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Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. #37, Summer 1993
-includes Alternative Press Review, compiled by Jason McQuinn.

                    Alternative Press Review
                    Compiled by Jason McQuinn

 As always, we're happy to exchange with other `alternative'
periodicals (of 8 pages or more - or 4 pages if tabloid size). I
try to list all the publications that we receive in a timely way,
but please be aware that there are times when this is impossible
due to time and space limitations. Also keep in mind that the An-
archy issue we send for exchanges will be the one your publication
is reviewed in, so please be patient. -Jason

 MESECHABE #11/Winter '93 (7725 Cohn St., New Orleans, LA. 70118)
is now a nicely-done 30pp. tabloid, subtitled "The Journal of
Surregionalism." This issue features Gary Snyder on "Nature's
writing," the second part of Max Cafard's amusing "Cults of con-
sumption" (on televangelists), John Clark on "The life and work of
Elis=82e Reclus," and  Camille Martin's translation of Reclus'
account of his voyage to New Orleans in 1855 titled "An anarchist
in the old South," along with loads of poetry, photos and sketches.
Recommended. Cover price is $3; subscriptions are $15/5 issues.

 EARTH FIRST! Vol.13,#4/Eostar & #5/Beltane '93 (POB 5176,
Missoula, MT. 59806) is a 40pp. tabloid of the Earth First! move-
ment/organization. Issue #4 includes Bill Hipwell's cover story
"Wolf spirit monkeywrenches helicopter in Yukon," and coverage of
hunt saboteurs in the U.K. Issue #5 includes opinions on current
controversies over the direction of EF!, "Malthus was wrong" by
Greg Gordon, "Deep ecology, animal rights and Native people" by Don
Smith & Mike Roselle, and an insert on the Mount Graham struggle in
Arizona, along with many other articles on environmental conflicts.
Always recommended. Subscriptions are $20/year (8 issues).

 GAUNTLET #5/1993 (Barry Hoffman, 309 Powell Rd., Springfield, PA.
19064) is a huge 192pp. annual anti-censorship journal. This issue
on the theme of "Porn in the USA" features contributions like Mark
Di Ionno's "Spike Lee: Bourgeois boor," David Clark's "Madonna
exposed," Bill Paige's "What's porn to you is...," Nina Hartley's
"Reflections of a feminist porn star," and even Phyllis Schlaffly
on "Pornography's victims." Always worth checking out. Sample
copies are $9.95 + $2 p&h.

Francisco, CA. 94141-0502) is the 52pp. journal of the Komotion
International project which also functions as a performance space,
art gallery and recording studio. This issue includes Mat
Callahan's "How do I have to look to tell the truth," David
Schecter's "Participatory democracy: How could it work?" and Phil
Lollar's "Where is this 51st state called `Love'?" There's also a
very enjoyable, eclectic compilation music cassette with the same
title, featuring Genuine Diamelles, the Looters, Idiot Flesh and
Salsa 24, among others. Both cassette and journal are available for
$6. You can't beat the combination, so don't miss this. Or,
subscriptions are included with membership for $10/ year (? issues)

 KAT=FEAH JOURNAL #38/Spring '93 (Rt.8, Box 323, Lenoir, NC. Kat=A3ah
Province 28645) is the last full 36pp. issue of this bioregional
tabloid covering the Kat=A3ah region of Appalachia. As one of the
best of the bioregional publications, this journal will surely be
missed by many readers. The Spring issue focusses on "Sustainable
Touring," with articles like "Toward sustainable tourism in
Southern Appalachia" by Marcus Endicott, "Camping & touring through
Kat=A3ah forests" by Lee Barnes, a critique of "Tourism development"
by Michal Smith, and "Bicycle touring in Kat=A3ah" by Patrick Clark.
Check this out before they're gone. You can still obtain this
issue, as well as most back issues for $3 each.

                         ALSO RECEIVED:

 Underground #1/undated (POB 613, London, SE22 9QT, England) is a
visually impressive, 8-page newspaper-sized subversive equivalent
to the National Enquirer. Lots of short articles like "The art of
armed robbery" by Rob Banks, and "Media initiation rites: The devil
told me to do it" by Tom Vague, along with bizarre pseudo-
advertisements mixed in with a few of the real thing. Worth getting
if you could use a few laughs. Send a contribution.

 Incite Information Vol.4,#1/Mar.-April & #2/May-June '93 (1507
E.Franklin St. #530, Chapel Hill, NC. 27514) is a 16pp. bulletin of
"News Analysis and Commentary," always a quick, pleasant read, with
an occasional new angle on the news. Issue #1 includes Richard Kos-
telanetz on the Mike Tyson trial. Issue #2 includes Wayne Jebian's
"Pot shot heard 'round the world," a couple short commentaries on
the media AIDS spectacle by Mickey Z. and Richard Kostelanetz, and
a timely reminder by Mark Hand that in the U.S. the Jewish Defense
League has been a consistent source of "Homegrown terrorism." Sub-
scriptions are $10/year (6 issues).

 NameBase NewsLine #1/April-June '93 (Public Information Research,
Box 5199, Arlington, VA. 22205) is the first 12-page issue of this
periodical distributed exclusively to users of NameBase (a
microcomputer database with 142,000 citations and 67,000 names
primarily tied to the intersecting agendas of intelligence, mili-
tary, diplomatic and corporate circles - see NameBase review else-
where in this issue), containing a very interesting account of Bill
Clinton's connections with the Council on Foreign Relations,
Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg meetings. Free to purchasers
of NameBase ($79).

 Factsheet 5 #47/undated (Seth Friedman, POB 170099, San Francisco,
CA. 94117-0099), the marginal/alternative press networking zine of
zines is back with a second issue from the new publisher and
looking good. This one weighs in at 112pp. packed with over
thirteen hundred reviews, all organized by subject in sections
including: Personal Zines, Spirituality, Sports, B-Movies, Science
Fiction, Queer, Comics & Humor, Music, and much more, complete with
an index! If you haven't seen this zine, order one right now!
Samples are $4; subscriptions are $20/6 issues.

 Plazm #4/undated (1101 SW Washington, Suite 124, Portland, OR.
97205) 58pp. impressively-produced quarterly art tabloid magazine,
featuring short essays & fiction along with lots of strong graphics
"dedicated to the unrestricted expression of ideas." This issue in-
cludes interviews with Henry Rollins and with Paul Barker of
Ministry. Send $4.50 for a sample copy; subscriptions are $25/year.

 The Body Politic Vol.3,33/Mar., #4/April & #5/May '93 (POB 2363,
Binghamton, NY. 13902) is an informative 38pp. zine billing itself
as a "Monthly pro-choice news report." The March issue includes an
interview with Margaret Sanger biographer Ellen Chesler. The April
issue includes various commentaries on anti-abortionist violence,
along with the first part of an interesting interview with
religious right investigator Skipp Porteous. Single copies are $3;
subscriptions are $18/year.

 Gnosis #27/Spring '93 (POB 14217, San Francisco, CA. 94114) is an
88pp. journal of "the Western Inner Traditions." This issue on
"Sacred Art & Music" includes a good analysis of the growth
industry in creating childhood memories of sexual abuse titled "No
thanks for the memories" by Ted Schultz, and Hakim Bey's
"Immediatist manifesto," along with the many theme articles. Sub-
scriptions are $20.00/year (4 issues); samples are $6 postpaid.

 Frontier Report Vol.2,#9/Mar. & #10/April '93 (POB 8481, Kansas
City, MO. 64114-0481) is a readable 8pp. monthly, "Independent,
Unconventional, Non-commercial" community tabloid. Issue #9
includes a report on the plight of Sundiata Acoli titled "Political
prisoners? In the United States?" In issue #10 Ida Fogle
contributes a perceptive account of "The business of fixing people"
(the shrink scam). The upcoming issue will be the last one, so grab
a copy quick while there's still a chance. Single copies are 95=9B.

 New Liberation News Service Vol.3,#8/Feb. 1, thru #11/April 12,'93
(POB 325, Kendall Square Branch, Cambridge, MA. 02142) is a valu-
able 32pp. compilation of articles (largely taken from the North
American liberal/ radical leftist student press) intended for re-
printing by member periodicals. Issue #8 contains pieces on
struggles at the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a
view of a Mexican perspective on NAFTA. Issue #9 features an in-
depth look at "Education for the New World Order" (including the
National Security Education Act funding $150 million worth of
`security'). Issue #10 includes a long dialogue between NLNS and
member periodicals over the direction of the project. Packets are

 Challenge  Vol.4,#2/Mar.-April '93 (POB 14338, Tel Aviv 61142,
Israel) is a 42pp. "Magazine of the Israeli Left," written "by
Arabs & Jews" (also published in a Hebrew-language version titled
Etgar). This issue features Neve Gordon & Rela Mazali on "The
vicious circle of torture," and Michal Schwartz's "Paved with bad
intentions" (on road development plans cutting through "the last
remaining lands of many Palestinian towns in Israel"). Subscrip-
tions are $30/year (6 issues).

 Permaculture Activist #27/Aug.'92 (Route 1, Box 38, Primm Springs,
TN. 38476) is the 52pp. "Quarterly Voice for Permanent Culture in
North America," featuring John Mohawk on "Deconstructing utopia,"
an interview with Patricia DuBose on "Grassroots organizing" in El
Salvador, and Jerome Osentowski on "Third World linkages: Planting
the seeds of Permaculture." Subscriptions are $16/year.

 off our backs Vol.23,#3/Mar., #4/ April & #5/May '93 (2423 18th
St. NW, Washington, DC. 20009) is a 24pp. feminist news tabloid.
Issue #3 covers the explosive growth of pornography in Russia and
the situation of feminists in Belgrade during the current crisis.
Issue #4 includes extensive coverage of a University of Chicago Law
School "Conference on Speech, Equality, and Harm." Issue #5
features lots of riot grrrl coverage, and a special "War Pull-Out"
section titled "Serbia's war against Bosnia and Croatia." An essen-
tial magazine on the feminist movements. Subscriptions are $19/year
(11 issues).

                       OTHER PUBLICATIONS:

 Seattle Community Catalyst Vol.3, #11/Mar. & #12/April '93 (5031
University Way NE, Rm.2, Seattle, WA. 98105) is a 16pp. eco-peace-
community tabloid. Issue #11 features Lansing Scott's "Getting
ready for cultural war" (on new anti-gay campaigns by the Christian
right in the U.S. northwest). Issue #12 features "Alternatives to
autogeddon" by Michael Skehan. Subscriptions are $15/year (12 is-

 Changing Men #25/Winter-Spring '93 (306 N. Brooks St., Madison,
WI. 53715) is a very disappointing 72pp. `pro-feminist' men's
movement magazine, subtitled "Issues in Gender, Sex and Politics."
In this issue the editors totally cave in to the threats of boycott
and anathema pronounced by Nikki Craft in her recent, censorious
off our backs article titled "So much slime, so little time," going
so far as to reprint the article complete with an abject confession
from the editors renouncing their imagined sins. The lack of
integrity shown here is neck deep, featuring Craft's implicit death
threat against NAMBLA members and her explicit and eager admission
of police collaboration in attempting to silence Uncommon Desires.
Hold your breath if you want to send $6 for a sample copy of this
miserable mag.

 Uncommon Desires Newsletter #10/Feb.-Mar.'93 (Postbus 408, 1000AK,
Amsterdam, Netherlands) is a very well-done, 16pp. zine "about
girl-love, erotic desires, censorship, and the police state."
Subscriptions are now $20/year cash or undesignated check.

 EcoSocialist Review Vol.7,#1/Spring '93 (Chicago DSA, 1608 N.
Milwaukee, 4th floor, Chicago, IL. 60647) is the 28pp. ecology zine
of the social-democratic Democratic Socialists of America. This
issue includes an (unintentionally) humorous Marxist analysis of
"Ecofeminism and animal rights, Part 2: The animal industrial
complex"(!) by Carol Adams and a review of Conrad Smith's Media and
Apocalypse by Dorothee Benz. Subscriptions are $10/year (4 is-

 Southern Libertarian Messenger Vol.21,#8/Dec.'92 thru #10/Feb.'93
(Rt.10 Box 52A, Florence, SC. 29501) is a 6-8pp. photocopied,
right-wing `libertarian' news-clipping collection. Issue #8
includes a `special' 8pp. addendum featuring Robert Brakeman's
interesting story "When the punks struck." Issue #10 includes a 2-
page addendum of Antony Flew's leaflet "Against `Anti-Racism' in
Education." Subscriptions are $6/year (12 issues).

 Bleeding Eyesore #4/undated (Paul Harrison, 1 Prince William Ct.,
Featherstone, West Yorkshire WF7 5PH, England) is a 30pp. zine
featuring reprints in microscopic print of Mark Heley's naive paean
to virtual reality titled "Neuro space...," and interviews with
Terence McKenna on psychedelics, sex and extraterrestrials. Send a
contribution for a copy.

 Turning The Tide Vol.6,#2/Mar.-April '93 (POB 1990, Burbank, CA.
91507) is a 12pp. tabloid "Anti-Racism Newsletter" published by
People Against Racist Terror, featuring articles on the
relationships between racism and ecological struggles this time
around. Subscriptions are $6/year (6 issues).

 Dreamtime Talkingmail #3/Spring '93 (Rt.2, Box 242W, Viola, WI.
54464)) is a 30pp. newsletter documenting the "embryonic beginnings
of a permaculture hypermedia village in southwest Wisconsin" on
donated land, complete with a big old school building, fire truck
& bookmobile! The founders are looking for more warm bodies to
populate the place. Subscriptions are $12/3 issues; sample copies
are $4.

 Synthesis/Regeneration #6/ Spring '93 (WD Press, POB 24115, St.
Louis, MO. 63130) is the 48pp. "theoretical discussion bulletin of
the Greens/Green Party USA." This issue focusses on a theme of
"`Free' Trade vs. Visions of a Green Society" with numerous short
articles developing various reformist to revolutionary perspectives
on resistance to NAFTA and GATT. Subscriptions are #12/year (4 is-

 The Portland Alliance Vol.13,#4/ April & #5/May '93 (2807 SE
Stark, Portland, OR. 97214) is a 16pp. "Progressive Community News"
monthly tabloid. Issue #4 includes a reprint (from the Anderson
Valley Advertiser) of Judi Bari's "The truth about tree spiking:
Part 1 - Horrible costs." Subscriptions are $20/year.

 Campus: America's Student Newspaper Vol.4,#3/Spring '93 (I.S.I.,
14 S. Bryn Mawr Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA. 19010-3275) is a
professionally produced 24pp. right-wing tabloid that bills itself
as "the only national student-edited, student-written newspaper for
college students." This issue focusses on critiques of campus PC
(of the leftist variety, never the more prevalent right-wing sort),
multiculturalism, sexuality and feminism, from an underlying white,
Christian, Euro-supremacist ideological perspective. Subscriptions
are free with (free) I.S.I. membership or $10/4 issues for non-

 NAMBLA Bulletin Vol.14,#3/April '93 (POB 174, Midtown Sta., New
York, NY. 10018) is the 24pp. newsletter of the North American
Man/Boy Love Association. This issue includes a report on the
invasion of a New York NAMBLA chapter meeting by a witch-hunting
NBC Television News crew, and fiction titled "Something Like Happi-
ness" by Kevin Esser. Subscriptions are $30/year (10 issues) for
non-members, or included with membership at $25/year.

 MediaCulture Review Vol.2,#1/ Mar. & #2/April-May '93 (100 East
85 St., New York, NY. 10028) is a newsletter published by the
Institute for Alternative Journalism. (The IAJ also maintains an
on-line computer wire service carrying articles "from the inde-
pendent and alternative press.") Issue #1 covers governmental
communications policy questions, and includes "Ten censored stories
- 1992" compiled by Project Censored. Issue #2 includes an analysis
of "The information ghetto" (on those left behind in the consumer
technological race). Subscriptions are $24/year (6 issues).

 Karma Lapel #4/undated (POB 5467, Evanston, IL. 60204-5267) is a
very readable 14pp. review zine, though the editor is planning to
print more non-review material in the future. This issue's cover-
line urges readers to "Kill the cop in your head first," and its
contents focus on zine reviews, with comic and music reviews as
well. Sample copies are $1 or trade.

 Dialogue #96/Spring '93 (POB 71221, New Orleans, LA. 70172) is a
20pp. "Progressive Community Journal" focussing on local news. This
issue's cover story is "Liberty or bigotry?" It covers the
controversial rededication of the so-called "Liberty Monument" in
New Orleans (popularly known as the White Supremacy Monument). Sub-
scriptions are $5/year (4 issues).

 The Fire Fly #19/Feb.'93 (Box 1077, Mission, SD. 57555) is a
homey, yet incisively critical little 8pp. newsletter from the
Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, appropriately subtitled "A
tiny glow in a forest of darkness." This issue includes a first
person account titled "You're in South Dakota now" by Jon Lurie,
and "Other realities as truth: Permitting cultural diversity in the
schools" by Jon Lurie and Jane Kirby. Always a good read. Subscrip-
tions are $5.00/6 issues.

 Celtic Pamplemousse #5/undated (Jim Munroe, 66 Greyhound Dr.,
Willowdale, Ontario M2H 1K3, Canada) is an unpaginated zine. This
issue includes an amusing look at "Star Trek: (Brainwashing) The
Next Generation." Sample copies are $1 postpaid.

 The Thistle Vol.7,#1/Feb.3, & #3/ Mar.3, thru #8/April 14,'93
(M.I.T. W20-450, 84 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA. 02139) is a
12 to 20pp., weekly student-left tabloid "working to humanize MIT"!
The April 7 issue is a special retitled Thistle Profemina and
including pieces on "Naming rapists" by Mary Baxter, "Menstruation"
by Emily Yeh, and an accusation that the Socialist Workers Party
has perpetrated a "Racist frame-up" in its defense campaign for
Mark Curtis. No subscription price given.

 The Freedom Writer Vol.10,#2/ Mar.-April '93 (POB 589, Great
Barrington, MA. 01230) is an informative 4pp. bimonthly newsletter
covering activities of the Christian right. This issue includes an
alarming analysis of "The anti-gay nineties" by Frederick Clarkson.
Subscriptions are included with a $25/ year membership in the
Institute for First Amendment Studies.

 Prison Legal News Vol.4,#2/Feb. '93 (POB 1684, Lake Worth, FL
33460) is a helpful 10pp. newsletter for prisoners focussing on the
state of Washington. This issue includes good articles on "Serial
litigators" by Adrian Lomax, and "The prison privatization debate"
by Ed Mead. Send a contribution for a copy.

 Panic! #1/undated (c/o Dave Wells, Conari Press, 1144 65th St.
Suite B, Emeryville, CA. 94608) is an attractive, unpaginated zine
opening with a quote from Lautr=82amont's Les Chants de Maldoror,
including a rant titled "Stick this on your bumper!" ("Is putting
your ideology on your bumper another case of sticking your head up
your ass?"), drawings by Andrew Singer, and a piece on cities as
the commodification of space titled "When there is no there." Send
$3.50 for a sample copy.

 Blue Ryder #29/May-June '93 (POB 587, Olean, NY. 14760) is a 16pp.
tabloid now calling itself "The Best of the Underground." This
issue includes a good piece on "Forfeitures and seizures: Legalized
theft" (on drug war property seizures) by Dennis Cauchon (reprinted
from Urine Nation News). Subscriptions are $8/year (6 issues).

 LUNO unnumbered/Mar. & April '93 (31960 SE Chin St., Boring, OR.
97009) is a 10pp. newsletter of the Learning Unlimited Network of
Oregon. The March issue includes some commentary on computers and
technology, including a great `computer' schematic - shown as a
toilet with various parts well-labelled! The April issue includes
"Devil dealing in education" (on the demonization of enemies). Send
an SASE for a sample copy.

 Gray Areas #1/Fall '92 (POB 808, Broomall, PA. 19008-0808) is a
brand new magazine "Examining the Gray Areas of Life" like
pornography, concert taping, search-and-seizure laws, etc., along
with recurrent references to the Grateful Dead. Well done,
including a 10 page listing of "Unreleased/unauthorized" Dead
videos, along with a variety of concert, video, book, software and
zine reviews, and an interview with former porn star Kay Parker -
now a spiritualist/channeler! Sample $4.50; subscriptions are $18/4

 The Madison Edge Vol.4,#7/Feb. 24, thru #11/April 21,'93 (POB 845,
Madison, WI. 53701-0845) is a good 8pp. alternative community
biweekly tabloid. Issue #7 includes Tod Ensign's "Gulf War
syndrome: Chronic health ailments plague Gulf War veterans," and
Raymond Luc Levasseur's "Pardon my analysis" (on the pardons of
Republican regime war criminals by Bush). Subscriptions are $15/-

 Beatnik Soup #6/Spring '93 (2306 College Ave., Stevens Point, WI.
54481) unpaginated "Art and Literary Magazine for a New Generation"
- primarily a poetry-zine, complete with pop-up art and a rainbow
of page colors. Sample copies are $1 cash or money order.

 Funny Pages #42/April '93 (POB 317025, Dayton, OH. 45437) 12pp.
zine of occasionally funny, (mostly) disgusting humor aimed at
celebrities, politicos, gender, race, sexual orientations, etc.
Office jokesters with poor taste will love this zine; others might
have second thoughts. Subscriptions are $10/8 issues.

 Still Angry #12/Spring '93 (102A E. 52nd St., Austin, TX. 78751)
is a thick, unpaginated in-your-face angry zine, surprisingly well-
produced with a homo-vegan-straightedge twist. This issue features
material on the Church of Satan, (against) human sacrifice, band
interviews with Neurosis and Andromeda Strain, some furious rants
by Claire Richards, and a lot more short pieces of intense, graphic
anger. Copies are $1.29.

 The American Rationalist Vol.37,#6/Mar.-April & Vol.38,#1/May-June
'93 (POB 994, St. Louis, MO. 63188) is a 16pp. bimonthly subtitled
"The alternative to religious superstition." Issue #1 includes
Kenneth Weinstein on "Pierre Bayle and the atheist state," and C.
Lee Hubbell's "God-confused physicists," along with book reviews
and other short pieces. Subscriptions are $6/year (6 issues).

 Industrial Worker #1557/Mar., #1558/April & #1559/May '93 (1095
Market St. #204, San Francisco, CA. 94103) 12-16pp. union newspaper
of the Industrial Workers of the World. The April and May issues
include a little humor with Wage Slave World News inserts. Sub-
scriptions are $10/year (12 issues).

 Retrofuturism #17/April '93 (The Drawing Legion, POB 227, Iowa
City, IA. 52244) is a "sporadically-appearing" 24pp. "Hypermedia,"
fringe-art periodical. This issue includes Stephen-Paul Martin on
"Media countermedia: Gleem & Ultra-Brite," and Ed Lawrence's review
of Bob Black's Friendly Fire. Subscriptions are $10/year (including
all Drawing Legion publications).

 The Other Israel #56/April '93 (I.C.I.P.P., POB 2542, Holon 58125,
Israel) is the 12pp. newsletter of the Israeli Council for Israeli-
Palestinian Peace. This issue covers the criminal deportation of
415 Palestinians by the Israeli state, and the ensuing protests.
Recommended. Subscriptions are $30/year (6 issues).

 Gneurosis #2/undated (BM Indefinite, London WC1N 3XX, England)
60pp. spiritually-inclined "Magazine of the Out of Order Order,"
including a long - at times interesting - commentary on titled "The
art of anarchic artha: A look at the void via Alan Watts," along
with various comix, manifestos and rants. Send =9C2.50 for a copy
(checks to "PD Condon" only).

 Farm Pulp Magazine #16/Jan.-Feb. & #17/April-May '93 (217 NW 70th
St., Seattle, WA. 98117) is a nicely done, graphically lively,
24pp. photocopied literary zine of bizarre fiction. My favorite
story from issue #17 is the hilarious "The Summer Floors: Notes
from an office survivalist" (from the story: "I eat simply as well.
Non-dairy creamer is the basic staple I prepare most of my foods
with....")! Sample copies are $1 cash & two 29=9B stamps.

 Zen Wind #14/undated (Tundra Wind, POB 429, Monte Rio, CA. 95462)
unbound, unpaginated, irregular magazine of a "non-monastic and
non-residential spiritual order in the tradition of the zen masters
of China, Korea and Japan." This issue includes "The trans-
formations of Tung Shan" (a commentary on an obscure quote relating
to the I Ching), and "Zenarchy - A diary." Subscriptions are
available on request; donations or trades requested.

 CVS Bulletin #1/Feb.'93 (The Drawing Legion, POB 227, Iowa City,
IA. 52244) 24pp. zine of the Copyright Violation Squad dedicated to
making "publicly available those cultural works which have been
suppressed because they theoretically violated copyright law. This
first issue includes Luke McGuff on "Parallel culture."
Subscriptions are $10/200 pages (including all Drawing Legion

 Rotund World #1/undated (Blind Box Q, 1336 SE Marion St.,
Portland, OR. 97202) 20pp. tabloid successor to the slick literary
magazine, Mississippi Mud. This first issue of RW includes some
interesting writing, including fiction like David Duncan's "The
Epistemology of the Orgasm." If you enjoy reading, take a look.
Free; send a something to cover the postage.

 Maximum RocknRoll #118/Mar.'93 (POB 288, Berkeley, CA. 94701) is
a huge unpaginated punkzine that continues to pack in page after
page of letters, columns, articles, interviews, scene reports, and
sound & zine reviews. This issue features an interview with
graffiti artist Devon Morf, including a shitload of photos. Check
it out. Sample copies are $2.50; subscriptions are $15/6 issues.

 Liberty Vol.6,#5/June '93 (POB 1167, Port Townsend, WA. 98368) is
an 80pp., right-wing `libertarian' magazine advocating "free mar-
ket" economics. This issue includes some Clinton-bashing and
commentary on the government's massacre of Davidians in Waco, along
with a valuable reprinting of lectures by Albert Jay Nock under the
title "Understanding the state." Subscriptions are $19.50/year (6

 Paranoia #1/undated (POB 3570, Cranston, RI. 02910) is a new 24pp.
"Readers Digest for Hip Paranoids." This first issue includes
material on all the hot conspiracy topics from Malcolm X to Hitler
and Nixon. Subscriptions are $12/year (4 issues).

 Green Revolution #3/Autumn '92 (POB 845, Bristol BS99 5HQ,
England) is a 16pp. "revolutionary newspaper working for ecological
survival, human liberation and direct action." The cover story is
"Women and Revolution," including an interview with Janet Biehl,
and a piece on "Women and anarchism." Subscriptions are =9C4/10

 The Moorish Science Monitor unnumbered/Oct.'92 (James Koehnline,
POB 85777, Seattle, WA. 98145-1777) unpaginated zine featuring
Elizabeth Was & Miekal And's "Sustaining the hyperkulture: Toward
an ecology of information," and the "Manifesto of the Black Thorn
League." Copies are $3.

 Progressive Librarian #4/Winter '91-2 (c/o Empire State College,
SUNY School of Labor Studies Library, 330 West 42nd St., 4th Floor,
New York, NY. 10036) is the 52pp. journal of the leftist
Progressive Librarians Guild, featuring David Linton's "The pro-ma-
chine bias: The fate of the Luddites," and a survey on library
purchases of "Politically controversial monographs" by Charles
Willett. Subscriptions are included with membership in PLG at $5-
15/year (depending upon income).

 Great Expeditions #72/Fall '92 (POB 18036, Raleigh, NC. 27619) is
a slick, full-color 56pp. magazine of "socially-responsible
travel," covering topics like family trip to Venezuela on horseback
and bicycling in Siberia and Bali! Subscriptions are $18/year.

 Undercurrents #4/Spring '92 (c/o Faculty of Environmental Studies,
York University, 4700 Keele St., North York, Ontario M3J 1P3,
Canada) impressive 58pp. "Journal of Critical Environmental
Studies," featuring "Toward a theory of the body in critical social
change" by Karen Birkemeyer, and "When the eye cannot see:
Rethinking night" by Andrew Satterthwaite. Copies are $5.

 Arm The Spirit #14-15/Aug.-Dec.'92 [double issue] (c/o Wild Seed
Press, POB 57584, Jackson Stn., Hamilton, Ontario L8P 4X3, Canada)
is a 36pp. "Autonomist/Anti-Imperialist Journal." This double issue
includes international coverage from Kurdistan to Vermont, with a
lot of attention to the RAF in Germany. Subscriptions are $10/6

 I Am #6/undated (Chuck, c/o Moofster, 28 Randolph St., Boston, MA.
02118) is a thick 70pp. "publication for hope," covering
intergenerational man/dude-love sexual issues from a personal
perspective with articles, comics, letters and graphics. Copies are

                    LIST OF PUBLICATIONS ALSO

 The Freedom Writer Vol.10,#1/Jan.-Feb.'93 (Institute for First
Amendment Studies, POB 589, Great Barrington, MA. 01230) 4pp.
newsletter reporting on the activities of the Christian right,
especially Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition. Subscriptions are
included with membership in IFAS at $25/ year.

 The Gateway Greens' Compost-Dispatch Vol.4 #3/Mar., #4/April &
#5/May '93 (Gateway Green Alliance, POB 8094, St. Louis, MO. 63156)
8pp. local/regional environmental newsletter. Subscriptions are
included with membership in GGA at $25/year (12 issues).

 Anuskids #2/undated (Wavy Davy, 207 Wren St., Clemson, SC. 29631)
unpaginated, photocopied zine "looking for anything remotely
grotesque and absurd." No price listed.

 Rx #1/Nov.'92 & #3/Mar.'93 (DSM Reform Initiative, POB 1562,
Albany, NY. 12201) 8-pp. newsletter encouraging the elimination of
marijuana and hallucinogen use as categories of mental illness in
the psychiatric `Bible', DSM. Send an SASE for a sample copy.

 Subconscious Soup Vol.2.#4/Winter '92 (POB 421272, Kissimmee, FL.
34742) very well-produced 42pp. pro-hemp, "Magazine of Free Thought
and Counter Cultures." Send $2 + two 29=9B stamps for a sample copy;
subscriptions are $10/year.

 Alternative Press Index Vol.24,#4/Oct.-Dec.'92 (POB 33109,
Baltimore, MD. 21218) 108pp. quarterly, library-style index to a
wide range of alternative and radical periodicals - including anar-
chic publications like Fifth Estate, Kick It Over, Our Generation,
and Social Anarchism, as well as Anarchy. Subscriptions are
$30/year (4 issues) for individuals & movement groups.

 Small Press Review #242/Mar., #243/April & #244/May '93 (POB 100,
Paradise, CA. 95967) 16pp. review of small press poetry and
fiction. Subscriptions are $20/year (12 issues).

 Washington Report Vol.14,#4/April & #5/May '93 (Editors Release
Service, POB 10309, St. Petersburg, FL. 33733) 4pp. news shorts on
Washington "greed, corruption, self-indulgence." Subscriptions are
$25/year (? issues).

 MSRRT Newsletter Vol.6,#3/April & #4/May '93 (Chris Dodge/ Jan De-
Sirey, 4645 Columbus Ave. S., Mpls, MN. 55407) 16pp. `socially-re-
sponsible' librarians' newsletter. Send a 52=9B SASE for a sample.

 Reclaiming Newsletter #50/Spring '93 (POB 14404, San Francisco,
CA. 94114) 36pp. pagan newsletter "working to unify spirit and
politics." Subscriptions are $6-$25/year (4 issues).

 Yello Submarine Zine #X-II/undated (422 Linden Pl., Elmira, NY.
14901) unpaginated zine of comics & reprints. Sample copies are

 Nukewatch Pathfinder unnumbered/Spring '93 (The Progressive Foun-
dation, POB 2658, Madison, WI. 53701-2658) 4pp. `nonviolent' anti-
nuke tabloid. Send an SASE.

 Angry People unnumbered/undated (Box 183, Waterloo, NSW 2017,
Australia) 12pp. working-class, bash-the-rich zine. Cover price is

 Campus Review Vol.9,#2/Mar., #3/April & #4/May '93 (336 S.
Clinton, Suite 16, Iowa City, IA. 52240) 16pp. homophobic and
generally authoritarian, conservative student tabloid. Subscrip-
tions are $5/year (? issues).

 Direct Confrontation [unnumbered]/Oct.-Dec.'92 & Jan.-Feb.'93
(Constitutional Revival, Box 3182 Enfield, CT. 06083) 8pp. right-
wing, anti-IRS, "minimal government" newsletter focussing on the
Constitution and Bill of Rights. Subscriptions are #12/year (6

 Pagans for Peace #59/Mar.'93 A.D.A. (POB 2205, Clearbrook, B.C.
V2T 3X8, Canada) 10pp. newsletter for socially-activist pagans.
Subscriptions are $10/year (6 issues).

 Bike Pride #2/undated (c/o New Media Club, UWM Box 122, POB 413,
Milwaukee, WI. 53201) odd-sized, 28pp. mountain bike zine with a
angry twist, interesting commentary and anti-auto fantasies. Cover
price is 50=9B.

 The Nuclear Resister #88/April '93 (POB 43383, Tucson, AZ. 85733)
8pp. anti-nuclear, civil resistance tabloid. Subscriptions are
$18/year (8 issues?).

 Psychedelic Prisoners Newsletter #2/undated (107 Tall Trees Ct.,
Fankfort, KY. 40601) 18pp. newsletter "by and for prisoners
incarcerated for violation of psychedelic drug prohibition laws."
Send a "donations of stamps or cash" for a copy.

 Artpaper Vol.12,#7/Mar., #8/April & #9/May '93 (2402 University
Ave. W. #206, St. Paul, MN. 55114)) 32pp. tabloid subtitled "Art/-
Community/Cultural Activism." Subscriptions are $20/ year (10 is-

 New Unionist #188/Mar.'93 (New Union Party, 621 West Lake St.
Suite 210, Minneapolis, MN. 55408) 4pp. tabloid aiming to get
workers "to unite in one rank-and-file controlled union."
Subscriptions are $5/year (12 issues).

 Third World ResourcesVol.9,#2/ April-June '93 (Data Center, 464
19th St., Oakland, CA. 94612) 24pp. informative "quarterly review
of resources from & about the Third World." Subscriptions are $35/2

 Factsheet 5 Vol.2,#4/Mar. & #5/ April '93 (Andrew Roller, 5960 S.
Land Park Dr., Suite 253, Sacramento, CA. 95822) 12pp. review zine.
Don't be mistaken, this is not the Factsheet 5, just a quick &
cheap knockoff. Sample copies are $1 + age statement required.

 Twisted Image #46/Mar. & #47/ April '93 (1630 University Ave.
Apt.26, Berkeley, CA. 94703) always amusing 10pp. comics zine pub-
lished by Ace Backwords. Sample copies are $2; subscriptions are
$20/year (12 issues).

 Grind #3/undated (25791 Parada Dr., Valencia, CA. 91355-2415)
unpaginated vegetarian-punkzine. Copies $3.

 On Indian Land unnumbered/ Spring '93 (POB 2104, Seattle, WA.
98101) is a 12pp. tabloid subtitled "Support for Native Sovereign-
ty," covering all the major Native American struggles. Subscrip-
tions are $8/4 issues.

 The Outlander Vol.2,#1/Feb. & #2(?)/April '93 (POB 585, Mountlake
Terrace, WA. 98043-0585) 8-12pp. prisoners' zine. Send a donation
for a sample copy.

 Pelican Bay Prison Express #3/undated (2489 Mission St. #28, San
Francisco, CA. 94110) 16pp. prisoner support/human rights
newsletter. Subscriptions are $10/? issues.

 The Alternative Orange Vol.2,#4/ Mar., #5/April & #6/May.'93 (126T
Schine Center, Syracuse Univ., Syracuse, NY. 13244) 12-24pp. well-
produced "Alternative Student Newspaper." Subscriptions are
$20/year (8 issues).

 Meshuggah #7/Mar.'93 (Feh! Press, 147 Second Ave. #603, New York,
NY. 10003) 16pp. entertaining "Journal of Oddball Fiction and
Subversive Thought." Sample $1.50; subscriptions are $6/4 issues
(checks to Feh!).

 The Geis Letter #13/Mar. & #14/ April '93 (POB 11408, Portland,
OR. 97211) 8pp. provocative personal zine of "Thought crime, Dogma-
cide, and Intellectual Heresy" from the former publisher of Science
Fiction Review. Copies are $1/issue.

 We Are The Weird Vol.9,#10\May 17,'93 (POB 2002, Dallas, TX.
75221) 16pp. occasionally hilarious zine billed as "America's only
weekly fanzine" of weird movies and drive-ins. Sample copy free;
subscriptions are $65/year (26 issues).

 Kaspahraster #6/April '93 (POB 8831, Portland, OR. 97207) attrac-
tive 32pp. zine of poetry, comment, computer mail, dreams and
graphics. Send $2 cash for a sample.

 Rethinking Schools Vol.7,#3/ Spring '93 (1001 E. Keefe Ave.,
Milwaukee, WI. 53212) 32pp. liberal school-reform tabloid subtitled
"An Urban Education Journal." Subscriptions are $12.50/year (4

 Shelf Life #1/undated (1631 Santa Rosa Ave., Santa Barbara, CA.
93109) is the ambitious 52pp. first issue of this personal/punk
zine, which includes accounts of "What we did on our summer
vacation," and of the "1992 Anarchist Gathering in Long Beach,
California." Send $1 for a copy.

 The Orlando Spectator Vol.4,#4/ Spring '93 (2390 S. Orange Blossom
Trail, Apopka, FL. 32703-1870) 29pp. alternative community tabloid
quarterly with an anti-censorship, anti-authoritarian bent. Sample
copies are $1; subscriptions are $10/12 issues.

 Subterranean Vol.3,#1/undated (POB 57183, Lincoln, NE. 68505)
13pp. zine with very small print that aims to be "an open forum for
your thoughts and opinions." Send $2 for a copy.

 Ain't Life Grand unnumbered/undated (Resistance Productions, POB
426, 8026 Z=81rich, Switzerland) 5pp. zine with extremely small
print. Send a donation for a copy.

 Slam #2/Nov.-Dec.'92 (POB 22861, Alexandria, VA. 22304)
unpaginated punk-zine with loads of zine and music reviews. Copies
are $2 postpaid.

 Let's Gibber #3/undated (Ziggurat, POB 25193, Rochester, NY.
14625) 12pp. zine of ravings by Thom Metzger, subtitled "The
Official Organ of Ziggurat." Send $1 for a sample copy.

 Touchpoint Vol.6,#2/April '93 (POB 408, Chloride, AZ. 86431) is
a 10pp. non-monogamous contact service newsletter. Single issues
are $4.

 Aero-Gramme #10/Spring '93 (417 Roslyn Rd., Roslyn Heights, NY.
11577) 20pp. "Alternative Education Resource Organization
Newsletter." Subscriptions are $5/year (4 issues?).

 Loving More #34/Spring & #35/ Summer '92 (PEP, POB 6306, Captain
Cook, HI. 96704-6306) 16pp. polyfidelity newsletter subtitled "A
group marriage journal & network." Subscriptions are $25/year (4

 New Hampshire Gazette Vol.237, #20/Feb. thru #22/April '93 (37
Skunk Farm Road, Hillsborough, NH. 03244) 4pp. old-style newspaper
billed as "The Nation's Oldest Newspaper." Subscriptions are
$10/year (12 issues).

 Any Time Now Vol.2,#4/Spring '93 (Affinity Place, Argenta, B.C.
V0G 1B0, Canada) 12pp. zine focussing on libertarian and socialist
themes. Subscriptions are $4/ year (4 issues).

 The Intercollegiate Review Vol.28, #2/Spring '93 (14 S. Bryn Mawr
Ave., Bryn Mawr, PA. 19010-3275) 56pp. right-wing "Journal of
Scholarship and Opinion." Cover price is $3.

 S=A1papu Vol.22,#2/undated (Noel Peattie, 23311 County Rd. 88,
Winters, CA. 95694) 24pp. "newsletter for librarians, collectors,
and others interested in the alternative press." Samples $4.

 Abapa Freer unnumbered/undated sampler/ issue (Pat Underhill, POB
759, Veneta, OR. 97487) is a small-format, 18pp. "aberrant assured
publication arrangement" publication on freer places to live
published in microscopic print. Samples are $1 cash.

 Northern Sun News Vol.15,#3/ Spring '93 (2129 Riverside Ave. #A,
Minneapolis, MN. 55454-1340) 16pp. tabloid subtitled "Alternatives
in Energy, Politics and Culture." Subscriptions are $10/year (4 is-

 Prison News Service #39/Jan.-Feb.'93 (POB 5052, Stn. A, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada M5W 1W4) 12pp. tabloid covering North American
prison issues. Cover price is $1.50; suggested subscription rate is
$10/year (6 issues).

 Jabiru Tribe #7/April '93 (POB 3648, Corpus Christi, TX. 78463-
3648) 4pp. "alternative paper in your town and up your street."
Send an SASE for a sample.

 Science for Democratic Action Vol.2,#1/Winter & #2/Spring '93
(Institute for Energy and Environmental Research, 6935 Laurel Ave.,
Takoma Park, MD. 20912) 16pp. newsletter critical of the nuclear
power/weapons establishment. Subscriptions are $6/ year (3 issues).

 Butcher Shop #1/undated (2117 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN.
55405) unpaginated zine "For Radicals Only." Sample copies are $1.

 Arise! #9/Spring '93 (2117 Lyndale Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN.
55405) 12pp. tabloid of the Arise! collective and Arise! Newspaper,
Bookstore & Resource Center covering ecological and anti-
imperialist issues. Send a couple stamps for a sample copy.

 Obscure Publications #21/undated (no address) 8pp. short, but
interesting review zine. Subscriptions are $6/3 issues if only
there was an address.

 Utne Reader #57/May-June '93 (Box 1974, Marion, OH. 43305) 152pp.
Readers' Digest of the left-liberals. Subscriptions are $18/year (6

 Ideological Commentary #59/Feb. '93 (15 Calabria Rd., London N5
1JB, England) is a 28pp. periodical pushing editor George Walford's
ideology of Systematic Ideology. Subscriptions are $5/year (4 is-

 In-Queeries #4/undated (POB 1074, Suite 130, Northridge, CA.
91328) thick, energetic, unpaginated queer student zine.
Subscriptions are $10/ academic year (? issues).

 Hell's Kitchen #1/Spring '93 (POB 85541, Seattle, WA. 98145) 20pp.
zine with a visual orientation including art & comix. Single copies
are $2.50.

 Queer Zine Explosion #7/Feb.'93 (Larry-Bob, Box 591275, SF., CA.
94159-1275) 8pp. of queer and related zine reviews! Send two 29=9B
stamps for a copy.

 Yawn #38/Mar.'93 (POB 227, Iowa City, IA. 52244) 24pp. "Critique
of Culture" covering the "art strike." Subscriptions are $10/200
pages of Drawing Legion periodicals.

 Canary Flu #2/Feb.'93 (366 Wilson St., Amherst, WI. 54406)
unpaginated, hand-lettered/drawn zine of poetry and art. Send a 52=9B
SASE for a sample.

 =ADexiste! #1/undated (6323 Cherrywood, Portage, MI. 49002) unpagi-
nated DIY/review zine. Copies are 75=9B.

 Riot Geeek! #1/undated (POB 581354, Mpls., MN. 55458-1354) 30pp.
anti-sexist gender role/men's consciousness zine. Send a 53=9B SASE
for a sample copy.

 ApaEros #43/Nov.'92 (John & Kathe Burt, 960 SW Jefferson Ave.,
Corvallis, OR. 97333) 32pp. "unedited reader-written forum about
sex, erotica and relationships of all kinds: het, lesbian, gay,
bi." Always recommended. Subscriptions are $2/issue, but you must
also send an age statement (that you are over 18).

 Damn Nation #2/Oct.'92 (Dave Schulz, POB 118, Conway, SC. 29526)
26pp. anti-statist, individualist, laissez-faire zine. Copies are
$1 postpaid.

 A.M. #2 & #3/undated (Tumor Pubs, POB 531, Villa Park, IL. 60181)
unpaginated comix zine with sometimes obscure humor. Send a 52=9B
SASE for a copy.

 The Village Idiot #18/Jan.-April '93 (POB 66, Harrison, ID. 83833-
0066) an unpretentious and readable 48pp. literary journal. Sample
copies $3; subscriptions are $7.50/3 issues.

               MINI-ZINES: (No Anarchy exchanges)

 Minifictions #11/Spring '93 (Makeupaname Press, POB 31848,
Seattle, WA. 98103-1848) 8pp. mini-essay by Luke McGuff "On getting
pierced." Send a stamp and an SASE or trade.

 Piano #1/Jan. thru #5/May '93 (First Person Publ., 871 `H' St.,
Port Townsend, WA. 98368) 2pp. zine for piano-lovers. Sample free.

 Comic Update #152/Feb. thru #156/May '93 (Andrew Roller, 5960 S.
Land Park Dr., Suite 253, Sacramento, CA. 95822) 8pp. mini-review-
zine. Copies are 50=9B.

 Naughty Naked Dream Girls #1/May '93 (Andrew Roller, 5960 S. Land
Park Dr., Suite 253, Sacramento, CA. 95822) 16pp. mini-porn-zine.
Copies are $1.


 Die Rote Hilfe Vol.19,#1/Jan.-Mar. '93 (Postfach 6444, 23 Kiel 14,
Germany) is a competently-produced 32pp. quarterly magazine of
leftist solidarity. This issue includes German anti-fascist
coverage. Cover price is 2,50dm; subscriptions are 15dm/year.

 L'Unit=82 Humaine #5/Jan.-Mars & #6/Avril-Juin '93 (L'Alliance
Universelle, 73 Av. de la R=82sistance, 83000 Toulon, France) 4pp.
French-language journal aiming at world "brotherhood and peace,"
with heavy Christian overtones. Subscriptions are 100F/year (4

 B=A3v=A0rok Rem=82nykednek unnumbered/undated (Bal=A0s Szab=A2, 4400
Nyiregyh=A0za, Kod=A0ly u.34/29, Hungary) unpaginated Hungarian-
language punkzine. Send a contribution for a sample.