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A-INFOS No 39 & 40. October / November 1993
>From french anarchist federation
wrote by Humeurs Noires (group of FA)


- From November  27th to October 10th 1993 : some Anarchist Federation
delegates attended the International Exhibition in Barcelona (Spain).
- October 1993, Bourgoin-Jailleu : Exhibition lasting all the month about
"Revolutionnary women, past and present" (exhibition from the CIRA Gen ve).
- October 2nd 1993, Lille :Meeting and discussion organized by F.A. Group
"Humeurs noires", CNT, Centre Culturel Libertaire about Anarcho-syndicalism
in the North of France, following the 2nd edition of the comics "Beno t
Broutchoux" and against the release of the film "Germinal".
- October 6th 1993, Lille : Meeting and discussion about "Anarchist education
and the Bonaventure Project" organised by Humeurs Noirs Group (FA).
- October 9th 1993, Dijon : Concert by "Desert Culturel" to support the
Anarchist Federation.
- October 9th & 10th 1933, Le Mans : Anarchist Federation  and its publication
bookstall during the "Booksday" and dicussion run by the Anarchist
federation about "the New World Order".
- October 19th 1993, Paris : Song recitals to support Radio-Libertaire by Louis
Capart, Marie-Josee Vilar, Gilles Servat and Catherine Ribeiro... All tickets
 sold out !
- October 22nd 1933, Rouen : Public discussion organized by the local FA
group about "from the Gulf War to the PLO-Israel Agreement".
- October 30th, Lyon : Public discussion organised by FA about the book
"L'imposture ecologiste".
- November 2nd 1993, Lille : Conference and debate organised by "Humeurs
Noires" Group about "What is anarchism ?".
- November 6th, Dijon : Conference and debate organised by the local FA
group about nationalism.
-November 11th 1993, Paris : On Remembrance Day of the end of First World
War, some anarchist, antimilitarist or antifascist organisations, supported by
others, organised an outdoor gathering with meetings, debates, concerts and
demonstration. These organisations included : Federation anrchiste, O.C.L.,
U.A., Urgence Pacifiste, Parisian group of S.A.T. (Esperantist), Reflex, C.N.T.-
A.I.T. (Bordeaux), A.L.. The main topic was "States, poverty, racism and arm
trade foster the wars and the ones who thrive on them ; against the racist,
nationalist, capitalist an militarist order : action, insubordination,
 solidarity !".
Each attending organisation could address the audience,between the musical
performances, about the international situation. Everything finished with a
demonstration attended by about two thousands people.This event did not get
much cover (or a rubbish one) from the French media. It is difficult to do an
evaluation of how many people came and did not join the demonstration.
Anarchists from all over France as from Belgium and Italy came for.
- November 13th 1993, Lyon : concert to support the new F.A. bookshop "La
Plume noire". Adress\^E: La Plume Noire (F.A.), 19 rue Pierre-Blanc, 69001 Lyon,
- November 13th & 14th 1993, Rouen : Anarchist Publications Days organised
by the local F.A. group for the fourth year.
- November 20th 1993, Lille : Discussion at Centre culturel libertaire with some
"Confederation paysanne du Nord" members which aim is to promote a
syndicalim commited to social transformation. One of this union delegate failed
to at attend a meeting between P.M. and unions representatives about the
French position regarding Gatt. Only the F.N.S.E.A. (Conservative peasant
union) was granted an access to this meeting.
- November 20th 1993, Lyon : Projection of the film "Un autre futur", about
the Spanish Revolution, organised by F.A. in "La Plume Noire" bookshop.
- November 20th 1993, Paris : Discussion about "Art and anarchy" in "Le
Monde Libertaire" bookshop following the publication of the 1991 conference
records at the time of Radio-libertaire tenth anniversary.
- November 27th 1993,  Paris : Discussion about "un anarchiste espagnol :
Durruti", the last French edition of Abel Paz's book "Durruti : the people
armed", in "Le Monde Libertaire" bookshop.
- November 27th to December 2nd, Paris : antimilitarist drawings exhibition in
"Le Monde Libertaire" bookshop following the antimilitarist "Chaos" album
-November 27th 1993, Lyon : Meeting and discussion about nationalism
organised by F.A. groups in "La Plume Noire" bookshop.


Why ? How ?
The "BONAVENTURE" PROJECT, opened since September 1993.
- October 30th and 31st 1993 : First congress of the anarchist school on
Oleron Island !...
On the agenda :
- Inroduction to Bonaventurre, last year evaluation,, inventory of fixtures...
- Discussions :  Bonaventure planned charter, educational alternatives and
social mouvements, educational altrenatives and social service of anarchist
education & teaching...
- Setting of workshops (pedagogy, finance, premises, external look...),
objectives for the forthcoming year...

brief, all the pedagogical materials available you may possess. Your donations
or loans are welcome at the anarchist education centre.

adults are also very appreciated...
Documents about "BONAVENTURE" are available in French, Spanish and
English : so just write to us tand ask for !
Association BOUT D'FICELLE
35 Allee de l'Angle, CHAUCRE,
Tel : 33/


- October 1993 : Sticker release to promote the Anarchist Federation weekly
paper "Le Monde Libertaire".
- October 1993 : "Monde Libertaire" special issue, 30 000 copies, about the
November 11th day of action.
- October 1993 : Publication of the comics "Benoit Broutchoux" by the
"Humeurs Noires" group and the Centre Culturel Libertaire (60 FF to support
the F.A.).
- November 1993 : Release of five cassettes by the International Relations
Secretaryship : "India, historical, religious and political aspects", "political
situation since independence", "the Hindu versus Muslim conflict" (2), "the
classical Hindustani music" (2)


- October 2nd 1993, Paris : Projection, followed by a debate, of "Hush-a-bye,
baby", a film by Margo Harkin, about contraception, the ban on abortion  and
the Catholic tradition weight in Northern Ireland. Organised by the Parisian
"union regionale", F.A..
- October 13th 1993 : One official of the anti-abortion association "S.O.S.
Tout-petits", Xavier Dor, appeared before Bobigny Court (Seine Saint-
Denis).for his trial. He was charged of volontary assault and battery against a
nurse and a doctor and of acts of violence with malice aforethought against the
maternity hospital of "Les Lilas" which he had attacked for the third time on
16th of May 1992.
- October 10th to 15th 1993, Paris : Week of action organised by the collective
"feminist solidarity with women from Ex-Yougoslavia". On the 13th, picket
outside the Bastille Opera-house in Paris. On the 15th, projection of fictions
and reports.
- October 26th 1993 : "S.OS. Tou-petits" striked again against an abortion
centre in Laval (Mayenne).
- November 3rd, 1993 : The Bobigny court fined Xavier Dor 12000 FF for
assault and battery but released him for the acts of violence charge.
- November 6th 1993 : Xavier Dor and "S.O.S. Tout-petits" striked at the
Hospital Isis in Paris.
- November 10th 1993 : National release of the film "Gal res de femmes" by
Jean-michel Carre. An important film which gives free-speech to seven women
during an after their prison time. The film shows the heavy price paid by
women in jail to the patriarchal system.During the film release week, Jean-
Michel Carre came for a discussion about it in "Le Monde Libertaire" bookshop
(Paris) . He was on the air on several Radio-Libertaire broadcastings
- November 11th 1993, paris : Anarchist women took part in the antimilitarist
demo in Paris. Two speeches were noticed : one by Nelly Trumel (published in
Le Monde Libertaire n!933), who run the programm "Femmes Libres" on Radio-
Libertaire ; the other by Claudine Lesselier from the collective "Feminist
solidarity with women from Ex-yougoslavia.
- November 13th, 1993 : Xavier Dor and "S.O.S. Tout petits" striked again at
the Ambroise-Pare hospital, in Bourg-La-Reine.
- November 16th, 1993 : "Vu de France" organised a public meeting about bio-
ethics in La Mutualite, Paris, coordinated by the "Respecter l'humain"
campaign, leaded by Christine Bontin, Far-right M.P.
- November 18th, 1993 : Trial in Bordeaux (Gironde) : 18 people charged, all
members of a "La Tr ve de Dieu"(Anti-abortion group) commando. Among them
are the two leaders of this "rescue" association : Claire Fontana and Thierry
Lefebre. They appeared in court at last for an attack carried at the Bordeaux
hospital in May 1992. The prosecutor asked for suspended sentences to jail (6
and 7 months for the two leaders, 4 months for the others) anf for some fines.
The verdict will be issued on December 16th.
- November 18th, 1993, Tours (Indre & Loire) : While a medical certificate was
provided to the court in Bordeaux, to prevent Claire Fontana attending her trial
because of her seven months pregnancy, she was attacking the Bretonneau
hospital in Tours, in the company of 8 members of "La Tr ve de Dieu". They
enchained themselves in a medical room before being evacuated by the police.
No damage was caused.
- (This part is published like every month with the help of the Women
Department of the Anarchist Federation, c/o PUBLICO, 145 rue Amelot,
75011 Paris, France. To get anarcho-feminist files and news... Just write to
us !).


- October 16th 1993, Paris : The Guatemala collective, the Nitassinan collective
and the Radio-Libertaire (F.A.) programm "Indiens sans plumes" a day of
international solidarity with the Indian nations. Bookstalls, conferences with
many delegates, films and videos...
("Indiens sans plumes", Radio-Libertaire, 145 rue Amelot, 75011 Paris, France.


- November 10th 1993, Vatican : The Pope decided to stop giving money to
the U.N.I.C.E.F (he gave only 3000 $ a year, better than nothing...).
Motivation : the birth control programms.The Papal Nuncio in the U.N.O.
declared : " the U.N.I.C.E F.part lies in taking care of children and mothers,
nothing more. No matter  with the 500000 mothers who die during their
accouchement (1 in 1000 in Africa), or the number of dead-born children (320
in 1000 in Niger) !!!


ECOPOLE  : An intended ecologist village in Quercy.
Following some discussions at the "Vivre et travailler autrement " meetings,
some people have in mind to create an ecologist village based on mutual aid,
respect for Nature and for each personnalities... To get more information about
this project, just write to us !
"Creer en milieu rural", Ecopole, Les IMMOSINES, 82230 MONCLAR-DE-
QUERCY, FRANCE. Tel : (33).
- October 1993, Creys-Malville (Is re) : In 1985, Superphenix started its
production (after years of struggle)and technical problems (associated with
nuclear fast-breeders) occured immediately. In 1990, the power station stoped
and a Commission was appointed to study a possible restart. This Commission,
composed by "experts", faced contestation about its integrity, and its genuine
power of decision against the State. At the end of the day, the Government
decided without any consultation to restart it without controle... In addition,
the surveillance agents who could stop the power station for security reasons
got thier wages from those who wanted to restart it ! No comment...
ECOTOPIA : The ecological village, a positive experience : In August 1993,
350 people gathered in Durban-sur-Ari ge (Ari ge)... Reflection workshops,
concrete realizations, self-management, direct democracy were on the agenda...
This gathering was co-organised by the Youth Forest Action (E.Y.F.A.) and the
association "Le Mille-Pattes", and the F.A. from Ari ge collaboration. To get
more informations, write to : "Mille-Pattes", B.P. 96, 09200, SAINT-GIRONS,
- November 1993 : The C.I.A.D. is association against the dumping of nuclear
wastes... We must go into action before December 15th, the dead-line for the
choice of the dumping areas in France. to get more information : C.I.A.D., B.P.


- Octobre 9th, Saint-Avold (Moselle) : Antifascist public debate organised by
F.A., Reflex and S.E.T.P.M. (syndicalist) about : fascist and far-rightist ideas
presence and propaganda in our society.
- October 29th 1993, Paris : Public meeting organised by "Reseau vigilance et
solidarite 19!" to defend the political asylum right, supported by F.A.
- November 13th, 1993, Paris : day of action against the "double sentence"
(Foreigners sentenced to jail are deported after their prison time) : Projection
the film "Hexagone", concert, etc. To get more informations,
 write to: Reflex, 14 rue de Nanteuil, 75015 Paris.

- November 21st 1993, Paris : Fund raising concert to support the antifascist
magazine Reflex (After its participation to the November 11th demo).


B.P. 79
Fax: 33/
(write for Humeurs Noires)
E-MAIL: HumeursNoires@lifl.fr
