprise this night
of crickets and far-away light ning which ann ounces the cold December
of prophecies and pending accounts. There were quite a few letters.  I
managed to answer a good part of them, but I would barely shrink a
pile when another would arrive.  "Sysiphus (who was doomed to roll a
stone uphill forever)" I said to myself "or the vulture eating the
entrails of Prometheus" my other adds, always opportune in its
venomous sarcasm.

I should be sincere and confess that, lately,
the little pile which arrives habitu ally was growing smaller.  At
first I attribut ed it to the nosy Government agents.  Then I realized
that good people get tired..and they stop writing..and sometimes, they
stop fighting..

Yeah I know that writing a letter isn't exactly an
assault on the Winter Palace.  But the letters made us travel so far.
One day we would be in Tijuana, the next in Merida, sometimes in
Michoacan, or in Guerrerro, Veracruz, or Guanajuato, Chihuahua,
Nayarit, Queretaro or the Federal District (Mexico City). Sometimes we
would travel farther to Chil e, Paraguay, Spai n, Italy, Japan.  Well,
so those trips that gave us more than one smile and warmed cold
sleepless night or refreshed the heat of the days, are over.

Anyway, I have told you I have decided to respond to all the letters,
and we the walking gentlemen, know how to keep our promises (as long
as they're not a romance).  So I have thought your generosity would
alleviate my heavy guilt if all of you accepted one solitary and
overwhelming missive in which you each f ind yourselves as the
solitary recipient.

V ale, since you cannot protest or express
disagreement (you could do it but I won't learn about given the mail
and etcetera will be useless), I will proceed then to give free reign
to the insane dictatorship which takes over my agile hand when it
comes to writing a letter.  What better way to begin than a few verses
from Pessoa, curse and prophesy, which say, I think...

"The gaze,
which is looking
  where it cannot see, turns:
  Both of us are
  What was not conserved.
 Does this begin or end?"
Such and such a month of the ineffable year of 1994,

To Whom It May Concern,

   I want to say a few things about what has
happened since January.  Many of you wrote to say thank you.  Imagine
our surprise when we read in your letter that you are grateful that we
exist. I, for example, whose most affectionate gesture from my troops
has been one of resignation when I arrive at one of our positions, was
surprisingly surprised.  And when I am surprised by a surprise unusual
thin gs happen.  For example, I will bite my pipe too much and the
stem breaks. Then, for example, as I look for another pipe I find some
candy and commit the grave error of crackling it, a sound which only
cellophane-wrapped candy makes and which that plague called "children"
can hear from dozens of meters away, kilometers, if the wind is in
their favor.  It so happens for example, that when I raise the volume
on the little tape player to drown out the noise from the cellophane
with a song which says..

 " The one who has a song
        will have
a storm,
        The one who
follows a good road
        will have dangerous points
will invite them to stop.

        But the song has worth,
        and the company
        is worth the solitude.

The agony of haste
        is always worth it
        though the
        are filled with truth."

 In the little room (all
these things invariably happen in a li ttle room with a roof of tin or
cardboard or grass or nylon) appears Heriberto.  He has a face of "I
found you".  I pretend not to see him and whistle a tune from a movie
whose name I can't remember.  Anyway, the hero had good results with
his whistle, because a girl, who was [as good-looking] as Cejas said,
smiled and came closer.

   Then I realize that it is not a girl but
Heriberto who comes near.  Next to him comes Tonita with her
corncob-doll.  Tonita, she who gr ipes about a kiss because "it
itches", the one with the cavities, wh o is between five and six, the
favorite of the Sup. Heriberto, the fastest crier in the Lacandon
jungle, the one who draws the Anti-SUP-marine ducks, the terror of the
large red ants and the Christmas chocolate, the favorite of Ana Maria.
Heriberto the punishment which some vengeful god sent to the Sup for
being a transgressor of violence and professional of the law. What,
wasn't that it?  Well, don't worry about it...

   Attention! Listen!
Heriberto arrives and tells me that Eva is crying because she want s
to see the singing horse and the Major does not let her because he is
watching the BEDROOM OF PASSOLINI. Of course Heriberto does not say
the title of the movie but I can guess by his description which is
"..the Major is watching naked viejas.."  For Heriberto all women who
wear a skirt above their knees or higher is "naked," and any woman
above the age of four like Eva, are "viejas". I know that this is one
of Heriberto's sneaky schemes t o take the cellophane-wrapped candy
which rang like the siren on th e Titanic in the middle of the fog.
Heriberto and his ducks are coming to the rescue, because there is
nothing sadder in this world than a candy without a child to rescue it
from its cellophane prison.

   Tonita, on the other hand, discovers,
a "mud-proof" rabbit, in other words it's black.  She decides to
submerge it in a puddle which, in her estimation, has all the
necessary characteristics to distinguish it as a quality test.

Before the invasion of the "general comman d of the ezetaelene" I play
dumb and pretend like I'm very absorbed in my writing. Heriberto finds
out and draws a duck.  He titles it irreverently, the "Sup".  I
pretend to be offended because Heriberto argues that my nose is just
like the duck's bill.  Tonita meanwhile, puts the muddy bunny on a
rock next to her corncob and looks and analyzes them with a critical
eye.  It occurs to me that the results don't satisfy her because she
shakes her head with the same obstinacy she does when she refuses to
give me a kiss. Heriberto, confro nted by my indifference, seems to
give up and I am satisfied with my complete victory.  Then I learn
that the candy is gone, and I remember that Heriberto made a strange
movement as I gazed at the drawing.  He took it from under my nose.
And with this nose, that says a lot!  I am depressed and more so when
I learn that Salinas is beginning to pack to leave to the "World Trade
Organization".  It occurs to me that it was unjust when he called us
"transgressors."  If he knew Heriberto he would know that, compared to
Heriberto, we are much more law- abiding than even the PRI

   Anyway I was talking about my surprise when I read
those "thank yous" in your letters.  Sometimes they were written to
Ana Maria, Ramona, Tacho, Moy, Mario, Laura, or any of the men and
women who cover their faces to show it to others and show it to others
to hide from everyone.

   I rehearse my most reverent thoughts to
appreciate so many thank yous when Ana Mar ia appears in the doorway.
Heriberto is crying and holding her hand .  She asks me why I won't
give Heriberto any candy.  "Not give him candy?" and I look at his
face.  The tracks of the candy has been covered with snot and tears
which have won Ana Maria to his side.  "That's right" says Ana Maria
"Heriberto says he gave you a drawing in exchange for candy, and you
didn't keep your word."  I feel like a victim of an unjust accusation,
and I put on the look of an ex-president of the PRI who is preparing
to take over a powerful governm ent department and climbing to the
podium to give his best speech. Ana Maria, without comment, takes the
bag of candy where the original came from and gives it! all! to
Heriberto.  "Here" she says "The Zapatistas always keep their word."

They both leave.  I am reeeeaaally sad because that candy was for
Eva's birthday.  And I don't know how old she is because when I asked
her mother she said six.  "But the other day she told me she was going
to be four" I complained.  "Yes but she becomes four and begins to be
five, in other words she's around six", she responded firmly.  She
leaves me counting with my fingers and doubting the entire educational
system which taught you that 1+1=2, 6x8=48 and other transcendent
things, which, in the Southeast mountains of Mexico, obviously do not
hold true. Another mathematical logic functions here.

Zapatistas are very other " declared Monarch once when he told me that
when he ran out of brake fluid, he would urinate into the container
and get the same effect.

   The othe r day for example there was a
birt hday party.  The "youth group" got together and organized
"Zapatista olympics". The master of ceremonies declared that the long
jump competition was about to start, which really means who jumps
highest. The high jump was next; which really means who jumps the
farthest.  I was counting on my fingers again when Lieutenant Ricardo
arrived and told me that they had gone to sing happy birthday at dawn.
"Where was the serenade?" I asked. I was happy that everything was
returning to normal since it was logica l tha t happy birthday be sung
at dawn. "..in the cemetery" answered Ricardo.  "The cemetery?" I
began to count my fingers again.  "Yes, well, it was the birthday of a
compa who died in combat in January," Ricardo says on his way out (the
drag races were next).

   "Good" I said to myself "a birthday party
for a dead person. Perfectly logical..in the mountains of Southeast
Mexico.." I sighed.

   I have been sighing with nostalgia,
remembering the good old times when the bad guys were the bad guys and
the good gu ys were the good guys.  When Newton's apple followed its
irresistible trajectory from the tree towards some childish hand.
When the world smelled like a schoolroom on the first day of class: of
fear, of mystery, of newness.  I'm sighing with true emphasis when,
without previous arrangement, Beto comes in to ask if there are any
balloons. Without waiting for my answer, he starts to look among maps,
operative orders, pieces of guns, ashes of pipe tobacco, dried tears,
red flowers colored with pen , cartridge belts and a smelly ski-mask.
Somewhere Beto finds a bag of balloons and picture of a playmate,
pretty old (the picture, not the playmate).  Beto stops for a minute
to decide between the bag of balloons and the picture and he decides
what all children do; he takes both of them.

   I've always said that
this is not a general headquarters but a kindergarten.  Yesterday I
told Moy he should install some anti- personnel mines.  "You think the
soldiers will come all the w ay here?" he asks me, worried.  I answer
trembling "I don't know about them, but what about the children."  Moy
nods agreeably and begins to tell me about his complicated design for
a booby trap, a fake hole, with stakes and poison.  I like the idea,
but none of the children are boobies so I recommend that we electrify
everything and place machine guns at the entrance.  Moy thinks a while
and says he has a better idea and leaves me..

   What was I saying?
Oh yeah! About the can dy for Eva which Heriberto took.  There I am
talking over the radio so they can look in every camp for a bag of
candy for Eva.  Eva appears with a little pot of tamales which "my
mother sent me because today is my birthday" Eva says to me with that
look that in ten years or so will provoke more than one war.

thank her profusely and ask what else I can do for her, then say I
have a present for her. "Whereizit?" she says-asks-demands and I begin
to sweat because there is nothing more terrible than a look of
"moreno" anger.  Eva's face begins to t ransform itself like in th at
movie of "El Santo against the Wolfman", and all I can do is stutter.
To make things worst, Heriberto arrives to see "if the Sup is still
mad" at him.  I begin to smile to give me time to calculate where I
could place a good kick on Heriberto when Eva notices that Heriberto
has an almost-empty bag of candy.

  She asks him where he got it, and
he says in a sugary and slurry voice the "Chup".  I don't realize that
he means the "Sup" until Eva turns and reminds me, "and my present?"
Heriberto's eyes pop out when he hears the world "present".  He drops
the bag of candy, which by now was empty and gets near Eva to say with
a sticky cynicism "Yeah, what about our present?"  "Our?" I repeat as
I figure where to kick him when I notice that Ana Maria is hovering
nearby, and I quash my intent.  So then I say "I'm hiding it"
"Where?", asks Eva already tired of the mystery. Heriberto, meanwhile
views this as a challenge and starts to open my backpack.  He tosses
out my blanket, altimeter, compa ss, tobacco, a box of bullets, a
sock.  Finally I stop him by screaming "It's not there!" Heriberto
then starts on Moy's backpack and he is about to open it when I say
"You have to answer a riddle to know where the present is".

that time Heriberto was getting fed up with Moy's backpack and he
comes to sit at my side.  Eva does too.  Beto and Tonita come near,
and I light my pipe to give me time to measure the size of the problem
of the riddle.  Old Man Antonio comes near. He makes a gesture to
point out a tiny statue of Zapata made of silver sent by sandal, and
repeats ...

   The cold is harsh in
these mountains.  Ana Maria and Mario are with me on this exploration,
10 years before the dawn of January.  The two have barely joined the
guerrilla.  I am an infantry lieutenant and it is my turn to teach
them what others taught me: to live in the mountain.  Yesterday I ran
into Old Man Antonio for the first time.  We both lied.  He said he
was on his way to see his field , I said I was hunting.  We both knew
we were lying and we knew we knew it.  I left Ana Maria to follow the
path and I went towards the river to try to find a very high mountain
and Old Man Antonio.  He must have thought the same thing because he
appeared at the same place where I found him before.

yesterday, Old Man Antonio sat on the ground, and leans against a
patch of dark-brown green and begins to roll a cigarette.  I sit in
front of him and light the pipe.  Ol d Man Antonio begins.

"You're not hunting"
      "Yo u're not on the way to the field" I

   Something made me speak to him in the proper tense, with
respect, that man of undetermined age and cedar skin who I was seeing
for the second time in my life.
   Old Man Antonio smiles and adds,

     "I've heard of you.  In the canyons they say you are bandits.
In my village, they're upset because you are here."

   "And you,
do you think we're bandits?" I asked.  Old Man Antonio releases a huge
puff of smoke, coughs, and shakes his head.  I'm encourage d and ask
him another question.
  "So who do you think we are?"
would prefer if you told me" he says and looks into my eyes.

"It's a long story" I say.

   So I begin to talk about the times of
Zapata and Villa and the revolution and the land and the injustice and
hunger and ignorance and sickness and repression and everything.  And
I finish by saying so "we are the Zapatista Army of National
Liberation".  I wait for some sign fr om Old Man Antonio who never
took his eyes from my face.

 "Tell me more about that Zapata" he says
after smoke and
        a cough.

   I start with Anenecuilco, then
with the Plan de Ayala, the military campaign, the organization of the
villages, the betrayal at Chinameca.  Old Man Antonio continued to
stare at me until I finished.

      "It wasn't like that" he says.
I'm surprised and all I can do is babble.

      "I'm going to tell
you the real story of Zapata".

   Taking out tobacco and rolling
paper, Old Man Antonio begi ns his story which unites and confuses
modern times with old times, just like the smoke from my pipe and his
cigarette which mingle and converge on one another.

stories ago, in the time of the first gods, the ones who made the
world there were two gods who were Ik'al and Votan. Two were one
single one. When one turns the other could be seen, when the other
turns the one could be seen. They were opposites. One was like the
light, like a May morning in the river.  The other was dark, like a
night of cold in a cave.  They were the same. One was two, because one
made the other. But they didn't walk they were always stationary these
two gods who were one.  'So what do we do?'. 'Life is sad like this',
they lamented the two who were one. 'The night won't go' said Ik'al.
'The day won't go' said Votan. 'Let's walk' said the one who were two.
'How?' said the other. 'Where?' said the one. When they did this they
saw they moved a little bit.  First by asking why, and then by asking
where. Happy was th e one who was two. Then both of them decided to
move and they couldn't. 'How do we do it then?' One would move from
the other and then the other would move.  So they agreed that in order
to move they had to do so separately. And no one could remember who
moved first, they were just happy that they moved and said 'What does
it matter who is first as long as we move?'. The two gods who were the
same one said and they laughed and agreed to have a dance, and they
danced, one little step beh ind the other. Then they tired of all the
dancing and ask ed what else they could do and saw that the first
question was "how to move" and brought the response of "together but
separately and in agreement."  They didn't care much that it was so.
They were so happy they were moving until they came to two roads: one
was very short and one could see the end of it.  They were so happy
they could move that they decided to choose the long road which then
brought them to another question. 'Where did the road go?". It took
them a long time, but the two who were one finall y decided that they
would never know where that long road took them unless they moved. So
they said to one another 'Let's walk it then"  And they began to walk
first one and then the other.  They found it was taking them a long
time and asked "how will we walk for such a long time?' Ik'al declared
he did not know how to walk by day and Votan declared that by night he
was afraid. So they cried for a long time, then finally agreed that
Ik'al would walk by nigh t and Votan by day. Since then the gods walk
with questions and they never stop, they never arrive and they never
leave.  So that is how the true men and women learned that questions
serve to learn how to walk, and not to stand still. Since then true
men and women walk by asking, to arrive they say good-bye and to leave
they say hello.  They are never still."

   I chew on the now-short
stem of the pipe waiting for Old Man Antonio to continue, but he never
does.  In fear that I will disrupt something very serious I ask "And

   Old Man Antoni o smi les "You've learned now that in
order to know and walk you have to ask questions." He coughs and
lights another cigarette and out of his mouth come these words that
fall like seeds on the ground.

      "That Zapata appeared here in
the mountains. He wasn't born, they say. He just appeared just like
that.  They say he is Ik'al and Votan who came all the way over here
in their long journey, and so as not to frighten good people, they
became one.  Because after being together for so long Ik'al and Votan
learn ed they were the same and could become Zapata.  And Zapata said
he had finally learned where the long road went and that at times it
would be light and and times darkness but that it was the same, Votan
Zapata, and Ik'al Zapata, the black Zapata and the white Zapata. They
were both the same road for the true men and women."

   Old Man
Antonio took from his backpack a little bag of nylon. Inside there was
a very old picture from 1910 of Emiliano Zapata.  In his left hand
Zapata had his sword raised to his w aist.  In his right hand he had a
pistol, two cartridge belts of bullets crossed his chest, one from
left to right, the other from right to left. His feet are positioned
as though he's standing still or walking and in his gaze there is
something like "here I am" or "there I go". There are two staircases.
One comes out of the darkness, and there are dark-skinned Zapatistas
as though they were coming out of something.  The other staircase is
lighted but there is no one and one can't see where it goes or where
it comes from.  I would be lying if I told you that I noticed all
those details.  It was Old Man Antonio who told me. Behind the
picture, it said;  "Gral. Emiliano Zapata, Jefe del Ejercito Suriano.
Gen. Emiliano Zapata, Commander in Chief of the Souther Army.   Le
General Emiliano Zapata, Chef de l'Armee du Sud.   C.1910. Photo by:
Agustin V. Casasola."

   Old Man Antonio says to me "I have asked a
lot of questions of this picture. Th at is how I came to be here." He
coughs and tosses the cigarette butt .  He gives me the picture.
"Here" he says "So that you learn how to ask questions...and to

   "It's better to say good-bye when you arrive.  That way
it's not so painful when you leave" he says giving me his hand as he
leaves, while he tells me he is arriving.  Since then, Old Man Antonio
says hello by saying "goodbye" and leaves by saying "hello".
Man Antonio leaves.  So does Beto, Tonita, Eva and Heriberto.I take
out the photo of Zapata from my backpac k and show it to them.

"Is he climbing up or down?" says Beto.
      "Is he going or
staying?" asks Eva.
      "Is he taking out or putting away his
sword?" asks Tonita.
      "Has he finished firing his pistol or just
started?" asks
   I'm always surprised by how many
questions that 84 year old photograph provokes and that Old Man
Antonio gave me in 1984.  I look at it one last time and decide to
give it to Ana Maria and the picture provokes one more question; Is it
our yesterday or our tomorrow?
   In this c limate of curiosity and
with a surprising coherence for her 4-years-almost-five-or-six, Eva
asks "What about my present?" The word "present" provokes identical
reactions in Beto, Tonita and Heriberto.  They all start yelling
"Where's my present?" I'm trapped and at the point of sacrifice.  Ana
Maria who saved my life in San Cristobal almost one year ago (in other
circumstances) saves me again.  Ana Maria has an enormous bag of candy
with her.  "Here's the present the Sup had for you" says Ana Maria
while she gives me that I-don't-know-what-you-men-
would-do-without-women look.
   While the children decide, or fight
over how they will divide the candy, Ana Maria salutes me and says:

"I report.  The troops are ready to leave." 
     "Good" I say as I
strap the pistol on.  We will leave as always--at dawn.  "Wait" I tell
her and give her the picture.
     "What's this for?"
      "We need
      "For what?"
      "So we'll know where we're going"

Above flies a military airplane..

   In c onclusion I will answer
some questions you are surely asking;  Do we know where we're going?
Yes. Do we know what awaits us? Yes. Is it worth it? Yes.

has answered the previous questions with a yes can surely not sit and
do nothing without feeling that something deep inside is tearing.

Vale.  Health and a flower for this tender fury, I think it deserves
one.   From the mountains of the Mexican southeast.  Sub-Comandante
Insurgente Marcos.  Zapatis ta Army of National Liberation.  Mexico,
December 1994  P.S. For writers, analysts and the general public.
Brilliant pens have found some valuable parts in the Zapatista
movement. Nevertheless they have denied us our fundamental essence:
the national struggle.  For them we continue to be provincial
citizens, capable of a consciousness of our own origins and everything
relative to it, but incapable without "external" help of understanding
and making ours concepts like "nation" "homeland" and "Mexico". They
will chime in during this grey hour with small letters.  For them it
is all right that we struggle for material needs, but to struggle for
spiritual needs is an excess.

   It is understandable that these pens
now turn against us. It's too bad, someone has to be responsible,
someone has to say "no", someone has to say "Ya Basta (Enough)!"
Someone has to leave prudence to one side, and give higher value to
dignity and shame, than to life, someone has to...Well, to these
magnificent pens; we understand the c ondemnation which will flow from
your hands. All I can argue in our defense is that nothing we ever did
was for your pleasure, what we did and said was for our please, the
joy of struggle, of life, of speech, of walking...Good people of all
social classes, of all races and generations helped us.  Some helped
to relieve their conscience, others to be fashionable, the majority
helped because of their convictions because of their certainty that
they had found something good and new.

   We are good people, that is
why we are letting everyone know what we are about to do .  You should
prepare yourselves you should not be taken by surprise.  This warning
is a disadvantage for us, but not as great a disadvantage as would be
a surprise.

   To those good people I want to say I hope you continue
to be good.  That you continue to believe, that you not allow
skepticism to bind you to the sweet prison of conformity.  That you
continue to search, to seek out something in which to believe,
something for which to fight.

   We have had some brilliant enemies.
Pens which have not been satisfied with the easy condemnation, pens
which have sought out strong, firm coherent arguments with which to
attack us.  I've read some brilliant texts which attack the Zapatistas
and defend a regime which must pay and dearly, for the sake of
appearances for someone to defend it.  It's a shame that in the long
run, you wound up defending a vain and childish cause which will be
demolished along with that building which is crumbling...  P.P.S.  On
horseback and with mariachi, Pedro Infante sings that song called
"They say I am a womanizer" and ends with...

      "Among my sweet

        One is worth more than others

        which has loved me
without rancor

        of my tarariraran...

        A sweet old woman

Who I don't deserve

        Who with all her heart

        Has given
me the most divine love.  In front of a grandmother one is always a
child, and it hurts to leave..Goodbye, grandmother  I am coming.  I've
finished, I'm beginni ng... ## CrossPoint v3.02 ##

@+@+#@9**+\-++@##!!#@--@*##! !-!@@!!*!#!#!@!#@!@+@++

Dear Tanya,

This is just a short note to inform you about a strange spectacle I
witnessed yesterday. You surely remember Ian , the guy from the
suburbs ? Well, three days ago, he gave me a poster announcing this
spectacle ... -Burn dead ideas ! This Saturday 3PM , 6 south Street.
Be there ! - Well, I was, i went over to his place , we had lunch
together and he said we would go soon. -Where to ?+ , i asked, but got
no definite reply, rather a mysteri ous laughter. -The spectacle ,
member ?+ He took his rucksack, rather full, and off we went . We
alked through the last streets in the suburbs and then proceeded to a
filed till we reached a point were suddenly he stopped- we were
standing on a field path, hidden behind the last unreaped stalks of
maize. There seemed to be no joggers around, or people with dogs,
which to him seemed an appropriate place to be at. I still was in
ignorance about the spectacle - he refused to tell me. But you could
notice his face glow , his eyes half wet, h is thrilled voice. And his
smile - just like a smoke screen. He then announced the beginning of
the spectacle. -Let+s burn dead ideas !+ , he took his rucksack off
and emptied its contents on the path. The contents, I then found out
to be all the letters he got from his friends which up to then he
treasured in card boxes in locker. With a trembling hand he then took
a lighter and set the pile on fire ! Weird.


@+@+#@9 **+\-++@##!!#@--@*##!!-!@@!!*!#!#!@!#@!@+@++ ter will
bury you.+-Rome graffiti 1978


ALTERING BILLBOARDS Q This sport has been around since about
when billboards started. It+s accessible to anyone with access to
billboards. Billboards are everywhere , they+re ugly and they pound
corporate propaganda into people+s heads constantly. But fortunately
they+re often easy to fuck with. Captions can be altered to display a
different meaning, they can be removed, negated, models mustached or
letters jumbled. Her e are some tips. Q A message on a billboard can
be fucked with simply by removing or adding a letter or two. Letters
can be painted over or pasted over with thick white paper. All over
Britain during election time the -You can+t trust Labour+ became -You
can trust Labour+ Q A speech bubble out of the mouths of models can
make for great sit style statements Q Plan out your message. Measure
the size of letters on the billboard to be altered, how much space you
need for the message etc. Pr int out the message t o be pasted over as
large as possible and enlarge with a photocopier to the appropriate
size on the billboard. You can enlarge the graphic or text several
times on the highest possible scale and then make several overlapping
segments to get the size you need. Some laser copiers will do the
sectioning for you - it+s called tiling- though sometimes they aren+t
worth the expense. You can paste up your results with wallpaper paste,
PVA, Copydex or water soluble glue Q Computers will often have the
identical fon t as on the billboard itself. Using the right font can
make it look more like the official poster. Very impressive was some
bright spark+s addition to Volkswagen+s -We put people in front of
cars+ by reproducing in exact type underneath: -And children under the
front wheels+. Q A ready assembled graphic can be pasted up in less
than three minutes Q Use wallpaper paste for a hit, a bucket and a
paintbrush. Coat the area with lots of paste, place on your graphics
and go over it again with plenty of paste (a l ittle PVA in the paste
makes it quicker and waterproofs it as well). A broom will get you
higher . Cut down the head to fit inside the bucket. Q Watch the
billboards for when they change them - if you catch them right , you
can get lots of studio space and time for your visual banditry. Q
Rather than skulking around in the dead of night looking suspicious
and getting nicked, put on some overalls, get a gang together and go
for it during daylight hours - you+ll be able to see what you+re doing
for starters. Most passer byes think it+s a good laugh and if the
Beast catches up with you while putting it up, -Why officer look, it
peels straight off again!+. Q Try making up a work outfit with the
billboard company+s logo on it for a more official look when pasting.
Q most information taken from the pamphlet Smashing The Image Factory
- A Complete Manual Of Billboard Subversion And Destruction available
from Green Anarchist mailorder

CANCEL AN EVENT ! Simply write or have
printed CANCELLED twice on A4 paper, photoco py it and paste onto
(Circus) posters everywhere. At shops displaying the poster , go in
and ask them to return the poster to you since there+s been a mix up
of dates.

GOD IS DEAD Q Just before high mass , a small group of
Lettrists , including one who had previously intended to be ordained,
slipped unobserved into the back of a cathedral. In a side room they
caught , gagged and stripped one of the priests. The ex-catholic
lettrist put on the priest+s vestments a nd just before the service
was about to begin , ascended the steps to the main pulpit.  A
moment+s respectful silence. -Brothers, God is dead+, he said and
began benignly to discuss the implications of this conclusion. Several
minutes passed before the congregation actually registered what was
happening. He managed to escape out the back of the cathedral but the
congregation caught up with him on the quays where they proceeded to
try to lynch him. The Lettrist, alas, was forced to surrender to the
cops in order to save his ass. -Chri stopher Gray, Leavi ng the 20th
Century , quoted from the Buffo edition of Spectacular

RETURNABLE TRASH Q Postage paid lookalike labels can be made by
altering the address on postage paid Business reply cards to contain
the address of a filth churning multi and photocopying them on sheets
of adhesive paper, or having stickers printed. Labels stuck to side of
a Coke can or McDonalds container can be thrown in the mailbox to be
returned to the corporation where they came from at the expense of
them. When Friends of the Ear th pulled a similar stunt by producing
address labels placed on an estimated 50, 000 drink cans mailed to the
prime minister, it was discovered that some cans were being
intercepted. The Post Office was unable to say where the cans were
being held on -security grounds+. Q London Greenpeace have launched a
Send It Back program against McDonalds trash where affiliate groups
gather together to pick up the vast amounts of McDonalds trash and
send it back to Paul Preston, McDonald+s head UK flunky. To be most ef
fective , how about delivering the -goods+ in person to their office,
the slimier the better. If possible in large quantities at a bored
(sic) meeting. Have the corporate bigwigs handle their own trash!

TRAVEL Q On Merseyside, one Spring night in 1976, a group of people
entered bus depots and stuck official looking notices inside the
buses. The notice read: +EXPERIMENTAL FREE TRAVEL: Due to the sharp
rise in administration and colle ction costs the Executive are
introducing free bus travel for an experi mental period of 14 days. No
fares will be collected on any MPTE services from Monday , 3rd May to
Sunday, 16th May , 1976.+ - taken from the Buffo edition of
Spectacular times

JENNA+S PUNK ROCK BEER SCAM Q In some places in the
US the entire case of beer needs to be thrown out even if only one can
is bad/defective etc. Successful attempts have been made at puncturing
one can in a case of beer and then fishing the case out of the
dumpster when they throw it out.

exhausts if crammed up the exhaust pipes


First off,
what is a painting of Adam Weishaupt doing in the Prague Castle



After Jan Hus , a peasant
preacher who spoke out against the wealth , corruption and
hierarchical tendencies in the church , was burnt at the stake by the
Council of Constance in 1415, widespread riots broke out in the
streets of Prague and sent shivers of fear through the German nobility
at the tim e. Five year s later  King Vaclav , notorious for among
other things roasting an incompetent cook alive on his own spit,
shooting a monk while hunting and trying his own hand at lobbing off
peasant heads with an axe, provoked further large scale rioting after
aiding several anti Hussite priests back into positions of power. The
Czechs were furious and took up what was to become somewhat of a
Prague tradition. The crowd stormed town hall which was used a s a
criminal court and prison , rounded up several of the most desp ised
Catholic councilors and threw them to their deaths out of the windows
onto the pikes of the mob below: Prague+s first defenestration. Vaclav
, consumed in terror and fear , had a stroke and died shortly after
the uprising. By now the Taborites had picked up where Hus+ followers
left off and widened their hate , not just on the Church hierarchy,
but on all figures of authority and privilege. Inspired by the
defenestration, they set out acro ss the countryside eagerly
destroying church property and butche ring clergy.

  Years later , on
May 23 , 1618 the two governors Vilem Slavata of Chlum and Jaroslav
Borita of Martinice were defenstrated along with their personal
secretary out of the windows of the Prague Castle into the moat below,
this time by a mob of over 100 nobles enraged by the appointment of
the notoriously intolerant catholic archduke Ferdinand to the throne.
According to a contemporary historian: -No mercy was granted them and
they were both thrown dressed in their cloaks with their rapiers and
decoration headfirst out of the western window into a moat beneath the
palace. They loudly screamed ach, ach, oweh! -

Defenestration then is
nothing what it could be now. With cities capable of producing
buildings well over twenty times the height of Prague+s castle and
mobs well exceeding the sizes of the Hussite mobs who first introduced
this sport, defenestration could well become the main event the
people+s Olympics of the future. Wit h office buildings packed to the
heavens with business sleaze , eco r apists , governors , bureaucrats,
lawyers, pigs, vermin of all  shapes and sizes., this could well turn
into a fun ritual. Demos breaking off from the planned route storming
office buildings to defenestrate the culprits instead of just whining
about them from the streets below. Out the window and onto the streets
, if the impact doesn+t do them in, will the people who catch him ?
Remember Mussolini ?



This is a transcription of the workshop titled non
monogamy which took place at the Anarchy in the UK gathering during
October in London. It only occurred to me to record half way through
m, but there still are some decent points made. Polyamourous ,
non-monogamous, sexual anarchy, propertyhostile love , who cares . . .
There were a lot of different nationalities present and so the

Actually I want to check in about something. I+m reallly bad about
remembering people+s names. Dave , I think i s recording. There+s a
tape running no w. Is everybody OK with that ?

Could you smoke out by
the door, because there are some people who are not smokers or
astmatics or

I+m really intersted in how we can make relationships
work. Cuz we can sit and discuss for hours and hours. We can discuss
jealousy for hours, but what I want to know is what people do about
it, how people resolve it in their relationships.

We talk about it. We
talk about everything. Not just to do with us, but everything about
our lives, politically. If you t alk about it, yo u come back and
could have a discussion, about the opast for hours and say :
-yio9udsbn got n feelings+ it+s like self analysis. In my relationship
or whatever we talk it out. That+s the better way. And it+s not just
thinking that it+s just the relationship. It must be close to
everything else in your life. It+s not just in a vaccum. That+s the
only way . . . It+s not just you and the person , you exist as
politics, your own thoughts, your own sexual feeling s, that+s the
only way , just talk it out. . . You +ve gotta be havn fun by it.
Don+t have an ernest discussion :*serious voice)+Let+s think ere+ .
Just be fuinny and laugh about it you know ,... joke about it. That+s
really good.

Yeah but that won+t necessarily stop it.

It+s no good
keeping it to yourself. If you have very little secrets, everything
becomes bare, upfront to each other. This is the way I feel. Probably
want to go with that right from the start. The only thing I didn+t
discuss is attitu?de apti?tude , int ernal, emotional relationship
with a person. And you could then , not just about your sexual
relationship, but everything. About your politics, the way you feel ,
about communal living, about other people around, about going out at
night. And that+s only being upfront about things and to other

I agree on that and I think ..

 .. . and people keep a lot

It+s hard to admit that your jealous, how do you go into about
being jealous? ...

It+s best to say, it+s best to say ... maybe not
about jealousy , but if you can discuss it and fi nd out where its
come from, it+s much better to ge?t that f?orm . If you keep it inside
it+s gonna go bad and come out one night  when you+ve had a couple of
drinks , you+re gonna snap at him, you+re gonna rgraohhr over one
little thing. He+s stirring his tea too loud and you go -you+re doing
that on purpose!+ It comes out another way. If you don+t come out with
it up front , it comes out another way. You+ll snap at +im.

Yeah, but
if i admit that I+m jealous ,. that changes our relationship, that
changes our behaviour. So if I+m being jealous , I try not to say
because I don+t want him to think all the time about what I feel

Yeah yeah, but you have to say all the other things. If you feel
jealous in yourself, just go:+Oh no I+m not going to feel jealous!+
You know, try to see your jealousy as something there that you+ve
gotta fight.

I do, though.

Just push it away and look at it and that+s
the only way.

Yeah, but I think there+s one problem: if you+re in a
closed relationship and you want to open it. You hav e started the
process to think about an open relationship. You are in the stronger
position when your jealous partner and maybe he don+t want to joke
about this because he+s really suffering. Well probably I can handle
my jealousy, but i think I+m responsible for the feelings in the
relationship as well so I try to find a way to handle the jealousy of
my partner in a serious way and not only in a well...

Something mnb,m
and I used to do is discuss weird i deas with ourselves through an
external agency. So we used to discuss like the Tarot, an example.
Thje imagery in the Tarot would bring up things in ourselves. The High
Priestess or the Empress or the Fool or the Magician. We+d talk about
it in that. We+d talk about a card and all of a sudden all sorts of
things start coming out. about the world, about yourself. It+s quite
strange, or the Qaballa or anything . If you find an interest in
something, you can discuss it through this external agency. Instead of
having to talk direct between us two, it means to tal k very in
general, or relationships in general. The card the Lovers, you can
talk all about it. You can see Cupid+s arrow, you can see that+s gonna
hurt. You talk about the imagery. You and the imagery. That+s one
There are some words that i don+t understand . I don+t know
what the meaning of closed relationship is.

A closed relationship
people are using to mean a monogamous relationship.

Just them two,
people who permanently , everywhere they go they ...

Not necessarily
.. .

I+ve got three perma nently closed relationships.

No , no , no
that+s not ...

All through these last three years I+ve got exactly
three at the same time and I+ve got some more in the last ten years ,
but not permanently because they+re living in other countries far away
from where I live. And I+ve had others in the last five years.
I think
the way the group is using this word is ..I and other people don+t
like the term -non-monogamy+ because the word -non-monogamy+ which is
actually the title of this workshop, because it+s try ing to describe
something by what it isn+t. So instead of saying non-monogamy we use
the term open relationship . An open relationship is when you+re
involved with somebody and you+re open to the possibility of being
involved with more people.

I need a division for this closed
relationship , because I don+t know what it means, closed

The technical definition of a closed relationship is if
your in a closed relationship, you  agree to have on e sexual partner
and no more.
Sex is a difference.

Mon ogamy actually refers to sex.
You talked about relationships before, but if you+re non-monogamous it
means you have more than one lover. More than one sexual lover.

than one sexual lover ? More than one people to have sex with ?

even necessarily lovers, more than one sexual partner.

At the same
time. Ok , now I understand.
Chris was asking for specific tools you
can use to deal with jealousy and I think this is a very important
question and I+m a little bit les s enthusiastic than Greg about lots
an d lots of talking because I+ve killed relationships by processing
them to death. -Where gonna talk about your jealousy for five thousand
hours and in the end I+m not gonna love you anymore.+ So I think you
have to balance things. I think the key part for me in defeating
jealousy has been connecting to the reasons that our relationship
makes sense. It depends on the other relationship. So if our
relationship is gonna survive this jealousy from the outside then we
have to remain connected to why it is that we +re attracted to each
other and , if you+re the one who+s experiencing the jealousy, we have
to do the things necessary to take that myth apart, or that idea
apart. One thing that we can do is you can meet my other lover. and
you meet my other lover and you can handle that and they can handle
that , then this will ,in your mind, take him or her away from this
incredible person that you made them out to be. Oh my god, they+re so
threatening dadadada and you+ll br ing them to being a real person.
They+ll see t hat : Oh well , he+s not really much more beautiful than
I always thought, he+s not very political, I don+t like the way he
dresses, he drops his food on his lap and Pax may be attracted to him
, but it doesn+t seem like a very good idea. Or whatever it is. This
is one thing you can do. Part of jealousy is the fantasy you create in
your mind about who the other person is , so if you can take that
fantasy apart you have a better chance of fighting jealousy. But the
other thing that is very impo rtant is not s o much a tool , but
something to be aware of when working around issues around jealousy is
this honesty\privacy balance. So let+s say I+m having a relationship
with the two of you and you+re really jealous. I want to tell you some
things about our relationship so that you understand why I+m attracted
to him and why this relationship exists and why this relationship is
not a threat to our relationship. But at the same time I want to
respect some privacy that we ha ve in our relationship that makes it
somethin g that+s been going on just between us. This is one of the
most difficult balances , this honesty\privacy thing that you have to
work on when you+re in open relationships. 

We had an agreement that
we didn+t speak mainly about any other person that we went with, what
we done with em, except in general terms, and most of the people
involved we were extremely good friends with anyway which helped. And
if we weren+t at first , if they were in the same country , or the
same city or the same place we w ere livin + in we could all go out,
even live in the same area or the same building for days or weeks with
each other without it being too much of a problem , but it wasn+t
often. It was maybe one of us was going with only one or the other
person, but not both because created a ... although there+s total
other things that can happen sexually which is another workshop

Is the fact that you don+t talk about the third person and
what happens make that third person more m ystic , more unhuman ?

generally I don +t speak about the ins and outs of my relationships
with people in general  but I wouldn+t say I+d done such and such with
somebody out of respect of the other person+s privacy. I would say :
-yes I was with this certain person+ or maybe -We went to the pub+ or
to see a show. We done that, this but apart from that . .

You don+t
say what position you was in bed . You don+t start talking like that
because that+s your partner+s privacy. It has nothing to do


I really have t o say that compl ications is ...
It seems to me like I am a closed relationship, and there+s a new
person in this relationship, and I have to show my old, closed
relationship that this thief can+t get me. So maybe there+s one person
more, a third person. So I have to show this other person that the new
thief can+t get me. There+s a fourth person. I have to show this
fourth person that there+s a thief, but he can+t get me. It+s like I+m
building a house. I+ve got a crown ?? and there+s a thief coming and I
have to say -You ca n+t get me in this room.+ and there+s another
thief coming and I have to show the thief you can+t get me ??.
something like this. But this is not against jealousy. It+s like going
to a doctor for a headache and he gives you medicaments for the
headache. But it+s not radical , it+s only against the symptom. So
what you described is against the symptom, not against the problem. I
think you have to go to the problem itself, and the problem itself is
jealousy. We have to ask why I+m jealous, and what means the feeling
of jealousy? I think the meaning of jealousy is that I have something
and i think that other people can+t get this something from me away.
It+s like having a car, or having a house, the same with people :
having a human being. I think this is the problem . We have to stop
thinking: I have the people, it+s my human being, only my woman. We
have to think that all human beings are free.

I agree with you that
you have to ask : Why are you jeal ous ? You cannot solve the problem
unless you start asking th ese kinds of questions and be able to talk
honestly about them , but I don+t agree that it+s just as simple as
this possesive model that you keep making. There are lots of different
kinds of jealousy and different sources for it and you have to be open
to whatever kinds of answers your partner gives you for why it is that
they are experiencing jealousy. You say I+m only treating the symptoms
by talking about our attraction . I think the reason for talking about
our attraction is t o remind us about why we+re together which is what
get+s often forgotten when jealous feelings come and if you can+t
remember your connection then jealousy is a much stronger force.
..murmumurmur.. . For me the big part of beating jealousy has to do
with timing, it has to do with getting through the initial , most
dificult period when you just told me that you have another lover. Now
I+m going : Oh no , I+m gonna loose you. And you+re looking at their
lover and going that person looks r eally , really interesting and
boy, I look reall y scared. If you can get through that period , in
fact one of the agreements to deal with jealousy is to say :We+re not
gonna break up in the first month after another relationship starts.
We+ve been together for a long time and we have some kind of agreement
from the past and let+s recognize that this is a changing situation
and that we+ll stick together for at least a fixed period of time so
that we can try it. We can try to work over jealousy, we can try to
make it work with three peopl e or however many people are in your
relationship. and then go about ...

 This sounds like the fear of
loosing someone , and I



Zaginflatch is a newsletter attempting to inspire
action and spread information among Ex-Yugo anarchists as well as get
the news out beyond the borders. Hopefully serving as a news resource
for other groups or publications. If you+dr attempting to inspi re
action and spread information among Ex-Yugo a narchists as well as get
the news out beyond the borders. Hopefully serving as a news resource
for other groups or publications. If you+d like to get on the mailing
list, write to Zaginflatch c/o ZAP (be sure to send a fax number or
email address if you have one and by no means use any old email
addresses they are all fucked). A contribution towards mailing would
be appreciated. The information in Zaginflatch is not copyrighted, so
let it loose!  Also any news f rom elsewhere would be much
appreciated. Types of things we're looking for news on: demos,
foreign solidarity , all actions from flyer pasting to road blockades
to strikes to sabotage , police violence,  squatting,  gay and lesbian
activism, women's stuff,  eco actions etc. The contents of this
section was compiled from different past issues of Zaginflatch plus a
little new stuff. archism in Peru), Dali Zna| |to je to Animal
Liberation Front (What the hell is the ALF ?).  Also available are the
statement of purpose of the new Kuglan a squat in Zagreb b oth in
English and Croatian language and hopefully others in the future.
There is a need for foreign language information to be translated into
Croatian. If you can or already have translated pamphlets , fliers or
other information, get in touch !!!! We have a world of translating to
do and nothing to loose but our frantic gesticulating.

PEACE FRONT (APF) is an attempt at networking all anarchist groups
from this part of the world. Pre sently there's work being done on a
compilation tape of pun k bands from Ex-Yugoslavia and elsewhere on
the planet and a booklet which will feature various anti-war and
anarchist activities in former Yugoslavia. APF-Kukatz c/o Boris
Milakovi5 , SV. Duha 30, 55300 Po+ega , Croatia

revolutionary group from Serbia who are planning a zine and are mostly
interested in Class War activities. c/o Milan DjuriO, M.Velikog 12/10,
11300 Smederevo, Serbia, Yugoslavia


It seemed tha t Zagreb was actually  p
reparing for the arrival of God himself during the weeks before the
popes arrival on the 10th of September. Every wall , shop window,
billboard, newspaper and TV broadcast announced , triumphed over and
endlessly discussed every detail of the popular patriarchs visit. In
the years since Croatia voted themselves independent, the country has
suffered from mass conversions to Catholicism. Unlike during World War
II when the territory was und er fascist control and the Ustashi
deported, killed or converted almos t the entire non-catholic
population, this time people are converting voluntarily and quite
gleefully. A good deal of Croatia's national identity has to do with
being catholic (whereas Serbs identify with the Othodox church and the
Bosnians as Muslims). Appropriately there was disgust and disbelief in
the air among anti-authoritarians , many of who had major beef with
the event. Millions of Kunas (as of this May Croatia reintroduced the
Kuna as the countries national curr ency. Last time Croatians bought
bre ad with Kunas was during the last fascist nationalist rule in
World War II) were spent on preparations and overhauling the city for
his visit. Resources that are still desperately needed among refugees
and cities destroyed in the conflict. The state+s priorities became
overwhelmingly clear during this time. The country+s catholic identity
literally took bread and housing from the war ravaged villages.

Several activists from Zagreb and around Croatia took to the streets
to paste up posters protesting th e wa ste of resources and hype
surrounding the Pope. Posters went up in Po+ega , Zagreb, Split ,
Sisak and elsewhere around the nation. Though a small voice , it was
just about the only one. Shortly thereafter three people from Zagreb
involved in producing and pasting the fliers where hauled in to the
cop shop for interrogation, one of which had his home searched by cops
who grabbed a number of zines and alternative papers from his room.
During the interrogations , it becam e abundantly clear that the
police have a fairly detailed knowledge of just about everyone active
in Zagreb in the punk scene. Elsewhere , one flier  paster from Po+ega
was charged with illegal postering and 2 people from Sisak were
forbidden to leave the city during the pope+s stay in Zagreb
preventing them from attending the Metelkova anniversary. Marginally
related was the appearance of several mock obituaries announcing the
death+s of several Croatian , Serb and Bosnian war mongers ,
government censors and ruling class pigs with the dates se t in the
near future. Although the identity of the obituaries+ creator remains
unknown , Zagreb political police are in hot pursuit and presumably
quite angry. The fliers created enough of a stir to be covered by some
daily papers which requested information on trails leading to the

   This serves as a cold reminder of the reality of the new
democracy. Though Croatians should expect the state control to aquire
several new masks borrowed fro m their capitalist mentors in the west,
they shouldn+t be s naive to think that the repression endured during
Yugoslavian communism will let up. Aquire different masks maybe , but
not disappear.

After a couple months of
planning and chaotic but successful (and a couple redundant) weekly
meetings, nearly a hundred people entered an abandoned and
deteriorating bowling alley on October 7 to clean up and celebrate the
creation of Zagreb+s first squatted social center. Throughout the
first day groups of people streamed in to clean up the immense amount
of rubble and trash throughout the building , up to waist height in
some areas. The building had been abandoned for some time, possibly a
couple years and is scheduled for demolition in two years from now.
Upon arriving , the building was in terrible shape: burnt in some
areas , missing windows and drearily awaiting demolition by the city.
The first group arrived shortly before 1PM and had already cleaned up
the bulk of garbage by the se cond crew+s arrival a couple hours
later. We now had a somewhat rough structure suitable for if nothing
else at the moment a party. After working hard all day,  we drank hard
all night and amazingly had no problems whatsoever  from cops. The
night was cold as hell and left only a handful of people in the
building willing to endure. The next day people slowly filtered in
again and resumed work, this time boarding up the windows ,
reinforcing the door ,building a stage , insulating the sleeping room
a little better and cleaning up some more. A concert was organized
spont aneously (although advertised prematurely) which included a
variety of creative and amusing instrumental jams and folk singing to
punk rock chaos as well as a new band from Ljubliana which has as of
yet no name. We thought  we were smart at the organizing meeting
preceding moving in when we decided to resist imminent eviction by
barricading ourselves in the building and refusing to leave if the
cops showed up, but Zagreb punks had momentarily forgotten fear and
paranoia in favor of pogoing and partyin g when the first cops showed
up catching most of us pretty off guard. The response of squatters
however was the shit. When the pigs asked for the organizer , the
reply came in unison: +Svi!+(all of us). Every attempt at getting
their scapegoat was met  with total solidarity between squatters and
supporters. Unable to get their man , cops singled out the all the
non-Croatians they could find including the Slovenian band , parents
who had come to see them play and mys elf after I had accidentally
re-activated the fl ash in my camera. Cops demanded I destroy the film
in my camera which I politely but firmly refused to do. I later hid my
camera from them while getting my passport for them. 5 Croatian skins
were also arrested (one of them who , when asked his nationality
replied Skinhead). After being harassed for some time and mildly
threatened with various things including being charged with disturbing
the peace and locking us up for two days, we were all let go without
being charged. I feel its impo rtant to note that a lthough the cops
were threatening and engaged in alot of yelling and red faced growling
and barking, they had no real basis to fuck with us. None of us could
be held responsible for the event, we had only -responded to the
anonymous flier to show up and take part+. A hierarchical system
cannot conveniently respond to grassroots and leaderless organizing
without engaging in mass arrests and repression of any one involved.
They need a scapegoat  and we refus ed to give them one. The Slovenes
headed back home a nd the rest of us headed straight back to Kuglana.
While at the cop shop , the police had come again and cleared the
building of everyone else. But by Sunday Kuglana was bustling with
people again.

Kuglana is a huge step forward for Zagreb. Organizing
it began with a nightmare of overcoming mass skepticism and fear. Some
activists had just been interrogated by special Police for publishing
and pasting some fairly harmless fliers concerning the pope+s visit
(see above article) and it was clear that the poli ce were keeping
track of activists and punks quite well. Top this cake with a taste
for sending (or at least attempting to send ) troublemakers to the
front, a lot of people were hesitant to take part at all. Many didn+t
believe it would last 5 hours. I believe the organizing relied on a
few people+s determination to do it despite anything. That it had to
be done. If not entirely successful it would at least be a sign of
activity , resistance and an inspira tion for others. By the last
major organizing meeti ng, the normally adequate room was bursting
with people who were spilling into all the neighboring rooms, putting
together statements, faxing press releases, arguing over what needed
to be done etc. Everyone seemed infected with the squat.
There are
some definite problems though. The only people who have consistently
lived in the building since the occupation with one or two exceptions
are drunk punks and a young and very harmless nazi skin (who had lived
in the building for months be fore we decided to take it). As of this
writing, still less than a week since moving in, it is undecided as to
what will come of this. They all put a lot of work into renovating and
cleaning (while they also were responsible for most of the damage and
filth we cleaned up) and are living in it , but have no real
connections to what we wanted to do with it in the first place which
is to create an anti-authoritarian (which is anti-fascist) alternative
community center.

We came a long way and have done something a lot of
people said never could be done. Though we+ve yet to face a good deal
of the odds and still have a lot of big and small details to iron out
and projects to establish, we have the building and will continue to
occupy it for as long as possible and fill it with as much life and
creation as we can. The Kuglana has a lot of space for concerts, art
shows , meetings, forums , whatever the hell we choose to do with it.
An info shop is being set up as I write so any reading material that
could be contributed would be appreciat ed . Also hip posters , fliers
or art to cover the walls would be neat. Any bands coming through ,
get in touch. We should have legal details for shows worked out
sometime soon (preventing inevitable cop problems).

The following is
the text of the statement by the Kuglana squat put together a week
before the occupation.


In  this strictly regulated cop
culture there is no room for any real cultural expression; no room for
turning a collective desire for a different world based on direct
personal control  and responsibility for one's living environment into
reality, for creating a living space on our own terms. There is
virtually nowhere for a for completely independent culture to manifest
itself, nowhere for independent music and creation to be shared,
nowhere that is completely free from commercial or political influence
or control. We have no space for putting our desires into political
reality. No living space free from hierarchy, power and money. Under
the circumstances , there is now here a cu lture of resistance to
authority can manifest itself. With the resources left to us, we have
no choice but to sit alone and rot entertaining ourselves with our own
hopes and ideas. ... that is unless we create a free area of our

By taking this abandoned building as a space for organizing,
living and creating from the ground up, non-hierarchically and
autonomous from political and economic pressure, we can create a
situation where people can actualize themselve s, communicate and
share ideas. A place whe re a new future can take root where we can


To renovate the building in order to
make it suitable for use

To create a space where
alternative/anti-authoritarian and non-commercial culture can
materialize and develop/grow.

          Qa concert hall / theatre

Qa rehearsal space

            Qan art gallery for unconventional or
inaccessible artists to use

To organize ourselves and put our
political ideals into action non hierarchically:

 Qa meeting space man
rights, anti-fascist, green , animal rights etc.)

- to give people access to and distribute information which is
restricted or otherwise inaccessible.

                Qfree living


In  this strictly regulated cop culture there is no
room for any real cultural expression; no room for turning a
collective desire for a different world based on direct personal
control  and responsibility for one's living environment into reality,
for creating a living space on our own te y nowhere for a for
completely independent culture to manifest itself, nowhere for
independent music and creation to be shared, nowhere that is
completely free from commercial or political influence or control. We
have no space for putting our desires into political reality. No
living space free from hierarchy, power and money. Under the
circumstances , there is nowhere a culture of resistance to authority
can manifest itself. With the resources left to us, we have no choice
but to sit alone and rot enterta ining ourselves with our own hopes
and ideas. ... that is unless we create a free area of our own.

taking this abandoned building as a space for organizing, living and
creating from the ground up, non-hierarchically and autonomous from
political and economic pressure, we can create a situation where
people can actualize themselves, communicate and share ideas. A place
where a new future can take root where we can breath.


To renovate the building in order to make it suitable for use

To create a space where alternative/anti-authoritarian and
non-commercial culture can materialize and develop/grow.

concert hall / theatre

              Qa rehearsal space

Qan art gallery for unconventional or inaccessible artists to use

organize ourselves and put our political ideals into action non
          Qa meeting space for groups
organizations(feminist, human rights, anti-fascist, g reen , animal
rights etc.)
            Qinfoshop - to give people acces cted or
otherwise inaccessible. 
               Qfree living spacesNEW ON
Since the above article was written, Kuglana was evicted,
lasting only three days. After the initial eviction there was a
decision to make a formal request to the owners for the building. The
request which was brought in bore more than 1300 signatures which were
collected mostly at a Ramones gig shortly after the eviction. Upon
recieving the request, the landlord pledge d to reply within three
days. However , while waiting for uilding was bulldozed almost burying
a kid in rubble who was sleeping inside. After that we went to the
city authorities and railway company whop had owned the building to
ask who was to blame. Their answers were contradictory both blaming
the other. This reaction of the authorities just tells us that any
self inititiative and self organization of people in Zagreb is not
welcome, and will be treated accordingly. Though unsuccesful, Zagreb+s
first squat was good experience f or us and most people involved wan t
to try it again. Not just squatting , but re-experiencing our
connection to each other and consolidate ourselves in further


have delivered 150 tons of aid to the miner+s union in Tuzla as well
as other projects listed in ZIF #1. They have another 14.5 tons
waiting to be cleared by Herzeg-Bosna fascists before they can be
delivered to Tuzla. Future projects include a c onvoy to unions in
Sarajevo (organizing materials as well as food), c o-ordinating the
delivery of a Mammography machine to the hospital in Zenica (who are
desperately looking for a tympanogram and a gastroscope) and another
convoy to Tuzla to co-incide with the elections on November 4th and
5th and to support the anti-national current in Tuzla. Hurray! A
mistake though: they aren+t anarchists as mentioned in  ZIF #1 though
they are supported by various anarchist and syndicalist unions. It
seems the convoys have been having s ome trouble with the local
Ustashe trying to get th eir convoys through. They  are requesting
MPs, trade union leaders, intellectuals and anybody else with headed
note paper to send faxes with the message DON+T FUCK WITH IWA PUNK! (
actually something put a bit more subtle and diplomatic) and possibly
pointing out the illegality of their actions. Send faxes to  GOSP.
DAMIR LJUBIC +387 88 700 811 and GOSP. MARTIN RAGUZ +387 88 312 183.
Send the IWA a copy too! Their new address is: International Workers
Aid - Logistics c/o DINKO , Sla vonska 19, 58300 Makarska , Croatia .
Phone : +385 (0) 58 611 303 Fax:+385 (0) 58 325 843
FORGOTTEN is a group of dedicated wingnuts who dodge bullets and
ignore lines of conflict to bring material aid to areas in conflict,
at times unloading their trucks during fighting.
     -During the
winter in Bosnia 300.000 to 500.000 people will die of hunger or cold
as long as the situation has not changed there.That is unless it
proves possible to activate more financial contributions. These people
would be forgotten by the inte ional community and according to this ,
would be left to their own destiny. None of the organizations which
are involved in the former Yugoslavia have been working in areas where
fighting is still going on. We are especially concerned with this
group of people who have been forgotten by all others. 
   In contrast
to the other organizations, we are delivering directly to areas in the
war zone. Our group consists of people from all parts of the political
spectrum and it+s open to all those concerned with pea . We are trying
to express this by using the rainbow symbol. 

Q By
support and voluntary work

Q By donating money or material

Developing and carrying out of certain , occasional projects (own

We call upon all artists to support our action by making
donations of material or artwork or by participation in benefit


Vehicles (Trucks)
Drivers (Driv. License
-B+ or -C+)
Warm garments , shoes

Blankets , sleeping bags ,

Plastic foils

Elec tric torches, cables,

Reserve torches, batteries , lamps
Tools (for simple
Food (nourishment) : please ask for the



Medicines & medical supplies : please ask for the

Personal hygene (tampons, soap)

Washing powder

Tanks for water
and fuel

Toys and sweets

Condoms !!!!+

Contact: Herby, Irene,
Joseph or Daniel: 022(Vienna) 214 27  43 or try Ronnie at tel/fax 712
03 57

Donations: Bank Account -Hilfe ffr die Vergessenen+, BAWAG BLZ
14 000 , Account number 03010311135


This is hella
incomplete, so there+s no claim to covering all of what+s out there.
I+m just listing what I+ve collected in the last couple months. Like I
mentioned earlier, send things in so this is more complete!! An | next
to the zine name means it+s in English language , otherwise it+s all
in Croatian.

ARKZIN (ARK, TkalOi5eva 38, 41000 Zagreb , Croatia)
Probably where it+s at as far as a more together consistent effort at
providing a strong, informativ e alternative in news and writing. This
co mes out weekly (biweekly ??) and is available at most news stands
around Zagreb. The only really accessible specifically anti war paper
in Croatia I know of. They have an English language summary of their
first issue. NE+EMO , I NEDAMO (Marko Vukovi5 , BolnniOka 96, 41000
Zagreb) is a list of bands , organizations and zines with their
addresses along with a couple newsblerbs. INFERNAL (Sa|a Dolgov ,
Zelena ul. 4 69000 Murska Sobota, Slovenia) is in Slovene language and
contains interviews with local band s, a couple articles and some
comics. IN MEDIA RES (Marco Strpi5, Raku|ina 3, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia)
contains news , ideas and rants based around the Zagreb punk scene and
it+s quirky characters. CRNI GAVRAN (c/o NarkoviO Dragan, Post
Restante , 11420 Smederevska Palenka, Yugoslavia) is a zine , but I+ve
never seen it FECAL FORCES | (c/o Boris Milakovic, Kapavac 30, 55300
Po+ega , Croatia) Issue 2 has a number of band interviews (Anarcrust
and Flagrants D+eli among others ) , and some articles including one
on ZAPO, the anti racist Mayday skins, killing capitalism, Pula and
anarchy. A comp tape called -War is the Reality we Live In+ is
available from the same address for $7 in Europe. KRUH I RU+E (Women+s
Infoteka , Berislaviceva 14, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia tel:+385 41/276
188, fax:+385 41/422 926) a thick , impressive feminist magazine
published by the women+s Infoshop here in Zagreb. Also have an English
summary available. MAKE A CHANGE ( Sini|a Druzeta, Jakova Volcica  6 ,
51400 Pazin, Croatia tel: 0531/ 22 1 67) contains reviews , ads and
interviews with punk rock bands. Sheets with the text in English are
available. DIALOGUE | ( Dialogue , Groen van Prinstererstraat 90, 1051
EP Amsterdam tel: +31-20-681 48 85 , fax: +31-20-684 76 35 , email:
mizamir@antenna.nl) half in english , half in Croatian , this well
produces magazine contains articles on Amsterdam+s children refugee
theatre, dimensions of fear, Displaced Childhood, About Creativity and
Destructivity,  Kid+s Made Co nscious ...WARHEAD (Goran Ivanovic, S.
Ra dica 32, 55300 Pozega , Croatia  tel:385 (0) 55/79-619), also
political punk zine from Po+ega GLANS PENISSIS (Vedran Meniga ,
Vladimira Ruzdjaka 8, 41000 Zagreb, Croatia) has stuff on Ab+z
Normalan, Antitude, squatting, Apatridi, Enklava, veganism, ZAPO,
W.O.R.M., anarchism ... the issue I have is a split issue with a lyric
/ info booklet that came with the band Nula+s tape. COMUNITAS
(ARK-ZAPO, TkalOi5eva 38, 41000 Zagreb , Croatia tel: 385 41/422-495
fax: 385 41 / 335-230) is ZAPO+s publication. The la tes t issue is
olver a year old and work on a new one doesn+t look like it+s going
anywhere at the moment. This issue has info on ZAPO+s activities,
anarchism in Peru, the group Pangea, an interview with Howard Clark of
War Resistors International, cop violence, legalization of light
drugs, Eat shit zine, anarcho syndicalism and a couple reviews. SHAVED
WOMEN (Andrea Tomassevic, Nova Skojevska 67/VIII, 11090  Beograd,
Jugoslavia) Peace punk zine focusing on Crass , Chumbawamba and the
sort. ZIPS AND CHAINS | ( Dario Adamic, C.P. 15319, 00142 Roma
Laurentino, Italy) isn+t really from here exactly but the editor is
Croatian and there+s a pretty good piece here on zines in Yugoslavia
that I found interesting. Also MDC, DOA, Bad religion, the
Instigators, punk photographers and reviews. PAPERMOUTH | ( Toma+
Trplan, -tudentski Dom, Topni|ka 33, 61000 Ljubliana , Slovenia) is an
interesting, good looking zine with articles on pacifism,
fruitarianism,  dissing spiritual know it alls. Pretty per sonal in
parts and sort of treading on different ground than normal.

ZAGINFLATCH c/o ZAP , TkalOi5eva 38, 41000 Zagreb , Croatia  .....
email address if fucked

PS: regular Infinite Onion readers should
note that most info in old issues is way outdated and not worth



-The man who cannot visualize a horse galloping on
a tomato is an idiot+ - Breton

A peculiar phenomenon occurrs
frequently during discussions and arguments wh en after verbally
beating the shit out of a topic through whatever means my opponent or
I have at our wits, we realize that we are agree almost entirely and
that we+re basically arguing over semantics. Topics like chaos or
anarchy come quickly to mind. How people shape their realities and
worldview and as a result the way they choose to interact with and
feel about their surroundings depends almost entirely on their
semantics. It+s too easy to see how other peo ple+s concepts of who
they are and of what the world is like , or how it should be keeps
them imprisoned in the walls of their semantic borders. A culture that
defines life, happiness and fulfilment in terms of work, hedonism and
material accumulation is bound to produce people whose lives are
constructed around those values and who will inevitably live , feel
and breath the semantics of their culture while a culture set up
differently may understand their values in a different way, thus
affecting the way they relate to each an d what they strive for in
life. There is no reason semantic definitions should necessarilly stay
in place. As we change, our society and relationships change and the
universe around us changes so do the relationships in semantics and if
we feel the need to change the world and its relationships we should
be maniacly aware of the connections between language and -real+

Everything we understand about the Universe , has
been in some form or other entered into our senses and placed
somewhere within our minds where we ca n relate it to the rest of what
our senses has brought in at other times. In a sense ,we draw a map of
the universe as we understand it, with all points being what has come
in through our senses. As we take in more and more information, our
maps become more and more elaborate and the lines connecting important
points on our map connect to more and more other points in more and
more different ways. We juggle ideas and concepts and try to decide
how we want arrange our model of the outside world. Everything we know
or believe, is not necessarily what is. It is how we believe it to be
and how our experience has encouraged us to think it to be. What we+ve
built up in our heads consists of ideas, thoughts, beliefs, concepts ;
it is not reality13 for all we know. The map is not the territory.

good thing about our entire existence being constructed by at the
least a very immaterial worldview is that it can be changed
drastically. Realising we have a model of reality that does not
necessarily attach itself to fixed thin gs, though i t tries to, helps
us to realize that we can radically change reality and that nothing is
so fixed as many would have us believe. I+m a little weary of hearing
people tell me that this is the way it is and I should deal with it. I
subscribe more to the point of view that the way some people think14
has had the affect of altering reality in a very oppressive way as
opposed to how I would prefer to live (or people in general for that
matter). I+ve constructe d enough ideas and situations in my own life
to make me believe that I want no part in dealing with the reality
that other people have constructed for their own interests violating
mine in the process. Who made capitalism and hierarchical social
relations into a reality for others ? Fuck that, I will not deal with
a way of life and set of relationships that involves being degraded,
exploited and dehumanized, nor will I deal with their reality models
that require me to do the same. My map does not fit the way they+ve
torn up the world and I will not de al with it period. So how does one
deal with oppressive semantics and their impact on the world. A good
start would be to start trying to understand them and the ways in
which they work. Then learn to reconstruct them and reconstruct life
in the process.

So how can Semantics change the world ?

By the
opening of new possibilities. People+s mental landscapes consist
entirely of symbols , largely consisting of the language15 we speak.
As we grow , we learn to juggle these symbols more proficiently ,
learning new tr icks and relations between the symbols we+ve aquired.
This skill could be called intelligence. Raised in a culture where its
semantic system is limited largely to the experience of that unique
culture and it+s history, it+s language will reflect those
limitations16. Some Innuit language contains hundreds of different
words describing different types of snow. As if each type of snow is
completely unique. Most people I know including myself would be hard
pressed to detect the minute difference s between snow t ypes.
Euro-American culture feels little need to distinguish between snow
types. Also, in my own experience I find it difficult to really
remember a person untill I learn their name or get an idea of what
they do which is unique. I need to write them into my map before they
become less than an anyonymous face darting around. Ideas don+t really
become part of our consciousness untill we have some sort of a symbol
for them. Nothing is siginificant unles s we have something to tie it
to which relates to the res t of our consciousness. Until we+ve
consciously been taught one particular perspective and have given it a
name , we won+t be fully aware of it+s -existence+, or maybe better
put , it won+t exist for us personally (in the sense that we haven+t
marked it down on our model/map). So by expanding our language  and
developing new labels and points to tie into our maps we can start to
discover entirely new universes which had never previously been tapped
by us. This implies that everyt hing of which we are conscio us only
exists to the extent that we+ve been infused with it by our culture
and not by reality or -real+ existence itself. It also suggests that
anything potentially exists , jut we don+t know it yet. A new world of
possibilities lies in among the semantic juggling of

Language reproduces it+s culture. In an almost identical way
to how working class people perpetuate capitalism which represses
them, the language of a culture carries on th e qualities of that
culture. Since cultural traits are embedd ed in language, the people
growing up learning that language also learns to think as the culture
dictates. The English language  which is filled with hierarchical and
sexist words and expressions , carries it+s sexist baggage out on to
the people who speak it. For instance: The constant use of the word
-he+ to describe a nameless person instead of a word which is not
genderspecific (which I believe are very awkwared to use in
converntional English) , along with word s such as human  or woman17
and expression s like -when man first walked the earth+ all create a
language where men are being spoken to specifically. After being
constantly indoctrinated by cultural roles and rules through language
and society it really takes a constant decision to break out of them.
It takes years of self examination and conscious change to be able to
act like a human with any real free will. It takes free will to create
free will. And it takes a semantic overhaul to unbderstand that
sometimes free will is not free w ill. Especially when you live in a
culture which creates so many peoples+ Universe for them whether they
want it or not and then teach them that this is the way it is, and
that these are their choices, leaving them with next to nothing to
choose from but self destruction , slavery or empty hedonism.

and evil semantic tricks of the pigs. When you choose to create your
model of life and how you want to go about it, be aware of those
trying to do it for you. In a soci ety with clearly mapped needs of
the producers of commodities to instill certain models of happiness in
people, they create images , desires and aspirations which people
willingly conform to and in turn model themselves after. The desire of
capitalists is to create consumers out of people , to equate the
pleasure with consumption. To stay alive capitalism needs to create a
society which sees commodities as necessary for fulfillment.
Propagating a certain lifestyle  and way of thinking is just as
important to capitalism as is production. Re defining basic co ncepts
to suit their needs is the way they stay on top. Advertising redefines
pleasure by telling people over and over again that happiness is
achieved through material accessories to your personality. Hapiness is
equated to gimmicky , surfacey entertainment. Sexual pleasure is
equated to soap, excitement to buying a shiny car, popularity with
beer, strength with milk and of course deodorant with security. Buy
everything you can and be so preocc upied with things that you never
seem to remember why you feel so empty inside. And when for a second
you remember, it means you forgot to distract your thoughts.
Distraction and commodity fetishism become synonymous with happiness.
Redefined by the pigs for their own purposes to create an army of
manipulatable fools who will buy their shit (both their thoughts and
their things). The happy people , suicidal , empty have been taught
fear of their own possibilties and took refuge in the hell of escapism
(commodity fetishism).

-There is no p eace movement !+ - George Bush

When ones entire life is defined by those who make it their business
to define the lives of others, then anything goes for the semantic
technicians in power. During the Gulf War , the media and power elite
virtually wiped out the entire anti-war movement simply by maintaining
that despite the wide scale resistance and anti-war sentiment , there
was no significant part of the population that oppposed the slaughter.
It doesn+t exist they s aid . For millions of people who only took in
the resistance to the wa r through television or other sources
mediated by these semantic contortionists there was no one out there.
If they would have left their homes to get out on the streets they
could experience directly the rage and unity against the war that
existed briefly after the war broke out. Instead our leaders came out
and corrected reality for us. They told us we didn+t exist and they
told everybody who may have felt some sort of allegiance with us that
there was nothing out there. Feeling i solated and alone, being
against the war became very hard for a lot of people who only heard
one side. A scary thing when a person or entity has the power to
simply define a whole movement into obscurity.

Relationships and
language. (s)he+s my girlfriend, my boyfriend , my lover. My land , my
factory , my goats. If capitalism can stop at my doorstep , why won+t
it stop at my bed or my friendships ? The leap from being friends, in
the sense that we+re all friends and w e don+t need to exclude some
friends because of other friends, t o being my girl/boyfriend or lover
is loaded with implications of ownership and loyalty. The term as it
is spoken -my lover+ implies that any deviation from being -(just) my
lover+ would imply that the deviant has actually broken off the
relationship . The relationship being defined well ahead of time as a
possesive and exclusive relationship. And by engaging in relationships
with other lovers would break the at most mystical contract that the
label used to describe gener ic relationships has created.The ter ms
offered by language to describe an ordinary relationship saturate the
relationship itself with the qualities of the words used to describe
it : possesion and hierarchy , both of these are cultural traits which
have helped create the language and in turn propagated by language.

Dogma is the semantic cement of the masses! Leave it up to Jesus or
Marx to create ideologies with no room for change. Connecting symbols
which normally float free ly with unbreakable and immovable links. A
sea of hopes, imaginati on and real possibilities , floating and
colliding suddenly frozen and stuck permanently. Dogma artifically
crams people into glaciers of categorization and stagnance.
Conveniently defining people as unable to construct their own
independent reality. Progressing to the point of being able to offer a
new different perspective and then sealing it in. Taking a moving body
of ideas , inspiration and creativity and slamming into a jail cell
when it+s virtues are discovered, with the hope of exploiting the
entity for all its worth. While in reality the value is only in its
free movement , not in its imprisonment. When in the beginning the
words went down on paper, they said -This is where it starts+ ,  but
all people could read was -This is the way is+. The ones who could
read what it really said became dadaists and situationists , the ones
who misread became party members or turned into -intellectuals+ who
answer every question with -well according to Marx+ or -in my little
red book it says . . . - (or of c ourse - it says right here in the
Bible that ...+). The fun thing is that in contrast with cement,
semantics never actually sets, only the self righteous intellectuals
of cerebral stagnance think it does . Thay molded silly putty into
stone. They think once they+ve defined the world and experienced the
illusion of seeing the machinery of the Universe crystal clear that
they+ve arrived. Whereas they may have arrived, they forgot that not
everybody was going their direction. They arrived at their goal while
the whole world is treading on different territory , tromping a
different direction and focusing on different horizons.

Tying links
between symbols. The casual reference to women as bitches, for
instance , if not confronted or resisted will inevitably become part
of the way a person sees women in general. Using degrading language
regularily (nigger, faggot, wop, slut etc.) will create a mindset
where the people look down on others in the same they they degrade
them through language. The correlation betwe en an insu lting term
like faggot, loaded with semantic baggage of filth and repulsion , and
a possibly healthy sexual relationship between two men who are
probably enjoying a fuller sex life than the insult slinger itself,
bears no relation to any sort of objective reality. Why tie semantic
links between repulsion and gay love if there is nothing repulsive
about it (or is there maybe something gay about repulsion) ?? There
seems to me to be something wholey unhe althy about this scrambling up
the pyramid of semantic s elf worth.

Semantic confusion! When we
choose to lie (ie. connect symbols which do not relate on our map)  we
affect ourselves in a similar way. Pathological liars , I believe have
little grip on reality. After repeating the same lies over time ,
always remaining careful to keep the consistency of the inconsistent
mass of lies intact, the liar often reshapes its own memory to conform
with its inconsistent semantic knotwork which bears little to no
resemblance on what the liar actu ally recieved as input.

I n a
similar way to how the pathological liar recreates her/his map and
what (s)he feels is real , one can recreate ones world by taking it
from the society and system which pushed their definitions , roles and
relationships on us as a part of us growing up inside of it ,
surrounded by it and just about to be eaten by it, and returning it to
ourselves under a framework of free will where we link up what we
understand in a way which pleases us and d oesn+t adhere to power+s
imposition of dogma and artificial d esire for artificial things. It
really all comes down to the choice we make. If we live going with the
flow, and accepting the way others have attempted to prefab life for
us, we blow off the our will , our power to make a personal choice
about how we feel. Until we become conscious of the choice we have in
designing our own thoughts and conceptions we can only exist within
the perimeter of what has been defined for us. In other words if we
don+t define ourselves , somet hing/one else will.

A first step in
any real revolution or any major social change inevitably has to be a
revolution of semantics. To change our social relationship to each
other we need to change the way we define each other and our
relationships to each other and the universe. 

This is the beginning.


The Animal Liberation front (ALF)
consists of groups of people , a round Bs of people , around Britain
and also abroad, who believe that animals should not be exploited.
the way to achieve total liberation for animals is through economic
sabotage to the animal abusers.
 Various actions carried out include:
The rescue of animals from laboratories, farms and bad homes; the
destruction of equipment designed for the torture of animals , and
damage to premises, etc.
     Several poisoning hoaxes have been
carried out to publicize the fact that the companies concerned are
animal abusers.

 It is the policy of th e ALF that during their
actions, n rm will be done to any living creature.

Mars Bars hoax (Nov. 84) was to publicize the fact that Mars gave
Guy+s hospital money to force feed monkeys a high sugar diet
(including Mars Bars) in research on tooth decay. None of the Mars
Bars were actually poisoned.

        There have been similar hoaxes to
expose the use of animals by the Turkey trade , cosmetic
manufacturers, and companies such as Beechams who inflict terrible
sufferings on rabbits, dogs and other animals by way of the Draize
ritancy Test and the L.D.(lethal dose) 50 test.

Reading the papers after the ALF have released some mink, you could be
forgiven for believing that they have committed a great crime against
the countryside. The papers say that  the mink will ravage the
countryside, eating all in their way. The truth is somewhat
   Mink are territorial animals. They won+t live together.
They can travel up to 10 miles a day and so w hen 500 are released,
they disperse very quickly. Unfortunately som animals are also
recaptured by the farmer. The mink is a relative of the stoat, the
polecat, weasel , pine martin,  badger and otter, all Natives of
Britain and it feeds in a similar way.

    The ALF recommend that
mink are only mass released in the summer and autumn, not in the
spring when the local wildlife is breeding or in the winter when there
is a shortage of food.
 Other species of animal are factory farmed for
their fur in Britain including rabbits and silver foxes.(A more
detailed account is avail e on request). The ALF have rescued many of
them from the factory-farm concentration camps.
year 400 million chickens, 14 million pigs, 24 million turkeys, 3
million cattle, 1 million rabbits and 14 million sheep are slaughtered
in Britain.

 Animal products are unnecessary for human health, and
also waste resources such as land. On a vegan diet, 61 people could
live on the produce from 10 acres of land, but only 2 people could
live on the same amount of produc e if it has first been fed to

    So next time you eat meat or drink milk, remember - you
have not  only caused the death of an innocent animal but also human
beings in the starving countries of the world.(Britain actually
imports grain from Ethiopia to feed to animals!)

year over 4 million animals are murdered in British laboratories. They
are force fed lipstick, weedkillers, oven cleaners, drugs and alcohol.
They are shot and irradiated. They a re electrocuted, given tumors,
the list is endless.

 The ALF e liberated thousands of laboratory
animals and caused millions of pounds worth of damage to the
vivisection laboratories.

     There can never be any justification
for using completely innocent animals in any experiment , no matter
what the benefit to humans. It is not only completely selfish, but
also totally immoral.


This article
was taken from the text of a flyer produced by London Greenpeace who
can ontacted at 5 Caledonian Rd., London N1. UK. It has no copyright.


Self -induced
uterine contractions 
- A Birthday  Story

by -enna       

I.      She
was told to breed babies in plastic nappies, fed by another+s milk
through a synthetic rubber nipple, to be defined not as SELF, but only
by motherhood.  Subliminal messages of submission disguised as TRUTH
were sent via the airwaves of televangelists.  -Be Fruitful &

II.      Full & round wit n blood, flat on her back,
starched white-washed linen draped over her spread - eagle  knees
encouraging modesty & shame, a stranger+s dry latex - covered
tentacles up her cunt, cold metal poking & prodding, breaking her
water without consent so he can go home early.  -What was your name
again?+, muffled voice, he asks, thankful for the surgeon+s mask, glad
not to smell Female because this one doesn+t strawberry douche.  The
same men in white coats who slit open abdomen s of pregnant mothers
under anesthesia because Cesarean -sections produce more profit,
anothernewcar10television setsdinnerin
The sons of the psychiatric psychotic GODS sporting plastic smiles who
took all the womyn who spoke too LOUD, stood too TALL, blamed
INDEPENDENCE on atrophy of the uterus, stuck sucking leeches up their
snatches where they became lost & bled womyn to death.

III.     With
each contraction, she overheard whispered conspiracy of power i n
high-backed lea ther swivel chairs high in sky-scrapers with no
windows so as not to bothered by angry songs of wild birds.
Conspiracy calling not for babies, but only cloned slaves for the
factories, armies, institutions & corporations; to carry out the
dictations of greed-inspired dogma; to brainwash the masses with
convictions that a new shade of lipstick is revolutionary, a brand of
panty-hose LIBERATING, so that secretaries tripping to work for
demeaning bosses never think about FREEDOM;  to bow down in servitude,
to pray , to bear the weight of the cross, breaking backs & spirit,
subduing sensuality with preached morality.  Born covered in blood
mucus spit & piss, all her babies snatched away without a first breath
of Freedom, promptly bathed in sterility, made to swear upon the Holy
Bible to Holy Parasitic God of Fear, Holy Money, Holy Leather Brutal
Boot kicking in teeth so far down throats that shouts of anger, bitter
rebellion turn to mangled sobs in esophaguses.  Each given first a
number, then a name, warned not to choose an identity all their own,
or they will be shot sedated institutionalized lobotomized terrorized;
the breast of each daughter branded with a triangle of black as
reminder (& warning) of degenerate sisters lesbians witches & whores
subjected to Nazi genocide in gas chambers of concentration

IV.     Because she saw how mothers are treated, Earth+s
rivers poisoned  forests set aflame  air toxic children dying, belly
full, she crawled away in RAGE, fetus blood flowing from between her
thighs , in refusal to give birth to mutated babies with 2 heads & no
heart, who would live under a maroon - tinted sky never darkening
enough for stars to shine, in a world that teaches girls to feel shame
when the moon is full, whose assassins are passed off as standards of
perfection;  corsets laced so tight until uteruses squeeze out of
vaginas.  Terms of beauty that remove ribs for a slimmer waist -line
around which to fasten tight chains so they can+t fight, stick them in
high-heels so they can+t run. Abort ion or annihilation.  She would no
longer spread her legs to be fucked by power & state.  She would
straddle only Earth, embrace soil roots rocks & fuck wind & sea & sun
& spirits.


friend Kamala who is studying mathematics, says it+s helped her think
in a way which helps her formulate thoughts and express them clearly
and more solidly.  Also she says it+s helped her to write in a much
more organized and understanda ble way.. Something I have a lot of
trouble with unless I write forcing everything into the
introduction-explanatory paragraphs- conclusion formula I was taught
in school. But this hardly comes natural for me.  But then again
written expression is as learned as Aristotlean logic is. If people
had learned to think and write in chaotically cross referenced chunks
of information , would life be any different? 
2Everything is related.
The terms unrelated relates to the alienation of people and things to
the big whole of everythingtogetherness. Eg oists and people who
choose to disconnect their lives and actions from the whole , I
believe are the ones who have put this world into the state it is in.

3or better: what we think is outside our body. ie: experience
instance :On a cartographical map, just because an underground
dwelling or a community of squirrels or a fixed floating hot air
balloon may not be represented , it does not mean that it isn+t there.
It doesn+t even mean that the map designers di dn+t percieve the
things when surveying the land. It just wasn+t something to go on this
particular map. In the same way when things we percieve don+t fit on
our map , it doesn+t mean they don+t -exist+.

5For example: A couple
years ago, when I first started reading up on the idea of
synchronicity (Carl Jung wrote about this extensively) I became
increasingly aware of things which I had never before given a thought
to.  It seemed as if I had entered into a new world in many ways. The
beginning of this year , my mother was i n the hospital because of
severe lung problems largely because the air in Zagreb is terrible
(pollution or ecology was not an issue for the communists) and
dangerous to inhale.  Around the same time I was at the height of a
revulsion towards civilization and felt like I had to get out of the
city and away from people or I would go nuts. Shortly after my father
had called me in Colorado Springs and told me the state my mother was
in,  I was still freaking out. I went downstairs to calm down and put
on one of my favorite records. I dr opped ther needle on the record
and the words :+ You can+t see the moon above the city, the sky is
always full of clouds even when the sun+s gone down, it+s like living
in the underground. Black and white in shades of brown. And you can+t
breath the air in the city with the fumes of cars and factories, your
lungs aren+t what they used to be. Breath in the new complacency, at
least its good for industry, at least it smells like home. -...+Robots
don+t get lung disease+ ... + And you can+t get healthy in the city.
The sky is so gray it+s like forty fags a day and the water is hard
beneath the foam+  the words jumped out at me so strongly.  The song
took on a completely new meaning . As if Citizen Fish had written it
directly about me and my feelings at ther oment towards civilization
and my mothers health, which I highly doubt. The song being played at
that p[articular instance was not an effect of my feelings, it
collided with events and empotions in a completely unrelated way.thus
the concedpt of synchronicit y as it occured in my life recently .

It+s been interesting spending a lot of time in the last few months
with my parents. I was looking forward to being with them and sharing
a lot of my life and feelings for quite a while before leaving the US.
I was especially looking forward to sort of getting to reknow my
father. Most of my teenage years we had been a little distant
personally and emotionally. I think in a lot of ways it had a lot to
do with how I wanted to be at the time . I didn+t want to put up wit h
any restrictions and his firmness about their rules at times
infuriated me. My mother was easier to compromise with. In the last
few years since they moved back to Zagreb, I+ve repeatedly come to
amazing revelations about how similar my father and I think and work
things out. At fourteen I would get pissed off when people told me I
sounded like my Dad over the phone; a  few months ago , when a friend
of the family I ran into at a coffee shop told me how alike he thought
we were I was flattered in a funny sort of way. As a missionary he+s
motivated to an extent that brings him across borders and oceans ,
while I+ve been doing crazy shit myself for the last few years ,
driven by whatever other forces happen to drive me. We both have big
ideas and try to make them real. We both just do it.

However upon
arriving and spending hours discussing and debating with him, I
realized how really different we are. He+s a Christian, hella
conservative maybe a little to the right ; I+m no ne of those ,
spiritually and polit ically on the other side of the fence entirely.
Quickly almost every discussion or even light talk about my life would
bog down into the eternal swamp of morality.
AAAaaaAAAAA@@@@@GGGHHHghhhghh! : the first word that comes to my mind.
Where do I get my values if not from God? I can be held accountable
for nothing if there were no moral code of conduct to be followed. If
I don+t follow moral laws of sexuality , I may as well be breaking
them all , running down the streets murdering virg ins and raping
cops. T hat people can love, fondle and fuck, possibly be promiscuous
or possibly be gay , or out of wedlock while at the same time be
compassionate and respectfull of others reads as an inconsistency or
contradiction.  There is no arguing with Christian logic. As my
sister+s bumpersticker reads: The Bible says it, I believe it , That
settles it (sic(k)). The line of conversation often would often turn
into attempts at getting me to admit to following some sort of
morality or code. For my dad , it just has to be. F or me , i+ve
weaned myself from that thinking.6 I don+t help somebody out because I
believe in a moral law that says I should be nice to people. I most
probably  do it because when i see a person suffer I share the pain to
a certain extent, and when I assist them it alleviates the pain. I
suppose in a way it+s selfish , but it+s really a matter of
acknowledging our interconnectedness and acting on it.

morning I exploded in rage. Somehow the da y started off with the
topic of people being gay. Co pletely on opposite poles of thought
about an issue which carries a lot of emotional charge for me. Which
relates to my life closely , both with my own sexuality and that of
friends who are gay. The religious (in the west mostly Christian) anti
gay values that plunged most western societies into the sexual
xenophobia that keeps people afraid of themselves and of their
feelings , the bigotry against gays in the streets, where ones open
expression of sexuality can get you killed or hospitalized , is
(comforta bly) beyond most Christian thinking. Christian moralist
thinking is a real threat. Living in Colorado , where the family
values bigots had worked hard at putting their morality into law, the
realization should have come much earlier , but at the time it was too
hard for me to fathom the depth of what was going on. The family
values people made themselves into the best of the worst political
clowns to take really seriously as someone threatening us6 directly.
The fucked up thing beyond nazi lawmake rs is a so ciety infused with
Christian ideas. Not necessarily born again Christians , but people
who grew up with Christian concepts of morality. Homophobia doesn+t
come from nowhere. It comes from biblical (and other religious)
teachings about homosexuality being an abomination, from a culture so
engulfed in christian structures of male domination that men deserting
their seats in the sexual hierarchy appear as such threats that they
are attacked and despised. It+s an incredibly scary thing to think
about , that som eone else+s morals have made most of the society into
such a hostile environment.6 My parents (bigoted) views completely
bewidered, shocked and enraged me. I knew they disapproved of -gay
lifestyle+ , but I never really faced it up close. The big difference
here between them and the infamous bigots pushing the anti gay
amendments in Colorado was that I wouldn+t hesitate for a second to
punch Will Perkins in the face if I saw him in the street. My parents
are a completely different matter. A fter the steamy a rgument I
withdrew to the room I+m staying in for almost the entire day feeling
incredibly lonely and mixed up. I+m determined not to let their
morality get in the way of my love for them , but it no doubt limits
how we can interact. I don+t feel like I can comfortably share most of
my experinces with them like I would like to, because their moral
convictions make a good chunk of my life completely disagreeable and
probably repulsive to them.

7From my experience previously having
been one and with talking to Christians, many feel as if they are in a
hostile environment themselves. Churches teach young Christians as if
they are facing an entire world that is incredibly hostile to
Christianity. It+s easy to see things that way as a Christian , but
I+ve never heard a Christian ever admit that their morals affect
society to the point of intolerance. 
8-us+ in this particular
instance refers to those people who don+t like their expression of
sexual freedom being fucked with in the slight est. It+s an expression
of affinity with sexual anarchists.
9The Wiccan rede: -Do what thou
wilt , harm none+. is possibly a loose moral law that I could more or
less abide by. However life is rarely so simple. That one could truly
carry out one+s will without inflicting harm on anyone whatsoever is
at times impossible. With all the complex social structures and
spiderwebs of interaction we live and take part in, we usually don+t
have much of a grip on how we affect others with our actions. For
instance: A well meaning college st ude nt attempts at carrying out
his will , harming none by taking a woman he is attracted to out on a
date to a restaurant. Although he maintains complete respect for her
feelings and wishes and does her no harm whatsoever and they both go
home feeling good, their visit to the resaurant contributed to
enormous harm. The meat they ate at the restaurant was manufactured by
a factory farm which brutally torured its cows for their entire
lifetime before being slaughtered for this college student and his
date. The t ortured cow was fed food imported from a third world
country which was forced to pay back debts to first world countries in
the form of cash crops while it+s poluation starved and relied on
charity from other countries instead of being allowed to become self
sufficient. The workers at the restaurant were subject to terrible
work conditions and bad pay and although neither of the lovebirds were
aware of it, they had been incredibly rude and pushy to the waiter who
spent the entire night frustrate d with their behavior. On top of that
, contributing to a capitalist system of work, exploitation and
hierarchy as they had done in patronizing a capitalist institution
like this restaurant put just about everbody a step back in terms of
freedom and liberation. No harm done , it+s just an innocent date?

I suppose anything can be hacked to death like this.

thelemic philosophy as summed up in the Book of the Law as:+Do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the L aw. Love is the law, love under
will. Every ma n and every woman is a Star.+ All prejudices against
Crowley and the connotations the Book.. stir upaside, living by this
-law+ could bring a lot of people out of their own personal misery and
break all the artificial borders that keep people from achieving their
potentials. Moral conducty only builds the walls back up

10Though over the years I+ve gotten several articles in on DIY
abortion techniques, I+ve never printed them . Ifeel most of these are
way too surfacey and potentially da ngerous. I don+ t want to
encourage people towards more back alley style abortions. . .  evebn
if they+re DIY. By all means know what+s up with your body and be
aware of how and why some alternative abortion techniques may be
dangerous. What you don+t know can kill you and yes I am trying to
scare you into educating yourself for real before taking some punk
zine+s advice on something this serious.

11This entire article
consists of plagiarized thoughts.  Every new idea is a synthesis of
old ones and my entire life consists of plagiarized feelings, thoughts
, emotions and dreams.

12semantics / si-+mant-iks/ n pl but sing or
pl in constr 1: the study of meanings: a: the historical and
psychological study and classification of changes in the signification
of words or forms viewed as factors in linguistic development b (1):
SEMIOTIC(a general philosophical theory of signs and symbols) (2): a
branch of semiotic with the dealing with relations between signs and
what they refer to  and includi ng theories of denotation, extension ,
naming , and truth. 2: GENERAL SEMANTICS 3 a: the meaning or
relationship of meanings of a sign or set of signs; esp : connotative
meaning b: the exploitation of connotation and ambiguity (as in
propaganda) - from Webster+s New Collegiate Dictionary

13 According to
Websters New Collegiate Dictionary , reality is defined as -the
quality or state of being real - and real is pegged as -of or relating
to fixed, permanent , or immovable thing s+. Pretty unmystical,
material definitions.

14or  the way they have constructed their
models of this world

15language can be thought of as cultural

16 A culture+s language however has tons of other
information from the past which it has accumulated. So sharing a
language which was developed over centuries with it+s developers and
former users , one absorbs incredible amounts of information which one
would not necessarily come across during ones lifetime without taking
part in this extra dimension of experience.

17 Ju st in. The word
woman broken down reads Wife Of MAN. Also , the word misogyny is
defined as having or showing a hatred and distrust of women. Why is it
that there is no such word against men.

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